
4C Insights:2018年跨渠道广告策略报告(英文版)(14页).pdf

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4C Insights:2018年跨渠道广告策略报告(英文版)(14页).pdf

1、Making Audiences Actionable ENVISIONING A FRICTIONLESS CROSS-CHANNEL ADVERTISING FUTURE Justin Fromm VP Business Intelligence, Advertiser Perceptions Published June 19, 2018. Updated June 28, 2018. Making Audiences Actionable 2018 Advertiser Perceptions and 4C Insights, Inc. Page 2 INTRODUCTION The

2、media landscape has been permanently disrupted. Attention, conversation, and commerce now take place on an endlessly multiplying array of devices and environments, often on several simultaneously. This delivers convenience for consumers but adds complexity and technological challenges for marketers

3、trying to understand and connect with them. “While we as marketers are looking at different media in silos,” explains Jeff Ratner, Chief Media Officer at iCrossing, “at the end of the day the consumer isnt.” Understanding the need to reach consumers seamlessly as they experience ads and interact wit

4、h brands across multiple platforms, marketers are adopting cross-channel marketing approaches. Advanced TV and in-house social teams, for instance, have created new opportunities to create holistic, cross-channel media plans. While these channels are a step toward aligning touchpoints and improving

5、campaign outcomes, they still dont completely bridge the gap between how consumers consume and how marketers market. The question remains: how do advertisers identify and reach their target audience effectively and efficiently everywhere they are? The advantages and challenges of digital and TV incl

6、uding reach, growth, and transparency are cross-pollinating in a way that necessitates a nimble and frictionless cross-screen media solution that puts audiences at the center of strategies. “We need to open up the conversation to lifetime value and overarching business metrics versus downstream medi

7、a metrics,” explains Ratner. To truly deliver the experiences that cross-screen consumers demand now, marketers must look beyond channels and master an audience-centric approach. This paper, based on a study of 300 advertising decision makers across the US and the UK commissioned by 4C Insights and

8、Advertiser Perceptions, will chart the post-disruption media landscape, from TV to digital to social and mobile. It will also look at how industry players are navigating todays fragmented channels and platforms with an eye toward how audience-based strategies and tools will take planning and buying

9、into a cohesive and measurable future. We as marketers are looking at different media in silos, but, at the end of the day, the consumer isnt. JEFF RATNER, CHIEF MEDIA OFFICER, iCROSSING Making Audiences Actionable 2018 Advertiser Perceptions and 4C Insights, Inc. Page 3 DISRUPTION IS BEHIND US, CRO

10、SS-CHANNEL IS HERE Consumer behavior has forever changed, and convergence defines todays media landscape. In light of new content consumption habits, advertisers report that cross-channel advertising is the ideal solution for reaching customers. In fact, three-quarters of advertisers indicate that t

11、hey are already putting campaigns in field with integrated media buys that are planned holistically and include more than one type of media, with nearly all the rest planning to institute cross-channel campaigns within the next year. (Figure 1) Video is a driving force behind the shift in strategy.

12、The focus is now on activating with unified formatting rather than allocating via fragmented platforms; TV and digital video are the two most important media types for advertisers (Figure 2). Video has become a top priority across all platforms, including social, where about half of respondents repo

13、rt spending nearly one-quarter of their social budget on video. (Figure 3) In the most recent wave of the Advertiser Intelligence Report, Advertiser Perceptions flagship syndicated report, spend optimism for digital video outpaced all other digital media. Advertisers running integrated, multi-media

14、campaigns Advertisers planning to go cross-channel within the year 50% of respondents spend nearly 25% of social budgets on video. Advertisers with no cross- channel plans 3% 22% 75% Making Audiences Actionable 2018 Advertiser Perceptions and 4C Insights, Inc. Page 4 CROSS-CHANNEL IS PROGRESS, BUT C

15、HALLENGES PERSIST Previous strategies, along with an entire generation of marketers trained in their ways, were built for an era where digital, print, audio, and TV were all separate behaviors and distinct channels living comfortably side-by-side. Now marketers and agencies are embracing converging

16、media channels, and theyre starting to see the benefits. Advertisers overall say that cross-channel efforts outperform individual media platform advertising on key performance indicators, including targeting precision, increased ad relevance, and increased ad engagement. (Figure 4) The results are d

17、riving cross-channel strategy growth, with 80% of respondents planning to increase their budget allocation for cross-channel advertising over the next 12 months. (Figure 5) However, while cross-channel is performing for marketers, challenges still remain. Measurement is the most critical issue here.

18、 Advertisers identify standard measurement across channels as the greatest challenge to activating cross- channel campaigns. (Figure 6) More than half of advertisers who do not include TV in cross-channel campaigns consider the industry reliance on GRPs as standard measurement an inhibitor of invest

19、ment in the platform. (Figure 7) “Some of these newer ad formats cannot really be measured adequately within the newer tools that track cross-media campaigns. Not having that, we have to create proxies, or we have to measure everything individually and try to figure out how to piece together the sto

20、ry,” explains Anna Papadopoulos, Vice President of Media, Sponsorships, and DTC Advertising at Prudential Financial. Without the ability to plan and measure holistically across platforms, advertisers are unable to manage the reach, frequency, and sequencing of their ad messages. As return on adverti

21、sing spend (ROAS) becomes a metric that more advertisers rely on, these challenges can keep advertisers from allocating greater budgets to cross-channel advertising, despite their belief in its effectiveness. Ratner summarizes, “Media has to be accountable to sales conversions, and leveraging audien

22、ce data gets us closer to that.” And TV while still king for long-form, lean-back content that drives massive reach lags behind in targeting and measurement. Most advertisers report that they would increase their TV budgets if offered the same level of accountability, transparency, and understanding

23、 about the consumer that is afforded by digital media. (Figure 8) While advertisers are split on whether or not the industry as a whole will move to cross-channel planning and buying teams, more than half of respondents already work within unified teams to plan and buy media for cross-channel campai

24、gns. (Figure 9) Another 34% expect their currently siloed team to unify within the next 1-2 years. (Figure 10) The discrepancy between attitude and behavior underscores the fact that advertisers prefer cross-channel results, but lack a refined means of obtaining them. Some of these newer ad formats

25、cannot really be measured adequately within the newer tools that track cross-media campaigns. Not having that, we have to create proxies, or we have to measure everything individually and try to figure out how to piece together the story. ANNA PAPADOPOULOS, VICE PRESIDENT OF MEDIA, SPONSORSHIPS, AND

26、 DTC ADVERTISING, PRUDENTIAL FINANCIAL 89% of advertisers report they would increase TV budgets if offered the same level of accountability, transparency, and understanding about the consumer afforded by digital. Making Audiences Actionable 2018 Advertiser Perceptions and 4C Insights, Inc. Page 5 AU

27、DIENCE-BASED MARKETING SETS A NEW STANDARD So how can these remaining challenges be solved to finally empower advertisers to truly deliver a cohesive, relevant experience to consumers that ultimately will achieve marketing KPIs? The answer is to not just focus on integrating channels, but to actuall

28、y organize around audiences, putting the consumer at the center of all strategies. Nine in ten advertisers consider cross- channel audience-based marketing an essential part of their media strategy, (Figure 11) and 89% of advertisers report that those who build their strategies around audiences rath

29、er than individual media platforms create more impactful campaigns. (Figure 12) “When youre able to reach the right person in the right place, engagement skyrockets,“ says Lola Ogunyemi, Paid Social Team Lead at Merkle Periscopix. Respondents to this study add that among the benefits of an audience-

30、based approach are improved brand awareness (94%), positive impact on purchase considerations (93%), and increased brand loyalty (92%). (Figure 13) However, only about half of advertisers implementing cross-channel campaigns employ audience-based marketing to plan those campaigns. (Figure 14) Moving

31、 beyond simply tying channels together is key to closing the gap between outlook and implementation, and to improving targeting, relevance, and ROI. Ogunyemi describes how the marketplace has evolved toward unification: “It seems like audience-based marketing is a trend, but its more than that. Weve

32、 mastered how to collect and manage data. The natural progression is to now take a people-first approach and use that data to really connect with consumers where they are.” In step with that progression, 80% of advertisers and marketers expect to increase their cross-channel audience-based budget al

33、locations over the next year. Nine- in-ten respondents expect growth to play out in the marketplace at large, anticipating that cross-channel audience- based marketing will surge over the next three years. (Figure 15) (Figure 16) 89% of advertisers agree strategies built around audiences create more

34、 impactful campaigns. When youre able to reach the right person in the right place, engagement skyrockets. LOLA OGUNYEMI, PAID SOCIAL TEAM LEAD, MERKLE PERISCOPIX 80% of marketers expect to increase audience-based budgets over the next year. Making Audiences Actionable 2018 Advertiser Perceptions an

35、d 4C Insights, Inc. Page 6 AUDIENCE INTELLIGENCE FOR ALL So what is holding back the industry from fully embracing a multiplatform audience-based marketing strategy? In short, a truly audience-centric approach is easier said than done. “We know that cross-channel audience buying to manage frequency

36、and sequence messaging creates value. It creates a more positive experience for the consumer and better outcomes for the brand. We are able to do this to an extent within buying platforms however walled gardens dont offer the necessary level of integration with the media landscape to take this to th

37、e extent that Id like,” says Ryan Storrar, Head of Media Activation at Essence. The majority of advertisers (85%) believe that the current fragmented media landscape requires a new marketing structure that enables advertisers to operate seamlessly between publishers and platforms, including digital

38、and TV. (Figure 17) The proliferation and convergence of media channels and their convergence has spawned an entire acronym soup of martech point solutions, programmatic buying platforms, and attribution tools that dont do marketers any favors in better understanding or optimizing around audiences.

39、Most advertisers (86%) agree that in order for a cross-channel media solution to rise above the rest, it must be able to combine audience intelligence between platforms, publishers and networks. Additional requirements for cross- channel audience-based solutions include providing a central place for

40、 audience information and a seamless way to activate audiences across channels (86%), specialization in premium, brand-safe inventory from private marketplaces (89%), and the ability to manage ad frequency and de-duplication between channels. (Figure 18) “In order to fully-deliver the value proposit

41、ion that were describing here, theres a role for adtech and/or buying platforms to make the themes that were describing here much more actionable,” explains Storrar. Walled gardens dont offer the necessary level of integration with the media landscape. RYAN STORRAR, HEAD OF MEDIA ACTIVATION, ESSENCE

42、 What do advertisers want from marketing technology solutions? 86% Combine audience intelligence across platforms, publishers and networks. 86% Centralize audience information and seamlessly activate across channels. 89% Specialize in premium, brand-safe inventory from private marketplaces. Making A

43、udiences Actionable 2018 Advertiser Perceptions and 4C Insights, Inc. Page 7 4C LEADS A NEW AUDIENCE-FOCUSED MARKETPLACE As advertisers start to embrace cross-channel audience-based marketing, the inability to plan and buy media seamlessly across platforms, publishers, and networks, and a lack of st

44、andard measurement keep advertisers from shifting greater amounts of their media budget to cross-channel campaigns. 4C offers solutions to help marketers achieve an audience-centric approach. The recently launched Scope by 4C combines audience intelligence, activation, and measurement across premium

45、 marketplaces via self-serve technology. 4C also enables centralized, unified measurement through Scopes Report Center, which surfaces campaign insights, tracks KPIs, and combines separate reports into a single file across inventory, campaigns, teams, and platforms. Working with companies like 4C, m

46、arketers are able to circumvent trap doors that are moving into television via OTT and embrace Advanced TV with an audience-driven approach to linear television advertising that reduces the superfluous spending that comes with siloed, upper-funnel media plans. Scope by 4C supports activation across

47、TV, digital, mobile, and social marketplaces for cross-channel audience-based execution. 4C reports significant improvements in return on advertising spend (ROAS) for clients with nearly half of all clients seeing up to a 25% increase in ROAS; roughly another quarter seeing increases of 26-50%; and

48、the remaining advertisers seeing increases above 51%. Data has made advertising smarter, helping advertisers reach their target audiences effectively and efficiently across touchpoints. As budgets continue to move to audience-based, cross-channel campaigns, advertisers should look to partners who ma

49、ke planning, buying, and measurement frictionless, freeing them to develop better strategies and messaging to drive business success for their companies. Making Audiences Actionable 2018 Advertiser Perceptions and 4C Insights, Inc. Page 8 Currently use cross-channel campaigns 75% Plan to use within the next 12 months 22% No plans to use 3% FIGURE 1 Which best describes your companys/main clients use of cross-channel campaigns, that is integrated media buys that are planned holistically and include more than one type of media? METHODOLOGY Results presented in



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