
2020年后疫情时代工作的设计:办公室空间规划和关注健康 -美世咨询(英文版)(15页).pdf

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2020年后疫情时代工作的设计:办公室空间规划和关注健康 -美世咨询(英文版)(15页).pdf

1、The design of work post COVID-19 By Mercers Karen Shellenback and Samantha Polovina Planning for the phased return to the office is front of mind for corporate leaders that dispersed their knowledge workers into their homes six weeks ago. When the “all clear” or “mostly clear” message is given and o

2、ffice workers are allowed to phase back into the workplace returning humans are likely to find the work environment substantially different from when they left. Executives in HR, facilities, real estate, line of business leaders, and technology experts are scenario planning now as office-based work

3、may be a reality for some locations in just a few weeks. The task to bring hundreds or even thousands of workers back into healthy workplaces is a monumental endeavor that must take into account the physical space, the trepidations of workers, new sanitation requirements, and healthy work practices

4、and additional costs all at a time when the economy and resources are stretched (87% of organizations surveyed report moderate to high impact of COVID-19 on companys financial performance in 2020 Mercer COVID-19 survey live results). COVID-19 workplace design teams will need to balance the logistics

5、 of phasing in office employees while implementing healthy workplace practices with business continuity and financial imperatives. So, what do executives and HR leaders need to consider to move forward on a “healthy return to the office”? Based on workspace design, facilities planning, real estate,

6、and health experts as well as our own Mercer experts and clients here is what we believe are core leading practices for a “return to work” situation never experienced in modern workforce history. MERCER TALENT ALL ACCES S Clients are asking, “What do I need to know to start planning now?” Office spa

7、ce planning and wellness in focus 2020 Mercer LLC.1Short report: The design of work During the COVID-19 outbreak, the US Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recommended that employers allow flexible working when appropriate or possible. When the infection rates started to increase i

8、n March of 2020, most organizations with knowledge workers had no choice but to ask their employees to work from home (WFH). Mercer research suggests that 67% of companies implemented mandatory WFH policies either company- wide or in locations or departments most affected by COVID-19 infections in M

9、arch and April (Mercer COVID-19 survey, April 2020). While many current WFH workers are very excited to come back into the office, there may be large swathes of workers who actually prefer to work at home full-time or part-time going forward. Because the paradigm has flipped organizations now have t

10、he opportunity to truly ask themselves, with flexible work working for many why should anyone be in the office? What required work must be executed in the office i.e., cannot be done anywhere else? Who are the minimally required staff necessary to be onsite? Mercer research illustrates that over 70%

11、 of companies will examine remote and/or flexible working as a workforce priority in the next three to six months (2020, Mercer COVID-19 survey live results). Only 8% of HR leaders report that their organization will require all employees to return to standard facility work environments, as soon as

12、social distancing rules are lifted. Do your executive leaders know the percentage of workers who want to remain WFH versus how many want to work in the office full-time? Do you know minimal number of staff and roles required? These are the essential metrics HR leaders need to know in order to plan a

13、n effective “return” experience. Research and Mercer consulting experience indicate that your organization may have 2030% of WFH workers that have exhibited both a desire and proficiency to work from home. If this is the case, and this 25 percent of your workers continue to WFH full-time, how does t

14、his impact workspace planning and real estate space requirements? Now is the time to plan for this potential paradigm and office space requirements shift. Seven ways the work office will change post- COVID-19 The tipping point for remote work has arrived expect 20% or more full-time remote workers1

15、WFH supports ESG initiatives. More employees working from home bolsters corporate environmental, social and governance (D priority will go to essential staff. However, following local and national labor laws in this area is paramount. The US Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has released Interim Gui

16、dance for businesses and employers to plan and respond to COVID-19. This report covers health and US labor law considerations. (Also, review Mercers article, Yes, You Can and Should Ask Employees about COVID-19 Exposure for more COVID-19 employment, legal, and return-to-work considerations.) Plan fo

17、r everything else to be staggered too work hours, daily or weekly shifts, workspaces (staggered or checkerboard design), lunch times, cleaning shifts, elevator usage, new hire interviews, start dates, and onboarding, etc. Over half of employers across the globe plan to stagger return to work to allo

18、w greater social distancing by splitting employees into shifts based on specific criteria (e.g., by name AM and PZ work different days). Everything will be staggered to avoid interaction phased re-entry will be the first indicator Staggered workforce strategies companies are considering in their eff

19、ort to bring employees back to work Following government guidelines, procedures and protocols 74% Staggering return to work to allow greater social distancing by splitting employees into shifts based on specific criteria (e.g., by name A-M and P-Z work different days) 56% Creating smaller workgroups

20、 to limit mixing of employees/ groups in the workplace 44% Staggering return to work based on employees own health risks related to COVID-19 (e.g., older employees or those with chronic conditions return later), if legally authorized 39% Returning to work strategies will be based on local infection

21、rates and risk (e.g., different strategies by location Not sure, have not yet considered a return to work strategy 35%13% N = 1203Source: Mercer COVID-19 survey live results, 2020 3 2020 Mercer LLC.4Short report: The design of work Executing a clear strategy that outlines the expectations for the ne

22、w normal to reduce employee anxieties is crucial. Easing fear is paramount. Is your workforce ready to return to the office physically, emotionally, and psychologically? Employees are fearful of becoming sick, having loved ones become sick, losing their job and are generally concerned about the futu

23、re of their organization and even the trajectory of their industry. Frequent and consistent communications that focus on connections and care, while sharing detailed updates on plans to move forward can help employees feel more confident to return to the office when called upon. Organizations will n

24、eed to communicate clear plans of who, what, when, where, and how of phased return-to- work strategies and workspace practices expected to help people navigate new layouts, new rules, and a new way of being at work. Help managers conduct check-ins with productive WFH employees on their preferences t

25、o continue to work from home or come into the office. Communicate measures taken to comply with government regulations and safety requirements including health screenings and reporting protocols. Communications need to be two-way, transparent, accessible, iterative, phased, and targeted to various a

26、udiences using a variety of mediums and channels all with a simple and personal touch. Increase in executive and/or HR employee communications Share communications as plans form up, before day one, and on the first day of return to the office. Training and reminders on expectations for new mores and

27、 social norms, obligations and responsibilities, and new protocols and practices in the office for the near term is a necessity and should be provided as virtual demonstrations prior to arrival. These educational sessions should showcase modifications to arrival protocols, sanitation requirements, e

28、xpectations for pre-packaged food (and utensils), private or shared workstation requirements, physical building access, mail, traffic, and security protocols as well as internal and external meeting protocols including visitor access. In addition to reminder emails in the first few weeks, and when n

29、ew phased cohorts arrive at work interior signage should educate and remind staff of new traffic flows, spatial distancing norms, and infection mitigation practices. 4 2020 Mercer LLC.5Short report: The design of work Source: Mercer COVID-19 survey live results, 2020 Already implementing for essenti

30、al onsite staff Planning to provide to protect the health of the workforce once shelter-in-place rules are lifted N = 931 Practices already implemented and planned to protect the health and safety of onsite staff Enhanced cleaning and disinfection of the workplace Providing facemasks Implementing ot

31、her measures to improve social distancing Changing shifts and workgroups to improve social distancing Providing personal protective equipment including gloves and gowns Conducting employee COVID-19 screenings and assessments Implementing physical or structural changes to the workplace (e.g., sneeze

32、guards and barriers) Improving facility ventilation rates Working toward improving facility ventilation rates None of the above 92% 53% 72% 33% 11% 79% 42% 65% 18% 1% N = 1188 87% 33% 32% 63% 32% 54% 21% 6% 2020 Mercer LLC.6Short report: The design of work Up until the coronavirus pandemic workspace

33、 designers and executives often worked to create high-touch, collaborative, open space work environments that encouraged opportunities for impromptu social interactions. Like a flipped switch, today organizations will opt for the virtual interaction rather than the face-to-face work environment. Whi

34、le maintaining the existing layout of desks and office furniture, seating will change to accommodate the latest recommendations for safe physical distancing. Governmental recommendations state that until there is a vaccine, workers need to maintain at least a six- foot (two meter) distance. This app

35、lies to workspaces, unassigned seating, assigned seating, conference rooms, caf tables, elevator capacity, etc. To accommodate safe distance, most organizations will phase in new seating arrangements based on every other workstation or diagonally facing stations with partitions. The return of the cu

36、bicle or workstation pod is likely but with hard, cleanable surfaces instead of foam and fabric. Plexiglas barriers may also be installed in certain areas. Cushman and Wakefield recently released guidelines on the “6 Feet Office Project”, The Safe Six Checklist, and the Recovery Readiness Guide for

37、Re-Opening Your Workplace. In addition, Mercers Job Library (MJL) is currently linking O*Nets proximity ratings to hundreds of office (and other work environment) jobs listed in the MJL. The MJL can help workforce planners understand distance ratings required of different jobs given the expected job

38、 tasks and requirements. This tool combined with Mercers Job Architecture and our real time intuitive pilot can help HR leaders and space planners map their job architecture and individual jobs to HCM and HRIS systems Demise of the open collaborative office. Space planning based on proximity ratings

39、 and new density requirements Re-designing workstations, zones, and areas with six-foot or even 10-foot personal perimeters will be the new gold standard for office design. 5 2020 Mercer LLC.7Short report: The design of work Mercer Job Library example of corporate job proximity ratings This table ra

40、tes the extent to which each job requires the worker to perform job tasks in close physical proximity to other people. O*Net proximity rating O*Net codeO*Net job title MJL codeMJL job title 5817-2141.00Mechanical engineersENS.03.013Mechanical engineering 5843-4051.00 Customer service representatives

41、 CSV.02.001General customer service 4713-2051.00Financial analystsFIN.03.024 General corporate finance management 5515-1152.00 Computer network support specialists ITC.02.001 General information technology 4815-1121.00 Computer systems analysts ITC.02.001 General information technology 5241-4012.00

42、Sales representatives, wholesale and manufacturing, except technical and scientific products SMP.07.001 General field sales & account management 3913-2011.01AccountantsFIN.06.001Accounting 4343-6014.00 Secretaries and administrative assistants, except legal, medical, and executive AFS.01.020 Secreta

43、ry/administrative assistant 4113-1071.00 Human resources specialists HRM.02.001General human resources 3613-1161.00 Market research analysts and marketing specialists SMP.03.001General marketing We see significant potential in connecting the new Mercer Job Library with O*Net data to help our People

44、Analytics teams build new insights. Global Head of People Analytics, Consumer Goods Industry Source: Mercer Job Library (MJL) Notes: MJL job code ITC.02.001 correlates with two O*Net codes/jobs. Scale: 0 - 100 where 0 = “I do not work near other people (beyond 100 ft.)” and 100 = “Very close (near t

45、ouching). 2020 Mercer LLC.8Short report: The design of work In addition, Gensler, a leading workplace design firm, has released an algorithm-based occupancy and space planning tool called Re-Run and a space management software called Wisp. “Using the existing layout of a workplace, Re-Run can quickl

46、y generate many scenarios and identify the most optimized plan for a variety of physical distancing conditions, whether an organization has hundreds or thousands of seats” (Gensler, 2020). Re-designing workstations, zones, and areas with six-foot or 10-foot personal perimeters will be the new gold s

47、tandard for office design. Calculate the maximum capacity of each space by dividing the net usable area by the square of the locally acceptable social distance factor. For example: Six-foot social distance: a 200 SF room divided by 36 SF would have a recalculated maximum capacity of five people a 80

48、0 SF room divided by 36 SF would have a recalculated maximum capacity of 22 people 10-foot social distance: a 200 SF room divided by 100 SF would have a recalculated maximum capacity of two people a 800 SF room divided by 100 SF would have a recalculated maximum capacity of eight people Communicate

49、capacity via elimination of seats, signage, and if applicable, room reservation tools. Source: Recovery Readiness Guide for Re-Opening Your Workplace 2020 Mercer LLC.9Short report: The design of work Increased focus on screenings, health, and wellness Across the board, we are likely to see more social pressure and enforcement of “stay at home when sick” policies. Organizational leaders should also examine their sick policies and some of the unintended consequences of illness policies designed prior to COVID-19. Best practice duri



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