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1、1|2023 SNIA.All Rights Reserved.Virtual ConferenceSeptember 28-29,2021AIs Environmental Storage ProblemPioneering Architectures that Achieve a 90%Carbon Footprint ReductionPresented by Damein MorganSenior Software Engineer,Storj2|2023 Storage Developer Conference.Storj Labs.All Rights Reserved.Storj

2、 DCS:The BasicsCosts of AIs Transformative ExplosionCutting Carbon with Storj DCSAI Workload Case StudiesAgendaQuestions3|2023 Storage Developer Conference.Storj Labs.All Rights Reserved.Damein MorganSenior Engineer at Storjhttps:/ Storage Developer Conference.Storj Labs.All Rights Reserved.How It W

3、orksStorj NodesThousands of shared hard drives store pieces of data on the network,without access to any complete file or usable data.Node operators fairly(and profitably)compensated.ApplicationsClient applications store encrypted and encoded files split into fragments and stored across the distribu

4、ted storage network.SatellitesThe Storj network enables applications to store data,ensures data reliability,manages access controls,and pays storage nodes.SupplyDemandNetwork5|2023 Storage Developer Conference.Storj Labs.All Rights Reserved.What Happens to Objects?How It Works6|2023 SNIA.All Rights

5、Reserved.7|2023 Storage Developer Conference.Storj Labs.All Rights Reserved.What Happens to Objects?How It Works8|2023 SNIA.All Rights Reserved.AIs Transformative Explosion9|2023 SNIA.All Rights Reserved.181 zettabytes on DVDs would circle the earth 222 times.On CDs,it would get you halfway to mars.

6、Global Data Generated AnnuallySource:S10|2023 SNIA.All Rights Reserved.AI Model Development Lifecycle11|2023 Storage Developer Conference.Storj Labs.All Rights Reserved.Cutting Carbon with Storj12|2023 SNIA.All Rights Reserved.U.S.Data Center Electricity Use By End Use13|2023 SNIA.All Rights Reserve

7、d.Carbon Cost of a 1TB Drive14|2023 SNIA.All Rights Reserved.Storj puts unused capacity to work.15|2023 Storage Developer Conference.Storj Labs.All Rights Reserved.AI Workload Case Studies16|2023 SNIA.All Rights Reserved.1,760 encrypted erasure-encoded pieces of a 1.44GB object,stored around the wor

8、ldLAION-5B Dataset17|2023 SNIA.All Rights Reserved.Standard Storj performance in general is much better than standard S3 performance,considering global distributionWhat did we find?18|2023 SNIA.All Rights Reserved.Storj HuggingFace monkey patch19|2023 Storage Developer Conference.Storj Labs.All Righ

9、ts Reserved.Storj Decentralized StorageMultiregionIncludedPerformanceUp to 5,000 GbpsAvailability99.95%Durability11 9sPrivacyAES 256 EncryptionSecurityEdge DelegatedAPIUnlimitedStorage$0.004/GB/MonthBandwidth$0.007/GB20|2023 Storage Developer Conference.Storj Labs.All Rights Reserved.Questions?21|2023 SNIA.All Rights Reserved.Please take a moment to rate this session.Your feedback is important to us.



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