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1、Tech Trends 2021 Trending the trends: Twelve years of research Right- speed IT IT unbounded No-collar workforce Rebooting the digital workplace Hyper-hybrid clouds API economy API imperative NoOps in a serverless world Trust economy Everything- as-a-service Blockchain to blockchains Geospatial visua

2、lization Amplifi ed intelligence Digital twins MLOps: Industrialized AI Machine data revolution DEI tech: Tools for equity Big data goes to work Finding the face of your data Dark analytics Machine intelligence Enterprise data sovereignty Enterprise mobility Mobile only and beyond Wearables Ambient

3、computing Internet of Things Industrialized analytics Democratized trust User empowerment Dimensional marketing AR we revisit the critical core and how digital nonnatives are using cloud, low-code, and platform- first strategies to juice legacy assets; and we take a deep dive into supply chain trans

4、formation. A s poet Robert Burns mused, the best-laid plans of mice and men often go awry. In January 2020, most of us had plansthoughtful road maps to guide our organizations, our technology, and our lives through the months to follow. And then COVID-19 punched the entire world in the mouth, render

5、ing useless many of these best- laid plans. Seemingly overnight, a strange, historic event disrupted our assumptions and forced us, with a shocking degree of urgency, to become more adaptable and responsive than we had thought possible. Mindful that the pandemics impact continues to ripple across so

6、cieties, markets, and lives, we present Tech Trends 2021. The theme of this years report is resilience. To us, this means a stubborn determination to adapt and thrive in Letter from the editors 123456789 Executive summary6 Strategy, engineered Joseph Fuller, Harvard Business School Peter Schwartz, S

7、alesforce Core revival Albemarle Sogrape GM Financial Justin Kershaw, Cargill Supply unchained Pactiv Evergreen John Tomblin, PhD, Wichita State University MLOps: Industrialized AI National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Morgan Stanley Anthem Swami Sivasubramanian, AWS Machine data revolutio

8、n: Feeding the machine AT trust, encompassing risks related to cyber, regulatory, and ethics; and core modernization, the organizations approach to rejuvenating legacy core systems. Macro technology forces11 123456789 BUSINESS OF TECHNOLOGY Evolution of the IT function CORE MODERNIZATION Reshaping t

9、he systems at the heart of the business TRUST Cyber, regulatory, and ethics DIGITAL EXPERIENCE From channel to human-centered design DIGITAL REALITY AMBIENT EXPERIENCE Transparent, ubiquitous interfaces Reimagining engagement DATA AND ANALYTICS Data management, architecture, and insights ARTIFICIAL

10、INTELLIGENCE EXPONENTIAL INTELLIGENCE Symbolic, deep, and broad reasoning Predict, prescribe, augment, and automate CLOUD Flexibility and ubiquity DISTRIBUTED PLATFORMS QUANTUM Exponential computation Distributed trust, assets, and connectivity INFORMATIONCOMPUTATIONINTERACTION SIMPLICITY OMNISCIENC

11、E ABUNDANCE FOUNDATION ENDGAMEENABLERSHORIZON NEXTDISRUPTORS 12 Strategy, engineered As strategy and technology become increasingly intertwined, strategic intent must inform technology choices. STRATEGY LEADS TECHNOLOGY Use strategy support platforms to identify driving forces, inform choices, and m

12、onitor execution and outcomes. TECH-ENABLED STRATEGY Strategists are making more clear, timely, and creative choices about where to play and how to win. FUTURE-READY STRATEGY 13 strategy, enabling organizational nimbleness, scalability, stability, and optionality.1 The traditional process of strateg

13、y development is too infrequent and labor-intensive to enable strategists to sense and seize opportunities as they emerge. A growing number are shifting to a fluid and agile process for formulating, evaluating, and executing corporate and business unit strategies by employing technology tools that c

14、ontinually sense, anticipate, and monitor the effectiveness of their strategic choices and execution. The result: more timely and smarter choices that could lead to faster adaptation, bolder strategic choices, and sustainable competitive advantage. Close the technology and business strategy chasm As

15、 business strategy and technology strategy become increasingly intertwined, many corporate executives are finding that their organizations past technology choices are limiting their strategic options and business agility. To resolve these technology limitations, these executives are finding it neces

16、sary to lean in to technology architecture and technology implementation choices to ensure the overall business strategy is supported by clearly aligned technology choices. Obviously, having a strategy sitting on the shelf isnt enougheffective execution is critical. Strategy, engineered14 I n a worl

17、d where technology has emerged as a mighty strategic disruptor, savvy strategists are looking to make more clear, timely, and inspirational choices about future possibilities, continually scanning the horizon for new competitive advantages they can deploy and threats they should avoid. A growing num

18、ber of organizations are also proactively pursuing novel competitive advantages by joining forces with existing and new ecosystem partners from government and nonprofit agencies to complementary corporations and even “frenemies”to envision how their combined offerings could expand where they play an

19、d how they win. Winning in a volatile environment requires an integrated corporate and technology Strategy, engineered Tech-enabled business strategy, optimized for agility TREND 1 123456789 And when asked about their strategic priorities and ability to execute, CSOs with disruptive, digital ambitio

20、ns lack confidence in their ability to execute. In Deloittes 2020 CSO Survey,2 most respondents (70%) rated disruptive growth as critical for their companies success, but only 13% are confident that their company can deliver on this strategic priority. Having a strategy sitting on the shelf isnt eno

21、ugheffective execution is critical. Effective execution requires continually monitoring the underlying strategic choices and assumptions, adjusting as needed. Even though most survey participants say they are seeking disruptive growth, 71% report spending more than three months on a single round of

22、strategy development. Nearly half (45%) refresh their strategy annually, or even less frequently: every two years (23%) or three years (22%). Ultimately, strategists should collaborate with tech leaders to confirm that the organizations critical technologies support the organizational strategyand th

23、at the organizations technologists have the right framework and understanding of the corporate strategy to make their day-to-day technology decisions. Getting from here to there Agile strategy development and execution doesnt happen in a vacuumto generate effective results, organizations need founda

24、tional elements in place. Empowered strategy function. Whether its the CEO, CSO, or other executive, an empowered executive strategy leader is critical to effective strategy development and execution. In collaboration with the CIO, the strategy leader can help expand and shape the vision of executiv

25、e leaders and board members. As one executive from a leading oil and gas company said, “The CSO needs to challenge long-held views and get our fellow executives to think about a market environment that is different from the existing one.” The successful strategy leader reinforces strategic disciplin

26、e by looking beyond the organizations daily challenges, aligning key technology choices, and continually scanning the horizon to anticipate emerging challenges. Tech-savvy C-suite. C-suite executives and board members should have a broad understanding of the critical technologies in which the compan

27、y is, or should be, investing to gain competitive advantage and to build resilience against disruption. Leaders need to be supportive of investing in a portfolio of technology investments, from proofs of Strategy, engineered15 123456789 concept to test emerging technologies to major implementations

28、of proven platforms. Moreover, executives need to help challenge the critical assumptions of those implementing the technology to help make sure the implementation will be driving value for the enterprise. Business-savvy tech leaders. Likewise, IT leaders and technologists should be engaged in strat

29、egy development processes and education that gives them a broad understanding of the business and its strategic objectives. As strategic partners, tech leaders can help strategy and business leaders identify and explore emerging technologies that support the strategic vision, with the objective of a

30、ligning the organizations technology and corporate strategies. In fact, in a DeloitteWall Street Journal Intelligence survey, 40% of CEOs said their CIO or tech leader will be the key driver of business strategymore than the CFO, COO, and CMO combined.3 Further, big technology bets require the activ

31、e participation of the CEO/ CSO to ensure that the organizations tolerance for risk is honored and well managed. Aligned technology and partners. Effective organizations choose their technology platforms and ecosystem partners carefully, aligning their choices and implementation decisions with their

32、 strategic goals. When selecting important ecosystem partners, evaluate their long-term motives and agendas to understand whether their objectives and aspirations align with yours. In a worst-case scenario, a platform partner could become a competitive threat after they “learn” your industry. Collab

33、orative list of strategic assumptions. Early in the strategy development process, lead strategists, tech leaders, and ecosystem partners should explore and challenge the assumptions for a tech-enabled strategy to be effective. Consider holding the discussion in a neutral environment such as a worksh

34、op, where egoless answers are encouraged and cataloged so they can be used later to flag leading indicators of the strategys success or failure. Agile funding. Executing on agile strategies demands a flexible process for planning and funding the technology investments required to implement strategie

35、s. For insights into how to finance innovation at the speed of agile, see Tech Trends 2020: Finance and the future of IT. Next up: Tech-enabled strategy To compete in an increasingly complex world, not only are the strategies becoming more digitalso is the process of developing and executing strateg

36、ies and monitoring outcomes. As leaders are forced to consider a wider range of variables and future scenarios, tech-enabled strategy platforms can help strategists think more expansively and precisely about the wide range of future possibilities. Strategy, engineered16 123456789 Technology can also

37、 help leaders gain insight into seemingly unrelated occurrences that can drive smarter strategic choices on a continual basis. Strategists should evaluate technologies that help empower their imagination by identifying driving forces, informing strategic decisions, and monitoring outcomes. (See figu

38、re, “Strategy support technologies” on page 18.) 40% of CEOs said their CIO or tech leader will be the key driver of business strategymore than the CFO, COO, and CMO combined. Finally, technology plays an increasingly important role in helping companies translate a strategy into strategic initiative

39、s, facilitate strategy execution, and monitor a strategys impact in the marketplace. The way forward Strategy development is not a one-and-done exercise but, rather, an ongoing, cyclical process. As technology and business become increasingly intertwined, business strategy drives technology strategy

40、 and vice versa. Around and around it goesto the point where the complexity of known and unknown strategic drivers inside and outside the organization could blow the mind of even the most nimble-brained strategist. While accelerating technology is a strategic complicator, executives can deploy it to

41、 simplify and accelerate smart strategy Strategy, engineered17 development and execution. Leading organizations are engineering their strategic function to be more agile, scalable, and stable, giving them an array of strategic options in their back pocket for whatever the future holds. 123456789 Str

42、ategy, engineered18 Strategy support technologies Advanced strategic platforms equipped with advanced analytics, automation, and AI, including natural language processing and machine learning, can help leaders think more expansively and precisely about the wide range of future possibilities. OBJECTI

43、VEDESCRIPTIONKEY CONSIDERATIONSEXAMPLE Identify strategic forces Inform strategic choices Monitor execution and outcomes Trend-sensing technologies continually scan the environment, collecting, analyzing, and clustering leading indicators that challenge or confirm strategic assumptions to facilitate

44、 quick responses. Dynamic scenario tools and simulators help leaders identify threats and opportunities, quickly test potential outcomes of strategic choices, and prioritize critical uncertainties. Analytics technologies continually track internal and external outcomes to inform ongoing leadership d

45、iscussions and decisions regarding the organizations performance against the strategy. External: Changes in society, technology, politics, economy, environment, and regulations Business: Shifts in industry dynamics, customer expectations, competitor moves, and stakeholder behaviors, attitudes, and e

46、motions Organizational: Trends in products/services, operations, asset base, costs, and branding Create alternate long-term scenarios to identify threats and opportunities Develop simulations to test various strategic choices Enhance human understanding and insight to determine potential implication

47、s, critical unknowns, and strategic responses Are we honoring our strategic choices? Whats working? Whats not working? What adjustments are needed? Is our strategy and its associated commitments generating the projected value? The US Department of Homeland Security uses automated tools that scan new

48、s articles, patent filings, and more to identify emerging technologies that might disrupt or improve the process of securing the United States. Three health care organizations (provider, plan, plan/provider) developed an agent- based model to simulate how competitive value-driven care dynamics could

49、 evolve, giving each organization new insights into where to play and how to win. Deloitte uses AI-based sensing to monitor the trajectory of two important uncertainties that affect the firms strategy: degree of regulation and technological/automation impact on professional services. 123456789 One t

50、hing I know about strategy: Its the assumptions that kill you, not your competitors. Strategy, engineered19 Over the past 30 years, Ive urged corporate strategists to identify and rigorously test key assumptions about their strategy, as well as their assumptions about the technology that will suppor



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