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1、UNLEASHING CREATIVITYAn Exploration of Digital Storytelling and Content for Global AudiencesBuild brand perceptionPromote products/servicesAmplify positive word of mouthNURTURE a communityWhy is digital relevantPRExecutiveAccsBrandingProductMarketsCustomer SupportDIGITAL TEAMALWAYS-ONIts all about f

2、eeding the OPPOIBMWendysthere isnt one right approachOPPOIBMWendysalso,there isnt one right approach Playfully professional Human Objective To the point Professional Corporate Loves to banter Casual tone PersonalTweet linkTweet linkFull thread sourceempowering ideas in-houseFull videoKey elementsMax

3、imize April Fools exposureBe memorable and believableDont oversell productsSource IPAFull videoKey elementsTopical to the AI trend and product launchEngaging and funnyShareable and rewardingGive THEM something to talk aboutFrom OPPO CommunityEarned media is media we create for freeIf we can do that,

4、weve magnified our budget many times.Every time someone repeats it,its media we havent paid for.Dave TrottDaves blogFull videoKey elementsReal and exclusive activitiesPlenty of shareable content piecesTailored to fit our digital objectivesThe Value of In-House Creativity at OPPOEmpower team membersA

5、pply deep company knowledgeEncourage cross-team integrationEMBRACING DIFFERENT METRICSFull videoNew Followers2020202120222023What is good to measure?Impressions tell how many people we are reaching;more users reached,more people into the sales funnel journey.ImpressionsEngagement Rate will show how

6、relevant our impressions are.It will be the judge of how well we know our audience.Find your average and keep monitoringERThis will be effective to support Ecomm and our partners how much traffic our social channels drove to the websiteUTM LinksWhat is good to measure?Conversation Rate(comments/impr

7、essions)x 100 Illustrates the ratio of comments per post,demonstrating the extent to which the audience engages in discussions and conversations around the content.Conversation RateGoodharts lawWhen a measure becomes a target,it ceases to be a good measureThe problem with METRICSSource TechCrunch0.9

8、6%watched the video after 24hfollowersPOTENTIAL MARKETCUSTOMERSFINDING the right digital mixBS MeterColdFactsHypeOverloadEngaging StoriesLinkLinkGREAT PRODUCTKnow your expertiseSource videoDetails MatterDetails MatterDetails MatterDetails MatterThe data supports that brands who are still spending in

9、 upper funnel after 10 months experience greater efficiencies versus those who ceased the activity.It becomes far cheaper to acquire a new customer(CAC-41%)and returns see a rise of+27%over time.This indicates that the longevity of upper funnel spend may be a huge driver of how much success a brand ultimately finds with this objective.Data from FosphaRESULTS TAKE TIMECONSISTENCYCONSISTENCYCONSISTENCYCONSISTENCYCONSISTENCYCONSISTENCYExcellence is built over time.CONSISTENCYCONSISTENCYCONSISTENCYCONSISTENCYCONSISTENCYCONSISTENCY



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