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1、CMYCMMYCYCMYKCCB CSR cover.ai 13/6/2008 16:43:33CCB CSR cover.ai 13/6/2008 16:43:33使命使命為客戶提供更好服務為股東創造更大價值為員工搭建廣闊的發展平臺為社會承擔全面的企業公民責任目錄012007年企業社會責任報告董事長致辭 02行長報告 04戰略與管理 08 發展戰略 08 公司治理 08 價值觀和行為引導 10 全面風險管理 11 利益相關者參與 12社會責任業績 14 提升經營水平 14 支持環境保護 15 促進民生改善 17 優化產品服務 23 關注員工成長 28 推動誠信建設 31 投身公益事業 33實

2、踐案例展示 38社會認可與反饋 46獨立鑒證報告 50關於本報告本 報 告 介 紹2007 年 中 國 建 設 銀 行 股 份 有 限公司立足中國國情,積極承擔經濟、社會和環境責任方面的活動及表現,主要涉及建設銀行總部及其在中國境內的分支機搆。時間範圍為2007年1月1日至2007年12月31日,特別注明的除外。本報告中的財務數據來源於經審計的、依據國際財務報告準則 編制的中國建設銀行2007年度財務報表,其中包含海外分支機搆及附屬公司的數據。本報告中所涉及貨幣金額以人民幣作為計量幣種,特別註明的除外。本報告以中英文兩種文字出版,若兩種版本間有差異之處,請按中文版解讀。本報告以印刷品和PDF電

3、子文件兩種形式向讀者發佈,其中PDF電子文件可在建設銀行網站(http:/)下載閱讀。02中國建設銀行股份有限公司董事長致辭郭樹清董事長中國建設銀行股份有限公司032007年企業社會責任報告2007年,是建設銀行改革與發展的豐收之年。我行認真學習實踐科學發展觀,堅決貫徹國家宏觀調控政策,積極推進改革創新,公司治理結構不斷完善,業務發展取得驕人成績,員工隊伍建設有了新的進步,履行社會責任取得豐碩成果。建設銀行繼續深化內部改革,大力推進戰略轉型,各項業務發展良好;完善 “以客戶為中心” 的經營理念和運行機制,加快業務流程再造,推進零售網點轉型,客戶滿意度明顯提高;強化全面風險管理,完善內部控制和審

4、計體系,風險收益平衡能力明顯增強;成功回歸A股市場,搭建新的資本運作平臺,與境內外投資者共享我行的發展成果。走在中國經濟建設和金融改革前列的建設銀行,適時研究制定新的發展戰略綱要,把承擔企業社會責任作為一項重要職責,確立了 “為客戶提供更好服務,為股東創造更大價值,為員工搭建廣闊的發展平臺,為社會承擔全面的企業公民責任” 的使命,並進行了積極的探索和實踐。在改革發展過程中,建設銀行更加自覺地尊重各利益相關方的關切。2007年,我行實現稅前利潤1,008.16億元,平均資產回報率達1.15,平均股東權益回報率達19.50%,為股東為國家創造了穩定的高額回報;在實施細分客戶,專業化、差異化管理的同

5、時,始終堅持充分發揮金融服務基礎設施的作用,為大眾客戶提供盡可能周到便利的金融服務,長期存在的客戶排隊問題得到有效緩解;遵循 “以人為本”的理念,切實保障員工權益,關心員工職業生涯發展,努力救助困難員工, “和諧企業” 建設取得新進展。建設銀行注重將業務拓展與改善民生有機結合,從社會關切中發掘新的商機,努力為城鄉居民特別是中低收入群體在住房、就業、創業、教育、醫療、養老等方面的金融服務需求提供支持,積極為中小企業發展和改善 “三農” 創新金融服務產品。我行還積極配合國家產業發展政策,着力調整信貸結構,積極倡導 “綠色信貸” ,嚴格限制產能過剩和高污染高能耗行業貸款,大力促進節約型社會建設。積極

6、投身各項公益事業,支持教育事業、關心弱勢群體,是建設銀行履行社會責任的又一戰略目標。2007年,捐贈200萬美元,為世界夏季特殊奧運會提供贊助和金融服務;捐贈1.2億元,開展 “資助貧困高中生成長計劃” ;捐贈5,000萬元,啟動 “中國貧困英模母親資助計劃” 。2008年春節前夕,向遭受冰雪災害的南方10個省份捐款1,200萬元,並及時安排信貸投放全力支持災區重建工作。建設銀行在履行社會責任方面做出的努力得到了社會各界的廣泛認可和鼓勵,2007年先後獲得 “最具責任感企業” 、 “中華社會責任獎” 等九個相關獎項,是國內同業中獲社會責任獎項最多的銀行之一。在此,本人謹代表董事會,衷心感謝廣大

7、股東、客戶和社會各界對建設銀行的支持,也衷心感謝全體員工卓有成效的工作。我行將繼續全面履行企業公民責任,努力為建設和諧社會做出更大貢獻。04中國建設銀行股份有限公司行長報告張建國行長中國建設銀行股份有限公司052007年企業社會責任報告2007年,建設銀行學習和實踐科學發展觀,緊緊抓住市場機遇,不僅業務發展取得了驕人成果,在履行社會責任方面也取得了令人滿意的成績。一、 通過自身改革提高可持續發展能力,為國家和社會做出貢獻作為國家控股的大型商業銀行,建設銀行在支持國民經濟發展和服務大眾生活上發揮着重要作用。2007年9月,我行成功回歸A股,使得國內廣大投資者也能夠分享到改革發展成果。隨着改革的不

8、斷推進,我行盈利能力和經營業績持續提高,股價穩中有升。由於我行是國家絕對控股,國有資產得到了快速增值,國有股增值遠遠超過境外戰略投資者的獲利。大體上說,我行每賺10元錢,國家得到的收益是8.5元。按照2007年12月31日我行H股收盤價格計算,國有股市值約為10,967億港元,較年初增值約2,754億港元。可以說,建設銀行的利益與國家利益和人民利益是高度一致的。二、 堅決貫徹國家宏觀調控政策,推動信貸結構調整和優化2007年,建設銀行主動配合人民銀行和監管機構的監控,嚴格執行窗口指導政策,將人民幣貸款全年新增從3,700億元壓縮到3,500億元之內,圓滿完成了貸款新增控制計劃。與此同時,我行堅

9、持有保有壓、扶優限劣的信貸政策,着力調整和優化信貸結構,嚴格控制房地產和製造業的貸款,壓縮產能過剩和潛在過剩行業貸款,嚴格限制向 “高耗能、高污染” 行業貸款;同時又對符合國家產業發展政策、有利於國民經濟健康發展的行業和項目積極給予信貸支持。對於促進環境保護、有利於改善生態環境的項目,雖然經濟收益不高,但社會效益和生態效益顯著,我行也始終給予大力支持。截至2007年12月31日,我行境內基礎設施貸款余額占比26.67%,比年初增加1.3個百分點;房地產開發貸款 (含土地儲備貸款) 余額占比9.58%,比年初下降0.59個百分點;高污染和高能耗行業貸款余額占比僅為0.60%,且比年初下降0.01

10、個百分點。三、重視大眾客戶利益,提供良好的基本銀行服務建設銀行認真踐行 “以客戶為中心” 的經營理念,始終堅持充分發揮金融服務基礎設施的作用。目前我行提供的許多基本銀行服務都是免費的,有的只是象征性地收取一些費用。截至2007年底,我行已實現轉型的網點達5,266個,轉型網點的工作效率提高30%-40%,客戶等候時間下降29%,有效緩解了長期存在的大眾客戶排隊問題。我行積極推進金融創新,大力發展自助銀行、網上銀行、電話銀行和手機銀行等業務,努力為客戶提供更為方便、安全、快捷的金融服務。我行認真執行 “客戶之聲” 調查制度,將客戶的評價和意見作為改進服務和業務流程的依據,通過95533電話及網站

11、留言等方式全天候實時受理客戶投訴,2007年共受理客戶投訴21,081件,均做出妥善處理。四、 將業務拓展與社會關切緊密結合,大力促進民生改善我行是國內首家開辦住房公積金業務、最早推出個人住房貸款業務的銀行,近20年來支持上千萬戶家庭改善了住房條件。在2007年全年貸款新增壓縮的情況下,仍優先保障個人住房貸款發展,當年新增1,277億元,並積極研究完善中低收入居民住房保障體系,探索住房融資新模式。我行開展了 “八一工程” 、 “211高校” 、 “三甲醫院” 等一系列重要項目工程,繼續支持國家的科技、文教、衛生、體育、國防等各項事業的發展。以服務軍隊武警為例,自2006年9月正式啟動 “八一工

12、程” 以來,我行市場占比從2006年初的5.68%上升到2007年12月底的11.99%。此外,我行還積極探索,在風險可控的基礎上,努力為小企業發展、個人創業、新農村建設等提供優質金融產品和服務。06中國建設銀行股份有限公司行長報告五、 堅持以人為本,尊重和保護員工基本權益2007年11月,建設銀行召開了第一屆職工代表大會第三次會議,向職工代表報告改革發展情況,聽取職工代表關於企業發展和員工切身利益的意見和建議。並通過實施行務公開制度、職代會聯席會議制度、職工監事制度等,從制度建設上保證員工參與民主管理的權利。我行繼續加大員工培訓力度,2007年共舉辦各類培訓班7,400期,培訓員工43.19

13、萬人次。同時,繼續通過 “職工互助基金” 幫助包括下崗分流的特困員工解決生活困難,2007年共救助困難員工約9,000人次,發放救助款1,600多萬元。六、 依法合規經營,積極推動誠信社會建設建設銀行作為一家大型金融機構,在依法合規經營的同時,還發揮銀行的信用中介職能和金融服務職能,積極支持打造良好的社會信用和法制環境。2007年,我行配合政府有關部門建立完善企業和個人征信體系,運用經濟杠杆引導企業、個人恪守信用。為維護經濟、金融安全,我行嚴格執行反洗錢工作制度,配備了專門的機構和人員,按照有關規定及時向中國反洗錢監測分析中心報送大額交易和可疑交易報告。此外,在國際收支申報、賬戶管理信息系統建

14、設、進出口核銷、跨境資金流動監管等方面,我行均承擔了基礎性的責任和試點、協助工作。七、 關心和諧社會建設,積極支持公益事業發展2007年,建設銀行進一步加大了對公益事業的投入,並將支持教育事業、關心青少年成長、保護民族傳統文化等作為履行社會責任的一項戰略目標。全年共實施14個公益項目,投入項目總金額約2.26億元,實際捐贈支出1.97億元。其中, “贊助2007世界夏季特殊奧林匹克運動會計劃” 、 “建設未來 中國建設銀行資助貧困高中生成長計劃” 、 “中國貧困英模母親建設銀行資助計劃” 等一系列重大公益項目的實施,贏得了社會的廣泛讚譽。對外樹立起積極履行社會責任的國家控股大型商業銀行的企業形

15、象,對內增強了全行上下的企業社會責任意識,起到了教育員工、提升企業文化內涵、增強隊伍凝聚力的積極作用。八、 危難時刻挺身而出,竭盡全力支援搶險救災面對各種自然災害的挑戰,建設銀行始終以國家和人民的利益為重,努力為各項搶險救災工作提供最大的支持。2007年7月,我行向遭受水災的安徽、重慶地區捐款200萬元,用於幫助災區重建;2008年春節前夕,針對我國南方地區出現的罕見冰雪災情,我行及時作出響應,以最快速度向受災嚴重的湖南、湖北、安徽、貴州等10個省份捐款1,200萬元,幫助災區群眾搶險救災。我行廣大員工也自發向災區捐款捐物,其中北京市分行向中國紅十字會捐款65萬余元,湖南省分行捐款約11.3萬

16、元,衣物2,500多件。在災情最嚴重的湖南、貴州等省份,我行各分支機搆採取非常措施,克服各種困難,確保網點安全和正常營業,並及時啟動信貸 “綠色通道” ,加快額度授信、貸款審批和發放速度,全力支持抗雪救災和災後重建工作。2008年是充滿機遇與挑戰的一年。建設銀行將進一步深入學習貫徹黨的十七大精神,認真落實科學發展觀,在保持又好又快發展的同時,積極建設和諧社會,全面履行企業公民責任,朝着 “始終走在中國經濟現代化的最前列,成為世界一流銀行” 的願景奮力前行。監事長072007年企業社會責任報告謝渡揚監事長中國建設銀行股份有限公司戰略與管理08中國建設銀行股份有限公司發展戰略戰略願景始終走在中國經





21、法律、法規、規章和公司章程規定以及股東大會、董事會的授權行使職權,其行為受 中國建設銀行股份有限公司行長工作細則 約束。建設銀行的高級管理層由15名高級管理人員組成,包括行長1名,副行長5名,首席財務官、首席風險官、首席審計官各1名,總監3名,董事會秘書、公司秘書各1名,合資格會計師1名。張建國先生擔任行長。溝通與協調2007年,建設銀行董事會、監事會與管理層之間的溝通機制和信息傳遞渠道不斷完善,經營管理層在董事會授權範圍內行使經營管理權的自主性進一步增強。董事會與監事會共同開展了7項戰略專題調研。每次董事會會議都邀請部分高管人員和分行行長列席,提高了公司治理信息在全行的傳遞效率;董事、監事經

22、常列席行長辦公會等重要會議,確保決策和監督職責的有效履行。專職董事和獨立董事列席各類管理層會議116次。公司治理各機構之間實現了既平衡制約又相互支持。此外,員工的參與和監督、公眾和媒體的監督已成為建行公司治理的重要組成部分。中國建設銀行股份有限公司10戰略與管理價值觀和行為引導文化是 “軟實力” ,是企業的靈魂。中國建設銀行一直在積極培育與現代商業銀行要求相適應的具有建設銀行特色的核心價值觀,以企業文化來規範和引導員工行為。統一文化要素2007年7月,中國建設銀行正式推出 中國建設銀行股份有限公司文化要素及表述語 (試行) ,明確了建設銀行整體的戰略定位、文化理念和價值取向。願景始終走在中國經

23、濟現代化的最前列,成為世界一流銀行。使命為客戶提供更好服務,為股東創造更大價值,為員工搭建廣闊的發展平臺,為社會承擔全面的企業公民責任。核 心 價 值 觀誠實 公正 穩健 創造理念經營理念: 以市場為導向 以客戶為中心服務理念: 客戶至上 注重細節風險理念: 瞭解客戶 理解市場 全員參與 抓住關鍵人才理念: 注重綜合素質 突出業績實效作風勤奮嚴謹 求真務實宣 傳 用 語中國建設銀行 建設現代生活與客戶同發展 與社會共繁榮不斷創新 追求卓越善建者行規範員工職業行為為引導員工踐行企業的核心價值觀和理念,防範道德風險和操作風險,建設銀行在推出文化要素之後,又先後出臺了 中國建設銀行股份有限公司員工行

24、為規範 (試行) 、 中國建設銀行員工職業操守 、中國建設銀行股份有限公司員工合規手冊 (試行) 等一系列行為準則和指引,從職業道德、工作紀律、履職要求、儀錶形象、社會責任、商業禮儀、合規管理、合規操作等方面進行了統一規範。建設銀行各級機構深入開展了相關的宣傳和教育活動,引導員工規範職業行為,提升職業素養,展示職業形象。員工行為規範(試行)職業道德:客戶至上 服務為本 愛行敬業 誠信守約工作紀律:依法合規 遵章守紀 廉潔從業 服從大局 履職要求:勤勉盡責 精通業務 團隊協作 認真執行 控制風險 務實創新儀錶形象:精神飽滿 待人友善 儀錶大方 語言規範 愛護環境社會責任:關心公益 維護安定 回報


26、,實現風險管理有機融入業務流程,前移風險管理關口,提升了風險管控效率和對市場的響應速度。理順市場風險管理機制,進一步厘清了市場風險管理的目標、內容、職責分工和管理流程,調整優化了交易性市場風險限額管理體系。通過擴大操作風險自評估試點,開展業務連續性計劃 (BCM) 、關鍵風險指標體系 (KRI) 建設、關鍵風險點監控、不相容崗位梳理及案件治理等工作,強化了操作風險管理。風險管理技術2007年,建設銀行繼續大力推進巴塞爾新資本協議實施工作,加快風險計量工具和系統建設,對公敞口信用評級項目、零售敞口評分卡開發項目、小企業信用評級項目、信貸資產十二級分類項目、授信風險監測項目已取得階段性進展。在風險

27、組合管理工具創新方面,建設銀行對經濟資本的計量實現了由初級的 “係數法” 向國際上比較先進的 “資產波動法” 的轉變,並在國內同業中率先推出了行業風險限額管理,從而建立了經濟資本、風險限額兩個維度上對資產總量及行業結構進行約束和調整的基本框架。建設銀行實施新資本協議的進程計劃第一階段: 在2010年底成為國內第一批實施新資本協議的銀行;風險識別、計量、監控和報告流程通暢;風險管理體系涵蓋信用風險、市場風險、操作風險、銀行賬戶利率風險 和流動性風險等建設銀行所面臨的重大風險。第二階段: 到2013年底,信用風險、市場風險和操作風險達到高級的計量法標準;有效計量銀行賬戶利率風險,提高流動性風險管理

28、水平;具有風險計量技術的自主研發能力;力爭達到國際先進銀行的風險管理水平;具備跨經濟週期持續穩健經營的能力。 中國建設銀行股份有限公司戰略與管理12利益相關者參與建設銀行高度重視並尊重各利益相關方的關切,通過多種形式和渠道溝通瞭解各方期望,並致力於給予積極回應,兼顧各方利益,實現和諧共贏。相關方名稱溝通方式對建設銀行期望具體要求舉例相關指標政府法律法規、政策指示發佈,國家和各部委、央行會議,專 題 彙 報, 報 表等。不 斷 穩 定 的 成 長, 稅收,就業機會,帶動社會繁榮。創造效益,建設和諧社會、節 約 型 社 會,合 規要求。稅收總額,貸款投放量, 創 造 就 業 機 會數。監管機構法律

29、法規,部門規章、規範性文件,現場檢查,非現場監管,監管通報,監管評級,風險通知,約見會談等。合法,穩健運行,公平競爭,提高競爭力。完 善 公 司 治 理 結 構,依法合規經營,加大金融創新力度,調整業務結構,建立科學的激勵約束機制,提升經營績效,改 善 資 產 質 量,提高抗風險能力,及時披露信息。總資產淨回報率,股本淨回報率,成本收入比,不良貸款率,資本充足率,大額風險集中度,不良貸款撥備覆蓋率。股東臨時報告,定期報告,股東大會,投資者熱線,業績發佈會,路演等。不斷提高公司價值和市值,降低企業風險,保證企業可持續發展,不斷提高盈利能力與核心競爭力,確保國有資產保值、增值。公開披露公司的重要信

30、息,平 等 參 與 的 機 會,對股東利益的保護。利潤,資本回報率,國有資產保值、增值率,資產負債率,所有者權益市值,少數股東權益。客戶網點及電子渠道服務,95533 服 務 熱線,客戶接待日,網上意見反饋,客戶經理上門訪談,座談,聯誼等。提 供 優 質 的 產 品 和 服務,並不斷改進。響應速度,對客戶提供個 性 化、專 業 化 服 務,服務質量,安全穩健運營。客戶滿意度。員工職工代表大會,合理化建議,行長信箱,座談會,征求意見等。不斷提高公司的盈利能力和可持續發展能力,為員工提供更多福利和成長機會。職 業 前 途,發 展 機 會,待遇、和諧的工作環境。員工滿意度,員工流失率,員工培訓的投入

31、。社區社 區 金 融 網 點 服務,金融知識普及與 咨 詢, 文 明 共建,社區公益活動等。促 進 社 區 的 繁 榮 與 和諧。為建設和諧社區投入資源,為當地中小企業和個人客戶提供個性化金融服務。小企業貸款余額,個人消費貸款余額,個人助業貸款余額。公眾和媒體新聞發佈會,積極的 新 聞 報 道 和 宣傳, 定 期 發 佈 報告,依法披露信息等。追求全面協調可持續發展,積極承擔企業社會責任。誠 信, 健 康, 職 業 化,國際化。知名度,美譽度,獲獎情況。2007年企業社會責任報告1314中國建設銀行股份有限公司社會責任業績提升經營水平作為國家控股的大型商業銀行,建設銀行一直致力於企業的可持續發


33、質量持續改善,撥備水平充分。經營效益穩步提高 實現稅前利潤1,008.16億元,比上年增長53.41%;實現淨利潤691.42億元,比上年增長49.27%。主要財務指標表現優異平均資產回報率和平均股東回報率分別達到1.15%和19.50%,較上年分別提高0.23個百分點和4.50個百分點;淨利息收益率為3.18%,比上年拓寬0.39個百分點。公司主要經營業績指標200720062005經營收入 (人民幣百萬元)220,717151,593128,714淨利潤 (人民幣百萬元)69,14246,31947,096總資產 (人民幣百萬元)6,598,1775,448,5114,585,742平均資

34、產回報率(%)1.150.921.11平均股東權益回報率(%)19.5015.0021.59資本充足率(%)12.5812.1113.59不良貸款率(%)2.603.293.84稅費 (企業所得稅+營業稅及附加,人民幣百萬元)44,01128,37515,669於資產負債表日後每股擬派末期現金股息1(人民幣元)0.0650.0920.0151 建設銀行截至2007年12月31日止六個月的現金股息每股0.065元,此外已派發中期現金股息每股0.067元,特別現金股息每股0.072716元。152007年企業社會責任報告支持環境保護建設銀行深知,保護自然環境,實現可持續發展,是地球公民的共同願望,

35、也是義不容辭的責任。建設銀行一方面按照國家宏觀調控要求,積極調整信貸結構,通過推動綠色信貸、利用金融杠杆來實現環保目標;同時,着手開展赤道原則的相關研究。另一方面,在企業日常運轉中倡導資源節約,教育員工增強環保意識,積極參與社區環保行動。綠色信貸實行環保一票否決制建設銀行堅持有保有壓、扶優限劣的信貸政策,在信貸評審中實行環保一票否決制。將環保達標作為客戶准入的基本原則之一,將客戶和建設項目要符合國家節能減排要求作為信貸投放的先決條件。對新開工的高耗能、高污染的客戶或項目實行一票否決。對於環保限批區域內,或列入環保督辦企業名單內的客戶或項目,環保整頓驗收不合格不予信貸支持。嚴格 “雙高” 和 “

36、產能過剩” 行業的信貸管理建設銀行細化並完善了行業信貸准入退出標準,從客戶標準和項目標準兩個維度從嚴控制對高耗能、高污染行業的信貸投放。對於相關行業的貸款投放採取名單制管理:已發佈信貸准入名單的行業,對於名單外企業,原則上不得新發放貸款;尚未發佈信貸准入名單的行業,對於不符合標準的企業,原則上不得新發放貸款。貸款發放後,對貸款項目進行防治污染的跟蹤監督;對已發放的不符合環保規定的貸款予以收回。將准入權限集中到總行及一級分行,設置專門的核准環節,加大執行國家產業政策的力度,有效壓縮了高耗能、高污染行業的存量貸款。截至2007年底,建設銀行高污染和高能耗行業貸款余額占比僅為0.60%,且比年初下降


38、赤道原則的相關研究建設銀行積極借鑒國際活躍銀行開展環保的實踐經驗,認同赤道原則作為行業標準和國際慣例在指引金融機構安排項目融資中所具有的重要作用。2007年,建設銀行組建了專門的工作團隊,着手開展實施赤道原則的可行性研究,完成了 中國建設銀行赤道原則研究報告 。環保行動近年來,建設銀行積極推進數字化辦公系統建設,堅持實施節水節電節能措施,教育和引導員工從節約每一滴水、每一度電、每一張紙開始,儘量減少污染和浪費,減輕對能源和環境的壓力。同時,組織員工積極參與地方政府和社區組織的義務植樹、美化環境等環保行動。綠化蘭州北山建設銀行甘肅省分行於1989年9月承包了蘭州市北山100畝荒山,成立北山林場進

39、行造林綠化。近20年來,分行先後向林場投入資金700多萬元,組織員工發揚 “愚公移山” 精神,移土填溝10萬多立方米,開墾梯田20多畝,完成水系配套管道2,880米,修建蓄水池4個,架設噴頭25個,修水平台30多座,鋪設了自來水管道、架設了電纜和電話線,修建了公路,使林場實現了水、電、路三通。目前,林場種有棗樹、梨樹、蘋果樹等樹木花卉39萬余株,利用山坡地和溝邊地種植苜蓿、沙打旺、檸條等各類植被30畝。2007年,林場超額完成了林業主管部門下達的綠化任務,2008年計劃再栽種樹木2,000棵,擴大綠化面積5畝,努力建設 “春有鮮花夏有蔭,秋有果實冬有青” 的綠色基地。建設銀行河南省分行員工參加

40、義務植樹活動。昔日北山林場荒山禿嶺、寸草不生,圖為建設銀行甘肅省分行員工當年義務植樹勞動場面。綠樹環抱的北山林場一角。172007年企業社會責任報告住房金融服務建設銀行是國內首家開辦住房公積金業務、最早推出個人住房貸款業務的銀行。在見證並參與中國住房制度改革和發展的過程中,建設銀行以優質服務贏得了政府和百姓的認同。 “要買房,到建行” ,已經家喻戶曉、廣為流傳。優先保障個人住房貸款2007年,建設銀行在全年貸款新增從3,700億元壓縮到3,500億元的情況下,優先保障個人住房貸款發放,當年新增998.49 億 元, 增 幅23.33%, 個 人 住 房 貸款余額為5,278.88億元。優化住房

41、公積金金融服務住房公積金制度關係中國百姓的切身利益,承辦住房公積金業務是建設銀行支持房改的使命所趨。目前,建設銀行與全國600多家住房公積金中心 (或分中心) 、1,800多家管理部建立了密切的合作關係,擁有100多萬個住房公積金歸集單位賬戶,為全國3,000多萬職工個人客戶提供住房公積金金融服務。2007年,建設銀行累計向65.54萬戶職工個人發放公積金貸款1,096.19億元,繼續為住房公積金制度發展和百姓安居提供強有力的金融支持。促進民生改善建設銀行致力於圍繞文教衛生、國防建設、百姓住房、個人助學助業、小企業發展、新農村建設等社會關切拓展業務,為促進民生改善提供有力的金融支持。18中國建

42、設銀行股份有限公司社會責任業績 積極嘗試擴大住房公積金制度覆蓋面,增強住房公積金對中低收入家庭的住房保障作用。如在民營經濟較為發達、非公有制企業參加公積金制度保障體系比例較低的地區,開展了非公企業公積金擴面工作;開闢了個體工商戶和自由職業者公積金自願繳存業務等。全方位打造 “存” 、 “取” 、 “查” 公積金的便利服務。在國內率先推廣公積金龍卡聯名卡,推行公積金委託提取還貸和公積金電子渠道服務,加強住房公積金業務與龍卡業務、電子銀行產品的服務整合。截至2007年底,建設銀行已與62家公積金中心簽訂公積金龍卡合作協議,並在北京、天津、長沙、鄭州等全國12個主要城市髮卡超過200萬張。加快研究試

43、點公積金跨行支付的新產品和新服務。通過人民銀行小額支付系統,在青島、浙江、江蘇等地區率先試點辦理住房公積金跨行支付結算業務,避免了公積金繳存單位跨行排隊和送繳,節省在不同銀行辦理的時間和成本。大力拓展住房維修基金業務。截至2007年底,建設銀行已在全國130多個設區城市拓展了住房維修基金業務,打造房地產開發、個人購房、住房資金、物業管理、社區居民服務等業務的一條龍服務。192007年企業社會責任報告20中國建設銀行股份有限公司社會責任業績支持科教文衛、國防事業發展近年來,建設銀行積極開展了 “八一工程” 、 “211高校” 、 “三甲醫院” 等一系列重要項目工程,為發展科教文衛、國防等事業提供

44、有力的金融支持。服務文化教育、醫療衛生事業2007年,建設銀行先後為清華大學、復旦大學、南京大學、廈門大學、北京協和醫院、中國醫學科學院阜外心血管病醫院、上海市第一人民醫院、四川華西醫院等多家知名教育衛生機構提供了個性化金融服務,在傳統結算服務、新型繳費模式、長期信貸支持等方面與客戶建立了合作關係,同時為教師、學生、醫生、患者等個人群體提供優質金融服務。服務國防現代化建設2006年11月,建設銀行正式啟動面向軍隊武警客戶的 “八一工程” ,2007年繼續深入推進,組織了以 “建設現代生活,服務現代國防” 為主題的營銷服務活動,構建了和諧的軍銀、警銀關係。建設銀行服務軍隊武警業務的市場占比由20

45、06年初的5.68%上升到2007年底的11.99%。創新組織架構。建立了適應軍隊垂直管理模式的新型、快速反應的區域性營銷服務團隊。服務軍隊住房制度改革。針對軍隊武警對公及個人資產業務主體的特殊性,優化軍隊武警經濟適用房貸款授信審批等業務流程,建立個性化的個人住房貸款業務的審批辦法和風險控制手段。創新 “八一龍卡” 金融產品。為武警部隊官兵量身定制的理財聯名卡和個人金融服務平臺屬國內首創。建設銀行與中國人民武裝警察部隊舉行 “八一武警龍卡” 發卡儀式武警官兵接受 “八一武警龍卡”212007年企業社會責任報告幫助軍隊武警系統提高資金集約度和財務信息化管理水平。如開發了 “第四軍醫大學數字化校園

46、暨校園一卡通系統” ,幫助其推進以管理信息化為核心的數字化校園和數字化醫院建設;為武警總部等搭建 “專線專網、專門保障” 的資金結算網絡,支持部隊資金集中支付改革。支持小企業成長小企業是拉動我國經濟增長和社會發展的重要力量,是吸納社會就業的重要載體。建設銀行將支持小企業發展作為全行戰略轉型和業務發展的重點,創新小企業業務制度和產品,建立起專業化、標準化的小企業業務經營模式,在改善小企業融資難方面進行了有益探索。2007年新拓展小企業客戶10,841戶,小企業貸款余額達到2,244.77億元。緊密結合國家產業政策,支持小企業走 “專、精、特、新” 的道路,鼓勵支持在國際、國內具有明顯競爭優勢的集

47、群化產業,具有高成長性、科技含量高的成長型和成熟型的特色小企業,增強小企業創新發展能力。為小企業成長打造 “速貸通” 和 “成長之路” 信貸服務品牌。開辦 “速貸通” 和 “成長之路” 業務兩年來,共發放貸款785.4億元,不良率僅為0.35,解決了13,416個小企業融資需求。創新訂單融資、動產融資等供應鏈融資產品,一攬子解決供應鏈上小企業客戶融資需求問題。在國內同業中創新推出了網絡銀行電子商務 “e貸通” 系列產品,有效節約了小企業融資成本及時間。該系列產品首先在浙江地區 (寧波除外) 進行試點,自2007年10月至2008年3月半年運行中已累計發放1.75億元網絡貸款。建設銀行遼寧省錦州


49、05-2007年建設銀行助業貸款余額比較 單位:萬元人民幣年度余額比年初新增2005204,765204,76520062,141,0271,936,26220073,323,1161,182,089下崗失業人員小額擔保貸款建設銀行各級分支機搆從2003年開展下崗失業人員小額擔保貸款業務以來,以高度的社會責任感推進這項政策性強、工作難度大、服務要求高但事關下崗失業人員切身利益和社會穩定的工作,努力為下崗失業人員提供他們所急需的金融服務。建設銀行北京市分行走入校園為學生發放助學貸款建設銀行河北省 滄州分行客戶經理為客戶介紹個人助業貸款建設銀行河北省邯鄲分行柜面員工參加技能競賽232007年企業社

50、會責任報告支持新農村建設建設銀行儘管在為 “三農” 服務方面不具備傳統優勢,卻積極探索,在風險可控的基礎上,以推進現代農業加快發展為重點,大力扶持集約型農業生產、農產品流通及農副產品深加工企業,滿足農村多層次的金融需求。建設銀行還直接向農民發放個人消費貸款。截至2007年底,建設銀行農林牧漁業貸款余額154.57億元;農戶貸款余額達50.21億元,其中,直接向農民發放個人消費貸款39.33億元;農村企業及各類組織貸款3,229.44億元。服務新疆生產建設兵團建設為滿足兵團多元化的服務需求,建設銀行設計開發了應收賬款買方信貸產品,重點支持節水滴灌、農副產品深加工等優勢企業。2007年,建設銀行為

51、兵團發放貸款63.83億元,6年來累計發放貸款258億元。同時為兵團農戶投放小額貸款,6年來累計達13億元,無一筆不良貸款。服務黑龍江大型農墾基地集約化現代化建設為墾區企業提供基本建設、原料收購、貿易周轉等資金支持,提供進口大型農機具代理、信用証、海外代付等多種國際業務。為黑龍江大型農副產品加工型企業提供基本建設、原料收購貸款累計44億余元;為黑龍江大型農貿企業提供周轉資金貸款累計15億元;為支持北大荒集團集約化經營授信40.67億元,並為其上市提供獨家服務等。優化產品服務建設銀行踐行 “以客戶為中心” 的經營理念,不斷拓展金融服務領域,改進服務手段和方式,開發多樣化金融產品,滿足多層次金融需


53、時間整體下降,網點服務水平、客戶滿意度、員工滿意度、網點銷售量明顯提升。截至2007年底,實現功能轉型的零售網點為5,266家,佔零售網點總數的39.16%。工作效率提高30-40%,客戶等候時間下降29%。24中國建設銀行股份有限公司社會責任業績執行產品創新計劃2007年,建設銀行第一次下達了專門的產品創新計劃。截至2007年底,全行共完成創新464項,其中總行完成113項,分行完成351項。目前,在理財產品、中小企業貸款、貿易融資、基金代銷、信貸資產證券化、財務顧問、網上銀行、組合產品等方面的創新產品已產生了顯著的效益。電子商務信貸業務 “e貸通” 系列產品2007年,建設銀行與阿裏巴巴網

54、絡公司合作,引入網絡信用概念,突破傳統業務模式,為電子商務客戶量身定制了電子商務信貸業務 “e貸通” 系列產品,具體包括 “網絡聯貸聯保” 、 “網絡速貸通” 、 “網絡大買家訂單融資” 三大產品,為解決中小企業電子商務客戶因缺乏銀行認可的抵質押擔保要求而面臨的融資困難提供了有效途徑。該系列產品首先在浙江地區 (寧波除外) 進行試點,受到了眾多中小企業的積極關注與參與。理財產品2007年,建設銀行相繼推出新股申購類、開放式基金類、封閉式基金類、私募股權投資類、股票精選類等理財產品,在市場上形成了 “利得盈” 、 “財富” 、 “乾圖理財” 三大理財品牌。“乾圖” 理財產品針對大型優質客戶日益旺

55、盛的資金集約化經營和理財的需求,建設銀行推出了專門服務於公司 (機構) 客戶的 “乾圖” 理財產品,該產品對客戶資金實行專戶管理、專業理財,在考慮客戶風險承受能力前提下,實現客戶資金流動性和收益性的最佳組合,以提高資金的投資效率和投資收益。“財富” 系列產品服務于高端客戶人群對穩健高回報投資項目的需求,建設銀行2007年推出的 “財富” 系列理財產品均為創新產品,包括境內新股申購類信託理財產品、基金類信託理財產品、私募股權類信託理財產品、精選投資類信託理財產品、開放式新股申購類人民幣信託理財產品。該系列理財產品投資風險低、收益回報高。其中, “財富二號” 一期和 “財富三號” 一期在中國信託業

56、協會研究發展部與西南財經大學信託與理財研究所聯合發佈的 “優秀信託產品排行榜” 中獲選為 “創新信託產品” 。“利得盈” 信託理財產品2007年3月,建設銀行改進原有的基於信貸資產的理財產品,推出了分期限組合存量模式 “利得盈”信託理財產品,首次在一期產品中分別發售了46天、87天、160天三個不同到期日、不同到期收益率組合的理財產品,滿足了投資者對理財產品流動性和收益性多樣化的需求,產品發售後僅半個工作日就全部銷售完畢。常規化理財產品3個月債券型產品的常規化發行,真正做到了周周有產品,日日有發行,以滿足客戶隨時購買和提前終止理財產品的需要。信貸資產證券化第二單2007年12月14日,建設銀行

57、在全國銀行間債券市場成功發行 “建元2007-1個人住房抵押貸款支持證券” ,與2005年首單個人住房抵押貸款證券化產品相比較,第二單產品基礎資產配置增加了關注類貸款等新元素,其發行進一步鞏固了建設銀行在中國住房抵押貸款證券化市場中的領先地位。252007年企業社會責任報告26中國建設銀行股份有限公司社會責任業績拓展新的服務渠道建設銀行大力推動自助銀行、網上銀行、電話銀行和手機銀行等新型服務渠道的建設。截至2007年底,建設銀行自助銀行達到2,729家,可處理現金的自助設備 (ATM、存款機、一體機等) 達23,857多台,自助銀行可實現的交易種類達100余種。2007年,全行電子銀行客戶數累

58、計達到7,069.75萬戶,較上年增長63.32%;交易量為18.99億筆,較上年增長134.16%;交易額達到119.94萬億元,較上年增長290.81%。2007年5月,建設銀行率先把借記卡單日取款限額調整到2萬元,獲得媒體和公眾的一致好評。與客戶建立戰略合作關係多年來,建設銀行憑借優質的金融服務,與國內眾多大型企業集團及中國經濟戰略性行業的主導企業建立了長期、穩定的戰略合作關係。2007年,建設銀行與中國華電集團公司、中國水利水電建設集團、中國鋁業公司等多家行業龍頭企業簽訂了銀企戰略合作協議,進一步確立了深層次、寬領域、可持續的戰略合作關係。傾聽客戶之聲客戶投訴及處理建設銀行建立 “客戶

59、之聲” 調查制度,根據客戶的評價和意見改進服務和業務流程,並通過95533電話及網站留言等方式全天候實時受理全行客戶投訴。2007年,本行95533客戶服務中心共受理客戶投訴21,081件,其中電話受理2,281件,網站受理18,800件,均做出妥善處理。建設銀行採取多項措施提高客戶投訴處理水平,包括在行內信息網站定期發佈95533受理的典型客戶投訴,為改進服務管理提供思路;建立全行客戶服務質量按月通報制度,加強服務督促;推廣2006年與美國銀行合作的CALL-CENTRE改進項目成果,提高95533的服務效率和質量;規範客戶投訴的處理流程等。建設銀行江蘇省鎮江分行轉型網點 “旗艦店” 員工向

60、客戶介紹產品和服務建設銀行廣東省分行個人貸款中心員工接待客戶272007年企業社會責任報告95533客戶投訴的處理流程第一步:95533客戶服務中心客服代表受理客戶投訴。受理客戶投訴時,客服代表會對客戶耐心解釋,儘量在線解決問題;第二步:如不能在線解決,由客服代表記錄 中國建設銀行客戶投訴聯繫書 ,並轉交有關負責人。對本部門內能夠解決的問題,會在1個工作日內解決並回復客戶;第三步:如需轉交業務主管部門和分支機搆協調處理的,業務主管部門和分支機搆會在3個工作日內回復客戶,並將處理結果書面反饋95533客戶服務中心;第四步:涉及跨行投訴的,由受理客戶投訴分行95533客戶服務中心協調處理,並在5個

61、工作日內處理完成;第五步:超過協調時限未果的,由受理客戶投訴分行95533客戶服務中心將投訴事項轉交上級行,由上級行負責協調處理,並在3個工作日內將處理結果書面反饋受理行95533客戶服務中心,再由受理分行95533客戶服務中心回復客戶。推行 “客戶接待日” 制度建設銀行於2007年12月29日正式出台 “客戶接待日” 制度,規定將每月第二周的第一個工作日作為“客戶接待日” ,由總行及各一級分行、二級分行行領導面對面接待客戶,聆聽客戶需求,解答疑難問題,聽取客戶的意見和建議。該項制度於2008年1月開始在全行實施,客戶反映良好。客戶滿意度調查建設銀行自2006年開始實施全行客戶之聲項目1代,從

62、客戶細分、產品、區域、渠道等維度對客戶滿意度進行分析和研究,旨在建立全行 “個人業務客戶滿意度晴雨錶” ,並初步分析對公業務的客戶滿意度狀態,為改進客戶服務、業務管理及相關流程等提供決策依據。目前,建設銀行已建成並開始運行全行性客戶滿意度晴雨錶調查監測體系,開展了網點轉型、呼叫中心、個貸中心、小企業金融服務模式、網上銀行等多個流程優化專項客戶之聲工作。建設銀行正在致力於成為持續傾聽客戶心聲的 “傾聽的銀行” ,不斷改進客戶服務水平的 “行動的銀行” 。建設銀行河北省分行與軍隊官兵舉行雙擁共建聯誼會建設銀行北京分行員工為客戶提供上門服務28中國建設銀行股份有限公司社會責任業績關注員工成長建設銀行

63、將員工視為企業最寶貴的財富,尊重員工、關愛員工、發展員工,致力於為員工搭建廣闊的發展平臺,幫助員工與企業共同成長。員工僱傭員工基本構成全行用工總量298,868人,男女比例為1.08:1,少數民族占4.6。200720062005就業員工 (單位:人)298,868297,506300,288男性員工占比51.8%52.3%52.5%女性員工占比48.2%47.7%47.5%員工福利建設銀行員工福利主要包括兩部分:一是按照國家相關規定建立的社會保險和住房公積金,二是企業福利。社會保險和住房公積金:根據國家社會保險制度和住房公積金制度相關規定,建設銀行為勞動合同制員工繳納了基本養老保險、基本醫療

64、保險、失業保險、工傷保險、生育保險和住房公積金。企業福利:全行建立了企業年金、補充醫療保險和住房補貼三項員工福利制度,完善了員工養老、醫療、住房保障。適應員工多元化需求,探索實施了彈性福利計劃。各分支機搆結合自身情況和地方政府的政策,還建立了諸如獨子補貼、托兒補貼、帶薪休假等員工福利。困難員工救助建設銀行于2005年成立了 “職工互助基金” 。2007年對全行困難員工 (包括離退休和分流人員、家屬)約9,000人次實施了生活幫扶、子女上學、醫療救助和受災補助等多項救助,發放救助款1,600多萬元。員工參與建設銀行於2005年11月在全國金融系統率先建立了職工代表大會制度,凡是關係到全行發展戰略


66、任報告培訓與激勵培訓情況2007年,建設銀行不斷加大培訓資源的投入,拓寬培訓渠道,創新培訓模式,配合業務快速發展的需要,加強對一線員工的培訓,組織基層機構負責人輪訓,推進境外培訓,逐步加大優秀基層員工赴香港培訓的力度,鼓勵員工自主參加學歷教育,培訓的覆蓋面、質量大幅度提高。2007年建設銀行員工培訓一覽表統計項目2007年2006年增長率培訓期數 (單位:期)7,4007,0714.65%培訓人次 (單位:萬人次)43.1940.227.38%核心人才的培育與管理2007年,建設銀行進一步明確了加強核心人才工作的思路,逐步建立覆蓋各層級、各關鍵崗位的核心人才隊伍,制定核心人才的培養發展計劃,加

67、大對核心人才的培訓和獎勵力度。通過與境內外著名高校和戰略投資者合作,加強對關鍵崗位核心人才的國際化和專業化培養。選派優秀員工參加金融理財師、金融風險管理師等國際認證;選派優秀業務骨幹到海外分行工作,培養國際化複合人才。突出貢獻獎“中國建設銀行突出貢獻獎” 是建設銀行為員工設立的最高級別的榮譽稱號,重點表彰獎勵有突出貢獻的高層次、高技能的核心人才和為本行創造巨大價值的優秀員工。2007年,建設銀行對在經營管理、基層營銷服務等方面做出突出貢獻的16名員工授予了 “中國建設銀行突出貢獻獎” ,受表彰的員工獲得了1020萬元人民幣不等的獎金。謝渡揚監事長會見第六屆中國建設銀行十大傑出青年30中國建設銀

68、行股份有限公司社會責任業績員工持股激勵計劃為吸引、激勵和留住優秀人才,增強員工隊伍的凝聚力、向心力和歸屬感,持續促進價值創造,建設銀行於2007年實施了首期員工持股計劃。“員工之聲” 和 “領導力開發” 項目與美國銀行合作,在全行範圍內實施員工之聲項目,建立企業與員工之間暢通的溝通平臺;運用六西格瑪項目管理方法,探索標準化的領導力開發方法和工具,建立了 “高級管理人員領導力素質模型” ,開發了客戶經理、資金交易員、項目經理等關鍵崗位 “成功要素 表” ,並在總行本部及相關分行試點實施“新入職協助計劃” 。2007年企業社會責任報告建設銀行湖北省分行員工在聯歡會上演出 節日歡歌2007年建設銀行


70、的應對規範突發事件應急處置預案和應急體系建設。建設銀行針對金融刑事案件的協查、安全事故的預防和處置、火災等突發事件的處置,制定了應急管理辦法和預案。自2005年以來,還制定了 中國建設銀行突發事件應急預案 和 中國建設銀行自然災害應急處置預案 ,成立了應急處置領導小組,加強了全行的應急組織體系建設。反腐倡廉相關規定中國建設銀行領導人員廉潔從業若干規定 (2002年)中國建設銀行工作人員違規行為處理辦法 (2004年)中國建設銀行黨委廉潔自律六項要求 (2005年)中國建設銀行領導人員問責辦法 (2006年)關於進一步節約從簡做好內部接待工作的通知(2006年)中國建設銀行領導人員廉潔合規從業八

71、項要求(2007年)中國建設銀行黨委廉潔自律六項要求一、 上級機構到下級機構從事公務活動要輕車簡從。下級機構領導不到機場、車站、碼頭迎送。食宿從簡,內部實行工作餐制度。二、 上下級機構及工作人員之間不得接收或贈送禮金、禮品、土特產品。三、 行內部門之間不得使用公款相互宴請和贈送禮品。行內會議不得贈送紀念品。四、 嚴格區分公事與私事。不得在公務活動中參雜私人感情和利益因素。非分管領導不得干預集中採購事項。五、 公 務 和 經 營 活 動 中,實 行 親 友 回 避 制 度,不 能 回 避的,個人要聲明,所在單位要登記。六、 嚴格保守本行秘密,不得將內部信息用於為個人謀取私利。開展應急演練建設銀行

72、每年都針對火災等安全事故,詐騙、搶劫、盜竊、群體性事件等社會 安 全 事 件 組 織 預 案 演 練。2007年,組織總行員工開展了消防演練。協助公安部和銀監會編寫了 銀行業安全保衛工作實務 中的 “銀行突發事件應急處置” 等內容。推動誠信建設建設銀行在依法合規經營的同時,發揮銀行的信用中介職能和金融服務職能,積極推動誠信體系建設,為打造良好的社會信用和法制環境而努力。反腐倡廉嚴格制度規定建 設 銀 行 從 經 營 管 理、人 事 管 理、公共財物使用管理、工程招標和物品採購管理、經商辦企業、組織紀律乃至出差時的公務接待、迎來送往等方面,對全行各級領導人員廉潔合規從業、預防腐敗作出了嚴格規定,

73、並對其在履行崗位職責過程中違反廉潔從業規定、用人失察失誤、違背誠信原則、違反勤勉義務等方面存在的重大問題進行問責。32中國建設銀行股份有限公司社會責任業績開展專題教育建設銀行堅持實行廉潔從業專題學習制度和 “遵法守規教育每月一課” 制度,把反腐倡廉教育納入各類人員學習和培訓的重要內容,利用培訓、考察、演講、報告會、參觀監獄等教育形式和內部刊物、視頻、網頁等宣傳載體開展教育宣傳,營造廉潔合規從業文化氛圍。以各級領導班子、領導人員和經營管理重要業務崗位人員為重點教育對象,重點開展了權力觀、遵守黨規黨紀、金融政策法規、經營管理規章制度、廉潔合規從業規範、金融從業道德等方面的專題教育,提高領導人員的務

74、實、清廉、合規、守紀意識。2007年建設銀行各級機構共舉辦先進典型報告會1,700多場次,受教育員工超過30萬人次;舉辦各種形式的反面典型現身說法1,200多場次,受教育員工近26萬人次。編寫了 代價 中國建設銀行警示教育案例 ,下發全行員工人手一冊。治理商業賄賂建設銀行按照中央和銀監會關於開展治理商業賄賂專項工作的統一部署,深入抓好商業賄賂專項治理,認真整改和糾正經營管理中違反商業道德和市場規則的不正當交易行為,着力推進誠信體系建設,構建治理商業賄賂的長效機制。反洗錢完善相關制度根據國家 反洗錢法 和人民銀行相關制度,及時調整、修訂、頒發了反洗錢相關內控制度。配備專門機構和人員在合規部專門設

75、立了反洗錢處負責反洗錢工作,協助有關機關開展多起反洗錢專項調查和核查。認真履行職責開發了反洗錢 “黑名單” 檢索系統、反洗錢可疑交易監測系統,完善了反洗錢大額交易報告系統。按照相關規定及時向中國反洗錢監測分析中心報告大額交易和可疑交易報告。在加強跨境資金流動監管等方面主動協助政府有關部門承擔了試點及配合工作。參與社會征信體系建設維護征信信息數據庫及時更新信息,建設、完善企業信用信息基礎數據庫和個人信用信息基礎數據庫。負責維護數據,按照T+1和每月的頻度定時向人民銀行報送信用數據,糾正錯誤數據和處理客戶異議。運用經濟杠杆引導企業、個人恪守信用對於有不良信用記錄的客戶,拒絕發放貸款;對於信用度良好

76、的企業或個人,則簡化貸款手續,實行優惠利率。幫助企業建立健全現代企業制度幫助規範和完善企業財務規章制度,提升企業資信等級,參與企業股份制改革和上市。332007年企業社會責任報告投身公益事業多年來,建設銀行始終積極投身各項公益事業,並將支持教育事業、關心青少年成長、保護民族傳統文化、搶險救災、扶貧濟困等作為履行企業社會責任的一項戰略目標。2007年建設銀行開展的主要公益活動2007年,建設銀行進一步加大了對社會公益事業的支持力度,全年共實施了14個公益項目,投入項目總金額約2.26億元;該年度實際捐贈支出總額為1.97億元。啟動 “中國貧困英模母親建設銀行資助計劃”向中國婦女發展基金會捐贈5,

77、000萬元,專項資助因公犧牲、傷殘以及在一線表現突出但家庭經濟困難的軍人、武警、公安幹警的妻子和母親。該計劃連續實施10年,每年資助1,800名貧困母親每人2,500 5,000元,共計資助1.8萬人次。“中國貧困英模母親建設銀行資助計劃” 啟動儀式34中國建設銀行股份有限公司社會責任業績啟動 “建設未來 中國建設銀行資助貧困高中生成長計劃”向中國教育發展基金會捐款1.2億元,專項資助全國特別是中西部地區普通高中家庭經濟困難學生。該計劃連續實施6年,每年資助13,000多名貧困高中生每人1,500元,總計資助貧困學生近8萬人次。2007年12月中旬已完成第一批資助款項的發放工作。 支持 “中國

78、延安精神研究會” 的相關研究工作向中國延安精神研究會捐款200萬元,專項資助 “一史兩志” (即黨中央在延安十三年的歷史和延安19351948年的地方志,陝甘寧邊區19351948年的地方志) 資料庫建設和相關課題研究。贊助2007世界夏季特殊奧運會以運動會合作伙伴贊助商的身份,開展了 “用行動關愛社會” 系列公益活動,發動建行員工在近3,000個網點為特奧會進行宣傳和募捐,與智障兒童特殊學校開展共建活動,支持智障人士體育事業的發展。“建設未來中國建設銀行資助貧困高中生成長計劃” 啟動儀式352007年企業社會責任報告設立 “中國建設銀行清華講席教授基金”向清華大學經濟管理學院捐款300萬美元

79、設立專項基金,用於聘請國際知名學者作為清華大學講席教授,支持清華大學提高教育水平。設立 “情系西藏 中國建設銀行與中國建投獎 (助) 學金”向中國扶貧基金會捐款350萬元,用於資助西藏地區貧困大學生和高中生完成學業。捐建希望小學向中國青少年發展基金會捐款53萬元,用於建設希望小學、為希望小學配備體育器材和圖書室,資助開展教師培訓等。捐贈 “藍飄帶基金”向中國紅十字基金會捐贈100萬元作為 “藍飄帶基金” 的首筆捐款和啟動資金,用於對 “海軍總醫院重症兒童研究治療中心” 收治的貧困重症兒童提供醫療費用資助。支持香港青年就業網絡建設向香港公益金捐贈720,880港元,用於支持香港青年就業網絡建設,

80、為當地青年就業提供幫助。水災救助向安徽、重慶水災地區各捐款100萬元,總計200萬元,用於幫助災區重建。支持 “中國村落工程” 扶貧行動向中國扶貧開發協會捐贈電腦334台,用於支持 “中國村落工程” 扶貧行動。贊助第十屆北京國際音樂節以首席贊助商的身份與北京國際音樂節藝術基金會合作,出資200萬元協助其舉辦第十屆北京國際音樂節,促進北京文化事業的發展和與世界文化的交流。36中國建設銀行股份有限公司社會責任業績支持北京凱恩克勞斯經濟研究基金會研究工作向北京凱恩克勞斯經濟研究基金會捐款200萬元,用於支持開展與中國經濟發展相關的經濟政策和公共政策問題的繼續教育、高級培訓和合作研究項目。支持上海世界

81、博覽會中國館建設向中國2010年上海世界博覽會組織委員會捐款200萬元,用於世博會中國館的建設。建設銀行分支機搆支持公益情況據不完全統計,2007年建設銀行分支機搆開展了400多個公益活動或項目,涉及支持教育、環保、扶貧、新農村建設、搶險救災、資助困難群體等內容,捐贈資金2,600多萬元。員工志願者為引導員工積極承擔社會責任,建設銀行在 員工行為規範 中明確要求員工 “支持公益事業,關心弱勢群體,主動奉獻愛心” 。2007年,建設銀行的員工踴躍捐款、捐物,以幫助困難群體、支持災區重建,其中,為資助貧困高中生捐款總額達1,586萬元。同時,不少員工還作為志願者積極參與各類公益活動,比如無償獻血,

82、支持特奧,與受資助學生進行結對幫扶等等,展示了建設銀行員工的良好風貌,為社會公益做出了貢獻。服務特奧的建行志願者2007年10月,第12屆世界夏季特殊奧林匹克運動會在上海舉行。作為本次特奧會唯一的金融合作伙伴,建設銀行向運動會提供了各項金融服務,並組織了12個城市近3000個網點的千余名員工志願者參與相關宣傳活動,呼籲全社會共同關愛和理解智障人士。在特奧會舉辦地上海,來自建設銀行上海市分行的200多名志願者積極參與了 “向特奧指定服務賓館提供上門金融服務” 、“青年志願者走進社區奉獻關愛” 、“為特奧運動員送祝福” 、 “志願者迎特奧火炬跑” 、 “特奧彩虹嘉年華大型路演” 等多項活動。他們全

83、情投入、全心奉獻,用行動向社會展示了建行全力支持特奧會、為特奧提供一流服務、承擔企業社會責任的良好形象。圖為沈曉理 (右一) 在獻血無償獻血的英雄沈曉理沈曉理是建設銀行廣東湛江市分行員工,他自1998年開始無償獻血,至今已堅持十年,總共 無 償 獻 血15,000毫 升,累 計75次。目 前,沈曉理不僅是 “情暖湛江” 志願者服務隊成員,也是湛江市紅十字無償獻血志願工作者服務隊成員及獻血志願者招募分隊隊長。他利用業余時間到企業和公共場所舉辦講座,派發獻血知識宣傳單,進行無償獻血宣傳,動員了近千人去獻血,十年內參加無償獻血志願活動時間累計近2,000小時。372007年企業社會責任報告38中國建

84、設銀行股份有限公司實踐案例展示案例之一:實施 “建設未來 中國建設銀行資助貧困高中生成長計劃”資助貧困學生 就是資助未來2007年9月21日,中國建設銀行與中國教育發展基金會在北京簽署協議,由建設銀行捐贈1.2億元人民幣設立專項基金,共同啟動了 “建設未來 中國建設銀行資助貧困高中生成長計劃” (以下簡稱 “成長計劃” ) 。“成長計劃” 的主要內容是:建設銀行出資1.2億元,資助全國特別是中西部地區的普通高中成績優良、家庭經濟困難的學生,幫助他們順利完成高中學業,成長成才。該計劃連續實施6年,每年資助13,300多名貧困高中生每人1,500元,總計資助近8萬人次。據公開披露的信息,這是迄今為

85、止國內銀行業支持教育等公益事業金額最大的一次單筆捐款。建設銀行之所以選擇資助貧困高中生,是因為目前該群體在接受社會資助方面基本上還是空白。有調查數據表明,截至2006年,我國中西部82.3%的貧困高中生家庭是因 “高中致貧” ,有20的貧困高中生面臨輟學。建設銀行希望通過自己的捐助之舉,喚起社會各界共同關注這些暫時處於困難中的莘莘學子,幫助他們順利成長為社會的有用之才。建設銀行的善舉得到了教育主管部門、受資助學校教師、學生、家長以及社會各界的好評。為了早日將資助款項送達受資助學生的手中,建設銀行各級分支機搆迅速行動,在短短1個月時間內,會同當地教育部門共同選定了545所受資助學校,並督促學校迅

86、速開展資助學生申報工作。中國教育發展基金會嚴格審定了每一份申報材料,於11月下旬與建設銀行共同確定了全國13,300多名受資助貧困高中生的名單。建設銀行北京市分行為 “成長計劃” 的實施提供專項賬戶服務,克服了時間緊、任務重的困難,於2007年12月中旬完成了第一批資助款項的發放工作。建設銀行將 “成長計劃” 不僅看作是一項資助困難學生的計劃,還以之為載體,教育引導員工奉獻愛心、培育社會責任意識。本次捐贈的1.2億元中,有1,200萬元來自建設銀行員工的自願捐款。在建設銀行團委、工會等群眾組織的倡議下,全行30多萬員工踴躍捐獻,總計捐款達1,586萬元,超出計劃386萬元。在 “成長計劃” 實

87、施的六年中,建設銀行將每年開展一次 “成長先鋒” 評選活動,評選並獎勵受資助學生中的出類拔萃者。建設銀行各級機構還將組織員工志願者,與受資助學校和受資助學生開展結對活動,在交流互動中實現共同成長。392007年企業社會責任報告392007年企業社會責任報告實踐案例展示40中國建設銀行股份有限公司實踐案例展示實踐案例展示案例之二:實施 “中國貧困英模母親 中國建設銀行資助計劃”情系貧困英模母親支持國防公安建設為了繼承中華民族崇尚英模、英烈的優良傳統,增強全社會關愛英模、英烈遺屬的意識,幫助英模、英烈遺屬減輕家庭經濟負擔、改善生活條件,中國建設銀行向中國婦女發展基金會捐資5,000萬元,實施 “中

88、國貧困英模母親建設銀行資助計劃” ,專項資助因公犧牲、因公致殘或工作表現突出且生活困難的現役軍人、武警、公安幹警的妻子或母親。從2007年至2016年,資助計劃每年撥出500萬元資金,資助1,600個因公致殘或在一線工作表現突出且生活困難的英模妻子或母親生活補貼2500元人,資助200個因公犧牲的英烈遺屬生活補貼5,000元人,每年資助約1,800人,10年總計資助約1.8萬人次。2007年11月22日,建設銀行與中國婦女發展基金會在人民大會堂簽署捐贈協議,啟動 “中國貧困英模母親建設銀行資助計劃” 。來自公安部、中國人民解放軍總政治部、武警部隊政治部、全國婦聯和建設銀行等有關方面的領導共同出

89、席了簽約和啟動儀式。儀式上,全國人大常委會副委員長、全國婦聯主席顧秀蓮發表了重要講話,高度肯定了建設銀行改革發展取得的突出成績以及此次慷慨捐贈的善舉。她說, “中國貧困英模母親建設銀行資助計劃” 為社會各界關注英烈、英模搭建了一個非常好的愛心平台,希望英烈、英模的家屬們借助這個平台從困難中走出來、站起來,自強不息,用自己的力量改善自己的生活。與會領導向第一批英模母親代表發放了資助金。被追授為全國公安系統一級英雄模範的原黑龍江省嫩江縣伊拉哈派出所所長靳鵬裏的妻子葛紅在發言中說,建設銀行和社會各界的關心和關愛,讓她真切感受到為人民公安事業所作出的付出和奉獻是值得的,身為英模的妻子,倍感欣慰和自豪。

90、截至目前,資助計劃第一批資助金已經發放。建設銀行山西省分行、甘肅省分行及新疆自治區分行是第一批啟動此項資助計劃的分支機搆。分行有關領導和員工志願者積極行動起來,看望、慰問當地的英模母親或妻子,與英模家庭結成 “一對一” 幫扶關係,為他們提供理財咨詢及農業生產技術上的援助。甘肅省分行還將英模烈士子女納入建設銀行資助貧困高中生的 “成長計劃” ,以幫助他們順利完成學業,成長為社會有用之才。412007年企業社會責任報告案例之二412007年企業社會責任報告實踐案例展示42中國建設銀行股份有限公司實踐案例展示實踐案例展示案例之三:雪災救助危難時刻挺身而出竭盡全力支援搶險救災2008年春節前夕,我國南


92、南和貴州,建設銀行瞭解到電力系統急需搶險救災資金,及時啟動了信貸 “綠色通道” ,緊急抽調貸款規模,連夜進行項目評估,加快額度授信、貸款審批和發放速度,在依法合規的前提下,發放了15.4億元專項抗災貸款,用於電力公司搶修電網、採購電煤。建設銀行提出 “急客戶之所急,把服務送到一線” 的口號,走訪慰問受災客戶,現場瞭解服務需求,為災區客戶和群眾排憂解難。例如,廣東肇慶分行接到鐵路部門需要15萬元零鈔辦理旅客退票的求援後,緊急動員所屬所有網點收集清點庫存零鈔,很多員工把自己過年用的新零鈔也拿了出來。1個小時內湊齊15萬元應急零鈔,協助鐵路部門為2,000多名滯留旅客順利辦理了退票手續。432007

93、年企業社會責任報告案例之三432007年企業社會責任報告實踐案例展示44中國建設銀行股份有限公司44中國建設銀行股份有限公司實踐案例展示實踐案例展示案例之四:舉辦 “建行杯 中國家庭理財教育” 活動心系百姓理財 構建和諧家庭隨着資本市場持續活躍,個人理財逐漸成為社會熱點,吸引越來越多家庭的關注。為了幫助普通百姓樹立健康的理財觀念,掌握科學的理財知識,建設銀行聯合全國婦聯於2006年啟動了 “建行杯 中國家庭理財教育” 活動,向廣大家庭普及理財知識,幫助構建更加穩定、向上、和諧、富裕的小康家庭。2007年, “建行杯 中國家庭理財教育” 活動進入第二階段,活動範圍覆蓋了北京、河南、陝西、河北、江

94、蘇、大連、湖北、湖南、福建、廣東、浙江、黑龍江、深圳、雲南、四川等省市。建設銀行先後舉辦了70場 “家庭理財教育” 流動課堂,參與總人數達7,000人次。為保證科學理財知識和觀念在客戶中充分傳播,建設銀行與婦聯合作,發放了100萬冊通俗易懂、圖文並茂的 “建行杯中國家庭理財教育” 知識宣傳冊 ,受到客戶和大眾的歡迎。452007年企業社會責任報告452007年企業社會責任報告實踐案例展示少數民族音樂是我國民族藝術寶庫的瑰寶,不僅飽含了少數民族同胞們對大自然的深厚感情,也充分展現了我國少數民族獨特的藝術魅力。但是,在流行音樂的衝擊下,少數民族音樂因為缺少支持,其發展越來越緩慢。從事民族音樂研究的


96、廣播電視藝術團一行44人作為中國大陸唯一的一支參賽團隊,參加了歐洲五大合唱藝術節之一的圖爾國際合唱節,他們用心靈和生命的吟唱贏得了聽眾和評委的青睞,在參賽的23支代表隊中奪得混聲合唱銀獎 (金獎空缺) 、自由式演唱銀獎以及合唱節首次設立的唯一的傳統音樂大獎。在挪威王國舉行的第二屆中國文化節上,藝術團盡情展現蒙古民族音樂的魅力,讓世界傾聽到了來自中國草原的美妙歌聲。建設銀行資助民族藝術發展所展示出來的文化品位和責任感也贏得了國內外的一致好評。案例之五:支持內蒙古民族音樂的研究與發展給美妙的歌聲插上飛翔的翅膀46中國建設銀行股份有限公司社會認可與反饋榮譽獎項2007年,建設銀行各項業務繼續快速健康

97、發展,得到監管機構、境內外媒體及相關機構的高度認可。建設銀行在英國 銀行家 雜誌公佈的世界銀行1000強中列第14位;被美國 福布斯 雜誌評為全球上市公司2000強第69位;被英國 金融時報 雜誌評為 “全球500強” 第35位。據不完全統計,建設銀行於2007年共獲得五十余家媒體和機構頒發的各類獎項 (含排名) 82項。建設銀行所獲主要獎項及排名、評級情況一覽品牌形象類2008年2月,榮獲 財資 雜誌 “中國最佳託管人獎” 。2007年12月,榮獲 環球金融 雜誌 “最佳貿易融資提供商獎” 、 “最佳抵押貸款銀行獎”及 “最佳個人銀行獎” 。2007年12月,榮獲 21世紀經濟報道 “最佳投

98、資回報獎” 和 “2007年度銀行家大獎” 。2007年11月,榮獲 財資 雜誌 “2007年度最佳銀行” 大獎,這已是建行連續三年獲得此獎項。2007年11月,榮獲 亞洲風險 雜誌頒發的 “中國最佳金融風險管理獎” 。2007年9月,榮獲 銀行家 (內地) 雜誌 “最佳盈利能力獎” 和 “2006中國商業銀行競爭力(財務評價) ” 第三名。2007年6月,榮獲 亞洲金融 “亞洲最佳公司2007 中國最佳投資者關係獎” 。2007年5月,榮獲 資本 雜誌 “第二屆資本中國傑出企業成就獎 資本中國傑出銀行”獎。2007年4月,在 財資 雜誌 “2007年度最佳公司治理企業” 評選中獲得 “200

99、7年度財資最佳公司治理企業” 稱號。 2007年3月,榮獲 環球金融 雜誌 “2007年度亞洲最佳新興市場銀行獎 中國最佳銀行獎” 。產品和服務類2008年1月,在 歐洲貨幣 雜誌2008年度個人銀行與財富管理調查中榮獲 “中國最佳房地產投資獎” 。2007年9月,榮獲 亞洲銀行與金融 雜誌頒發的 “最佳零售銀行” 獎。2007年7月,榮獲美國專業媒體聯盟 (LACP) 頒發的 “LACP年報獎金獎” 。2007年6月,榮獲新加坡 亞洲銀行家 雜誌頒發的 “中國房屋按揭貸款成就獎” 。2007年3月,在中國銀監會下發的 中國銀監會關於表彰2006年全國銀行業金融機構小企業貸款工作先進單位和先進

100、個人的決定 中,被評為 “2006年全國銀行業金融機構小企業貸款工作先進單位” 。2007年1月,萬事達卡國際組織授予建行信用卡為 “年度最佳產品設計獎” , “年度最佳聯名卡” 及 “年度最佳商務卡” 。472007年企業社會責任報告社會認可與反饋社會責任類2008年1月,在 中國新聞週刊 和中國紅十字基金會聯合主辦的第三屆 “中國企業社會責任國際論壇” 上,榮獲 “2007最具責任感企業” 獎,這是建行連續兩年獲得此獎項。2008年1月,被中國扶貧基金會授予 “2007中國扶貧公益家 (單位) ” 榮譽稱號。2007年12月,榮獲香港上市公司公會和浸會大學工商管理學院頒發的 “企業社會責任

101、獎” ,是在港上市的中外公司中唯一獲此殊榮的企業。2007年12月,榮獲中共中央黨校學習時報社等機構聯合頒發的 “2007年度中華社會責任獎” 。2007年12月,榮獲中國扶貧基金會、國家廣播電影電視總局電影頻道節目中心 “光影星播客溫暖基金”2007年度愛心合作單位稱號。2007年11月,榮獲全國婦聯和中國婦女發展基金會頒發的 “中國婦女慈善企業” 稱號。2007年9月,榮獲新華網頒發的 “企業社會責任貢獻獎” 。2007年6月,榮獲香港公益金頒發的 “公益鑽石獎” 。2007年2月,榮獲中國兒童少年基金會 “最佳熱愛兒童愛心單位” 榮譽稱號,建設銀行個人金融部15位員工被授予 “最佳愛心大

102、使之星” 榮譽稱號。排名情況2007年11月,在 亞洲金融 雜誌公佈的依據2004至2006年累計利潤編製的 “FA100” 排名中列第5位。FORTUNEGLOBAL 5002007年7月,在 財富 “財富全球500強” 中名列第230位。2007年7月,在 亞洲週刊 “亞洲銀行300排行” 中名列第4位、 “亞洲資產回報率最高的銀行” 第16位、 “亞洲客戶貸款最大的銀行” 第5位。2007年6月,在英國 銀行家 雜誌公佈的 “中國銀行100強” 一級資本排名中名列第3位,在 “世界銀行1000強” 一級資本排名中名列第14位。2007年6月,在英國 金融時報 “2007金融時報全球500

103、強” 中名列第35位。2007年3月,在 福布斯 公佈的 “2007年全球上市公司2000強” 排行榜中名列第69位。評級情況2007年12月,標準普爾最新評級結果:外幣長期交易對手評級為A-,外幣短期交易對手評級A-2,長期交易對手評級展望為穩定。2007年11月,惠譽國際評級最新評級結果:長期發行人違約評級為A,短期發行人違約評級為F1,支持底線評級為A,評級前景為穩定。2007年8月,穆迪投資服務公司最新評級結果:長期信用評級為A1,短期信用評級為P-1,財務實力評級D-,評級展望為正面。48中國建設銀行股份有限公司社會認可與反饋社會認可與反饋各方評價“中國建設銀行作為國內著名的大型銀行

104、,在企業的成長壯大中不斷地完善自身的建設,目前股票市值已位居世界十大銀行的第二位,並且始終保持穩健發展,經營成果顯著,成為亞洲最賺錢的銀行,這是中國改革開放的成果,我為此感到非常的高興和欣慰。希望建設銀行繼續深入改革,發展得越來越好,為國家積累更多的財富,為社會公益事業做出更多的貢獻。 ” 全國人大常委會副委員長、全國婦聯主席 顧秀蓮492007年企業社會責任報告社會認可與反饋“以這樣的捐贈力度來資助家庭貧困學生,從中國教育發展基金會來看,在全國還是首例,在金融界也是首例。我多次講,這裏固然涉及到錢的問題,但重要的還不在於錢。這關係到我們企業領導對教育的認識,關係到一個企業家的眼界和胸懷,也關

105、係到一個成熟的企業家如何對待和處理好企業與社會、經濟發展與社會、企業發展和社會和諧的關係問題。我認為建行很好地處理了這些關係,他們以實際行動證明了他們對中央提出樹立科學發展觀、構建和諧社會這個戰略思想真領會、真學習、真貫徹。 ” 中國教育發展基金會理事長、原教育部副部長、黨組副書記 張保慶“中國建設銀行在企業社會責任方面做出了世人有目共睹的卓越貢獻,而對我學院的支持,更是對我學院師生的莫大鼓舞,為學子的人生播下了真善美的種子,樹立了做人做事,立身處世的典範。 ” 清華大學經濟管理學院院長 錢穎一“在湖北全省上下奮力抗擊54年以來特大雨雪低溫冰凍災害的關鍵時期,貴行向我災區捐款150萬元救災資金

106、,幫助我省災區困難群眾度過難關。大雪無情人有情。作為50多年來一直熱心公益事業的建設銀行,在此次雪災面前更是以捐資助困這一實際行動履行着自己的社會責任。 ” 湖北省人民政府感謝信“近一個時期,我省遭遇了五十年一遇的雨雪冰凍災害。貴行積極響應黨中央、國務院號召,捐款80萬元支持我省抗災救災,體現了金融企業強烈的社會責任感。 ” 江蘇省人民政府金融工作辦公室感謝信“民族文化的發展離不開社會的支持。以 “善建者行” 為企業最高追求的中國建設銀行始終將自身騰飛與民族復興的使命緊緊結合,忠實履行企業的公民責任。貴行的支持凸顯了企業強烈的社會責任感和不俗的文化品位,使我們得以在更大更廣的範圍展示了內蒙古民

107、族藝術的獨特魅力。 ” 內蒙古自治區廣播電影電視局感謝信“深深地感謝中國建設銀行的叔叔、阿姨們,你們的愛心,點燃了我們對未來的希望,堅定了我們尋夢的決心。這份善舉不僅給我們以物質幫助,更給予我們一種精神的支撐。這雪中送炭般的幫助,令我們感謝不盡。中國建設銀行把愛心聚集,又把愛心傳遞,你們把希望撒在窮鄉僻壤,把愛心獻給貧困學子,叔叔阿姨們就是愛心的使者。 ” 甘肅省榆中縣第一中學受助學生 彭宏獨立鑒證報告50中國建設銀行股份有限公司我們接受中國建設銀行股份有限公司 (以下簡稱 “建設銀行” ) 的委託,審閱建設銀行2007年企業社會責任報告 (以下簡稱 “該報告” ) 。建設銀行董事會對該報告,


109、,詳見該報告第1頁。鑒證準則我們按照國際審計與鑒證準則理事會發布的國際鑒證業務準則第3000號(ISAE 3000):歷史財務信息審計或審閱以外的鑒證業務執行本項目。該準則要求鑒證業務小組成員具有理解和審閱該報告信息所需的相關知識、技能和專業能力,且小組成員需遵守IFAC (國際會計師聯合會) 專業會計師職業操守的要求以保證其獨立性。實施的工作我們的審閱工作包括以下內容: 審閱用於信息管理、內部控制和該報告中定性和定量信息處理的公司層面的系統和流程; 與建設銀行20多個部門的相關人員討論報告中的信息; 收集並審閱內部和外部文件以確定該報告中定性和定量的信息是否有充分的證據作為支持; 通過進行媒

110、體分析和互聯網搜索以獲取報告期間有關建設銀行可持續發展事項的信息。512007年企業社會責任報告獨立鑒證報告在執行鑒證業務的過程中,我們與建設銀行就該報告草稿不同版本之間的變動進行討論,並審閱了該報告的最終版本以確定其已反映我們的發現。結論基於以上工作,除上文所述未包括在本項目範圍內的信息以外,我們沒有注意到該報告中的信息存在不公允的表述。觀察發現在不影響上述結論的情況下,我們提請報告閱讀者注意以下事項: 基於該報告第12頁所述之建設銀行對其利益相關者的需求和關注的理解,該報告突出了建設銀行在中國的社會和社區活動。我們建議建設銀行擴展其履行企業社會責任的方式,使其涵蓋作為一家全球性金融機構所應

111、具有的更加廣泛的內容。我們亦建議建設銀行建立中長期的企業社會責任戰略,該戰略應考慮所有利益相關群體在企業社會責任方面的關注點並包括一個更長期的協助其實施的路線圖。 該報告所載的信息源於建設銀行內部和財務報告系統。我們建議建設銀行在其企業社會責任戰略的基礎上制定更明確的企業社會責任的報告標準,並在今後的報告中採用全球報告倡議組織的報告指引的框架和原則。 我們認同建設銀行已經針對特定行業和高能耗高污染行業以及推動清潔能源技術方面制定了專門的信貸政策。我們建議建設銀行在信貸審批流程中進一步推進採用與社會責任有關的標準,同時考慮在項目融資領域採用赤道原則。畢馬威華振會計師事務所二零零八年五月十四日中國

112、建設銀行股份有限公司52中國建設銀行股份有限公司中國建設銀行股份有限公司 (以下簡稱 “建設銀行” ) 總部設在北京,擁有50余年在中國經營的歷史。建設銀行於2005年10月在香港聯合交易所上市交易 (股票代碼939) ,為內地四大商業銀行中首家實現海外公開上市的銀行;2007年9月成功回歸A股市場,在上海證券交易所掛牌上市 (股票代碼601939) 。截至2007年底,建設銀行市值達2,025億美元,居全球上市銀行第二位。建設銀行主要經營領域包括公司銀行業務、個人銀行業務和資金業務,多種產品和服務 (如基本建設貸款、住房按揭貸款和銀行卡業務等) 在中國銀行業居於市場領先地位。建設銀行擁有廣泛

113、的客戶基礎,並與眾多大型企業集團及中國經濟戰略性行業的主導企業保持銀行業務聯繫。建設銀行營銷網絡覆蓋全國的主要地區。截至2007年底,在中國內地設有分支機搆13,448個,在香港、新加坡、法蘭克福、約翰內斯堡、東京及首爾設有分行,在倫敦、紐約和悉尼設有代表處,擁有員工298,868人。建設銀行的子公司包括中國建設銀行 (亞洲) 股份有限公司、建銀國際 (控股) 有限公司、中德住房儲蓄銀行有限責任公司、建信基金管理有限責任公司和建信金融租賃股份有限公司。52中國建設銀行股份有限公司China Construction Bank Corporation532007年企業社會責任報告Headquar

114、tered in Beijing, China Construction Bank Corporation (“CCB”) has more than 50 years history of operation in China. CCB was listed on the Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (Stock Code: 939) in October 2005, and became the first bank listed overseas among the big four Chinese commercial banks. In S

115、eptember 2007, CCB successfully returned to the A share market and was listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange (Stock Code: 601939). As at the end of 2007, with a market capitalization of USD202.5 billion, CCB ranked as the 2nd largest listed bank in the world.The business of CCB consists of corporate

116、 banking, personal banking and treasury operations, and various products and services such as infrastructure loans, residential mortgage loans and bank card business, enjoying leading market positions in the China Banking Industry. CCB has a broad client base and has developed bank-industry cooperat

117、ion with many major enterprises and leading strategic enterprises in Chinese economy. The operation network of CCB covers major regions nationwide. As at the end of 2007, CCB had a network of 13,448 branches and sub-branches in Mainland China, and maintained overseas branches in Hong Kong, Singapore

118、, Frankfurt, Johannesburg, Tokyo, and Seoul, as well as representative offices in London, New York and Sydney, with a total of 298,868 employees. The subsidiaries of CCB include China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited, CCB International (Holdings) Limited, Sino-German Bausparkasse Co. Ltd

119、, CCB Principal Asset Management Co., Ltd. and CCB Financial Leasing Corporation Limited.53Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007China Construction Bank CorporationVisionProvide better service to our customersCreate higher value to our shareholders Build up broader career path for our associate

120、s Assume full responsibilities as a corporate citizenCorporate Social Responsibility Report 200755ContentsChairman s Statement 56President s Report 58Strategy and Management 61 Development Strategy 61 Corporate Governance 61 Corporate Values and Ethical Guidelines 63 Comprehensive Risk Management 64

121、 Stakeholder Participation 65Social Responsibility Performance 66 Lifting Operating Standards 66 Support for Environmental Protection 67 Contributing to Livelihood Improvement 68 Optimization of Products and Services 73 Staff Development 76 Promote Integrity as a Social Virtue 78 Public Welfare Caus

122、es 81Case Presentation 84Social Recognition and Feedback 89Independent Assurance Report 94About this ReportThis report covers the commitments and performance of China Construction Bank Corporation in the fulfi lment of its economic, social and environmental obligations based on an understanding of P

123、RC conditions and is primarily related to the headquarters of CCB and its branches and sub-branches in China from January 1st 2007 to December 31st 2007 unless otherwise specifi ed.Financial data in this report are from the audited 2007 financial statements of the Bank in accordance with the Interna

124、tional Financial Reporting Standards (“IFRS”). Data from overseas branches, sub-branches and subsidiaries are included and all fi nancial data are reported in Renminbi unless otherwise specifi ed.This report is published both in English and Chinese. If there is any discrepancy, interpretations shoul

125、d be made according to the Chinese version.This report is published both in the printed form and as a PDF electronic document. All PDF electronic files could be downloaded for reading from the CCB website at http:/.02 Contents-82029 01N.indd 5502 Contents-82029 01N.indd 5513/6/2008 15:44:3713/6/2008

126、 15:44:3756China Construction Bank CorporationChairman s Statement2007 was a fruitful year for CCB in terms of reform and development. CCB fully implemented its scientifi c development strategy and followed the States macro-economic control policy, advanced its reform and innovation efforts, further

127、 enhanced its corporate governance structure, and achieved remarkable success in its business. It also improved its employee development and yielded a rich harvest in the undertaking of its corporate social responsibilities.CCB continued to reinforce its internal reforms and to move its strategic tr

128、ansformation forward. All of its business segments gained momentum in their development. CCBs “customer-centric” corporate culture and operations were strengthened. The Bank sped up the re-engineering of its business processes, and pushed ahead the transformation of its retail branches, thereby sign

129、ifi cantly enhanced customer satisfaction. CCB also strengthened its comprehensive risk management, internal control and audit systems, and substantially enhanced its ability to balance risks and returns. The successful return of CCB shares to the A-share market created a new platform for capital op

130、erations, enabling CCB to share returns with both domestic and overseas investors. As a pioneer in the economic development and fi nancial reform of China, CCB formulated a new development strategy framework appropriately and regarded a commitment to social responsibility as one of its important rol

131、es. CCB reviewed and fulfi lled its social responsibilities by defi ning a mission statement: “Provide better service to our customers, create higher value to our shareholders, build up broader career path for our associates and assume full responsibility as a corporate citizen”.During its reform an

132、d development process, CCB has been consciously placing high respect to the concern for the common interest of all of its stakeholders. In 2007, the Banks profi t before tax amounted to RMB100.816 billion. The return on average assets reached 1.15% and return on average equity hit 19.50%, providing

133、high value in returns for shareholders and for the State. By differentiating its clients and specializing its management, the Bank persisted in bringing its fi nancial services infrastructure into full play to offer considerate and convenient fi nancial services to the general public and to effectiv

134、ely relieve the problem of queuing. CCB adhered to its “people-oriented” philosophy by protecting its employees rights, caring for the career development of its employees, and offering assistance to employees in need. New progress was made towards constructing a “harmonious corporation”. CCB emphasi

135、zed the organic combination of its own business development with the promotion of livelihood improvements for the people around us. The Bank actively sought business opportunities that addressed the concerns of society, and provided support to citizens, in particular to those with medium-to-low inco

136、me, in housing, employment, business assistance, education, healthcare and retirement. It also fully supported the business development of small and medium sized enterprises and the innovation of its fi nancial products offered to the agriculture, rural areas and peasantry. CCB also adhered to the S

137、tate industry development policy in adjusting its credit structure and promoting its “Green Credit” policy. The Banks effort to strictly control loans to industries with excessive production capacity and high-energy consumption facilitated the construction of a conservation-conscious society. 57Corp

138、orate Social Responsibility Report 2007Dedication to various causes supporting the public welfare, including support for educational causes and social vulnerable groups, is another strategic goal for CCB in fulfi lling its social responsibilities. In 2007, CCB donated USD2 million to sponsor and pro

139、vide fi nancial services to the “2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games”. RMB120 million was donated to the “Build for the Future CCB Sponsorship Programme for Impoverished High School Students”. A donation of RMB50 million was allocated to the launch of the fi nancing programme for “Impoverished

140、Mothers of Heroes & Exemplary Workers in China”. Right before the 2008 Spring Festival, CCB donated RMB12 million to help relief efforts in 10 Southern China provinces struck by extreme snow storms, and expedited loan issuing in a bid to support post-disaster rebuilding efforts.CCBs efforts in fulfi

141、 lling our social responsibilities have won recognition and encouragement from all quarters of the society. In 2007, we received a total of 9 social responsibility awards, including the “Most Responsible Enterprise” award and the “China Social Responsibility” award. It is one of the banks to receive

142、 the largest number of awards for corporate social responsibility among any of its domestic peers.On behalf of the Board of Directors, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to all our shareholders, to our clients and to the public for their concern towards and support of CCB. My sincere appre

143、ciation also goes to our staff for their highly effective work. We will continue to fulfi l our corporate social responsibilities in order to contribute towards the building of a harmonious society.Guo ShuqingChairmanChina Construction Bank CorporationPresident s Report58China Construction Bank Corp

144、orationIn 2007, by studying and practicing a scientific development strategy and by taking full advantage of market opportunities, CCB achieved not only enviable milestones in developing its business, but also gratifying results in corporate social responsibility.1. Enhanced sustainable development

145、capabilities through internal reform, thereby contributing to the country and societyAs a major state-owned commercial bank, CCB plays an important role in supporting the development of the national economy and in providing services for the public. Our successful return to the A-share market in Sept

146、ember 2007 means that multitude of domestic investors can now also share the successes of our reforms and development. As our reforms advance, our profi tability and operating results continue to rise, while the price of our stock increases steadily. Increases in the value of state-owned shares far

147、exceed the profi ts gained by overseas strategic investors. Generally speaking, for every RMB10 earned by CCB, the State earns RMB8.5. Using the closing price of our H-shares on December 31st 2007, the market value of state-owned shares is HKD1,096.7 billion, up HKD275.4 billion from the beginning o

148、f the year. In other words, the interests of CCB and those of the country are closely aligned.2. Firm implementation of national macro-economic control policies through adjusting and improving credit structureIn 2007, CCB actively collaborated with the monitoring of the Peoples Bank of China and var

149、ious regulatory bodies in strictly executing the “window guidance” policy. Subsequently, a plan to contain the amount of new loans was successfully achieved by reducing the annual increase in Renminbi new loans from RMB370 billion to RMB350 billion. We focused on adjusting and optimizing our credit

150、structure by stringently controlling loans for real estate and manufacturing enterprises, by restricting loans to industries with excessive or potentially excessive capacities, and by rigorously limiting loans to high energy consumption and high pollution industries. Conversely, we provided credit s

151、upport to industries and projects which were in line with the governments industrial development policy and which were beneficial to the healthy development of the national economy. We insisted on providing strong support to projects benefi cial to environmental protection and ecological improvement

152、 due to their signifi cant social and ecological benefi ts rather than relatively low economic benefi ts. As at December 31st 2007, infrastructure loans accounted for 26.67% of loan balance, up 1.3 percentage points from the beginning of the year; real estate development loans (inclusive of land res

153、erve loans) was 9.58%, down 0.59 percentage points from the beginning of the year; whilst our loans to high pollution and high energy consumption industries was a mere 0.60%, showing a drop of 0.01 percentage point from the beginning of the year.3. Prioritize the interests of our customers and provi

154、de quality basic banking servicesCCB has been conscientious in practicing a “customer-centric” operating philosophy and insistent in making full use of its fi nancial service infrastructures. Currently, most of our basic banking services are provided free of charge, while only a nominal fee is charg

155、ed for others. As at the end of 2007, 5,266 of our branches were transformed which lead to a 30%-40% increase in operational effi ciency in these branches and the customer waiting time was shortened by 29%. We effectively succeeded in alleviating the long-term queuing problem of our retail customers

156、. To provide our customers with more convenient, more secure and swift fi nancial services, we zealously drove for fi nancial innovations and devoted substantial effort in developing self-service banking, e-banking, phone banking as well as mobile phone banking. We have now adopted the “Voice of Cus

157、tomers” system and feedback as a basis for improving our services and business processes. Through our 95533 hotline and website messages, we have been receiving customer feedback around the clock. In 2007, we received 21,081 cases of customer complaints, all of which had already been handled appropr

158、iately.59Corporate Social Responsibility Report 20074. Coupling business development with community issues and improving the livelihoods of the people around usCCB was the fi rst mainland bank to establish a housing provident fund operation, a personal residential mortgage loan business. We have hel

159、ped millions of families improving their housing conditions for nearly 20 years. Under a full year of constriction of new loans in 2007, top priority was still given guarantee the extension of personal residential mortgage loans. In addition to adding RMB127.7 billion in new mortgage loans over the

160、year, we improved the system of guaranteeing housing for middle-to-low income residents and in exploring a new model of mortgage fi nancing. Continuing our support of the development of Chinas industries in science and technology, culture and education, public health, sports and national defence, we

161、 launched a series of important projects including the “August 1 Project”, the “211 Project University” project and the “3A Hospital” project. Take an example: since the offi cial launch of our “August 1 Project” in September 2006, our market share had increased from 5.68% at the beginning of 2006 t

162、o 11.99% by the end of December 2007. Furthermore, under controllable risk conditions, we are now exploring ways to provide quality fi nancial products and services for the development of small enterprises, for small business start-ups and for new rural construction.5. Uphold a people-orientated pol

163、icy; respect and protect basic employee rightsIn November 2007, CCB convened a third meeting of the fi rst session of the CCB Staff Representative Assembly. In the meeting, CCB management reported on the progress of its reforms and development and listened to the ideas and suggestions of staff repre

164、sentatives on corporate development and issues directly affecting employee interests. Besides this, staff participation and the right to democratic management were guaranteed through the adoption of systems of bank operation disclosure, staff representative assembly joint meetings and a staff superv

165、isory system. We also continued increasing our efforts in staff training. In 2007, 7,400 training courses of various types involving 431,900 person-times of staff were conducted. Also, we continued to help redundant staff facing diffi culties through our Staff Mutual Fund. In 2007, relief funds amou

166、nting to more than RMB16 million were issued to about 9,000 person-times of needy staff members.6. Operate lawfully and in compliance that promotes the construction of an honest societyAs a major fi nancial institution operating lawfully and in compliance with regulations, CCB supports the creation

167、of a sound legal and social credit environment by exploiting the credit agency function and fi nancial service function of a bank. In 2007, we collaborated with government bodies in establishing and improving the enterprise and personal credit systems to guide enterprises and individuals into mainta

168、ining their trustworthiness using economic levers. To maintain economic and fi nancial security, we implemented a strict anti-money laundering system supported by dedicated department and staff whose job is to identify large and/or suspicious transactions and to promptly report these to the China An

169、ti-Money Laundering Monitoring & Analysis Centre with regards to relevant regulations. In addition, we also undertook basic responsibilities to pilot and assist in areas of reporting international balance of payments, forming an account management information system, import-export verifi cation and

170、cancellation, monitoring of cross-border fl ow of funds, etc.60China Construction Bank CorporationPresidents Report7. Enthusiasm in building a harmonious society and active support of public welfare causesIn 2007, CCB further increased its support of public welfare causes and made it a strategic tar

171、get in undertaking social responsibility including educational programmes, caring for the development of the young and protecting traditional ethnic cultures. During the year, 14 public welfare projects were implemented, involving a total input of about RMB226 million and donation of RMB197 million.

172、 In particular, major projects such as the “2007 Special Olympics World Summer Games Sponsoring Project”, the “Build for the FutureCCB Sponsorship Programme for Impoverished High School Students” and the “Financing Programme for Impoverished Mothers of Heroes and Exemplary Workers in China”, won CCB

173、 much acclaim. Externally, such work contributed to establishing a corporate image of CCB as a major state-owned commercial bank with a keen undertaking for social responsibility. Internally, it raised awareness of corporate social responsibility amongst staff as well as enhancing the meaning of cor

174、porate culture and strengthening cohesion among staff members.8. Step forward in times of danger and diffi culty and spare no efforts in backing up disaster rescue and relief workIn the face of various natural disasters, CCB has always put the interests of the nation and its people fi rst and provid

175、ed maximum support to the rescue and relief work. In July 2007, we donated RMB2 million to help rebuild fl ood-stricken areas in Anhui and Chongqing. Right before the 2008 Spring Festival, we immediately donated RMB12 million to help relief efforts in 10 provinces stricken by freak snow storms inclu

176、ding Hunan, Hubei, Anhui and Guizhou. Great numbers of our staff also spontaneously contributed money and materials to the disaster-hit areas. In particular, CCB Beijing Branch alone donated more than RMB650,000 to Red Cross Society of China and Hunan Branch alone contributed about RMB113,000 and mo

177、re than 2,500 items of clothing. In the hardest hit provinces of Hunan and Guizhou, our branches and sub-branches took extraordinary measures and overcame numerous difficulties to ensure safe and normal business operations. Moreover, the “Express Credit Channel” was started up in time to expedite cr

178、edit extensions, loan approvals and loan issuing in a bid to support snow combating, disaster relief and rebuilding efforts.2008 will be a year of opportunities and challenges. CCB will further study and enforce in depth the essence of the 17th CPC National Congress, fully implement its scientifi c

179、development strategy. While striving towards sound and rapid development and going ahead with the goal of “Pioneer always at the forefront of Chinas economic modernization, and strive to be a world class bank”, the Bank will conscientiously implement the corporate social responsibility and contribut

180、e more towards building a harmonious society.Zhang JianguoPresidentChina Construction Bank Corporation61Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007Strategy and ManagementDevelopment StrategyStrategic VisionPioneer always at the forefront of Chinas economic modernization, strive to be a world-class b

181、ank. Stage-by-stage Development Goals2008: Establish Professional and Distinguished Sales Services SystemCustomer sales services will shift the business focus from traditional branches to a professional sales services system, including a large enterprise services team, products direct sales teams, s

182、mall enterprise operations centres, wealth management centres, personal fi nance centres and personal loan centres.2010: Completion of Business Structure TransformationCorporate banking, personal banking, fi nancial markets and investment banking will be the three main business sectors accounting fo

183、r our operating income.2015: Meeting the Standards of Top-class Banks WorldwideStaff, operational performance, management levels, products and services and market reputation will all meet the standards of the worlds top tier banks. 2020: Becoming a Top-class International BankPossessing top-tier com

184、petences in client servicing and fi nancial innovation, with industry-leading competitiveness in certain business areas.Corporate GovernanceCCB is committed to maintaining a high level of corporate governance, strictly complying with the laws and regulations of the jurisdictions in which it operates

185、 as well as the stipulations and guidance from Hong Kong regulators, and actively striving to international and domestic corporate governance best practices. At their general meeting, shareholders, the Board of Directors, the Board of Supervisors and the senior management set out a governance struct

186、ure. This structure helped facilitate a cooperative relationship while at the same time incorporating checks and balances into the decision making process, among the decision-making body itself, its supervisory body, and the management.General Meeting of ShareholdersThe general meeting of shareholde

187、rs is an authoritative body of CCB. During the year, the first 2006 annual general meeting and the fi rst 2007 extraordinary general meeting were held to discuss issues on the appointment of directors and supervisors, remuneration determination of directors and supervisors in 2006, fi nal accounting

188、 and profi t distribution for 2006, declaration of interim dividend for the fi nancial year 2007, A-share listing, revision of the Articles of Association, the rules of procedure for the shareholders general meeting, the Board of Directors and Board of Supervisors, as well as the appointment of the

189、auditor in 2007. Board of DirectorsOur Board of Directors (the “Board”), being the executive body of CCB, is accountable to the general meeting of shareholders. The Board consists of 17 directors, including 4 executive directors, 7 non-executive directors and 6 independent non-executive directors. T

190、he number of independent non-executive directors is more than one-third of all directors in the Board. Mr. Guo Shuqing is the chairman of the Board.China Construction Bank Corporation62Strategy and ManagementThere are 5 committees established under the Board: the Strategy Development Committee, the

191、Audit Committee, the Risk Management Committee, the Nomination and Compensation Committee and the Related Party Transactions Committee. Among these committees, the Audit Committee, the Nomination and Compensation Committee and the Related Party Transactions Committee are chaired by independent non-e

192、xecutive directors, while more than half of such committee members are independent non-executive directors.The Board meets regularly and there are a minimum of 4 regular meetings each year. Extraordinary meetings are held when required. In 2007, the Board of Directors held 11 board meetings and disc

193、ussed 64 proposals; 2 general meetings of shareholders and 23 meetings of committees under the Board were convened, a total of 56 proposals were reviewed or pre-reviewed, including proposals related to substantial reform and development issues for CCB. Board of SupervisorsOur Board of Supervisors, b

194、eing the supervisory authority of CCB, is accountable to the general meeting of shareholders.There are 8 supervisors in the Board of Supervisors: 3 shareholder representative supervisors, 3 staff representative supervisors and 2 external supervisors. Mr. Xie Duyang is the chairman of the Board of Su

195、pervisors.Two committees, namely the Performance and Due Diligence Supervision Committee and the Finance and Internal Control Supervision Committee, are set up under the Board of Supervisors.The Board of Supervisors meets regularly and there are a minimum of 4 regular meetings each year. Extraordina

196、ry meetings are held if and when required. In 2007, 5 meetings of the Board of Supervisors were convened, providing supervising comments on the performance of the Board of Directors, senior management and their members during the year and auditing the budget plan, profi t distribution proposal and r

197、egular fi nancial reports. Senior ManagementComposed of the president and other senior managers, the senior management is responsible for the operational and management activities of CCB. In principle the president exercises the authority of his office in accordance with laws, regulations, rules and

198、 CCB articles of association as well as the authority conferred to him by the general meeting of shareholders and the Board of Directors. The actions of the president have to comply with the “Detailed Rules for the President of China Construction Bank Corporation”.The CCB senior management consists

199、of 15 senior management personnel including 1 president, 5 vice presidents, 1 chief fi nancial offi cer, 1 chief risk offi cer, 1 chief auditor, 3 controllers, 1 secretary to the Board of Directors, 1 company secretary and 1 qualifi ed accountant. Mr. Zhang Jianguo is the president of CCB.Communicat

200、ion and Co-ordinationIn 2007, the communication system and channels between the Board of Directors, Board of Supervisors and senior management saw continuous improvement and the autonomy in operational management within the authorized scope of the Board of Directors was further enhanced, with 7 spec

201、ial researches on strategic topics worked together by the Board of Directors and the Board of Supervisors. In order to further enhance the effi ciency of communicating the concepts of corporate governance within the Bank, the Board of Directors invited a number of senior management members and presi

202、dents of local branches to attend the meetings of the Board of Directors while directors and supervisors also frequently attended important meetings including meetings of the presidents offi ce, ensuring the effective fulfi lment of their decision-making and supervisory duties. Full-time directors a

203、nd independent directors were present in 116 various senior management meetings. Corporate governance systems successfully achieved checks and balances between different departments. Furthermore, the involvement and monitoring by employees, and the monitoring by the public and the media have become

204、a key part of the Banks corporate governance.Corporate Social Responsibility Report 200763Corporate Values and Ethical GuidelinesCorporate culture is known as the “soft competence”, the innermost core of a corporation. CCB has been actively fostering its core values in line with the requirements of

205、a modern commercial bank. Our corporate culture provides a code of behaviour for our staff.Consolidating Elements of Corporate CultureIn July 2007, CCB introduced the “Corporate Culture Elements and Terms for China Construction Bank Corporation (Trial)” to precisely defi ne CCBs overall strategic po

206、sition, cultural concepts and value orientation. Vision Pioneer always at the forefront of Chinas economic modernization, strive to be a world-class bank.Mission Provide better service to our customers, create higher value to our shareholders, build up broader career path for our associates and assu

207、me full responsibilities as a corporate citizen. Core Values Integrity, Impartiality, Prudence, CreationConcepts Business concept: Market-oriented, customer-centric Service concept: Customer fi rst, detail-focused Risk concept: Knowing the customer, understanding the market, involving all associates

208、, focusing on top priorities Talent concept: Emphasis on comprehensive talent, focus on business performanceStyle of Work Diligent and disciplined, seeking truth and realitySlogan China Construction Bank, Constructing Modern Life Progress with Our Customers, Prosper with the Society Continuous Innov

209、ation in Pursuit of Excellence Excellence Pursuer, Prevail ForeverStandardization of Staff Professional ConductIn order to provide guidelines for staff to put CCB core values and philosophy into practice and to guard against ethical and operational risks, CCB successively issued the “Code of Conduct

210、 for Staff of China Construction Bank Corporation (Trial)”, “Professional Ethics for China Construction Bank Staff” and “Compliance Manual for Staff of China Construction Bank Corporation (Trial)”. These publications serve to standardize behaviour with respect to professional ethics, work discipline

211、, duty requirements, appearance and grooming, social responsibility, business etiquette, management compliance and operational compliance. Meanwhile, CCB departments and branches at all levels committed themselves to the launch of publicity and educational campaigns to raise staff awareness of profe

212、ssional conduct, professional achievements and presenting a good corporate image to the public.Code of Conduct for Staff (Trial)Professional ethics:Customer focused; service-oriented; dedicated; honest; and trustworthy.Work discipline:Law abiding; regulation-complying, scrupulous in carrying out dut

213、ies; subordinate to overall interest.Job performance:Diligent; thorough; profi cient; team-work; conscientious; vigorous in risk control; practical; creative.Appearance and grooming:Energetic; friendly; well-poised; courteous in utterances; environmentally conscious.Social responsibility:Concerned w

214、ith public welfare; involvement in maintaining stability; reciprocate society.China Construction Bank CorporationStrategy and Management64Strategy and ManagementComprehensive Risk ManagementIn 2007, CCBs risk management capability was boosted by continued progress in the implementation of its compre

215、hensive risk management system, which guarantees sound development of all of the banks business lines.Risk Management SystemIn 2007, CCB completed the posting of risk supervisors to all of its 38 tier-one branches, risk heads to tier-two branches and risk managers to county-level branches. The organ

216、izational structures for risk management in overseas branches were further improved along with our main lines of business. In addition, we have been actively experimenting with a centralized model for risk management in our urban branches and have now succeeded in establishing a centralized, vertica

217、l, bank-wide risk management organization structure. A parallel operational structure has also been implemented for large and medium sized corporate customers and the processes for parallel operations have also been optimized. Through extensive reform, our comprehensive risk management system now co

218、vers credit risk, market risk and operational risk.Risk Management MechanismCCBs optimized parallel operational structure involving risk managers and client managers to facilitate the merging of risk management into various business processes, moving the check point for risk control forward, enhanci

219、ng risk control effi ciency and speeding up the response to market changes. It has also rationalized the mechanism for market risk control, adjusted and improved on the system for managing transactional market risk quotas and clarifi ed the objectives, contents, job descriptions and management proce

220、sses for managing market risk. Operational risk management has been strengthened through the expansion of the self-assessment of operational risk pilot project, the launching of a business continuity management (BCM) programme, the creation of key risk indicators (KRI), monitoring of critical risk p

221、oints, rectifi cation of incompatible posts and handling of misconduct cases.Risk Management TechnologyThroughout the year, CCB continued the implementation of the New Basel Capital Accord. In addition, milestone achievements were obtained in projects including the development of risk measurement to

222、ols and systems, credit ratings of corporate exposures, development of a scorecard for retail exposures, credit ratings for small enterprises, a 12-grade classifi cation of credit assets, and risk monitoring of credit extension. Innovations were seen in our tools for portfolio risk management where

223、we now use the more internationally advanced “Asset Volatility Method” to replace the elementary “Coeffi cient Method” in the measurement of economic capital. In addition, CCB has become one of the fi rst Chinese banks to adopt an industry risk quota management scheme which uses a framework based on

224、 economic capital and risk quota for the restriction and adjustment of total asset and industrial structure.Implementation Plan for the New Capital AccordPhase 1: CCB aims to become one of the fi rst Chinese banks to implement the New Capital Accord by the end of 2010: bug-free processes for the ide

225、ntifi cation, measurement, monitoring and reporting of risks; a risk management system to be in place to cover all of CCBs major risk exposures such as credit risk, market risk, operational risk, bank account interest rate risk and liquidity risks, etc. Phase 2: By the end of 2013, CCBs credit risk,

226、 market risk and operational risk will have met advanced quantification standards with the effective measurement of bank account interest rate risk and enhancements in standards for liquidity risk control, the capability to conduct research and development in risk measurement technology, the ability

227、 to meet advanced international banking standards on risk management, and the ability to operate steadily over multiple economic cycles.Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007Strategy and Management65Stakeholder ParticipationCCB attached high importance to and respected the concerns of all of it

228、s stakeholders. By communicating and understanding the expectations of each party through a variety of channels, endeavouring to provide suffi cient responses in order to balance the returns of each party, the Bank and its stakeholders sought a win-win situation.StakeholdersMeans of CommunicationExp

229、ectation on CCBExamples of Specifi c RequirementsIndicatorsGovernmentAnnouncements of laws, regulations, policies and guidelines; meetings with the State Council, ministries and commissions, the central bank meetings; reports, etc.Continuous steady growth; tax payments; employment opportunities; dri

230、ving prosperityCreating value, building harmonious and conservationist society; complianceTotal tax payment; loan volume; number of jobs createdRegulatory BodiesLaws and regulations; departmental rules and regulations; guidelines; on-site inspections; off-site monitoring; regulatory circulars; regul

231、atory ratings; risk notices; discussion and meetingsLaw abiding; prudent operations; fair competition; increased competitivenessImproving corporate governance; operating lawfully and in compliance; increasing efforts in fi nancial innovation; adjusted business structure; establishing scientifi c mot

232、ivation and restraining mechanisms; elevated operating performance; improved asset quality; enhancing risk mitigation capability; timely disclosure of informationNet return on total assets; net return on equity; cost-to-income ratio; non-performing loan ratio; capital adequacy ratio; large-amount ri

233、sk concentration; coverage for non-performing loansShareholdersExtraordinary reports; regular reports; general meetings of shareholders; investor hotline; result announcement conference; road shows, etc.Continuous enhancement of corporate value and market value; minimized enterprise risk; guaranteed

234、 sustainable development of the enterprise; continuously raising profi tability and core competencies; ensure value maintenance and appreciation of state-owned assetsOpen disclosure of important corporate information; equal opportunity for participation; protection of shareholder interestsProfi t; r

235、eturn on capital; rate of maintenance and appreciation of state-owned assets; asset liability ratio; market value of owners equity; minority interestCustomersBranch and electronic channels, 95533 customer service hotline; CCB Customer days; online feedback; client manager visits and interviews; foru

236、m; social gatherings, etc.Provide and continuously improve quality of products and servicesResponsive; provide customized and professional services; quality service; safe and stable operationCustomer SatisfactionEmployeesStaff representative assembly; Presidents mailbox; forums; opinion solicitation

237、s, etc.Continuous enhancement of profi tability and sustainable development capabilities; provide more benefi ts and growth opportunities to employeesCareer prospects; development opportunities; remuneration; harmonious working environmentEmployee satisfaction; employee turnover; inputs for staff tr

238、ainingCommunitiesSocial fi nancial branches; consultation and promotion of fi nancial knowledge; civilization building; social welfare activities, etc.Promote prosperity and harmony of communitiesResource inputs for building harmonious communities, providing customized SMEs and personal fi nancial s

239、ervicesLoan balance for small businesses; personal consumer loan balance, personal business assistance loan balancePublic and the MediaPress conferences; advertorials and publicity; regular announcements; compliance disclosures, etc.Pursuing sound development; undertaking social responsibilityIntegr

240、ity; healthy; professional; internationalName awareness; reputation; awards66China Construction Bank CorporationSocial Responsibility PerformanceLifting Operating StandardsAs a major state-owned commercial bank, CCB is committed to achieving sustainable growth, effective value increase of state-owne

241、d assets, and the creation of more value for its shareholders.In 2007, CCB achieved the operating goals set by the Annual General Meeting and the Board of Directors. The Bank achieved an excellent performance and its various business sectors developed rapidly. The successful return of CCB shares to

242、the A-share market highlighted the Banks overall improvements in standards of operational management and integrated competitiveness.Stable Growth in the Balance SheetTotal assets of the Bank broke through the RMB6,000 billion mark and reached RMB6,598.177 billion, an increase of 21.10% from the prev

243、ious year. Total liabilities were RMB6,175.896 billion, an increase of 20.66% from last year.Continuous Effective Control over Costs and ExpensesCost-to-income ratio was 41.83%, down 2.14 percentage points from the previous year.Continuous Improvement in Asset QualityThe non-performing loan ratio dr

244、opped by 0.69 percentage points from last year to 2.60%. The ratio of allowances for impairment losses to non-performing loans was 104.41%, with an increase of 22.17 percentage points compared to the end of last year, refl ecting the continuous improvement in asset quality and with suffi cient provi

245、sion level.Steady Increase in Operational PerformanceProfit before tax for the Bank was RMB100.816 billion, a growth of 53.41% from the previous year. Net income was RMB69.142 billion, an increase of 49.27% over last year.Key Financial Indicators Outperformed the IndustryThe return on average assets

246、 and return on average equity were 1.15% and 19.50% respectively, an increase of 0.23 and 4.50 percentage points over the previous year. The net interest margin was 3.18%, increasing 0.39 percentage points over last year.CCB s Key Operating Performance Indicators200720062005Operating income (in mill

247、ions of RMB)220,717151,593128,714Net profi t (in millions of RMB)69,14246,31947,096Total assets (in millions of RMB)6,598,1775,448,5114,585,742Return on average assets (%)1.150.921.11Return on average equity (%)19.5015.0021.59Capital adequacy ratio (%)12.5812.1113.59Non-performing loan ratio (%)2.60

248、3.293.84Tax (corporate tax plus operating tax and additional business in millions of RMB)44,01128,37515,669Cash fi nal dividend to be declared in the balance sheet1 (RMB)0.0650.0920.0151 The cash dividend distributed by CCB for the six months ended December 31st 2007 amounted to RMB0.065 per share.

249、In addition, the interim cash dividend and the special cash dividend amounted to RMB0.067 per share and RMB0.072716 per share respectively.67Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007Support for Environmental ProtectionCCB is fully aware that environmental protection and sustainable development is

250、the shared conviction of all global citizens and a compelling responsibility. In accordance with the States macro-economic policy, CCB conscientiously adjusts its credit structure and employs fi nancial leverages to the goals of environmental protection through promoting a green credit policy. At th

251、e same time, researches on the Equator Principles are already underway. CCB also promotes the conservation of resources through its daily operations, instils in its staff a stronger sense of environmental protection and takes an active part in environmental causes in communities.Green Credit Policy“

252、Single-vote veto system” in environmental protectionCCB maintains a credit policy of “granting some loans while restricting others, supporting the superior while limiting the inferior” and adopts a “single-vote veto system” in credit assessment.Meeting environmental protection standards is adopted a

253、s one of the basic principles for the admission of clients. Hence, a client or a construction project complying with State policy on energy conservation and emission reductions is a pre-requisite for CCB credit support. For new clients or projects with high energy consumption or high pollution, a si

254、ngle-vote veto system would be adopted. For clients and projects belonging to the “restrictive category” for environmental reasons, or those listed as an enterprise under environmental supervision, no credit support will be extended to them if they fail to pass an acceptance inspection after carryin

255、g out the required remedial measures.Stringent credit control for “double high” industries and those with excessive production capacitiesCCB has elaborated and improved the standards for credit admission and withdrawal for businesses. Credit support for high energy consumption and high pollution ent

256、erprises is strictly controlled by standards set for clients as well as for projects. The placement of loans of related industries is managed by a listing system. In principle, no new loans would be issued to enterprises not in the industries that have released the list of credit admission, while al

257、l new loans should be stopped for unqualifi ed enterprises in industries that have not released the list. After the issuance of a loan, the project would be put under pollution prevention and control surveillance. Loans would be drawn back from those failing to comply with environmental requirements

258、.Credit approval authorization is confi ned to Headquarters and fi rst-tier branches with special approval procedures to reinforce the States industrial policy with greater effect. Existing loans to high energy consumption and high pollution industries are effectively reduced.As at the end of 2007,

259、the balance of loans to high energy consumption and high pollution industries was just 0.60%, down 0.01 percentage point from the beginning of the year.Increased credit support for energy conservation and emissions reductionCCB has increased credit supports for projects conducive to environmental pr

260、otection and ecological enhancement such as wind power generation and municipal waste water treatment. Credit amounting to RMB4.81 billion has been granted to China Energy Conservation Investment Corporation for construction related to clean energy generation in the central Line and main Line of the

261、 “South-to-North Water Transfer Project”. Likewise, in cities such as Wuhan and Changchun, a total of RMB4.34682 billion was granted to support projects on municipal waste water treatment and urban infrastructure construction. Strong credit support was also extended to wind power projects by Bode Yu

262、long of Hebei province and Yilan Longyuen of Heilongjiang province.Establishing detailed guidelines for credit assessment and approvalCCB has established detailed guidelines targeted at industries under intensive environmental monitoring such as paper-making, chemical industry, power generation and

263、metal smelting. Task forces have been formed to study and compile assessment guidelines for environmental-friendly industries such as wind power generation and sewage treatment, providing reference for the promotion of green credit decision-making.68China Construction Bank CorporationSocial Responsi

264、bility PerformanceEmbarking on relevant research on the Equator PrinciplesLearning valuable experience from international banks active in promoting environmental protection, CCB has identifi ed the Equator Principles as a corporate standard and an international practice which is important guidelines

265、 to fi nancial institutions in handling project fi nancing. In 2007, a special task force was set up within CCB to embark on feasible research on the Equator Principles with the intention to fi nish the “Research Report of China Construction Bank Equator Principles”.Conservation in ActionIn recent y

266、ears, CCB has been committed to the establishment of a digitalized offi ce system. Measures for the conservation of water, electricity and energy have been reinforced and the staff have been educated and guided to start off by saving every drop of water, every unit of electricity and every piece of

267、paper so that pollution and wastage could be minimized, thereby alleviating the pressures on energy and the environment. Meanwhile, employees are called to participate in environmental actions, such as voluntary tree-planting and greening projects organized by local governments or community organiza

268、tions.Greening of Lanzhou North HillIn September 1989, CCB Gansu Branch contracted out 100 mu of a barren hill in North Hill, Lanzhou and set up a tree farm to support forestation and greening projects. For nearly twenty years, funds amounting to more than RMB7 million had been injected and employee

269、s mobilized to emulate the legendary “Yu Gong”, whose perseverance and unquenchable spirit could move mountains. Over this time more than 100,000 cubic metres of gullies have been fi lled, more than 20 mu of terraced fi elds have been reclaimed, more than 2,880 metres of irrigation pipes have been l

270、aid, 4 water storage pools have been built, 25 sprinkler nozzles installed, more than 30 water platforms have been built, water pipes and telephone lines have been laid and expressways built to support the farm. Such infrastructure made the tree farm well connected by way of water, electricity and r

271、oads. Currently, more than 390,000 trees have been planted including jujube trees, pear trees, apple trees, etc. Slopes and ditches covering an area of 30 mu are covered with green vegetation. By 2007, the tree farm had exceeded the greening target set by the forestry department. In 2008, plans have

272、 been made to plant another 2,000 trees and extend the greening area for another 5 mu. With such efforts we hope to see the emergence of a green base which adorns the earth with fl owers in spring, provides shade in summer; brings fruits in autumn and colours the winter with green.Contributing to Li

273、velihood ImprovementCCB is committed to developing its business around social issues including culture and education, public health, national defence, residential housing, personal education or business assistance, small enterprise development, the construction of modern villages etc. By so doing it

274、 is providing strong fi nancial support for improving the livelihood of the people.Residential Financial ServicesCCB was the fi rst bank in China to set up the housing provident fund business in launching a personal residential mortgage loans business. In the course of witnessing and participating i

275、n Chinas housing reform and development, it has won the recognition of both the Government and the public for its quality services. In fact, “For your own housing, go CCB hunting” has long been a household phrase.Top Priority for Personal Residential Mortgage LoansAnnual increase of new loans down f

276、rom RMB370 billion to RMB350 billion in 2007, residential mortgage loans were still given top priority by CCB, with new loans for the year amounting to RMB99.849 billion, an increase of 23.33%. The balance for personal residential mortgage loans was RMB527.888 billion.69Corporate Social Responsibili

277、ty Report 2007Optimizing Housing Provident Fund Financial ServicesWhilst the housing provident fund system is of immediate interest to the Chinese people, undertaking housing provident fund business is a mission for CCB in its support for housing reform. Currently, CCB has forged close ties with ove

278、r 600 housing provident fund centres (or branches) all over China and more than 1,800 management departments. With over 1 million housing provident fund accumulative unit accounts, CCB is providing provident fund fi nancial services to more than 30 million of customers under employment.In 2007, CCB

279、continued to give staunch fi nancial support to the development of the housing provident fund system and the housing for the people. Housing provident fund loans amounting to RMB109.619 billion were issued to an accumulated 655,400 individual households.Expanding the coverage of the housing providen

280、t fund system and reinforce the function of the housing provident fund in guaranteeing housing for middle to low income families. For example, in areas where the private sector economy is relatively strong and participation of non-public owned enterprises in the housing provident fund system is rela

281、tively low, CCB has carried out work in expanding non-public enterprise provident funds and has developed a voluntary provident fund business for individual industrial and commercial households and freelancers.Providing services for making deposits, withdrawals and balance enquiries with housing pro

282、vident fund accounts. CCB was the fi rst bank in China to promote a housing provident fund “Long co-brand card”. It has also introduced proxy loan repayment and electronic provident fund channel services and reinforced the integration of its housing provident fund services with those of its Long cre

283、dit card and e-banking businesses. By the end of 2007, CCB had already entered into housing provident fund Long card co-branding agreements with 62 provident fund centres and has issued more than 2 million cards in 12 major cities such as Beijing, Tianjin, Changsha and Zhengzhou.70China Construction

284、 Bank CorporationSocial Responsibility PerformanceSpeeding up pilot projects in introducing new products and new services related to cross bank payments of housing provident funds. Pilot projects in cross bank payments and settlements of housing provident funds were fi rst carried out in Qingdao, Zh

285、ejiang and Jiangsu, amongst other cities, by making use of the small-sum payment system of the Peoples Bank of China. Such an arrangement makes it unnecessary for individuals responsible for depositing housing provident funds to queue up and make payments in different banks and save them a lot of ad

286、ministration time and cost.Active promotion of the housing maintenance fund business. As at the end of 2007, CCB had already introduced housing maintenance fund businesses in more than 130 multi-district municipalities all over the country. With the launch of this business, CCB is in a position to o

287、ffer one-stop shop services covering real estate development, private house purchasing, housing funding, property management and community resident services. Supporting the Development of Science & Technology, Education, Culture, Public Health & National DefenceIn recent years, CCB has been active i

288、n launching a series of major projects including the “August 1 Project”, the “211 Project University” project and the “3A Hospital” projects to provide fi nancial support in the development of Chinas science and technology, culture, education, public health and national defence.Providing Services to

289、 the Cultural, Education, and Public Health SectorsIn 2007, customized fi nancial services were offered to a number of renowned education and medical institutions such as Tsinghua University, Fudan University, Nanjing University, Xiamen University, Peking Union Medical College Hospital, Chinese Acad

290、emy of Medical Sciences Fuwai Cardiovascular Hospital, Shanghai First Peoples Hospital and Sichuan Huaxi Hospital. In addition to cooperating with these institutions in areas such as traditional settlement, modern payment methods and long-term credit support, CCB also offered quality fi nancial serv

291、ices to individual teachers, students, doctors and patients.Supporting the Modernization of National DefenceIn November 2006, CCB offi cially launched the “August 1 Project” to target potential clients in the army and the armed police. In 2007, the project was reinforced with a marketing campaign un

292、der the theme of “Building Modern Life, Supporting Modern National Defence” with the aim of developing a harmonious relationship with the armed forces. The market share in banking services for the army and the armed police is rising from 5.68% in early 2006 to 11.99% at the end of 2007.Creating a ne

293、w organization structure: Adapting to the vertical management structure of the clients, CCB has established a new quick-response regional marketing services team.Supporting army housing reform: In view of the special features of public and personal assets, CCB has optimized its affordable house cred

294、it extension and approval processes for them and developed customized personal housing loan approval procedures and risk control measures appropriate to armed forces.Designing of “August 1 Long Card” fi nancial products: The co-brand wealth management card and the personal service portal custom-desi

295、gned for soldiers are the fi rst of their kind in China.Help raise capital intensity and the standard of information-based financial management: This is illustrated by the development of the “Digitalized Campus and All-in-one Card System for the Fourth Military Medical University”, which advances th

296、e development of the digitalized campus and hospital relying on information based management.71Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007Supporting Development of Small EnterprisesSmall enterprises are major forces in driving economic growth and social development in China as well as an important v

297、ehicle in providing employment. Supporting the development of small enterprises is a major focus of CCBs strategic transformation and business development. CCB has made in-roads in solving the fi nancing diffi culties of small enterprises by designing business systems and products and establishing p

298、rofessional, standardized business operation models. In 2007, CCB acquired an additional 10,841 small enterprise clients. Loans to the small business sector have reached RMB224.477 billion.In close alignment with national industrial sector policies, CCB has been supporting small sized enterprises in

299、 becoming more professional, more skilful, more specialized and more creative by supporting international and domestic centralized industries with apparent competitive edges and small sized enterprises that are growing or are mature, with high growth potential and high technology; and by boosting th

300、eir development and innovation capabilities.The “Quick Finance” and “Road of Growth” credit service brand names were created for small enterprises. After two years of launching “Quick Finance” and “Road of Growth”, CCB has provided loans amounting to RMB78.54 billion to meet the fi nancing needs of

301、13,416 small enterprises. The non-performing loan ratio of these loans is a mere 0.35%.The Bank designed a number of new supply chain fi nancing products such as Purchase Order fi nancing and Movable Asset fi nancing to provide packaged solutions to fi nancing problems of small enterprises along sup

302、ply chains.CCB was also a pioneer among all domestic banks to develop a series of “e-Loan” services for carrying out electronic commerce over the internet. This effectively reduced the time and cost of providing fi nancing to small enterprises. A trial service was fi rst conducted in Zhejiang region

303、 (except Ningbo) in the half year between October 2007 and March 2008. Since the launch of this service, RMB175 million in internet loans have been extended.Education Loans, Business Assistance Loans and Unemployment Petty Secured LoansPersonal Education LoansCCBs education loan business was started

304、 in 1999. Up to the end of 2007, the Bank has provided education loans to nearly 250,000 university students. So far 38 tier-one branches are involved in this business while loan repayments and loan dispensing are handled by more than 10,000 CCB branches. By the end of 2007, CCBs personal education

305、loans balance amounted to RMB1.41786 billion.Personal Business Assistance LoansIn response to the fi nancing needs of micro enterprises, individual industrial and commercial households, and business assistance or re-employment by individuals, CCB has been offering personal business assistance loans

306、since 2004. As at the end of 2007, the fi nancing contracts of 80,000 small and medium sized enterprises have been signed, equivalent to a total loan amount of more than RMB30 billion.72China Construction Bank CorporationSocial Responsibility PerformanceCCB s Business Assistance Loans Balance During

307、 2005-2007 Unit: RMB10,000YearLoan BalanceIncrease from Beginning of Year2005204,765204,76520062,141,0271,936,26220073,323,1161,182,089Unemployment Petty Secured LoansThe unemployment petty secured loan business is developed highly out of CSR consideration, which is diffi cult to handle and has high

308、 service requirements. It affects the immediate interests of redundant workers and the stability of society. Since this business was launched in 2003, CCB branches at all levels have all committed to promoting it to ensure that unemployed people also enjoy quality fi nancial services in CCB.Supporti

309、ng New Rural ConstructionCCB focuses on efforts to help expedite agricultural modernization by providing assistance to enterprises engaged in intensive agricultural production, the distribution of agricultural products and fi ne processing agricultural side-line products. Although CCB does not posse

310、ss strong service capacity for agriculture, rural area and farmers, it is actively exploring, building on risk control, developments in these areas to provide satisfactory services for the diversifi ed fi nancial needs in rural areas. CCB also provides direct personal consumption loans to farmers. A

311、s at the end of 2007, balance of loans to agricultural, forestry, animal husbandry and fi sh-farming enterprises amounted to RMB15.457 billion, balance of loans to farmers amounted to RMB5.021 billion of which RMB3.933 billion was loaned to farmers directly. Balance of loans to rural area enterprise

312、s and other corporations amounted to RMB322.944 billion.Provide Services to the Xinjiang Production and Construction CorpsTo meet the diversified needs of the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps (XPCC), CCB developed the Buyers Credit Refi nancing, focused on supporting priority areas, such a

313、s water saving drip irrigation and fi ne processing agricultural side-line products enterprises. In 2007, RMB6.383 billion of loans to the XPCC were issued, and for the past 6 years, the aggregated amount of loans to the XPCC amounted to RMB25.8 billion. The accumulated amount of small loans to XPCC

314、 farmers for the past 6 years amounted to RMB1.3 billion, with zero NPL.Provide Services to Intensive Farming and Modernized Large Scale Farm Cultivation Base in HeilongjiangCCB provides loans to support infrastructure construction, the purchase of raw materials and working capital to cultivation bu

315、sinesses. We also provide various international services, which include agents for the import of heavyweight farming machines, letters of credit and international settlement. The outstanding CCB loans to Heilongjiang fine processing agricultural side-line products enterprises for infrastructure cons

316、truction and the purchase of raw materials amounted to over RMB4.4 billion. The accumulated working capital loans to Heilongjiang major agriculture trading enterprises amounted to RMB1.5 billion. The credit lines for Beidahuang Corporation for its engagement in intensive production amounted to RMB4.

317、067 billion, and provided exclusive services for the launch of their IPO.73Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007Optimization of Products and Services CCB has always operated on a “customer-centric” approach. We continue to expand our range of fi nancial services, improve the operational proces

318、ses and methodology, develop diversifi ed fi nancial products, and meet the fi nancial needs of multiple levels. We strive to provide our customers with quality and effi cient fi nancial services. Transformation of Retail BranchesIn 2007, CCB has been working with the Bank of America in driving the

319、transformation of its retail branches and standardizing the service and sales modes of the branches to achieve a standardized service and consistency of customer experience.Rationalized Retail Branch Layout and Internal Functional AreasThe construction of new branches and the transformation of exist

320、ing branches have improved network coverage. Inside the branches, customer service areas have been expanded. Basic function areas such as self-service areas, wealth management areas, cash areas, waiting areas and guidance areas have been put in place. These changes have signifi cantly improved branc

321、h effi ciency. In 2007, we completed 2,865 renovation projects in CCB retail branches.Signifi cant Improvement in Service Effi ciencyLobby managers and new roles placement, the optimization of business processes, smart queuing systems, specialized counter services and fl exible scheduling for teller

322、s are all parts of the branch transformation scheme which have effectively shortened transaction times. As a result, the average customer waiting time has been reduced alongside significant increases in branch services, customer and associate satisfaction levels and branch sales fi gures. As at the

323、end of 2007, 5,266 branches, accounting for 39.16% of all of its retail branches, had undergone the branch functional transformation scheme, and operational effi ciency rose by 30%-40%. Customer waiting times at these branches was decreased by 29%.Product Innovation Scheme In 2007, CCB launched its

324、fi rst product innovation scheme. By the end of 2007, 464 innovations had been completed, of which 113 were implemented by Headquarters, and 351 were implemented by our local branches. At present, innovation products in such areas like wealth management, SME loans, trade fi nancing, commissioned sal

325、es of mutual fund, credit-asset securitization, fi nancial advisory, e-banking and combination products have already shown notable benefi ts. “e-Loans” Product Series for e-Commerce CustomersIn 2007, CCB cooperated with Alibaba, an e-commerce company, in introducing the concept of internet credit ra

326、tings. A series of products, “e-Loans”, were launched, tailored to e-commerce customers, which were a breakthrough of traditional business modes. Three products, namely “Network Joint e-Loan and Joint Guarantee“, “Online Quick Finance” and “Online Financing for Major Customers” provided an effective

327、 solution for small and medium sized e-commerce businesses with fi nancing problems due to a lack of suffi cient collateral or guarantees recognized by the banks. The products were fi rst launched in the Zhejiang region (excluding Ningbo) for trial and drew the interest and participation of many sma

328、ll and medium sized enterprises. Financial Products In 2007, CCB successively launched various fi nancial products such as IPO share-linked, open-end and closed-end fund products, private equity investment products, as well as investment in select equities. So far, the Bank has established three fl

329、agship brands, namely “Profi t from Interest”, “Wealth” and “Qiantu Financial Products”, in the wealth management market of China.74China Construction Bank CorporationSocial Responsibility Performance“Qiantu” Financial ProductsCCB launched Qiantu Financial Products which target quality corporate cli

330、ents and help them fulfil their needs for capital intensive operational and wealth management services by providing professional and special fi nancial and wealth management services. Considering the risk tolerance of the clients, the products are the best combination of higher capital liquidity and

331、 higher yields to enhance higher investment effi ciency and return. “Wealth” Product SeriesIn order to satisfy the needs of VIP customers for stable and high-return investments, CCB launched a series of innovative “Wealth” fi nancial products which included IPO share-linked trust products, trust fun

332、d products, private equity investment trust, selective investment trust as well as open-end IPO share-linked trust products in 2007. These products are at low-risk and generate high return. Phase I of “CCB Wealth II” and phase I of “CCB Wealth III” were named “Innovative Trust Products” in the “Outs

333、tanding Trust Products” jointly announced by the Research and Development Department of the China Trustee Association and the Trust and Wealth Research Centre of the Southwest University of Finance and Economics. Trust Wealth Management Product “Profi t from Interest”The Bank improved its original t

334、rust asset products by launching “Profi t from Interest” in a multi-maturity portfolio control model in March 2007. It was the fi rst time the Bank had launched products package with three expiry periods including 46 days, 87 days and 160 days, and different yields, fulfi lling the investors needs f

335、or fl exible and profi table fi nancing products. All of the products were soon sold out. Normalizing Financial Products 3-month bond products were launched normally, offering customers the fl exibility to purchase and terminate their fi nancing products earlier any time, as the products are launche

336、d weekly or daily. Second Launch of MBS Products CCB successfully launched “Jianyuan 20071 Personal Housing Mortgage Backed Securities (MBS)” on December 14th 2007 to the domestic bond market, which was the second issue basic confi guration product, following the initial issue of its personal housin

337、g MBS product in 2005. Special mention loan elements were injected in this issue and further strengthened the leading role of the Bank in China MBS market.Developing New Service ChannelsMajor efforts have also been made to promote new service channels like self-service banking, e-banking, phone bank

338、ing and mobile phone banking. As at the end of 2007, there were 2,729 CCB self-service banks, with 23,857 self-service equipments capable of handling cash transactions (including ATMs, cash deposit machines and all-in-one machines). Over 100 different types of transaction can now be performed by sel

339、f-service banking.In 2007, CCB had accumulated 70.6975 million e-banking users, with a 63.32% increase compared with the previous year. A total of 1.899 billion transactions were made, up 134.16% from the previous year. Volume of transaction reached RMB119.94 trillion, a 290.81% increase compared to

340、 the previous year.In May 2007, CCB received unanimous recognition from the media and general public for taking the lead in increasing the daily cash withdrawal limit of debit card to RMB20,000. 75Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007Building Strategic Cooperation with Our CustomersOver the ye

341、ars, CCB has established long-term and stable strategic cooperative relationships with many major domestic enterprises and leading strategic enterprises in the Chinese economy. In 2007, the Bank signed strategic cooperation agreements with leading companies including China Huadian Corporation, Sinoh

342、ydro Corporation, and Aluminum Corporation of China Limited, further enhancing a deeper, boarder and more sustainable level of strategic cooperation. Listening to Voice of CustomersHandling Customer ComplaintsCCB has established a “Voice of Customers” survey system to improve services and processes

343、according to customers views and comments. Customer complaints are handled round the clock through channels such as the hotline 95533 and our website in a real time manner. CCBs Customer Service Centre 95533 handled a total of 21,081 customer complaints in 2007, of which 2,281 cases were lodged thro

344、ugh phone and 18,800 cases were lodged through the CCB website. All these cases were handled appropriately. Many measures have been adopted by CCB to raise the standards in handling customer complaints. These measures include regular posting of typical complaints received by 95533 on our internal we

345、bsite to provide ideas for better management; establishing a monthly customer service quality notifi cation mechanism to strengthen supervision; raising the service quality and effi ciency of 95533 following the success of CALL-CENTRE transformation collaborative project with the Bank of America in

346、2006; and standardizing the customer complaint handling procedure.95533 Customer Complaint Handling ProcedureStep 1: Customer complaint is received by Customer Service Centre 95533 staff. The CCB customer service representative shall explain the problem patiently with the customer and try to solve t

347、he problem immediately online.Step 2: If the problem cannot be solved immediately, representative shall record the case into the “CCB Customer Complaint Record” and pass the case to the appropriate person responsible. If the problem can be handled at 95533, the case shall be responded within 1 worki

348、ng day.Step 3: If the case requires transfer to a specifi c department or branch for settlement, the relevant department or branch will respond to the customer within 3 working days and provide the written feedback to 95533. Step 4: Cross-bank complaints shall be co-ordinated and handled by the spec

349、ific 95533 customer service centre receiving the complaints and be settled within 5 working days.Step 5: In the event the case cannot be solved within the stipulated period, the 95533 centre receiving the complaints shall escalate the case to the upper level branch. The case is then handled by the u

350、pper level branch and the written solution shall be sent back to the 95533 centre receiving the complaints within 3 working days. The 95533 centre shall then respond to the customer.Implementation of “CCB Customer Day” CCB offi cially launched the scheme of “CCB Customer Day” on December 29th 2007.

351、The fi rst business day of the second week of each month has been designated as “CCB Customer Day”. The heads of CCB headquarters as well as those from tier-one and tier-two branches will meet with customers face to face, listen to the customers, understand their needs, answer their questions, and g

352、ather their opinions and suggestions. This scheme was implemented across the bank in January 2008 and was well received by our customers.76China Construction Bank CorporationSocial Responsibility PerformanceCustomer Satisfaction SurveyThe “Voice of Customers” programme has been underway across all C

353、CB branches since 2006. By studying and analyzing the customer satisfaction in the dimensions of customer segmentation, products, regions, and channels for customer feedback, CCB has developed a Customer Satisfaction Barometer Survey and Monitoring System to help the initial analysis of customer sat

354、isfaction with the corporate banking business and to provide a ground for decision-making in client services improvement, operations management and relevant procedures.Currently, CCB has developed and started running the Customer Satisfaction Barometer Survey and Monitoring System, and implemented s

355、everal process improvement in Voice of Customers efforts such as retail branch transformation, call centre, personal loan centre, small enterprises fi nancial service model and e-banking. CCB aims to become a “listening bank” who continuously listen to voice of the customers and a “bank of action” w

356、ho constantly improve its customer service quality.Staff Development Our staff is our most precious corporate asset whom we respect, care for and nurture. CCB is committed to offering its staff the best development platform for career advancement enabling its staff to grow with the Bank.Staff Employ

357、mentStaff CompositionCCB has 298,868 staff. The male to female ratio is 1.08:1. Ethnic minority groups comprise 4.6% of our workforce.200720062005Total No. of Staff (Unit: person)298,868297,506300,288Proportion of Male Staff51.8%52.3%52.5%Proportion of Female Staff48.2%47.7%47.5%Staff WelfareCCB sta

358、ff welfare programme comprises two main elements: the obligatory social insurance and housing fund in compliance with relevant national regulations, supplemented by our own corporate welfare plans.Social insurance and housing fund: according to the national social insurance and housing fund policies

359、, CCB contributes to the obligatory insurance and fund plans of our contract-based staff. These plans include basic endowment insurance, basic medical insurance, unemployment insurance, employment injury insurance, maternity insurance and housing fund. Corporate welfare plans: CCB provides corporate

360、 annuity pension, supplementary medical insurance and a housing subsidy to our staff to enhance their retirement, medical and housing guarantees. The Bank also explored in implementing a fl exible welfare scheme to cater the diversifi ed needs of our staff. According to individual situations and reg

361、ional government policies, other benefi ts are also adopted by different branches, such as single-child subsidy, child care subsidy and paid leave. Helping Staff in NeedA Staff Mutual Fund was set up by CCB in 2005. In 2007, the CCB Staff Mutual Fund handed out over RMB16 million to about 9,000 staf

362、f in need (including retired and redundant staff and their families). The fund helped support their livelihood, child schooling, medical needs and in the events of mishaps.77Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007Staff ParticipationCCB became the fi rst bank in China to have established the Staf

363、f Representative Assembly system in November 2005. All major issues in CCBs development strategy and staff benefi ts are submitted to the Staff Representative Assembly for consideration and discussion. In 2007, CCB held the third meeting of the fi rst session of the CCB Staff Representative Assembly

364、. 1,864 3-different-tier staff representative assembly meetings were convened and 12,525 suggestions and recommendations were collected. Our management teams of different-tier branches have been considering these proposals seriously with reasonable recommendations being implemented as a result.In re

365、cent years, CCB has gradually strengthened and improved the operations of the staff representative assembly system. A staff supervisor system and a bank operations disclosure system have been put in place in order to ensure the rights of the employees to exercise the democratic management and superv

366、ision. The Bank is open to and value for reasonable suggestions from the staff about its business development. Front-line staff was invited to attend the working meetings of the Bank. This has resulted in continuous improvements in the transparency of our operational management and performance appra

367、isal, remuneration and talent selection as well as the ability of our staff to participate in the democratic management of the business.Training and IncentivesStaff TrainingIn 2007, CCB increased its investment in staff training resources by broadening its staff training options and creating new tra

368、ining methods. In coordination with the need for the Banks rapid development, we have strengthened the training of front-line staff, arranged a rotating training system for the Banks junior level managers, gradually increased the number of staff receiving training in Hong Kong and promoted overseas

369、training sessions, and encouraged its staff to pursue further study. As a result, the coverage and quality of the staff trainings improved substantially.CCB Staff Training in 2007Item20072006Growth RateTraining Session7,4007,0714.65%Training Person-time (in 10,000 person-times)43.1940.227.38%Core St

370、aff Development and ManagementIn 2007, CCB clearly identifi ed and improved the career paths of our core staff, and gradually built up a network of core staff among all levels and at key job functions. Development schemes for its core staff team were set up, training and incentive on its core staff

371、was also strengthened. Through cooperation with renowned domestic and overseas colleges and strategic investors, staff in core positions became more internationalized and professional. CCB assigned outstanding staff to apply for international certifi cations such as fi nancial wealth management and

372、fi nancial risk management, and assigned outstanding core staff to work at its overseas branches to train professionals with an international vision. Outstanding Contribution AwardThe “CCB Outstanding Contribution Award” is the highest honour granted to our staff. The award was created to applaud ou

373、r core staff with high quality and high skills and also exceptional staff who have contributed greatly to the Bank. 16 staff with sound contribution in operational management and sales services were awarded in 2007, each receiving an incentive bonus of between RMB100,000 and RMB200,000.78China Const

374、ruction Bank CorporationSocial Responsibility PerformanceStaff Share Option SchemeIn order to attract, encourage and retain our best staff, as well as building a stronger team with a sense of loyalty and ownership in the continuous development of the Bank, CCB launched the fi rst phase of its Staff

375、Share Option Scheme in 2007.“Voice of Staff” and “Leadership-building” ProgrammesCCB joined hands with the Bank of America in the implementation of the “Voice of Staff” programme throughout the Bank, constructing a smooth communication platform between the corporation and its staff. The Bank adopted

376、 the Six Sigma project management system, explored standardized leadership-building methods and tools, established a “senior management leadership quality model”, and developed the “elements of success” tables for client managers, capital traders, and project mangers. In addition, an on-boarding pla

377、n for our staff was launched in the headquarters and related branches of CCB.Occupational Health and SafetyMedical Check-upSince the mid-1980s, the headquarters of CCB has been working with Beijing Health Examination Centre, Peking Union Medical College Hospital and other renowned medical organizati

378、ons, to provide CCB staff with an annual full medical check-up. Working with local health care providers, CCBs branch and sub-branch offi ces also provide regular medical check-ups to employees. Diversifi ed Leisure Life of Our StaffAcross CCB, many cultural associations and sports clubs have been e

379、stablished. Various cultural and sports activities were organized for the staff to facilitate interactions among our staff, enrich their cultural lives, fulfi l their spiritual needs and aid in building a harmonious corporate environment. Around 15,000 cultural and sporting events were held in 2007,

380、 with an accumulated participation of around 800,000 person-times.Respond to EmergencyA contingency plan and system were set up and standardized. CCB implemented standardized procedures to prevent and handle emergencies, including fi nancial criminal cases, accidents, fi res and natural disasters. S

381、ince 2005, CCB set up the “CCB Contingency Measures for Emergencies” and the “CCB Handling Process for Natural Disasters” and a trained contingency team in the event of a real world emergency, to strengthen the Banks contingency reaction mechanisms.Emergency DrillsEvery year, CCB organized drills th

382、at simulate potential accidents like fi re, fraud, robbery, theft and other crisis situations. In 2007, fi re drills were practiced across its headquarters. Meanwhile, we assisted the Ministry of Public Security and China Banking Regulatory Commission in compiling the “Contingency Plan for Emergency

383、 in Banks” section of the “The Working Practices of Security in Banking Industry” manual. Promote Integrity as a Social VirtueCCB operates in compliance with the law, while working hard to capitalize on our intermediary role in credit services and function in fi nancial services to promote integrity

384、 as a social virtue, with the goal in building a fi ne social credit system and legal environment.79Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007Anti-CorruptionStringent Regulatory SystemFrom operations management, personnel management, usage of public property, project tender and purchasing managemen

385、t, business trading, organizational discipline and the reception and hospitality of business trips, CCB demands proper conduct in accordance with the law from our senior executives at all levels. As such, stringent internal control measures have been implemented across the entire organization to pre

386、vent corruption. Employees who have violated the regulation on anti-corruption, neglected their supervisory duty, and violated the principle of integrity and responsibility will be held accountable and face disciplinary action. Anti-Corruption regulations:“CCB Regulations for Senior Executives on Bu

387、siness Conduct Honesty” (2002)“CCB Handling Process for Misconduct” (2004)“CCB Six Principles Set by CCP on Committee Honesty and Self-discipline” (2005)“CCB Accountability System on Senior Executives” (2006)“Notice on Simplifi cation of Business Entertainment” (2006)“CCB Eight Principles for Senior

388、 Executives on Business Conduct Honesty” (2007)CCB Six Principles Set by CCP on Committee Honesty and Self-discipline1.When executives from a higher level unit visit a lower level unit on business, they should do so in simple styles. They will not be received by the leaders of the lower level unit a

389、t airports, railway stations or piers; arrangement for their rooms and board will not be luxurious; dining among colleagues will be restricted to working meals.2.Among higher level and lower level units or their staffs, there should not be any presenting or receiving of gifts in cash, in kind, or in

390、 the form of local specialty products.3.Within CCB, the use of corporate funds to treat each other with meals and gifts is forbidden. For internal meetings, no distribution of souvenirs is allowed.4.There should be a strict separation of corporate and personal affairs. Personal emotions and interest

391、s should be set aside in conducting corporate affairs. Leaders who are not directly responsible should not interfere with corporate purchasing.5.In conducting administration affairs or corporate business, when there is a potential confl ict of interests because family members and friends are involve

392、d, a practice of reclusing oneself is to be implemented. Where reclusing is not practical, there should be a declaration of interests which should be recorded by the work unit involved.6.Corporate secrets should be kept strictly confi dential and internal information should not be used for the perso

393、nal gains of any CCB staff.Topical EducationCCB runs a topical education system which features a “Monthly Class on Law Abiding Practices” to promote a work environment that fosters honesty and proper conduct. The anti-corruption education is the key curriculum, which includes formats of trainings, s

394、tudies, lectures, seminars, jail visits, as well as promotions through internal publications, multimedia and websites. As a result, an honest and law abiding working environment is formed.80China Construction Bank CorporationSocial Responsibility PerformanceOur management, senior executives and key

395、business personnel are our main education targets. In order to raise their awareness on the practical, honesty, disciplinary, law abiding and disciplinary issues, we focus on the following topical education: concept of power and authority, CCP rules and regulations, fi nancial policies and regulatio

396、ns, banking operation system and regulations, honesty and proper conduct, business ethics in fi nancial industry.In 2007, over 300,000 staff participated in more than 1,700 role model reports held by different departments of CCB and nearly 260,000 staff participated in over 1,200 real case fl awed m

397、odel reports in various forms. CCB compiled a book called “The Price CCB Educational Case Studies” and distributed a copy to every staff.Prevention of Commercial Bribery In accordance with Central Government and China Banking Regulatory Commission, CCB made special effort on prevention of bribery. I

398、n order to promote integrity and to build a long-term mechanism to prevent commercial bribery, CCB is committed to straighten and rectify any instances that violates business ethics and market rules.Anti-Money LaunderingSystem ImprovementIn accordance with the national “Anti-Money Laundering Law” an

399、d the relative systems of the Peoples Bank of China, CCB has adjusted, amended and issued a timely internal control system on anti-money laundering.Set up of Specialized Department and TeamCCB has set up a specialized unit under the Compliance Department in dealing with anti-money laundering, suppor

400、ting the relative departments in the investigation and audit.Carry out full responsibilityCCB has developed a “black-list” search system and a monitoring system on suspicious transactions and improved the reporting system on large transactions. Timely report of large transaction and suspicious trans

401、action is made to the China Anti-Money Laundering Monitoring & Analysis Centre with regards to relevant regulations. CCB has actively taken up the coordination role in assisting the governmental departments to monitor cross-border fund circulation. Participate in Building of a Social Credit SystemMa

402、intain a Loan Information DatabaseCCB has set up comprehensive databases of corporate and personal credit information and ensured a timely update of information. The system is responsible for data maintenance, regularly reporting credit data to the Peoples Bank of China according to T+1 and monthly

403、frequency, correcting data errors, and handling customer disputes. Encourage Good Credit Practices through the Application of Economic LeversCCB rejects loan applications from customers with poor credit records, but offers simplifi ed application procedures and favourable interest rates to enterpris

404、es or individuals with sound histories.Assist Enterprises in the Establishment of Comprehensive Modern Management SystemCCB has been helping enterprises upgrade their credit ratings by standardizing and improving their financial rules and regulations, participating in the reform of their shareholdin

405、g system and the launch of IPOs.81Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007Public Welfare CausesOver the past years, CCB has been devoted whole-heartedly to public welfare causes. As part of our strategic goal to fulfi l our social responsibility, CCB supports various charity causes such as educat

406、ion, caring for the growth of youth, protecting national traditional folk culture, emergency and disaster relief, and relieving the poor and the distressed. CCB s Contributions to Public Welfare Services in 2007In 2007, CCB strengthened its support towards public welfare services by carrying out 14

407、charity projects that resulted in approximately RMB226 million in donations. The actual donation in the year amounted to RMB197 million.Establishment of Financing Programme for “Impoverished Mothers of Heroes & Exemplary Workers in China”CCB donated RMB50 million to the China Women Development Found

408、ation to help alleviate living diffi culties of impoverished mothers or wives of PLA, Armed Police or Public Security personnel who were killed or crippled while on duty, or who have demonstrated exemplary performance. Every year, subsidies will be granted to 1,800 impoverished women with each recei

409、ve RMB2,500 to RMB5,000, and this programme will be continued for 10 years to subsidize a total of 18,000 women.Launch of “Build for the Futures CCB Sponsorship Programme for Impoverished High School Students”CCB donated RMB120 million to China Education Development Foundation, to aid high school st

410、udents with financial diffi culties in the Central and Western China. The scheme has been running for 6 years, sponsoring over 13,000 students with RMB1,500 each annually, nearly 80,000 students were sponsored by the scheme. The first batch of subsidy was granted in mid-December 2007. Supporting the

411、 Related Research Work of “China Yan an Spirit Research Society” CCB donated RMB2 million to the China Yanan Spirit Research Society to sponsor the project of compiling the One History & Two Chronicles databases and the research of relevant topics. The local chronicles refer to the 13-year history o

412、f the Central Committee of CPC in Yanan, the local chronicles of Yanan from 1935 to 1948, and the local chronicles of the Shaanxi-Gansu-Ningxia Border Region during 1935-1948.Sponsorship of the 2007 Special Olympics World Summer GamesAs one of the sponsorship partners to the 2007 Special Olympics Wo

413、rld Summer Games, CCB launched a series of “Care for Society through Action” activities in support of the Special Olympics. CCB organized fund-raising and promotional activities at nearly 3,000 branches, organized various events with special education schools and supported sporting events for indivi

414、duals with intellectual disabilities.Establishment of “CCB Tsinghua Chair Professorship Fund”CCB donated USD3 million endowment to Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management for the establishment of a special fund. The fund is used for inviting internationally famous scholars to teach in

415、 Tsinghua to raise its academic standards.Setting up of CCB “Tibet-in-our-heart” ScholarshipCCB donated RMB3.5 million to China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation to help impoverished high school students and college students in Tibet fi nish their schooling.82China Construction Bank CorporationSoci

416、al Responsibility PerformanceBuilding of CCB Hope Primary SchoolCCB donated RMB530,000 to China Youth Development Foundation for the construction of CCB Hope Primary School, or the provision of sports equipment and libraries and for conducting teacher training in these schools.Donation to “Blue Ribb

417、on Fund”CCB donated RMB1 million as the start-up fund for the China Red Cross Foundations “Blue Ribbon Fund”. It is a special charity fund for providing treatment assistance to children from needy families suffering from severe diseases at the Naval General Hospital. Supporting the “Youth Employment

418、 Network”CCB donated HKD720,880 to the Community Chest of Hong Kong for supporting the “Youth Employment Network”, which assists local youth to fi nd employment.Flood ReliefCCB donated a total of RMB1 million to each of the major fl ood stricken regions in Anhui and Chongqing for rebuilding their ho

419、mes, which totalled RMB2 million. Supporting the “Chinese Village Project”CCB donated 334 PCs to the China Association of Poverty Alleviation and Development in support of the “Chinese Village Project”, a poverty alleviation action.Sponsorship of the 10th Beijing International Music Festival This ye

420、ar CCB is again the lead sponsor of the Beijing International Music Festival. In cooperation with the Beijing International Music Festival Arts Foundation, CCB contributed RMB2 million to the organization of the 10th Beijing Music Festival, in order to promote the development of cultural activities

421、in the capital and cultural exchange with the world.Support the Research of Beijing Cairncross Economics Research FoundationCCB donated RMB2 million to the Beijing Cairncross Economics Research Foundation, for developing education programmes for further training and research projects on government p

422、olicies and public affairs related to China economic development.China Pavilion World Expo 2010 ShanghaiCCB has donated RMB2 million to the World Expo 2010 Shanghai organizing committee to be used in the construction of the China Pavilion. Situation of Public Welfare Activities at CCB Branches and S

423、ub-branchesAccording to incomprehensive fi gures, our branches participated in more than 400 public welfare activities in 2007, including activities in education, environmental protection, poverty alleviation, construction of new farming village, emergency and disaster relief, and subsidizing the ne

424、edy community. Total donations amounted to over RMB26 million was made. 83Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007Staff VolunteerTo motivate our staff to undertake social responsibility activities, CCB specifi ed, in its “Code of Conduct”, staff participation in welfare activities, concern for th

425、e underprivileged and self-motivated acts of kindness. CCB staff members are encouraged to actively involve themselves in volunteer services and other charitable activities. In 2007, our employees have not only donated money and resources, but also participated in helping people in need, and support

426、ed the rebuilding of disaster stricken areas. Among these activities, donation to impoverished high school students reached RMB15.86 million. Meanwhile, many of our staff actively took part in a wide range of public welfare activities, such as volunteer blood donation, support of the Special Olympic

427、s, assistance to subsidized students, etc., and more. These acts demonstrated the caring and benevolent character of CCBs staff and their contribution to the well-being of the society.CCB s Special Olympics VolunteersIn October 2007, the 12th Special Olympics World Summer Games was held in Shanghai.

428、 Being the exclusive fi nancial sponsorship partner, CCB provided various fi nancial services to the Games. The Bank also gathered more than a thousand volunteers from nearly 3,000 branches in 12 cities to participate in related promotion campaigns, spreading the message of care and understanding to

429、 people with mental disabilities among the entire community. In Shanghai, the organizing city of the Special Olympic Games, over 200 volunteers from the CCB Shanghai branch took part in various activities, including the “on-site fi nancial services offered to offi cial sponsoring hotels”, the “dedic

430、ation of love and care to the community” activities by the youth volunteers, “blessing messages to the Special Olympic Games athletes, “Special Olympic Torch Run”, “Special Olympics roadshow”, etc. Their full devotion and dedication were indications of CCB in fully supporting and providing the best

431、services to the Special Olympics, and established a positive image of the Bank in undertaking corporate social responsibilities.Case PresentationCase 1: Implementation of the “Build for the Future CCB Sponsorship Programme for Impoverished High School Students”Financing Impoverished Students is Fina

432、ncing the FutureOn September 21st 2007, an agreement was signed between CCB and China Education Development Foundation in Beijing whereby CCB donated RMB120 million to set up a special fund to start the “Build for the Future CCB Sponsorship Programme for Impoverished High School Students” (the “Prog

433、ramme”).Essentially, CCB contributed RMB120 million in this Programme, aiming to assist needy high school students of good academic achievement, in particular those from central and western China, to complete their high school education and develop into good citizens contributing to the society. The

434、 Programme will be implemented for six consecutive years and every year, over 13,300 needy high school students will be granted a subsidy of RMB1,500 each. In total, about 80,000 subsidies will be granted throughout the period. According to public information, this is the largest single-sum donation

435、 ever made by a domestic bank for supporting public welfare causes such as education.The reason the impoverished high schools students are chosen as subsidy recipients is because, currently, support to this group by society is virtually a blank. Some survey data indicate that, as of 2006, 82.3% of i

436、mpoverished high-school student families in central and western China became poor because they had to support a high school student; and 20% of the impoverished high school students were facing the fate of having to stop schooling. It is the hope of CCB that its own donation would draw the collectiv

437、e attention of various sectors of society to the plight of these fi ne students who are undergoing temporary hardships and would inspire them into helping these students to become useful citizens one day. This philanthropic act on the part of CCB has elicited favourable comments from educational dep

438、artments, from teachers of subsidized schools, from students and parents, and from all circles of the society.In order for the subsidies to reach the needy students at the earliest time possible, CCB branches at different tiers took speedy actions and worked with local education bodies to choose 545

439、 recipient schools in a months time and urged these schools to start asking needy students to submit declarations. Each of the declarations was then reviewed critically by China Education Development Foundation. In late November, a list of over 13,300 needy high school recipients all over the whole

440、country was fi nalized together with CCB. CCBs Beijing Branch was responsible for providing the Programme with specifi c services and, after overcoming problems of a tight schedule and the enormous amount of work, it was able to issue the fi rst batch of subsidies by mid December 2007.To CCB, the Pr

441、ogramme is not only for providing assistance to needy students, but also a means by which its staff is guided to contribute caring love and through which awareness on social responsibility is developed. In the current donation of RMB120 million, RMB12 million comes from voluntary donations by CCB em

442、ployees. Under the call of the CCB Committee of the Communist Youth League and CCB labour union, nearly all 300,000 CCB employees have been enthusiastic in making donations, that the total donation has now reached RMB15.86 million, exceeding the target by RMB3.86 million. In each of the six years in

443、 which the Programme is to be implemented, CCB will organize a “Development Pioneer” assessment to identify and award the most distinguished subsidy recipients. CCB will also organize a group of volunteers from its branches to participate in a pairing up programme with the subsidy recipients in a bi

444、d to achieve concerted development through exchanges and interactions.84China Construction Bank CorporationCase 2: Implementation of the “Financing Programme for Impoverished Mothers of Heroes & Exemplary Workers in China” Concern the Plights of Mothers of Heroes & Exemplary WorkersSupport the Build

445、ing of National Defence & Public SecurityCCB has donated RMB50 million to China Women Development Foundation to launch the Financing Programme for Impoverished Mothers of Heroes and Exemplary Workers in China. This is a way to carry on the fi ne Chinese tradition of revering heroes, exemplary worker

446、s and deceased heroes; to pique social awareness in caring for them or their surviving relatives; and to alleviate their economic diffi culties and improve their livelihood. In this programme, subsidies will be targeted specifi cally for impoverished mothers or wives of PLA, Armed Police or Public S

447、ecurity personnel who have been killed or crippled while on duty, or who have demonstrated exemplary performance. From 2007 to 2016, the programme will set aside a sum of RMB5 million every year to provide welfare subsidies to 1,600 mothers, each receiving a subsidy of RMB2,500 per person, and 200 s

448、urviving relatives will each receive a subsidy of RMB5,000 per person. In total, 1,800 persons will be subsidized every year and a total of about 18,000 recipients will be subsidized over 10 years.On November 22nd 2007, a donation agreement between CCB and China Women Development Foundation was sign

449、ed in the Great Hall of the People, marking the kick off of the programme. Attending the signing and kick-off ceremony were offi cials from the Ministry of Public Security, the General Political Department of the Peoples Liberation Army, the Political Department of the Armed Police Force, the All-Ch

450、ina Womens Federation and CCB. At the ceremony, Gu Xiulian, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress and Chairman of the All-China Womens Federation, expressed her genuine appreciation for CCBs achievements in its reform and development and its generous donation. She

451、pointed out that the subsidy programme would serve as a sound platform on which the public could demonstrate their care for heroes, exemplary workers or deceased heroes. At the same time, the relatives of these heroes and exemplary workers could get a helping hand for a fresh start in their lives an

452、d would eventually be able to improve their livelihood through their own efforts. The participating guests then proceeded to present subsidy funds to the representatives of the fi rst batch of recipients. Ge Hong, wife of posthumously honoured First Grade Hero Jin Pengli, former head of the Yilaha p

453、olice substation in Nenjiang County, Heilongjiang, then gave a speech in which she thanked CCB and all quarters of society for their care and concern, which made her realize that it was worthwhile sacrifi cing for the cause of peoples public security. As the wife of a hero, she felt gratifi ed and p

454、roud.By now, the fi rst batch of subsidies for this programme has already been given out. CCB Shanxi Branch, Gansu Branch and Xinjiang Autonomous Region Branch were the fi rst branches to participate in the programme. The management and voluntary staff members from these branches have all been enthu

455、siastic in visiting and conveying their greetings to the mothers or wives of heroes and exemplary workers in their respective areas. Furthermore, they have formed a one-to-one match with these families in order to advise them on fi nancial matters or assist them in agricultural production techniques

456、. Gansu Branch has also included the offspring of the heroes and exemplary workers in the CCB Sponsorship Programme for Impoverished High School Students by helping them to fi nish their schooling and develop into citizens contributing to society one day.85Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007

457、Case PresentationCase 3: Snow Disaster Relief WorkStep Forward in Times of Danger and Diffi cultiesSpare No Efforts in Backing Up Disaster Rescue & Relief WorkBefore the 2008 Spring Festival, most regions in southern China was struck with an extraordinary snow and ice storm, causing serious disrupti

458、ons in transportation, communications, power and energy supply, production as well as the daily lives of the people. The CCB Party Committee was gravely concerned about the situation and responded immediately by donating RMB12 million to 10 disaster stricken provinces, including Hunan, Hubei, Anhui

459、and Guizhou, to support rescue and relief work by the public. The majority of CCB staff also spontaneously donated money and materials to the disaster areas. In particular, the CCB Beijing Branch donated more than RMB650,000 through the Red Cross Society of China, while CCB Hunan Branch donated abou

460、t RMB113,000 and more than 2,500 pieces of clothing.In the affl icted provinces, extraordinary measures to overcome various diffi culties were taken by CCB branches to ensure the safe and normal functioning of their respective banks. At a time when transportation was paralyzed, some employees were s

461、o determined to go back to their branches on foot that they braved the slippery roads and walked as far as six kilometres. Because of power interruptions, these staff had to resort to using candles for lighting and manually making accounting entries to allow basic functioning of the branches. In the

462、 hardest hit provinces of Hunan and Guizhou, learning that funds were urgently needed to fi x power generation systems, CCB immediately started up its “Express Credit Channel”, readjusted credit scales, made overnight assessment of loan projects, quickened the pace of the credit limit extension, loa

463、ns approval and extension, and, under lawful and compliant preconditions, released disaster combat loans amounting to RMB1.54 billion to power companies for repairing their power transmission networks and for the procurement of electricity and coal.Adopting the slogan of “Take Customers Urgent Needs

464、 as Our Urgent Task and Bring Our Service to Their Doorstep”, CCB employees went to their disaster stricken clients to gain an understanding of their needs, help solve their diffi culties and lift their worries. For example, upon learning that the local railway company was in need of RMB150,000 smal

465、l change to refund passengers for return tickets, Zhaoqing Branch in Guangdong urgently mobilized all branches to collect all the small change they could locate. Many staff members even gave up new small change they had previously set aside for their own New Year distribution. Consequently, they wer

466、e able to come up with RMB150,000 in small change within an hour, making it possible for the railway company to handle refunds for more than 2,000 passengers.86China Construction Bank CorporationCase 4: Conducting the “CCB Cup Chinese Family Financial Management Education” ActivityHelping the Public

467、 Manage Financial AffairsBuilding Harmonious FamiliesAs the capital market becomes more and more active, personal investment becomes a popular topic among many people and is drawing the attention of more and more families. To help citizens establish sound fi nancial management concepts and to grasp

468、scientifi c fi nancial management knowledge, CCB joined hands with All-China Womens Federation in 2006 to launch the “CCB Cup Chinese Family Financial Management Education” programme, which aimed to popularize fi nancial management knowledge and help build moderately affl uent families which are hap

469、pier, more stable, upwardly mobile and harmonious.The activity began its second phase in 2007, covering provinces and cities such as Beijing, Henan, Shaanxi, Hebei, Jiangsu, Dalian, Hubei, Hunan, Fujian, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Heilongjiang, Shenzhen, Yunnan and Sichuan. In all, CCB has conducted 70 mo

470、bile classes in family fi nancial management, involving a total participation of more than 7,000 person times.To ensure that knowledge and concepts in scientifi c fi nancial management can be fully disseminated, CCB has cooperated with All-China Womens Federation in distributing 1 million copies of

471、an easy-to-understand illustrated pamphlet on family fi nancial management, which is popular among clients and the general public.87Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007Case PresentationCase 5: Supporting the Research & Development of Ethnic Inner Mongolia MusicEnable Enchanting Music to Take

472、FlightEthnic music of the minorities is a gem in our national arts treasury. Such music not only encompasses the profound feelings of our minority compatriots towards nature, but also fully demonstrates the unique artistic charm of our ethnic culture. However, under the impact of popular music, deve

473、lopment of ethnic music has been slowed down due to a lack of support. Arts troupes involved in studying ethnic music are generally facing funding problems. On September 12th 2006, CCB signed a cooperation agreement with Inner Mongolia Broadcast & Television Art Troupe in Huthot, under which CCB wou

474、ld be a chief sponsor to support research and the creation of Inner Mongolia music.Inner Mongolia Broadcast & Television Art Troupe is renowned for being a fi rst-rate group of professionals specializing in the study and creation of Mongolian ethnic music and has produced numerous masterpieces in ov

475、er 20 years since its establishment. The troupes performance of “Khoomei” and “Urtin Duu” are uniquely ethnic Mongolian singing styles. Since cooperating with CCB, the troupe has performed in Shandong, Tianjin, Liaoning, Ningxia, Anhui and Jiangsu. While offering clients and employees of CCB a chanc

476、e to enjoy exquisite music, they also extended the arena for the dissemination of ethnic Inner Mongolian music, allowing more people to come to know and appreciate its unique charm.In May 2007, under CCBs support, a 44-member team from Inner Mongolia Broadcast & Television Art Troupe entered as the

477、only team from the Mainland China in Tours Festival, one of the fi ve major choir festivals in Europe. Having captivated the audience and the judging panel by pouring out their souls and life forces into their songs, they won a silver award for mixed choir (there was no gold award recipient), a silv

478、er award for free style singing and the only grand award for traditional music ever granted by the festival among the 23 participating teams. In the second Chinese cultural festival held in Norway, the troupe gave an all-out exhibition of the charm of ethnic Mongolian music, providing the world with

479、 a chance to listen to the heavenly voices coming from the Chinese prairie. The cultural taste and responsibility displayed by CCBs sponsorship of ethnic arts, meanwhile, has also won high acclaims domestically and internationally.88China Construction Bank CorporationSocial Recognition and Feedback8

480、9Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007Awards & RecognitionIn 2007, CCB continued its rapid and robust development in different business segments, and was recognized by regulatory institutions, domestic and international media, as well as relevant organizations. CCB was ranked 14th in the “Worl

481、d Bank 1000” announced by The Banker magazine; 69th in the “2000 largest listed companies” announced by Forbes; 35th in the Financial Times “Global 500”. According to incomprehensive statistics, CCB received 82 awards (inclusive of rankings) presented by over 50 media and institutions in 2007.Overvi

482、ew of Major Awards, Rankings and Ratings of China Construction BankBrand ImageFebruary 2008 We were awarded “Best Subcustodian Bank, China” by The Asset magazineDecember 2007 We won the “Best Trade Finance Provider Award”, “Best Bank in Mortgage Loans Award” and “Best Consumer Bank Award” by Global

483、Finance magazineDecember 2007 We won the “Best Return of Investment Award” and “The Bankers Award 2007” by 21st Century Business HeraldNovember 2007 We were awarded the “Triple A Awards Best Domestic Bank, China” by The Asset Magazine, the third consecutive year for CCB to obtain this awardNovember

484、2007 We won the “AsiaRisk Awards 2007 House of the Year, China” by AsiaRisk magazineSeptember 2007 We won the “Top Profi tability Award” and ranked 3rd in “The China Commercial Bank Competitiveness Award (Financial Evaluation)” by The Chinese Banker magazineJune 2007 We were awarded “The Asias Best

485、Companies 2007 Best Investor Relations in China” by Finance Asia magazineMay 2007 We won “The 2nd CAPITAL Outstanding China Enterprise Awards Outstanding Banking Corporation” by Capital magazineApril 2007 We won an accolade of “The Asset Corporate Governance Ranking 2007” by The Asset magazine in “T

486、he Asset Best Corporate Governance Awards 2007”March 2007 We were awarded the “Best Emerging Market Banks in Asia 2007 Best Bank in China” by Global Finance magazineProducts and ServicesJanuary 2008 We won the “Best Real Estate Investment, CHINA” in the Euromoney Private Banking and Wealth Managemen

487、t Survey 2008 by Euromoney magazineSeptember 2007 We were awarded the “Best Retail Banking” by The Asian Banking & Finance magazine90China Construction Bank CorporationSocial Recognition and FeedbackJuly 2007 We won the Gold Award from the League of American Communications Professionals (LACP) Visio

488、n Awards Annual Report Competition Commercial BanksJune 2007 We were awarded the “Excellence in Mortgage Business in China” by The Asian Banker of SingaporeMarch 2007 We were named as “Advanced Unit in National Banks and Financial Institutions in Loan Business for Small Enterprises 2006” in the “Dec

489、isions of China Bank Regulatory Commission for Praising Advanced Unit and Individual in National Banks and Financial Institutions in Loan Business for Small Enterprises in 2006” published by the China Banking Regulatory CommissionJanuary 2007 CCBs credit cards were awarded the “Best Annual Product D

490、esigned Card”, “Best Annual Jointly Signed Card”, and the “Best Annual Business Card” by the MasterCard InternationalCorporate Social ResponsibilityJanuary 2008 We were awarded “The Most Responsible Enterprise Award 2007” in “The 3rd International Forum of Corporate Social Responsibility China” join

491、tly hosted by China News Weekly and the Chinese Red Cross Foundation (CRCF), the 2nd consecutive year for CCB to be awardedJanuary 2008 We were awarded “2007 Interaction for Poverty Alleviation: Individual and Organizational Charitarian” by China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation (CFPA)December 200

492、7 We were awarded the “CHKLC and CPA Australia Corporate Social Responsibility Award” by The Chamber of Hong Kong Listed Companies jointly with Hong Kong Baptist University and CCB is the only listed company in Hong Kong to earn this honour. December 2007 We were awarded “China Social Responsibility

493、 Award 2007” by The Study Times of Party School of the Central Committee C.P.C. and other institutionsDecember 2007 We were named “Unit with Greatest Passion” during the events “Warmth of Television and Movie Star Bloggers Fund” organized by China Foundation for Poverty Alleviation and the State Adm

494、inistration of Radio, Film and Television.November 2007 We were named “Enterprise for all Chinese Womens Charity” by All-China Womens Federation and China Women Development FoundationSeptember 2007 We were awarded “Corporate Social Responsibility” by Xinhua NetJune 2007 We were given the “Diamond Aw

495、ard” by the Community Chest of Hong KongFebruary 2007 We were named as “The Unit with Greatest Passion for Children” by China Children and Teenagers Fund (CCTF) and 15 employees from China Construction Banks Personal Finance Department were named as “Best Ambassador of Love”Social Recognition and Fe

496、edback91Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007RankingsNovember 2007 We were ranked the 5th on the list of “FA100” by Finance Asia magazine in terms of the accumulative profi t during the period from 2004 to 2006 FORTUNEGLOBAL 500July 2007 We were ranked No. 230 on the “FORTUNE GLOBAL 500” by Fo

497、rtuneJuly 2007 We were ranked 4th on the annual ranking of the “Asian Bank 300”, 16th on the list of “The Highest Return of Assets of Asia Banks” and 5th largest bank in terms of amount of loans by Yazhou ZhoukanJune 2007 ranked 3rd on the “Top 100 Banks in China” and 14th on the “Top 1000 Banks in

498、the world”, both compiled based on tier-one capital by The BankerJune 2007 We were ranked 35th on the annual ranking of the “FT Global 500 2007” by the Financial TimesMarch 2007 We were ranked 69th in the “Worlds 2000 Largest Public Companies 2007” by ForbesRatingsDecember 2007 Standard & Poors assi

499、gned China Construction Bank Corporation long-term foreign currency counter party rating as A- and short-term foreign currency counter party rating as A-2 and long-term counter party rating outlook as stable.November 2007 Fitch Ratings assigned China Construction Bank Corporation Long-term Issuer De

500、fault rating as A; Short-term Issuer Default rating as F1, Support Rating Floor as A; Outlook as stable.August 2007 Moodys Investors Service assigned China Construction Banks long-term credit-rating as A1, its short-term credit-rating as P-1 and fi nancial strength rating as D-. It also assigned a p

501、ositive outlook on the Bank. 92China Construction Bank CorporationSocial Recognition and FeedbackRecognition from the Society“As one of the most reputable large-scale banks in China, CCB has been growing while improving its own system continuously. Its market capitalization has reached second place

502、among the top 10 banks around the world. With its steady development and remarkable achievement, CCB has become the most profi table bank in Asia. This is one of the fruitful results of Chinas economic reform, and I am extremely pleased with its performance. I sincerely wish that CCB will continue w

503、ith its reform and improvement, help our country to accumulate more wealth, and contribute even more towards our social public welfare.” Gu Xiulian Vice-Chairman of the NPCC President of the All-China Womens FederationSocial Recognition and Feedback93Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007“From

504、the China Education Development Foundations point of view, the level of contributions made by CCB towards students from impoverished families is unprecedented, not only in the fi nancial industry, but also in China. I have said many times, while money is important, this is really about how much our

505、leaders of the enterprises understand education; what kind of insight and aspiration our entrepreneurs have; how mature entrepreneurs deal with the relationship problems between their enterprises and society, economic development and society, enterprises development and social harmony. I believe CCB

506、 has dealt with these relationships really well, taking active steps, proving to the Central Government that they truly understand, study and implement the concepts of scientific development and the building of a harmonious society.” Zhang BaoqingPresident of China Education Development Foundation,F

507、ormer Vice Minister and CCP Deputy Secretary of Education Department “On corporate social responsibility, CCB has made extraordinary contributions to society. Your support to our school is wonderful encouragement to our staff and students. You have sowed the seeds of the true, the good and the beaut

508、iful for the future, and set an excellent example for our students”. Qian YingyiDean of Tsinghua University School of Economics and Management “While the whole of Hubei province was fi ghting against the heaviest rain, snow, ice storm disaster in 54 years, CCBs RMB1.5 million donation came just in t

509、ime to help our people to manage through this diffi cult period. Snow storm is cold, yet peoples hearts are warm. CCB has been devoted to public welfare services for over 50 years and they have fulfi lled their social responsibility once again in helping us through our diffi culties with their gener

510、ous donations.”Thank You letter fromThe Peoples Government of Hubei Province“Earlier, our province suffered from the heaviest rain, snow, ice storm disaster in the last 50 years. CCB responded to the appeal by the Central Government and State Council, and donated RMB800,000 to our province during th

511、is diffi cult period. This donation clearly refl ected their strong sense of social responsibility as a fi nancial enterprise.”Thank You letter from Finance Offi ce of The Peoples Government of Jiangsu Province“The development of ethnic culture relies heavily on the support from society. CCB has met

512、 its philosophy of “Excellence Pursuer, Prevail Forever”, by linking its mission in achieving the best for the bank with our national renaissance. CCBs support towards our work has shown its strong sense of corporate responsibility and excellent taste of culture, giving us the opportunity to demonst

513、rate the uniqueness of our Inner Mongolian ethnic art to a broader audience.”Thank You letter fromInner Mongolia Broadcast, Film and Television Bureau“Thank you very much, dear uncles and aunties of the CCB, your love and care have lightened up our hope for the future and confi rmed our determinatio

514、n in search of our dreams. Your kindness not only provided us with our material needs, but also delivered spiritual support. Your timely assistance shall be remembered by us all forever. CCB has gathered and delivered its love and care, scattered these seeds of hope into our impoverished region and

515、our needy students. You are our angels of love.”Pang HongSponsored Student from Gansu Yuzhong County First High School Independent Assurance Report94China Construction Bank CorporationWe have been engaged by China Construction Bank (further referred to as “CCB”) to review the CCB Corporate Social Re

516、sponsibility Report 2007 (further referred to as “the Report”). The Report, including the identifi cation of material issues, is the responsibility of the Board of Directors of CCB. Our responsibility is to issue an assurance report on the information in the Report. This report is made to the manage

517、ment of CCB in accordance with the terms of our engagement. ScopeOur engagement was designed to provide limited assurance on whether the information in the Report is fairly stated. Information in the Report includes activities related to CCB head offi ce. Information related to branches was excluded

518、 from the scope of our engagement. Procedures performed to obtain a limited level of assurance are aimed at determining the plausibility of information and are less extensive than those for a reasonable level of assurance. For a thorough understanding of the fi nancial results and fi nancial positio

519、n of CCB please consult the CCB audited fi nancial statements for the year ended 31 December 2007.Reporting criteriaThere are no generally accepted standards for reporting sustainability performance. CCB has reported this year according to its own internal reporting criteria as detailed on page 55 o

520、f the Report.Assurance StandardWe conducted our engagement in accordance with the International Standard for Assurance Engagements (ISAE 3000): Assurance Engagements other than Audits or Reviews of Historical Financial Information issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards Board. T

521、his Standard requires, amongst others, that the assurance team possesses the specifi c knowledge, skills and professional competencies needed to understand and review the information in the Report, and that they comply with the requirements of the IFAC (International Federation of Accountants) Code

522、of Ethics for Professional Accountants to ensure their independence.95Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2007Work undertakenOur review included the following activities: a review of the corporate level systems and processes for information management, internal control and processing of the quali

523、tative and quantitative information in the Report; discussing the reported information with the relevant staff across more than 20 of CCBs departments; collecting and reviewing internal and external documentation to determine whether the qualitative and quantitative information in the Report is supp

524、orted by suffi cient evidence; a media analysis and internet search to obtain information on relevant sustainability issues for CCB in the reporting period.During the assurance process we discussed changes to the various drafts of the Report with CCB and reviewed the fi nal version of the Report to

525、ensure that it refl ected our fi ndings. ConclusionBased on the above work, with the exception of the information excluded from the scope of our engagement as detailed above, we conclude that the information in the Report does not appear to be unfairly stated. ObservationsWithout affecting the concl

526、usions presented above, we would like to draw readers attention to the following: Based on CCBs understanding of the needs and concerns of their stakeholders as shown on page 65, the 2007 CSR Report highlights the social and community activities of CCB in China. We recommend CCB to extend their CSR

527、approach to encompass the wider context for a global fi nancial institution and to develop a medium-to long-term CSR strategy which considers the CSR concerns of all relevant stakeholder groups and includes a longer term road map to aid its implementation.Independent Assurance Report96China Construc

528、tion Bank CorporationIndependent Auditors Report The information in the Report is derived from CCBs internal and fi nancial reporting systems. We recommend CCB to develop more specifi c CSR reporting criteria based on its CSR strategy and to adopt the framework and principles of the Global Reporting

529、 Initiative Reporting Guidelines for future reporting. We recognise that CCB has already developed credit policies for specific sectors and for high energyhigh polluting industries and to promote clean technology. We recommend CCB to further develop the social criteria within the credit approval pro

530、cess and also consider adopting the Equator Principles for project fi nancing. This is translation of the Chinese language version of the Independent Assurance Report. If there is any confl ict in meaning between the Chinese and English versions, the Chinese version will prevail.KPMG HuazhenBeijing 14 May, 2008 CMYCMMYCYCMYKCCB CSR cover.ai 13/6/2008 16:43:33CCB CSR cover.ai 13/6/2008 16:43:33



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