
普罗维植 (ProVeg International):2023中国Z世代可持续蛋白调研报告(英文版)(24页).pdf

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普罗维植 (ProVeg International):2023中国Z世代可持续蛋白调研报告(英文版)(24页).pdf

1、GENERATION ZS ATTITUDES TOWARDS SUSTAINABLE PROTEIN IN CHINACould Chinas Generation Z nudge the countrys meat industry towards sustainable protein?Source Adobe StockThe Chinese food industry has evolved in recent years,with plant-based food launches becoming more regular and significant progress tak

2、ing place with the research and development of cultivated meat.Growing consumer demand is a key factor driving this evolution and expanding Chinas blossoming alternative-protein industry.At the same time,the world is seeing multiple urgent crises.As the production of animal protein continues to expa

3、nd,food security and safety is at risk,human health and nutrition are declining,and climate disasters are becoming more prominentConsumers are beginning to realise that plant-based foods,which represent an alternative option to animal-based products in terms of nutrition,taste,and experience,are efe

4、ctive in alleviating many of the problems associated with our current food system.With all this in mind,could sustainable proteins soon become a mainstream feature on the tables of Chinese consumers?As an expert in the plant-based space,ProVeg sought to further investigate this question.And so,in Ap

5、ril of this year,ProVeg China looked to the countrys Generation-Z population(people born between 1995 and 2010)for answers.This report looks at the results of ProVeg Chinas recent survey exploring the attitudes of Generation Z toward sustainable protein.2Source ShutterstockThe Significance of Genera

6、tion Z Although Gen-Z in China accounts for less than 20%of the total population at 264 million,their consumption already accounts for 40%of new consumer products in the country.Additionally,in the next 10 years,73%of the Gen-Z population will become newcomers to the workplace earning money and maki

7、ng purchasing decisions,with data predicting that over-all consumption will increase by four times,to 16 trillion yuen(2 trillion euros),by 2035.Consequently,Gen-Z members will constitute the core consumer base of the Chinese consumer market of the future,while it is also the key force afecting soci

8、al change in the country.As such,the future of Chinas alt-protein sector and the extent to which the country shifts towards sustainable protein consumption will largely depend on the uptake of Gen-Z.Research methodologyIn April 2023,ProVeg conducted a survey of 1,024 consumers.Respondents were betwe

9、en the ages of 19 and 28 years,had a college degree or higher,and resided in Beijing,Shanghai,or Guangzhou.Respondents included students and employed and unemployed graduates.Of the total participants,499 were men and 525 were women,with an almost even split between the three cities.Quantitative onl

10、ine questionnaires were used to evaluate sustainable proteins in terms of three aspects market recognition,purchase intention,and price perception.Research findings The survey found that 19.3%of respondents are flexitarian(consume plant-based foods/meals a few times a week),79.1%are omnivores,1.0%ar

11、e vegetarian(consume eggs and milk)and 0.6%are vegan(do not consume any animal products).These results are comparable with those from a similar survey in the United States,which found that 24%of Gen-Z consumers are flexitarian.1Gen-Zs dietary preferencesNearly 20%of Chinese Gen-Z consumers are flexi

12、tarian1.IRI Panel,Total U.S.All Outlet,52 Weeks ending 11-03-19,NBD Aligned;Acosta Custom Shopper Survey,2018;OnePoll,n=2000,2019.Available at:https:/gfi.org/resource/consumer-insights/.Accessed 2023-05-31.Source ShutterstockThe results also found that location and education level are possible facto

13、rs that can afect the recognition and sampling of plant-based meat.People in Shanghai,students,and highly educated groups such as those with postgraduate degrees and above are the most familiar with plant-based meat.Recognition of plant-based meatConsumption of plant-based meatN=1024N=669Plant-based

14、 meatRecognition and awareness of plant-based meat To kick of the survey questions,ProVeg China wanted to establish the recognition and consumption rates of plant-based meat among Gen-Z members in China.The survey discovered that over half(65.3%)of young consumers are aware of and have some knowledg

15、e of plant-based meat,which bodes well for the future of the sector.Of those Gen-Z members who are aware of plant-based meat,a large proportion(43.2%)have consumed such products in the past 12 months,demonstrating the relationship between awareness levels and sampling rates.Willingness to purchaseOv

16、erall,31.6%of survey respondents were willing to purchase plant-based meat.Among those who are aware of plant-based meat and/or follow a plant-forward diet,plant-based meat has strong market potential.For example,the survey results found that 32.9%of those who are familiar with plant-based meat are

17、willing to buy it,while only 29.3%of those who are unfamiliar with plant-based meat would purchase it.In particular,people who are located in more developed cities like Shanghai and Beijing,and have previously tried plant-based meat show higher purchasing intentions.Essentially,the results show that

18、 awareness of plant-based meat makes respondents more likely to exhibit purchasing intentions(37%of those who have previously eaten plant-based meat would buy it,compared to 29.7%of respondents who have never eaten plant-based meat).In order to increase the purchase intention of plant-based meat amo

19、ng Gen-Z consumers in China,companies and organisations must focus on expanding consumer awareness and recognition of plant-based-meat products via improved market education.City-by-city recognition of plant-based meatRecognition of plant-based meat,by education level71.2%64.2%61.8%of Gen-Z membersi

20、n Shanghaiof Gen-Z membersin Beijingof Gen-Z membersin Guangzhou67.5%62.5%87.5%of Gen-Z studentsof Gen-Z memberswho are not studentsof Gen-Z members who are educatedabove graduate level65.8%63.5%64.4%of Gen-Z memberswith or undertaking a Bachelors degreeof Gen-Zgraduatesof Gen-Z membersin junior col

21、legeCity-by-city willingness to purchase plant-based meat32.4%32.4%27.1%of Gen-Z membersin Shanghaiof Gen-Z membersin Beijingof Gen-Z membersin GuangzhouWillingness to purchase plant-based meat,by gender30.0%of Gen-Z members in junior collegeWillingness to purchase plant-based meat,byeducation level

22、36.4%26.7%of femaleGen-Z membersof male Gen-Z members32.4%of Gen-Z memberswith or undertaking a Bachelors degree33.3%37.5%of Gen-Zgraduatesof Gen-Z membersabove graduate levelPurchasing motivations Since Beijing and Shanghai are experiencing faster economic development and have more diverse cultural

23、 environments than other Chinese cities,there are currently more opportunities for the plant-based-meat sector in those cities.Gender and education level were also found to afect the prominence of purchasing intention.By gender,women Gen-Z members are more willing to purchase plant-based meat(36.4%)

24、than men(26.7%),while those who are more highly educated are also more willing to purchase.This indicates that plant-based meat has a strong category impression among Generation-Z members.The survey revealed that the factors Gen-Z consider most when choosing to buy plant-based meat products are heal

25、th,safety,and nutritional factors,with special attention also paid to price.An interesting finding is that more than 12%of Gen-Z consumers rank animal-friendliness as the top reason for purchasing plant-based meat above concern about the environment,good flavour,and ease of purchase.This may be rela

26、ted to the rapid increase in the number of Gen-Z pet owners and the escalation of the intimate relationship between younger popula-tions and pets,which has led to an increased focus on animal welfare.According to research from the China Pet Industry White Paper 2022 conducted by the China Animal Hus

27、bandry Association,Gen-Z accounts for 36.8%of pet owners in China,while pet owners are also getting younger.As more plant-based meat alternatives become available,ProVeg predicts that the number of people in China choosing alternatives due to their animal-friendliness will accelerate.While 10.4%of r

28、espondents chose environmentally-friendly as the top factor,its worth noting that it positions relatively low in comparison to the other purchasing drivers.This suggests that there is currently little awareness among the Chinese Gen-Z population about the relation-ship between animal agriculture and

29、 the climate.According to the results,Gen-Z survey respondents who are non-vegetarian and have no specific food preferences are more likely to value health,nutrition,and afordability than other populations.Respondents who occasionally eat a vegetarian or flexitarian diet value ease of purchase more

30、than other populations.Additional factors to consider when purchasing plant-based meatConversely,negative perceptions about plant-based meat among Gen-Z consumers in China include poor taste,unnaturalness,insuficient nutrition,and whether it is safe for consumption.Interestingly,those who have never

31、 eaten plant-based meat or do not know about it have more concerns about plant-based meat being fake,unnatural,and unnutritious.Why are some consumers unwilling to purchase plant-based meat?17.4%12.3%12.3%poor flavourand tasteTop reasons given by respondents overallinsuficientnutritional valuenot re

32、al meatPurchasing hesitancyWe can use both the overall and individual consumer results to help us understand the reasons why some Gen-Z members might choose not to buy plant-based meat products.For example,among respondents who have not eaten plant-based meat before,the most common reason given for

33、not purchasing plant-based meat was insuficient nutrient values,with 12.3%choosing this option.This demonstrates that further consumer education is required regarding the nutritional values of plant-based foods.N=155Among those who are unfamiliar with plant-based meat,the strongest reason for unwill

34、ing-ness to purchase was poor flavour and taste,with 17.2%of respondents choosing this answer.Additionally,the results also found that among those who have tried plant-based meat products,the biggest reason for unwillingness to make a future purchase is that it is not real meat.Similarly,among those

35、 who know about plant-based meat,the biggest reason given for not wanting to buy products was poor flavour and taste.With this in mind,plant-based meat product developers in China should continue to work on the taste and texture of their products in order to improve the meaty experience and thus att

36、ract Gen-Z consumers.Acceptable price rangeWhen asked about the price of plant-based meat,39.1%of consumers thought that plant-based meat would cost more than pork.Additionally,4.7%of Gen-Z respondents answered that plant-based meat is more expensive than conventional meat.According to the survey da

37、ta(taking 15 yuan 1.9 euros per 500g of pork as a reference),consumers think that the optimal price range for plant-based meat is between 17.9(2.3 euros)and 30.5 yuan(3.9 euros),and the optimal price is 22.1 yuan(2.6 euros)per 500g of product.By population,the optimal price for people who have tried

38、 plant-based meat is relatively high,at 22.3 yuan(2.9 euros)per 500g of product.Source Adobe StockCultivated meatRecognition and awareness of cultivated meatSince there are currently no cultivated-meat products on the market in China,awareness about cultivated meat is still in its infancy.However,Pr

39、oVegs survey results show great market potential for the sector.17.6%of Gen-Z respondents already know about cultivat-ed meat,with those based in Shanghai and having a higher education being the most familiar with the idea of cultivated meat.City-by-city recognition of cultivated meat19%15.2%15%of G

40、en-Z membersin Shanghaiof Gen-Z membersin Beijingof Gen-Z membersin GuangzhouRecognition of cultivated meat by education level50%of Gen-Z members who are educated above graduate level30.2%of Gen-Zgraduates17.2%15.3%of Gen-Z members with or undertaking aBachelors degreeof Gen-Z members in junior coll

41、egeIn addition,the survey showed that recognition of cultivated meat is higher among Gen-Z respondents who have a basic understanding of plant-based meat or are familiar with plant-based-meat products(have purchased/eaten such products in the last 12 months).Awareness is also greater among those who

42、 follow a semi-vegetarian,vegetarian,or fully plant-based diet,at 18.2%,33.3%,and 20%recognition,respectively.N=1024Source ShutterstockWillingness to purchaseAfter an aided concept was shown to Gen-Z respondents,20.4%of them said that they would buy cultivated meat,which is higher than the proportio

43、n of those who know about it(17.6%),indicating that the market has great potential to accept cultivated meat.However,willingness to buy cultivated meat is higher among populations who are familiar with the concept.Indeed,the survey found that Gen-Z respondents who are familiar with the concept of cu

44、ltivated meat are more willing to purchase it(22.8%)compared to those who are unfamiliar with it(19.9%).In order to increase consumer willingness to purchase cultivated meat,more extensive market promotion and consumer education about cultivated meat is required.Encouragingly,among those who do not

45、yet know about cultivated meat,there is a strong likelihood that they will show interest in buying it after learning more about what it is.There is also greater market potential for cultivated meat among students,highly educated individuals,people who possess a basic understanding of plant-based mea

46、t,and those who follow a plant-forward diet.City-by-city willingness to purchase cultivated meatWillingness to purchase cultivated meat,by education level21.1%18.6%19%of Gen-Z membersin Shanghaiof Gen-Z membersin Beijingof Gen-Z membersin Guangzhou22.4%17.9%37.5%of Gen-Z studentsof Gen Z who arenot

47、studentsof Gen-Z members who are educated above graduate level20.1%23.8%20%of Gen-Z members with or undertaking a Bachelors degreeof Gen-Zgraduatesof Gen-Z membersin junior collegeAmong people who eat a mostly plant-based diet(with the occasional egg or dairy product included),willingness to purchas

48、e cultivated meat is significantly higher(50%of Gen-Z vegetarians are willing to purchase cultured meat).Likewise,20.6%of those who eat both vegetables and meat,without any diet preference,are willing to try cultivated meat,which bodes well for market uptake.Source Adobe StockPurchasing motivationsP

49、erhaps unsurprisingly,consumers purchasing motivations for cultivated meat are similar to those for plant-based meat the survey found that consumers value health,safety,and nutrition the most when considering purchasing cultivated-meat products.Less consideration is given to environmental and animal

50、-welfare,although these factors were rated above afordability,flavour,and ease of purchase.However,it is important to note that a respective 13.5%and 11.7%of consumers chose animal-friendliness and environmentally friendliness as the most important purchase drivers for cultivated meat quite unexpect

51、ed in the Chinese market.People who are familiar with cultivated meat have an even higher recognition of its animal-friendly value with 17.2%of Gen-Z members choosing this as the most important purchasing consideration compared to those who are unfamiliar with the technology,who instead prioritise h

52、ealth and safety.This shows promising results for animal friendliness as a motivating factor among Gen-Z consumers who are aware of cultivated meat.According to the results,non-vegetarians,flexitarians,and those who occasionally eat a vegetarian diet pay more attention to the safety aspects of culti

53、vated meat.In addition,flexitarians pay more attention to health factors,while plant-based consumers are more concerned with animal friendliness and price.Additional factors that Gen-Z consumers take into account when purchasing cultivated meatPurchasing hesitancyThe main reasons why respondents do

54、not purchase cultivated meat are safety(overall,27.3%of respondents gave this reason),natural health(13.1%),and trust(11.1%),with taste and price considerations being secondary.As such,we can concur that there are still many obstacles to making cultivated meat a broadly accepted food choice for Gen-

55、Z consumers.Greater market promotion and consumer education are needed in order to grow the potential purchasing population.Why are some consumers unwilling to purchase plant-based meat?N=155Acceptable price rangeMore than half(55.3%)of Gen-Z consumers think that the eventual market price of cultiva

56、ted meat will be higher than that of conventional meat.The optimal price range is between 19.1 and 31.4 yuan(2.5 and 4.1 euros)per 500g,and the optimal price is 22.5 yuan(2.9 euros),which is slightly higher than that of plant-based meat.However,generally speaking,recognition of cultivated meat needs

57、 to be more widespread before an acceptable price range for consumers can be established.The optimal-price results for each population group are relatively consistent,without any significant diferences.Source ShutterstockSummary of findingsPlant-based meat and cultivated meat market recognitionPlant

58、-based meat is highly recognised in the current market 65%of surveyed participants know about plant-based meat.People in Shanghai,students,and highly educated groups are the Gen-Z groups that are the most familiar with plant-based meat.Respondents who follow a vegetarian diet are the most familiar w

59、ith plant-based meat,compared to those who follow other diets.The recognition of cultivated meat is still at an early stage 17.6%of surveyed participants know about cultivated meat.By population,people in Shanghai,students,and highly educated groups are the most familiar with cultivated meat.People

60、with a basic knowledge of plant-based meat and those following a vegetarian diet have a higher level of recognition of cultivated meat.Plant-based meat and cultivated meat purchase intention31.6%of surveyed participants are willing to purchase plant-based meat:People who know about/consume plant-bas

61、ed meat are more willing to purchase it,especially those who have tried it before.In Beijing and Shanghai,there is more significant market potential among women and more highly educated individuals.20.4%of surveyed participants are willing to purchase cultivated meat:This is higher than the proporti

62、on of those who know about cultivated meat(18%),indicating that the market has great potential to accept cultivated meat.Those who do not yet know about cultivated meat are likely to show interest in buying it after learning about it.There is greater market potential for cultivated meat in Beijing,w

63、ith students and more highly educated individuals being more willing to purchase products.Price perceptions of plant-based meat:39.1%of respondents think that plant-based meat will cost more than conventional pork,while 60.9%think that it will be cheaper.People who have tried plant-based meat(42.5%)

64、,flexitarians(40.9%),and people who occasionally eat a vegetarian diet(44.6%)make up the majority of respondents who are willing to pay a higher price for plant-based meat.The optimal price range for 500 grams of plant-based meat is between 17.9 yuan(2.3 euros)and 30.5 yuan(3.9 euros)yuan,with the o

65、ptimal price being 22.1 yuan(2.6 euros).For those who have tried plant-based meat,the optimal price relatively high(22.3 yuan 2.9 euros per 500 g).Price perceptions of cultivated meat:55.3%of respondents think that cultivated meat will cost more than conventional pork,while 44.7%think that it will b

66、e cheaper.Of the people who are willing to accept that cultivated meat will be more expensive than conventional meat,those who occasionally eat a vegetarian diet(63.6%)are more willing to purchase.The optimal price range for cultivated meat is between 19.1 and 31.4 yuan(2.5 and 4.1 euros),with an op

67、timal price of 22.5 yuan(2.9 euros)per 500 g of product slightly higher than that of plant-based meat.Source Adobe StockRecommendationsBased on the results of the survey,ProVeg recommend the following actions in order to increase Gen-Zs uptake of sustainable proteins in China.AudienceIn terms of the

68、 target audience,highly educated groups are more likely to recognise the emotional value of protecting the environment and the welfare of animals the survey results indicate that these groups have a higher purchasing intent for both plant-based and cultivated meat.Meanwhile,Beijing and Shanghai have

69、 more developed economies and are deeply influenced by multiculturalism.Consumers in the two cities are more receptive to emerging products and thus have a higher willingness to buy them.Target highly educated groups,giving market priority to Shanghai and Beijing.Consumer education and marketingInve

70、st in consumer education and marketing in order to promote the benefits of health,food safety,animal-friendliness,and an improved environment.Improving the recognition of plant-based and cultivated meat will be vital to improving market uptake.This will need to be achieved through increased consumer

71、 education and more eficient marketing strategies.The results showed that young consumers who are aware of plant-based meat show a higher willingness to buy both plant-based and cultivated-meat products.As such,it is necessary to increase consumers familiarity with both categories by increasing mark

72、et publicity and education,and thus increase their favourability,which is likely to lead to increased sales.Source Adobe StockIn order to address consumers concerns about the health and safety of sustainable proteins,highlighting the safety and nutritional values through educational content is highl

73、y recommended.Food companies can promote the health benefits and safety of sustainable proteins(particularly cultivated meat)in the following ways:1.Introduce consumers to the production process in order to increase consumers under-standing of new products and thus reduce distrust.2.Optimise product

74、 names using phrases with positive attributes,such as natural proteins,high-quality proteins,etc.,thus highlighting the benefits in terms of health,naturalness,and nutrition,and dispelling consumer concerns around these issues.3.When marketing and merchandising sustainable protein products,promote t

75、he animal-welfare and environmental benefits these Gen-Z motivations are expected to become the new drivers for the growth of the sustainable protein sector.Price positioningReduce the cost of production in order to bring it close to the price of conventional meat.Reducing production costs is one of

76、 the main challenges for sustainable proteins.It is recommended that plant-based and cultivated-meat manufacturers further optimise their technology so that end prices gradually approach that of conventional meat.This will lead to greater acceptance by consumers and enhance sales.Plant-based-meat co

77、mpanies can significantly expand their growth potential by making products afordable for consumers.Over the next few years,food companies should aim to achieve price parity between sustainable protein products and conventional meat prices.ConclusionsThe future of the food industry in China looks bri

78、ght,with the country on track to welcome tasty and sustainable food products produced through cellular agriculture,as it is already beginning to accept plant-based products.By taking into account ProVeg Chinas recommendations,alt-protein businesses in China will be able to drive consumer awareness o

79、f plant-based and cultivated-meat products and thus boost sales of sustainable-protein products.Ultimately,the popularity of sustainable proteins will bring new opportunities to the entire meat industry in China.Excitingly,such products will also help to protect the countrys ecology and environment

80、and help to establish food security,a sentiment that is echoed in the Chinese governments latest position on food resilience and security.In a recent speech at the National Committee of the Chinese Peoples Political Consultative Conference,President Xi Jinping highlighted the necessity of adopting a

81、 greater food approach to nutrition in order to ensure a secure supply of all staple food groups,and stressed the importance of alternative proteins.In his speech,Xi told delegates:“While protecting the ecology and environment,we should shift our focus from farmland only.Apart from traditional crops

82、,livestock,and poultry resources,we should exploit biological resources.By developing biological science,bio-technology,and bio-industries,we can obtain calories and protein from plants,animals,and microorganisms.”2.Xi visits CPPCC members in sectors of agriculture,welfare and social security,(2023)

83、.English News.Available at:https:/ 2023-05-26.Chinas Generation Z prioritises health and increasingly cares about animals and the environment.Coupled with the rapid development and innovation of sustainable protein,Gen-Z will become the driving force in the transformation of the meat industry in Chi

84、na.Shirley Lu,Managing Director Asia&Chief China RepresentativeAlthough cultivated-meat products are yet to be approved in China,Xis reference to alternative proteins and bio-industries in his speech can be inferred as an endorsement of them.This follows the inclusion of alternative protein in China

85、s Five-Year Plan in a policy document published by the Chinese Agriculture Ministry earlier this year.All of this follows Chinas more plant-rich approach to diet through the countrys updated Chinese Dietary Guidelines,which place greater emphasis on consuming a greater number of whole plant-based fo

86、ods.If China puts the power of its economy behind its eforts to promote sustainable proteins,the global food system is likely to become greener,safer,more eficient,and more ethical an exciting prospect for the future of food.For more information about this report or for collaboration inquiries,please get in touch with ProVeg China at



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