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1、100Reasonsto lovethefuture2024 AXA Foresight ReportUlrike DecoeneAXA Group Chief Communication,Brand&SustainabilityAs we say at AXA,life may be full of risks,but the future shouldnt be one of them.Everyone should have the right to be hopeful about the future.And we are acting concretely for it.By id

2、entifying and anticipating new risks,were focused on finding new solutions to make life safer,fairer and more inclusive for as many people as possible.In a world of escalating risks,our societies and economies cannot afford to become paralyzed by uncertainty.We are all living through a deep transfor

3、mation.Far better to embrace it than retreat into anxiety and doubt.What were experiencing today will profoundly reshape the future of protection.Yet,I feel confident that our industry has the necessary expertise and the right people to better understand and tackle these risks.Of course,we dont have

4、 all the answers yet.But there are good reasons to be proactive and optimistic too.That sense of optimism runs through all the“100 reasons to love the future”that you can read in this report.These stories show some of the extraordinary advances we can expect when different fields come together,be it

5、 science,technology,society,nature and art,powered by a collective confidence to build a more positive vision of the future.Women and young people will emerge as agents of change.Businesses also have a unique opportunity to make a difference in areas such as climate change,diversity,and mind health.

6、Knowledge sharing is the best antidote to the crisis of trust we are experiencing.These remarkable visions of tomorrow bring to life our sincere belief at AXA that by working together,by anticipating risks,by sharing knowledge,we can better protect people,and look at the future with confidence.What

7、are your own reasons to love the future?I hope you will find inspiration in the following pages.Life may befull of risks,but the futureshouldnt beone of them.Everyoneshould havethe right to be hopeful about the future.FOREWORDAbout the AXA FORESIGHT Team Insurance is built on future potential events

8、.Its success is based on understanding and anticipating them through the best possible vision of tomorrow.This is the role of the AXA Foresight team:providing a lens into possible futures by identifying emerging trends for the years ahead to better navigate uncertain times.Examining long-term transf

9、ormations and their related challenges aims at identifying the ways in which our societies may be affected in the future and what role insurance might play in a fast-changing world.My reason to love the future is simple:I am lucky enough to work in a remarkable company,surrounded by great people,in

10、an industry which can have an incredible impact for human progress and a more sustainable future.2024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 3ContentsIn a time when society is undergoing profound transformations and facing crises on multiple fronts,the act of sharing and promoting innovative

11、imaginaries for the future has never been more crucial.We firmly believe that maintaining a positive outlook on the future increases the likelihood of favorable outcomes.Discover 100 reasons to love the future carefully curated by futurists,experts,business leaders,scientists,writers,artists,NGOs an

12、d corporate organizations.Together,lets explore how we can work collaboratively to imagine and build a brighter future,navigating challenges with collective expertise and shared vision.Get ready to be captivated,inspired,and,most importantly,optimistic about what the future holds!Youth perspectives

13、on the future of companies 8 Jasmine Manet,co-founder of Youth Forever:“Young people are ready to own the future!”10YouthDoughnut Economics:theres hope ON the Doughnut!13The Emerging Enterprise:10 models to reinvent the organizations in 2050 14redefining luxury and sustainability through imaginaries

14、-Brune Poirsons call to action 18 Rose-May Lucotte,co-founder of ChangeNow “What we need today is new narratives that give hope”20CorporateimpactMiho Janvier,physicist “Studying the Sun reconfirms the special nature of Earth”23Charting new ways to restore our precious ocean 24Leaving a smaller footp

15、rint on your way out by Changeist 30When“100 Reasons To Love The Future”meets GenAI 32Environment&scienceMia Enderby,Forward for Liverpool FC Women player “Why I love the future”44Sibylle Duhautois:“By imagining the future,women help make it fairer for all.”46WomenTrust in the power of collective fo

16、resight 50Autism beyond borders 51 Cyber security a remedy,not a poison!54 4142 44Culture&societyInterview with Artist Rocio Berenguer 35“Becoming Human”by Lauren Ducrey Poet,Speaker&AI designer 36The power of sound,Nathalie Birocheau,CEO of Ircam Amplify 38 The Foresight Playlist:25 catchy reasons

17、to listen&love the future 40Art2024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 5In recent years,mind health conditions have become more common among children and young people,who seem disproportionately impacted compared to older generations.In England,for example,the number of those aged 6 to 16

18、 with a probable mind health condition has grown from one in nine to one in six since 2017.Only half of 18-24-year-olds say they dont currently have a mind health condition,according to 2024 AXAs Mind Health report“Mind your health in the workplace”*,which found that younger people are especially co

19、ncerned about technology addiction,social media,body image and future uncertainty.In fact,without those four negative factors,more 18-24-year-olds would flourish than any other age group,with the exception of the over 64s.Perhaps its little surprise that many younger people feel anxious,stressed or

20、alone,given the disruption to their education and social lives in recent years,at such an important time in their development.However,its also true that children today are more open to talking about mind health and that bodes well for the future.Young people deserve credit for moving the conversatio

21、n forward on mind health,and appear more comfortable discussing their feelings and personal struggles than previous generations.While stigma does remain,younger people have successfully drawn society into a dialogue about mind health that is unprecedented.Hopefully,having young people who can speak

22、today openly about their mental health could mean healthier adults tomorrow.Knowing that early diagnosis*significantly impacts prognosis and quality of life,particularly within the first five years of the illness.Young peopletoday are more open about their mind health39%of 18-24-year-oldsare experie

23、ncing severe or extremely severeforms of anxiety,stress or depression.The importance of the 5 first yearsEarly diagnosis significantly impacts prognosis and quality of life.In a world where climate,employment and social issues are often synonymous with uncertainty while being exposed to many challen

24、ges,we believe that the future generations are also the bearers of solutions for transforming the world.Youth2024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 7*AXAs Mind Health report“Mind your health in the workplace”(2024).*World Health Organization:Mental health of adolescents(2021).2345Louise-

25、Apsara Lassailly“My excitement for the future stems from anticipating the transformative impact Gen Z will have on organiza-tional structures and workforce dy-namics.My diverse interactions with global youth have revealed a shared energy to foster unity.As 30%of the global population and projected t

26、o constitute 25%of the workforce by 2025 Gen Zs impact is vital.We,as future consumers and em ployees,will shape business models,workforces,and organizational struc tures through a profound cultural tran sition echoing Gen Zs commitment to diversity,inclu-sivity,and responsibi lity.”Claire Jaouen“Mi

27、ssion-driven companies are increas-ingly gaining prominence on the inter-national stage.They reflect a genuine awareness of the need to integrate con-siderations of the common good and social utility into the purposes of orga-nizations.In February 2024,more than 8,000 companies in over 90 countries

28、carry the B Corp label,certifying their commitment to work for the benefit of all,across a wide range of issues.This involvement of organizations suggests a hopeful prospect of evolution,trans-forming them from agents of planetary destruction to potential allies in its re-generation.”Thomas Pilaz“I

29、envision a future where lifelong learn-ing-this second school that extends the first throughout life-has taken on an increasingly prominent role in our lives.Tomorrow,work will no longer be defined by a fixed skill set but by a cer-tain sensitivity for which one must con-tinually train.School,univer

30、sity,and business will merge into a single learn-ing entity.The student and the worker will become one;eternal learners.The future of work will be characterized by the development of new training tech-nologies within all companies.Their promises of flexibility and personalized learning lead me to be

31、lieve in a world where both employer and employee jointly benefit from the impending learning revolution.”Emilie Nguon“My reason to love the future is know-ing that there are new organizational models matching my expectations re-garding work!In my first internship,my colleagues had been with the com

32、pany for 15 years.Thats 15 years of sitting at the same desk,riding the same eleva-tor,and heading to the same cafeteria.This pattern used to scare me,but as Ive grown,Ive come to understand the value of long-term commitment to a company:stability,opportunities for growth,and learning How can I acqu

33、ire these benefits while exploring various career paths?”YOUTH4 students from Paris-Dauphine University share how they envision the future of organizations.“Its thenew generationthat teachesthe past generation.”Franck Courchamp,Ecologist and Research Director at the CNRS Institute AXA Chair in Invas

34、ion Biology at the University of Paris-Saclay6.“Its the current generation,the 15 to 25-year-olds,which is probably,for the first time in humanity,the one that has access to all the knowledge.In our pockets,with our smartphones.The current generation is therefore very aware,informed,and engaged.Its

35、a generation that takes action,that takes the lead in front of a political class and a society that has put them in a difficult situation and doesnt act.Its the new generation that teaches the past generation.And it fills me with hope.”7.“One of the main reasons why Im optimistic about the future is

36、 that I see every day in my work at universities and higher education in general more and more students but also researchers really being involved and engaged in trying to make meaningful impact and to create change.I think that more and more people are really interested in making this world a bette

37、r place.”Anne Boring,Assistant Professor of Economics at Erasmus University(Rotterdam)and Head of the Women in Business Chair at Sciences Po Paris,supported by AXA622324252627282930337383940447484950557585960667686970717273

38、7475767778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 913.Young people are ready to take a standEnvironmental transformation is absolutely on the agenda of many young people,whose futures will be most impacted by global warming.Our generation is al

39、so passionate on subjects such as peace,education for all and politics.15.Initiatives like Youth Forever are making a differenceYouth Forever aspires to promote the real potential of Gen Z through our advocacy and training.Were witnessing an increase of intergenerational teamwork among forward-looki

40、ng companies.Younger voices are being amplified in boardrooms and business conventions.These are early days,but the conversation is widening.Watch this space.Gen Z is rising!8.Young people provide a looking glass,not stereotypesLets start with what Gen Z isnt.Theres a lot of misconceptions around 20

41、-somethings.People say we have commitment issues.Were risk averse.Weve lost touch with reality when it comes to money.We are lazy.Rather than see young people as strange,I believe that youth acts as a looking glass for society.We show whats new and whats coming next.The changes we bring as Gen Z wil

42、l happen to everybody else in time.Youth is a trendsetter,not a threat.9.Young people are motivated by impactPrevious generations,including millennials and Gen Y,were characterised as needing a quest for meaning.Who am I?Why am I here?Gen Z are more fixated on leaving their mark.We strive to be usef

43、ul.I do therefore I am.In my experience,young people want to work.We get involved in NGOs and professional organizations.Often,this activity unfolds online,rather than in traditional institutions.Our collective energy bodes well for tackling the challenges of the future.10.Young people are better in

44、formedOurs is a generation that has only known the digital information age.We have had access to technology and tools throughout our formative years.We know how to find out stuff and then use it to progress the subjects that are important to us.There are negative impacts of social networks in regard

45、 to mind health.But I would argue that the benefits of information-on-demand far outweigh the downsides.11.Young people have a different relationship with timeThe impatience of youth is a truism of every new generation.But for Gen Z,it carries more than the usual restlessness to get on in the world

46、and prove our worth.We have grown up in a much more immediate environment.Everything happens faster.Agile companies can channel this eagerness by creating career tracks based on performance rather than traditional ladders based on time.12.Young people are leading the way on diversity and inclusionOu

47、r generation has been exposed to a lot more difference in school and throughout our upbringing than any other.I believe that habitual diversity and inclusion will lead to more cohesive communities and businesses in the future.Young people naturally question the status quo and reject privilege and so

48、 Im encouraged that tomorrows society will be more inclusive to all people.Spotlight on 6 young change-makers who are leading efforts to combat the worlds most pressing issues and whose leadership is catalyzing the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.16.Varaidzo(Vee)Kativhu?veekativhuEd

49、ucation activist and founder of Empowered by Vee.Vee empowers underrepresented students through social media and has received recognition for her work,aiming to address the issue of 130 million girls out of school.17.Jamal Hill?swimuphill Paralympic Medalist and Disability Rights Advocate,founder of

50、 Swim Up Hill Foundation.He uses his platform to provide swimming education and inspiration to millions,including young people with disabilities.18.Richa Gupta?richashivangigupta Education innovator and social entrepreneur,co-founder of Labhya Foundation.Richa leads a nonprofit that provides essenti

51、al skills to over 2.4 million underprivileged children in India.19.Lusa Franco Machado?Luhfm Digital rights activist and data justice researcher from Brazil.She leverage social media to gather a global community of over 60,000 youth and facilitate discussions on tech policy,queer rights,and feminism

52、.20.Okan Dursun?okandrsnEducation and social entrepreneur,co-founder of Twin Science&Robotics.Okan is the CEO of Carbon Gate,a climate tech venture focusing on carbon emissions reduction.21.Eddy Frank Vsquez-Snchez?ecodeeddyClimate activist and founder of Juventud Sostenible.Eddy leads marine litter

53、 prevention projects and coordinates adaptation efforts for the Alliance of Small Island States in the UNFCCC,prioritizing diverse youth participation for SDG achievement.YOUNG LEADERSOF TOMORROWBy United Nations Jasmine Manet is an entrepre-neur who is committed to her gener-ation.She is the co-fou

54、nder of Youth Forever,an NGO that works hand in hand with companies and public in-stitutions to empower and enable members of Gen Z to lead the trans-formation into a better tomorrow.She gives 8 reasons to feel optimistic about the next wave.YOUTH14.Young people can inspire an intergenerational futu

55、reAll these generational labels can prove a source of division rather than opportunity.If we could combine the energy of all ages,then we would generate a powerful force for good.We would be better equipped to navigate what comes next.Businesses,in particular,need to find ways to build dialogue and

56、deconstruct generational biases.2024 AXA Foresight Report 52728293033738394044748495055758596066768697077778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight ReportDoughnut Economics a so

57、lution to the core economic,environmental and social challenges of the 21st Century was devised by Kate Raworth at Oxfam during the 2010s.From ideas to actions!The Dougnut Economics Action Lab is making many ideas,tools and resources freely available for change-makers to use to put the ideas of Doug

58、hnut Economics into practice.Check out their principles&guidelines on https:/doughnuteconomics.orgTheresDoughnutDoughnuton theInsuring the circular economy to support the Doughnut.Learn more in this whitepaper!AXA collaborated with Swiss Re,Ikano,Ingka Groups,and BCG to delve into the complexities a

59、nd possibilities of the expanding recycling sector.Highlighting the pivotal role of recycling in the circular economy,the paper underscores existing limitations in insurability while advocating for enhanced risk management and collaborative efforts.Swiss Re Institute-What goes around comes around:In

60、suring the circular economy(2023)The simple shape of the sugary treat comprises two concentric rings:ECOLOGICAL CEILING SOCIAL FLOORand an ecological ceiling,to ensure that our species does not overshoot the boundaries that protect Earths life-supporting systems,such as cli-mate change,pollution,bio

61、diversity loss etc.a social floor,to ensure that nobody is left behind in essential needs such as food,water,energy,education,social equity etc;Between these two sets of boundaries lies the sweet cake where humanity can find a happy medium that suits both our needs and those of the planet.To exist w

62、ithin the doughnut,we need to move away from last centurys economic thinking with its obsession with GDP.Doughnut Economics provides a way of thinking to bring about the regenerative and distributive dynamics that this century calls for.Corporate impactThrough responsible practices,companies can be

63、part of the regenerative dynamics and contribute positively to communities and ecosystems,fostering sustainability and long-term prosperity.222024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 132332.The enterprise has entered a period of reinventionIn response to the pressing challenges of climate

64、change,crises,and technological upheavals,The Emerging Enterprise project embarked on a groundbreaking journey to envision the future of corporations and their operations.Collaborating with over 40 businesses,a trade union,researchers,and other stakeholders,the project employed a unique blend of for

65、esight and imagination.Through workshops and the creative input of science fiction writers,participants crafted 12 scenarios depicting companies in 2050.These narratives serve as catalysts for reflection,offering insights into the evolving nature of enterprises and their potential roles amidst chang

66、e.33.Daniel Kaplans reason to love the future.Co-founder of the Plurality University“At first glance,its hard to love a future where climate change is likely to make life harder for most of us.However,times of crisis are also times of reinvention.Im inspired by the will,the energy and the inventiven

67、ess of young people and artists in imagining,and sometimes experimenting,alternative and better worlds.Through them,Ican love a more open,diverse future a future that is not given,but constantly built and rebuilt.”CORPORATE IMPACTDISCOVER 10 MODELS(OR REASONS)TO EMBRACE THE FUTURE.I The MarketrixA M

68、arketrix is dedicated to extending the definition of what is considered a commodity.It firmly believes that price is the best possible indicator of the value a society places on things.II The Private Public ServiceA Private Public Service is the commercial provision of an“essential”service which was

69、 previously provided by a public institution.These companies have emerged either as a result of the withdrawal of public bodies,an explicit demand for“disruption”.III The EnterpoceneWhile they do not set out to change the world,they strive to avoid its degradation with a cause no harm mentality.Thei

70、r day-to-day objective is to reconcile business goals with social and ecological imperatives.IV The Corp BNamed after the B Corp enterprises that flourished in the early decades of the 20th Century,CorpB companies are built around a specific purpose thats considered to be of public interest.The best

71、 measure of success for a Corp B is to have fulfilled its purpose,to the point that its existence is no longer necessary.V The ReactivatorIn 2050,the operations and supply chains of many companies are regularly disrupted by lack of energy or water,heatwaves,pandemics,and geopolitical or financial cr

72、ises.A Reactivator is a company that has transformed these dysfunctions into its business model.VI The ZombIncA ZombInc is a company whose activity clearly no longer corresponds to the needs and constraints of the times,but which nevertheless continues to operate both out of self-interest and becaus

73、e many other ZombIncs have a vested interest in each others survival.VII The Commons ManagerIn 2050,the increasing scarcity of essential resources such as water,energy,and land for agriculture is prompting a growing number of communities to manage them as“Commons.”The Commons Manager manages them on

74、 behalf of their communities.VIII The SocietorIn 2050,the traditional mechanisms of society have broken down.Societors enable human groups to form societies on their own terms:defining criteria and signs of belonging,adopting shared rules,creating their own history,culture,and institutions,and even

75、developing their own economy.IX The GuildSimilar to the mediaeval merchant companies,the Guilds of 2050 provide professionals with in-demand skills(IT specialists,marketers,construction craftsmen,maintenance specialists,crisis managers etc)with a stable or even lifelong job.X The Automated Autonomou

76、s Organization(AA0)An AA0 is a company that relies on digital technologies,in particular artificial intelligence,cryptography,and blockchain,to automate virtually all tasks.Its end goal is to have zero human employee.Discover more on the Emerging Enterprise on www.plurality-university.orgVIVIIIIIIVI

77、IIXVIVIIIX62232425262728293033738394044748495055758596066768697077778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 1535.Demand is growing for new skills to create

78、 a sustainable future Creating a world that meets the needs of both humanity and the planet will require a green transition in step with digital transformation,according to the European Commission.Strong education and training systems that provide the appropriate technical and soft skills will be cr

79、ucial for the viability of these transitions.For instance,reducing the STEM gender gap,essential for both green and digital technologies,might potentially lead to an improvement of EU GDP by up to EUR 820 billion in 2050.From this observation,The Butterfly Project was born,in collaboration with La J

80、olie Prod,Lumia,and AXA Climate,offering a digital training program for pioneering companies looking to embark on the regenerative journey.The Butterfly Project aims to assist companies in transitioning to regenerative practices,wherein they operate as living systems within planetary limits.Particip

81、ants are encouraged to reconnect intimately with all living beings,human and beyond,as they navigate the path to regeneration.The Cost of Mind Ill-Health:The direct link between peoples mind health and their productivity at work is well established.In fact,an es-timated12 billion working daysat a co

82、st of US$1 trillion are lost every year globally to depression and anxiety alone,according to the World Health Organization*.Up to 4%of GDP is for-feited due to mind ill-health.*World Health Organization WHO guidelines on mental health at work(2022).The Reality Check:AXAs most recent Mind Health Stu

83、dy*found that three quarters of employ-ees around the world experience at least one work-related psychological issue,such as excessive tiredness,loss of energy,trouble sleeping,feelings of worthlessness and eating disorders.Nearly a quarter of employees(23%)have taken sick leave over the last 12 mon

84、ths,citing their mind health as the cause.This figure rises to more than a third(38%)among young workers.2 out of every 10 employees said they experienced a burnout in the past 12 months and a quarter have needed emergency time off to recuperate during their careers.*2024 AXAs Mind Health report“Min

85、d your health in the workplace”.The Optimistic Horizon:Yet,there are plenty of reasons to be optimistic,as more and more compa-nies are recognizing the tangible ben-efits of protecting the mind health of their employees,both from an indi-vidual and business perspective.Employers are signing up to fr

86、ame-works and reporting systems that provide guidance and practical tools for supporting employees.Organiza-tions are adapting their culture to en-courage open conversations around mind health,backed by aware-ness-raising sessions and training to reduce stigma and bust common myths.Skills developmen

87、t is especially rel-evant for managers,who are often the first to recognize the early signs of anxiety and depression among team members.With the right train-ing,they can then take measures to reduce stress and signpost people to expert support.Changing work programs and promoting a work-life balanc

88、e with flexible hours can all help to boost the mind health of em-ployees.By helping their people to flourish,companies improve performance and also retention,as mind health support is increasingly valued by employees as a reason to stay.Pro-gressive companies are taking steps to break down stigma a

89、nd barriers to healthcare,helping their employees to regain control over the future.34.Companies are boosting the mind health of theiremployeesCORPORATE IMPACT6223242526272829303373839404474849505575859606676869707172737475

90、767778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 1736.“The hospitalityindustry has a vital role in shaping sustainableimaginaries”Brune Poirsons call to actionCORPORATE IMPACTThrough the lens of a net zeroemissions agenda,what are someof the key s

91、ustainability challengesfacing the hospitality industrytoday?The sustainability challenges in the hospitality sector are multifaceted and interconnected.One of the primary challenges lies in reimagining the way we travel.Currently,theres a trend of traveling farther,with more people,and for shorter

92、durations,all facilitated by an aviation industry that isnt aligned with planetary boundaries.To address this,we need to offer alternative travel experiences that are closer to home,longer in duration,and blend business with leisure,thereby reducing the carbon footprint associated with long-distance

93、 travel.Additionally,theres a need to tackle the carbon footprint of hospitality buildings,which contribute significantly to global CO2 emissions.This involves rethinking the design and operation of buildings to minimize energy consumption and emissions.Furthermore,the agriculture sector paradoxical

94、ly plays a significant role in hospitality due to the large volume of meals served 150 million meals a year.Our choices regarding food sourcing,menu construction,and culinary practices directly impact biodiversity and environmental sustainability.Therefore,promoting sustainable agriculture practices

95、 and sourcing locally can mitigate these impacts.Ultimately,social responsibility is also a crucial aspect.With a vast workforce in the hospitality industry,its essential to provide opportunities for employment and skill development while ensuring fair labor practices and inclusivity.Redefining luxu

96、ry experienceshas become intertwined withpromoting sustainability.How doyou see this shift as an opportunityto elevate customers on moresustainable practices?The shift towards redefining luxury experiences as sustainable presents a unique opportunity to educate customers about responsible travel pra

97、ctices.True luxury today lies in experiences or products that enhance well-being without causing harm to the planet or society.I dont see how something can be deemed luxurious if it creates more problems than it solves.By aligning luxury with sustainability,we can challenge the notion that ecologica

98、l responsibility equates to deprivation.Which in return helps create new imaginaries and desires for more sustainable products and experiences.Luxury hospitality brands have the platform and resources to lead by example and showcase how sustainability can enhance the overall travel experience.Throug

99、h storytelling and immersive experiences,customers can learn about the environmental and social impacts of their choices while still indulging in luxury.For instance,offering tours of local farms that supply the hotels cuisine allows guests to connect with the source of their food and understand the

100、 importance of sustainable agriculture.ambition intoTransforming ambition intoconcrete initiatives on theground is crucial for the future ofhospitality.How Accor is innovatingand implementing new practices at the local level?At Accor we are dedicated to translating this ambition into tangible action

101、s at the local level to advance sustainable hospitality practices.Obviously,we tackle material issues mentioned in question 1.And one significant initiative involves revamping dining experiences by shifting from buffet-style meals,known for their high food waste,to la carte options featuring locally

102、 sourced ingredients.This not only about reducing waste but more broadly,to rethink our experience by creating a virtuous circle that also includes supporting local farmers and protecting biodiversity.Additionally,we prioritize offering experiential gifts to guests,such as guided tours of sustainabl

103、e attractions or visits to local artisans,promoting cultural exchange and environmental awareness.Moreover,we empower employees to lead sustainability efforts through training and recognition programs,ensuring sustainability remains a central focus in our daily operations.In a rapidly evolving world

104、 where environmental concerns are taking center stage,the hospitality industry faces significant challenges.From sustainability to redefining luxury,and the need to rethink customer experiences,these complex issues require innovative and committed approaches.Lets delve into the future of hospitality

105、 with Brune Poirson,Chief Sustainability Officer at Accor.With experience spanning both public and private sectors,including roles in French Parliament and as Secretary of State for the Ecological Transition,Brune offers valuable insights into the hospitality industrys challenges and opportunities.F

106、inally,what makes you optimisticabout the future,and how wouldyou define your reason for loving it?I find optimism in the face of unprecedented challenges.Were at a pivotal moment where the digital and environmental revolutions intersect,offering significant opportunities.Its a chance for individual

107、s and society to reflect on our responsibilities and shape our collective trajectory.Do we actively engage in guiding these changes,or do we remain passive observers?Personally,I believe in the power of individuals to impact society and shape the course of humanity.Despite the enormity of the task,I

108、 remain convinced that we hold the reins of our destiny and have the capacity to influence it significantly.As Camus said,“one must imagine Sisyphus happy”.62232425262728293033738394044748495055758596066768697077

109、778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 19of change”.ChangeNOW is a summit that has become in few years the worlds largest event of solutions for the planet.Every year we gather 1,000 solutions that come from all over the world.We gather als

110、o around them 30,000 participants,including investors,media,talents,elected representatives,top Executives but also ministers,experts scientists,artists,activists,indigenous people and the general public.I mean people who,in a way,dont usually cross path naturally.Whats more exciting in the corporat

111、e world that seeing polarization be broken?That people who can be presented as opposites can be seen talking together?Speaking for myself I strongly believe that the role of cooperation is essential in the transition.At ChangeNOW,we witnessed impactful encounters,like the presidents of COP15 and the

112、 Great Green Wall Initiative(a huge project to revegetate Africa from East to West)meeting for the first time.Additionally,an ocean protection fund raised its initial million euros at our summit and grew into the worlds largest fund.Many startups and innovators collaborated with major groups and exp

113、anded globally,reaching millions of households across 20-25 countries.The need to invent inspiring new stories So many solutions exist.Many innovations and entrepreneurs are here now.What they need is to be supported,to be discovered and their solutions to be adopted.Beside cooperation there is also

114、 something else:today we strongly need enthusiasm.We must have the desire to see the transition happen,the desire to take part in this ecological transition.We must aspire to see the future in a positive way.What we need today is new narratives that give back hope.New narratives that can inspire.Act

115、,here and now,to defeat fatalismMy reason to love the future is to see every year thousands of individuals and companies committed to a better world.Thousands of men and women who want to act and put all their intelligence at the service of what I think is the greatest challenge Humanity has ever fa

116、ced.We actually all know that for every tenth of a degree of global warming we avoid,we save millions of lives and species.So dont be frighten:we can still act and we need to act!Ill give you an example of something that happened at ChangeNOW.A Slovenian solution called Planet Care showcased microfi

117、ber plastic filters for washing machines.These filters combat the release of microplastics into water systems during washing cycles,a major source of ocean pollution.At the event,Planet Care met Brune Poirson,then Secretary of State for ecological and inclusive transition.This encounter led to a new

118、 law in France,mandating microplastic filters in all new washing machines by 2025,potentially saving 500 tons of microplastics annually.This example demonstrates the power of concrete actions and collaboration.Lets act together because action brings hope.As President Barack Obama once said,we are th

119、e first generation to feel the effects of climate change,but also the last one who can do something to change it now.37.“What we need today is new narratives that give hope”Rose-May Lucotte is the co-founder of ChangeNOW,a key player and facilitator of the environmental and social transition,which f

120、or the past 3 years has been organizing the biggest summit for planet solutions.Last October,she guested in Ircam Centre Pompidou to our“100+reasons to love the future”event dedicated to women.She made us aware of the importance of the cooperation between private,public and citizen players,and the r

121、ole of new narratives in accelerating the ecological and social transition.Rose-May Lucotte at the special womens edition of“100+reasons to love the future”at Ircam Centre PompidouCORPORATE IMPACTI remember my first business school class.It was 18 years ago and I remember clearly when the teacher as

122、ked“what is the primary mission of a company?”.After letting his students think about it for a short time,he said in a tone like an offer you cant refuse“the primary mission of a company is to maximize profit”.And that was it.I was 20 at the time and I just couldnt imagine that the next 40 years of

123、my life would be devoted to such a cold mission.So a new quest began for me at the time.A quest for the meaning I would give to my life as well as to my career and the companies I would join.So I started working for eight years in healthcare marketing before embarking in a new entrepreneurial journe

124、y serving companies for whom profit is not an end in itself but a means to accomplish a greater mission.We call these companies“our heroes of change”because their mission is to act towards a more sustainable and more humane world.Networking to save the planet at the ChangeNOW summit It was for me qu

125、ite a logical step when I launched ChangeNow in 2017 in a mission to accelerate the development of“our heroes 62232425262728293033738394044748495055758596066768697077778798088788899099798991

126、002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 21Environment&scienceDelving into the realms of science and innovation holds key to an optimistic future,especially for our planet.Through their synergy,we can develop sustainable solutions,paving the path for a brighter tomorrow.Mihos research ce

127、nters on solar flares and storms,caused by violent explosions in the Suns atmosphere.Giant clouds of solar material are thrown into space,which can eventually reach the planets of the solar system.“On Earth,we witness these phenomena in the form of beautiful auroras around the poles.But our technolo

128、gy is also vulnerable to these events,with direct impacts on different industries,from civil aviation and navigation systems to electric grids and first emergency response.Through my work,I hope to improve space weather predictions for the future.”One of Mihos personal reasons to love the future is

129、that she works on the ESA/NASA Solar Orbiter project,which is the closest humankind has ever been to the Sun,less than one third of the Sun-Earth distance,withpowerful telescopes on board.“Understanding our Sun goes beyond our own solar system.The knowledge we gain about how the Sun affects the Eart

130、h and the other planets of the solar system helps us understand the interactions between planets orbiting other star systems.We now have the capability to explore the atmospheres of these planets and assess whether they could harbor life.”All this talk about distant planets and life elsewhere in the

131、 universe may give the impression that Mihos real reason to love the future is the prospect of travelling to these faraway places.“On the contrary,”she says.“I hope,I truly hope that the knowledge we gain about the universe will make us universally conscious about how our planet is the best place we

132、 could ever live on,and how we need to protect it.This is our home:our Earth is our past,our present,and our future too.”The secrets of the sunMiho Janvier,Sophie GarcinEditions AlisioMiho Janvier is a physicist at the European Space Agency,who believes humanitycan get closer to the future by readin

133、g the signs written in the stars.Actually,just one star,in particular.As a solar storm chaser,Miho studies the star that we cannot seen in the night sky.The unique star that gives us life here on Earth.The Sun.38.Studying the Sun reconfirms the special nature of Earth2024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AX

134、A Foresight Report 23The Ocean Risk and Resilience Action Alliance(ORRAA)is driving the creation of a new global ocean finance ecosystemThis ground-breaking alliance of insurers and financiers wants to protect the critical impact buffers and biodiversity reservoirs that provide food,social and econo

135、mic security to billions of people and businesses across the world.Their mission is to build the resilience of 250 million climate vulnerable coastal people by 2030,deploying at least USD$500 million of investment into coastal and ocean resilience through the development of at least 50 novel finance

136、 and insurance products.For example,Ocean Eye is a unique platform in Indonesia that conserves marine biodiversity by collecting data and financial payments for wildlife sightings.The platform enables marine tourists such as scuba divers,cruise,or resort clients to report animal sightings and make m

137、icro payments that benefit coastal communities.As a result,these payments incentivise locals to protect endangered or vulnerable species and ecosystems.By connecting the tourism industry further with conservation driven profits,Ocean Eye will build more sustainable and regenerative livelihood option

138、s,influencing good fishing practices.Scientific research can help reverse coastline pollutionEuropes coastlines stretch from the Arctic Circle in Scandinavia down to the warm waters of the Mediterranean Greek islands.Along the way,these unique environments reveal a vast diversity of animal and plant

139、 life,culture and heritage.Today,40%of Europes population lives in a coastal region.However,these meeting points of land and sea are also home to growing levels of human-made pollution,including plastics,microplastics,chemicals,pharmaceuticals and pesticides that risk affecting health at a faster ra

140、te than climate change.A resilient,Net Zero and economically secure world is not possible without a healthy,regenerating ocean.But with organizations like ORRAA and projects like Tara Europa finding innovative ways to tackle a problem that affects all of humankind,there are reasons to be hopeful.The

141、 Tara Europa Expedition led by Tara Ocean FoundationTo slow down and reverse the impact of pollution,scientists on the Tara Europa expedition are exploring the interactions between our planets two major ecosystems to better understand how the organisms within them respond to natural and human-made e

142、nvironmental changes.This innovative research programme on marine biodiversity has a particular focus on adaptation to anthropogenic pollution at the land-sea interface.The schooner TARA has sailed along more than 25,000km of the European coastline,gathering samples from 19 countries to calculate th

143、e impact of rivers,agriculture,cities and ports on sea life.More than 40 teams of scientists are measuring the effect of synthetic products on marine microbial communities,developing molecular biomarkers of pollution and using the knowledge gained to explore remedial strategies.Biologists expect to

144、discover many new species and also reveal how the key biodiversity groups functions.The Ocean,one of the planets greatest assets,is in crisis.Each of the challenges it faces from the rising sea temperatures that cause extreme weather events to plastics pollution,overfishing and biodiversity is serio

145、us enough on its own.Together,they feel unsurmountable.Yet,thats not the attitude of two far-sighted programmes that aim to rebuild and restore blue nature.39ENVIRONMENT&SCIENCE6223242526272829303373839404474849505575859606

146、6768697077778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 2541.Edutainment revolution:bridging science and fictionThe emergence of Edutainment as a popular media genre unites Science Fiction talent with real scientists,mak-ing scientific

147、literacy accessible.This strategy combats anti-scientific narra-tives,conspiracies and disinformation warfare and fosters curiosity about the future.42.Life-Centric urbanism:designing for all species Urban design shifts to a life-centric approach,accommodating not only humans but all ecosystem speci

148、es.This approach fosters circular man-ufacturing,food,and water systems,moving towards a symbiotic relation-ship with naturae.Disregarded life forms like yeasts,fun-gi,lichen,and bacteria are now rec-ognized for their roles in regenerative urbanism and architecture.43.Microbiome health and environme

149、ntal toxins:a global shift Understanding microbiome health highlights the impact of environmental toxins on human health.Biotechnolo-gy advancements address pollution,promoting global transition to regen-erative economies.44.Pandemic resilience and inclusivity:prioritizing health Resilience strategi

150、es prioritize insights from immunocompromised individ-uals and deploy air filtration systems.This proactive approach seeks to mit-igate both immediate mortality and long-term population health damage.45.Inclusive adaptations beyond physical disabilities Adaptations for disabilities and neuro-diverge

151、nce expand beyond traditional wheelchair,blind,and deaf access in public spaces,led by innovators with diverse experiences.The redesigning of spaces considers chronic pain,mi-graines,ADHD,autism,PTSD-related sensory hypersensitivity,cancer,in-flammatory,and autoimmune condi-tions.This inclusive appr

152、oach ensures safer,more comfortable,and compas-sionate environments,fostering great-er participation from individuals previ-ously excluded from public life and the economy.46.Transitioning towards wellbeing economiesAs societal values shift,theres an ex-pansion of knowledge,experience,and embodiment

153、 economies,moving away from material luxuries towards prioritizing wellbeing.Initiatives for lifelong learning,adult creativity,and play experiences support mental health and community building.Em-phasizing bodily awareness fosters pleasure,joy,and fulfillment.These changes aim to decrease the damag

154、ing effects of extractive economies,lead-ing to increased global wellbeing,pop-ulation health,and social satisfaction.The Protopia Futures Framework,developed by Monika Bielskyte,challenges the traditional dichotomy of Utopia and Dystopia by offering a more proactive approach to envisioning livable

155、futures.Unlike Utopias idealism or Dystopias pessimism,Protopia emphasizes continuous re-evaluation and iterative learning,rejecting absolutes for the celebration of human agency and choice.It criticizes both doomerism and techno-solutionism,advocating for solutions rooted in social,cultural,and pol

156、itical change rather than technological fixes alone.Protopia Futures prioritizes the voices of marginalized communities and promotes a shift towards a regenerative paradigm,emphasizing interconnectedness and life-centric design for sustainable human thriving.Here are(some of)her reasons to love the

157、future.ENVIRONMENT&SCIENCEMONIKABIELSKYTE Founder of PROTOPIA FUTURES62232425262728293033738394044748495055758596066768697077778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Fores

158、ight Report 27Science and scientific discovery are the first steps in technology development.And so much of our everyday lives,today and in the future,are about technologi-cal advance.Im not only thinking about progress in the digital space.Strides have been made in medicine,materials and areas that

159、 promote our understand-ing of our role as a species.In any given week,new insights are published about the evolution and adaptation of our species or of insects or other animals that roam this planet.Then there is new knowledge gained through artificial in-telligence tools to develop new antimi-cro

160、bial drugs or model the 3D shape of hitherto shapeless proteins.This new knowledge aids in extending our lives,bettering our quality of life or under-standing why we feel the way we do.My great-grandmother lived to be 98 years old,until 1980,20 years before the internet was mainstream.Almost three d

161、ecades before the first iPhone.And when global life expectancy was 61 years,12 years less than today(she was an outlier).She was a child of the late European 1800s.In relative terms,tech-nological progress then was modest.Most of the changes in her lifetime were tied to wars.Peace generally equates

162、to more economic growth.And economic growth is causally linked to scientific progress.There are positive feedback loops and investments in science drive an economys and social growth,in-cluding life expectancy.Scientific discovery is tied to the tools available and,conversely,science de-velops new t

163、ools which will be used in science.This leads to potentially expo-nential scientific returns and economic returns.And,the quantum era has not yet begun.The start of the current AI era will feel transitional when quan-tum tools become available to all.Al-ready now some traditionally analog processes

164、like engineering prototyping are leaping into in silico optimisation thanks to AI.Increasingly complex,be-spoke,and personalised solutions and answers(and questions)will be found instantaneously,with insignificant use of energy and zero carbon.All thanks to scientific advance.So,expect to love the f

165、uture because some big scientific gains are heading our way.Patrick Noack Executive Director Duba Future Foundation 47.“I feel positive about the future becausewe will see unprecedentedscientific progress,which is a force for good,progress and peace.”ClimateSeed is an enterprise driven by a vision t

166、o cultivate a sustainable world for future generations,acknowledging the pressing necessity to address human-induced climate change.With the IPCC highlighting the significant impact of human activities on climate change,achieving a 43%reduction in global greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 is imperativ

167、e.Recognizing the pivotal role of organizations in emission management and carbon mitigation efforts,ClimateSeed has developed software and expertise to simplify the measurement and reduction of GHG emissions and transparently manage the financial contribution to carbon removal and avoidance project

168、s.Supported by the AXA Impact Fund since 2021,ClimateSeed combines financial and climate expertise to accelerate climate actions globally.Its innovative platform manages emissions and drives climate mitigation,focusing on environmental benefits and UN Sustainable Development Goals.As part of 1%for t

169、he Planet,ClimateSeed collaborates internationally,aiming for maximum positive impacts.The journey towards climate action is ongoing,highlighting the significance of emission reduction and impactful projects.ENVIRONMENT&SCIENCE62232425262728293033738394041

170、42434445464748495055758596066768697077778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report 292024 AXA Foresight Report49.Leaving a Smaller Footprint on YourWay OutScott Smith&Susan Cox-Smith,founders ChangeistOne way to love the future is to leav

171、e a smaller physical and environmental footprint in that fu-ture as we exist in the present.We should aspire to become a resource rather than occupying so-matic space,using carbon-intensive materials,and re-entering the environment in less than Earth-friend-ly ways.This approach is precisely what th

172、e green funeral movement has been working toward on a person-by-person basis over recent decades and the sustainable practices of this movement have been expanding as laws change,tech-nologies improve,practices become more acceptable and more people wish to depart this world in an environmental-ly-p

173、ositive,or at least neutral,way.Considering current Western standards for funeral and burials may not be a happy topic,but its a reality all around us.Bear with us here.Presently,somewhere be-tween 55and 60 million people worldwide leave this life each year.In places such as Western Europe and the U

174、S,the norm for a funeral is either a traditional burial with embalming and costly coffin,or increasingly,cremation.Thats a lot of energy expended on the way out similar to the way many of us spend our lives,using heat,chemicals and manufactured materials to address our needs.According to data from t

175、he funeral industry and various environmental advocacy groups,in the United States for example,around 1.5 million tons of concrete are used for burial vaults,as well as around 100,000 tons of steel.Both of these are carbon intensive in their production.Throw in embalming,which uses 4.3 million gallo

176、ns of chemicals,and caskets,which use 20 million board feet of hardwood,some of it rainforest wood and we need a lot of the here and now to go on to the Great Beyond.Oh,and these materials(and ourselves)leach chemicals and m etals like iron,cop-per,lead,zinc,and cobalt into the soil and groundwater

177、over time,according to the Green Burial Council.The alternative,cremation,releases 535 pounds of carbon each time.A green burial,by contrast,involves burial in simple card-board or particleboard box,or fabric shroud in a legally designated natural burial area.Unlike a carbon intensive traditional bu

178、rial,the GBC estimates a green burial se-questers around 25 pounds of carbon,provides nitrogen,phosphorus,and potassium to the soil,and also sequesters additional greenhouse gases.At the moment,green burials account for about 5%to 10%of burials in the US,and similar numbers are estimated for Europe.

179、Now,imagine increasing that number anoth-er 10%alone over the next 50 years.Using an estimate of around 3.37 billion deaths over this timespan,given the data above and estimates of the carbon required on aver-age to produce the materials needed,that additional 10%shift in practices would save 8.4 mi

180、llion tons of concrete,and 561,000 tons of steel.Additionally,taking cremations out of the picture,and adding in those carbon savings,an additional 10%shift would enable a savings of almost 93 million tons of carbon emission over the next 50 years.Doubling or trebling the amount of green burial prac

181、tices could double or treble the emissions savings.How we are treated at the end of life is obviously a personal choice.More and more people are choosing differently a shift in focus to become part of living systems and not a continuation of personal consumption of resources.It may be strange to thi

182、nk about,but a green burial may be an un-der-considered but powerful way to love the future.ENVIRONMENT&SCIENCE2024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 3062232425262728293033738394044748495055758596066768697071727

183、3747576777879808878889909979899100ENVIRONMENT&SCIENCEJoin the journey:Empower Your Future with a Custom GPT Dialogue and Discover Your Reason to Love the Future!https:/ 1STEP 2STEP 3ChatGPT 4ChatGPTTHE SOLAR SYMPHONY OF TOMORROW In the heart of a bustling future metropolis,Miho

184、 Janvier,a renowned solar physicist,embarks on a mission to bring the stars closer to Earth through her grand project,the Solar Symphony.Teaming up with visionary artist Rocio Berenguer,they conceive a future where humanity lives in harmony with the sun,culminating in a masterpiece of interconnected

185、 satellites transforming solar activity into breathtaking light and sound displays visible from the ground.Their collaboration symbolizes the fusion of science and art,inspiring humanity to embrace the future as a realm of boundless wonder and potential.As the Solar Symphony debuts to global audienc

186、es,Miho and Rocio stand together,witnessing the realization of their shared vision.Their creation not only brings the sun nearer but also serves as a poignant reminder that the future,despite its challenges,remains a realm of awe-inspiring beauty,beckoning exploration and appreciation.MidjourneyDALL

187、-EMidjourney Bot BOT “A vibrant and detailed illustration of the future world,showcasing people engaging in various activities like sports,art creation,technology exploration,social interaction,environment protection,all set against an imaginative backdrop filled with futuristic buildings,flying veh

188、icles,solar panels,holographic displays,greenery,and other symbols representing advanced civilization.The illustration focuses on face details,sharp edges,intricate details,and is rendered in a hyper realistic,high-resolution style with HDR,a wide-angle lens,depth of field effects,and cinematic ligh

189、ting.”We asked ChatGPT to create an image prompt based on the entire magazine content,and then we asked DALL.E to create an image based on that prompt.Then,weve uploaded this image to MidJourney with the feature/describe,it leads toWhen“100 ReasonsTo Love The Future”meets GenAI50.Text-to-image by Ch

190、atGPT and DALL.EImage-to-text with Midjourney 52.ChatGPT 4:tell us a story on good reasons to love the future(in a creative style)!51.Reusing this description as a prompt to/imagine a new visual in MidjourneyMidjourneyMidjourney Bot BOT 6223242526272829303

191、3738394044748495055758596066768697077778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 33What attracts you to the future?I love the future because it is a non-deterministic place.Future is an abstract space,

192、producing the unknown.Future is also a neutral space to talk about today,operating as a perspective tool to understand and change the point of view about our worlds.The way I envision the future is the way I relate to the unknown and unknowable.Future as an unknown remains blurry and viscous,an inta

193、ngible space for variations,proliferations and multiplicity.Why have you turned from dystopias to utopias?In my early work,I worked on dystopias without knowing it.Im an adult now,Im more responsible,so I should propose the world I would like to live in.Criticizing something is always easier than pr

194、oposing something new.Reacting out of fear is always easier than acting out of desire and hope.So,I created my first utopia on the future of politics.I imagined a G5 like the G8 or the G20 but instead of the major economic powers,I brought together the worlds major living powers:mineral,plant,animal

195、,human and machine kingdoms.They organized a planetary meeting to discuss and debate the future of life on earth.What is the essence of your work?I like to create prospective narratives,questioning the imaginaries of the future,mainly on the topics of technology and ecology.I write stories,then brin

196、g them to life with stage shows and interactive installations.My expertise lies in dramaturgy and staging,on how to translate a vision into a discourse and a discourse into a story and a story into a poetic and aesthetic experience.53.Imagining utopia is more responsible than retreating to dystopia3

197、 questions with Rocio Berenguer,author,artistic director and utopian.ArtWe believe in the power of art to inspire and enrich our lives,as it is crucial for projecting into the future,fostering imagination,serving as a medium of expression,and providing alternative perspectives.2024 AXA Foresight Rep

198、ort2024 AXA Foresight Report 35AI systems with human-competitive intelli-gence can pose profound risks to society and humanity,as shown by extensive research1 and acknowledged by top AI labs.2 As stated in the widely-endorsed Asilomar AI Principles,Ad-vanced AI could represent a profound change in t

199、he history of life on Earth,and should be planned for and managed with commensurate care and resources.Unfortunately,this level of planning and management is not happening,even though recent months have seen AI labs locked in an out-of-control race to develop and deploy ever more powerful digital mi

200、nds that no one not even their creators can under-stand,predict,or reliably control.Contemporary AI systems are now becoming human-competitive at general tasks,3 and we must ask ourselves:Should we let machines flood our information channels with propagan-da and untruth?Should we automate away all t

201、he jobs,including the fulfilling ones?Should we develop nonhuman minds that might eventual-ly outnumber,outsmart,obsolete and replace us?Should we risk loss of control of our civili-zation?Such decisions must not be delegated to unelected tech leaders.Powerful AI systems should be developed only onc

202、e we are confi-dent that their effects will be positive and their risks will be manageable.This confidence must be well justified and increase with the magni-tude of a systems potential effects.OpenAIs recent statement regarding artificial general intelligence,states that“At some point,it may be imp

203、ortant to get independent review before starting to train future systems,and for the most advanced efforts to agree to limit the rate of growth of compute used for creating new mod-els.”We agree.That point is now.Therefore,we call on all AI labs to immediately pause for at least 6 months the trainin

204、g of AI sys-tems more powerful than GPT-4.This pause should be public and verifiable,and include all key actors.If such a pause cannot be enacted quickly,govern-ments should step in and institute a moratorium.AI labs and independent experts should use this pause to jointly develop and implement a se

205、t of shared safety protocols for advanced AI design and development that are rigorously audited and overseen by independent outside experts.These protocols should ensure that systems adhering to them are safe beyond a reasonable doubt.4 This does not mean a pause on AI de-velopment in general,merely

206、 a stepping back from the dangerous race to ever-larger unpre-dictable black-box models with emergent capa-bilities.AI research and development should be refo-cused on making todays powerful,state-of-the-art systems more accurate,safe,interpretable,transparent,robust,aligned,trustworthy,and loyal.In

207、 parallel,AI developers must work with pol-icymakers to dramatically accelerate develop-ment of robust AI governance systems.These should at a minimum include:new and capable regulatory authorities dedicated to AI;oversight and tracking of highly capable AI systems and large pools of computational c

208、apability;prov-enance and watermarking systems to help dis-tinguish real from synthetic and to track model leaks;a robust auditing and certification ecosys-tem;liability for AI-caused harm;robust public funding for technical AI safety research;and well-resourced institutions for coping with the dram

209、atic economic and political disruptions(especially to democracy)that AI will cause.Humanity can enjoy a flourishing future with AI.Having succeeded in creating powerful AI systems,we can now enjoy an“AI summer”in which we reap the rewards,engineer these sys-tems for the clear benefit of all,and give

210、 society a chance to adapt.Society has hit pause on oth-er technologies with potentially catastrophic effects on society.5 We can do so here.Lets enjoy a long AI summer,not rush unprepared into a fall.In the history of commensurate care,recent months have seena race to understandBecoming Human.We mu

211、st ask the fulfilling ones:should we develop mindsthat number and control our potential?The rate of growth for creating nowshould be key to set shared safety andensure that this does not meanstepping back from powerful art.Pools of water help causeHumanity,a flourishing in summer,which reaps a chanc

212、e to pause:we can enjoy a long rush.54.How I wrote this poem?This“erasure”poem is entirely made up of words and phrases I took from the open letter published by leading AI experts in 2023 that called for a pause on LLM experiments such as chatGPT.As a poet and AI designer,I believe that Large Langua

213、ge Model(LLM)offer us an uncanny opportunity to be more fully human:as AI takes on more systematic,analytical tasks typically associated with rational intelligence,we can reclaim our emotional sensitivity as the token of our humanity.Long sidelined as“hobbies”,practicing creativity and art turns our

214、 sensitivity into emotional intelligence for a more caring approach to ourselves,society and our environment.ART622324252627282930337383940447484950557585960667686970777787980887888990997989

215、91002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 37The Circus(1928)Charlie Chaplin“In January 2024,the first Mickey Mouse cartoon entered the public domain,as well as Charlie Chaplins The Circus movie,Raoul Dufys artwork and early Cole Porters songs.More and more creators are sharing their art

216、 online texts,paintings,music using Creative Commons license,building the largest public library the humanity has ever known with an estimated 2.5 billion CC-licensed open works available online in 2022.Challenges are numerous to main-tain such a dynamic:artists must be able to live from their art,a

217、nd their rights have to be guaranteed facing the growing usage on generative AI.We undoubtedly face a bright and creative future.”Steamboat Willie(1928)Walt DisneyARTCultural knowledge and iconic artworks had never been so easily reachable for anyoneRaoul Dufy(1877-1953)The Visit of the English Squa

218、dron to Le Havre,1925FRANCOIS HOUSTE fictionist at Plan.Net France and author of MikrodystopiesCole Porter(1891-1964)At the heart of our world,there exists an uncharted domain,where time flows between the distant shores of the past and the yet-unknown future.Have you ever felt as though you were emb

219、arking on a journey through space and time,all while remaining perfectly still?Its a sensation that transcends the boundaries of our physical reality,a phenomenon made possible by the profound power of sound.Think of those moments when a familiar melody stirred something deep within you,carrying you

220、 on a wave of emotion to distant memories and unexplored feelings.Music has this incredible ability to transport us,to elevate our spirits,and to connect us to the very essence of our humanity.But what makes sound so impactful,so profound in its ability to shape our perceptions and experiences?Its b

221、ecause sound has become more than just a means of communicationits a gateway to a world of inclusivity,emotion,and connection.In our rapidly evolving world,the landscape of sound is undergoing a transformation.Were entering an era of cross-modal,polysensorial experiences,where sound becomes a medium

222、 for innovation and creativity,bridging the gap between the physical and the digital.In a world facing daunting challenges-inequality,climate change,technological disruption-sound emerges as a beacon of hope.It brings people together,engages our primal instincts,and spreads happiness in the face of

223、uncertainty.I am driven by a desire to harness the power of sound,technology,and innovation to create positive change in the world.For me,sound is not just a languageits a tool for transformation,a catalyst for progress,and a beacon of hope in an ever-changing world.And with optimism as my guide,I a

224、m determined to make a difference,one sound at a time.Soundscapes:journeying beyond the unreachable through sound www.fragmentsofextinction.org/listen-to-ecosystems/by Nathalie Birocheau,CEO of IRCAM AMPLIFY55.56ART622324252627282930337383940447

225、48495055758596066768697077778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report 392024 AXA Foresight ReportARTJEAN-YVES LE PORCHERChief Experience Officer78.Fred AgainRenowned English producer(for Ed Sheeran in particular),he is a pioneer in elect

226、ronic music who pushes the boundaries of creativity by using vocal samples of unknown individuals found on the internet to shape original songs.Through this approach,he creates an authentic connection with his audience by capturing“real”diversity.79.FlumeFlumes experimental work on“Palaces”,in colla

227、boration with Damon Albarn from Gorillaz,merges the distinctive styles of both artists to create an innovative sonic experience.Flumes artistic director,Jonathan Zawada,explores a design work where he reinvents an imaginary bull into computer-generated images.81.Jamie XXJamie XXs work,founding membe

228、r of The XX,is a unique fusion of electronic music and experimental pop,characterized by captivating rhythms and atmospheric melodies.80.Oklou“Gods chariot”transports us into a fascinating sonic future through her avant-garde compositions,skillfully blending experimental elements with contemporary a

229、esthetics,thus inviting us to embrace the evolution of music towards new horizons.She offers introspective work where she questions gender issues.77.A.G.COOKA electronic music producer and founder of the label PC Music,known for his futuristic and experimental style.He is one of the emblematic artis

230、ts of the“hyper pop”style and the artistic director of the pop star Charlie XCX.In the ever-evolving realm of sound and technology,the future holds endless possibilities for innovation and creativity.In this curated selection,we invite you to embark on a journey into music.Featuring 20 tracks and 5

231、artists carefully chosen by Ircam Amplify for their groundbreaking contributions to the sonic landscape.These songs and artists are 25 good reasons to love the future.57.leavemealoneFred Again USB 2022 3:4258.Make Me FeelJanelle Mone Dirty Computer 2018 3:1459.ImmaterialSophie Oil of every pearls un

232、-insides 2018 3:5260.3D(feat.J.Harlow)(A.G.Cook Remix)Jung Kook 3D:The Remixes 2023 3:0861.911(Charli XCX&A.G.Cook Remix)Lady Gaga Dawn of Chromatica 2021 4:1362.CellophaneFKA Twigs MAGDALENE 2019 3:2463.Palaces(feat.Damon Albarn)Flume Palaces 2022 4:5164.Frontier PsychiatristThe Avalanches Since I

233、left you 2001 4:4765.The Divine ChordThe Avalanches We Will Always Love You 2020 3:0766.Gods ChariotsOklou Galore 2020 3:0367.Dans la radioJacques Palaces 2022 4:5168.SoloLous and The Yakuza Gore 2020 3:1569.InvisibleNTO Invisible 2021 5:4070.NanPolo&Pan Caravelle 2017 3:1071.ParadeRone Tohu Bohu 20

234、12 6:2172.Sur la plancheLa Femme Psycho Tropical Berlin 2013 3:4973.Only One ManMoodod Only One Man 2021 3:1074.GenesisGrimes Visions 2012 4:1575.Piany PianinoThylacine Transsiberian 2015 4:3276.RedboneChildish Gambino Awaken,My Love!2015 5:26Curated by20 titles,1h20 min2024 AXA Foresight Report2024

235、 AXA Foresight Report 40622324252627282930337383940447484950557585960667686970777787980887888990997989910082.In the digital age where innovation drives progress,its imperative to ensure that

236、 every voice is heard and every idea has the opportunity to flourish.However,a stark reality persists:women face significant hurdles in accessing the financial support needed to turn their entrepreneurial visions into reality.SISTA,a collective of female entrepreneurs and investors,stands at the for

237、efront of a movement aimed at dismantling barriers and fostering gender equality in the startup ecosystem.Founded in December 2018,SISTA champions the cause of women-led businesses by advocating for increased investment and support.Looking ahead,SISTA has set ambitious goals:to finance 25%of startup

238、s founded or co-founded by women by 2025,increasing to 30%by 2030,and ultimately reaching 50%by 2050.These targets reflect not only a commitment to gender parity but also a recognition of the transformative power of female leadership in shaping the digital economy of the future.10%of the total numbe

239、r of startups created7%of the total number of fundraising rounds completed2%of the total amount raised by startups100%female teams raise4X LESSthan 100%male teams4Mraised by 100%female teams VS 17M raised by 100%male teamsWOMEN ARE UNDERREPRESENTED IN STARTUPS,AT ALL LEVELSThey represent only:Financ

240、ing women-led businesses will bridge the gender gapSource:Sista x BCG 2023 study WomenLets discover women from diverse backgrounds who share their innovative imaginaries,fostering an inclusive and positive visions.Illustration:Mathilde Vigneau-?la_vignette2024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight

241、Report 43I probably appreciate all this even more looking back at when I was younger.I couldnt go straight into a girls team I was the only girl in a boys team and the parents didnt like it much.You not only had to compete against your peers on the pitch but some of the stigmas off it.Now,as the gam

242、e has grown,young girls have the access to be whatever they want to be and can enjoy womens football more easily on television or live.When I think about what is to come,I do so with a burgeoning desire to repay those who have helped me in the past.Without my mum,Genna,I simply wouldnt be where I am

243、 now.Shes had to sacrifice a lot in her life to have given me so much.That is my motivation every day;to be the best I can be and make sure I can put a smile on her face.My 13-year-old brother has also just started playing football and coming to my games he loves it.I tell him to stick with it,it mi

244、ght be hard sometimes but if you put in the work then the results over time will all be worth it.My other little brother and sister love coming too.Its so special for me to think theyre walking up those steps,being drawn in by the big green pitch and willing me to do well.I just want to be a role mo

245、del to them.More so than ever,the little girl that I once was,can look to the future and say with conviction“that could be me”.WOMENWomens football continues on an upward trajectory.Incredible strides have been made in recent years to help remove participation barriers for young girls,who now have m

246、ore female role models than ever to look up and aspire to,as well as those in the mens game.A lot of that is owing to the success of the Lionesses the England womens national football team.More tickets are being sold,were not only playing at mens stadiums but,in some cases,selling them out entirely.

247、That can only be beneficial for everyone through from grassroots to the elite levels.Increasingly,bespoke facilities are now being built and tailored to the needs of us as womens athletes to enable us to perform at the highest level.Getting to come into an amazing fa-cility like the AXA Melwood Trai

248、ning Centre is only going to maximise the chances of myself and others fulfilling their potential.The pitches are great,the equipment in the gym likewise and the staff here behind the scenes put a lot of work in to help us become the best we can be.We have a young,talented squad here and I believe t

249、he aim is very much for us to grow and develop together over the next few years.There are several internationals,with different back-grounds,and Im privileged enough to get to tap into their experience and know-how each day.Not just to de-velop on the pitch but to make me a more rounded individual.F

250、or me personally,its my first sea-son in the Womens Super League so its about trying to get as many min-utes on the pitch as I can and leaving everything out there for this football club.Representing my country at youth level is also something that has given me an immense amount of pride.Matt Beard

251、has been great as a man-ager and as a person-I honestly love the guy so much.He cares just as much about the human being as their performances when we cross the white line.He knows that sometimes I want ev-erything to happen in the here and now.I can get frustrated on the pitch,but hell put his arm

252、around me,tell me when Im doing well or give me the technical detail on how to fine-tune aspects of my game too.Having a manager like that is important.Official Global Training PartnerWHY I LOVETHE FUTURE Forward Mia Enderby signed for Liverpool FC Women in July 2023 after leaving Sheffield United w

253、here she won the Young Player of the Year award in 2021-22.After putting pen to paper with the Reds,she said:“Its like a dream come true.Ever since I was young Ive wanted to play in the Womens Super League.”83.2024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 456223

254、24252627282930337383940447484950557585960667686970777787980887888990997989910084.By imaginingthe future,women help make it fairer for allAs a historian and independent researcher,Sibylle Duhautois has researched how studyin

255、g the future can bring forward new issues and ideas to influence the future in a beneficial way.Her work has charted the rise of interest in futurology,and especially the role of women in proactively searching for the secrets of tomorrow.By championing their foresight,she is continuing in their foot

256、steps.Sibylle Duhautois,historian&independent researcher“I love the future because its connected to the past.Studying the history of future studies is fascinating.It allows us to understand how imagining positive scenarios can contribute to making them happen.”“During the Cold War,peace activists be

257、lieved that no nation or company could solve the most important problems of the future alone.On the contrary,discussing long-term issues was vital for international cooperation.For example,they created scenarios that showed how atomic disarmament could release resources to develop newly decolonized

258、countries.”Peace activistsI found that the growing interest for global futures was institutionalized during the seventies and eighties through the creation of foresight programs by Unesco,Unitar and other international organizations.Unesco created its first foresight program in the early 70s.It stop

259、ped in 1974 but the same year,a“Project on the future”was created at Unitar,an international institute which was then regarded as the United Nations think tank.The idea that the future had to be studied and discussed at an international level gained momentum,but it became clear that conflicting visi

260、ons for this global future coexisted and that creating scenarios or models about the future was a way to express ones values and preferences for this shared future.Unesco/Unitar“American sociologist Elise Boulding asserted that women bring a different life experience from men,which is required to de

261、velop the skills that men often lack,particularly in the field of peace building.She worked to ensure that womens voices are heard during discussions to think and build the world of the future to create a better place where women have greater responsibilities,equal to those of men.”Elise Boulding“Th

262、e first international pacifist association to take an interest in future studies was an all womens association:the Women International League for Peace and Freedom.As early as 1962,this association organized conferences in which activists explained that building positive images of a disarmed future

263、was a better way of convincing public opinion and decision-makers than stirring up fear of a nuclear future.”1960s1970sGraciela Chichilnisky“Argentine mathematician and economist Graciela Chichilnisky worked on the creation of models that would optimize global resource distribution so that the count

264、ries of the South could develop while still respecting the environment.She insisted on the importance of prioritizing the“basic needs”of all individuals,rather than maximizing the global GDP of each country.”WOMENCOLD WAR848586878889909979899952

265、72829303373839404474849505575859606676869707777879808182832024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 4787.We will age much better than our predecessors,not just increasing length of life but health of life.There are so many promising inn

266、ovations when it comes to Alzheimers,cancer and other diseases.86.Humanity will be so much wiser than today,about what it wants to be on this planet,what values matter,what makes a life worth living we are already moving away from a society of having towards a society of being.85.I am also sure that

267、 the current conflicts will lead to something better down the line after all,conflict has the function of clearing a disagreement,opening the way for something new.Just as there is post-conflict trauma,there is also post-conflict growth.Florence GAUBResearch Director at NATO&member of World Economic

268、 Forum Future Council Culture&societyIn a world where we embrace living together,inclusion and diversity in culture and society become vital.Fueling with optimism and unity,towards a horizon enriched by our differences.Photos Andreas O.Loff2024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 49“The fu

269、ture is a story we tell each other,not a given,”says Daria Krivonos,CEO of the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies,which helps people and organizations to use the future for the betterment of society.“If you compare the current situation to the past,well always prefer the current situation.”Ini

270、tiatives that prioritize future generations through innovative governance demonstrate the power of collective foresight and provide a source of real optimism,says Daria.For example,Wales has appointed a Future Generations Commissioner whose job is to help public bodies and those who make policy to t

271、hink about the long-term impact of their decisions on e.g.,robotics,AI and longer lifespans.In Finland,the government has identified the need to develop anticipatory innovation governance(AIG),which embraces radical uncertainty and complexity,and adopts a prospective and proactive stance towards the

272、m.Daria Krivonos,CEO of the Copenhagen Institute for Futures Studies“Amidst growing dystopian narratives,this global movement offers hope,illustrating that our tomorrows are not deterministic.By empowering youth with foresight as a discipline,we equip them with agency to reimagine and reshape our wo

273、rld,battling the poverty of imagination and ensuring a narrative of hope and possibility for all,”said Daria.Daria welcomed the United Nations 8 Common Principles on Future Generations:Promote a vision for future generations based on human rights and equity Pursue fairness between present and future

274、 generations Recognize and foster an interconnected world Think,plan and act with future generations in mind Ensure meaningful representation of future generations and their interests Foster open science,data and knowledge for the future Foster a future-oriented organizational culture and capabiliti

275、es Strengthen inclusive partnerships and global cooperationCULTURE AND SOCIETYThe Silence des Justes(SDJ)association is dedicated to fostering a more inclusive and supportive society by promoting diagnosis,medical support,and social integration for individuals with autism from childhood to adulthood

276、.With a multidisciplinary team of 480 individuals,the association has developed support methods extendable beyond Frances borders,fostering collaboration worldwide.Participation in the inaugural Autism Africa Expo in Douala in 2023,involving 26 African countries,heralds a new era of cooperation for

277、the common good.It reflects progress and hope in the autism community.Stphane Benhamou (Founder&General Manager of Silence des Justes)&Daoud Tatou (in charge of International Relations at Silence des Justes)“The inclusion of autistic individuals has significantly improved through healthcare professi

278、onal training,public policies,and school integration.Over 30 years,SDJ has refined its support with internal assessment teams,a research department,and reliable healthcare partners.We emphasize inclusion at all levels,from preschool to the workplace.Ve have extended our efforts beyond borders to Mor

279、occo,Senegal,and Mauritania.Knowledge sharing is crucial,and our fight against autism is universal,transcending color,religion,or borders.And our commitment in Africa stems from years of experience.Too many tragedies have compelled us to take action.The association welcomes children from all countri

280、es,whose mothers,often alone,leave their homes,families,and friends to find themselves in France in precarious and dangerous situations to save their autistic children.Our ambition is to help African countries address autism and end these unnecessary displacements.Raising awareness,training,establis

281、hing diagnostic centers,and sharing our tools are our priorities.The first Autism Expo in Africa was a success.We are preparing the second edition in Morocco in April 2025,with the inauguration of a 2,500 m2 center dedicated to autism close to infrastructure,hospitals,and schools.”8911121

282、392022728293033738394044748495055758596066768697077778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 51“To be avant-garde is to know what is dead”wrote Roland Barthes.Well sa

283、id.Its certainly a good start.Once weve got past the period of stupefaction at the pile-up of crises that are knocking us about,once weve understood that we need to say goodbye to our sense of self-satisfaction,and that no“big thing”will magically usher us into a new era of humanity,we need to embra

284、ce the inevitable.Reconnect with the long time scale.The future and the world to come are not just the Olympic Games,and the horizon that must occupy us does not end in 2030.One good reason to love the future is that the world has already turned upside down.And in this new situation,its very excitin

285、g to contribute to inventing new approaches,to be part of this moment in history,in the shape of a civilizational turning point.Entering the future,then,means inventing new models that encourage us to enter the future head-on;to draw together new grounds for satisfaction,the curves of new performanc

286、e indicators,and to continue,in the meantime,to run the store,reassure our customers,and take care to involve our family,friends,colleagues and suppliers.Patiently,resolutely.Step by step.Thats what we aim with“Le Club des Bons Anctres”that we launched last year.A collective that gathers enlightened

287、 companies,willed to think about long term with us!Jrme Ruskin and Blaise Mao are the founders,along with Thierry Keller,of Usbek&Rica,a magazine and creative studio that accompanies its readers and partners in exploring major future challenges.For 15 years,they have respectively ensured the general

288、 management and editorial direction of Usbek&Rica,with vigilance but optimism.“We can transform our food systems without losing what food gives us in connection,sustenance and joy!”91CULTURE AND SOCIETY“When it comes to food,as with many industries that are re-liably predictable and stable,we often

289、feel stuck between the pull of the future,in more technologically adaptive solutions,and the weight aof history,which reminds us of our traditions.Both are important for our survival and for our happiness.While its easy to think that one leaves us in the past as a atrophying relic,just as easily we

290、could say the other strips us of our humanity.So whether we foray into the history of our ancestry,move forward respecting our cultur-al norms,or run towards synthesized replicas of the analog,we move forward knowing food remains the enabler of our survival,the emotional spark of happiness,and the e

291、nduring bonding agent that gives us a reason to be present in a mo-ment with others.It is in this complexity we must see food systems as its the best way we will be able to continue to live maintaining our relationship with food,even if the external conditions around it change.”JOANNA LEPOREForesigh

292、t expert with over 10+years experience in the food industry9062232425262728293033738394044748495055758596066768697077778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Rep

293、ort 53Annina Lux Senior Manager Head of Strategic Foresight Capgemini Invent Germany*United Nations:Wired for Good:Digital Connectivity for a Sustainable Future93.Secure a digital tomorrow“Our digital tomorrow will be secure.Advances in digital immune systems,dynamic threat intelligence and response

294、 as well as cyber resilience will help combat ever-evolving cyber threats.Through these developments,we can be secure even in the increasingly complex cyberthreat landscape and with technological advances,such as artificial intelligence or cyber physical systems.This will enable us to fully leverage

295、 technological advances for a positive future for us individually and society as a whole.It will increase our trust in technology,making our digital identity and the digital space in general safe and allowing the digital sphere to become an environment and technology a motor for positive change.”94.

296、Global connectivity momentum“In the future,global connectivity will support us in establishing a diverse and inclusive global community.With the narrowing digital divide,people all over the world will be able to connect,exchange and collaborate.Between 2015 and 2023,we saw a massive rise of people i

297、n the least developed countries with access to internet,from 7%to 36%*.More and more people are gaining access to the digital world.This will not only redefine our(geographic)horizons,but will also boost our understanding of each other and multiply our power to solve emerging and future challenges.I

298、t will help us create a world truly working together for good.By building and living global connectivity through increasing internet and device access and establishing and embracing exchange formats globally,we can create a positive global tomorrow for and with everyone.”“The Campus attracts talente

299、d people from all walks of life,”added Yann.“Im relieved to see the gradual disappearance of the stereotypical hoodie-wearing geek,which deprived us of a whole diversity of profiles.”Annina Luxs 2 REASONS TO LOVE THE FUTURECULTURE AND SOCIETY92.Working together to make cyber a remedy,not a poisonYan

300、n Bonnet,founder of Cyber Campus,explained the urgent need for cyber collaboration.“To meet the many challenges facing our society(environment,health,etc.),digital technology can be a remedy,”he said.“But it can also be a poison,as it brings cyber threats that should not be underestimated.Rather tha

301、n turn a blind eye,we must be aware of these risks and develop the capacity to manage them.”The Cyber Campus is a project initiated by the President of the French Republic to bring together the main national and international players in the field of cybersecurity.The campus hosts companies(large gro

302、ups,SMEs),public services,training organizations,researchers and associations on the same site,uniting the cybersecurity community and developing synergies between these different players.To date,more than 160 members,from a wide range of sectors,have taken their place on the campus.11121

303、392022728293033738394044748495055758596066768697077778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 5595.Building Bridges:Singapores journey towards digital equity96.African

304、Life CentricDesign1.Land As A Co-designer:Honour the living world and anchor all design within it,not merely“on top”of it.Embrace the symbiotic relationship with the ecosystem,considering it as an active participant in the design process.2.Regenerative Co-creation:Design solutions that emulate and h

305、onour natures circular processes,fostering restoration,nourishment and renewal.Incorporate intergenerational exchange,drawing wisdom from generations past,and building for the generations to come.3.Communal Interdependence:Recognise how every individual impacts and contributes uniquely to the commun

306、ity,rooting the design process in tangible communal needs and broader human aspirations.4.Recognising Origins:Immerse ourselves in local design histories,integrating Indigenous knowledge and ancestral wisdom into the futuring and foresight practice.5.Centering the Periphery:Prioritise the voices and

307、 perspectives of previously marginalised African narratives.6.Design as Ritual:Design valued as a sacred,mindful process connected to larger systems and narratives of human need for creative expression and spiritual belonging.7.Adaptive Resilience:Design for flexibility and adaptability in the face

308、of change.Instead of committing to a static approach,focus on continuous iteration and learning in light of emerging realities.African Life Centric Design Principles include:Written by:Sharmini Johnson,Lead Strategist(Futures)/Smart Nation Strategy Office;Ministry of Communications and Information S

309、ingaporeCULTURE AND SOCIETYDigital has intensified as a driving force over the past decade.While the economic dividends have been significant,rapid digital innova-tion and deployment have reinforced existing social vulnerabilities.Fortu-nately,conversations about using dig-ital for social betterment

310、 have become more pervasive.There are significant opportunities for governments,busi-nesses,and citizens to co-create a dig-itally inclusive society where no one is left behind.Digital tools have already opened new pathways for digital inclusion hither-to impossible.For example,Chat GPT has been use

311、d to bridge the commu-nications gap between those who are neurodiverse and neurotypical.Artifi-cial Intelligence(AI)has enabled cus-tomised learning for students thereby reducing the equity gap.Assistive tech-nologies have enabled persons with disabilities to participate productively in the workforc

312、e.Yet not everyone might have access to these benefits.Furthermore,as the use of digital tools becomes more ubiquitous,the inclusion gap could widen if there are no deliberate inter-ventions to uplift the have-nots.This is why digital inclusion is a critical policy outcome to ensure that people are

313、em-powered to participate in digital com-munities,benefit from service delivery and improve their lives through digital.Singapore has adopted a whole-of-government,multi-stakeholder ap-proach to implement policy interven-tions.Policy design has also been par-ticipatory,given the complex nature of di

314、gital inclusion.Government agencies work with people and private sector players to promote digital literacy,pro-vide upskilling opportunities for better job prospects,and to design safe online spaces.Policy interventions tend to play catch up with change.Given the fast-evolv-ing digital landscape,fo

315、resight is ex-tremely important to anticipate new threats and opportunities in digital inclusion.At MCI,scenarios have been helpful to explore the intersections between AI,culture,and society,to reveal unex-pected outcomes.For example,the Fu-tures team has explored the trade-offs between AI-algorith

316、m decision-mak-ing and policy objectives.We have worked with science fiction authors to build challenging speculative futures in a technology-centric Singapore.Methods such as these complement policy design so that new vulnerabili-ties are identified before they arrive in full force.In a world where

317、 there is no set play-book to govern in a digital age,Sin-gapore will continue to explore these approaches to ensure people remain at the heart of technology.User-centered design focused on individuals as users,whereas human centered design considered individual human needs.Offering a shift from the

318、 focus on individual human needs,Humanity-centered design recognised the influence of community on human well-being.Finally,Life-centered design ushered in the recognition that all life forms are interconnected and crucial for human thriving.The latter direction has inspired a more regenerative desi

319、gn approach.African Life Centric Design(ALCD)merges Life-centered design principles with African creation philosophies and knowledge.Unlike other futurisms,ALCD envisions futures from the realities of Africans on the continent,not external perceptions.These futures are built on lived experiences,soc

320、io-cultural practices,local understanding,and aspirations.Ultimately,ALCD positions African perspectives as central to futures design,with Africans leading the design process.AUTHORS:PUMLA MASWANGANYI,AMUKELANI MUYANGA,MONIKA BIELSKYTE622324252627282930337

321、38394044748495055758596066768697077778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 57CULTURE AND SOCIETYTe Korekoreka:navigating futureswith Mori WisdomBy Victoria Mulligan Aotearoa New Zealand Futures Net

322、workIn Aotearoa New Zealand,matauranga Mori(indigenous science and knowledge)is highlighted in projects like Tokona te Rakis*Te Korekoreka*-a practical guide for future making that integrates the past and the present to support a course of action shifting from ones current reality to a better one.As

323、 Tangata Tiriti(someone whose immigrant ancestors became New Zealanders as signatories of the Treaty of Waitangi),Im excited and hopeful about the potential projects like this have to create meaningful progress.The Te Korekoreka model emphasises that the concept of future-making is embedded in Mori

324、tradition through a long-standing practice of adaptation and foresight.Appropriately for a race of master navigators,it acknowledges the courage required to navigate new beginnings,whether in personal journeys,career paths,or community transformations.Further,it suggests that movement towards a desi

325、red future must be powered by multi-generational wisdom.A Te Korekoreka approach to futures advocates for a meaningful shift toward frameworks that align with the unique context of Aotearoa New Zealand.By honoring and applying knowledge passed down by their tipuna/ancestors,Mori can create futures t

326、hat resonate more deeply with their identity and values.Te Korekoreka is less about change and more about a respectful,measured evolution towards futures where Mori wisdom has become a cornerstone of how we live,work,and relate to one another and the environment.This vision offers a profound promise

327、 of progress,rooted in the knowledge and practices that have sustained Mori across generations.Its a hopeful,deliberate step toward a future where the richness of Mori heritage shapes an inclusive,thriving Aotearoa.While futures thinking may be novel to the global north,for indigenous cultures such

328、as Mori it is merely a new way of talking about something theyve been doing for millenia.9798.Engaging with the future has transformative potential to foster social inclusion.UNESCOs participatory methodology,implemented via Futures Literacy Laboratories(FLL),applies systems thinking and trends anal

329、ysis to support individuals and institutions question the status quo and our assumptions about the future,toward collaborative innovation.But why an emphasis on the future when we so urgently need to focus on the present?If we dont plan,prepare,and develop our skills to adapt to the uncertainty the

330、future holds,we risk facing more profound consequences than those we confront today.This can also lead to empowerment and resilience,as opposed to fear and despair.As we navigate through challenging times of rapid change,futures literacy and foresight offer a catalyst for social change.UNESCO has im

331、plemented over 115 FLL on various topics as one way of not merely responding to the challenges of the present but actively preparing for the uncertainties of tomorrow.By leveraging the power of futures thinking toward future action,we can achieve better futures for humanity.Christine Kavazanjian,Pro

332、ject Officer,Futures Literacy&Foresight,UNESCODesign your own FLL using this guide.Curious?Futures Literacy LaboratoryAn essentials guide for co-designing a lab to explore how and why we anticipatePlaybook6223242526272829303373839404474849505152

333、535455565758596066768697077778798088788899099798991002024 AXA Foresight Report2024 AXA Foresight Report 59“100+Reasons to love the future”at AXAThen it was picked up by entities all around the world.In Italy,top 100 leaders gather for a day of workshops and discussions with Copenhagen Institute for Future Studies speakers.In Egypt,the concept was used to



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 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP   wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

180**21... 升级为标准VIP  183**36... 升级为标准VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP 

 xie**.g...  升级为至尊VIP  王** 升级为标准VIP 

 172**75... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP

wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

 135**82... 升级为至尊VIP 130**18...  升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  130**88...  升级为标准VIP

张川   升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

叶**  升级为标准VIP wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

 138**78... 升级为标准VIP   wu**i 升级为高级VIP

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 185**35... 升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP   186**30...  升级为至尊VIP

156**61...  升级为高级VIP 130**32... 升级为高级VIP 

136**02... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP

133**46... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP 

180**01... 升级为高级VIP   130**31...  升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  微**... 升级为至尊VIP