
博思格钢铁集团可持续发展报告 2019-20 - 博思格(英文版)(88页).pdf

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博思格钢铁集团可持续发展报告 2019-20 - 博思格(英文版)(88页).pdf

1、Sustainability Report 2019/20 We create and inspire smart solutions in steel, to strengthen our communities for the future. Contents 02 Managing Director and CEOs Message 03 Who we are and what we do 04 How we approach sustainability 14 The future of steel OUTCOMES 22 Sustainable and enduring busine

2、ss 28 Safe and inclusive workplaces 40 Climate change action 50 Responsible products and supply chains 68 Strong communities APPENDIX 74 Data tables 78 Supplementary information 80 Metric definitions and glossary 83 GRI index Our Bond OUR CUSTOMERS ARE OUR PARTNERS Our success depends on our custome

3、rs and suppliers choosing us. Our strength lies in working closely with them to create value and trust, together with superior products, service and ideas. OUR PEOPLE ARE OUR STRENGTH Our success comes from our people. We work in a safe and satisfying environment. We choose to treat each other with

4、trust and respect and maintain a healthy balance between work and family life. Our experience, teamworkand ability to deliver steel inspired solutions are our most valued and rewarded strengths. OUR SHAREHOLDERS ARE OUR FOUNDATIONS Our success is made possible by the shareholders and lenders who cho

5、ose toinvestin us. In return, we commit to continuing profitability and growth invalue,which together make us all stronger. OUR COMMUNITIES ARE OUR HOMES Our success relies on communities supporting our business and products. Inturn,wecare for the environment, create wealth, respect local values and

6、encourage involvement. Our strength is in choosing to do what is right. BlueScope Steel Limited | ABN 16 000 011 058 Cover image: Richmond High School in Melbourne, Australia, featuring COLORBOND steel Matt with Thermatech solar reflectance technology and Activate technology for enhanced corrosion r

7、esistance. Read more about our sustainable product solutions on page 62-63. The future of steel Who we are and what we do How we approach sustainability BlueScope Sustainability Report BlueScope sustainability highlights Launched Our Purpose, developed by Balanced HSE indicators for severity, capabi

8、lity and risk management Founding member of the Industry Emissions Transitions Initiative Recognised as Inclusive Employer 2019-2020 Australian Steel Products First Modern Slavery Statement released 46% recovered and recycled scrap use $1M donated Australian bushfire response Hosted ResponsibleSteel

9、TM standard launch 3-year average ROIC $657M tax payments contributed globally worldsteel 2019 Sustainability Champion Continuing $1BN investment in North Star expansion of low emission steelmaking capacity Supported local communities and charities through COVID-19 450 EMPLOYEES COLORBOND steel cool

10、 roof used in Australias first Living Building female representation on Executive Leadership Team and Board At least40% Sustainable supply chain training delivered in 9 COUNTRIES $1.47BN shareholder returns since FY201715% 7,000ML P.A. recycled water agreement Port Kembla Steelworks COVID-19-safe op

11、erations FY20 103 supplier assessments completed Scope 3 emissions reported Global Inclusion and Diversity Strategy developed Successful pilot in new HSE leadership practices Financial liquidity of over $3BN 01 Sustainable and enduring business Safe and inclusive workplaces Climate change action Res

12、ponsible supply Strong communities Data tablesSupplementary information Managing Director and CEOs Message Mark Vassella Managing Director We create and inspire smart solutions in steel, to strengthen our communities for the future. I believe Our Purpose speaks to who we are and what we value as a g

13、lobal team creating strength with confidence, optimism and working together; transforming BlueScope for the realities of a competitive and fast-changing economy, inspiring our customers with sustainable choices and supporting the global shift to a low carbon economy. Steel is a critical enabler of s

14、ustainable development, underpinning the transition to a low carbon future. Climate change is prominent in our Corporate Strategy, recognising the opportunities and challenges posed for our business and sector. We continue to investigate appropriate decarbonisation pathways and timeframes for our op

15、erations. Our recently established Climate Change Council oversees our actions in this area, and is further demonstration of our intent to embed decarbonisation as part of core business for a strong future. Over the coming year we will refresh our climate scenario analysis, which will help form the

16、basis for our long-term emission reduction aspirations which we expect to release in our FY2021 Sustainability Report. At BlueScope we are building on our strong foundations in health, safety and environmental (HSE) management by adopting new ways of thinking about risk. This means thinking holistic

17、ally about whats dangerous to people or the environment and leveraging the knowledge and experience of our people to find ways to prevent harm from happening. On 6 May 2020, we received the tragic news that a contractor was fatally injured while working at the berth at the Port Kembla Steelworks. Ou

18、r thoughts remain with the contractors family, friends and co-workers and our colleagues, as well as medical and security services personnel who attended the scene. Teams across our global business have paused to reflect and contemplate their own work environments for opportunities to further improv

19、e our critical risk controls. Sustainable and responsible supply chains have been at the forefront of how we operate since BlueScopes inception in 2002, and we recognise the key role of suppliers to our success. This year marks the introduction of standalone reporting to meet the requirements of the

20、 Australian Modern Slavery Act, and I encourage you to read our Modern Slavery Statement along with the broader disclosures in this Sustainability Report for a complete view of how we are working to strengthen our supply chain performance. The ResponsibleSteelTM Standard was launched this year, a tr

21、uly multi-stakeholder effort driven by BlueScopes passion to promote the sustainable attributes of steel and recognise best practice in the steel supply chain. We are encouraged by the role the Standard can play in lifting the performance of our sector, and we will demonstrate our leadership role by

22、 seeking certification for our Port Kembla Steelworks by the end of 2021. I thank everyone at BlueScope for their contribution to our sustainability outcomes this year. May we continue to inspire each other as we strengthen our business and build stronger communities for the future. Mark Vassella, M

23、anaging Director and CEO 02 Who we are and what we do How we approach sustainability The future of steel BlueScope Sustainability Report Who we are and what we do Our businesses Australian Steel Products North Star BlueScope Steel New Zealand and Pacific Islands Building Products Asia and North Amer

24、ica Buildings North America Our operations across South East Asia and the west coast of North America are in partnership with Nippon Steel Corporation (NS BlueScope Coated Products) with day to day operations managed by BlueScope. In India we operate in partnership with Tata Steel (Tata BlueScope St

25、eel) with day to day operations managed by Tata Steel. BlueScope is one of the largest global producers of metal coated and painted steel building products. We directly employ over 14,000 people across manufacturing, processing, distribution and sales channels globally. These range from small produc

26、t storage sites to our core steel making facilities in Australia, New Zealand and North America. 160 TOTAL NUMBER OF OPERATIONS $11.3BN SALES REVENUE $5.9BN TOTAL CAPITALISATION 7,083KT SALES VOLUME 14,077 TOTAL NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES Scale of our organisation (as at 30 June 2020) Steelmaking (flat pro

27、ducts) Metal coating and painting Steel building materials and components Long products (rebar, wire) Steel buildings and systems KEY New Zealand climate change and energy; people and workplace relations; trade and industrial policy; and taxation and economic policy. The annual summary of the assess

28、ments is reported to the Boards RSC. We believe that in relation to the matters of significance mentioned above, in FY2020 there were no material differences between BlueScope policy and the policy positions of the six largest industry associations in Australia that BlueScope is a member of.2 CORPOR

29、ATE CONFIDENCE INDEX SURVEY BlueScope regularly monitors investor perceptions of its performance through the Corporate Confidence Index (CCI). BlueScope was rated in the top five against other major Australian listed companies in the April 2020 CCI survey for each of the measures listed below: Effec

30、tive Board Good access to senior management High standard of corporate governance Judgement in acquisitions, divestments and investments Effective capital management Communicates well with investment community High level of integrity Good market disclosure Informative management briefings. BlueScope

31、s Guide to Business Conduct, Speak Up policy and details about our Speak Up Hotline are available on our website. 13 Sustainable and enduring business Safe and inclusive workplaces Climate change action Responsible supply Strong communities Data tablesSupplementary information The future of steel At

32、 BlueScope, we see a strong future for steel. It is a critical enabler of the achievement of the UN Sustainable Development Goals and, supported by continued demand, presents a strong opportunity to transition to a low-carbon, circular economy. 14 The future of steel Who we are and what we do How we

33、 approach sustainability BlueScope Sustainability Report Demand for an essential material Steels strength, durability and adaptability make it a material of choice for buildings, infrastructure and light weight transport applications, and many other sectors. Steel is also a critical input for the tr

34、ansition to a clean energy future, being a key material for wind turbines, hydropower and solar power, as well as electricity transmission infrastructure. The material is well placed to lead in a circular materials economy one where resources and materials are kept in use for as long as possible and

35、 then repaired, reused, returned or recycled. Steels recyclability is unmatched by other material groups, being easily recovered and retaining its valuable properties when transformed into new products. While the total demand for steel is anticipated to increase for decades to come, a greater focus

36、on opportunities for steel can reduce the sectors impact on the worlds carbon budget. BlueScope is working collaboratively to understand market shifts and opportunities to accelerate a circular steel economy. While steels use in renewable energy applications reduces overall greenhouse gas emissions

37、(GHG) compared to the use of traditional energy sources, the production of steel currently remains energy intensive. The iron and steel sector contributes globally between 7 per cent and 9 per cent of direct greenhouse gas emissions3. With its long-lived capital assets, high reliance on metallurgica

38、l coal, limited alternative production technologies and exposure to international trade, the sector is often described as hard-to-abate. At around 1.8 billion tonnes of production per year globally4, steel is the second most abundant man- made bulk material on earth, after cement5. Experts such as t

39、he International Energy Agency (IEA) and the World Steel Association (worldsteel) expect global demand for steel to continue to increase for many decades, driven by emerging economies, energy infrastructure and use as a fundamental building material for growing populations. 3 Steels Contribution to

40、a low carbon future and climate resilient societies - worldsteel position paper, World Steel Association, 2020. 4 2020 World Steel in Figures, World Steel Association, 2020. 5 Cement, Tracking progress, International Energy Agency, 2020. Climate challenge BlueScope has a strong history of participat

41、ing in research and development initiatives, including the opportunity to replace coal with biochar, and research to capture carbon rich waste gas streams for conversion into fuel and chemical products. BlueScope supports the Paris Agreement on climate change, recognising that the global economy mus

42、t transition to net zero by the middle of this century to limit global increases in temperature to well below 2 degrees. For the steel sector to contribute, the future of iron and steelmaking will need to be centred around breakthrough technology. We see the challenges to decarbonising the steel ind

43、ustry being: Finding and implementing new, breakthrough iron and steelmaking technologies that do not rely on fossil fuels, while remaining commercially viable in a highly trade-exposed industry, Achieving the transition while demand for steel worldwide continues to grow (requiring continued product

44、ion of primary steel from virgin iron units (e.g. iron ore) and precluding use of recycling technologies to meet all global demand), and Ensuring governments adopt the right policy tools to support the transition. Iron one End-of-life scrap FY10FY20FY30FY40FY50 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 STEE

45、L DEMAND OUTLOOK (million tonnes) Source: Material Economics (2018), The Circular Economy a Powerful Force for Climate Mitigation. 15 Sustainable and enduring business Safe and inclusive workplaces Climate change action Responsible supply Strong communities Data tablesSupplementary information FY205

46、0 FY2030 FY2023 FY2020 FY2010 Global predictions of proportion of scrap based EAF production BlueScopes production footprint will continue to evolve in line with our Corporate Strategy Subject to further progressive plant debottlenecking at North Star Secondary steelmaking Primary steelmaking 23% 45

47、% Estimated (following North Star expansion) 20% 22%78% 20% 37%63% 55% 27% 44% Global predictions of proportion of scrap based EAF production BlueScopes production footprint will continue to evolve in line with our Corporate Strategy Subject to further progressive plant debottlenecking at North Star

48、 OUR DIVERSIFIED STEELMAKING PORTFOLIO BlueScopes three steelmaking operations use different iron and steelmaking process routes and mixes of raw materials. North Star Electric arc furnace (EAF) coal-free method using scrap steel and pig iron. Port Kembla Steelworks Traditional blast furnace (BF) ir

49、onmaking and basic oxygen furnace (BOF) steelmaking using metallurgical (coking) coal, iron ore, scrap steel, limestone and dolomite. Glenbrook Steelworks KOBM (Combined Oxygen Blowing Method) using local ironsand, coal, scrap steel and limestone. Primary steel production refers to that which uses iron ore as its main source of metallic input, whereas secondary production predominately relies on scrap steel. BlueScope i



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