
中国法务和律师在跨境交易和争议中的角色演变及国际标准实现路径_June 13_Robert Lewis.pdf

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中国法务和律师在跨境交易和争议中的角色演变及国际标准实现路径_June 13_Robert Lewis.pdf

1、中国法务和律师在跨境交易和争议中的角色演变及国际标准实现路径吕立山(Robert Lewis)走出去智库(CGGT)联合创始人思百库SIPAC 联合创始人Key China Government Initiative:涉外法治建设Chinas in-house and law firm lawyers engaged in cross-border legal matters face unique challenges at this stage of the process of 涉外法制建设 Key Market Trend:Chinese law firms to take lead

2、counsel role for Chinese company outbound trade&investment transactionsKey Trend:Chinese law firms to take lead counsel role for Chinese company outbound trade and investment transactionsRelated trend#1:This follows the pattern of US and UK law firm globalizationKey Trend:Chinese law firms to take l

3、ead counsel role for Chinese company outbound trade and investment transactionsRelated trend#2:This is the natural progression for Chinese legal professionKey Trend:Chinese law firms to take lead counsel role for Chinese company outbound trade and investment transactionsKey Challenge#1:Chinese law f

4、irms do not have comprehensive global network of partner law firmsWhy is it so difficult for Chinese law firms to create such a global law firm network?Why is it so difficult for Chinese law firms to create such a global law firm network?To be discussed To be discussed belowbelow!Key Trend:Chinese l

5、aw firms to take lead counsel role for Chinese company outbound trade and investment transactionsKey Challenge#2:Not enough Chinese lawyers have comprehensive intl deal management skillsHow develop these skills?How develop these skills?To be discussed below!To be discussed below!Key Challenge:Chines

6、e law firms do not have comprehensive global network of partner law firmsModel 1:one-stop shop modelKey Challenge:Chinese law firms do not have comprehensive global network of partner law firmsModel 2:cross-firm consortium modelHome country work segmentTarget country work segment transaction structu

7、ring contract drafting/negotiations deal managementCross-border work segmentMust select best team Must select best team for each work segment!for each work segment!Key Challenge:Chinese law firms do not have comprehensive global network of partner law firmsModel 2:cross-firm consortium modelModel 2A

8、:“best friends”networkKey Challenge:Chinese law firms do not have comprehensive global network of partner law firmsModel 2:cross-firm consortium modelModel 2B:traditional global law firm networkKey Challenge:Chinese law firms do not have comprehensive global network of partner law firmsModel 2:cross

9、-firm consortium modelModel 2C:ad hoc cooperation with trusted partner law firm Key Challenge:Chinese law firms do not have comprehensive global network of partner law firmsModel#2:cross-firm consortium modelWhat type of firm should Chinese law firms partner with in outbound deals?International law

10、firmsKey Challenge:Chinese law firms do not have comprehensive global network of partner law firmsModel#2:cross-firm consortium modelWhat type of firm should Chinese law firms partner with in outbound deals?Leading independent law firmsKey Challenge:Chinese law firms do not have comprehensive global

11、 network of partner law firmsWhy is it so hard for Chinese law firms to create their own global network of partner law firms?Why is it so hard for Chinese law firms to create their own global network of partner law firms?Reason#1:law firm contacts around the world are incomplete and of inconsistent

12、quality Key Challenge:Chinese law firms do not have comprehensive global network of partner law firmsWhy is it so hard for Chinese law firms to create their own global network of partner law firms?Why is it so hard for Chinese law firms to create their own global network of partner law firms?Reason#

13、2:it takes time to establish and maintain such a network Home country work segmentTarget country work segment transaction structuring contract drafting/negotiations deal managementCross-border work segmentHow develop these skills?How develop these skills?knowhownetworktrainingAn integrated ecosystem

14、knowhownetworktrainingAn integrated ecosystemwww.docQknowhownetworktrainingAn integrated ecosystemknowhownetworktrainingAn integrated ecosystem公众号&视频号公众号&视频号更多精彩全球法律/合规和涉外实务技能专业内容敬请关注立山讲堂公众号/视频号Robert Lewis30+years in China in top US,UK&Chinese law firms Robert.Lewissipac-WeChat ID:RobertDLewisThank you!



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