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1、 ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY:WHO CARES?A segmented landscape of engagement,challenges and opportunitiesNovember 2022Authors:Dr.Pippa Bailey,Chris Murphy and Steven NaertESG SERIESFrom understanding to activationpg 15The segmentation of sustainabilitypg 06Five key takeawayspg 03The contextpg 04Shift

2、ing dimensionspg 13CONTENTSGeo-diversity in environmental concernpg 12Environmental Sustainability:Who Cares?2 Citizen concerns,attitudes,priorities and actions are not homogenous when it comes to environmental and social issues.Globally,there is an increasing acknowledgement that we face an environ

3、mental crisis.However,urgent day-to-day issues are often higher priorities.Consumers can be split into five segments based on what they feel and how they act:Activists,Pragmatists,Conflicted Contributors,Busy Bystanders and Disengaged Denialists.If we understand how different segments in different p

4、arts of the world feel and act,we can better educate,engage and drive constructive behaviour change through relevant and respectful solutions and messaging.To engage multiple segments,brands need to think about presenting sustainability as a co-benefit,not the primary benefit.Five key takeaways01 02

5、 03 04 05 Environmental Sustainability:Who Cares?3Five key takeawaysThe contextSegmentationGeo-diversity in concernShifting dimensionsFrom understanding to activationWith an increase in the frequency and intensity of weather events across the world,it is hard to ignore the effects of climate change.

6、Two-thirds of the global population say they have experienced these effects in their region(this figure being as high as nine in ten in parts of the global south),1 with 83%of people saying that we are heading for environmental disaster unless we change our habits quickly.2 Corrective activity is vi

7、ewed as a shared responsibility between government,industry,and citizens.3So,awareness and concern about climate change is growing.However,urgent and immediate issues of day-to-day survival can take priority over important“long-term”matters such as climate change.This is illustrated in Ipsos What Wo

8、rries the World survey4 where issues such as inflation,poverty&social inequality,unemployment,and healthcare take precedence over climate change.However,as global temperatures continue to rise,and significant weather events increase in frequency and impact,these two issues are expected to become inc

9、reasingly intertwined.Our ability to thrive on this planet will be increasingly linked in our minds to our care of the planet.Ultimately,sustainability is about people,planet,and prosperity.This view of sustainability is reflected in the expectations that citizens have of multinational companies not

10、 just to protect the environment(E)but also to improve society(S)and practice good governance(G).5 And there are in-market examples that illustrate the dangers of treating these pillars of ESG in silos.6Setting the context:awareness,priorities and expectations83%of people say that we are heading for

11、 environmental disaster unless we change our habits quickly.Environmental Sustainability:Who Cares?4The contextFive key takeawaysSegmentationGeo-diversity in concernShifting dimensionsFrom understanding to activation Protecting the Environmentincluding protecting and caring for our natural environme

12、ntImproving Societyincluding treatment of employees&diversity,working conditionsPracticing good Governance including tax strategy,executive remuneration26%38%Improving society remains the top priority for multinational companies among consumers globally,but only by a small margin over the environmen

13、t TopConcerns36%Figure 1:Citizens views of top priorities for multinational companiesIt cannot be assumed that citizen concern,attitudes,priorities,and actions are homogenous when it comes to the environment and social issues.It cannot be assumed though that citizen concern,attitudes,priorities,and

14、actions are homogenous when it comes to the environment and social issues.If government and businesses are to engage citizens and consumers with planet-friendly legislation or services and instigate positive behaviour change,it is necessary to understand different citizen views and actions across th

15、e globe.It is also useful to keep in mind that prior Ipsos research has already highlighted that most citizens expect sustainability to be delivered as a co-benefit rather than“the benefit”.7 We also see that there is often a gap between what people believe to be true and what is reality when it com

16、es to sustainability,so there is a real need to inform and educate.8Base:Either 1,000 or 500 citizen-consumers per country aged 18-65 in 28 countries,December 2021 Source:Ipsos Global Reputation Monitor 2021 Q:When it comes to the role of multinational companies in corporate responsibility how impor

17、tant are each of the following areas?Please rank the below areas were 1 is most important and 3 is least important.Environmental Sustainability:Who Cares?5The contextFive key takeawaysSegmentationGeo-diversity in concernShifting dimensionsFrom understanding to activation Conflicted Contributors18%Pr

18、agmatists29%Activists17%Busy Bystanders16%Disengaged Denialists19%Active/engagedLevel of Concern+-+-Figure 2:Overview of segments across two dimensions level of concern and action/engagementBase:10,000 adults aged 18-74 in Canada and the United States and aged 16-74 in Australia,Brazil,China,France,

19、Germany,Italy,Spain,India,Japan,Mexico,South Africa,South Korea,and the United Kingdom.Source:Ipsos EssentialsThe segmentation of sustainabilityIpsos conducted a global segmentation study covering 15 markets(via the Ipsos Essentials survey)across all continents.9The segmentation addressed the follow

20、ing themes:beliefs,values and attitudes towards the environment,concern for the environment,perception of positive action,willingness to act,actions currently being taken,personal challenges faced,purchasing behaviour and expectations of different bodies to act(government,business,and individual cit

21、izens).These questions equated to 47 variables which were analysed using an exploratory hierarchical cluster analysis and a K-means cluster analysis.In short,we segmented the population on the bases of how they feel and what they do.The results of the analysis identified five segments,which can be b

22、roadly explained across two main dimensions:level of concern for the environment and the amount of action/intended action there is by individuals to reduce their own impact on the planet.In addition,a social overlay was added to understand the importance of an array of social issues(e.g.working cond

23、itions,diversity,equality and inclusivity,providing for local Activists Pragmatists Conflicted Contributors Busy Bystanders Disengaged DenialistsEnvironmental Sustainability:Who Cares?6SegmentationThe contextFive key takeawaysGeo-diversity in concernShifting dimensionsFrom understanding to activatio

24、nFigure 3:Overview of segmentscommunities,and good education and access to opportunities for all employees)to each of the resultant segments(see Figure 2).While it is a useful starting point,this overview hides much nuance regarding the profile,barriers/challenges,and opportunities that each segment

25、 presents.Activists(17%)Pragmatists(29%)Conflicted Contributors(18%)Busy Bystanders(16%)Disengaged Denialists(19%)Skewed to be slightly younger and more female.Believe the environment is at a critical stage and the world must act now.Will compromise lifestyle for environment.As consumers,they are a

26、key audience for sustainable products and services.It is the lead benefit and they are willing to pay more for it.Supporting local is important to them.Theyll look for companies that direct efforts towards sustainability in production.Skewed to be slightly older and more affluent.Concerned about the

27、 environment.Will take action through low-cost,home-oriented actions,but will compromise if necessary.Likely to embrace new products/policies if they are easy to adopt.They are not deterred by cost when deemed reasonable.Pragmatists look to buy domestic products over foreign-made ones and supporting

28、 local is important.Companies can entice by using reusable energy and recycled materials in products/packaging.Financial situation takes precedence over their environmental concern.Skewed to be slightly less educated.Likely to support community-based policies/services and welcome government interven

29、tion.Sustainability should be presented as a co-benefit,as they are not willing to pay more for ethical/sustainable products price prevails.Theyll look for companies to limit their contribution to chemical pollution.Skewed slightly to be married,employed Millennials.See many barriers to action on cl

30、imate change,believing it to be inconvenient,expensive and not a priority.More likely to engage with frictionless products and services in the sustainability space.Convenience and routine are prevailing factors in their choice.Can be enticed by companies conserving energy and that offer products/pac

31、kaging that use recycled materials.Environment is either not a concern,not an immediate one,or it is largely overblown.Less inclined to take action.Some believe that companies should not focus on this.Limited care towards the environment.Possible to win over by initiatives with sustainability as a c

32、o-benefit.A quarter do not believe companies should focus on limiting their environmental impact.Those who do believe look for them to conserve energy and use recycled materials in products/packaging.Source:IpsosActivists Pragmatists Conflicted Contributors Busy Bystanders Disengaged DenialistsWhen

33、it comes to targeting,engaging,and employing different methods to drive more positive behaviour,a more detailed understanding of each of the segments is required,but,in summary,the segments can broadly be described as follows:Environmental Sustainability:Who Cares?7SegmentationThe contextFive key ta

34、keawaysGeo-diversity in concernShifting dimensionsFrom understanding to activation ActivistsThis segment,which accounts for 17%of the global population,is convinced the environment is at a critical stage and the world must act now.They are skewed to be slightly younger and female and are willing to

35、compromise their lifestyle for the environment.They are therefore also more likely to be engaging in more notable lifestyle changes,such as reducing meat and dairy consumption and not owning a car.While they are more environmentally literate than other segments,they may nevertheless still struggle t

36、o navigate the different trade-offs involved in living a sustainable life.One reason for this is that,as a younger segment,they are likely to have less spending power than some other segments.As a result,they may currently lack the capacity to pay more for sustainable or ethical products and service

37、s.They are more likely to be making a wide range of significant life decisions for which they will want products,services and information-support in a manner that is timely and relevant.This segment also has an important function in signalling and modelling desirable behaviour to the wider populatio

38、n.They are likely to be embedding routines into their lives,hence passively educating and normalising behaviours that may be unfamiliar to many other members of the public.This means they have the potential to help others see that their actions are not individual,isolated acts but part of a wider mo

39、vement,and as such,more meaningful.The key challenge for governments,brands and employers is that this segment is likely to be quite challenging willing to hold others promises to account.This also holds for social and governance issues such as diversity&inclusivity(D&I),good working practices and g

40、ood education/opportunities for all.It is important to avoid silos in addressing these issues and it is better to operate in partnership with this segment,effectively crowd-sourcing guidance on the degree to which marketing strategies and government policy are doing enough.Disruptor/insurgent brands

41、 are more likely to appeal to this segment.PragmatistsMaking up almost a third of global citizens,this segment is skewed to be slightly older(Boomers)and more affluent;they provide an important counterpoint to the more vocal Activists.They do share a high level of concern about the environment compa

42、red with most,but they will be more slow burn in the way they operate,looking for sustainable solutions at Activists Pragmatists Conflicted Contributors Busy Bystanders Disengaged DenialistsEnvironmental Sustainability:Who Cares?8SegmentationThe contextFive key takeawaysGeo-diversity in concernShift

43、ing dimensionsFrom understanding to activation Pragmatists are genuinely well-intentioned,but their actions are often misaligned with those that truly make a difference.home which can be readily incorporated into their everyday lives.They are keen to put in place structures,buy products,and support

44、policies that provide a coherent pathway for sustainable behaviours.They are also most focussed of all segments on social issues.We can hypothesise that this segment has a strong set of core values that they operate by,embedded as part of their identity,the sort of person they see themselves as.This

45、 is evidenced by this segment over-indexing on the onus being more on the individual to take action to improve the environment and fight climate change.They are likely to need little support in making behaviour changes happen but at the same time will be critical of brands and government policies th

46、at do not help them enact behaviours that they consider to be important.That said,their actions often dont have the greatest impact,which is indicative of the Believe-True gap8 believing the steps they are taking are having a more significant impact than they are.They are genuinely well-intentioned,

47、but their actions are often misaligned to that which truly make a difference.So,there is a need for education and guidance on the impact that government initiatives and business can bring.Properly directed,their spending power and cultural currency will give them influence.Given their scale and reso

48、urces,this could become the most impactful of our segments.They have more money to spend and are more willing to pay a reasonable premium for sustainable and ethical products.They also believe more strongly than other segments that private companies should do more and therefore may be more critical

49、of new products/services that do not have a sustainable focus.Understanding the way they view environmental and social issues and the sorts of solutions and support they are looking for is therefore key.Conflicted ContributorsThis is a segment that accounts for almost a fifth(18%)of the global popul

50、ation.They are concerned about the environment,but their financial situation often takes precedence over sustainability-related behaviours.This is an understandable Activists Pragmatists Conflicted Contributors Busy Bystanders Disengaged DenialistsEnvironmental Sustainability:Who Cares?9Segmentation

51、The contextFive key takeawaysGeo-diversity in concernShifting dimensionsFrom understanding to activationposition given that everyone has a range of competing needs and wants particularly those who are struggling financially and who will necessarily need to focus on the short-term needs of housing,em

52、ployment,energy usage and food.On this basis,the challenge is how governments and brands can insert themselves into the narrow cognitive bandwidth of this segment to engage with them,offering substantive ways in which there is perhaps not a stark trade-off between financial constraints and the envir

53、onment but that the two can in fact be compatible.This requires communication that reflects the way this segment understands the world,empathises with their situation,and offers tangible and relevant solutions.There may also be quite significant cultural barriers to overcome,given that narratives ar

54、ound sustainability have become somewhat aligned in peoples minds with a particular set of values and lifestyles rather than something that is relevant for everyone.In essence-this segment is lost at paying more for sustainable products and services.If they are to be engaged then sustainability need

55、s to be delivered as a co-benefit and not the primary benefit,7 which is the expectation of all but the most sustainably motivated and financially capable.Busy BystandersThis is the smallest of the segments,representing 16%of the global population.They are skewed towards being Millennials who are ma

56、rried and more likely to be in full-time employment.It is a segment with some attitudinal conflict when it comes to sustainability.They generally acknowledge the issue-and are likely to share personal guilt regarding their inaction-but are still more likely to believe that concern for climate change

57、 is overblown.The main challenge for this segment seems to be the many barriers they put up towards acting,believing that it is inconvenient,not a priority,and more effort than it is worth all driven no doubt by their busy lives.The challenge with this segment is to disrupt their intuitive response

58、to sustainability,challenging their assumptions that concern is overblown.To do this,a range of strategies can be used such as driving curiosity in how climate change is taking place or challenging their sense of rightness in their preconceptions.Without this disruption,there will be limited opportu

59、nity to engage and participate in sense-making on the topic.Activists Pragmatists Conflicted Contributors Busy Bystanders Disengaged DenialistsEnvironmental Sustainability:Who Cares?10SegmentationThe contextFive key takeawaysGeo-diversity in concernShifting dimensionsFrom understanding to activation

60、 Again,there is likely a set of political,social and identity barriers in addition to their knowledge.They may well perceive that people like them do not act on climate change:a critical barrier to acting.The biggest opportunity is to remove friction to drive engagement with more sustainable behavio

61、urs.If we lose our Conflicted Contributors at the verb pay,we lose our Busy Bystanders at the verb do.Disengaged DenialistsFor this segment accounting for one in five(19%)global citizens,the environment is either not a concern,not immediate,or a largely overblown issue.They are less inclined to take

62、 environmental action themselves,nor expect it from anyone else,including government or companies.There is a faction within this segment that exhibits fatalism,tending to believe that it is too late to prevent environmental collapse.As such,they are less inclined to take individual action to reduce

63、their impact on the environment.This segment would clearly be the most difficult to crack for any marketer or policy maker.But all is not lost.It will be important to find areas of common ground and to build from there.A key to having the conversation is to avoid value-laden judgemental discussion(w

64、hose values are better)and focus instead on the outcomes what are the implications of not acting that can be agreed on?Then from here find ways to mitigate them.It is important to be respectful of this segment,as their position may be driven by lower awareness of the global situation and that they a

65、re more inward looking,having more immediate and pressing needs.But when the realities of environmental and social issues come to the fore,they have the potential to be strong allies.They need to be brought into the conversation locally after better understanding their sensitivities.There is also an

66、 important signalling act here for the wider population of the importance of accepting a diversity of viewpoints.Activists Pragmatists Conflicted Contributors Busy Bystanders Disengaged DenialistsEnvironmental Sustainability:Who Cares?11SegmentationThe contextFive key takeawaysGeo-diversity in conce

67、rnShifting dimensionsFrom understanding to activation Global Country AverageBrazilChinaMexicoSouth KoreaSouth AfricaFranceCanadaItalyGermanySpainAustraliaUnited KingdomIndiaUnited StatesJapan16%29%17%18%19%15%13%20%33%19%16%35%12%18%19%16%16%17%35%16%19%30%12%19%21%13%16%21%32%17%18%14%19%29%19%17%3

68、1%17%17%17%20%16%17%30%17%22%31%16%14%17%24%16%19%26%15%20%23%17%15%25%29%11%27%20%14%27%16%23%14%19%23%15%16%26%19%18%30%21%18%13%Disengaged DenialistsBusy BystandersConflicted ContributorsPragmatistsActivistsFigure 4:Segments by marketSource:Ipsos EssentialsGeo-diversity in environmental concernBu

69、t how do these segments play out across the globe?Which attitudes drive different regions of the world?And which are more typical of some regions than others?We find these different ways of dealing with environmental concern across the 15 markets included in the survey.The share of Activists tends t

70、o be quite stable,ranging from 14%to 19%.On the other side of the spectrum,we do start to see bigger differences for the Disengaged Denialists,with few people denying environmental emergency in Europe,Brazil and Canada and a much higher share of Denialists in US,Japan and Australia.We also observe a

71、 particularly large segment of Busy Bystanders in India.Pragmatists are the biggest segment in most countries.Understanding how these segments distribute in a specific market can help brands and institutions adjust their targeting and messaging accordingly.Environmental Sustainability:Who Cares?12Ge

72、o-diversity in concernThe contextFive key takeawaysSegmentationShifting dimensionsFrom understanding to activationShifting dimensionsThis segmentation represents the here&now within the current political and socio-economic context.And due to the intrinsic link between sustainability and what is goin

73、g on in the wider world,it is likely that attitudes and behaviours linked to sustainability issues will evolve over time.For example,we only need to consider the impact of the pandemic,inflation,and war on peoples sustainability priorities protecting ourselves,saving money,using less fuel,being more

74、 careful to avoid waste.Impending environment-related legislation(local/national/global)and Net Zero targets will also affect not only businesses but also the choices available to consumers and citizens.Hence,monitoring the shifting concern and activity surrounding sustainability(and the environment

75、 specifically)and how this may impact the form and size of the segments over time is critical(as well as introducing new dimensions where necessary/relevant).Even between February and August 2022 we observed a change in the segment sizes with an increase in the Activists,predominantly driven by chan

76、ges in the shifting focus of citizens in France,Mexico,Germany,South Korea and the UK.Understanding the why behind these local shifts is also key to engaging citizens and consumers.In these cases,it is likely that for Europe this has been driven by the extreme heat waves experienced over the precedi

77、ng months with associated wildfires and record-breaking temperatures.Due to the intrinsic link between sustainability and what is going on in the wider world,it is likely thatattitudes and behaviours linked to sustainability issues will evolve over time.Environmental Sustainability:Who Cares?13Shift

78、ing dimensionsThe contextFive key takeawaysSegmentationGeo-diversity in concernFrom understanding to activation Figure 5:Shifting segment sizes from February to August 2022Having this depth of understanding about the underlying characteristics,attitudes,behaviours,and expectations of citizens and co

79、nsumers means that there is a greater chance of engaging them with more sustainable products,services,solutions,advice,and incentive.Using a typing tool to recruit to these segments provides a sharper lens on how people may feel and act in response to change.This provides the opportunity to combine

80、other research and insights with the current picture of how sustainability sits in the minds of different groups of consumers.ActivistsPragmatistsConflictedContributorsDisengagedDenialistsLevel of Concern21%24%29%17%20%17%18%16%19%Busy BystandersFeb 2022Aug 2022+4-5no changeChange vs.Feb 2022+4-2Not

81、e:or indicate change vs.Feb 10-13(statistically significant 95%C.I.)Base:10,000 adults aged 18-74 in Canada and the United States and aged 16-74 in Australia,Brazil,China,France,Germany,Italy,Spain,India,Japan,Mexico,South Africa,South Korea,and the United Kingdom.Source:Ipsos EssentialsEnvironmenta

82、l Sustainability:Who Cares?14From understanding to activationThe contextFive key takeawaysSegmentationGeo-diversity in concernShifting dimensionsFrom understanding to activationThe five segments identified highlight the need to consider different strategies for citizen engagement.How we approach eac

83、h will vary.Activists walk the talk in a high impact way,are a key audience for overtly sustainable products and services and are more likely to embrace and get behind steps taken by government to address environmental issues.They are focussed not only on environment issues but on social topics too

84、and will be ready to hold organisations to account.So,it will be important to ensure that all pillars of sustainability(Environment,Social and Governance)are treated with equal importance and not approached in a siloed manner.Inspiration for engaging the Activists Brands that have sustainability cre

85、dential burnt into their very being such as Patagonia and Toms will appeal to our Activists.These are also brands that have a social kudos linked to them in relation to expressions of environmental and social values held by the wearers.However,this segment is also a space for brands where sustainabi

86、lity is incorporated into the central offer,such as Natura Brasil in the personal care sector,Triodos Bank,travel company AndBeyond,and mobility solutions through companies like Zipcar.Environmental Sustainability:Who Cares?15From understanding to activationThe contextFive key takeawaysSegmentationG

87、eo-diversity in concernShifting dimensionsPragmatists are intriguing,as they have passion for the environment and are not deterred by cost.Theyre still cautious about the materiality of their potential behaviours impact and need more support and confirmation.Their intentions are typically good but c

88、ould translate better into real impact.The possibility of a Believe-True gap for this segment,where they believe that they are doing all they reasonably can,highlights a potential role for education and guidance by government and business regarding other more significant steps that they could take.I

89、nspiration for engaging the Pragmatists The Pragmatics are likely to be attracted by trusted brands which are providing clear messages about their sustainability credentials and potentially with a premium for example Ecover and Pukka.Their focus is more on the small changes that they can make at hom

90、e such as composting,insulating their homes,low-energy lightbulbs and recyclable products and packaging.With greater awareness this segment is likely to engage in yet more sustainable choices,particularly if supported by signposting-for example sharing information on carbon footprints(e.g.Oatly)-is

91、one dynamic to drive this.Environmental Sustainability:Who Cares?16From understanding to activationThe contextFive key takeawaysSegmentationGeo-diversity in concernShifting dimensionsFor a Conflicted Contributor,remember that“price prevails”.Sustainability benefits will lose all relevance if they ar

92、e linked to a higher price.This segment is effectively lost at pay and they will very much be looking for sustainability to be delivered as a co-benefit rather than the sole benefit.But their level of concern and engagement do suggest that all things being equal they will make the sustainable choice

93、.Inspiration for engaging Conflicted Contributors Allbirds is a New Zealand-American company that produce footwear with strong ethical and environmental foundations.Allbirds Wool Runner(retailed for$95)developed a bit of a cult following,with the brand bringing some social kudos around being seen to

94、 be Green.But then Amazon entered the space with a copy for just$45,driving huge sales.Albeit not with eco-credentials,but if people can look like they are doing the right thing and get this at a lower price,then the choice to lower cost can be an easy one.Environmental Sustainability:Who Cares?17Fr

95、om understanding to activationThe contextFive key takeawaysSegmentationGeo-diversity in concernShifting dimensionsBusy Bystanders are most likely to be employed and at a life-stage where time is their most precious resource.They do not have the capacity to expend much effort or time,hence they are m

96、ore likely to engage with convenient and frictionless products and services in the sustainability space.Inspiration for engaging Busy Bystanders This is a segment where it will be the format and dynamic in which sustainability is delivered which will be key to engage these time-poor but still enviro

97、nmentally concerned individuals.The profile of this segment shows that they feel guilty about their lack of action,so removal of friction plus sustainability will be a winning formula.A successful example of this is where the direct-to-consumer model had been combined with sustainability by the toil

98、et paper manufacture Who Gives A Crap.An essential product delivered in bulk,when needed,to your door and packaged without plastic and using sustainable bamboo for the paper is a win-win for this segment.Busy Bystanders take a slightly defensive position,putting up many barriers towards acting,belie

99、ving that it is inconvenient,not a priority and more effort than it is worth.Environmental Sustainability:Who Cares?18From understanding to activationThe contextFive key takeawaysSegmentationGeo-diversity in concernShifting dimensionsAlthough Disengaged Denialists have limited interest or in some ca

100、ses believe that the environment is already doomed,there is no disadvantage to companies and government in delivering solutions and initiatives where sustainability(as with Conflicted Contributors),is delivered as a co-benefit rather than the benefit.The key is to pull them into the sustainability d

101、iscourse by connecting with what matters to them more and forming associations which play to their values and needs.ConclusionWhile it can be difficult to focus on matters of long-term strategic importance when two-thirds of the world is worried about paying their bills,9 we do see an increasing agr

102、eement that the planet is in crisis and an expectation that business and government must act.3 To develop policy,create new products and services and engage people at scale we have to have a deeper understanding of our target.To do this effectively you need to ask these five questions:1.Do you truly

103、 understand your target consumer/citizen?2.Are you taking into account differences in culture and context?3.What are the barriers and challenges to engagement and how do you overcome these?4.How can you use your sustainability strategy to identify relevant points and channels for interacting with co

104、nsumers/citizens?5.Can you find a route to deliver sustainability as a co-benefit for people,planet and prosperity?Environmental Sustainability:Who Cares?19From understanding to activationThe contextFive key takeawaysSegmentationGeo-diversity in concernShifting dimensions References1.EDF&Ipsos.2021.

105、“ObsCOP 2021Climate and Public Opinions InternationalObservatory”.https:/www.edf.fr/en/the-edf-group/climate-and-public-opinions-international-observatory2.Ipsos.2021.“Global Trends 2021:Aftershocks and continuity”.https:/ Day 2022”.GlobalAdvisor.https:/ Worries the World-October 2022”.https:/ Multi

106、national Corporations Can Lead the Way on Sustainability”.https:/ Magazine.“The Road to Sustainability-Citizen Understanding at the Core|Pippa Bailey-Ipsos,UK”.13 September,2022.Video.https:/ People,Planet&Prosperity”.19 May,2022.Video.https:/ Day 2022:Perils ofPerception”.Global Advisor.https:/ Ess

107、entials.https:/ Sustainability:Who Cares?20The contextFive key takeawaysSegmentationGeo-diversity in concernShifting dimensionsFrom understanding to activation ENVIRONMENTAL SUSTAINABILITY:WHO CARES?A segmented landscape of engagement,challenges and opportunitiesDr.Pippa Bailey Head of Climate Change&Sustainability Practice,Ipsos UK Steven Naert Global Solution Leader,Market Strategy&Understanding,Ipsos Chris Murphy President,Market Strategy&Understanding,IpsosThe Ipsos Views white papers are produced by the Ipsos Knowledge CIpsos



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 wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  186**49...  升级为高级VIP

187**87...  升级为高级VIP  wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  sha**01...  升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP   139**62... 升级为标准VIP

  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 跟**...  升级为标准VIP

182**26...  升级为高级VIP wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

136**44... 升级为高级VIP 136**89... 升级为标准VIP 

 wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP   wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP  177**45... 升级为至尊VIP

 wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

微**... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  

 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 139**16...  升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

 182**00... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP   wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 

133**67... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 

 柯平 升级为高级VIP shi**ey...  升级为高级VIP

153**71...  升级为至尊VIP  132**42...  升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  178**35... 升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

133**95... 升级为高级VIP   188**50... 升级为高级VIP

138**47... 升级为高级VIP   187**70... 升级为高级VIP 

Tom**12...  升级为至尊VIP   微**... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  156**93... 升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  小敏  升级为高级VIP

hak**a9... 升级为至尊VIP   185**56... 升级为高级VIP 

 156**93... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_...   升级为至尊VIP  Br**e有... 升级为至尊VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 156**20...  升级为至尊VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 微**...  升级为标准VIP