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1、Bioeconomy Bioeconomy globalization:globalization:Recent trends and drivers of Recent trends and drivers of national programs and national programs and policiespolicies Thomas Dietz,Anne Bogdanski,Christin Boldt,Jan Brner,Joachim von Braun,rlaith N Choncubhair,Ben Durham,Julius Ecuru,Christine Lang,

2、Yin Li,Mogens Lund,Elspeth MacRae,Mary Maxon,Hugo Chavarra Miranda,Wataru Mizunashi,Paulus Mungeyi,Ian OHara,Luca Pittaluga Fonseca,Vladimir Popov,Marcelo Regnaga,Adrin Rodrguez,Lily Teitelbaum,Daniel Barcelos Vargas,Ivar Virgin,Peter Wehrheim A report by the International Advisory Council on Global

3、 Bioeconomy(IACGB)April 2024 Disclaimer:The following report and the information and views set out in it are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the official opinion of the institutions the authors are affiliated with.Authors affiliations Thomas Dietz is Professor for International a

4、nd Relations and Law with a Focus on Sustainable Development at the University of Mnster,Germany Jan Brner is Professor for Economics of Sustainable Land Use&Bioeconomy at the University of Bonn,Germany Christin Boldt is Co-Head,Services Department at the BIOCOM Interrelations GmbH Lily Teitelbaum i

5、s Project Manager,EU Projects at the BIOCOM Interrelations GmbH For IACGB Authors see at:https:/ Table of Contents:SummarySummary.1 IntroductionIntroduction.3 Graphical overviGraphical overview:The evolution of bioeconomy policies around the world(2020ew:The evolution of bioeconomy policies around t

6、he world(2020-2024)2024).5 InIn-depth analysis:depth analysis:.7 Dedicated bioeconomy policies since 2020Dedicated bioeconomy policies since 2020.7 Africa.7 Americas.11 North America.16 United States.17 China.22 Europe.24 European Union.25 Progress in the European Union.26 bioeconomy.26 Finland.27 A

7、ustria.29 Portugal.30 Ireland.31 Sub-national,bioeconomy strategies.32 The Central German Mining Region.33 Queensland,Australia.33 Par,Brazil.34 Global initiativesGlobal initiatives.35 Conclusion:Synthesizing results across countries and strategiesConclusion:Synthesizing results across countries and

8、 strategies.36 AnnexAnnex.40 1 Summary1 The bioeconomy holds promise in reducing de-pendence on fossil fuels,addressing climate change,and promoting resource efficiency,thereby stimulating economic growth,innova-tion,and improving food security.In 2020,the International Advisory Council on Global Bi

9、oe-conomy(IACGB)released a comprehensive re-port that analyzed the progress of bioeconomy policies across the globe up until that year.This study builds on that report,analyzing bioecon-omy policy trends between 2020 and 2024.The study aims to contribute valuable insights for policymakers,researcher

10、s,and other stake-holders involved in shaping the evolving bioe-conomy landscape.In the following,we illumi-nate some of the most crucial insights that emerge from this analysis.Recent mega policy trends(2020-2024)The bioeconomy is increasingly seen as a key enabler and solution provider to global s

11、ustainability challenges across var-ious sectors and dimensions of society.Policymakers worldwide recognize the po-tential of the bioeconomy,and more and more countries and regions around the globe are developing their strategic vision for the bioeconomy in their specific con-texts.Developing and em

12、erging economy coun-tries are increasingly engaged and,through their bioeconomy strategies,seek to adapt existing technologies(e.g.,biore-fineries)to local conditions.These efforts aim to address persistent social and eco-nomic challenges and usher in immediate change(e.g.,job creation).Internationa

13、l and multilateral cooperation is seen in many bioeconomy strategies as a key building block.Consequently,multi-lateral organizations have intensified their 1 We are grateful for the support of the Centre for Development Research at the University of Bonn and the research pro-ject Transformations an

14、d Sustainability Governance in South American Bioeconomies(SABIO)at the University of Mnster,which is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture.engagement in,and for,bioeconomy.Un-der Indias lead in 2023,the G20 drew at-tention to the bioeconomy and,in 2024,Brazil put the bioecon

15、omy even more prominently on the G20 agenda.The Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN(FAO)included bioeconomy in its most recent science strategy.Bioeconomy for sustainable food and agriculture is now one of 20 programme priority areas in the FAO Strategic Framework 202231.While the actual con

16、tent of the programme is still emerging,this is a promising initiative.The COVID-19 pandemic significantly in-fluenced trends in health-related bioecon-omy policy development,a dimension previously received less emphasis.The pandemic also played a role in enhancing supply chain security in bioeconom

17、y-re-lated value chains.Trends in agendas and contents Recent policies and strategies focus on en-hancing synergies and minimizing trade-offs among economic,environmental,and social objectives while addressing the Paris climate change goals(SDGs).The analyzed governmental documents converge on funda

18、mental objectives to be achieved through bioeconomy expansion;contributing to climate neutrality,food and nutrition security,improved health,economic growth and many other objec-tives aligned with sustainable develop-ment.Recent policies and strategies are increas-ingly emphasizing the pivotal role

19、of the bioeconomy in strategically enhancing global supply chain resilience.2 In order to address potential regional bio-mass supply deficits and facilitate sustain-able development,bioeconomy policies promote advanced circularity models that emphasize resource optimization,recy-cling,use of waste a

20、nd side streams and sustainable consumption,as well as an in-crease in biomass productivity(e.g.,in ag-riculture,forestry,and the blue bioecon-omy).These initiatives are being driven by biotechnology,precision agriculture,and other innovative manufacturing technolo-gies.To achieve these goals,the fo

21、cus is on re-ducing transaction costs in production and to grow trade in bio-based resources and products(e.g.,through internationally recognized quality standards and sustain-ability certifications,improved property rights,and enhanced data sharing infra-structures).Strategies emphasize the need fo

22、r a(re-)skilled workforce in the emerging and in-novative bioeconomy sectors,including the development of technical and voca-tional education and training(TVET)pro-grams.Specific capacity-building programs are proposed to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge and skills for an ef-fective co

23、ntribution to the bioeconomy.Biosafety(i.e.,protecting individuals and the environment from exposure to infec-tious materials)and biosecurity(i.e.,pro-tecting populations of humans,animals,plants,as well as the environment from in-advertent or deliberate release of danger-ous biological materials or

24、 the misuse of microorganisms,biological materials,and even scientific information)aspects play a rapidly growing role in global bioeconomy policy frameworks.Growing and changing science focus The role of new and traditional knowledge,science,and innovation as a driver of the bioeconomy is extensive

25、ly emphasized in new strategies.Advancements in agricultural biotechnol-ogy-driven productivity appear to play a more prominent role in the new strategies of China and the United States,while the strategies within the European Union(EU)place comparatively more emphasis on the development of circular

26、 economy models.The role of biodiversity is becoming prom-inent in the framing of a socio-biodiver-sity bioeconomy concept in recent and ongoing policy developments,which em-phasizes the protection of the Amazon and the sustainable use of biodiversity and its elements for the provision of economic a

27、nd social support to local communities.Job creation through value addition to pri-mary produce and linking farmers to value chains and new markets,are key objec-tives in bioeconomy strategies in Eastern Africa.Biodiversity and ecosystem services are emphasized in bioeconomy strategies in the Latin A

28、merica and the Caribbean(LAC)region.Notably,Brazil has developed a new perspective with the socio-biodiver-sity bioeconomy as part of the forest-based bioeconomy and the protection of the Amazon and the provision of eco-nomic and social support to local commu-nities.A notable trend observed in the a

29、n-alyzed developments is the integration of artificial intelligence(AI)into all areas of the bioeconomy,with a particular focus on microbiology,enzymology,and syn-thetic biology leading to the emergence of innovative forms of biotechnology,bioen-gineering and biomanufacturing.These technologies are

30、promoted with a crucial aim to:o Advance biotechnology solutions in the health sector;o Enable complex circular bio-based economy models;3 o Increase productivity and re-source efficiency in biomass pro-duction and use;o Facilitate the rise of a bio-based industry(e.g.,bio-medicine,bio-materials,bio

31、-chemicals,bio-agri-cultural inputs).According to the analyzed government documents,commercializing and the scal-ing up of innovative bioeconomy products and services present ongoing challenges.In bioeconomy policy development,a shift towards local manufacturing in supply chain management is evident

32、.Striking a balance between global collaboration and localized production is crucial for harness-ing the Bioeconomys benefits,fostering a more resilient,sustainable,and innovative manufacturing ecosystem.Introduction The bioeconomy can be defined as the“sus-tainable production,utilization,and conser

33、va-tion of biological resources,encompassing knowledge,science,technology,and innova-tion,to deliver sustainable solutions across all economic sectors and facilitate a transition to a sustainable economy.”2 The bioeconomy holds great potential for addressing global challenges and driving sustainable

34、 development.By utiliz-ing renewable biological resourcessuch as crops,woody biomass,algae,and marine or-ganismsand new technologies,the bioecon-omy can contribute to reducing dependence on fossil fuels,mitigating climate change,and pro-moting resource efficiency.Thus,the bioecon-:International Advi

35、sory Council of the Global Bioeconomy Summit 2018.(2018).Communiqu:Innovation in the Global Bioecon-omy for Sustainable and Inclusive Transformation and Wellbeing.Available at https:/www.biooekonomierat.de/media/pdf/archiv/in-ternational-gbs-2018-communique.pdf omy can contribute significantly to th

36、e UN Sus-tainable Development Goals(SDGs)and the cli-mate change goals enshrined in the Paris Agreement.The bioeconomy can also stimu-late knowledge-based economic growth,gen-erate employment opportunities,foster inno-vation,enhance regional development,and im-prove food security and health.However,

37、there are also challenges associated with the bioeconomy.Ensuring sustainability is crucial,as increased demand for biomass re-sources can put pressure on land,water,and biodiversity,unless the supply side is expand-ing through sustainable biomass production(e.g.,through agro-forestry and other ap-p

38、roaches).In addition,the bioeconomy,like any transformative economic policy,should aim for inclusivity and equity to prevent widen-ing social and economic inequalities.Ensuring that all stakeholders,including small-scale pri-mary producers and indigenous communities,benefit from bioeconomy initiativ

39、es is essential for a sustainable transition.Across nations globally,the bioeconomy is in-creasingly acknowledged as a pivotal strategic instrument in attaining internationally ratified climate objectives and effecting sustainable and inclusive economic transformations.Con-sequently,since the mid-19

40、90s,an increasing array of political strategies and policies have been committed to fostering and evolving the bioeconomy across diverse spheres and sec-tors.In 2020,the IACGB released a comprehensive report that analyzed the progress of bioecon-omy policies across the globe up until that year.3 Sin

41、ce then,bioeconomy policy develop-ment has gained further momentum,with ma-jor countries and multinational organizations worldwide continuing to take notable steps in 26.10.20 3 Teitelbaum,L.,Boldt,C.,&Patermann,C.(2020).Global Bioeconomy Policy Report(IV):A decade of bioe-conomy policy development

42、around the world.https:/ 4 driving the development of bioeconomy strat-egies.This global movement highlights the growing recognition of the bioeconomys po-tential to drive sustainable economic growth as well as its ability to address pressing social chal-lenges.In this updated report,we build upon t

43、he 2020 Global Bioeconomy Policy Report as a foundation to capture and discuss the most re-cent and significant policy trends in the bioe-conomy policy development over the past four years.Similar to the 2020 report,this update report utilizes a tentative distinction between dedi-cated bioeconomy po

44、licies and bioeconomy-related policies.This differentiation highlights a significant trend in policy development,em-phasizing the bioeconomy as a holistic and long-term paradigm for sustainable develop-ment across diverse sectors and industries(dedicated bioeconomy policies).Meanwhile,there are poli

45、cies that are less paradigmatic,in-stead focusing more narrowly on various sub-aspects of the bioeconomy without integrating them into overarching strategies(bioeconomy-related policies).This dual approach reflects the dynamic evolution of bioeconomy policies,ranging from comprehensive strategies to

46、 more specialized,sector-specific,initiatives.Data The report is grounded in thorough desk re-search,encompassing an analysis of bioecon-omy-policies worldwide.Significant dedicated bioeconomy policy documents were identified across 10 countries and two regional interna-tional organizations.These in

47、clude influential actors like Brazil,China,the East African Com-munity(EAC),the European Union(EU),and the US.In the annex,we provide an overview of the official dedicated bioeconomy policy documents that we discovered during our re-search.Further,we conducted a review of secondary literature(e.g.,f

48、rom international organiza-tions and networks,conference materials,and 4 See map at:https:/ cross-check and complement background information on bioeconomy-re-lated policies.In addition,we benefited from an expert survey with individual members of the IACGB.We invited experts to document rel-evant b

49、ioeconomy-related initiatives in their respective countries and regions since 2020,in-cluding bioeconomy programs and strategies that may not have been officially released as governmental policies.Methods and structure We utilized the data for a threefold analysis.Firstly,our objective is to offer a

50、 graphical overview of the global dynamics in bioeconomy policy development.Specifically,we utilize the existing IACGB global mapping data4 as a base-line to document the evolution of bioeconomy policies between 2020 and 2024.In the analy-sis,we include both dedicated bioeconomy policy developments

51、and bioeconomy-related policy developments that we found in our data.Secondly,we conduct an in-depth analysis of the dedicated bioeconomy policy documents that have been released by national or sub-na-tional governmentsincluding multinational governmental organizationssince 2020.For our analysis,we

52、employed an inductive thematic analysis approach to examine the se-lected documents.The approach involved a bottom-up method,enabling us to derive in-sights directly from the new strategy docu-ments without imposing a pre-existing analyti-cal framework.By utilizing inductive content analysis,we were

53、 able to uncover novel per-spectives and gain a deeper understanding of the data,making it a valuable tool for exploring emerging policy trends.Nevertheless,we built on the analytical frameworks used in the 2020 Global Bioeconomy Policy Report to structure the analysis of the new policy documents al

54、ong the lines of four guiding questions:What significant developments in bioe-conomy-related policies preceded the current strategy development?5 What are the overarching societalgoals that should be achieved throughadvancements in the bioeconomy?Which key areas of the bioeconomy areprioritized for

55、development in order toachieve these societal goals?What policy measures are adopted inthese key areas?Overall,this analysis sheds light on the shared societal goals,key areas of focus,policy measures,and innovative strategies employed to harness the potential of the bioeconomy in addressing global

56、challenges and fostering sus-tainable development.Thirdly,in a concluding section,we synthesize the findings from the first two sections to identify and highlight the major trends that are assumed to currently shape the strategic development of bioecon-omy policies worldwide.In doing so,we hope to c

57、ontribute to a deeper understanding of the evolving bioeconomy landscape and provide valuable insights for policymakers,researchers,and stakeholders involved in shaping and im-plementing bioeconomy and bioeconomy-re-lated strategies at different scales.Graphical overview:The evolution of bioecon-omy

58、 policies around the world(2020-2024)What has been the evolution of bioeconomy policies since 2020?Examining the comparison between the following two maps provides in-sights into the dynamics of global bioeconomy policy development over the last three years.Map 1 illustrates the global status of bio

59、econ-omy policies as reported in the 2020 Global Bi-oeconomy Policy Report.The information dis-played in the map is a reproduction of the data available on the IACGB website under the sec-tion titled Global Bioeconomy.”5 5 See:https:/ 6 Map 1:Global bioeconomy policies until 2020 Map 2:Global bioeco

60、nomy policies 2020-2024 7 Map 2 highlights significant advancements in bioeconomy policies since 2020.Countries with notable developments in the establishment of dedicated bioeconomy policies are marked in burgundy red.Particularly noteworthy is the in-clusion of China and Colombia among countries w

61、ith comprehensive and forward-looking strat-egies for sustainable development across vari-ous sectors and industries(dedicated bioecon-omy policies).At the sub-national level,im-portant progress is observed in Australia(Queensland),where an existing bioeconomy development plan has been updated and e

62、x-panded,as well as in Brazil(State of Par)and Germany(Saxony-Anhalt,Saxony,and Thurin-gia),where new comprehensive policies are emerging.The red dashed lines surrounding the EU and the East African Community repre-sent significant developments in the bioecon-omy by International Regional Organizati

63、ons.Further,the map reflects significant develop-ments in bioeconomy-related policies.It is im-portant to note that,regarding the documen-tation of such policies,we can only present a best effort approach based on the data we could gather through the various means de-scribed above.There are certainl

64、y significant existing policies that could not be captured by this approach.Therefore,this overview should not be considered exhaustive or complete.Nevertheless,the countries marked in yellow clearly confirm the trend of expanding bioe-conomy policies worldwide.Overall,the comparison between the two

65、 maps reveals that,within a relatively short pe-riod(three years),a significant number of countries worldwide,including major players,have updated,and progressed their bioecon-omy policies(yellow and red).Strikingly,we also observe countries that had no bioeconomy policies in place three years ago b

66、ut have now begun to develop them.In-depth analysis:Dedicated bioeconomy policies since 2020 While Map 2 encompasses various advance-ments in bioeconomy policy and strategy iden-tified through our literature research and input from the IACGB expert network,the subse-quent section of the report adopt

67、s a more fo-cused approach.It specifically examines official government documents that are updates or re-newals of existing dedicated bioeconomy strat-egies,as well as the introduction of new dedi-cated strategies(e.g.,Colombia).In essence,it involves the countries marked red on Map 2.The section al

68、so includes developments within the EAC and the EU.A broader update that in-cludes a comprehensive analysis of all types of new global bioeconomy policies,similar to the 2020 Global Bioeconomy Policy Report,is be-yond the scope of this report.The 2020 Global Bioeconomy Policy Report structured the p

69、resentation of dedicated bioe-conomy strategies across major geographical regions,which included Africa,the Americas,Asia/Pacific,and Europe.We will maintain this structure in the following section.Links to the official bioeconomy policy documents are pro-vided in the Annex.Africa Major developments

70、 until 2020:According to the 2020 Global Bioeconomy Policy Report,in-itiatives in Africa underwent rapid evolution in the years leading up to 2020,with significant developments in various countries.South Af-rica published a dedicated bioeconomy strat-egy in 2013,focusing on innovations in health,agr

71、iculture,industry,environment,and indige-nous knowledge.Further,seven eastern Afri-can countriesnamely Burundi,Ethiopia,Kenya,Rwanda,South Sudan,Tanzania and 8 Ugandacollaborated with the Bioresources Innovations Network for Eastern Africa Devel-opment(BioInnovate Africa6)to create a re-gional innov

72、ation-driven bioeconomy strategy.The strategy,supported by Sweden,aimed to promote bioinnovation policies facilitating technology transfer and business development in the region.Additionally,programs like BioIn-novation Africa7 and BiomassWeb8 have been established to support biodiversity conserva-t

73、ion,technology transfer,and business devel-opment across countries such as Cameroon,Ethiopia,Ghana,Kenya,Madagascar,Na-mibia,Nigeria and South Africa.Several Afri-can nations have also implemented bioenergy,bioprospecting,biotechnology,and ocean economy strategies to drive bioeconomy de-velopment.It

74、 is also noteworthy that,by end of 2023,42 African countries had already devel-oped so called“National Pathways”to act on the UN Food Systems Summit recommenda-tions.9 Main focus areas are policy and regula-tion,finance and investment,zero hunger,in-novation and knowledge,and resilience.These Nation

75、al Pathway documents are relevant for bioeconomy agenda setting in the countries.Major developments since 2020:In South Af-rica,the health challenge posed by the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in a significant realloca-tion of research efforts toward addressing the challenge.A major achievement was Sout

76、h Af-ricas ability to rapidly identify new varieties of the COVID-19 virus,and improved methodolo-gies of detecting the virus through sewage(pooled)testing,to narrow down areas to focus individual testing and vaccine treatment.The World Health Organizations mRNA vaccine technology transfer hub has s

77、ince been estab-lished in Cape Town,and has already produced pilot scale mRNA vaccines,contributing to the 6 https:/bioinnovate-africa.org/7 https:/www.iucncongress2020.org/sites/www.iu-cncongress2020.org/files/sessions/uploads/factsheet-bi-oinnovation-africa-en-2020_ 8 https:/www.zef.de/projects/pr

78、oject-details.html?con-tact=310&pro-ject=6&cHash=e83606d0de90d687c0568e06a8f374fc strategic development of South Africas and Africas manufacturing ability for vaccines.A biosecurity hub has been launched that aims to protect the country from new invading sani-tary and phytosanitary(SPS)threats and p

79、ro-vide information and research services to both the public and private sectors to strengthen bi-osecurity for South Africa.This is particularly relevant in the context of climate change,as SPS can be expected to be confronted with new challenges under ecosystem change in climate change contexts.Fu

80、rther,efforts have been ex-pandedunder the Agricultural Bio-Innovation Partnership Programmeto capacitate small-scale farmers with training and technologies that will enable their ability to move towards a more sustainable(and commercial)level of farming.A variety of public-private-civil society-dev

81、el-oped master plans have been developed to re-vitalize collective efforts in various industry ar-eas,including sugar,cannabis and hemp,for-estry,agriculture,and agro-processing.Specific roles and activities are defined,ranging from regulatory reform to investment,science,and innovation.Finally,an a

82、udit of the South Afri-can bioeconomy has been undertaken and is being prepared for publication.In 2021,Namibia conducted a national bio-economy stocktaking analysis to establish the policy landscape and focus of the national strategy.The assessment report led to the drafting of the National Bioecon

83、omy Strategy,which was presented to stakeholders in the same year.Subsequently,the draft strategy was submitted to the Minister of Higher Educa-tion,Technology,and Innovation in March 2023.Once approved,a Bioeconomy multi-sec-toral working group will commence implemen-tation.Led by Namibias National

84、 Commission for Research and Technology(NCRST),the 9 https:/datalab.review.fao.org/datalab/dash-board/food-systems-summit/9 country has developed an inter-ministerial pro-cess to identify and prioritize national objec-tives.The comprehensive National Bioecon-omy Strategy aims to provide a crosscutti

85、ng ap-proach to addressing food insecurity,the im-pacts of climate change,and natural resource scarcity.10 In terms of dedicated bioeconomy strategy de-velopment,the most notable recent advance-ment is the establishment of an official regional international bioeconomy strategy update for East Africa

86、 by the East African Community(EAC).This initiative builds upon the bioecon-omy activities mentioned above in the region and represents a significant milestone.East African Community The EAC is dedicated to promoting integration,economic development,social progress,and peace and security in the East

87、 African region.Recognizing the importance of the bioecon-omy,the EAC has prioritized it as a significant area of cooperation.In pursuit of this goal,the EAC formulated a bioeconomy strategy for its member states,which was unveiled in June 202211 and officially published in December 2022.The strateg

88、y outlines the EACs vision and objectives for harnessing the potential of the bioeconomy to drive sustainable economic growth and address key challenges in the re-gion.The new East African bioeconomy strategy rec-ognizes huge potential in the development of a modern bioeconomy to contribute to vario

89、us critical development goals and outcomes in the region.The overall objective to be pursued through the new bioeconomy strategy is to“achieve economic growth and job creation,making use of the regions bioresources to de-velop products and services while contributing to an improved environment and c

90、limate change mitigation”.The EAC bioeconomy strat-10 Namibia|Sustainable and circular bioeconomy for food systems transformation|Food and Agriculture Or-ganization of the United Nations(fao.org)egy focuses on four key bioeconomy develop-ment areas that are essential for the region.These areas are:(

91、I)Food security and sustainable agri-culture;(II)Health and well-being;(III)Bio-based industrial development;and (IV)Sustainable energy.Each of these areas has specific objectives and key results that contribute to the overall goal of the strategy.The strategy aims to address these priorities throug

92、h targeted actions and interventions to drive sustainable and inclusive bioeconomy growth in East Africa.Food security and sustainable agriculture The East African bioeconomy strategy adopts a technology-driven approach to increase food security and to promote the development of a more productive su

93、stainable agriculture.The strategy combines three strategic objectives:(I)The use of emerging technologies,such as modern bioprocessing,that add more value to primary production and the use of agricul-tural residues.In doing so,the East African states aim to deliver eco-nomic growth and create new v

94、alue chains and market opportu-nities for smallholder farmers and small and medium-sized enter-prises(SMEs).(II)The development of efficient pro-tein production systems based on insects or algae etc.that replace resource-intensive animal protein production systems.By embracing these approaches,the E

95、ast African states aim to meet growing market demands for novel food and feed 11 See:https:/bioeconomy.easteco.org/cgi-sys/suspend-edpage.cgi 10 products at local,regional,and in-ternational markets while promot-ing sustainability and reducing en-vironmental impact.(III)The utilization of biopestici

96、des,bio-fertilizers,growth-enhancing microorganisms,and biocontrol agents derived from organic and renewable resources.Crop and an-imal pests and diseases pose signif-icant challenges to agricultural productivity,livelihoods,and nutri-tion in the region.Climate change further exacerbates these pres-

97、sures.Imported pesticides and fer-tilizers are costly for farmers,espe-cially smallholders.Locally made bio-based solutions offer a promis-ing alternative solution to address pest and disease issues sustainably and affordably.Health and well-being The East African states depend largely on im-ported

98、products for diagnosis and treatment of major diseases affecting humans and animals.However,diseases prevalent in the region,such as malaria,are not prioritized by large pharmaceutical companies.Furthermore,the Covid-19 pandemic has exposed the vulnerabil-ity of global supply chains and emphasized t

99、he necessity for the region to establish its own health solutions.This situation presents a sig-nificant opportunity within the bioeconomy framework,particularly by leveraging tradi-tional knowledge in the region to complement existing strategies.In more specific terms,the East African bioeconomy st

100、rategy outlines three key result areas to establish a bio-based healthcare sector that promotes the well-being and health of the population:(I)Strengthening research,develop-ment,and innovation capabilities to screen for and manufacture ac-tive pharmaceutical ingredients,biopharmaceuticals,diagnosti

101、cs,and vaccines targeting major dis-eases in the region.(II)Utilizing indigenous knowledge and bio-based traditional medi-cines.(III)Producing bio-based cosmetics and well-being products based on local and regional biodiversity re-sources,with the aim of expanding into niche markets at both the re-g

102、ional and international levels.Bio-based industrial development and sustainable energy A further objective of the East African bioecon-omy strategy related to the development of a bio-based manufacturing industry is to stimu-late sustainable economic growth and add value to under-utilized renewable

103、resources in the region.The achievement of this goal is heavily reliant on the advancement of novel and efficient biorefineries.The EAC member states aim to promote the development of a modern bio-industry in four key strategic areas:(I)The development of a manufactur-ing base for standardized bio-p

104、ack-aging materials.(II)The development of enzymes for industrial applications based on the regions microbial biodiversity.(III)The utilization of locally produced bio-based and renewable(low car-bon)building materials in local construction industries.(IV)The promotion of various textile fi-bres der

105、ived from local agricultural waste materials,with the objective of establishing a thriving and sus-tainable bio-based fibre industry.Finally,the strategy emphasizes the im-portance of expanding the production and uti-lization of sustainable bioenergy to develop a diverse range of bioenergy products

106、to meet energy needs of households and industries.As an initial step towards achieving this objective,the strategy promotes initiatives in briquette production using waste materials.The aim is to reduce the dependence on inefficient and 11 health damaging wood fuel.Further steps in-clude the promoti

107、on of advanced bio-gas tech-nologies at both the industry and household levels,as well as an increase in the production of biofuels from lignocellulosic materials and algae.Governance In the bioeconomy strategy,the EAC sees itself as an international institution that coordinates and orchestrates the

108、 development of a re-gional bioeconomy among its member states.This involves activities such as fostering re-gional and international partnerships,enhanc-ing research,innovation,and entrepreneur-ship,promoting regional trade in Africa,cata-lyzing the development of national bioecon-omy strategies,su

109、pporting infrastructure im-provement for the bioeconomy,and fostering the integration of indigenous and scientific knowledge.Detailed steps are outlined in a Complex Implementation Matrix.Promotion of national bioeconomy strategies in East Africa The development of the East African Regional Bioecono

110、my Strategy was a developed through an open,transparent,and broadly consultative process with a view to include a variety of per-spectives and to reflect different contextual re-alities in the countries in the region.The Strat-egy has inspired and catalyzed the develop-ment of national bioeconomy st

111、rategies and subsequent policy development and interven-tions for sustainable bio-based and inclusive economic growth in the region.Currently Uganda and Ethiopia are in an advanced stage of developing bioeconomy strategies inspired by the Regional Bioeconomy Strategy.12 During the period under consi

112、deration,a main reason for the“slow”development of dedicated bioeconomy strategies was COVID-19.Latin America was the develop-ment region hardest hit by COVID-19.Many countries shifted their priorities in favour of short-term concerns at the expense of developing long-term development Americas Latin

113、 America and the Caribbean(LAC)region Major developments until 2020:The 2020 Global Bioeconomy Policy Report highlighted the increasing recognition of the bioeconomy in Latin America and the Caribbean(LAC)re-gion.However,the adoption of dedicated na-tional bioeconomy strategies has been rela-tively

114、slow in the region,despite the develop-ment of several bioeconomy-related policy strategies.12 Countries such as Argentina,Bra-zil,Colombia,Ecuador,Guatemala,Puerto Rico and Uruguay have been actively working on formulating bioeconomy policies over the years.However,Costa Rica stood as the only coun

115、try so far to have published a dedicated national bioeconomy strategy,which was re-leased in August 2020.13 The strategies in the region primarily aim to harness the abundant natural resources for sustainable development and green growth.Sustainable use of biodiver-sity and valorization of waste bio

116、mass and side streams are priority areas in most bioeconomy initiatives.LAC countries have achieved nota-ble progress in various bioeconomy sectors,in-cluding bioenergy,agricultural biotechnology,low-carbon agriculture,biodiversity utilization,ecosystem services,and health(both human and animal).Bra

117、zil and Argentina have emerged as leaders in bioenergy production and the utilization of genetically modified crops,while the state of Amazonas in Brazil has made remarkable strides in advancing a tropi-cal forestry-based bioeconomy as well as the state of Par on Socio-biodiversity Bioeconomy(see se

118、ction below on Par).views,such as the elaboration of National Bioeconomy Strategies.13 https:/www.conagebio.go.cr/sites/default/files/2022-11/Estrategia%20Nacional%20Bioe-conomi%CC%81a%20CR_0.pdf 12 Major developments since 2020:As the docu-ments shown below14 demonstrate,a number of important recen

119、t policies related to the bio-economy below the threshold of dedicated pol-icy development exist in Argentina and Brazil.Further,Brazil is currently in the phase of de-veloping a dedicated holistic national bioecon-omy strategy.Bioeconomy is on the agenda of two regional international organizations,

120、The Inter-Ameri-can Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture(IICA),and The UN Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean(UN-ECLAC).UN-ECLAC considers the bioeconomy to be one of the engines of sustainable and inclusive growth due to its role in promoting a deep transformation of the cou

121、ntries productive structures.In support of this,UN-ECLAC high-lights its contribution to the diversification of 14 Argentina:Ministry of Science,Technology and Inno-vation.2018 Argentine Regions Bioeconomy Program(BAR).(online).Accessed May 8,2023.Available at:https:/www.argentina.gob.ar/ciencia/fin

122、an-ciamiento/programa-bioeconomia-regiones-argentinas-bar;Ministry of Economy.2022.Bioeconomy.(online)Government of Argentina.Consulted May 8,2023.Avail-able at:https:/www.argentina.gob.ar/agricultura/bioe-conomia,Ministry of Economy.2019th.Action Plan for the Biomaterials and Bioproducts Sector.Res

123、olution 33/2019.(online).Accessed May 8,2023.Available at:https:/www.argentina.gob.ar/agricultura/alimentos-y-bioeconomia/alimentos-y-bebidas/biomateriales/plan-de-accion-para-el-sector,Ministry of Economy.2019b.The Ministry of Agriculture,Livestock and Fisheries launches an Action Plan to promote B

124、io-inputs for agri-cultural use.(online).Accessed May 8,2023.Available at:https:/www.argentina.gob.ar/noticias/el-ministerio-de-agricultura-ganaderia-y-pesca-lanza-un-plan-de-ac-cion-para-promover-los#:text=El%20Minis-terio%20de%20Agricultura%2C%20Ga-nader%C3%ADa%20y%20Pesca%20esta-bleci%C3%B3%20un%

125、20%22Plan,disponi-bles%20para%20las%20actividades%20agropecuarias.,Ministry of Economy.2021.Argentine Bioproduct Seal.(online).Ministry of Economy in Argentina.Consulted May 8,2023.Available at:https:/www.argen-tina.gob.ar/agricultura/sello-bioproducto-argentino Brazil:BRAZILIAN BIOECONOMY PROGRAM S

126、OCIOBIO-DIVERSITY in charge of MAPA that seeks to strengthen and coordinate bioeconomy actions in the countrys na-tional market,through five axes:The Program is orga-nized under five thematic axes:1)Productive structure economic activities,increasing value addition,the incorporation of modern knowle

127、dge in bio-logical sciences and related technologies,as well as the enhancement of traditional knowledge.Indeed,bioeconomyfocussing on sustainable agriculture,sustainable use of biodiversity,and bio-industrializationhas been identified as one of the strategic areas for the transformation of the deve

128、lopment model in Latin America and the Caribbean.15 Recognizing the importance of measuring the economic value of the bioeconomy,UN-ECLAC has developed a methodology to transform the accounting frameworks of national accounts(supply and utilization tables)into databases that can be used to construct

129、 Satellite Bioecon-omy Accounts.16 Calculations have been car-ried out for 13 Latin American countries.17 On average,bioeconomic products in the region of supply chains extraction(Pro-extraction);2)Medicinal and aromatic herbs,seasonings,oils and special teas from Brazil;3)Renewable energies for fam

130、ily farming;4)Recognition of traditional agricultural systems;and 5)Routes of socio-biodiversity https:/www.in.gov.br/en/web/dou/-/portaria-n-121-de-18-de-junho-de-;ACTION PLAN ON SCIENCE,TECHNOLOGY AND INNOVATION IN BIOECON-OMY by MCTIC that aims to produce and apply scientific and te

131、chnological knowledge to promote social,eco-nomic and environmental benefits,filling essential knowledge gaps,fostering innovation and providing con-ditions for the strategic insertion of the Brazilian bioe-conomy in the global scenario.https:/reposito-rio.mctic.gov.br/bit-stream/mctic/4355/1/2018_p

132、lano_acao_ciencia_tecno-logia_inovacao_bioeconomia.pdf;NATIONAL BIOINPUTS PROGRAM https:/www.in.gov.br/en/web/dou/-/de-creto-n-10.375-de-26-de-maio-de-;For recent study on Brazil see also:https:/agro.fgv.br/node/1718 15 https:/repositorio.cepal.org/server/api/core/bit-streams/d3031a92-

133、23f6-42b3-9c2a-2dda44f4fbf6/con-tent 16 https:/repositorio.cepal.org/server/api/core/bit-streams/19f09d4d-6bbc-43a7-9dec-579c7b7583f0/con-tent 17 The countries are Argentina,Brazil,Chile,Colombia,Costa Rica,the Dominican Republic,Ecuador,El Salva-dor,Guatemala,Honduras,Nicaragua,Panama,and Peru.13 r

134、epresent 17.2%of the gross value of produc-tion,12.5%of imports,24.5%of taxes on prod-ucts,18.6%of intermediate consumption,28.6%of exports,and 24.9%of final consump-tion.Shares in total value-added range from 5.4%(Panama)to 24.9%(Nicaragua).IICA plays a significant role in bioeconomy de-velopment i

135、n the region and has recently pre-pared a technical note on this subject.18 The IICA has also played a major role in the devel-opment of other pathways of the bioeconomy,such as biofuels or applications of biotechnol-ogy in agriculture.In both areas,it has sup-ported LAC countries in the formulation

136、 and implementation of regulations and regulatory frameworks.There are currently nine countries that already have regulations in operation in bi-otechnology,with an additional four in the for-mulation process in liquid biofuels there are nine countries in implementation and two in formulation.In the

137、 past two years,bio-inputs for sustainable agriculture have emerged as one of the most rapidly advancing topics within the bioecon-omy.At least nine countries in the region have achieved tangible advancements,with several having already launched and begun imple-menting strategies and policies.In add

138、ition to efforts at the country level,there are aspira-tions to formulate bioeconomy strategies or in-itiatives at the regional and international lev-els.For instance,the Amazon countries have engaged in numerous dialogues focused on how the bioeconomy can serve as a strategy for sustainable develop

139、ment.While there has been progress,there is still a considerable dis-tance to cover.This was a central theme at the 18 IICA et al.2024.Informe de Situacin y Perspectivas de la Bioeconoma en Amrica Latina y el Caribe 2023-2024;Informe de situacin y perspectivas de la bioe-conoma en Amrica Latina y el

140、 Caribe/Instituto Interamericano de Cooperacin para la Agricultura;San Jos,C.R.:IICA,2023 19 Bisang,R.y Regnaga M.(2022).La bioeconoma como estrategia para fortalecer la integracin del Mercosur.San Jos,IICA,2022.Summit of Amazonian Presidents in Belm,Brazil,at the beginning of August 2023.Similar di

141、scussions about the bioeconomy as a regional strategy have taken place within Mercosur.19 Indeed,there is a growing emphasis on the pro-tection of the Amazon and the provision of eco-nomic and social support to local communities,framed as a sociobiodiversity bioeconomy.This perspective is highlighte

142、d in Brazil,where the Secretariat of Bioeconomy,under the Min-istry of Environment,focuses on forest-based bioeconomy,distinguishing it from biotechnol-ogy or biomaterial focused approaches.Similar approaches are observed in Colombia and Ec-uador,where forest-based strategies are pre-sented as more

143、sustainable and socially inclu-sive.Ecuador has taken steps toward a Na-tional Strategy,including a Pacto Nacional por la Bioeconoma Sostenible”20 and a recently published Libro Blanco de Economi Circiu-lar.”21 In Brazil,bioeconomy,decarbonization and transition,and energy security constitute one of

144、 the six missions of the Neo-industrialization Plan of Action 2024-2026(Plano de Ao para a Neoindustrializao 2024-2026).The specific objectives of the mission are:(i)Expand the productive capacity of Brazilian industry through the production and adoption of inputs,including critical materials and mi

145、nerals,low-carbon technologies and processes,and energy efficiency;(ii)Strengthen production chains based on the circular economy and sustainable and innovative use of biodiversity,develop bi-oeconomy industries and promote the valori-zation of forests in sustainable forest manage-https:/repositorio

146、.iica.int/bitstream/han-dle/11324/21344/BCO22118631e.pdf?sequence=1&isAl-lowed=y;See also:Concertao pela Amaznia(2021),Uma agenda pelo desenvolvimento da Amazonia.Grupo de Trabalho Bioeconomia da iniciativa,Uma agenda pelo desenvolvimento da amazonia(access 22/01/2022)20 https:/www.produccion.gob.ec

147、/se-suscribio-el-pacto-nacional-por-la-bioeconomia-sotenible-para-el-uso-efi-ciente-de-los-recursos-naturales/21 https:/www.produccion.gob.ec/wp-content/up-loads/2021/05/resumen-Libro-Blanco_WEB_FINAL_A4-1.pdf 14 ment;(iii)Strengthen industrial chains for en-ergy transition,with a view to autonomy,e

148、n-ergy efficiency and diversification of the Brazil-ian energy matrix;(iv)Develop strategic tech-nologies for decarbonization,energy transi-tion,and bioeconomy,catalyzing intrinsic ad-vantages of the country with a view to the strengthen the Brazilian industry in domestic and international markets;a

149、nd(v)Guarantee energy security,stimulating low-cost and low-carbon oil and gas production.The aspirational goal for 2033 is to promote green industry,re-ducing CO2 emissions by 30%by adding value to the industry,expanding the participation of biofuels by 50%within the transport energy matrix,and inc

150、reasing the technological use and sustainable biodiversity of the industry by 1%per year.The mission identifies bioenergy,biocosmetics,and equipment for the genera-tion of renewable energy niche areas for the development of industry.In Colombia,the bioeconomy is included within Agroindustry and Food

151、 Security,one of the four national strategic areas of the National Reindustrialization Policy.The strategic area in-volves the development of the bioeconomy for sustainable and regenerative production in ag-riculture and cattle raising;promotion of the local commercialization and industrialization o

152、f bio-inputs and bioproducts derived from bio-technology for agroindustry;the use of new technologies and access to capital goods to op-timize agricultural production(precision agri-culture)and ecological restoration;and pro-moting modernization and productive inclu-sion in agriculture.Moreover,bioe

153、conomy-rel-evant elements are also included in the strate-gic areas of energy transition(e.g.,decarboni-zation and reducing the economic dependency on fossil and mineral resources)and reindustri-alization in the health sector(e.g.,biotechnol-ogy medicines).Argentinas recent bioeconomy developments i

154、nclude institutional developments,such as the creation of the Secretary of Food and Bioecon-omy in 2016 within the Ministry of Agriculture,Livestock and Fisheries,and subsequent enti-ties.The 2022 Bioeconomy Action Plan focuses on sustainable development,promoting inno-vative practices,and facilitat

155、ing international market access.In 2023,the“Biodesarrollar program”offered financial aid for biotechnol-ogy projects.Over the past five years,training initiatives provided by the Ministry of Agricul-ture together with the Ministry of Science,Technology and Innovation and the Grain Ex-change(Bolsa de

156、 Cereales)engaged over 10,000 students and networks.Bioeconomy is also included in new industrialization strategies that were launched by Brazil and Colombia in early 2024.The Latin American Bioeconomy Network,which was formed in 2023,includes links with Argentina.During 2022 and 2023 there have bee

157、n two major changes in Argen-tina:First in 2022,it was decided to include the Ministry of Agriculture as part of the Ministry of Economy,therefore becoming a Secretary of Agriculture,Livestock and Fisheries.The new administration has meanwhile changed this to the Secretary of Bioeconomy(no more Secr

158、e-tary of Agriculture,Livestock and Fisheries).The new Secretary of Bioeconomy includes an Undersecretary of Bioeconomy.The holistic ap-proach utilized in the countryencompassing agriculture,technology,and international col-laborationhas positioned Argentina among the bioeconomic leaders.Colombia Si

159、nce 2020,Colombia has stood out as the country among the LAC countries that has re-cently developed a dedicated national bioecon-omy strategy.After Costa Rica,it is now the second Latin American country to publish a dedicated bioeconomy strategy.Colombia rec-ognizes the tremendous potential of devel

160、op-ing its bioeconomy to advance broader societal objectives,with a particular emphasis on sus-tainable growth that is inclusive,productive,and equitable.Colombia is committed to implementing a comprehensive bioeconomy strategy that aligns with,and is guided by,the SDGs.Signifi-cantly,the developmen

161、t of the bioeconomy 15 began in 2015 with the program known as Co-lombia Bio,22 which remains active today.Co-lombia Bio is a strategic program of national significance,launched with the objective of promoting knowledge,appreciation,conserva-tion,and sustainable use of biodiversity.The primary aim o

162、f Colombia Bio is to lay the foun-dations for the bioeconomy in Colombian re-gions by leveraging science,technology,and in-novation.Drawing on earlier bioeconomy-re-lated policies(basado en Conpes 3934 Politica de Crecimiento Verde y OCDE),Colombia de-fines the bioeconomy as an economy that effi-cie

163、ntly and sustainably manages biodiversity and biomass to generate new products and processes with added value,based on knowledge and innovation.In its new 2020 strategy document,23 Colombiaendowed with exceptionally rich biodiversity and highly conducive conditions for biomass productionrecognizes t

164、he potential of developing a vi-brant bioeconomy.Colombias 2020 bioeconomy strategy is cen-tred around the establishment of five key stra-tegic areas,each accompanied by a set of measures aimed at their achievement.The strategic areas include:(i)Biodiversity and ecosystem services(ii)Biointelligent

165、Colombia(iii)Productive and sustainable agriculture(iv)Biomass and green chemistry(v)Health and well-being Biodiversity and ecosystem services The Colombian government places great em-phasis on harnessing the abundant biodiversity in both continental and oceanic ecosystems to achieve sustainable eco

166、nomic growth.To at-tain this goal,the strategy outlines three key focus areas.First,it involves the development of a comprehensive national plan for bio-prospecting,which includes the protection of traditional and local knowledge.Second,it 22 https:/minciencias.gov.co/portafolio/colombia-bio aims at

167、 enhancing the capabilities for sustaina-ble commercial utilization of continental and oceanic biodiversity,along with their valuable ecosystem services.Lastly,it promotes the conservation and restoration of resilient conti-nental and oceanic ecosystems to foster sus-tainable development.Biointellig

168、ent Colombia Colombia aims to transform itself into a bi-osmart nation.The government has imple-mented a high-tech approach that involves se-quencing of Colombian species genomes.Moreover,it plans to utilize this knowledge to develop health monitoring tools,leveraging a deeper understanding of the C

169、olombian Hu-man Genome.The strategy also integrates bio-engineering and bioinformatics,with a specific focus on the advancement of essential drugs,biotechnological products,biosimilars,and phytotherapeutics.Key components include establishing a national centre for biointelligent information and deve

170、lopment of human talent capable of driving a Biointelligent Colombia.Productive and Sustainable Agriculture According to Colombias new bioeconomy strategy,the country is being confronted with a major challenge:transitioning to a productive and sustainable agriculture sector that fosters social cohes

171、ion.To tackle the challenge,the Co-lombian government has deployed four sub-strategies:(i)Strengthen biotechnology to develop a more sustainable,productive,and cli-mate-resilient agri-food system.(ii)Invest in smart,digital,and precision agriculture to optimize agricultural practices.(iii)Highlight

172、the crucial role of agrofor-estry,agroecology,and agrobiodiver-sity in promoting sustainable agricul-ture and preserving natural resources.23https:/minciencias.gov.co/sites/default/files/up-load/paginas/bioeconomia_para_un_crecimiento_sos-tenible-qm_print.pdf 16 (iv)Enhance capacities in the applica

173、tion of Good Agricultural Practices to en-sure that agricultural activities align with sustainable development princi-ples.Biomass and green chemistry The Colombian Bioeconomy Strategy also pro-motes sustainable biomass production and green chemistry.The aim is to achieve sustain-able transportation

174、 by using bioenergy(e.g.,sustainable biofuels.Additionally,it seeks to develop bio-based products derived from bio-refineries and develop biological catalysts,spe-cifically enzymatic processes,to facilitate the conversion of biomass and accelerate the ad-vancement of green chemistry.Furthermore,it e

175、mphasizes technological development and in-novation in scaling up bio-industrial processes.Building institutional capacities and human tal-ent training are,according to the strategy doc-ument,crucial components for effectively uti-lizing and valorizing biomass for green chemis-try and energy purpose

176、s.Health and well-being Finally,the Colombian governments bioecon-omy strategy leverages advanced technologies to improve health and well-being.It includes personalized and translational medicine for disease prevention,diagnosis,and treatment,as well as promoting regenerative medicine and addressing

177、 mental health.Precision nutri-tion approaches are also being implemented to foster a healthy population.Institutional ca-pacity and talent development in health bio-technology are being strengthened to support these initiatives.Political and Legal Framework Colombias bioeconomy strategy encompasses

178、 the entire country but also considers the indi-vidual regions with their respective compara-tive advantages for the implementation of the 24 Dept of Energy 2016 Billion Ton report https:/www.energy.gov/eere/bioenergy/2016-billion-ton-report)as well as the economic impacts of biobased strategy.The s

179、trategy provides a comprehen-sive governance approach that integrates the development of the bioeconomy as a strategic goal across various ministries.Colombias strat-egy recognizes the need for a significant adjust-ment of the legal framework to develop a dy-namic bioeconomy.It includes the develop-

180、ment of new standards and ensuring property rights to reduce transaction costs in emerging bioeconomic markets.It also involves regula-tory measures to align the bioeconomy with ecological and social objectives.Additional measures to strengthen the Colombian bioe-conomy include promoting exports and

181、 ex-panding international cooperation.Enhancing the research sector and improved education for the Colombian population,particularly in high-tech industries,complete the package of measures.North America Major developments until 2020:In 2012,the US emerged with a comprehensive bioecon-omy strategy t

182、hat prioritized five strategic ob-jectives to maximize economic benefit across sectors from bio-related discoveries:strategic research and development,translation of dis-coveries to commercialization,reduction of regulatory bureaucracy,workforce develop-ment,and incentives for public-private part-ne

183、rships Further,follow on reports from spe-cific federal agencies detailed the importance and prevalence of biomass.24 In contrast,Can-ada has pursued an industry-driven national strategy,primarily emphasizing access to bio-mass in agriculture for its bioeconomy develop-ment.At the time of the public

184、ation of the 2020 Global Bioeconomy Policy Report,there were visible efforts within the White House and proposed legislation to strengthen the bioe-conomy in the US.However,a replacement of industry(USDA 2014 present dayhttps:/www.biopre-ferred.gov/BioPreferred/faces/pages/EconomicAnaly-sisReports.x

185、html 17 the 2012 National Bioeconomy Blueprint was still pending.Major developments since 2020:Although ef-forts began years before(during the Trump Ad-ministration),25 the recent publication of a re-newed bioeconomy strategy in the US in Sep-tember 2022 is the most significant develop-ment in North

186、 America.United States On September 12,2022,President Biden signed an Executive Order(EO)titled Advance Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing Innova-tion for a Sustainable,Safe,and Secure Ameri-can Bioeconomy.26 The purpose of the Execu-tive Order is to address the political fragmenta-tion of the past

187、decade by explicitly framing the promotion of bioeconomy development as a whole of government task.In essence,this in-itiative comprises commitments towards bio-tech research,development of the biotech workforce,enhanced support for biomanufac-turing,and the implementation of streamlined regulations

188、 aimed at lowering obstacles and re-ducing transaction costs,among other key as-pirations.The EO underscores the capacity of both biotechnology and biomanufacturing to contribute significantly to meeting societal health objectives,addressing climate change,advancing energy solutions,fostering innova

189、-tion in food and agriculture,strengthening sup-ply chains,and bolstering national and eco-nomic security.In order to achieve these goals,the EO defines the following objectives:(i)Research and Development(R&D)In-vestment:Strengthen and coordinate federal investment in key R&D areas of biotechnology

190、.(ii)Biological Data Ecosystem:Foster a se-cure and responsible biological data 25 https:/trumpwhitehouse.archives.gov/wp-con-tent/uploads/2019/10/Summary-of-White-House-Sum-mit-on-Americas-Bioeconomy-October-2019.pdf 26 https:/www.whitehouse.gov/briefing-room/presiden-tial-actions/2022/09/12/execut

191、ive-order-on-advancing-ecosystem that drives innovation in bi-otechnology.(iii)Biomanufacturing Capacity:Improve and expand domestic biomanufactur-ing production capacity,emphasizing piloting and prototyping for practical applications.(iv)Sustainable Practices:Promote sus-tainable biomass production

192、 and pro-vide climate-smart incentives for American agricultural and forest stake-holders.(v)Market Expansion:Expand market op-portunities for bioenergy and biobased products and services.(vi)Workforce Development:Train and support a diverse and skilled work-force,nurturing the next generation of le

193、aders in biotechnology.(vii)Regulatory Clarity:Clarify and stream-line regulations to support the safe use of biotechnology products,following a science-and risk-based approach.(viii)Biological Risk Management:Elevate biological risk management in biotechnology R&D,including invest-ments in biosafet

194、y and biosecurity.(ix)Standards and Metrics:Promote standards and metrics for the bioecon-omy to inform policy,decision-making,and ensure equitable and ethical de-velopment.(x)Security Measures:Adopt a proactive approach to secure and protect the US bioeconomy,addressing threats and risks,including

195、digital intrusion efforts by foreign adversaries.(xi)International Collaboration:Engage with the international community to enhance cooperation in biotechnology R&D,aligning with US principles and promoting safe and secure practice.biotechnology-and-biomanufacturing-innovation-for-a-sustainable-safe

196、-and-secure-american-bioeconomy/18 In summary,these policies reflect a compre-hensive strategy to foster innovation,sustaina-bility,and security in the field of biotechnology and biomanufacturing.The EO defines biotech-nology as technology that“applies to or is ena-bled by life sciences innovation o

197、r product de-velopment.”Biomanufacturing is defined“as the use of biological systems to develop prod-ucts,tools,and processes at commercial scale.”The EO mandates a large number of different US government institutions to develop reports,assessments,and targets on how the defined biotechnology and bi

198、omanufacturing policies can be implemented.A useful summary of the new US strategy,“White House Initiative to Ad-vance the Bioeconomy,E.O.14081:In Brief,”was provided last year by the Congressional Re-search Service.27 It describes each of the deliv-erables,their deadlines,and entities responsi-ble

199、for them in an organized fashion.As of January 2024,several but not all of the anticipated deliverables and reports mandated under the EO have been released and include:Report to the President:Biomanufactur-ing to Advance the Bioeconomy(Decem-ber 2022)Bioeconomy Lexicon(December 2022)Developing a Na

200、tional Measure of the Eco-nomic Contributions of the Bioeconomy(March 2023)Bold Goals for US Biotechnology and Bi-omanufacturing(March 2023)Ambiguities,Gaps,Uncertainties in Regu-lation of Biotechnology(March 2023)Building the Bioworkforce of the Future(June 2023)The Coordinated Framework for Regula

201、-tion of Biotechnology:Plain Language In-formation on the Biotechnology Regula-tory System(November 2023)27 See:https:/crsreports.congress.gov/prod-uct/pdf/R/R47274 Vision,Needs,and Proposed Actions for Data for the Bioeconomy Initiative(De-cember 2023)One of these,Bold Goals for US Biotechnology an

202、d Biomanufacturing:Harnessing Research and Development to Further Societal Goals,lays out specific and quantitative aspirations that are believed to be achievable through stra-tegic investments in research and develop-ment.28 Perhaps interestingly,whereas the EO does not mention the terms“circular”o

203、r“cir-cularity,”the Bold Goals research and develop-ment report specifies key aspirations that re-late directly to circularity.The document is the result of a collaborative effort by four different departments and the National Science Founda-tion,with each entity contributing an individual section t

204、o the comprehensive renewed US re-search and development strategy.Given the ambitious nature of this document,our sum-mary will concentrate on its key points and ob-jectives,although the available reports on bio-economy lexicon,measurement,regulatory clarity,workforce,and data all provide relevant d

205、etails relating to the key elements of the com-prehensive strategy.Bold Goals for US Biotechnology and Biomanufacturing This report by the US government outlines five primary societal goals for which technological advancements in the bioeconomy are deemed crucial.These goals address climate change,i

206、n-novation in food and agriculture,supply chain resilience,human health,and cross-cutting ad-vances.In addition,the strategy identifies 21 key development themes within the bioecon-omy,each aligned with one of the societal goals.Moreover,the document specifies two to five short-and long-term sub-goa

207、ls for each key objective and outlines various research and development(R&D)requirements considered necessary to achieve the goals.28 https:/www.whitehouse.gov/wp-content/up-loads/2023/03/Bold-Goals-for-U.S.-Biotechnology-and-Bi-omanufacturing-Harnessing-Research-and-Develop-ment-To-Further-Societal

208、-Goals-FINAL.pdf 19 Climate change solutions Four key development themes and corre-sponding sub-goals of the renewed US bioe-conomy strategy focus on creating innovative climate change solutions:(i)Enhancing the production of carbon-neutral transportation and stationary fuels by increasing the utili

209、zation of bi-omass and waste to produce liquid fuels.This is particularly important for sectors such as aviation,maritime,rail,and off-road transportation that can-not be easily electrified or powered by hydrogen solutions.(ii)Ensuring significant progress in decou-pling industrial production from f

210、ossil fuels by the development of bio-based chemicals and materials with lower carbon intensity.It also emphasizes the importance of conversion of bio-based feedstocks into recyclable poly-mers within a cost-effective circular economy model.(iii)Expanding the production of climate-focused agricultur

211、al systems and plants.This includes developing im-proved tools for measuring robust feedstock production systems,engi-neering more drought-tolerant feed-stocks that can thrive on underutilized land,and designing food protein pro-duction systems based on microbial protein production from waste feed-s

212、tocks.(iv)Prioritizing increased carbon dioxide removal by exploring biotechnology solutions.Examples include techniques such as root microbiome design and utilizing biomass from purpose-grown crops or waste materials while ensur-ing the durable storage of biomass car-bon in long-lasting solid carbo

213、n materi-als or suitable geological formations.Innovations in the food and agriculture sector Three key objectives and their corresponding sub-goals revolve around driving innovation in the food and agriculture sector:(i)The first objective is dedicated to en-hancing sustainability and resource cons

214、ervation,while simultaneously in-creasing agricultural productivity.To achieve this,the strategy outlines five steps to avoid trade-offs between sus-tainability and productivity in agricul-tural production:o Increasing total factor agricultural productivity,while ensuring effi-cient use of natural r

215、esources and promoting conservation practices.o Advancing climate-smart feed-stock production for the utilization of biofuels.o Developing technologies to reduce nitrogen emissions from agricul-ture.o Mitigating methane emissions through initiatives such as biogas production.o Promoting the developm

216、ent and commercialization of new technol-ogies to minimize food loss and waste.(ii)The second objective aims to enhance food nutrition,quality,and consumer choice.The strategy emphasizes three bioeconomy advancements:new food and feed sources,improved nutrient density in plants and animals,and bet-t

217、er screening tools for food safety.(iii)The third objective is to enhance the protection of plants and animals from environmental stressors.Key measures include bolstering pest and pathogen detection and mitigation ca-pabilities and strengthening resilience against both biotic and abiotic stress-ors

218、.20 Supply chain resilience The next three key themes and related sub-goals focus on enhancing agriculture supply chain resilience.Supply chain resilience refers to the ability of a supply chain to withstand and recover from disruptions while maintaining its essential functions.It involves adapting

219、to un-expected events,such as natural disasters,ge-opolitical instability,pandemics,supplier bank-ruptcies,and transportation disruptions.The new strategy recognizes the bioeconomys threefold objectives in mitigating these risks,particularly in the context of supply chain dis-ruptions in the pharmac

220、eutical industry due to the COVID-19 pandemic and increased geopo-litical tensions:(i)The first objective is to enhance eco-nomic security by utilizing biotechnol-ogies and biomanufacturing to develop alternative supply chain pathways,par-ticularly for critical drugs and sectors facing supply chain

221、bottlenecks.It in-cludes reshoring chemical manufactur-ing processes.(ii)The second objective is to boost bi-omanufacturing innovation by improv-ing predictive capabilities to identify supply chain weaknesses and enabling real-time adjustments through plat-form technologies.(iii)The third objective

222、is to strengthen standards and data infrastructure to support biotechnology and biomanu-facturing commercialization,including the development of integrated biologi-cal data technologies and the promo-tion of international standards for emerging biotechnologies and bioman-ufacturing.Health improvemen

223、ts While supply chain resilience is a new theme in bioeconomy strategy development,the signifi-cant role of the bioeconomy in improving health outcomes has been extensively ex-plored.The new US bioeconomy strategy en-compasses five key objectives to drive health improvements:(i)Developing accessible

224、 health monitor-ing tools by identifying next-genera-tion bio-indicators and creating an af-fordable integrated diagnostic kit.(ii)Advancing precision multi-omic medi-cine by collecting diverse population data and enabling personal multi-ome analysis.(iii)Enhancing the biomanufacturing of cell-based

225、 therapies for increased effi-cacy and scalability.(iv)Leveraging AI-driven bioproduction to enhance manufacturing speed and di-versity.(v)Advancing gene editing techniques for improved efficiency and scalability.Cross-cutting goals Finally,the new strategy document outlines six cross-cutting key ob

226、jectives for advancing basic bioeconomic research:The first objective is to significantly en-hance the ability to sequence genes from diverse microbial species and understand their functions,serving as a prerequisite for developing new products and pro-cesses with applications in disease diagno-sis,

227、resilient crop development,clean en-ergy generation,and more.The second and third objectives concern significant advancements in the reliable design of biological systems with specific functions,which is also referred to as the holy grail of engineering biology(p.23).The fourth objective involves en

228、hancing quality control of bio-based production processes when scaled up for commercial mass production,beyond laboratory con-ditions.Fifth,the goal is to reproducibly manufac-ture devices that integrate living and non-living components such as organ-chip or human-robotic interface.21 Lastly,the str

229、ategy emphasizes that the societal impact of the bioeconomy relies on public acceptance and adoption of these innovations,necessitating scientific progress in stakeholder engagement and public involvement.Overall,this research and development-ori-ented section of the new US bioeconomy strat-egy,once

230、 again,emphasizes the critical role that the US government places on innovation and technological advancements as the central driving forces of the bioeconomy.Leveraging the synergies of biotechnology,chemistry,and artificial intelligence,aims are to advance bio-engineering and drive tangible innova

231、tions across the areas of climate mitigation,agricul-ture,supply chain resilience,and health sec-tors.At the same time,the US strategy empha-sizes the implementation of tangible measures aimed at mitigating biological risks linked to the progress of biotechnology.Further,the strat-egy advocates for

232、both biosafety and biosecu-rity to guarantee that the development and uti-lization of biotechnology aligns with overarch-ing ethical principles,as well as international best practices.This approach aims to prevent unintentional or intentional harm to individu-als,animals,and the environment.While so

233、me R&D needs address short-term challenges in scaling up existing technologies(5-7 years),others are dedicated to fostering long-term breakthroughs in pioneering techno-logical advancements(up to 20 years).Recog-nizing the overarching objective of increasing supply chain resilience,the strategy also

234、 under-scores the importance of infrastructure devel-opment and enhanced data utilization to pro-actively identify and mitigate supply chain bot-tlenecks.According to the US government,in-terdisciplinary research and groundbreaking discoveries are considered the primary tools to ensure long-term glo

235、bal leadership of the US bioeconomy.29 https:/www.datawrapper.de/_/8xal2/.Overall,the comprehensive new strategy de-scribed by the EO has certain limitations,chief among them being that the aspirations de-scribed therein largely exist as unfunded man-dates.It remains to be seen whether the US Congre

236、ss will appropriate adequate funding to enable their achievement.As of now,the strat-egy primarily serves as a guiding framework to facilitate cooperation and coordination be-tween the public and private sectors.The ded-icated implementation plan also mandated by the EO as due in June of 2023 was at

237、 the begin-ning of 2024 several months late.The EO Tracker is an interesting instrument that can be considered also by other countries or regions engaging in bioeconomy policy and program implementation.29 Asia/Pacific Major developments until 2020:According to the 2020 Global Bioeconomy Policy Repo

238、rt,Ja-pan,Malaysia and Thailand in the Asia-Pacific region have implemented dedicated bioecon-omy strategies.These strategies primarily em-phasize high-tech advancements and industrial development within the bioeconomy sector.Key areas of focus include enhancing human health through medical innovati

239、ons,collabora-tion with the bioindustry for the production of bio-based products such as marine biodegrada-ble plastics,and establishing centres of excel-lence for bioeconomy research.Additionally,countries like China,India,Russia,South Ko-rea,and Sri Lanka have developed bioecon-omy-related strateg

240、ies with a strong emphasis on high-tech approaches and biotechnology.Bioenergy plays a significant role in countries like India,Indonesia and New Zealand,with Australias Queensland state having a specific roadmap for bioindustry development.New 22 Zealand,30 on the other hand,prioritizes growth and

241、value-creation in its primary indus-tries.In addition,its bioeconomy is driven by a 15-year emissions reduction plan,which specif-ically refers to actions for the development of a circular bioeconomy strategy.31 Major developments since 2020:China has outlined its future direction for National Eco-n

242、omic and Social Development through its 14th five-year plan,which extends until 2025,along with long-range objectives for 2035.The plan defines the bioeconomy as based on the protection,development,and utilization of bi-oresources to drive the development of life sci-ence and biotechnology to promot

243、e a blueprint for the sustainable development of human so-ciety.Industrial biotechnology,in particular,is of special importance in achieving these goals.Over the past decade,official government doc-uments have demonstrated Chinas keen inter-est in advancing biotechnologies.However,a dedicated bioeco

244、nomy strategy had been ab-sent until the recent development of the 14th five-year plan for bioeconomy development.With this plan,China has taken a significant step forward,placing an even greater emphasis on the development of the bioeconomy.It demonstrates Chinas growing commitment to bioeconomy de

245、velopment and aligning it with its broader national objectives.In the following section,we summarize the details of the new Chinese dedicated bioeconomy strategy.Further,the Japanese national bioeconomy strategy is subject to annual revisions.Japan also conducts a comprehensive review of its strateg

246、y every five years.A dedicated working team is currently involved in revising the bioe-conomy strategy in preparation for 2024,mark-30 New Zealand had no bioeconomy related strategy ex-cept a bioenergy policy-it is only now developing a bio-economy focused one.31 https:/environment.govt.nz/what-gove

247、rnment-is-do-ing/areas-of-work/climate-change/emissions-reduction-plan/32 Around 33,677,750 USD or 30,724,930.62 EUR.33 Union Minister Dr Jitendra Singh says,India is set to achieve$150 billion Bio-Economy by 2025,which stood ing the fifth year of the strategys implementa-tion.The Japanese governmen

248、t has committed to a substantial fund,approximately 500 billion yen,32 for bio-manufacturing,showing Japans ongoing efforts to advancing its bioeconomy.While India does not feature an explicit bioe-conomy policy or strategy paper,there are high level announcements by the Indian govern-ment to facili

249、tate fast growth in the nations bi-oeconomy.33 It may be expected that the vari-ous bioeconomy-related policies in India will be consolidated in a dedicated strategy in the fu-ture.It is noteworthy that India took the initia-tive to place a bioeconomy policy paper on the G20 agenda.34 Further,the Th

250、ai Government introduced the Bio-Circular-Green Economy(BCG)model as a strategic framework for national development and post-pandemic recovery.This model prior-itizes the application of science,technology,and innovation to leverage Thailands compar-ative advantage in biological and cultural diver-si

251、ty,transforming it into a competitive ad-vantage.35 China The Chinese 14th five-year plan for the bioecon-omy36 identifies four key areas of develop-ment:(i)biomedicine for life and health,(ii)modernization of agriculture,(iii)green and low-carbon biomass applica-tions,and (iv)national biosecurity r

252、isk prevention and control.The last point highlights the ongoing challenge in China to cope with the COVID-19 pandemic,which has led to new efforts to integrate at over$100 billion in 2022.See:https:/www.pib.gov.in/PressReleaseP-age.aspx?PRID=1951126 34 https:/t20ind.org/research/circular-bioeconomy

253、-and-sdgs-proposals-for-the-g20/35 https:/www.bcg.in.th/eng/background/36 https:/ 23 measures of prevention and control potential future pandemics into the countrys bioecon-omy development plan.Biomedicine for life and health Within the biomedicine field,the Chinese gov-ernment pursues a strategy ch

254、ange from“treatment-centred medicine“towards“health-centred medicine“and thereby con-tributes to the“healthy China strategy.”The Chinese government sees enormous potential in improving disease prevention and early screening through a combined promotion of high-tech precision medicine,including ad-va

255、nced diagnostic technologies,high-end med-ical imaging equipment,and intelligent,minia-turized,and multifunctional medical devices with genetic testing.The use of genetic engi-neering for the development of vaccines and therapeutic solutions for infections is also pri-oritized.Further,the new strate

256、gy promotes advances in clinical care by emphasizing the de-velopment of technologies such as microfluidic chips,automation,and cell and gene therapy products.The new Chinese development plan also aims to strengthen traditional Chinese medicine by promoting research to evaluate the efficacy of tradi

257、tional approaches and the use of the knowledge for research and innova-tion.In particular,the integration of traditional Chinese and Western medicine is emphasized,along with the development of biological con-trol and green prevention and control technol-ogies.The Chinese plan recognizes the vast po

258、tential of utilizing advanced information technologies to drive innovation in biotechnology within the field of biomedicine,explicitly addressing the development of a bioinformatics industry,cap-italizing on artificial intelligence,big data,and advanced technologies.According to the plan,advancement

259、s in the bioinformatics industry are expected to significantly contribute to im-proved disease research,personalized medi-cine,and remote monitoring.To achieve these goals,the Chinese plan promotes specific tools such as data sharing facilitated by technologies like 5G,blockchain,and the Internet of

260、 Things.These technologies are aimed at enhancing drug traceability,connecting health data,and supporting regional health initiatives.Prioritiz-ing the integration of online and offline medical services,convenience services,and the appli-cation of health big data in various healthcare areas is also

261、a key focus of the plan.Modernization of agriculture The Chinese understanding of biological agri-culture refers to four main areas,including bio-breeding,bio-fertilizers,bio-feeds,and bio-pesticides.Within the 14th five-year plan,the government aims to respond to new trends,transitioning from“solvi

262、ng subsistence”to-wards“nutrition diversification,”while the peoples new expectations for higher levels of food consumption should be met.In the agri-cultural sector,the new Chinese plan follows a strategy of sustainable intensification to in-crease productivity and quality of agricultural productio

263、n on existing land with positive envi-ronmental and social impacts.Technological advancements to reach this goal include bio-logical breeding and technologies like genome-wide selection,systems biology,and synthetic biology to enhance breeding,production,and processing capabilities.The development o

264、f green agriculture,agricultural waste utiliza-tion,and precision biotechnology in agriculture are also encouraged to improve land and re-source utilization efficiency.Improving food se-curity and the quality of nutrition continue to present a central societal goal for the Chinese government.Green a

265、nd low-carbon biomass applica-tions Chinese authorities see tremendous potential in the development of advanced bioengineer-ing and biomanufacturing technologies and to replace fossil fuels and create new bio-based chemical materials in the transition from fossil energy to green,low-carbon,and renew

266、able energy sources.The strategy is focusing on re-searching and cultivating new biomass energy technologies,promoting biofuels,and integrat-ing the biochemical industry with biomass 24 combustion blending standards.Efforts are be-ing made to enhance the development of key technologies,like algae bi

267、ofuels.The new Chi-nese strategy also emphasizes the use of bio-logical technologies for environmental protec-tion,such as water denitrification and phos-phorus removal,soil remediation,and waste utilization.Political and legal framework The new Chinese bioeconomy development plan places considerabl

268、e emphasis on techno-logical advancements.It also dedicates a sub-stantial section to governance,outlining the necessary enhancements to the political and legal framework to facilitate the growth of the bioeconomy.These include:(i)Improvements of the drug and medical device approval process.(ii)Impr

269、ovements of the basic medical in-surance system in order to ensure ac-cessibility,affordability,quality,and coordination in healthcare delivery.(iii)A better protection of intellectual property to foster innovation in the fields of pharmaceuticals and biologi-cal resources,including data protec-tion

270、 rights.(iv)Strengthening the utilization of finan-cial funds,venture capital,credits and foreign investments to support the de-velopment of the bioeconomy and the protection of biodiversity in develop-ing countries.(v)Ensuring a continuous influx of inter-disciplinary trained professionals and expe

271、rts in fields such as life sciences,medicine,physics,informatics,and re-lated disciplines.(vi)Commitments to actively engage in global governance related to the bioe-conomy.The proposed measures in-clude collaboration on global health challenges,the internationalization of Chinas pharmaceutical indu

272、stry,and 37 The UK has meanwhile withdrawn its national bioe-conomy strategy.biodiversity conservation on a global scale.(vii)Establishing specialized regional cen-tres to implement pilot projects in ar-eas such as cell therapy,traditional Chinese medicine,medical device reg-istration,or fostering c

273、omprehensive innovation.(viii)Developing several bioeconomy pilot zones taking the lead in piloting reform measures in in science,technology and innovation,production application,market supervision,finance,pricing,and international cooperation,thus encouraging the development of new technologies,new

274、 industries,new business models and formats.Europe Major developments until 2020:As shown in the 2020 Global Bioeconomy Report,within Eu-rope,the European Union plays a pivotal role in shaping national bioeconomy policy strate-gies.In 2010 Germany published the first dedi-cated national bioeconomy r

275、esearch strategy,followed by a policy strategy in 2013.The Euro-pean Commission presented a bioeconomy strategy for Europe in 2012,which prompted the development of national bioeconomy strat-egies by EU Member States.Finland emerged as a prominent bioeconomy nation in Europe with the publication of

276、a dedicated policy strat-egy in 2014.Between 2014 and 2020,eight Eu-ropean countries,including Austria,France,Ireland,Italy,Latvia,the Nordic Countries,and Spain,have adopted dedicated bioeconomy policy strategies.Furthermore,the United Kingdom,37 a former EU Member State,also formulated its own ded

277、icated bioeconomy strategy before 2020.Germany published an updated strategy in 2020.25 Several European countries,including the Netherlands and Sweden,adopted compre-hensive bioeconomy-related strategies until 2020.In Belgium the region of Flanders devel-oped a sub-national bioeconomy strategy.Ad-d

278、itionally,according to the 2020 Global Bioe-conomy Policy Report,European countries fre-quently incorporated the bioeconomy into wider green or blue growth strategies or within circular economy strategies.Portugals bioe-conomy roadmap highlighted its key role and emphasis on the“blue”bioeconomy,whic

279、h en-tails knowledge-based production and utiliza-tion of aquatic(i.e.,“blue”)bioresources for in-novative products,processes,and services.Fi-nally,the 2020 Report shows that many Euro-pean regions have integrated the bioeconomy into their policy agendas,resulting in the for-mulation of sub-national

280、 bioeconomy strate-gies.Regions in France,Germany,Norway and Spain,such as Andaluca,Baden-Wurttember,Basque Country,Bavaria,Castilla Len,Extre-madura,Grand Est,Haute-de-France,Inn-landet,Ostfold,Rogaland and Trondelag,have developed dedicated strategies to pro-mote bioeconomy initiatives.Major devel

281、opments since 2020:The bioecon-omy policy in the EU is evolving dynamically.Particularly noteworthy,compared to the doc-umented situation until 2020,is the publication of a Progress Report in 2022 on the imple-mentation of the updated EU bioeconomy strategy and its Action Plan in the EU by the Eu-ro

282、pean Commission,which also includes a dedicated chapter on the future strategic de-velopment of the bioeconomy in the EU.Ac-cording to the EU progress report,there has been notable advancement in the adoption,implementation,and coherence of national and sub-national bioeconomy strategies over the pa

283、st decade.Currently,11 European Union Member States have specific bioeconomy strategies,while seven Member States are in the process of developing their strategies.The 38 https:/knowledge4policy.ec.europa.eu/publica-tion/sustainable-bioeconomy-europe-strengthening-connection-between-economy-society_

284、en 2020 report covers these developments.How-ever,significant new efforts have occurred in four countries:Austria,Finland,Ireland and Portugal.Austria,Ireland,and Portugal have expanded their bioeconomy strategies by pub-lishing dedicated action plans,while Finland,which initially published its stra

285、tegy in 2014,has updated its approach aiming to double the value added from the bioeconomy by 2035 in an ecologically,socially,and economically sus-tainable way.Next,we will systematically sum-marize these two advancements.European Union The progress report was preceded by the fol-lowing development

286、s:In October 2018,the EU published a revised Bioeconomy Strategy and Action Plan titled“A Sustainable Bioeconomy for Europe:Strengthening the connection be-tween economy,society,and the environ-ment.”38 This update introduced new priorities for the bioeconomy(e.g.,understanding the ecological bounda

287、ries of the bioeconomy),em-phasizing its role in climate protection and sus-tainable development in Europe.The updated strategy maintained the original five objectives for the bioeconomy that were part of the 2012 original bioeconomy strategy:(i)Ensuring food and nutrition security.(ii)Sustainable m

288、anagement of natural re-sources.(iii)Reducing dependence on non-renewa-ble resources.(iv)Mitigating and adapting to climate change.(v)Enhancing European competitiveness and job creation.The Commission published the progress report on the implementation of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy in May 2022,which

289、 underscores the integration of the bioeconomy within the Euro-pean Green Deal.26 The report emphasizes the significance of effi-cient bioeconomy governance to maximize synergies and navigate trade-offs during its im-plementation.It highlights the importance of bioeconomy policies that embrace all a

290、spects of sustainability,including responsible man-agement of land and biological resources within ecological boundaries,the promotion of sustainable value chains and consumption pat-terns,and social fairness and a just transition for all stakeholders involved.Progress in the European Union bioecono

291、my The Progress Report indicates that headway has been made towards achieving the primary objectives of the EU Bioeconomy Strategy.Sev-eral national and sub-national bioeconomy strategies are promoting cooperation across sectors and embracing sustainability principles,while investing in bioeconomy i

292、nnovation.No-tably,Central and Eastern European countries have made significant progress in bioeconomy development and consolidated political com-mitment and Research and Investment(R&I)frameworks through the establishment of the BIOEAST initiative.39 Moreover,there is a grow-ing mobilization of pri

293、vate investments and re-search in food and other bio-based industries,showcasing promising advancements.For ex-ample,the EU bioeconomy strategy led to the establishment of the Bio-based Industries Joint Undertaking(BBI JU),attracting private invest-ments and promoting R&D in the European bio-based i

294、ndustry.With EUR 975 million from the European Commission and EUR 2.73 billion from the private sector(represented by the Bio-based Industries Consortium BIC),142 bio-based industry projects focused on sustain-able alternatives to fossil-based products were 39 https:/bioeast.eu/40 European Commissio

295、n,Directorate-General for Re-search and Innovation,European bioeconomy policy Stocktaking and future developments:Report from the Commission to the European Parliament,the Council,the European Economic and Social Committee and the funded between 2014 and 2021.The succes-sor,the Circular Bio-based Eu

296、rope Joint Under-taking(CBE JU)partnership(2021-2031),aims to further strengthen the EU bio-based sectors.The CBE JU is endowed with an EU contribution of EUR 1 billion and a contribution of at least the same amount from the BIC.Together,these unique public-private partnerships have so far invested

297、EUR 5.7 billion to support the Euro-pean Green Deal and the UN Sustainable Devel-opment Goals.40 Examples of other notable bi-oeconomy related initiatives are the inclusion of the construction sector into the bioeconomy New European Bauhaus41)and the EU Mission:Restore our Ocean and Waters.42 Overal

298、l,Europes position in the global market for bio-based chemicals and materials remains strong.However,the progress report also iden-tifies gaps in the current Action Plan that ne-cessitate further attention.These include a need for enhanced management of land and bi-omass supply and demand to meet en

299、viron-mental and economic requirements in a cli-mate-neutral Europe,as well as efforts to fos-ter more sustainable consumption patterns.Strategic outlook The final section of the EU progress report is of particular significance.In this section,the Com-mission highlights potential future directions f

300、or the bioeconomy in the EU.Notably,the Commission sees the need to develop a bioe-conomy that produces robust social outcomes,while operating strictly within the defined lim-its of the earths resources and ecosystems(i.e.,“planetary boundaries”).A significant measure towards attaining this objectiv

301、e is the expansion of the current Knowledge Centre for Bioeconomy and its EU Bioeconomy Monitoring System.The Commission emphasizes the im-portance of gaining a deeper understanding of Committee of the Regions,Publications Office of the Eu-ropean Union,2022,https:/data.eu-ropa.eu/doi/10.2777/997651

302、41 https:/new-european-bauhaus.europa.eu/index_en 42 https:/research-and-innovation.ec.europa.eu/fund-ing/funding-opportunities/funding-programmes-and-open-calls/horizon-europe/eu-missions-horizon-eu-rope/restore-our-ocean-and-waters_en 27 the potential synergies and trade-offs linked to technology

303、and policy options through better monitoring and integrated assessments.These assessments should encompass a com-prehensive analysis of the impacts of the soci-oeconomic and environmental systems in the bioeconomy,accounting for interconnections and feedback mechanisms.When addressing the projected“

304、biomass gap”between future demand and supply of biomass for food,mate-rials,and energy,special policy priorities should be given to environmental concerns.To enable such bioeconomy policies,the Commis-sion argues for the development and imple-mentation of an integrative assessment frame-work at the

305、EU and national levels for under-standing and resolving trade-offs on land-use to optimize the societal benefits from land,aquatic area and biological resources,including biodiversity and other ecosystem services.Regarding the supply side,the Commission em-phasizes the need to enhance the skills and

306、 qualifications of the European Unions work-force to effectively participate in emerging in-novative bio-based value chains.Furthermore,it stresses the importance of strengthening re-search and innovation through public and pri-vate investments to promote long-term trans-formative changes in the bio

307、economy.Regarding the demand side and based on the holistic approach of the bioeconomy in the EU,the Commission suggests that consumption patterns need to become more sustainable to guarantee the environmental integrity of the bioeconomy.It is argued that consumer-driven bioeconomy action can trigge

308、r high invest-ments in sustainable bioeconomy businesses and drive the sustainable transformation of re-gions and Member States.Consequently,the Commission will put more focus on the total demand for biological resources aiming to facil-itate the transition to more sustainable con-sumption practices

309、.Additionally,the progress 43 https:/julkaisut.valtioneuvosto.fi/bitstream/han-dle/10024/163969/VN_2022_5.pdf report provides an overview of research and in-novation projects of relevance for the bioecon-omy and funded through Horizon Europe,the EUs framework program for research and in-novation.Fin

310、ally,the Commission highlights the importance of enhancing stakeholder en-gagement at all levels for a successful imple-mentation of the bioeconomy,as it enables a connection between policy initiatives and local realities.Finland In 2014,Finland introduced its first compre-hensive policy plan for th

311、e bioeconomy titled The Finnish Bioeconomy Strategy Sustaina-ble growth from bioeconomy.43 This strategy is significant,being one of the pioneering na-tional bioeconomy strategies in Europe.It out-lined a comprehensive set of objectives and ac-tions,driving Finland to emerge as the fore-most bioecon

312、omy leader in Europe.The up-dated Bioeconomy Strategy of 2022 builds upon the progress made so far,while also adapting to the latest advancements and evolv-ing knowledge base.The updated Finnish strategy is committed to the EUs European New Green Deal and the SDGs.It explicitly embraces a holistic a

313、pproach to a sustainable bioeconomy,encompassing social,economic,and environmental compo-nents.In addition,the Finnish strategy is based on the concept of a circular economy,which aims to valorize the natural resources available in the form of biomassorganic matter found in forests,agriculture,the s

314、ea,and fresh wa-terefficiently and in an environmentally friendly manner to produce food,energy,prod-ucts,and services.An important policy innovation of this updated national bioeconomy strategy is that it postu-lates a quantitative target for the bioeconomy:The main objective of the strategy is to

315、double the value added generated by the bioeconomy between 2022 and 2035 by fostering economic 28 growth and job creation through sustainable solutions that produce high-value products and services.In 2019,the value added by the bioe-conomy in Finland amounted to EUR 26 billion.The strategy sets a t

316、arget to accelerate the an-nual growth rate of the bioeconomys value added from 3%to 4%.If the objective is achieved,the Finnish bioeconomys value added is projected to reach EUR 50 billion by 2035.In contrast to the strategies pursued by the United States and China,the Finnish approach places less

317、emphasis on promoting the eco-nomic growth of the bioeconomy solely through increasing bio-based production vol-umes.Instead,it recognizes the importance of shifting the focus towards investments and production methods that generate higher value added from existing biomass,thereby en-hancing the env

318、ironmental performance of the bioeconomy.According to the updated Finnish strategy,the bioeconomy is positioned to have a vital role in facilitating the transition towards a more environmentally sustainable society.It offers solutions to address global challenges,such as those related to climate cha

319、nge and bi-odiversity.By actively engaging bioeconomy solutions in the green transition,it is more likely to make socially and regionally equitable changes,while ensuring long-term sustainabil-ity.The Finnish strategy encompasses a wide range of policy measures to achieve these objectives.These meas

320、ures include supportive policies for research,development,and innovation(RDI),as well as demand-and supply-side support for upscaling and commercialization.Research,development and innovation policies The Finnish strategy recognizes the significance of advanced biotechnology,including genetic engine

321、ering and the application of AI.How-ever,unlike the US and Chinese strategies,the emphasis on these aspects is rather modest.The Finnish RDI policies primarily concentrate on enhancing the efficient and sustainable uti-lization of existing biomass reserves within an advanced circular economy framewo

322、rk.The Finnish strategy includes specific measures to advance its goals:(i)Establishing partnerships between re-search and business sectors to facili-tate the development of business mod-els and products that integrate re-use and recycling potentials right from the initial stages of product design,d

323、evel-opment,and marketing.(ii)The development of model regions and demonstration plants for new,innova-tive bio-products that showcase fully integrated circular economies.(iii)Advancing bioeconomy monitoring ca-pabilities to enhance companies knowledge bases in efficiently allocat-ing and cascading

324、the use of biomass.Overall,these measures should promote sus-tainable practices and innovation within the bi-oeconomy,fostering collaboration between re-search and business sectors while encouraging the adoption of circular economy principles.Supply and demand side policies The upscaling and commerc

325、ialization of bio-based products are acknowledged as signifi-cant challenges in all the discussed bioecon-omy strategies.In recognition of this concern,the Finnish strategy encompasses a set of tar-geted measures to support the growth of the bioeconomy.On the supply side,the measures include subsidi

326、es for bio-based industries,im-proved partnerships between public and pri-vate finance to generate sufficient venture cap-ital,streamlining the permission process for bi-oproduction plants to create a competitive en-vironment,and the education of a specialized workforce tailored to the needs of the

327、bioecon-omy.On the demand side,the Finnish strategy focuses on increasing stakeholder and con-sumer acceptance of bio-based products.This is pursued through initiatives such as the devel-opment of information tools that provide in-sights into the carbon footprints of different 29 products,thereby en

328、abling informed decision-making and enhancing the market demand for sustainable alternatives.The Finnish strategy recognizes the importance of international co-operation,particularly with Nordic European countries to advance the bioeconomy.Collabo-ration and partnership at the international level ar

329、e seen as crucial for driving progress in the bioeconomy.By implementing these measures,the Finnish strategy addresses the challenges associated with upscaling and commercialization,paving a likely pathway for the successful growth and adoption of bio-based products within the bio-economy.The Finnis

330、h strategy specifies plans for various economic sectors(particularly the forestry sector)and proposes establishment of a comprehensive monitoring system to track progress towards the defined goals.Austria The national bioeconomy strategy in Austriaadopted by the Austrian Government in 2019envisions

331、an economy that harmonizes tech-nology and ecology.It is designed to address global societal challenges such as climate change,food and water scarcity,and environ-mental pollution.Further,the strategy should promote the decarbonization of Austrias soci-ety and economy.The Austrian strategy aligns cl

332、osely with the goals of the EU strategy and the principles of the European Green Deal,emphasizing a ro-bust focus on climate and environmental con-cerns.It expects the bioeconomy to play a sig-nificant role in reducing greenhouse gas emis-sions by 2030 and contributing to a more sus-tainable future.

333、Recently,in 2022,the Austrian Government re-leased a bioeconomy action plan to effectively implement the targets and goals outlined in the 2019 bioeconomy strategy.44 The development of policy measures for this plan is noteworthy in terms of governance,as it adopted a bottom-44 https:/www.bmk.gv.at/themen/klima_um-welt/klimaschutz/biooekonomie/aktionsplan.html up and inclusive stakeholder approach



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 wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP   187**11...  升级为至尊VIP

189**10... 升级为至尊VIP  188**51...  升级为高级VIP

134**52...  升级为至尊VIP   134**52... 升级为标准VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP   学**... 升级为标准VIP 

liv**vi...  升级为至尊VIP   大婷 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

 微**... 升级为至尊VIP 微**... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP   战** 升级为至尊VIP 

玍子  升级为标准VIP ken**81... 升级为标准VIP 

 185**71... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP

微**... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

 138**73... 升级为高级VIP  138**36... 升级为标准VIP

138**56...  升级为标准VIP wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP 

 wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP 137**86...  升级为高级VIP

159**79... 升级为高级VIP  wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

 139**22... 升级为至尊VIP  151**96... 升级为高级VIP 

wei**n_...   升级为至尊VIP  186**49... 升级为高级VIP

 187**87...  升级为高级VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP sha**01... 升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 139**62...  升级为标准VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  跟**... 升级为标准VIP

182**26... 升级为高级VIP wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

 136**44... 升级为高级VIP 136**89... 升级为标准VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 177**45...  升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 

 微**... 升级为标准VIP   wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 

wei**n_...   升级为标准VIP  139**16... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

182**00...  升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP   wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP

133**67...  升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

  柯平 升级为高级VIP shi**ey...   升级为高级VIP

153**71...  升级为至尊VIP 132**42... 升级为高级VIP 

  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  178**35...  升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP   wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

133**95... 升级为高级VIP  188**50... 升级为高级VIP  

138**47...  升级为高级VIP 187**70...  升级为高级VIP 

 Tom**12... 升级为至尊VIP  微**... 升级为至尊VIP

 wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP 156**93...  升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...   升级为高级VIP wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP 小敏  升级为高级VIP

 hak**a9... 升级为至尊VIP 185**56... 升级为高级VIP 

156**93...  升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP