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1、Gartner for Marketers 2019 Gartner, Inc. and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Gartner and Magic Quadrant are registered trademarks of Gartner, Inc. and its affiliates in the U.S. CM_I_771303 Innovation Survey 2019: Marketers Lead Innovation but Face Risks and Talent Challenges Elizabeth Shaw

2、Senior Director Analyst Christopher Ross VP Analyst Innovation is well funded and maturing as a marketing discipline. CMOs are dedicating head count to innovation and leaning on an ecosystem of partners to help accelerate initiatives. Despite the progress, obstacles remain most notably, risk-averse

3、corporate cultures. Elizabeth Shaw Senior Director Analyst Christopher Ross VP Analyst Published 6 September 2019 ID G00432875 Innovation Survey 2019 Gartner for Marketers GML GartnerDigital Overview Opportunities and Challenges Marketers are at the helm of innovation for their organizations. More t

4、han half of CMOs dedicate head count for innovation initiatives. The No. 1 barrier for marketers to drive innovation is their organizations resistance to risk (46%), followed by measurement issues (41%) and talent shortages (41%). Despite barriers, almost two-thirds of CMOs are willing to fund high-

5、risk innovation initiatives and manage a balanced portfolio of “big I” and “little i” innovation programs. Marketers build ecosystems of external partners, such as martech vendors and consumer technology companies, in addition to their own in-house agency and in-house innovation teams to help accele

6、rate innovation. What You Need to Do CMOs responsible for leading and supporting innovation: Adequately hire and upskill your marketing talent to support innovation initiatives. Craft well-defined roles, and clearly outline processes to ensure your team is evolving and delivering on broader business

7、 goals. Mitigate risk by engaging stakeholders early and often, communicating a clear vision of how innovation plays a vital role in the long-term success of the business, including how its a pivotal mechanism in the current disruptive business climate. Build an ecosystem of strategic partnerships t

8、o help accelerate your innovation initiative. Begin by taking inventory on your existing partners, including agencies, martech vendors and consulting firms, and then explore other possible avenues with local universities, or small or midsize businesses. Innovation Survey 2019 Gartner for Marketers G

9、ML GartnerDigital Survey Objective Gartners 2019 CMO Brand Strategy and Innovation Survey of 393 respondents was fielded to explore how innovation is prioritized, managed and measured. Data Insights The term “innovation” has shifted from being a buzzword to a discipline, and marketing is leading the

10、 charge. Marketing leaders have much broader mandates today than just driving growth and are responsible for driving sustainable innovation for their entire organization. CMOs allocate 16% of their overall marketing budget to innovation, and that percentage has been increasing over the last few year

11、s (see “CMO Spend Survey 2018-2019: Marketers Proceed Into Uncharted Waters With Confidence”). Ninety-one percent of marketers are leading or involved with driving organizationwide innovation In the Gartner 2019 CMO Brand Strategy and Innovation Survey, only 9% of respondents said that marketing is

12、not involved in any phase of innovation. This means that 91% of marketers surveyed are leading and supporting innovation initiatives. Sixty-two percent say they are solely responsible for such initiatives (see Figure 1). We asked marketers how they characterize the importance of innovation to their

13、marketing success. Forty-two percent said they should be aggressively driving innovation, and 50% said it should be integrated into the overall marketing strategy. These numbers tell us that marketers have a strong role in innovation, a focused mindset and a clear mandate. Innovation Survey 2019 Gar

14、tner for Marketers GML GartnerDigital Figure 1. Marketers Are Driving Innovation Source: Gartner All respondents n = 393 Marketers Are Driving Innovation Percentage of Respondents 29% Marketing Is the Only Department Involved 9% Marketing Is Not Involved 62% Marketing Supports Setting Strategy Along

15、 With Other Departments 91% of Marketers Involved in Overall Innovation Strategy Innovation Survey 2019 Gartner for Marketers GML GartnerDigital Recommendations: Craft and communicate your innovation mission statement and goals. Many marketers face resistance in driving innovation when stakeholders

16、lack a contextual understanding of the urgency and consequences of inaction. An innovation vision should act as a North Star for your innovation efforts and help to align key stakeholders (see “CMO Perspective: Develop a Vision to Align Stakeholders and Drive Transformative Change”). Assess your inn

17、ovation vision against your current “as is” situation. How equipped is your organization to achieve its vision based on where you benchmark today across multiple marketing disciplines and capabilities? Use Gartners Marketing Maturity Assessment tools to identify your current enabling assets and capa

18、bilities, which will vary depending on your business, industry and the scope of your innovation vision (see “Maturity Model for Marketing-Led Innovation”). Advocate for and champion your innovation “wins.” Its imperative that the entire organization understand the impact youre having on the business

19、, whether its operational cost savings, creating a new line of revenue or managing internal programs designed to upskill talent. Gartner speaks to many clients about the danger of layering innovation on top of an employees existing role. Unless benchmarks are included in their performance evaluation

20、s and leaders carve out time for employees to dedicate to various phases of innovation, the output will be minimal, if any. In that scenario, employees dont have any “skin in the game.” Only dedicated employees will produce the quality and quantity of results you want. Our survey shows that over hal

21、f of the respondents (54%) dedicate employees to innovation (see Figure 2). This staffing approach enables you to deploy ongoing innovation activities that foster ideas and test pilots in-market, versus sporadic, “extra credit” efforts. The top 3 industries dedicating the most head count to innovati

22、on are manufacturing, retail and high tech. Both manufacturing and retail are undergoing sizable transformations. Brick-and-mortar retail is under threat in the age of Amazon and the surge of the direct-to-consumer model (see “What Marketing Leaders Need to Know About Selling Direct to Consumer”). M

23、anufacturing is being disrupted by technology, and changing how, where and when things are created. Circumstances such as these and many more are the reasons marketers are investing in talent to help accelerate the pace of their transformations to help weather the storm. More than half of marketers

24、have employees dedicated to innovation Innovation Survey 2019 Gartner for Marketers GML GartnerDigital Figure 2. Managing a Global Brand, Staying Relevant and Measuring Impact Are Top Brand Challenges Source: Gartner All respondents n = 393 Marketers Are Investing in Dedicated FTEs for Innovation Pe

25、rcentage of Respondents 54% Highly/Fully Agree 46% Slightly Agree/Disagree 7 pt. Agreement Scale where: 1 = Completely Disagree and 7 = Completely Agree Innovation Survey 2019 Gartner for Marketers GML GartnerDigital Recommendations: Hire and dedicate head count to innovation. Create well-defined ro

26、les and goals for your hires, and upskill existing talent to help pollinate innovation expertise across the broader organization. Innovation doesnt just happen because it is directed, discussed or considered to be an imperative; innovation happens because organizations commit to the resources, disci

27、plines, practices and processes that support and sustain it. Identify key leaders and high-potential employees with good management skills and enthusiasm for innovation to champion processes and practices beyond your own in-house team to drive intended innovation-focused culture change. These innova

28、tion “influencers” can become effective change agents in tired, legacy cultures resistant to change. Identify the ideal level of maturity your team needs to achieve to support your companys overall innovation objectives using Gartners “Maturity Model for Marketing-Led Innovation.” Use the tool to be

29、nchmark your current state to inform how your team is performing, and consistently recalibrate to increase productivity. Collaborate with executives and key stakeholders to determine the appropriate level of maturity. Level 5 is not necessarily the right level for every industry and company. For som

30、e, moving from Level 1 to Level 3 will deliver on their vision and business objectives. Its no surprise that driving growth is a top strategic driver for innovation initiatives. Whether its a board of directors or a startup CEO, executive leadership is always under tremendous pressure to deliver gro

31、wth. However, you need to manage expectations on how innovation will drive growth. The root of innovation is that its something new and different. These types of initiatives are hard to measure and frankly lots of your efforts may fail. Top drivers for innovation today include enhancing customer exp

32、erience (53%), driving revenue growth (53%), and developing new products and services (45%) (see Figure 3). Top innovation priorities are enhancing CX and driving growth Innovation Survey 2019 Gartner for Marketers GML GartnerDigital Figure 3. Top Drivers for Innovation Efforts Top Drivers for Innov

33、ation Efforts Percentage of Respondents; Sum of Top 3 Ranked Enhance Customer Experience Driving Revenue Growth Expanding Into New Markets/Geographies Developing New Products and Services Improving Speed to Market Deploying New Business Models Increasing Operational Efficiency 53% 53% 38% 41% 39% 45

34、% 25% Source: Gartner All respondents n = 393 Innovation Survey 2019 Gartner for Marketers GML GartnerDigital Marketers are expected to do more today than help build a pipeline of lead generation and conversion to drive growth. Today, the charter has expanded to consider the entire customer journey

35、and through the lens of the customer (see “Key Customer Experience Foundations for Marketing Leaders”). This shift is apparent in our survey results. Enhancing customer experience and driving revenue growth are tied as the No. 1 strategic driver for innovation programs. Todays strongest brands combi

36、ne smart advertising with powerful experiences to deliver not simply better sales and conversions, but also greater loyalty and brand advocacy. They dont worry just about what gets people to the cash register but also about the experiences that turn customers into loyal advocates. The third driver i

37、s a desired outcome for almost all innovation efforts developing new products and services. However, marketing hasnt been on the hook for these new revenue creations in the past. They were primarily responsible for taking them to market. Gartner speaks with clients across a variety of industries, fr

38、om publishing to manufacturing, that juggle the development of new products and services with their other mix of marketing and operations activities due to the expanding mandate of the CMO (see “The CMOs First 100 Days”). Recommendations: Drive business growth with a sound process that includes feed

39、back loops and leans on agile principles to quickly test and scale innovation pilots. Some organizations outsource programs to increase speed to market if they lack internal resources (see “Find the Right Innovation Partners: A CMOs Guide”). Improve innovation CX efforts by working with cross- funct

40、ional teams in analytics and CX to develop ideal customer personas for each new program. Personas are powerful tools to inform innovation and CX decisions, guide strategy, enhance collaboration, and improve customer relationships (see “How to Turn Persona-Driven Customer Journey Maps Into an Actiona

41、ble, Cross- Functional Customer Experience Plan”). Use design-thinking principles to train and guide your team to think and act more like product managers to unlock new ideas for products and services. Design thinking is an effective approach used successfully by many large-enterprise companies that

42、 creates new and surprising insights that integrate the needs of consumers, the possibilities of technology and the requirements of your business. Innovation Survey 2019 Gartner for Marketers GML GartnerDigital The No. 1 barrier marketers must overcome to drive innovation is an organizations resista

43、nce to risk (see Figure 4). Why is innovation so hard to sell? The nature of true innovation is newness, and this takes people out of their comfort zone. All innovation is disruptive to some degree. So, even though they ask for innovation, senior executives are reluctant to embrace it when the time

44、comes to act. Testing and funding innovation programs is scary for many organizations that have fared well with low-risk, business-as-usual practices. Yet, most companies know that they need to be better equipped to weather the business climate, and marketers are leading this change. Measuring innov

45、ation is the second barrier and is another thorny, perennial issue. Its challenging to measure innovation programs without first knowing what success looks like. But measurement is necessary; otherwise, your innovation effort can be deemed of no value, and your budget and resources can wind up on th

46、e chopping block. Innovation talent is hard to find and the third barrier. While the “chief innovation officer” title and corporate innovation labs or studios have been on the rise, many marketers are still working to upskill themselves for these roles. Many are taking training programs and gaining

47、certifications through online courses such as Reforge or Stanford d.school. Todays job market is hypercompetitive, and hiring managers must ensure hiring and upskilling priorities align with their strategic innovation needs. Risk resistance, inability to measure impact and talent shortages are the b

48、iggest barriers to innovation Innovation Survey 2019 Gartner for Marketers GML GartnerDigital Figure 4. Top Barriers Marketers Face Around Innovation Top Barriers Marketers Face Around Innovation Percentage of Respondents; Sum of Top 3 Ranked Source: Gartner All respondents n = 393 Organizational Resistance to Risk Inability to Measure Innovation Impact Lack of Innovation Culture Limited Human Resources With Necessary Skills None Limited or Lack of Budget/Funding Insufficient Leadership Vision/Strategic Focus Limited Technology to Suppo



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