
洁净室入门:在数据砖上使用洁净室在 BI、ML 等中使用更多更好的数据.pdf

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洁净室入门:在数据砖上使用洁净室在 BI、ML 等中使用更多更好的数据.pdf

1、Clean Room Primer:Using Clean Rooms on Databricks to Utilize More and Better Data in your BI,ML,and BeyondMatt Karasick;Chief Product Officer,HabuAnil Puliyeril;Senior Architect;HabuDatabricks2023Habu is a data clean room software company that makes collaboration across decentralized data safe,simpl

2、e,scalable,and smart.SFNYBOSEMEALATAMF I N A N C I A LT R A V E LG A M I N GA U T O M O T I V E M E D I A&E N T.R E T A I LC P GMatt KarasickChief Product Officer,HabuAnil PuliyerilSenior Architect,Habu H E A L T H C A R ELet your data be your data,and your partners data be theirs.Let your models be

3、 yours,your partners models be theirs.Habus core architectural principle/promise to its adoptersIf you and your partner create mutually beneficial opportunities wherein you explicitly decide to share or commingle data or models,we give you the tooling to do it under the plain light of day,with contr

4、ol.Market forces are resulting in loss of data signal ushering in the era of decentralized data Deprecation of DataConsumers continue to opt out of third-party tracking and data storingConsumer ActionsThird-party cookie restrictions,changes to mobile ad IDs,and the rise of privacy-first browsers imp

5、act identity-based marketing strategiesBrowser and Operating System RestrictionsAd blockersDo not trackClearing away browsing historyApple ITPFirefox ETPMAID restrictionsRegulations impact advertisers ability to track and store dataPrivacy RegulationsThese closed ecosystems restrict data extraction

6、and tracking,which impacts insights access and marketing planning capabilitiesWalled GardensGDPRLGPDAmazonFacebookGoogleCPRAePrivacyRetail Media&CTVsource:Forrester Research,Inc.Data clean rooms are the vehicle to access decentralized data to fuel collaborative BI and ML use cases Whats a data clean

7、 room?-Privacy focused environments for direct data collaborationWhy it matters.Why now?What are they solving for?-Get a deeper data signal that drives business outcomes while maintaining consumer privacy-A future proof and efficient way to conduct data-driven advertising and measure ROI-Only way to

8、 access/match user-level data-Increased awareness of respectful data practices-Challenges with data matching to identify and qualify audiencesBRANDPARTNERCLEAN ROOMClean Rooms are the path to unparalleled dataInternal Use CasesShare data internally across teams and functions Defensive/ReactivePrivac

9、y regulations impact how you acquire,target,and measure OffensiveAccess a partners data that you have never had access to beforeThe Clean Room Platform forNext-Generation Customer ExperiencesPARTNER APARTNER BPRIVACYCONTROLSGOVERNANCEPOLICIESAUTOMATEDWORKFLOWSPRE-BUILTQUERIESDASHBOARDS&REPORTSPARTNE


11、ness User FriendlyPlug&PlayBusiness TeamsReceive valuable insights and outcomes at the push of a button and leverage the results anywhereNo-Code for Business UsersClean Rooms Data&Product TeamsA solution designed to serve two very different personasCreate&distribute analytics and outcomes powered by

12、 1P and partner data at scaleLow-Code for Technical UsersData specialistsEngineersAnalystsMarketingSalesAgenciesIndustry Use CasesMedia Insights&Planning Segmentation Optimization&Measurement ActivationHealth&Life Sciences 360 Patient Understanding Clinical Drug Development Manufacturing ControlFina

13、ncial Services Fraud Detection/AML Portfolio Risk Analysis Insurance Rate Calculation Product RecommendationRetail&CPG Customer Engagement Forecasting Inventory Management Product EvaluationOther Supply Chain Analysis Next Best Offer Customer Lifetime ValueTravel&Entertainment Churn Prediction Inven

14、tory Forecasting SchedulingDEMO 100h Of Monthly Time Savings Through Self-serve AMC Query AutomationA Multinational Food&Beverage Company Fuels Purchase Trend Analysis Through Distributed Machine Learning ChallengeA multinational food&beverage company wants to collaborate with retail partners to fue

15、l insights about consumers and products.Distribution of data&business governance have historically blocked collaboration.SolutionMerged household-level behavioral data with retailer purchase data in clean roomsEnabled Food&Beverage Companys data science teams to execute machine learning without mode

16、l owner accessing data or data owner accessing the ML model ImpactFood&Beverage Company utilized the power of joined datasets to develop store and segment-level revenue growth strategies to optimize and improve merchandising promotions assortment pricingCUSTOMER STORYDatabricks+Habu Integration is LiveAny Analytical WorkloadUnparalleled Access to DataFull Control Over Privacy and Governance1234Key TakeawaysTHANK YOULearn more about Databricks+Habu Databricks MarketplaceMatt KarasickChief Product Officer,Habu https:/ PuliyerilSenior Architect,Habu https:/



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