
Cloud Environmental Impact OVHclouds Positioning and Solutions.pdf

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Cloud Environmental Impact OVHclouds Positioning and Solutions.pdf

1、ICT environmental impacts01Projections show that needs will more than double across all segments*The digital impact on the environment is multifactorial and exponential*Source ADEME-Arcep 2023 assessment of the digitalenvironmental footprint in France Some(stunning)numbersICT sector contribution to

2、GHG emissions in 2020(x3 by 2050)2.12.1-3.9%(2020)3.9%(2020)4.24.2-6.6 billions m6.6 billions m3 3AI water consumption projection by 2027(France)-1000 BC 1000 BC-Today Today As much minerals to be extracted by 2050(circa x2 for ICT vs 2020)2.5%(2020)2.5%(2020)ICT sector demand to global energy deman

3、d(x2 by 2050)1400+(2024)1400+(2024)#of Datacenters in Europe(+100 by 2026)For over 20 years,OVHcloud has been addressing the 4 main impactsClimate changeWater stressLand artificialisationResource depletionMitigation levers021-Extending the lifespan of the componentsManufac-turingServer up and runnin

4、g in DCCleaning&dismantlingRecyclingRepair&refurbishSaleDestructionValidationComponent testingTestingParts for manufacturingNew components100%of servers are disassembledReverse supply chain modelComponents reset and reused for manufacturingEnd of life of servers in DC OVHcloudOVHcloud components reu

5、se ratio=36%components reuse ratio=36%Ecosystem call to action server suppliers Eco-circularity promoted by server manufacturers(directly or through third parties)Eco-design of servers to allow easy/cost effective disassembling Investing in recycling channels to recover minerals(new pyrolysis and el

6、ectrolysis processes)2-Increase power efficiency via water coolingWater cooled CPU/GPU PowerPower efficiencyefficiency:OVHcloudOVHcloud PUE=1.27(vs 1.57 industry average)PUE=1.27(vs 1.57 industry average)New design allow a PUE as low as 1.15Ecosystem call to action chip/server suppliers CPU/GPU desi

7、gned so as to ease water block installation Collaboration between chip and server manufacturers to ensure cooling performance and maintain standard warranty Integrated R&D chain:chip design CFD analysis prototyping PoC mass production Long term visibility on chip roadmaps featuring power density tra

8、jectories3-Water frugality on the heat dissipation front Heat dissipation via dry coolers proscribing cooling towers Evaporative cooling working only when outside temp is above 25C(water profile 27-47C)Water efficiencyWater efficiency:OVHcloudOVHcloud WUE=0.3 L/kWh WUE=0.3 L/kWh(vs 1.8 industry aver

9、age)New design allow a WUE as low as 0.1 L/kWhEcosystem call to action cooling systems suppliers Design to cost approach to bring down cost of dry coolers Increase delta temperature to 20K(current standard is 5K max 10K)over air flow to reduce heat exchangers size,fans quantities,and misting require

10、ments Generalize cooling pads based systems to recycle the non-evaporated water4-Immersive cooling kills 2 birds with 1 stoneCooling capacityUp to 48 kW per rackDC inlet temperatureUp to 45 C20 K,T over the DCPPUE PPUE 1.004-1.006WUE WUE tends to zeroHigh footprint density(U/m2)Low OPEXPumping and v

11、entilation systeminside rack not requiredEnergy recoveryFeasible at high temperaturesLow CAPEXLow,requiring no sealing or sophisticated heat exchangers/pumping circuitsEcosystem call to action HW and dielectric fluid suppliers Cost of dielectric fluid to be decreased Compatibility of fluid with IT e

12、quipment to be ensured(cables,connectors,thermal paste etc)Bio-sourced fluid to be generalized Flash point(150-200C)to be increased while maintaining reasonable viscosity Fluid lifespan to be extended Fluid recycling to be improved Components layout to be reorganized(denser components ideally at the

13、 bottom)Components designed to be immersed5-Land use Brownfield vs Brownfield vs G Greenfield ratereenfield rate:2 26 6 out of out of 3030 OVHcloudOVHcloud owned owned DCsDCs are old industrial buildingsBeauharnoisBeauharnois (Canada)(Canada)Formerly a Rio Tinto Alcan Formerly a Rio Tinto Alcan factoryfactory5-Ecosytem call to action-Builders Datacenters operators and Engineering/Consulting firms to work closely on revamping approaches



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wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 152**69... 升级为标准VIP 

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wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP   zhh**_s... 升级为标准VIP 

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wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP   185**31... 升级为至尊VIP

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186**38... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 

Dav**ch... 升级为高级VIP    wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP

wei**n_...   升级为标准VIP  189**34...  升级为标准VIP

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