
2020年新加坡低碳和适应气候变化的未来展望报告 - 新加坡气候变化秘书处(英文版)(83页).pdf

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2020年新加坡低碳和适应气候变化的未来展望报告 - 新加坡气候变化秘书处(英文版)(83页).pdf

1、CHARTING SINGAPORES LOW-CARBON AND CLIMATE RESILIENT FUTURE Contents Preface1 Foreword2 Overview4 Chapter 1: Global Context17 Chapter 2: Singapores National Circumstances22 Chapter 3: Singapores Long-Term Low-Emissions Aspiration30 Chapter 4: Key Long-Term Climate Actions36 Chapter 5: Seizing Green

2、Growth Opportunities86 Chapter 6: Key Long-Term Adaptation Actions104 Chapter 7: Involving the Whole Nation119 Chapter 8: Building International Partnerships 131 Conclusion142 Annex144 Published by: National Climate Change Secretariat Strategy Group, Prime Ministers Office www.nccs.gov.sg This docum

3、ent was prepared taking on board inputs and feedback from relevant government agencies, academia, industry and civil society whose opinions and views were gathered through technology roadmaps, surveys, the public consultation on Singapores long-term low-emissions development strategy and various sta

4、keholder engagements. More details of the public consultation process can be found on http:/www.nccs.gov.sg/public-consultation/feedback-from-public- on-singapores-long-term-low-emissions-development-strategy/. Copyright reserved 2020 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduce

5、d, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, without the prior permission of the National Climate Change Secretariat. CHARTING SINGAPORES LOW-CARBON AND CLIMATE RESILIENT FUTURE Climate change is a complex global challenge that calls for conc

6、erted international action. All nations must work together to address the challenges of climate change. Singapore recognises the urgent need for multilateral action and is committed to doing our part as a responsible member of the international community. Our National Climate Change Strategy documen

7、t, Climate Change and Singapore: Challenges. Opportunities. Partnerships. published in 2012 outlined Singapores plans to address climate change, followed by Climate Action Plan: Take Action Today, for a Carbon Efficient Singapore in 2016, which outlined our strategies to achieve our first Nationally

8、 Determined Contribution (NDC). These documents set out the whole-of- nation approach we are adopting to address climate change, and detail the comprehensive suite of actions that we are taking to reduce our carbon emissions. We have progressively and systematically implemented the strategies outlin

9、ed in these documents, but there is a need to do more in the face of the rising risks of climate impacts from a warming world. This document hence outlines our long-term low-emissions development strategy (LEDS), which aims to guide our transition to a low-carbon and climate resilient future. Prefac

10、e Singapores LEDS builds upon our past strategies and early actions. It outlines our long-term development priorities and climate action policies and will serve as a reference point to inform our subsequent NDCs under the Paris Agreement. It aims to facilitate long-term action to address the effects

11、 of climate change and to enable a well-managed transition to a low-carbon economy, while growing new sectors of our economy and creating jobs and opportunities. Our LEDS has been prepared by government agencies under the Inter-Ministerial Committee on Climate Change (IMCCC), in consultation with ac

12、ademia, industry and civil society whose opinions and expert views were gathered through technology roadmaps, surveys, and various stakeholder engagements. The involvement of multiple parties in this planning process reflects our intent to take a whole-of-nation, and whole-of- society approach to ad

13、dress climate change. To take into account new developments from emerging climate-friendly technological solutions and other prevailing conditions and developments at the international, regional or domestic level, this document may be updated from time to time. 1 CHARTING SINGAPORES LOW-CARBON AND C

14、LIMATE RESILIENT FUTURECHARTING SINGAPORES LOW-CARBON AND CLIMATE RESILIENT FUTURE Foreword Climate change is an existential challenge for Singapore All countries must cooperate to achieve a low-carbon future Planning for a climate resilient future Across the globe, the effects of climate change are

15、 clear and present. Extreme climate and weather patterns have become more frequent, ice sheets are melting and glaciers are receding. Singapore too has experienced more episodes of unusually heavy rainfall accompanied by flooding. As a low-lying island, we remain fundamentally vulnerable. The ongoin

16、g effects of climate change, particularly the threat of rising sea levels, mean that we will continue to face further threats to our living environment and disruptions to the supply of food and resources. The adoption of the Paris Agreement in 2015 was a clear response to the urgent call for global

17、climate action. Given the diversity in the national circumstances of individual countries, as recognised in Article 4.19 of the Paris Agreement, it is clear that there is no “one-size- fits-all” approach for countries in the formulation of their long-term low-emissions development strategies (LEDS).

18、 For example, small island states like Singapore, have different circumstances from countries with a large land mass. Nonetheless, it is clear is that all countries need to do their utmost to reduce emissions and plan for the transition to a low-carbon future as soon as possible. For small island na

19、tions like Singapore, climate change poses an asymmetrical challenge. On the one hand, our impact on global emissions is small, but on the other hand, the effect of climate change on us is disproportionately large and existential. We are working to identify and assess climate change risks and impact

20、s, and to formulate and implement adaptation plans to enhance our climate resilience and to minimise the adverse impacts of climate change on the community, economy and our daily lives. Protecting Singapore from sea level rise is a large-scale and long- term effort requiring considerable resources,

21、and is estimated to cost S$100 billion over the next 100 years. We have set up a new Coastal and Flood Protection Fund, with an initial injection of S$5 billion, to start setting aside the resources for this. We will implement our plans in phases, and be prepared to adjust and adapt them as necessar

22、y to take into account the latest sea level rise projections and engineering solutions. Beyond 2030, our LEDS aspires to halve emissions from its peak to 33 MtCO2e by 2050, with a view to achieving net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century. Our enhanced 2030 NDC and LEDS

23、 build on policies and initiatives we have progressively implemented over the years. They demonstrate our seriousness and commitment to support global climate action and to work towards a low-carbon future. Each thrust will contribute to our aspiration of halving our emissions. We will pursue all th

24、ree vigorously to achieve this aspiration. The extent to which potential emission reductions from each thrust can be realised will become clearer in the coming years, as we gain experience from implementing our programmes, as technology evolves, and as the modalities for international collaboration

25、become formalised. If the actual reductions that can be realised from each thrust are larger than we now assess, or are available sooner, then we can realise our aspiration earlier. On the other hand, if the potential reductions turn out to be less promising, we will still strive to meet our LEDS as

26、piration to the best of our ability even though the task would have become more difficult. We will do our utmost to press ahead on our LEDS aspiration and strategies, and implement our commitments under the Paris Agreement in good faith on the basis that other countries do likewise. Planning for a l

27、ow-carbon future This document represents an important next step in Singapores planning towards a low-carbon future. By setting out our vision well in advance, we aim to provide a clear sense of direction, to give ourselves and our stakeholders the time to effect a well-managed transition to a low-c

28、arbon economy. This will also allow us to grow new sectors in our economy, and create new jobs and economic opportunities. The development of our LEDS aspiration for 2050 and beyond is guided by a principled approach - it is Considered, Committed and Collective. Our climate policies and strategies a

29、re carefully and thoroughly considered, taking into account the best available science and technology, and fully integrated with the larger context of challenges we face in our national policy framework. We believe that the pursuit of economic growth can be compatible and mutually reinforcing with e

30、nvironmental objectives. This approach has allowed Singapore today to have one of the lowest carbon emissions per GDP dollar, or emissions intensity. We ranked among the 20 best out of 141 countries in 2017.1 Singapore is committed to play our part in supporting global climate action. We are well on

31、 track to achieve our 2009 Copenhagen pledge to reduce our emissions by 16% below our business-as- usual (BAU) level in 2020. To build on these efforts, we have submitted an enhanced Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to peak our emissions at no higher than 65 million tonnes of carbon dioxide

32、equivalent (MtCO2e) around 2030. We have also expanded the coverage of our pledge to include nitrogen trifluoride (NF3) within this same ceiling. There are three thrusts in our strategy. First, we need to transform our industry, economy and society. Second, we will have to draw on technologies, whic

33、h are not yet mature such as carbon capture, utilisation and storage (CCUS), and low-carbon fuels. Third, we will need international collaboration in areas such as well-functioning carbon markets, carbon storage, and regional electricity grids. All must play a part A collective effort is required to

34、 realise our LEDS. The Government, individuals, households and businesses must work together in a whole-of-nation effort. We will also continue to work actively in international forums to strengthen consensus among countries to tackle climate change, and collaborate actively with international partn

35、ers to build capabilities and share experiences. While Singapores efforts alone may be modest, our collective efforts with all nations can be substantial, and will help achieve the long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. Teo Chee Hean Senior Minister Chairman of the Inter-Ministerial Comm

36、ittee on Climate Change (IMCCC) 1 Source: International Energy Agency, CO2 Emissions from Fuel Combustion (2019). 23 CHARTING SINGAPORES LOW-CARBON AND CLIMATE RESILIENT FUTURECHARTING SINGAPORES LOW-CARBON AND CLIMATE RESILIENT FUTURE Overview Singapores approach to climate action and sustainabilit

37、y is constrained by our geography, which limits our ability to access renewable or alternative clean energy at scale. We are a small and highly urbanised city-state with low wind speeds, relatively flat land and lack of geothermal resources. As such, we have limited access to alternative clean energ

38、y options such as geothermal, wind and tidal power. Nuclear energy production is not yet suitable for deployment in Singapore. We are vigorously pursuing solar energy production but due to our small size, high urban density and heavy cloud cover, we expect that this can meet about 4% of our current

39、annual electricity needs and 10% of current peak daily electricity demand. These geographical constraints have driven us to look into innovative and progressive ways to pursue climate action. Long before climate change became a global concern, Singapore had sought to balance economic growth with env

40、ironmental protection in a mutually reinforcing manner, and not one at the expense of the other. For example, Singapore is a pioneer in establishing stringent vehicle control and use measures in cities. Since the early 2000s, we have made a nation-wide switch to the use of natural gas for electricit

41、y generation instead of more pollutive fuel oil. We also rigorously pursued efforts in energy efficiency and conservation across our industry, economy and society. Singapore is well on track to achieve our 2009 Copenhagen pledge to reduce our emissions by 16% below our business-as- usual (BAU) level

42、 in 2020. In support of the Paris Agreement, we committed in our Nationally Determined Contribution (NDC) to reduce our emissions intensity by 36% from 2005 levels by 2030, and to stabilise emissions with the aim of peaking around 2030. We are also on track to achieve this commitment. We remain amon

43、g the 20 best-performing countries in terms of emissions intensity.2,3 Our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions grew at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 1.8% from 2000 to 2017, compared to the growth of our GDP at a CAGR of 5.2% in the same period. Our NDC was enhanced in 2020 to reflect an absol

44、ute emissions limitation target, use of the latest IPCC methodologies, and expanded coverage of gases to include nitrogen trifluoride (NF3). Under our enhanced NDC, Singapore has committed to peak its absolute emissions at 65 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e) around 2030. Constrai

45、ning our total emissions within this absolute cap up to 2030 means that every sector in Singapore will need to put in significant effort to limit our emissions. We will need to do so in order to move towards a low-carbon nation in the coming decade, with new commercial and industrial enterprises, an

46、d new growth areas such as the digital economy. A global solution is needed to address a global problem. Along with the rest of the global community, Singapore will play our part to reduce emissions in support of the long-term temperature goal of the Paris Agreement. We have put forth a long-term lo

47、w- emissions development strategy (LEDS) that aspires to halve emissions from its peak to 33 MtCO2e by 2050, with a view to achieving net-zero emissions as soon as viable in the second half of the century. This will require serious and concerted efforts across our industry, economy and society. We a

48、lso need to rely on global advances in low-carbon technology and on The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Changes (IPCC) Special Report on Global Warming of 1.5oC highlights that human-induced warming has already reached approximately 1oC above pre-industrial levels in 2017. Multiple changes in the

49、 climate system have been observed, including increased intensity and frequency of climate and weather extremes. increased international collaboration, to realise such an aspiration. At the same time, we will pursue active and systematic adaptation efforts. As a small low-lying, island city-state, Singapore is particularly vulnerable to the effects of climate change. We face an existential threat from sea level rise and will increasingly experience other climate impacts such as increased temperature, prolonged dry spells, more



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