
Quantum Computers & Simulators in HPC Centres.pdf

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Quantum Computers & Simulators in HPC Centres.pdf

1、Consideration,requirements&opportunitiesVenkatesh KannanIrish Centre for High-End Computing(ICHEC),IrelandQuantum Computers&Simulatorsin HPC CentresVenkatesh KannanAssociate Director(Solutions R&D)Irish Centre for High-End Computing(ICHEC),IrelandQuantum Computers&Simulators in HPC CentresUnderstand

2、ing the Emerging Quantum OpportunityDEPLOYMENTSQuantum computing and simulation(QCS)systems are still experimental and evolvingHPC-QCS interfacing expands access,development and adoptionQCS are potential accelerators for HPCHPC enables emulation of QCSQCS could leverage HPC for operation(e.g.control

3、 and error)MotivationRecent activities in interfacing HPC&QCS systemsApproaches to coupling HPC&QCS systemsPRACE white paper,2021IEEE Expert Opinion:Quantum Computers for High Performance ComputingDeployment,interconnection and operation of experimental QCS systems alongside operational HPC environm

4、entsDisconnected/siloed development and usage of system software,programming tools,workflows between HPC and QCSIdentification and demonstration of use-cases for co-design and evaluation of HPC-QCS systemsCritical need for interdisciplinary knowledge transfer and skills developmentChallenges in inte

5、rfacing QCS&HPC systemsCoupling across the system stackInfrastructure(interfacing,networking,)Hosting sites(data centre,power,insulation,cooling,connectivity,)Systems(access,resource management,scheduling,debugging,monitoring,)Software(filesystems,scheduling,latency models,compilation,programming,wo

6、rkflow orchestration,)Application(algorithmics,workflow implementation,data,computational logic,)Benchmarking mechanismsHardware,system&software,application performance(accuracy,precision,time-to-solution)Skills&workforce developmentInterdisciplinary at different levels(systems,software,algorithmics

7、,applications)Emergence of training programmes and approaches for hybrid HPC-QCSRequirement for“Train the Trainers”Creating a roadmapFor technology development,competence building&HPC centres implementing the“coupling”This roadmap has short-term,medium-term and long-term aspectsChallenges in interfa

8、cing QCS&HPC systemsBuild a global community with members and activities around topics for HPC-QCS through a hub-spoke modelImplement sustained,structured discussions and developments towards community-driven best practices,white papers,etc.Enable defining and developing solutions for deploying,oper

9、ating and using hybrid HPC-QCS systems,tools and applicationsA way forward to bridge QCS&HPCRepresentatives of HPC centresinvolved in the interfacing and service provision of HPC and QCS systemsQuantum technology developersinvolved in the engineering and development of quantum computing,simulation a

10、nd communication systemsComputer system architects,administrators,engineersdriving the host and control side of HPC and QCS systemsHPC and QCS software developersinvolved in system software,runtime and programming toolsHPC and QCS application developers and use-case ownersKey stakeholders&the WG Hub

11、:Quantum-HPCSystematically identify&address open challenges in HPC-QCS systems operation&usage by bringing together experts&stakeholders from the relevant disciplinesSpoke 1:Infrastructure managementInterface&integrate QCS systems with HPC systems,including aspects related to hosting,data centre,co-

12、location,federation,tight&loose coupling,production-level policies and operational parametersSpoke 2:System provisioningDevelop system software infrastructure&toolchains to access,allocate&manage HPC&QCS resources for hybrid jobs on several backends,and compile,stage,analyse and optimise hybrid appl

13、icationsSpoke 3:Software tools&programmingIntegrate&extend HPC&QCS software&programming tools to increase productivity of software&application developers on hybrid HPC-QCS systemsSpoke 4:Hybrid system use-casesIdentify&develop use-cases that effectively combine conventional HPC&emerging QCS systems

14、to solve computational problems,and serve to co-design HPC-QCS systemsSpoke 5:Skills development Bridge&develop a community across the HPC&QCS domains with interdisciplinary&cross-domain competencies&skillsStructure of Working GroupInterface&integrate QCS systems with HPC systems,including aspects r

15、elated to hosting,data centre,co-location,federation,tight&loose coupling,production-level policies and operational parametersTopics include,but are not limited toApproaches and modes of interfacing HPC and QCS systems(co-located,federated,tight&loose coupling)Network connection to the hybrid system

16、sQCS-specific infrastructure requirements such as power,humidity,temperature and vibrationOperational telemetry predicting calibration eventsConsumables and parts managementSome challenges includeHow to operate early/experimental QCS system alongside strictly regulated HPC centers?How to ensure SLA-

17、level uptime on QCS systems?How to reasonably manage allocation and access to QCS systems?How to balance the feeds and speeds of the hybrid architecture?Spoke 1:Infrastructure managementDevelop system software infrastructure&toolchains to access,allocate&manage HPC&QCS resources for hybrid jobs on s

18、everal backends,and compile,stage,analyse and optimise hybrid applicationsTopics include,but are not limited toScheduling,likely hierarchical from jobs to shotsAuthentication and Authorisation Infrastructure(AAI)and its integrationAllocation management,especially considering hybrid allocationService

19、 environment for efficient compiler and tool deploymentWeb-based access via portals for individual system access as well as hybrid systemsNative command line interface for direct accessSome challenges includeHow to make this seamless between HPC and QCS for the end user?How to support standard indiv

20、idual experimental access and transparent hybrid workloads?How to find the balance between static and dynamic compilation in a distributed system?Spoke 2:System provisioningIntegrate&extend HPC&QCS software&programming tools to increase productivity of software&application developers on hybrid HPC-Q

21、CS systemsTopics include,but are not limited toProgramming abstractions,programming languages,libraries,run-time systems,and portability layersCompilers,optimizers,and code generatorsDebuggers and simulatorsPerformance measurement,modelling,and analysis;noise characterization;and resource estimation

22、Some challenges includeAddress hybrid workflow characteristics composed of low-and high-latency modelsMove beyond libraries hosted in Python towards HPC-friendly language extensions,features and runtimesMove beyond quantum QCS DSLs,simulators and optimizers that dont run across nodes,that dont use G

23、PUsSpoke 3:Software tools&programmingIdentify&develop use-cases that effectively combine conventional HPC&emerging QCS systems to solve computational problems,and serve to co-design HPC-QCS systemsTopics include,but are not limited toCombining applications and workflows physically and logicallyManag

24、ing hybrid libraries and data flowsIllustration and demonstration different models of hybrid workflows(coarse-grained vs.fine-grained,loosely-coupled vs.tightly-coupled)Some challenges includeBenchmarking and performance evaluation of hybrid workflows and applicationsProfiling and debugging hybrid w

25、orkflows and applicationsSpoke 4:Hybrid systems use-casesEmbedding MethodsPre-and post-processing MethodsBridge&develop a community across the HPC&QCS domains with interdisciplinary&cross-domain competencies&skillsTopics include,but are not limited toFor programming&exploitation-quantum information

26、science,quantum algorithmics,quantum programming,HPC parallel programming,domain expertiseFor system development-multi-level schedulers,resource allocation mechanisms,programming models,compilers,profilers,debuggers,system software developersFor system operation&provisioning-site reliability enginee

27、rs,system administrators&engineers,communication network engineers,cloud system engineersSome challenges includeMapping crucial topics with gaps for which interdisciplinary and cross-domains skills are essentialApproaches and mechanisms for skills development and training in these areasSpoke 5:Skill

28、s developmentTypes of users across spokesFurther information&call to actionGet involvedRead more at quantum.ieee.org/working-groups Write to quantum-HPCieee.orgContributeShare your experiences towards building HPC and QCS interfaces(across the stack)Bring your requirements and expectations from hybrid HPC-QCS systemsCo-lead and co-author articles that define this emergent domainLaura SchulzLRZ,DEMartin SchulzTUM,DEScott PakinLANL,USTravis HumbleORNL,USVenkatesh KannanICHEC,IEThank you!



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