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1、An R3 White Paper china kol market practice DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS the average rate of growth is 20%. 79%的市场主会继续增加数字营销预算比例,平均涨幅超过20% 81% of marketers will continue to grow their investment in social marketing, an increase of 21%. 81%的市场主对于社会化营销的投入会继续增长,涨幅超过21% 数字营销市场总结 1 2019 2019 20%

2、Average Growth 79% INCREASE BUDGETS 2019 21% increase growth 12% 50% Growth and Above 17% 30%-49% Growth 37% 10%-29% Growth 13% Within 10% Growth Same with 2018 14% = 7% Less than 2018 Source: Admaster 2019中国数字营销趋势报告 79% 2 3 DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS strong connection and high stickiness

3、to followers. 细分行业或领域知名度极高,与粉丝具有紧密的联系, 粉丝黏性大。 Popular in certain segments or topics; medium sized following with high focus. 存在于高度细分的兴趣或话题领域中, 具有较小规模的粉丝,影响力聚焦度高。 Usually start-ups or personal accounts with a small number of followers. 具有小规模的粉丝和影响力,基数较大, 常为起步账号或内容创作爱好者。 10 Key points when working wit

4、h KOLs KOL营销节点 How to maximize KOL collaborations with a simple, but effective, process is a question every marketer should consider. 在整个营销过程中,如何充分发挥KOL传播的资源优势是每一个市场主都需要集中思考的环节。 Separate KOLs by definition Define a clear objective and approach influencers accordingly. Allocate a budget and select su

5、itable groups with reasonable intent. Volume: Quickly build awareness and generate traffic Vertical: Provide professional and valuable content to specific audiences Use volume type as the main driving force for improving exposure and awareness. Choose vertical type as supplementary to increase profe

6、ssionalism and credibility. Take control of overall content delivery and deep dive into multiple circles of target audiences. 分清KOL圈层 清楚定位营销目的,区别对待不同类型的 KOL,按照既有的需求,合理分配KOL预算的 同时,优选合作名单和方式 声量型: 迅速建立影响力,提供流量价值 垂直型:输出专业简介,有价值的内容产出 以声量型合作为主要出口,迅速提高曝光和影 响力,并以垂直型KOL作为辅助,增加内容的 专业性和可信度。整体的内容传播控制在合理 的范围之内,深

7、耕圈层的广度和深度。 focus on content quality Marketers should review brand image and product features with KOLs; walking through the process of awareness to consideration, to ensure that key messages are echoed and delivered each step of the way. During the stage of content output, brands and KOLs have a bin

8、ding relationship. Thus, the combination of strategy and depth of content quality should be considered top priority. Often, a third-party voice with subjective tonality is more easily accepted. 注重内容质量 品牌需要和KOL一起走进产品挖掘细节,以讲 解、内化、感受三步,有层次的主动输出有价 值的内容,一步步引导消费者产生共鸣。 在输出内容这个阶段里,品牌主和KOL有深度 的捆绑关系,以高度的品牌策略输

9、出加上KOL 符合粉丝调性口味的深度共创,KOL本人发声 的效果比第三者角度自说自话更容易被接纳。 11 china kol market practice KOL Search Engines and MCNs Become Mainstream KOL搜索引擎及MCN机构逐渐成为主流 KOL资源终端 Booming since 2016, the increasing need for KOL marketing has directly contributed to the frenzied expansion of MCNs (multi-channel networks) and K

10、OL search engines. KOL search engines mainly function as data pools and monitoring systems. With ever-developing AI and blockchain technology, some of these search engines are transforming to include media buy. KOLs engaged through such methods are mostly independent KOLs with medium to small follow

11、ings. Concurrently, MCNs are expanding commercially to fill the role of professional agency and content developer. As a third-party acting between KOLs and marketers, MCNs expand their resources by contracting independent KOLs or establishing new KOLs. They provide content solutions to marketers, wh

12、ile at the same time, provide stable business opportunities for KOLs. Ever since 2017, content platforms have changed from being in direct competition with MCNs, to becoming dynamic partners in providing technology-based solutions. 2016年起,中国国内的KOL经济迎来的高速的增长,KOL的规模变得空前庞大,市场主的KOL 营销需求也不断增长;在此背景下,一系列的第

13、三方机构逐步涌现,其中包括KOL搜索引擎及 MCN机构。KOL搜索引擎最初以KOL数据收集及分析评估为主,近年来在AI、区块链等最新技 术的驱动下日趋成熟,部分转型为“搜索引擎+KOL匹配下单”的商业模式,平台内签约主要以 独立运营的中小型KOL为主。 与此同时,MCN也迎来了高速的成长时代,逐渐成为商业模式逐步完善的中介机构及内容生 产方。MCN是职业的KOL代理机构,有签约、孵化等各种拓展模式,可以平衡市场的信息不 对称,为内容创作者提供更多内容创作的机会及营收,对外以专业模式包装及打包进行渠道推 广,可为资金方提供较为模块化、专业化的产品及服务。因KOL营销资源较为琐碎,相较于非商 业化

14、/低商业化KOL及独立KOL,MCN机构作为内容生产方的资源面覆盖更广泛,工作流程专业 化,可控性更强,因此更多的上游资源方越来越偏好于MCN机构合作。自2017年起,各平台也 逐渐从单一的与MCN的竞争关系转型为动态的合作关系,主流平台目前均已对MCN开放商务权 限,并面向MCN机构推出B2B服务以提供赋能。 DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS limited to use of a single platform or some resources within the system 优势 技术资源强大,创新基础好 可结合平台的硬广进行整合营销 KOL

15、及MCN涵盖范围广,可用 本平台资源赋能 劣势 跨平台能力较低,只能使用单平 台或体系内部分资源 Pros First-hand KOL resource, wide coverage of all tiers Package is available Good cross-platform distribution ability CONS Top-tier KOLs are of high cost 优势 拥有一手的KOL资源,且KOL层次 丰富,能提供打包方案可跨多平台 进行内容分发 劣势 对于头部账号议价能力较高,成 本上升 Pros Extensive KOL data, algor

16、ithm to help marketers to choose KOLs Abundant mid to small size KOLs CONS Few top-tier KOLs, limited coverage of communication 优势 数据收罗相对较全,算法技术可帮 助市场主匹配KOL较多中小型KOL 下单资源 劣势 头部账号资源较少,覆盖能力有 限 MCN DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS good option for lower cost 系统化前端展示,一目 了然 价格透明度较高,部分可 根据结果结算 技术赋能,可有效匹

17、配 KOL 中小型KOL的资源较丰 富,成本较容易控制 Professional agents who know the market and KOLs well Able to provide packages of various tiers Stable relationships with better control of results 专业经理人更加了解市场 主的商业需求,市场主可 以更快了解KOL 可组合不同层次的KOL提 供打包服务 合作关系较为稳定,流程 更加可控 Platform is able to provide solutions based on its own

18、features Lower financial risk Integrated marketing campaign can be launched with ad buy 平台方可提出更加适宜 本平台的传播方法及内 容属性 资源庞大,可更好匹配市 场主需求 平台资金雄厚,合作风 险较低 可同平台硬广投放t进行 综合营销 CONS Very time-consuming; KOL has limited time to talk Time intensive to produce content Unstable relations, low price transparency 单点联系的

19、沟通时间成本 高,KOL的回复率有限 前期对接沟通时间较长 合作关系较不稳定,价格 不透明 Insufficient top-tier KOLs; limited coverage Less customized experience 头部账号及名人型KOL资 源较少,覆盖面有限 前端较为模式化,专家针 对客户服务的能力有限 Big gap between MCNs; need to identify good ones Markups apply, cost will go up MCN机构水平良莠不齐, 有一定试错风险 MCN机构有一定定价能 力,成本上升 Further markup w

20、ill be applied, cost will drastically go up Lack of cross-platform ability 平台方与KOL或MCN机 构参与分成,成本进一 步上升 单一平台的跨平台能力 有限 Marketing budgets move towards platforms 市场主资金逐渐向平台方靠拢 15 china kol market practice Preference Towards Platforms by Industry 行业标杆市场主对于KOL营销平台 具有不同偏好 Auto 汽车 Cosmetics 美妆 Baby around 7

21、2% of consumers interact with their favorite brands through social media. The growth in the number of online channels is sure to usher enhanced public opinion guidance from KOLs. 促进了消费层级的传导 社交媒体拥有即时社交及实时捕捉并激活消费者 的能力,约72%的消费者通过社交媒体与其钟爱 的品牌进行互动,而线上渠道的爆发必然会伴随 着KOL的舆论导向力度的增强。当KOL具有 一定的舆论导向力度时,消费的层级观点就变得

22、 更加明显。 Prompting viral communication Viral communication is an important way for brands to increase their exposure. The impact of widely accepted multiple exposure on users in traditional media also exists in social media. Through using different types of KOLs to cover and influence a variety of aud

23、iences, brands are persistently reaching out to consumers in order to build loyalty and trust. 促进了品牌理念的病毒传播 病毒传播是指一个内容能够如病毒般迅速传播 到互联网的各个平台,而这种刷屏式传播, 对于品牌来说是增强曝光量的重要手段。 传统媒体领域广为人知的7次曝光对于用户 的影响在社交媒体中也同样存在。通过不同 的KOL去密集覆盖和影响某一类型或者某 一个用户群,那么这个用户群也会被逐渐影响 和改变,从而对KOL产生信任。 forming the close loop of community

24、 awareness Although KOLs share similar characteristics with celebrities, their most important role should be as community builders. KOLs bring users together based on their features and interests, and they keep the community active by constantly working to share new insights with the assembled group

25、 of people. 形成了社群类消费闭环 KOL虽然在互联网中具有名人的特质,但是其实 他们更多承担的是社群建设者的角色。他们会 将用户根据特性和兴趣聚集在一起,而他们在 这个聚集的社群中更是要不停工作分享新 的见解来维持社群活跃。 DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS KOL distributes content on multiple channels; limited time to keep track of all information in the industry Thoughts: Grasp key trends and key i

26、ndustry resources including agencies and key platforms; set up an effective working module to achieve up-to-date service and resources 挑战:行业内部更新迭代速度极快,KOL多平台化,市场主精 力非常有限,难以对行业有不断更新的全盘洞察 思考:紧抓重点,重点了解市场趋势及行业内部资源(代理商和 平台资源),建立适宜市场主自身情况及发展目标的工作模型, 获取优质的营销策划服务 Platforms 平台 KOL Search Engine KOL搜索引擎 Data

27、Agency 数据代理商 Challenge: KOL resource keeps updating all the time; hard to raise the effectiveness of the growing marketing spend Thoughts: Optimize KOL media buy working module; keep updating database; transfer focus from media buy result to buying process; raise effectiveness by working with differ

28、ent service providers based on individual features 挑战:KOL资源的更新速度远高于传统媒介,且此领域营销花 费不断增加,如何选好资源,如何买好资源仍是一大难题 思考:优化创意和采买体系,梳理资源并不断更新优化数据 库。增加关注维度,从单纯资源代理向投放过程服务聚焦,结 合代理商/平台/MCN自身资源帮助市场主更加优质和高效地 进行广告投放 Challenge: Data authenticity is yet to be confirmed; hard to optimize strategy with inaccurate data Tho

29、ughts: Set-up an all-in-one data management system with multiple references from different service providers; introduce a third-party audit to raise effectiveness of cost 挑战:数据真实性有待考证,平台方自有数据在立场上具有一 定局限性,难以准确评估有效性及以此制定未来方向 思考:搭建全平台数据服务,整合多个平台数据提供综合参考 和服务,引入第三方审计进行有效性优化 DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MAR

30、KETERS & THEIR AGENCIES 20 A Marketers Response to future Developments 市场主该怎样应对未来变化 The ability for marketers to grow and evolve how they work with KOLs is becoming increasingly important as the social media landscape changes. Simply relying on agencies to select and launch KOL campaigns will dimini

31、sh the Return on Investment for marketers and put them at risk of losing their competitive edge. 社会化媒介在不停进化中,对于市场主选择和KOL合作的成长和变化要求也是日益严峻,单纯的 依靠代理商进行选择和投放只会让付出和回报的比率持续降低并有可能失去真正的品牌竞争力。 Be aware of market trends Internal teams should be equipped with the right tools and knowledge to respond to the eve

32、r-changing marketplace. Blindly following trends will result in diminishing results. 更加了解市场的变化 对于日新月异的市场变化,市场主内部团队应当具备相应的市场洞察和 解读能力,人云亦云的跟风式投放效果将会大打折扣的同时,市场主内 部团队的能力也会得到考验。 Let KOLs lead the collaboration Instead of only using the KOL as the advocate, brands have the opportunity to become part of a

33、KOLs asset ecosystem. Given the KOLs existing levels of influence, there may be other unexpected ways to collaborate and turn other opportunities into successful campaigns. 让KOL引导合作 当品牌与KOL合作时,品牌将成为KOL生态系统的一部分;KOL也将成 为你品牌的延伸,他们能以一些未曾想过的形式呈现出你的产品。让影 响者引导合作越多,其出现的机会就越多,对受众的吸引力就越大。 1 2 21 china kol mar

34、ket practice 3 4 5 Select the right partner When it comes to working with KOLs, make the effort to understand the KOLs ecosystem and how to best partner with them by selecting the right agency. There is currently no such thing as a one-stop shop. 选择最适合的代理商 有针对性的选择最合适自己品牌的代理商来应对品牌的现有需求,牢记 大而全并不代表能解决所

35、有问题。 Set realistic expectations and budget A KOL campaign often takes time. Marketers need to find a balance between expectations and spend, and at the same time, prepare to make long-term investments, especially when working with mid-tier KOLs. 调整期望和预算 KOL营销是一场长期战役,市场主需要在期望和预算中寻求一个权衡, 同时做好长期投入和持久孵化

36、的准备。 Establish an internal management system A set of customized internal management systems that utilize external data will greatly benefit marketers working with KOLs. 市场主需要建立自主的KOL营销管理体系 一套完善也有针对性的内部管理体系和帮助市场主在KOL投放时起到决 定性的效果。 DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES 22 Best Practice

37、: KOL Transforms from Pure Content Developer to Creative Centre 案例:头部KOL从单一内容创造者逐渐转型为创意中心 Gogoboi, one of the most influential Chinese fashion bloggers, launched a HTML5 campaign with Louis Vuitton to provide a virtual sneak preview of the brands upcoming VOLES, VOGUES, VOYAGEZ exhibition. In reachi

38、ng 40 million people within 48 hours, generating more than 7.5 million views, 300,000 interactions and over 1,000 sign- ups to the offline experience, the campaign successfully publicized LVs offline activity online with in-depth content. 12月28日,时尚博主gogoboi的微信公众号和微博同时发出一条名为“跟我 一起去LV的箱子”的链接,链接内容为gogo

39、boi与奢侈品牌路易威登 合作的H5互动游戏。在该游戏中,gogoboi为完成去“飞行,航行,旅行” (VOLEZ,VOGUEZ,VOYAGEZ)限时展览“偷”箱子的任务,带领读者探索 和体验展览。 该H5互动游戏上线48小时内覆盖4000多万人次,相关内容阅读量逾750万人 次,超过30万的读者参与链接互动,超过千人报名参与于1月8日举办的主题线 下活动“博物馆奇妙之夜”。 gogoboi Go“Steal” LV with Me gogoboi “跟我一起去 LV的箱子” This creative campaign was conceptualized and developed by

40、Gogobois internal team. Although a mini-site is not buzzworthy these days, Gogoboi is the first to initiate an interactive HTML5 virtual tour. In recent years, fashion bloggers have transitioned from using single pictures and text to video. They have also made the shift from producing content on a s

41、ingle platform to being featured on multiple platforms with differentiated content. As a result, bloggers are playing an increasingly important role as a creative center that provides solutions to marketers as opposed to delivering pure content based on briefs. Luxury brands have traditionally been

42、extremely cautious when working with fashion bloggers, but Louis Vuittons bold step with this partnership R3 Observations 23 china kol market practice will encourage more marketers to seek direct cooperation with top-tier bloggers on content development. 此次营销的创意是由博主内部团队提出并推进的。尽管H5互动游戏已 经成为越来越多奢侈品牌线上

43、营销的选择,但是此前还没有国内时尚博 主尝试H5互动界面的案例,国外也鲜少有这样形式的合作。可以说, 路易威登与gogoboi的合作是奢侈品牌在中国市场的特殊产物,也意味 着内容生产的新鲜感越来越重要。 在过去几年间,全球时尚博主实现了从图文向视频的整体迁徙,不少时 尚博主从幕后走向台前成为出镜博主,更是有不少KOL利用自身的行业 中的积累及平台开放性的从单一的内容创造方逐步发展演化为了创意中 心,而gogoboi正是其一。 在奢侈品行业中,尤其是对于一向与时尚博主谨慎合作的头部奢侈品品 牌,从草根力量发展壮大的时尚博主还未获得完全认可,但是路易威登 与gogoboi具有突破性的合作仍然被视为

44、具有里程碑意义,头部奢侈品 品牌对时尚博主的背书,势必将引领越来越多的品牌逐渐开始增加对于 时尚博主作为创意中心的信任度,并寻求更多的直接合作。 Mr. Bag is one of the first-tier vertical fashion bloggers to focus on luxury bags. Since his first collaboration with Strathberry in 2017 (when all exclusive products were sold out in one minute), he has continued to work with

45、 a series of luxury brands on exclusive collections, including Givenchy, Tods, Longchamp, and Montblanc. 包先生是国内知名的时尚博主,专注于以国际一线奢侈品品牌的包包资 讯。2017年1月包先生和苏格兰品牌Strathberry合作的两款迷你手包,在公 号推送文章后一分钟内便售罄,随后的情人节,他和纪梵希合作推出一款名为 MiniHorizon的粉色皮革手包,80只单价为14900元手包,在推文发布后12分 钟内就被全部预订。此后,包先生先后Tods、龙骧、万宝龙等品牌联名推出 合作款,均取

46、得了令人瞩目的销售成绩。 Mr. Bags Collaboration with Multiple Luxury Brands 包先生与多品牌推出联名手袋 Best Practice: KOL HelpS SPEED UP the Consumer Journey 案例:KOL帮助品牌缩短消费者路径 DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS & THEIR AGENCIES 24 KOLs rely heavily on followers, and as a result, are able to generate high-levels of engagem

47、ent through effective comment and response. Simultaneously, followers act as a “mirror” for KOLs, providing data and content inspiration. Leveraging this insight, KOLs have extended their role beyond being content developers. Extremely vertical KOLs are able to push sales for marketers to achieve sh

48、ort to mid-term targets, and drastically speed up the consumer journey from brand awareness to purchase. Mr. Bag is a typical example of a KOL used to drive sales. In a collaboration with Tods, Mr. Bag launched an exclusive 200 piece capsule collection that featured the color blue. This inspiration

49、was drawn from his followers, who showed higher interaction rates when talking about blue bags when compared to other colors. The collaboration was successful. The 200 piece collection was sold out in a few hours and mentions increased by 600% on WeChat. KOL作为依赖于社交媒体平台,是一种具有强烈的粉丝属性的一种媒介,可以 通过品牌且有效的响应及评论,与粉丝建立更紧密的联系;于此同时,粉丝也 成为KOL的一面镜子,帮助KOL获取数据和反馈,并转化为新的内容。 KOL从最初单纯的内容生产方,到后来一部分垂直度极高的KOL转型为“带货 型”KOL,而“带货型”KOL正是市场主有效的营销媒介和营销工具之一,将 冗长的品牌建设到最终转化购买的路径缩短,有效达到中短期目标。 在众多包先生联名合作中,Tods与包先生的联名合作是很好的KOL管理案 例。包先生推出了一款200件的Tods胶囊系列



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wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP  180**21... 升级为标准VIP 

183**36... 升级为标准VIP wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP 

 wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP xie**.g... 升级为至尊VIP 

 王** 升级为标准VIP  172**75... 升级为标准VIP 

 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 

 wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP   135**82... 升级为至尊VIP

 130**18...  升级为至尊VIP wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP   wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

130**88... 升级为标准VIP   张川 升级为标准VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  叶** 升级为标准VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  138**78... 升级为标准VIP 

wu**i 升级为高级VIP  wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP  wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

185**35...  升级为至尊VIP   wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 

 186**30... 升级为至尊VIP  156**61...  升级为高级VIP

130**32... 升级为高级VIP 136**02... 升级为标准VIP

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  133**46...  升级为至尊VIP 

 wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 180**01... 升级为高级VIP

130**31... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 

 微**... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 刘磊 升级为至尊VIP  

  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  班长 升级为至尊VIP 

  wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 176**40...  升级为高级VIP

 136**01... 升级为高级VIP 159**10...  升级为高级VIP

 君君**i... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

 wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP 158**78...  升级为至尊VIP 

微**...  升级为至尊VIP 185**94...   升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP 139**90...  升级为标准VIP 

131**37... 升级为标准VIP   钟** 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP   139**46... 升级为标准VIP

wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

 150**80... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 

 GT 升级为至尊VIP  186**25... 升级为标准VIP

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP 150**68... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  130**05... 升级为标准VIP

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP   wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP  138**96... 升级为标准VIP

135**48... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP

肖彦 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP   wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

国**...  升级为高级VIP 158**73...  升级为高级VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP    136**79... 升级为标准VIP

 沉**... 升级为高级VIP 138**80...  升级为至尊VIP

138**98... 升级为标准VIP   wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 189**10... 升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  準**... 升级为至尊VIP