
Advancements in Linear Drive Pluggable Optics for High-Speed Data Interconnects.pdf

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Advancements in Linear Drive Pluggable Optics for High-Speed Data Interconnects.pdf

1、Prof.Yosef Ben EzraSession TitleI am delighted to be speaking at the 2024 OCP Regional SUMMITDate&TimeBreaking the Limits of Optical IOAll-Optics Paradigm Shift 2023 NewPhotonics Ltd.|Confidential and Proprietary|3PerformanceCostPowerBeyond Linear DriveDSP$15WDSPDriverLaserTIAPD DSP performs all sig

2、nal processing tasks Requires high performance chip 2023 NewPhotonics Ltd.|Confidential and Proprietary|4PerformanceCostPowerDSPBeyond Linear Drive$15WDSPDriverLaserTIAPDLRO$10WDSPDriverLaserTIAPD 1/2 DSP reduces power and costs Signal processing tasks are performed in Tx onlyLPODriverLaserTIAPD 202

3、3 NewPhotonics Ltd.|Confidential and Proprietary|5PerformanceCostPowerDSPBeyond Linear DriveLRO$10W$7W$15WDSPDriverLaserTIAPDDSPDriverLaserTIAPD No DSP further reduces power and costs less Inconsistent optical link performance Challenging multivendor interoperability 2023 NewPhotonics Ltd.|Confident

4、ial and Proprietary|6Beyond Linear Drive:LPO+Scalable switch multivendor interoperability Consistent performanceReduce system power consumptionLower costIEEE TP2&TP3 CompliancePerformanceCostPower$7WLPO+DriverTIAAll-Optics Photonics Chip Paradigm shiftBeyond Linear Drive:Programable Optical Equalize

5、rs(O-Band and C-Band)After active real-time optical equalizer,the bandwidth improved by+50%Example of Modulator bandwidth before equalization 2023 NewPhotonics Ltd.|Confidential and Proprietary|8EqualizerAll OpticalEqualizerTDECQ2.06TDECQ2.63Beyond Linear Drive:Programable Optical EqualizersBeyond L

6、inear Drive:Programable Optical Equalizers200GHz Optical Clock4x56GB 448Gbps50GHz Optical Clock 1x56GB 112Gbps100GHz Optical Clock2x56GB 224GbpsNext generation interconnect-Scalable Optical SerDesPulsed LaserMZMMZMDL53GBd NRZ53GBd NRZPD53GBd PAM4(106 Gbit/s)Modulation Format Conversion and Gear Boxi

7、ngAI Clusters next generation optical chipsInvasive SamplingThe signal is divided The signal is divided to be used to measure the required adjustment.Overall signal quality is reduced degrading the circuit performance.Active HeatingHeating elements are used to apply adjustment.Providing crude adjust

8、ment control sensitive to environmental conditions.Significantly more complex to design,manufacture&operateAAI Clusters next generation optical chips Non-Invasive Monitoring(no splitteAr/no pd)Digital likeA real-time control for calibration (no need for heaters)ML based calibration&controlNew Optica

9、l Device Implemented in SiN,SiP,SiGeA groundbreaking photonic component that enables the commercial design of smaller,more efficient and vastly more integrated photonic chipsKey AdvantagesSmaller PiCsCheaper to manufacture and faster processingMore EfficientLess Energy for heatingand no signal lossS

10、calableAny number of photonic elementsAI Clusters next generation optical chipsHeaters/PD complexityNot suitable for tough data center environmentSlow feedback between monitor to calibrationSlow adjustmentPower consumption Contemporary calibration methods challenge the scaling of integrated Photonics to meet ramping demandAI Clusters Next generation optical interconnectTHROUGHPUT&LATENCYENERGY EFFICIENCYSCALABILITYRELIABILITYAccelerating the demand for performance



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