
2021年世界工作预测报告 - MHR(英文版).pdf

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2021年世界工作预测报告 - MHR(英文版).pdf

1、Ask the Experts: What will the world of work look like in 2021? Index 1. Introduction .3 2. Technology and digitalisation .4 3. Leadership, culture and the employee experience .9 4. Diversity, inclusion and belonging in the workplace.13 5. Data, security and privacy .19 6. A focus on HR and payroll

2、.24 7. Conclusion. .27 8. Contributors .28 9. References.33 1. Introduction 2020 has been a year that we will never forget. We have all been affected by the Coronavirus pandemic, and it has certainly had a massive impact on the world of work. We are all looking forward to a hopefully more settled 20

3、21. But what can we learn from the challenges of this year? We asked a swathe of experts, to share their insights from their specific areas of expertise and give their predictions for the world of work in 2021 and beyond. We discussed the emphasis and the importance of technology and digitalisation

4、in 2020, and with the change in leadership roles meaning a shift of focus, companies will need to concentrate on the culture of an organisation to embrace this new way of working. This change to the workplace brings with it other priorities: the mental health and wellbeing of the employee and the im

5、portance of diversity and inclusion in the workplace. With this significant shift for businesses worldwide, and home working a necessity, we must also take account data and security prevention and the measures that have had to be put in place. With workplaces having to envelop diversity in all areas

6、, we also explore the future of HR and payroll. 2. Technology and digitalisation We spoke with Andrew Watson, CTO, MHR, Hannah Jeacock, Research Director, MHR, Katherine Templar Lewis, Futurist and Creative Scientist, Rob Hind, Chairman and Director, People in Law, and Mark Evans, Ex-Local Governmen

7、t Director, who shared their insights and experience into technology and digitalisation. We all know that tech is constantly evolving, but how did events of 2020 accelerated this, and has it shifted priorities? Katherine started the conversation referencing Michael Leavitt, former Secretary of Healt

8、h and Human Sciences in the US, who said: everything before a pandemic is alarmist; everything after is inadequate. This hard lesson in the need for adaptivity, creativity and resilience will continue to serve companies as they strive to change and stay relevant in a changing world. Katherine contin

9、ued that we need to stop resisting technology as an effective solution and instead make sure that people are skilled enough to use it as remote working will require us to communicate more and more. She added that we are using this term of technology acceleration, and 2021 will really be a year where

10、 this will be needed. Before the pandemic it was said that only 15% of businesses were technology savvy in the UK, but it is a necessity, as it fuels experiences, operations, products and whole ecosystems. Only of businesses were technology savvy in the UK 15% Andrew added that priorities have shift

11、ed in many organisations. He said that: “In the space that we work in we saw that a lot, as we needed to work out what to do to immediately engage employees while working remotely. While this was probably on leaders agenda, it wasnt an immediate priority.” Rob asserts that organisations have made bi

12、g tech decisions in a very short time. He says: “While of course the pandemic is horrendous globally, it has driven positive change in all our organisations.” The group spoke about the different technology available and the changes in them; Microsoft Teams was lagging behind Zoom, and then in the la

13、st few months, Teams has come on in leaps and bounds with its functionality, to win back the space. Mark said that the public sector adapted quickly through the change to remote working. What it has shown is where public sector organisations have any resistance to change, especially embracing techno

14、logy it has broken down the barriers and bodes well for the future of hybrid working. Mark agreed that technology was driving change and it was able to support it, but that we also needed a change in culture. He said that an example of this was the working day. Historically weve focused on the timin

15、g of the day, but really we need to focus on KPIs and how much output is being achieved. The group said companies had to foster innovation from remote locations, and while we all try to make concessions for our wellbeing and people technology is going to lead our people strategy over the next year o

16、r so. “ While of course the pandemic is horrendous globally, it has driven positive change in all our organisations.” “ We need ideas and ways to constantly think up new ways of working.” Mark said that he would like to see a more engaged approach going into 2021. To see employers really engaging wi

17、th their workforce and finding out what best suits them. Some find an office environment more important than others, and it is up to managers to engage with their staff to find out what works for them. Andrew agreed that yes, we need to start talking about how tech and products can start working for

18、 us in this way. However, for those organisations that have gone fully remote, he feels that they may not have the full technology solutions that they need to support employee engagement. He said that he worries about the identity of a company, and how you retain that team ethos and collaboration wi

19、th remote working, and which tools and technology we can make better use of to help us with this. He also said that some will be remote for a while, so we will have to promote company culture and create teams, otherwise there wont be any loyalty and people will start to leave organisations as a resu

20、lt. Rob said that this was an issue in the legal sector. He had found that older employees, were quite happy to work from home, but that the younger trainee solicitors thrive in the office and like to learn from their seniors through osmosis - and were struggling working from home because of this an

21、d missing this important form of on the job training. Legal firms will have to take this into account regarding monitoring and supervision of junior staff if they wish to retain them. Will this have changed what an HR leader is prioritising? Andrew said yes, employers absolutely need to understand h

22、ow their employees work, how they garner feedback and what they do about it. The group spoke about the importance of tracking the wellbeing of their workforce, while being careful to not cross boundaries and come across as Big Brother. Andrew agreed and said that it is now more difficult to find out

23、 how his team is, as he can no longer walk over and ask them. Where is that feedback coming from now? Those conversations are very much part of the leadership role. If that no longer exists, we need other ways to get that feedback. We need to ensure that technology and tools are used correctly to de

24、al with these situations. We have seen a lot of budgets being cut this year. Can we expect to see tech budgets cut too? Rob said that he thought tech budgets will be increased, and cuts will be made elsewhere. Law firms are dumping property space and airy reception areas to make way for this already

25、. Andrew said that yes, the budgets will be there, but there will be greater consideration as to where they will be going. Mark added that: “Certainly in Wales there is a real move to adjust the budgets; there is a lot of rationalisation around councils assets, for example.” Do we have any predictio

26、ns on how AI and machine learning, among other technologies, can be used to make our working lives more engaging in the future? Andrew said that we could already see these being built into things that can help with your working day; Microsoft Office products give great guidance on who your contacts

27、are, and how you are spending your day giving advice on taking breaks, etc. He said: “We have talked about liking no commute, but there are others that miss it. How can we put a commute into the virtual world?” He continued: “We are starting to see these pieces of technology come in that are helping

28、 me plan my day around how I want to work. Its learning what I Iike and what can be put in place for me.” Andrew said that he thought data was still an issue; organisations with access to Big Data who know how to use that data and can use AI effectively there is a big bonus for them. Google and Micr

29、osoft, for example, have been doing this well for some time, but there are some organisations that dont know how to use Big Data. We can present data well, but we need to know what to do with this data properly, and where science comes into it. We all need a better understanding of our data. Katheri

30、ne sees mass adoption of augmented and virtual reality; both becoming easier to use and cheaper to purchase. Rob said that the legal sector is seeing evidence of AI being used; in contract reviews and said that the cost saved from using AI and not using manpower were shared with the client and were

31、gladly accepted. The group spoke about digital assistants still being in their infancy, but that they will continue to be introduced and will really benefit the HR field. CBI said that 9 out of 10 people would need to be re-skilled. Which skills do you think are going to be in hot demand in the work

32、place in 2021? Katherine said that personally, and on a corporate level, adaptability will be in hot demand, but that organisations will also desperately need creativity. As she puts it: “We need ideas and ways to constantly think up new ways of working.” Similar to previous years, she says, data li

33、teracy and critical thinking will also be in demand companies that understand business trends and shifts in company needs through data will be better able to respond, and critical thinkers to wade through the unknown and the fake information from the real will be ahead of the curve. 9 out of 10 peop

34、le would need to be re-skilled Andrew adds: “Development, development, development and data science. There are nowhere near enough developers, and the problem is every different department needs some kind of developer now.” He said that to have data, you need to have the knowledge of data and what t

35、o do with it. This is now different from the old world of analytics. Universities are behind with nurturing developers, and there is still a shortage on many companies. “We need to concentrate on finding talent, as there may be some that have the skill set to be good developers and dont know it.” Wi

36、ll the increase in remote working level the playing field for a more globalised diverse talent pool? The group said that we are seeing a shift already. They believe this is good as you will get diversity and not elitism however it will also show a lot of cracks that will need to be filled properly.

37、“ Every different department needs some kind of developer now.” 3. Leadership, culture and the employee experience Boundaries of work and home life blurred in 2020. Were normally told to leave our personal lives at home and focus on the job, but we have seen a level of intimacy that isnt normally se

38、en: going into peoples houses, seeing their partners, their pets, their kids. We spoke with Andy Davies, Product Design Director, MHR, Garry Turner, Interpersonal Catalyst the reason that people will get out of bed, to lead teams; rather than be a side- stepping technique that leaders must do to mer

39、ely make sure that their employees remain engaged and culturally aligned. Andy also said that there will be leaders that support this, and rather than be a small engagement, a section of a CIPD course or add-on, it will now be the focus of the course. A recent article spoke about our third space; ou

40、r home for personal life, our home for working, and of course the actual office. Desk spaces in offices may be repurposed in the future for other reasons, such as collaborative meetings and idea generation sessions, to then go back home to get our heads down and partake in focused work. Do you see t

41、his as a future truth? Gary urges organisations not to hold on to the old belief systems, that we need to be in the office 9 to 5, that we need to all see each other. Gary thinks that we are absolutely going to have third spaces, or even a fourth space nature as walk and talks and outside meetings w

42、ill increase. He said that “We talk about the employee experience, but what about the human experience?” and that we have a fantastic opportunity for this transition. Jeff said: “Perhaps this will lead to us having even better conversations than those had in a very rigid meeting room.” Are tradition

43、al leadership styles still fit for purpose in 2021 and beyond? The group spoke about the servant leadership model; that leaders are there to pave the way, to open doors and then get out of the way for others this is something that hails from the 1970s and we are coming back to this simple model. Was

44、 it embraced as the correct model in the 70s, 80s and 90s? No, Andy said as he started his masters in 2000 and no one mentioned it; but in the last six months they have come back to this tried and tested technique as the way forward. Jeff added that leaders will interact with their employees on a mo

45、re human level, and we have seen it happen already. We have seen it on Zoom calls and how leaders are asking how their employees are; they have seen their home life and been welcomed into their homes unwittingly with kids in the background, The Gruffalo on the TV. Its had to change the way leaders i

46、nteract with their employees. He said: “They have had to be more personal, more caring and, I think this will travel into 2021.” Katherine asserts that we can expect business structures to change going forward too. “We will see more horizontal workforces in terms of innovation. Covid has accelerated the Hollywood model where more freelancers and project-based workers come together for a specific project. There needs to be a concentration on talent. “We need to adopt operating mod



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