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1、Leading brands are using data to humanise their customer relationships and learning where to draw the line between invasive and inventive. Accenture Interactives 2019 Consumer Pulse Survey European Summary See people, not patterns. See people, not patterns. Contents Milestones in digital advertising

2、 Just because you can doesnt mean you should Data gathering, within reason What customers want from digital advertising Regulations take hold The line in the sand The seamless experience Country by country analysis Methodology 3 5 7 9 11 12 14 15 23 Lessons from the front lines of digital advertisin

3、g on how to use data respectfully and responsibly. MANY EUROPEAN CONSUMERS FEEL BRANDS dont know them well enough to serve them in a way that makes them feel special, but when those brands seem to know too muchand act on that knowledgethey can quickly lose consumers trust. That push and pull between

4、 consumers desire to be known and their wish for privacy has increasingly become an issue for brands. As we mark the 25-year anniversary of what has been celebrated as one of the first digital banners, digital advertising plays a bigger role in the cultural conversation than ever before. Milestones

5、in digital advertising AT&T purchases a small ad on HotW that says “Have you ever clicked your mouse right here?” 1994 YouTube is founded. 2005 Google launches and by 2000 introduces AdWords, ushering in the pay-per-click model. 1998 Mobile traffic exceeds conventional web traffic for the first time

6、. 2015 Macromedia introduces Flash, the graphics and animation platform. 1996 The launch of iPhones App Store ushers in new opportunities for brands to reach consumers. 2008 The iPhone is introduced, and brands focus more on mobile advertising. 2007 Voice technology disrupts the digital advertising

7、landscape. European digital advertising market exceeds 55bn in 2018. 2018 The first pop-up ad is invented. 1997 YouTube starts allowing ads in seven different formats. 2009 Facebook introduces sponsored links and small display ads that target customers in particular demographics. 2006 Industry pivot

8、s around data respect and responsibility. 2019 Sources: https:/iabeurope.eu/all-news/european-digital-advertising-market-exceeds-e55bn-in-2018/ Accenture Interactives 2019 Consumer Pulse Survey See people, not patterns. 3 This year Accenture Interactive conducted a consumer pulse survey to gain an u

9、nderstanding of how brands are creating paths to success with their digital advertising campaigns. We surveyed 6,000 consumers in France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Sweden and the UK to find out their answers. Consumers increasingly expect brands to know and understand them at a time when first-party da

10、ta, gained from consumer interactions, is taking hold. Our research focused on three areas: What are consumers experiences with digital advertising? What are the drivers of consumers online purchases? What are the most effective data-driven marketing efforts and challenges? 4Accenture Interactives 2

11、019 Consumer Pulse Survey See people, not patterns. WE FOUND THAT MANY CONSUMERS feel the automated techniques brands are using to serve them are not effective. The algorithmic recommendations brands make to them, based on their demographics and past behaviours and purchases, dont accurately reflect

12、 their intention. A salesperson in a store asking thoughtful questions to figure out what a shopper might like to buy is typically much more effective. But often, digital advertising behaves in a way that suggests a brand does not know the shopper at all. Or a brand collects data without having a cl

13、ear purpose for doing so. That practice can create many risks and is no longer acceptable to consumers or regulators. The good news is that there is a big opportunity for brands to take a more mindful approach to data collection and to design a holistic customer experience while doing so. Consumers

14、do want a better, more customer- focused experience, with 66% willing to share more personal data in return. Amazon is a good example. Many consumers are willing to hand over personal data to the giant e-commerce retailer because of their level of trust in how this information will be used and the h

15、igh level of service they will receive in return. Brands that treat data collection and data strategy as part of the consumer experience can benefit from greater consumer willingness to share information. For instance, Accenture Interactive found that 74% of European consumers are willing to share m

16、ore personal information if brands are transparent about how it is used, up from 67% in 2018. Providing consumers with value for their data, ensuring that the brand wont lose or abuse their data, and recognising consumers in a way that puts them at ease are all part of a better experience. This appr

17、oach requires a human and humane approach to data. Think about typical personal interactions. People expect someone theyve met before to recognise themand they expect someone theyve never met not to recognise them. The same logic applies digitally. Forward-thinking brands are finding ways to approxi

18、mate how humans behave, in a humane and ethical way. Just because you can doesnt mean you should Accenture Interactives 2019 Consumer Pulse Survey See people, not patterns. 5 Top 5 creepiest advertising techniques as cited by European consumers : An ad about something you talked about near a device

19、microphone but never searched for (42%) An ad that follows you across devices (31%) A text message with an offer when walking by a store (28%) A mobile notification with an offer when walking by a store (27%) An ad on a social media site based on a recent shopping visit on another site (26%) 1 2 3 4

20、 5 See people, not patterns. 6Accenture Interactives 2019 Consumer Pulse Survey CONSUMERS INCREASINGLY EXPECT BRANDS digital advertising to show they are known and recognised, as long as there is transparency around what the brands are doing with their data. Accenture Interactive found that 88% of E

21、uropean consumers think its important to purchase from brands or retailers that understand “the real me.” When digital advertising was new, a brands advertising team had a lot of latitude to experiment, and consumers werent as vocal about privacy worries. Today, however, as we mark the 25th annivers

22、ary of what the industry has cited as one of the first digital banner ads*, digital advertising is part of everyday life. Consumers have current preferences for how they want brands to interact with them digitally. Their tolerance for the way most data is collected may vary with demographic factors,

23、 such as their age, gender or even geo-localisation. Regardless, they dont want brands to go too far and violate their privacy when delivering a custom-tailored, 360-degree experience. Data gathering, within reason Among consumers who said a brand had communicated in a way that was too personal, 60%

24、 said that it was because the brand had information about them or their family that they didnt share directly. 60% * Accenture Interactives 2019 Consumer Pulse Survey See people, not patterns. 7 One central task of leaders in this environment is to limit data gathering to information they have a rig

25、ht to know, and they must provide value in exchange for that data. With 75% of consumers saying they are uncomfortable with data collection via a microphone on a voice assistant, providers of these devices will have to make clearer the value exchange when they do collect this data, or there will lik

26、ely be a backlash. Handling data responsibly is a fast-emerging component of corporate accountability. As the executive who comes closest to owning the brand experience, the CMO plays a pivotal and fast-evolving role, with 90% of decision-makers agreeing that the CMO should be the internal advocate

27、for their customers, according to research by Forrester Consulting and Accenture Interactive*. And, as other C-suite leaders and board members start to share this accountability, the CMO will play a key role in bringing all parties together to make decisions that affect the future of the brand. A ne

28、w conversation must take place among C-suite executives and boards to make sure they get this right. Companies face real risk if they dont, including regulatory risk, reputational risk and bottom-line risk. Those who find the right route to success by truly listening to and knowing their customers w

29、ill have a tremendous opportunity with consumers. * Interactives 2019 Consumer Pulse Survey See people, not patterns. 8 WHAT MANY CONSUMERS ULTIMATELY WANT is for digital advertising to have the same social intelligence as a familiar salesperson in their favourite storeone who can tell from the expr

30、ession on their face that theyre in the mood to splurge or that theyre in a hurry because its a Tuesday night and they need to get home to dinner. That salesperson has the social intelligence to avoid certain missteps, such as suggesting the consumer might need a new bathing suit for an upcoming Haw

31、aiian vacation that the salesperson overheard the consumer mention. The brands that approximate that human touch best (using automation) will stand out and win consumer loyalty. Brands that cant pull it off will feel sterile. What consumers want from digital advertising Nearly 30% of consumers said

32、a brand had become “too personal”and 69% of these consumers would stop doing business with a brand or reconsider their relationship to the brand because of this. 69% Accenture Interactives 2019 Consumer Pulse Survey See people, not patterns. 9 Among consumers who left a retailer/branded website beca

33、use of poor personalisation, 50% think invasive ads are on the rise. Sponsored Comment: 50% 50% 50% 50% 50% Effective strategies include : Full transparency. Many consumers are willing to share data if brands are transparent about how it is being used. Smart use of walled gardens. Even when brands r

34、ely on high-quality data sources such as Amazon, Facebook and Google, consumers experience should be as consistent as possible across platforms. Creating a cohesive experience. The digital ad experience should be connected to the customer experience, whether on the web or in the store, though ads sh

35、ould be tailored to the channel where they appear. Behaving like a human. Human salespeople will only ask if you are interested in buying a shirt so many times before they finally stop trying to sell it. Similarly, capping the number of times someone sees an ad across all channels is important. Corr

36、ectly attributing the results of digital advertising. Brands need to make sure their data collection helps them accurately determine which ads actually contributed to consumers decision to buy. So how can brands hit the mark? See people, not patterns. Accenture Interactives 2019 Consumer Pulse Surve

37、y 10 See people, not patterns. CONSUMERS EXPECTATIONS ARENT THE ONLY FACTOR that brands need to consider when it comes to managing data. Brands need to pay close attention to the evolution of privacy regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and California Consumer Privacy A

38、ct (CCPA), as they make advertising decisions. What should and shouldnt be done in the current environment will be shaped by how rights granted under these two laws are interpreted. Having a good handle on compliance will become increasingly important. With regulators starting to impose substantial

39、fines to enforce GDPR, brands face the risk of negative publicity if their advertising practices are seen as out of bounds. Brands will also need to be aware of what their supply chain is doing, as this may be seen as their responsibility. Brands must build the data architecture of enterprise system

40、s in a way that reflects current regulations. Ultimately, brands must be respectful of the rights of consumers to get access to their data, be “forgotten” or request portability. This must be baked into their technology. Regulations take hold Brands cant rely on regulators alone to set the pace for

41、their policies, however. While GDPR has improved the ad industry, leading to less fraud and higher-quality audiences, there are still undesirable practices that remain legal under GDPR. For instance, brands have the ability to listen to customers through their computer mics, but should they? Even th

42、ough by law they can do this, is this the time to reflect and say “Have we gone too far?” As a result, until ePrivacy laws impose more order on what brands can do with “legal” data and activate it, brands must consider the ethical aspects of their choices on storing and using it. of consumers agree

43、it is important that every interaction they have with a brand is excellent, whenever or wherever they happen in the decision to purchase from a brand or retailer. 92% Accenture Interactives 2019 Consumer Pulse Survey See people, not patterns. 11 EVEN IF BRANDS FOLLOW REGULATIONS, its easy to take th

44、ings too far in their digital advertising, as noted earlier. Some discover they are inadvertently angering consumers when the damage is already done while others are, frankly, bad actors. Theres a price to pay if it seems like a brand is invading consumers privacy. Brands need to develop a balanced

45、data strategy to avoid that perception, while still making the most of consumers desire to be known and recognised for who they are. The key to using any of this data is to use it responsibly and humanely. There are ways to make third-party data more efficient, transparent and ownable. Accenture Int

46、eractive worked with a leading financial services institution to modernise its data strategy in the context of Facebook altering how brands may use data to identify and target audiences on their platform. Accenture Interactive built a plan to help the company take direct control of its relationship

47、with its third-party data providers, bringing more transparency to their data costs and performance, and improving the institutions ability to launch and scale campaigns. And as a result, the institution improved its speed to market by four times. The line in the sand 12Accenture Interactives 2019 C

48、onsumer Pulse Survey See people, not patterns. Zero-party data : You make your consumers want to tell you something by giving them value. First-party data : You are respectful about what you collect and only gather what you have a right to know and what will help you better tailor the experience to

49、consumers needs. So how does a brand set the right tone in its data usage? Second- and third-party data : Using a humane, balanced approach to the data ecosystem (incorporating resources such as platform data and third-party platform matching), you can round out your view of consumers. For instance, the auto industry has embraced the use of third-party data to gain access to audiences based on factors such as car ownership or lease data, which isnt available otherwise. There are several t



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