
Special Presentation 1:Ethernet Alliance.pdf

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Special Presentation 1:Ethernet Alliance.pdf

1、Ethernet Alliance:2023 SmartNICs Summit-Peter Jones,June 14,2023 Higher SpeedsMore Pervasive UsageNew Use Cases2Presentation DisclaimerThe views expressed in this presentation are those of the presenters and not of the Ethernet Alliance.3Ethernet 50,Turing Award for Bob MetcalfeWatch:ACM video,caree

2、r and accomplishments Voices Of Ethernet:Bob Metcalfe The Ethernet Alliance4Global Community of End Users,System Vendors&Component SuppliersOur MissionTo promote industry awareness,acceptance and advancement of technology and products based on,or dependent upon,both existing and emerging IEEE 802 Et

3、hernet standards and their management.To accelerate industry adoption and remove barriers to market entry by providing a cohesive,market-responsive,industry voice.Provide resources to establish and demonstrate multi-vendor interoperability.Ethernet Alliance Strategy5Expanding the Ethernet Ecosystem,

4、Supporting Ethernet DevelopmentFacilitate interoperability testing&assurance-Industry Plug fests supporting member and technology initiatives-PoE Certification ProgramGlobal outreach and collaborative interaction with other industry organizations-Worldwide Membership-Multiple SIGs,applications and M

5、SAs-Industry consensus buildingThought Leadership-EA-hosted Technology Exploration Forums(TEFs)-Technology and standards incubationPromotion of Ethernet-Media and industry analyst outreach-Education-Marketing(trade shows&panel presentations,white papers,blogs&social media)Ethernet Alliance 2023 road

6、map available here67Ethernet Port Speed Trends(1Gbps)8Technologies8Ethernet Alliance 2023 roadmap available hereBuilding Networks for ML/AI Workloads9RequirementsBuilding Networks for ML/AI Workloads10Operation with ECMPBuilding Networks for ML/AI Workloads11Operation with Telemetry assisted Etherne

7、tBuilding Networks for ML/AI Workloads12Operation with Fully Scheduled FabricML/AI Workloads-13Outcomes with Fully Scheduled FabricMORE INFO AT Evolved Networking:The AI/ML ChallengeRakesh Chopra,OCP Global Summit October 2022Slides,VideoIf you have any questions or comments,please email adminethernetalliance.org Thank you!14



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