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1、G1GLOBETRENDERGIntroductionWelcome to Globetrenders Future of Queer Travel trend report,published in June 2023,with support from Contiki,Meet Boston and Discover New England.This is a project I have personally wanted to produce for about three years but it has taken considerable time to get off the

2、ground.After being selected as one of Attitude magazines“LGBTQ+Travel Trailblazers”for 2023,I decided the moment was right.I am so pleased to finally bring this piece of work into the world as the start of an on-going series of reports looking at queer travel.We have also launched a new“Queer”sectio

3、n on our website for LGBTQ+content.(Note:Globetrender uses“queer”as an umbrella term for people who are not heterosexual or are not cisgender.)As a member of the queer community myself(I am married to a woman and we have a child),I am also in a unique position as an editor,founder and CEO to illumin

4、ate the travel industry and inspire change,which is something I am really excited about.Over the past ten years,the LGBTQ+travel market has grown enormously when travel was at its peak before the pandemic,travel spending from queer people reached US$218 billion worldwide,with the LGBTQ+community in

5、the US,for example,responsible for 10%of that outlay.By 2030,experts predict that travel spending by queer travellers could reach US$568.5 billion.Why?Not only are queer travellers more intrepid and hungry for travel than ever before,but they often have more disposable income(in the US,same-sex marr

6、ied couples in 2019 had a higher median household income than opposite-sex married couples).Whats more,the population of people who identify as queer is increasing.Today,25%of American Gen Z secondary school students identify as LGBTQ,according to recent research by the US public health agency the C

7、DC.What this indicates is that non-cis,non-heteronormativity is on an upward trajectory.In 2021,a UK Census revealed that 6.9%of GenZs aged 16 to 24 identified as LGB+compared with 3.5%of Millennials aged 35 to 44,and 1.6%of Boomers aged 55 to 64.For the travel industry,this is a clear indication of

8、 distinct market opportunities(particularly among people under the age of 45).It is also an urgent call for better understanding and appreciation of this growing and richly varied consumer group.The fact is,no one single person is“LGBTQ+”and nowadays there is a panoply of ways to identify.On dating

9、app Bumble,there are about 30 different options to describe gender(from transfeminine to two-spirit),while Tinder offers nine different sexuality options(from demisexual to pansexual).In terms of progress for LGBTQ+human rights,there are steps forward and steps backwards.Gay marriage is legal in 34

10、countries(up from one in 2001)but homosexuality is still illegal in 67 countries.In 2023,the president of Uganda signed one of the worlds toughest anti-LGBTQ laws,including the death penalty for“aggravated homosexuality”.At the same time,Latvia welcomed the modern worlds first openly gay president.I

11、n the US,Human Rights Campaign says that in 2023 there have been more than 525 anti-LGBT+bills introduced in 41 states(including Florida),with more than 75 bills signed into law as of June 5.What this means is that although huge progress has been made by queer people globally,the fight to preserve t

12、heir rights is real.At Globetrender,though,we are optimists.We strongly believe in travel as the ultimate expression of freedom,and a unifying force that brings people closer together.Jenny SouthanEditor,Founder and CEO G3SUMMER IN THE HEART OF SHOREDITCH45 CURTAIN ROAD,HACKNEY,LONDON EC2A 3PTMONDRI

13、ANSHOREDITCH.COMGDesign by Ben SouthanGlobetrender is the UKs leading travel trend forecasting agency and online magazine dedicated to the future of travel.Founded by Jenny Southan,Globetrender delivers cutting-edge insights into how people will be travelling in the 21st century,giving professionals

14、 the knowledge they need to future-proof their businesses.Globetrenders trend reports are read by thousands of travel industry professionals,as well as executives from a wide-variety of multinational corporations looking for insights into the future of travel and consumer behaviour.Globetrender also

15、 publishes two newsletters-free weekly innovation briefings and a premium product called VOLT,which explores emerging travel trends in depth on a weekly basis.Consulting and trend-based strategy is central to Globetrenders offering.Jenny is also available to book for public speaking engagements incl

16、uding webinars,talks,live broadcasts,workshops,panels,conferences and conventions.Jenny Southan Editor,founder&CEOJenny has 15 years of experience working as an award-winning travel journalist,with ten years as features editor of Business Traveller magazine a job that enabled her to travel the world

17、.In addition to running Globetrender,she freelances for titles such as Cond Nast Traveller,The Telegraph and Roadbook,and is a regular travel commentator for BBC Radio.Contact:About GlobetrenderG5ANALYSIS&TREND FORECASTINGEMAIL JENNYGLOBETRENDER.COM FOR BESPOKE CONSULTING ON THE FUTURE OF TRAVELMeth

18、odologyAt Globetrender,wefocus on qualitative research underpinned by quantitative data.We always consider how the life cycle of a trend moves from the innovators that trigger them on the minority fringes to the early adopters,early majority,late majority and,finally,the laggards.When searching for

19、trends,we apply the“three times”rule.A one-time occurrence is an anomaly,twice is a coincidence and three times is a trend,worthy of further exploration.The identification and naming of trends is based on IOI:Intuition,Observation and Investigation.This is both a creative and academic process.For ev

20、ery“micro”trend,we also consider the“macro”trends that represent the wider cultural shifts in consumer desires,motivations,values and behaviours around the world.These are based on STEEP Social,Technological,Economic,Environmental and Political forces.Innovation is at the root of every trend,so we a

21、re always looking at what is new and disruptive.Just like news reporters,we ask the questions“who”,“what”,“where”,“why”and“when?”but like investigative journalists,we then dive much deeper.By discovering multiple examples of a trend,conducting desk-and field-based research,interviewing insiders and

22、producing case studies,“qualitative”proof of it is generated.At Globetrender,we rely on our unique access to travel industry experts and ongoing consumer observation to remain ahead of the curve.G6Trend 1.12Queer Family TravelCase Study.15Destination RainbowTrend 2.17Put A Ring On It TripsTrend 3.19

23、Pride PowerFeature.21Contiki Pride campaignCase Study.23Rough GuidesFeature.24Discover New EnglandTrend 4.26Rainbow RebellionsTrend 5.29Community GetawaysQ&A.31ContikiTrend 6.33Limelight GaycationsCase Study.35Trixie MotelQ&A.36Meet BostonTrend 7.38PolydaysCase Study.41X PassportsCase Study.42Celebr

24、ity CruisesCase Study.43Lightning Travel RecruitmentTrend 8.44Gay-I Interfaces Case Study.47Virgin AtlanticQ&A.48IGLTAContentsG7G8Media Partner Q&A:Gay TimesLewis Corner Editor,GAY TIMESWhat is GAY TIMES?“GAY TIMES is one of the worlds leading LGBTQ+media and social content brands,reaching millions

25、of people monthly through our flagship title GAY TIMES Magazine;our Instagram,TikTok,Twitter and Facebook channels;our digital platform gaytimes.co.uk;via integrated brand partnership campaigns;and global events.GAY TIMES Magazine is Europes longest-running LGBTQ+title and has been serving readers s

26、ince 1984.Our recent digital transformation has seen us speak to a wider,globalised audience.”Do you still have a print magazine?“GAY TIMES Magazine was a print publication right up until June 2021,but like most of the industry we noticed a consumer shift to digital platforms.After speaking with our

27、 audience we found that 98%of them consumed GAY TIMES content in digital formats,and so we reimagined GAY TIMES Magazine as a digital-only publication.”Who is a typical reader?“Considering our legacy as well as our revolutionary digital transformation in recent years,we speak to a wide range of peop

28、le.GAY TIMES Magazine certainly appeals to an older audience member who enjoys that format,but then our Instagram and TikTok channels are very much younger.Four years ago we shifted from just being a content platform for gay and bi men,to speaking to and featuring people from across the LGBTQ+experi

29、ence.“Our gender split is very balanced,and we know from our own audience research that we also have a high percentage of non-binary and gender nonconforming readers too(which audience analytics tools still dont suitably acknowledge).Our typical reader regardless of age,sexual orientation,gender ide

30、ntity,nationality,ability,ethnicity or religion wants to see positive representation.”Describe your approach to LGBTQ+editorial.“First it starts with consideration.Who is the piece speaking to?What are the reasons for including it as part of our editorial output?How will it positively impact our aud

31、ience?Unfortunately,we cant avoid a negative news cycle,and it would be dangerous for us to ignore the current political and social climate we are subjected to.However,we cannot let that define our experience.So our approach has been to make sure we balance it out with positive stories of queer joy,

32、inspiration,escapism,success and solidarity.“As an LGBTQ+media brand,its our responsibility to make sure queer people know that,despite an overwhelming amount of highly politicised and dangerously misleading coverage of LGBTQ+identities and experiences in certain parts of the mainstream media,there

33、is a media outlet they can look to to discover the beauty and brilliance that exists within our community;a media outlet that represents the reality of the queer experience;and one that offers sanctuary and connection with queer voices from all over the world.“Our approach to LGBTQ+editorial also ac

34、knowledges that our audience could be at very different stages of their queer journey.We consider that our editorial needs to be accessible to people who are only just discovering themselves,as well as people who are very active in LGBTQ+issues.”What are the main challenges that queer people face to

35、day when planning travel and going abroad?“From non-binary/gender nonconforming British people not having the legal right to have an“X”marker on their passports,to gender segregation continuing to persist in travel processes,too many LGBTQ+travellers are having to compromise a part of their identity

36、 when going abroad.One of the more obvious issues is understanding where LGBTQ+people are welcome when selecting destinations,and always having to do extra research to make sure that hotels/hostels are LGBTQ-inclusive.”Do queer travellers need special treatment by hotels and other travel providers?“

37、Its not that queer travellers need special treatment,more that their identity needs to be considered,respected and G9Media Partner Q&A:Gay Timesthey are made to feel welcome.Unnecessary questioning or challenging someones identity isnt appropriate for any guest,so adequate and appropriate training f

38、or all staff should be a bare minimum.Simple things like respecting pronouns and recognising when you are dealing with a queer couple can make all the difference particularly when that extra care and consideration has been demonstrated.Its about making LGBTQ+people feel valued as guests,rather than

39、potentially making them feel othered in a space that is predominantly occupied by non-LGBTQ+people.”Whats your view on companies changing their logos to rainbow colours during Pride season?“By and large,LGBTQ+people welcome allyship.Its important to have that visibility and solidarity,promoting a me

40、ssage of acceptance and inclusion.The rainbow colours are a powerful symbol for the LGBTQ+community and have a rich history of resistance and resilience.If you are an LGBTQ+person working at a company that changes its logo to rainbow colours,it can also mean so much to you personally and make you fe

41、el seen and valued.“In some instances that same sentiment can be felt by the consumer.However,we are more than just a symbol.Our rights wont be won with rainbow flags.We need action,not just during Pride season,but all year round.We need a commitment from corporations that they will continue to supp

42、ort queer lives and experiences beyond the Pride parade;that they will make decisions that positively impact queer peoples lives.How are they supporting queer causes,charities and communities?What is the legacy piece of work they are doing to help the LGBTQ+movement to progress?That is true allyship

43、.”What signs of progress are you most excited about when it comes to queer rights around the world?“Geographically it feels like were heading in the wrong direction when it comes to queer rights around the world.We are seeing so many anti-LGBTQ+bills being introduced in the US;rights being taken awa

44、y from queer Italians;anti-LGBTQ+laws being given tougher sentences in African nations;and even more divisive discourse around LGBTQ+identities here in the UK.“However,generationally it feels like were making more progress.Gen Z is the queerest generation yet,and acceptance,empathy and inclusion is,

45、by far,demonstrated by the majority.Imposed or proposed rollbacks on LGBTQ+rights and protections is a response to this,but history will not look kindly on some of the actions being taken by right-wing politicians today.Im excited for a new generation of leaders to start prioritising human lives rat

46、her than political gameplay.”UnsplashG10Media Partner:TTGSophie Griffiths Editor and chief purpose officer,TTGTTG Travel Trade Gazette celebrates its Platinum Jubilee in 2023 and 70 years since it first went to press,it has never been more relevant or integral to the UK travel trade.The business enc

47、ompasses a whole host of events,from our award-winning monthly magazine aimed at frontline travel agents,our quarterly award-winning title TTG Luxury and our busy news-led website to a multitude of conferences,events and awards which we host throughout the year.The business also has a clear purpose

48、to promote Smarter,Better,Fairer travel and to push for an industry that is kinder to both the environment we travel to and the people working within the sector.As editor my role is to drive standards higher across all of TTGs content making sure we stand out on the content side as well as in terms

49、of our values and principles.As chief purpose officer my mission is to raise standards around sustainability and diversity,equity and inclusion within TTG as well as across the travel industry as a whole.Our journey around diversity,equity and inclusion began in 2015 when TTG became a firm champion

50、of the LGBT+community through the launch of TTG LGBT the UK and Irelands first LGBT+dedicated network.Since then weve launched a series of annual events,from our yearly TTG LGBT Conference to Travel Pride and our Travel Pride Champions programme which recognises those working at a more junior level

51、in travel who have made impressive strides in improving diversity,equity and inclusion within their business.We also regularly showcase LGBT+news and features throughout the magazine,host a dedicated Diversity and Inclusion hub on our website,feature an annual LGBT+Trailblazer industry award,host an

52、 annual Diversity Forum as well as regular agent training sessions on how to sell and market to the LGBT+community.Were incredibly proud to stand by our values at the front of every issue of TTG we include the statement:“TTG Media will not promote in our own products any destination where,based on r

53、ecent evidence,members of our team would not feel comfortable to travel for fear of arrest due to their sexuality or profession.”This gives us a fair basis on which to evaluate destinations.Were so proud of our work championing the LGBT+community how can we also champion destinations which have horr

54、ific and sometimes deadly laws for LGBT+people where we wouldnt even feel safe sending our own team?It means we regularly hold ourselves and our partners to account,which has led us to asking important if sometimes difficult questions.In November 2022 when the FIFA World Cup was taking place,TTG pro

55、duced a piece asking whether the travel industry should support destinations like Qatar.It raised eyebrows but also attracted praiseWere proud to turn down advertising from partners whose values dont align with ours and in turn,weve attracted a whole host of new partners who want to work with us sim

56、ply because of these values.All businesses are on a journey and the TTG team are in no doubt theres still a long way to go.But were proud to be doing all we can to challenge both ourselves and the wider travel industry to become a more inclusive,equitable and diverse place.G11Edited by Uwern Jong(Wa

57、lpole Power List 2022 50 Most Influ-ential People in British Luxury),OutThere started life in 2010 as a luxury and experiential travel journal for the LGBTQ+communi-ty,but has since evolved to be the leading voice of inclusivity in luxury travel for a large,global audience of travellers who still fe

58、el underrepre-sented in the mainstream.Rooted in its core brand values of diversity,discovery and discernment,OutThere tells stories with an inter-sectional and inclusive lens,from the perspective of passionate storytellers(Experientialists)who represent a huge number of travellers that seek a heigh

59、tened level of personalisation and belonging when they head out into the world,simply because of who they are,how they identify,who theyre travelling with and who they love.We also share the stories and vision of minorities in the travel space,who are creating unique adventures that celebrate and br

60、ing to life the richness of the communities they come from.outthere.travel,outtheremag Media Partner:OutThereG12Queer FamilyTravelIts easier than ever for same-sex parents to have children but when it comes to vacations,only the safest and most hospitable destinations will be viable,as there is no w

61、ay to avoid being out.Jarrad SengG13Queer Family TravelIn the worlds most progressive countries,queer families have only been“legal”for about 20 years,meaning Millennials are the first generation to be able to embrace queer parenthood in a socially acceptable way,with the law on the side of them and

62、 their children.In the UK,same-sex couples began being able to adopt in 2002.Over in Sweden(which is widely considered one of the most queer-friendly places in the world),insemination rights for lesbian couples werent granted until 2005.By 2019 there were 212,000 same-sex families in the UK,an incre

63、ase of 40%since 2015(according to data from the Office of National Statistics).The ability for LGBTQ+people to have children freely has had to follow changes in the law that allow for the right to marry and the right to adopt,for example,as well as lawful parental recognition given to non-biological

64、 parents in same-sex relationships.It has taken a long time for even the most progressive countries in the world to get to this point for example,the first adoptions by same-sex couples in Finland didnt happen until 2020.This year,Taiwan became the first jurisdiction in Asia to allow same-sex parent

65、s to adopt.Today,there are about 35 countries globally that allow for same-sex adoption and these do not include countries such as Italy,which is now under an anti-LGBT right-wing government.From surrogacy to IVF,there are many paths to parenthood,but for queer people the rules and rights within cou

66、ntries that support queer families remain complex.Nevertheless,as queer Gen Ys and Gen Zs(now at child-bearing age)continue to fight for the same basic rights as heterosexual people,the world will see more and more rainbow families emerging and many want to travel.The problem is that when LGBTQ+pare

67、nts go abroad with their children(young ones in particular),they are“outed”all the time by cries of“Mummy,Mama”or“Daddy,Papa”.What this means is that queer families need to be far more discerning and thoughtful about where they visit to ensure they wont encounter homophobia.Lotte Jeffs and Stu Oakle

68、y are the co-authors of a groundbreaking new book called The Queer Parent:Everything You Need to Know From Gay to Ze(published in May 2023).One of the chapters is on Vacations,and features advice from Globetrender editor and founder Jenny Southan(who is married to Jeffs).She recommends travelling to

69、 countries where gay marriage is legal(see our“Put A Ring On It Trips”trend on page 17)and to places with well-established UnsplashG14Queer Family TravelPride festivals(see Pride Power on page 19),as these should be good indicators of how welcoming the destination will be.On the other hand,popular h

70、oliday destinations that could be problematic for queer families to go to(due to the fact being gay there is criminalised)would be Barbados,Jamaica,Saint Lucia,Indonesia,Malaysia,Mauritius and Morocco.However,as Oakley highlights in the book,even when you make a sensible choice about a queer-friendl

71、y destination(such as Cuba),you cant always predict who the other guests at the resort will be.In his case,he encountered a group of Russian women who left in the middle of their meal when they found out he was gay.(Theyd been admiring his three children and asked where their mother was.)Darren Burn

72、,founder of luxury tailor-made LGBTQ+travel company Out of Office,says that trending queer family destinations include Greece,Costa Rica,Portugal and Mexico.He says:“From a safety point of view,we do a number of things behind the scenes to ensure our itineraries are safe and welcoming for LGBTQ+fami

73、lies.We offer bespoke advice around local laws,we ensure clients are travelling with the correct documentation,and we work with an industry-leading portfolio of safe and welcoming partners across the world,even in the most challenging of destinations.”Burn says that the Maldives(where homosexuality

74、is illegal)is a great example.“We recently booked a trip for an LGBTQ+family that included same-sex parents and a trans teenager.We ensured the family was met at the aircraft and taken through a private immigration line with an Out Of Office approved officer who was welcoming and understanding.The f

75、amily were able to clear customs without any uncomfortable questions,and were at their resort in no time,”he says.Burn also warns that“a lot of travel companies simply repurpose generic itineraries and plaster the words family throughout,but there are a lot of dangers in doing this within the LGBTQ+

76、sphere”.He says:“Unprepared families may face challenges clearing immigration without the correct documentation,and families may find themselves feeling uncomfortable in resorts that arent as progressive.The travel industry needs to be better at facilitating genuinely safe and considered travel expe

77、riences for LGBTQ+families,and consider more than their profits when doing so.”UnsplashG15Case Study:Destination RainbowElle Pinkard founded Destination Rainbow an independent travel agency that caters exclusively to LGBTQ+families in 2022.What motivated her to set up this niche company?Firstly,she

78、saw a gap in the market but secondly,as an LGBTQ+mum of three,she“knows first-hand the value of my children making connections with other families like ours”.Going above and beyond the research done by traditional travel agencies,Pinkard provides assurances that the destinations and resorts she send

79、 queer families to are going to be safe and welcoming.“We ensure our customers have complete peace of mind,”she says.Popular destinations for LGBTQ+families include Portugal,Spain,Greece and Canada but she is also confident to send families to places in Africa such as Botswana,Cape Verde,Mozambique;

80、as well as the Caribbean islands of Aruba,Bahamas,Cuba,Curaao,Guadeloupe and Martinique.She does not send families to the Middle East or the Maldives because of their strict laws against queer people.Two of her favourite hotels are Eden Resort in Albufeira,Portugal,and Sani Resort in Greece.Why are

81、so few(if any)companies catering to queer families?Pinkard says:“Holidays geared towards LGBTQIA+people have been around for decades.Originally catering to lesbian and gay travellers but they have primarily been targeting a demographic of party people looking for fun.Today,queer travel has evolved a

82、s LGBTQIA+people have gained mainstream traction.As visibility has grown,so too have our rights in many countries from rights at work,to marriage equality,and birth and adoption rights.So queer families are becoming more and more common to see.”What have you learnt about travel as a queer parent?Pin

83、kard says:“Its critical to ensure that your family is safe and legally protected for the destination you choose.In addition to the normal complexities of dealing with passports,visas and travel insurance,as a queer family its important that you carry relevant,correct,and current documentation for ad

84、option or custody arrangements,especially where surnames are different.”Does it cost extra to book through Destination Rainbow?Pinkard says:“As travel agents,we can find you exclusive fares,offer specialist expertise,have access to leading ABTA-and ATOL-protected travel operators and can help you pl

85、an and coordinate your trip.But the best news of all is that there is no additional cost to use us.And theres no risk,either.Were a member of Protected Trust Services,which means we offer 100%financial protection ensuring your money cannot be used for any other purpose than paying suppliers,and that

86、 your trip costs are kept safe until you travel.”In 2024,Pinkard hopes to expand Destination Rainbows offering to include themed group holidays(see our trend for Community Getaways on page 30)where clients are surrounded by their peers and allies for the duration of the trip.She says:“We are looking

87、 to create several different destination ideas an all-inclusive beach holiday,a touring holiday and a cruise.The long-term goal is to create an offer where all of the holidaymakers are from the LGBTQ+community.I would love nothing more than to fill a hotel with rainbow families.”G16The essential too

88、lkit for LGBTQ+parents and parents-to-be Available nowAnswers every question you could have about LGBTQ+families.A must read.Will YoungDiscover the fun,informative guide to parenting through a queer lensG17Put A Ring On ItTripsWhether travelling for an engagement,wedding or honeymoon,queer traveller

89、s are seeking out welcoming destinations to celebrate their love.UnsplashG18Put A Ring On It TripsCan you believe that it was only in 2001 that the Netherlands became the first country in the world to legalise gay marriage?In 2004,Massachusetts became the first US state and the sixth jurisdiction in

90、 the world to legalise same-sex marriage(the US as a whole legalised gay marriage in 2015).The first legal same-sex wedding didnt take place in the UK until 2014.As reported in The Guardian,Globetrender editor and founder Jenny Southan got married to her wife Lotte Jeffs in 2016,following the legal

91、ceremony in London by a destination wedding in France in summer 2017 for a wider group of friends and family.“For a long time I didnt imagine marriage to be part of my future but one day it became a possibility and then a reality.Being able to host an incredible party in a foreign country with all m

92、y loved ones was one of my all-time happiest experiences(apart from when my daughter was born),”says Southan.“The heat and beauty of the French countryside made it feel all the more movie-like.”Whether for an engagement,wedding or honeymoon,“Put A Ring On It Trips”will only grow in significance as a

93、 queer travel trend in the years ahead.And the destinations that will rightly benefit from this surge in romance-based vacations will mainly be those places where gay marriage is legal.There will be the odd exception,though for example,in the case of the Maldives,which is already hugely popular amon

94、g straight couples,some resorts will host symbolic same-sex weddings.In 2021,the UK conducted a nationwide census asking people about their sexuality and gender identity for the first time since 1801.According to the findings,there were 133,618 people in same-sex civil partnerships and 268,522 marri

95、ed same-sex spouses in England and Wales.In the US,about one in ten LGBT people(equating to about 1.5 million)were married to a same-sex spouse in 2020.According to research by Gallup,“because of the growth in LGBT identification in recent years,coupled with the growth in the US population more gene

96、rally,the number of same-sex marriages has increased significantly”.What about the 90%of queer Americans who arent yet married?If LGBT behaviour mimics that of straight people,then over the coming years we can expect millions more engagements,marriages and honeymoons.(In the US,almost 48%of heterose

97、xual adults are married.)Tying the knot in a country where celebrating queer love is more acceptable will be a big incentive for gay couples to head overseas.There are 34 countries where gay marriage is legal:Andorra,Argentina,Australia,Austria,Belgium,Brazil,Canada,Chile,Colombia,Costa Rica,Cuba,De

98、nmark,Ecuador,Finland,France(including French Polynesia),Germany,Iceland,Ireland,Luxembourg,Malta,Mexico,the Netherlands,New Zealand,Norway,Portugal,Slovenia,South Africa,Spain,Sweden,Switzerland,Taiwan(the only country in Asia),the UK,the US and Uruguay.Source:Human Rights CampaignUnsplashG19Pride

99、PowerTravelling abroad for Pride festivals offers a liberating and hedonistic experience for queer people,and an opportunity for the travel industry to prove they can do more than rainbow wash their logo.Carlos CalikaG20For many queer people,going abroad to take part in Pride parades and parties are

100、 a major event in the annual calendar,and an excuse to combine a vacation with hedonistic time with friends.Its also a great way to meet new people,be more free to express yourself and experience cities at their most wild and fun.After two or three years of cancelled festivities due to the pandemic,

101、“Pride Power”is back with a vengeance.And with ever-more people identifying as LGBTQ+globally,as well as the rise in queer allies wanting to take part,the numbers of people travelling for Pride will only go up in the coming years.Tapping in to the“pink pound”,Pride events can be really lucrative for

102、 the travel industry.According to booking data from Airbnb,hosts collectively earned more than US$77 million during 2022 Pride celebrations by welcoming LGBTQ+guests from around the world.This likely comes down to the fact that,since 2017,the number of Airbnb hosts around the world using queer-inclu

103、sive language on their rental postings has surged by nearly 90%.Kit Williamson,Airbnb host,actor,filmmaker,said in a statement for Airbnb:“As a queer filmmaker I believe that words have power.When my husband and I travel we always gravitate towards Airbnb listings that use inclusive language,so when

104、 we became Airbnb hosts ourselves we wanted to make sure our home in Joshua Tree was a space where everyone feels welcome.The fact that more and more hosts are taking this approach is a testament to the evolving attitudes and acceptance within our global community.”According to Morning Consult Brand

105、 Intelligence,41%of LGBTQ+travellers use Airbnb 8%more than the overall percentage of US leisure travellers.Last year,GAY TIMES magazine revealed that 60%of the LGBTQ+community seek out experiences such as Pride when away from home,based on a survey of more than 15,000 queer people around the world.

106、Tag Warner,CEO of GAY TIMES,said:“LGBTQ+people often travel to embrace themselves and their identity knowing this can sometimes be easier when away from home.”According to booking data from Airbnb,the ten most popular Pride events around the world are London(in first place),followed by Paris,Rome,LA

107、,Lisbon,Barcelona,Toronto,New York,Milan and Madrid.The biggest events are World Pride:in 2023 it took place in Sydney;in 2025 it will take place in Washington DC;and in 2026 it will be hosted by Amsterdam.In 2029,it will be the 60-year anniversary of the 1969 Stonewall Riots that took place in New

108、Yorks Greenwich Village after years of police raids on gay bars.The fight-back took place on June 28 to July 3 and marked a turning point in history for LGBT+liberation.In 2029,global Pride protests and parades will be bigger and more powerful than ever,and will be an occasion that many queer people

109、 plan for far in advance.Pride PowerUnsplashG21In 2022,Contiki the worlds leading social travel brand for 18-35s partnered with the Tourist Office of Spain to produce a video showcasing the importance of Pride,not just during Pride season but every day of the year.“Sure,Pride is a pretty amazing par

110、ty.But its also so much more than that.Its people.Its protest.Its community,solidarity,and a sense of place.And to prove it,we sent a group of LGBTQIA+travellers on this epic Contiki Pride trip in partnership with the Tourist Office of Spain,”says a spokesperson for Contiki.Led by a fully queer cast

111、 and crew,Contikis“Pride is More Than a Party”campaign was filmed last year in Madrid,Seville,Cordoba and at Barcelona Pride festival,with the objective being to show that Contiki is committed to and celebrates Pride all year round.Also central to its mission was to increase diversity and inclusion

112、messages within Contiki content;showcase initiatives and commitments to the community through shoots,partnerships,activations and trips;drive web traffic and sales;and reach new audiences.Currently,Contiki trips are most popular among Gen Y and Gen Z travellers from the UK,Australia and Canada,but i

113、ts keen to grow its presence in the US as well.To ensure storytelling was authentic and to uphold Contikis DE&I(Diversity,Equity and Inclusion)strategy,the company worked only with people from the queer community.(Photography was by Makiyo Lio and videography by Sarah Jenny Johnson.)After recruiting

114、 through model shout-outs,social media and word-of-mouth contacts,a vibrant cast of queer on-screen talent was put together.Taking part in the front-of-camera element of the shoot were six people with a range of different backgrounds and identities.There was dancer and choreographer Tarek Khwiss;pho

115、tographer Pablo Escudero;fashion content creator Shannon Rosanna;dancer and choreographer David G;performer Sergi Banez;and musical artist Aron.Once on the ground,the travellers were given a week to enjoy the destinations and celebrations,eat in local restaurants,drink in local bars and join in the

116、Pride parade in Barcelona.Along the way,the crew conducted short,spontaneous interviews with the talent to get naturalistic sound-bites to use in the campaign.The result was a joyful,sincere documentary of a group of new-found friends exploring a queer-friendly country during Pride season.Contiki:Pr

117、ide Is More Than A Party CampaignSponsored EditorialMakiyo LioG22Rachel Storey,brand director for Contiki,says:“The team were gracious in sharing personal stories and insights into what it means to travel as a person within the LGBTQIA+community.”In the video,Sergi says:“We are going to keep holding

118、 hands.We are not going to stop being who we are.”As well as being a show of support for the queer travel community,the campaign is also being used to inspire people to book Contikis unique Pride Collection trips,which include a ten-day Pride tour of London,Paris and Amsterdam,with a maximum of 53 p

119、eople.Tarek says:“Being on a Pride trip is a great way to have fun,meet different people and on top of that,know more about the community.Only five days ago I met these two lovely people Sergi and David and now we are inseparable.We dance everywhere we go.”Storey says:“Were so proud to have partnere

120、d with Visit Spain on our Pride is More Than a Party campaign.It didnt just showcase Spains beautiful destinations and queer-friendly neighbourhoods,but also allowed us to explore the importance of Pride,what it represents for our travellers,and ultimately what it means to us at Contiki.The conclusi

121、on is clear:Pride is something we support and celebrate 365 days of the year.”How did Contikis campaign perform?Not only did it exceed its paid media targets with more than double the amount of views forecasted across different platforms,but one of the pieces of editorial written about the campaign

122、on Contikis Six-Two platform continues to rank on the first page of Google for many key terms including“Is Spain good for LGBTQ community?”The hero video on YouTube has been viewed in the US more than any other region,which aligns with Contikis objective to grow brand awareness in the US market,and

123、trending content performed well on TikTok.Reflecting on her experience of the Contiki Pride tour,Shannon says:“I am constantly reminiscing about that trip.We went through Seville and Barcelona and I got to be on one of the open top buses driving through the parade.Ill never come close to that feelin

124、g.I just felt like I was in a bubble because of my fellow travellers who I was with.”Contiki:Pride Is More Than A Party CampaignSponsored EditorialMakiyo LioG23Case Study:Rough GuidesThe Rough Guide to the Top LGBTQ+Friendly Cities in Europe is a new guidebook published in June 2023.Annie Warren,tra

125、vel editor at Rough Guides,tells Globetrender about the process of selecting the destinations to be featured.“Some were obvious choices that just had to be on the list as famous queer destinations,such as Sitges and Brighton and Berlin;other destinations were chosen by our incredibly talented collec

126、tion of contributors,made up of both established travel journalists and new writers,who have in-depth knowledge of the queer scene in all the places included in the book,”she says.She adds:“We havent ranked the destinations so none really came out on top as such;all of them are wonderful,friendly pl

127、aces to spend time as a queer person.Where you choose to go will all depend on whether youre after outrageous nights out,long cycle rides,relaxing days by the beach or a city break full of coffee stops,bookshops and indie films.Having said that,London and Manchester were very often cited as queer UK

128、 hotspots,as you might expect;Amsterdam,Lisbon and Brussels were also very popular suggestions.”One of the books authors,Danielle Mustarde,shares her own preferences for places to spend time as a queer person on the continent and how she discovers them.“My current favourite destinations in Europe fo

129、r queer travel include Brussels,Copenhagen and London;where I now live,but love to welcome visiting queer friends.When Im looking into where to travel next,Ill always do some research around the LGBTQ+scene.Ill search for queer bars and organisations,festivals and neighbourhoods.Often,Ill take to In

130、stagram and reach out to individuals or groups on there say,a lesbian-run film festival,or a queer caf.I want to know theres an active community I can reach out to and connect with.”What are her thoughts on the locations chosen for the book?Mustarde says:”In terms of the destinations chosen for the

131、Rough Guide to the Top LGBTQ+Friendly Cities in Europe,each of the destinations is welcoming,progressive and open-minded more generally.They also often host successful Pride seasons,notable LGBTQ+festivals or make a point of being welcoming to queer travellers as part of their wider tourism campaign

132、s.These things are noticed by queer travellers and,in turn,more of us will travel to the destination as a result.”G24New Englands six states are known for lobster and colourful leaves but there is a far more exciting side waiting to be discovered.Connecticut,Maine,Massachusetts,New Hampshire,Rhode I

133、sland and Vermont are the six states in the north-eastern region of the US.Each one possesses a unique way of life and all have thriving LGBTQ+communities,and yet all are very different.Connecticut From being the second state to legalise marriage equality in 2008 to passing the Parentage Act in 2021

134、,the state of Connecticut has long taken big steps to protect LGBTQ+community members.The capital city of Hartford has been named one of the most“exciting LGBTQ-friendly cities around the world”by Expedia.The city has an east and a west side with the main performance centre and the parks found in th

135、e east and the nightlife and restaurants more in the west.Chez Est is a restaurant,bar and cabaret that has had an exceptional line-up of drag and comedy for nearly 50 years.Along the shoreline,towns such as New Haven and Mystic(of Mystic Pizza movie fame),cosy,romantic B&Bs and inns will entice the

136、 queer traveller,and there is not-to-miss entertainment like Sea Queens at Port of Call,voted one of the“best bars in America”by Esquire.Maine Ogunquit has been welcoming gay and lesbian visitors and their families for more than 100 years.The town boasts great shopping,art galleries and a lively gay

137、 scene.It ranks as one of the best vacation spots on the Southern Maine coast.Ogunquit has two main sections:Perkins Cove and the Village.Perkins Cove is a treasure trove of tempting shops and superb restaurants and the village is home to Ogunquits gay nightlife and LGBTQ-friendly B&Bs and inns.The

138、gay scene is lively,unpretentious and less commercial than other seaside communities.Maines largest city,Portland is a proud LGBTQ+hub with popular spots including gay bars such as the Blackstones,with a“leather and Levis”slant,and Cocktail Mary,serving up excellent cocktails.Portland has many queer

139、-owned businesses and restaurants as well.Massachusetts Massachusetts,the first state to legalise marriage equality is home to places like Boston and Provincetown that have thriving queer communities and year-round festivities.Many who visit the tip of Cape Cod make sure to visit the Atlantic House,

140、which some say is the oldest gay bar in the US.North of Boston is jam-packed with things to do in communities such as Feature:Discover New EnglandSponsored EditorialG25Gloucester,Rockport,Essex and Salem.This area has been a long-standing home for rich,gay socialites as far back as the early 1900s,w

141、hen they would host lavish parties.Still a welcoming destination,visitors can explore artist communities,sail aboard schooners and enjoy the luxury resorts along the oceanfront.Not far away,in the charming region of the Berkshires,tourists can enjoy forested countryside and listen to world-class mus

142、ic at famous venues such as Tanglewood.Rhode Island Providence,the states vibrant,artsy,state capital,is home to a thriving,diverse and dynamic LGBTQ+community,whose influence can be found in every corner of the city.In June,one of Providences signature events the Rhode Island PrideFest and the Illu

143、minated Night Parade take place.Providence is also home to an exciting LGBTQ+nightlife scene year-round,including Mirabar,which opened over 75 years ago.Visitors to Providence should make sure to experience WaterFire,the citys landmark arts event that illuminates downtown Providence;sample its world

144、-class cuisine;and take in all the city has to offer.For luxury,Newport is a must-see and is most known for its mansions,tennis and sailing.Just outside of Newport,visitors can catch the ferry for a one-hour ride to Block Island which is a great,quiet,romantic destination choice for gay and lesbian

145、couples.New Hampshire Concord,known for its historic downtown,tucked-away village squares,and delicious cafs such as Teatotaller,has been described as a“queer hipster oasis.”Just outside of downtown is the Colby Hill Inn,in Henniker.Its a romantic,eco retreat with a certified farm-to-table restauran

146、t called the Grazing Room.Heading north along Interstate-93,visitors enter the Lakes and White Mountains of New Hampshire which is famous for its family attractions and breathtaking scenery.The area surrounds one of New Englands largest lakes and 800,000 acres of forest.On the seacoast,visitors can

147、discover the cobblestone streets,living history and James Beard-nominated cuisine in Portsmouth.Prescott Park has outside live music and theatrical performances all summer long.Nearby is the Strawbery Banke outdoor museum where guests are transported back in time to experience how life was for early

148、 settlers.Vermont Visitors should take their time travelling along scenic routes through historic villages such as Woodstock and Stowe known for shopping,hiking trails,beer,cheese and ice cream.Its Green Mountains fill the length of the state offering world-class ski resorts and mountain biking hots

149、pots for the adventurous,and a spa and culinary escape for others.In the southern foothills of Vermont,Brattleboros has a community filled with independent merchants and hosts more than 1,000 arts and culture events each year.Nearby,gay travellers love Frog Meadow a country B&B and massage oasis for

150、 men with workshops and retreats.In the northern part of the state,visitors can travel to communities along Lake Champlain including Burlington,the largest city in Vermont with a population of about 45,000 people.The famed Church Street Marketplace is a pedestrian-only section of town filled with sh

151、ops,live music,and street performers.Journeying through New England offers so many things to discover.It is not a curated experience;it is an authentic experience where friendly locals are eager to become fast friends.New England is the full package,celebrating diversity,sustainability and deep-root

152、ed traditions.The region has led the way in LGBTQ+rights in the US and continues to be one of the most welcoming and immersive destinations anywhere in the world.Feature:Discover New EnglandSponsored EditorialG26RainbowRebellionsA rising number of defiant queer travellers are willing to modify their

153、 behaviour in public places to explore parts of the world that are not officially welcoming of LGBTQ+people.AI For ArchitectsG27Rainbow RebellionsIn June 2023,The New York Times ran an article headline:“Being Gay Is Illegal in Many Countries.LGBTQ Travellers Are Going Anyway.”Journalist Ainara Tiefe

154、nthler wrote:“A romantic island getaway in the Maldives.A safari in Kenya.A visit to the pyramids in Egypt.Apart from being popular on bucket lists,these vacations have one thing in common:Their destinations have strict anti-LGBTQ legislation.In the Maldives,gay sex may be punished with lashes and u

155、p to eight years in prison.In Kenya,it can bring a sentence of up to 14 years.And in Egypt,the authorities are known to throw people in jail for simply waving a rainbow flag.”Paradoxically,these trips are also all offered by queer-run travel companies such as Out Adventures and Out of Office that ca

156、ter to members of the LGBTQ+community.As every queer person knows,there are situations often on a daily basis where they know they have to modify their behaviour or protect their true identity in some way.While this is not an optimum way of living,this ability to“social camouflage”means that a risin

157、g number of queer people are willing to sacrifice personal liberties in favour of exploring destinations in spite of their anti-LGBT laws or public sentiment(67 countries deem same-sexual relations illegal).Today,broadly speaking,among a lot of privileged Westerners(especially Millennials)for whom t

158、ravel has felt like a right,being queer is not enough of a reason not to go somewhere.A sense of defiance combined with entitlement motivates them to book“Rainbow Rebellions”to destinations such as the Middle East,Africa,Jamaica,Malaysia and China.Another reason is that local laws tend to be enforce

159、d more on local people than foreign tourists and so long as queer travellers“keep their heads down”they can avoid confrontations.In some cases,the law doesnt match reality for example its illegal to drink alcohol in the Maldives but everyone is drinking cocktails in the resorts.There is a sliding sc

160、ale,though and for the vast majority of queer travellers,countries such as Uganda,Saudi Arabia,Iran and Brunei,which have the death penalty for being gay will remain off-limits to all but a very few.An example of this minority are You Tubers Oskar and Dan(OskarandDan)who have together(as a couple)vi

161、sited Saudia Arabia,Kuwait,Morocco,Uganda and Brunei.Oskar told Pink News:“We convinced ourselves that our lifes calling was visiting every country in the world to prove that LGBTQ+people can do it.”Interestingly,in 2023,the Saudi Tourism Authority updated its FAQs with the addition of“Are LGBT visi

162、tors welcome to visit Saudi Arabia?”To which it replied:“Everyone is welcome to visit Saudi Arabia and visitors are not asked to disclose such personal details.”The statement is very vague,though,and says nothing about whether queer couples would be allowed to share a room in a hotel,for example.In

163、reality,few LGBT people are going to be willing to take the risk right now of going to Saudi Arabia however,as the country inevitably opens up(it hopes to attract 100 million international tourists by 2030,UnsplashG28Rainbow Rebellionswhich is staggering)there is every likelihood that it will become

164、 the new Dubai,where there are double standards for locals and tourists,the latter of whom have a much more relaxed experience.In the UAE,where being gay is taboo and subject to severe punishments,there is conversely a“thriving”yet unadvertised gay scene.According to a 2021 study by Dr Ryan Centner

165、from the London School of Economics,there are“occasional events where the most privileged enjoy an extraordinary amount of freedom”in Dubai.He wrote on lse.ac.uk:“The researchers attended a more exclusive,much less inhibited,party at a hotel rooftop bar where men were openly kissing and cuddling,and

166、 the entertainment was a Lady Gaga-inspired drag performance.Only the highest-earning and most extravagantly wealthy of men,both Western and Arab,are self-assured enough to take part in these types of activity.There were similarly extravagant,debaucherous events that would happen irregularly elsewhe

167、re in the emirate,from penthouses to nearby desert locations.”When it comes to queer travellers people tend to fall into one of two camps,depending on who they are,who they are travelling with and what their objectives are for the trip.The two types are“risk takers”and the“risk averse”.Families,hone

168、ymooners,trans people(those needing healthcare in a destination could face a dangerous situation)and newly out young people,for example,are going to be more“risk averse”,while solo travellers,intrepid couples and groups of friends may fall into the“risk takers”(or Rainbow Rebels)category.Whats key,a

169、lso,is economic status the more money you have,the more freedom and protection you can buy from five-star hotels and the like when abroad.NeomG29Community GetawaysBringing groups of like-minded strangers together for themed group trips will be a great way for queer people to make friends and see the

170、 world.UnsplashG30Community GetawaysThere is a proverb that states“birds of a feather flock together”and this is very true of the queer community,which can often be very segmented,within its own ranks.Many queer people dont have other queer friends,though,and are looking for ways to find connections

171、.Even those that do have a decent network might want to widen their pool.Apps are the obvious medium but there are endless anecdotal complaints about how shallow and throw-away the experience of online dating is,indicating that the pendulum is starting to“swing the other way”when it comes to social

172、interaction.Over the coming years,increasing numbers of queer people will want to put themselves in real-life situations where they can meet new people be they music festivals such as Mighty Hoopla in London,nightclubs and bars,or“Community Getaways”a new kind of group travel experience curated just

173、 for the LGBTQ+community.We have already seen this in the form of gay cruises and gay resorts,but as people want to break out of the confines of these“safe spaces”,there will be demand for more intrepid journeys with strangers who will(hopefully)become fast friends.For the travel industry,this is a

174、new opportunity but more pertinently,its an opportunity for queer entrepreneurs.Social media influencer and author Calum McSwiggan tells Globetrender that over the past ten years,hes built a successful career out of travelling the world solo.But during that time hes“increasingly come to realise the

175、many ways in which travel is significantly less accessible for queer people”.He says:“I get messages on a daily basis from people who want to travel,but are afraid to do so.When 67 countries still criminalise LGBT+identities,and many others still foster a culture of intolerance,its not always easy t

176、o understand which destinations are safe and which arent.”To help solve this problem,McSwiggan this year decided to create a trip for LGBT+travellers to come together and travel safely with a group of like-minded people.He says:“Ive collaborated with TrovaTrip which specialises in facilitating inclu

177、sive and accessible trips for people from all walks of life.Whether thats travellers with disabilities,plus-size travellers,or travellers from across the LGBT+spectrum.Im running the first trip to Costa Rica in September 2023 with the hope of making it an annual event,choosing a different LGBT+frien

178、dly destination each time.”He adds:“Im thrilled that a diverse group of people have already signed up from the UK,the US,and Australia,representing a mix of men,women,and non-binary people.”Prices start from US$2,250 for seven days in Costa Rica with a group of up to 20 people.McSwiggan will be host

179、ing the trip along with an expert tour guide wholl be taking participants on a wide range of activities.Other innovators include Moonlight Experiences,which was founded by prominent LGBTQ+activist and cultural producer Aisha Shaibu-Lenoir,and showcases queer nightlife in cities around the world.In O

180、ctober 2023,Moonlight will be partnering with Ladies Touch Travel to host a queer group trip to Bali for women and non-binary people from US$1,799 per person for ten days.Pride Sailing Holidays is a more established provider of Community Getaways,while Destination Rainbow hopes to launch queer famil

181、y group vacations from 2024.Out Of Office says it features the“worlds largest selection of gay group vacations”,and in terms of big travel providers,Contiki offers a series of Pride trips for people aged 18-35.Calum McSwigganG31Adam Armstrong CEO of Contiki What is Contiki?“Were a world-leading yout

182、h travel brand.We design global trips for people aged 18 to 35 and,since 1962,weve connected millions of young travellers with the world,as well as each other.Our brand philosophy is Travel.Together.which means forging life-changing relationships between travellers,the places they visit and the peop

183、le who live there.Community is at the heart of everything we do,which is why its so important that Contiki is a place where any young traveller can feel at home.”Who is your target market?“Anyone between the age of 18 to 35.Its important to us that no matter who you are,where youre from whether your

184、e an experienced traveller or are exploring for the first time Contiki is a fun,inclusive place where you just need to bring your authentic self to have the time of your life.”How important is the LGBTQ+community to Contiki?“As a gay man and Contikis CEO,I lead from the front.My community is a huge

185、part of who we are and what we do.Many of us are queer travellers ourselves,and we feel duty-bound not just to talk the talk but to walk the walk too.Thats why well continue to be at the forefront of the democratisation of queer travel.Because at Contiki every month is Pride month.And a big part of

186、our pledge to Make Travel Matter is to continue doing this community proud.”In what ways is Contiki leading the way with supporting and connecting with LGBTQ+travellers?“Weve always been passionate about making travel more accessible,inclusive and desirable for LGBTQ+communities around the world.Las

187、t year,we launched our suite of Pride trips,in which queer travellers and allies can travel and celebrate Pride in a fun,welcoming environment.“In our annual Pride campaign,we celebrate our community and encourage tourism boards such as Spain and Visit Britain to tell more authentic LGBTQ+stories an

188、d are now seen as industry leaders within the LGBTQ+travel space.“As part of our Pride campaigns,we also put our media dollars towards platforms such as the queer dating app Her and Pink News.Our LGBTQ+ambassador Aisha Shaibu-Lenoir serves as our expert voice,fromcontent to campaigns,training to eve

189、nts,bringing her acclaimed passion and wisdom to this space.“Were proud to be members of the IGLTA,and throughout the year financially support and shine a spotlight on LGBTQ+charities,such as Rainbow Railroad,and volunteer at events such as UK Black Pride.”How do you cater to gender-diverse guests?“

190、Weve been training our Trip Managers and office teams on this topic for many years,and recently have brought in third-party expertise in the form of our incredible LGBTQ+ambassador Aisha,who is training new Trip Managers to ensure they live our DE&I values on-trip and provide a safe and welcoming en

191、vironment for gender-diverse guests.Were also currently reviewing and changing our rooming policies to ensure theyre as inclusive as possible for non-binary and gender-diverse guests.”What about support for trans people who might be joining group tours?“Contiki welcomes trans travellers.Again,traini

192、ng is critical.Our Trip Managers are our representatives on the road and were ensuring they have all the tools they need to make trans travellers feel welcomed,safe and supported.We invite trans travellers or those in the process of transitioning to get in touch with us before the trip so we can ens

193、ure they have the support they need,that our team and travellers are educated on preferred pronouns and gender identity before the trip departs,plus anything else required to give them a really positive and welcoming travel experience.”How do you guard against homophobia on group trips when people a

194、re travelling with strangers?“The Contiki code of conduct is a policy that each traveller agrees to adhere to when theyQ&A:ContikiSponsored ContentG32book a trip with Contiki,with clear rules around hate speech,bullying and harassment.Theres also the cultural element,in which the Trip Manager is hig

195、hly trained in creating a safe space and dealing with any issues on the road.Additionally,we have 24/hour helplines as well as a Welfare Manager.Tell us about the Pride trips you are offering?“We want to offer our LGBTQ+communities fun,inclusive and safe ways to experience the incredible things thes

196、e destinations have to offer during Pride.Contiki is offering two Pride trips in 2023 including Contiki Pride,a ten-day trip which kicks of in London for sightseeing,bottomless brunches and LGBTQ+walking tours,weaves its way to Paris for culture and cabarets,and finishes off celebrating at one of th

197、e worlds most iconic Pride celebrations,on the waterways of Amsterdam.“Amsterdam Pride is a shorter version of the trip for those who want to get right to the celebrations,with afterparty tickets and more.Both trips are hosted by an expert Trip Manager whos part of the community,and is for queer tra

198、vellers and allies alike.For 2024,were releasing five new Pride departures including Croatia Island Sail Pride,Greek Island Hopping Pride and Athens to Santorini Pride that arent centred around the parades.”What queer travel trends have you been noticing in your booking data?What are the most popula

199、r destinations?“We deliberately dont track whether our travellers are LGBTQ+as we dont see them as a box to tick,we just want to provide the most inclusive,fun experience for them as possible.But we have had a great response to our Pride trips,including World Pride in Australia,Spain Pride andContik

200、i Pride in London,Paris and Amsterdam.”How do you think the travel experience has changed for LGBTQ+people over the last 20 years?“Theres definitely more confidence,as attitudes have shifted and the travel industry has grown more inclusive and representative.Historically,queer travellers often had t

201、o find their communities purely through nightlife under the cover of darkness where they could create their own spaces away from societal bigotry.Fortunately,this has changed,and its great that when you travel queer communities and spaces are much more visible and vibrant during the day.“However,the

202、res still work to be done,and polls still show that safety,security and community are still big priorities for LGBTQ+travellers.We know that our LGBTQ+travellers like to travel to places that celebrate theirlocal queer communities and history,which is reflected in our Pride trips and we want this to

203、 be reflected in more of our products moving forwards.”What do you predict for the future of queer travel?“I hope to see a continued process of democratisation,in which queer travel isnt about niche destinations,venues or companies,but just a natural part of the broader holiday industry.Its up to us

204、 to ensure that the progress weve made doesnt halt and that queer travellers feel represented,welcomed and included confident to explore the world safely and as part of a community.All travellers deserve that.There are still many places in the world that are hostile to LGBTQ+people,and that wont cha

205、nge overnight,but if we continue to work hard and raise awareness about the issues that matter to us,we have faith in younger generations and the march of progress.”Q&A:ContikiMakiyo LioSponsored ContentG33Queer movies and TV shows have the potential to be more powerful than social media in inspirin

206、g people to travel to the places in which they are set.LimelightGaycationsI Kissed A Boy BBC/Two Four/iStockG34From I Kissed A Boy to Call Me By Your Name,queer TV and cinema is driving real-life travel bookings.According to a 2023 survey of 3,000 travellers from Australia,Canada,India,Japan,Mexico,

207、the UK and the US by American Express,64%of respondents said they made travel plans or were inspired to visit a specific country or destination after it was featured on a TV show,news source or film.For the queer community,“Limelight Gaycations”will be particularly in demand,especially as there is s

208、o much more positive queer content appearing on screens(in the past,leading gay characters would often just die at the end).Probably the hottest example of a TV show that has made headlines not only for its brilliant storytelling but for its cast of camp and queer characters is The White Lotus,seaso

209、n one of which was filmed in Hawaii at the Four Seasons Resort Maui at Wailea,and season two in Sicily,at the San Domenico Palace,Taormina,a Four Seasons hotel.Bookings exploded to such an extent after it aired in autumn 2022 that the travel industry has been calling it“The White Lotus Effect”and th

210、ere are high hopes for season 3,which will be set in the queer-friendly country of Thailand.(According to the Four Seasons in Hawaii,the show ignited a 425%web traffic increase for the property.)Boosting Google searches for“masseria”rentals in southern Italy is BBC reality show I Kissed A Boy(IKAB),

211、which dropped in May 2023 and is set in a stunning renovated farmhouse.The UKs first gay dating show,IKAB brings together a diverse pool of young gay men with the aim of finding out if a single kiss can spark a long-lasting relationship.(I Kissed A Girl is coming in 2024.)Other productions that cont

212、inue to compel LGBTQ+travellers to visit Italy include feature film Call Me by Your Name starring queer icon Timothe Chalamet(pictured);and psychological thriller The Talented Mr Ripley,which was filmed in Positano and villages near Naples.Also invoking“vacation vibes”is feature film Fire Island,whi

213、ch is set on the real-life Fire Island off the southern shore of Long Island,New York.Another feel-good production is Bros,which is a rom-com set in Provincetown,Massachusetts(see our Discover New England feature on page 24).Los Angeles,of course,has been the setting for countless queer TV shows:fro

214、m Hollywood,a glossy miniseries by gay director Ryan Murphy;to Special,a drama starring disability advocate Ryan OConnell.Then there is the L Word,which makes LA seem like a lesbian paradise(the reboot The L Word:Generation Q culminated with its final season in 2023).Greta Gerwigs Barbie movie(out s

215、ummer 2023)is sure to see a spike in roller-bladers along Venice Beach,while TV drama Transparent is set in various locations in California,as well as Israel.Hacks is a comedy-drama set in Las Vegas,while beloved TV show Schitts Creek is filmed in a rural town outside of Toronto.In the UK,teen comed

216、y drama Sex Education has cast the spotlight on some picturesque locations in Wales.(Season four will likely be coming out in autumn 2023.)Globetrender predicts that the rise of destination marketing through film and TV will become a dominant force in years ahead(more powerful even than social media

217、),with tourist boards and hotels bidding to be featured in up-coming productions.Limelight GaycationsCall Me By Your Name/Sony Pictures ClassicsG35Trixie Mattel(aka Brian Firkus)is an American drag queen who became famous after competing in reality competition television series RuPauls Drag Race.Cap

218、italising on her star-power and dreams of opening her own hotel in 2022 she managed to secure a TV show of her own(Trixie Motel),documenting the renovation of a rundown motel in Palm Springs,California,with her partner David Silver.The series aired on Discovery+last summer and,in a cover story for O

219、ut Traveler,she said:“I wanted to put this motel in drag.Each room feels like a different day in my closet.”A perfect example of the“Limelight Gaycations”trend,camp-loving road trippers can check into the Trixie Motel themselves,and not only have the chance to meet Trixie herself but immerse themsel

220、ves in a world of her creation.She told Globetrender:“Theres every other motel on the planet and then theres the Trixie Motel.My motel is in drag.Trixie Motel is a safe space,a design marvel,and the perfect vacation.It was hard becoming the gayest place in Palm Springs but we somehow pulled it off.I

221、 hope you like pink!”The kitsch,candy-coloured Trixie Motel(originally named Ruby Montanas Coral Sands Inn)is located in the iconic Old Las Palmas neighbourhood of the desert town of Palm Springs.Inside it has seven themed bedrooms decorated with hearts,flowers and flamingoes that were all informed

222、by the vision of various celebrity guests(such as country singer Orville Peck,actress Zooey Deschanel and rapper Iggy Azalea)who came on the TV show.They also had a little help along the way from maximalist interior designer Dani Dazey.The property additionally has an eye-catching lobby,bar,gift sho

223、p and vibrant pool area.(Although the pool is for guests only,it can be rented out for private parties.)According to reports,Mattel spent about US$1.9 million on buying the motel and another US$500,000 on transforming it.Stays cost upwards of US$400 per night.One reviewer on TripAdvisor wrote:“My hu

224、sband and I recently spent a long weekend at the Trixie Motel.We had an absolute blast.The property is beautiful right down to every last detail.We stayed in the Atomic Bombshell room,and it was so worth the wait!I think our favourite part of our visit was the staff.You can tell how much they truly

225、care about every guest having an incredible experience which we absolutely did.”Case Study:Trixie MotelG36Megan Skiles Communications manager for Meet BostonMeet Boston is a new brand for the city.What does this new identity symbolise?“The rebrand to Meet Boston represents an intentional and authent

226、ic effort to position the destination marketing organisation(us)as the go-to entity for telling and exploring inclusive Boston stories.We want our partners and visitors to see Meet Boston as the main conduit by which a dynamic and diverse Boston narrative is curated.If a visitor truly wants to get t

227、o know our destination,we are here to help them literally meet the city the entire eclectic tapestry of 23 neighbourhoods.What are your goals for the next five years?“To continue to be a trusted source of destination information and what is happening here.We have a very robust neighbourhoods campaig

228、n that aims to tell local stories in a manner that resonates with an outside audience.This enables us to gain the trust of community voices,while also amplifying those voices.Meet Boston has always been a staunch advocate of the travel and hospitality industry,but we are now doing that through initi

229、atives outside of our traditional purview,such as workforce development,sustainability,accessibility and supplier diversity.”How does Meet Boston support the LGBTQ+community,both residents and visitors?“Meet Boston actively promotes Pride and LGBTQ+themed activities and events over the month of June

230、 and throughout the year.Queer representation within our marketing and promotional efforts is an important part of what we do for a couple reasons.First,as a City thats been at the forefront of LGBTQ+advocacy since the beginning,its important that we reflect the values of the community we represent.

231、Secondly,Boston is uniquely positioned to tell those stories authentically as themes are already interwoven throughout the city.Third,it is important that potential LGBTQ+visitors know there are safe and inclusive spaces ready to welcome them.“In addition to marketing dollars,Meet Boston is investin

232、g its resources into research,to better understand the LGBTQ+segment within the tourism sector.This year we also came onboard as a sponsor for a project called Portraits of Pride on City Plaza,a large-scale photography exhibit featuring the stories of LGBTQ+Bostonians and beyond.”Tell us about Bosto

233、n Pride.“In June,2023,New Englands largest LGBTQ+Pride parade and festival returned for the first time since 2019 under the leadership of Boston Pride For The People.The weekend was part of a larger month-long celebration taking place in Boston and across the state of Massachusetts during the month

234、of June.Arts and cultural events included Pride at the MFA,and live performances by the Boston Gay Mens Chorus.“Pride-goers have the opportunity to learn about the citys unique history on walking tours featuring Charlie Gibsons Queer Boston and Bostons LGBTQ Past,or experience the outdoors by kayaki

235、ng with Paddle for Pride in Cambridge.There are celebrations onboard the Freedom for the Pride kick-off Harbor Cruise and in neighbourhoods across the city.The Queer family festival and family picnics are also on the calendar.”Are there other events in the city for the LGBTQ+community?“Bostons LGBTQ

236、 scene is interwoven throughout the city including Pride nights at Red Sox and Celtics games,Sunday drag brunches,gay and lesbian speed dating,and nightlife.”What are the top-five must-see cultural attractions in Boston?“Boston has an amazing collection of museums and institutions.In the Fenway Cult

237、ural District,the Museum of Fine Arts,Boston and Isabella Stewart Gardner are iconic galleries.In the South End neighbourhood,the SoWa District offers vintage and contemporary artist markets with great programming such as SoWa Sundays.The Boston Public Library is the oldest Q&A:MEET BOSTONSponsored

238、ContentG37municipal library in the US and is a spectacular piece of architecture.Symphony Hall,where the famous Boston Pops and Boston Symphony Orchestra perform,is an acoustical masterpiece.”How about nightlife?“Boston boasts a vibrant theatre district that connects various neighbourhoods including

239、 downtown and Chinatown.New concert venues such as the MGM Music Hall and Roadrunner have introduced fun and different experiences in the city.There are clubs along Lansdowne Street near Fenway Park,and we encourage visitors to check out spots such as Club Caf,Dbar and the Trophy Room.”What makes Bo

240、ston a great destination for queer travellers?“Its worth mentioning,as a municipality,Boston received a 100 point score on the HRC Equality Index,which examines how inclusive municipal laws,policies,and services are of LGBTQ+people.This ranking is an important one as it points to Boston being a safe

241、 and welcoming destination to LGBTQ+travellers,criteria thats particularly important to families with children,the transgender community,and questioning individuals.”What is there for families to do?“Boston and Cambridge are full of family friendly attractions and activities.On-the-water fun include

242、s whale watching and Duck Tours,as well as recreational options such as kayaking and sailing.Families love to walk the Freedom Trail and we also have great museums such as the Museum of Science,the Boston Childrens Museum,and the New England Aquarium.”What is“All-inclusive Boston”all about?“All Incl

243、usive Boston is a destination marketing campaign that aims to introduce,or perhaps reintroduce,the Boston of 2023 to audiences that may have preconceived notions of the city and why they should or should not visit us.Boston has reputational issues around race that are both real and perceived.We own

244、that.But we also think it is critical for travellers in 2023 to understand that Boston is a majority-minority city,with over 140 languages spoken here,and we are incredibly proud of our 400 years of immigrant history.This campaign is a platform to share these stories and celebrate the cultural diver

245、sity of our city.”Kyle KleinSponsored ContentQ&A:MEET BOSTONG38PolydaysThe rise of polyamory means hotels and other travel providers need to set aside their assumptions about what modern relationships look like and hyper-personalise experiences for throuples.UnsplashG39Welcome to travels new“sharing

246、 economy”:polyamory a form of ethical non-monogamy that sees individuals forming romantic connections with more than one partner at the same time.In years to come,polyamory will transform the way we think about everything from marriage and families,to dating and divorce(will break-ups go down if the

247、 pressure of monogamy is removed?).In short,its the future of love(for some people).In 2021 article for the BBC,journalist Jessica Klein reported that“multi-partner relationships are on the rise,and finding their way into the mainstream”.Klein provided a case study on Ian Jenkins who lives in the US

248、 with two male partners Alan and Jeremy as well their as two children.“All three men are the childrens legal fathers,”reported the BBC.Although the trend is occurring among straight people too,the LGBTQ+community is already ahead of the curve(for gay men,in particular,monogamy is typically less conv

249、entional).Globetrender editor and founder Jenny Southan personally knows several queer couples who are polyamorous or exploring being in a throuple:one couple are married lesbian mothers;and the other two are gay males one married couple and one unmarried,both in open relationships.Looking at the co

250、rresponding emerging travel trend,when a“throuple”goes on holiday,Globetrender calls it a“Polyday”.According to Newsweek,in 2021,one in nine Americans have been in a polyamorous relationship and one in six would like to try one.Meanwhile,data from dating app Feeld shows there was a 500%increase in s

251、earches for the term“polyamory”in 2022.How should the travel industry respond?Firstly,by not making assumptions about what modern relationships look like,and secondly by providing staff training and having protocols in place to ensure all clients feel welcome.At the beginning of 2023,Globetrender wa

252、s informed by the general manager of the Shangri-La the Shard hotel in London that they had recently welcomed their first throuple.In a bid to make them feel welcome,three sets of pillows were arranged on the bed and three robes hung in the wardrobe.In a 2023 article for The Times,Arthur Tam wrote t

253、hat holidays with his husband“got easier when they invited their boyfriend”.He wrote:“The benefit of a triad is splitting the bill for car rental and hotels three ways.With two of us earning software engineer salaries we could afford the Gilded Iguana,a beachfront property that cost about US$900 a n

254、ight.The only downside was that there was no room with a king-size bed.We wanted to sleep in the same bed,but we had to compromise on two double beds instead,so every night we would alternate the sleeping arrangement to make it as fair as possible.”He added:“Fitness is important to our boyfriend,so

255、he and my husband went to the gym in the mornings while I slept in.”Coming soon,the UKs channel 4 is producing a Love Island-style reality TV show about polyamory called Finding the Ones,inspired by the throuples that famous boxer David Haye has been in.PolydaysUnsplashDelivering weekly travel trend

256、 analysis,forecasting and commercially valuable insights that arent available anywhere else.Members-only premium newsletter from GLOBETRENDERGLOBETRENDER.COM/VOLT Subscriber BenefitsAccess to VOLT trend library (annual subscriptions-only)Free webinars30-minute free consulting session50%discount on p

257、aid-for trend reportsG41Since April 2022,US citizens who are non-binary,intersex or gender non-conforming,have been able to select an“X”as their gender marker on their US passport application.The ability to self-select their gender means people are no longer required to submit any medical documentat

258、ion,even if their selected gender differs from their other citizenship or identity documents.This is a progressive move,especially from a country that is so backwards in other ways.Today,about a dozen countries provide the option of being able to use an“X”gender marker on their passport instead of“M

259、”or“F”.Australia was one of the frontrunners,introducing X gender passports way back in 2011,along with New Zealand in 2012,Denmark in 2014,Nepal in 2015,and Pakistan and Malta in 2017.Since then,Austria,Canada,Colombia,Argentina,Iceland and,most recently,Mexico(in 2023),have also granted people thi

260、s right to choose.A few additional countries such as India and Germany allow people to use“X”but only after a medical assessment.Whats really interesting is that the Netherlands is considering scrapping gender markers altogether from passports.Dutch airline KLM also introduced gender-neutral flight

261、bookings in 2023,but only to the Netherlands,the UK,Germany and the US.In years to come,the majority of countries around the world will follow suit,although there will be plenty of push-back from conservative right-wingers.Unfortunately,the UK is still very far behind when it comes to gender self-id

262、entification and the national press are on a campaign of hate against gender non-conforming people.In 2021,Britains Supreme Court rejected efforts to introduce gender-neutral passports,saying“X”gender markers would“undermine a legal system that is built on a clear male-female split”.According to Lon

263、dons Harley Street Gender Clinic,“changing your gender status on a passport or obtaining a UK gender recognition certificate(GRC)usually requires a name change by deed poll and a report from a recognised gender specialist(two letters for a GRC).”Although conversations in relation to trans rights are

264、 often polarising,the reality is,allowing people to self-identify using a gender marker other than male or female is not taking away anything from those who do identify as male or female.It is a“gender additive”approach.Speaking about Mexicos new X gender passports,foreign Minister Marcelo Ebrared s

265、aid in a statement:“Important changes always begin as cultural changes.All rights must be guaranteed for all identities.No more hate speech diversity enriches and flourishes.”Globally,its estimated that about 1%of the population(about 77 million people)identify as transgender,non-binary,non-conformi

266、ng,gender-fluid or“in another way”to male and female.This stat came from the Ipsos LGBT+Pride 2021 Global Survey,which canvassed 19,000 people,aged 16 to 74,in 27 different countries.Case Study:X PassportsUnsplashG42Building gender awareness into marketing strategies is vital to DE&I(diversity,equit

267、y and inclusion).Take a look at the work Celebrity Cruises has done with its All-Inclusive Photo Project(AIPP),which it debuted in 2022.The AIPP is the worlds first free-to-use travel image library that helps brands broaden the representation of the demographics featured in their marketing campaigns

268、.Celebrity Cruises has collaborated with acclaimed photographers to create a collection of images featuring models,musicians,athletes,artists,advocates,activists,couples and families from under-represented groups posing on board Celebrity Cruises ships and at their destinations.Among them is entrepr

269、eneur/activist Aisha Shaibu-Lenoir and her wife Lexie(thequeernomads,pictured here),photographed by documentary photographerGiles Duley,an English humanitarian photographer who lost three limbs after stepping on an IED in Afghanistan.There is also Esther Onek,an advocate,social worker and refugee fr

270、om Sudan,photographed by Jarrad Seng,a creative director of Malaysian-Chinese descent;and Abby Chava Stein,the first openly transgender woman raised in a Hasidic community,photographed by Annie Leibovitz.Why did Celebrity Cruises launch the project?In 2021,the cruise line surveyed thousands of peopl

271、e across the US,UK and Australia about their thoughts on travel marketing.Almost two thirds of them(63%)felt the travel industry has a responsibility to showcase more diversity within its imagery.This was most strongly felt by those from the black community(74%),the LGBT+community(73%)and those with

272、 a disability(73%).Michael Scheiner,the companys chief marketing officer,said:“As global brands,we have a powerful platform to act as a catalyst of positive change.We know we have more work to do and we hope we inspire others to join us.”There is increasing evidence that diverse imagery via marketin

273、g campaigns plays a significant part in fostering inclusion and building trust with new demographics(particularly Gen Z and Millennial consumers).Furthermore,having photographers from under-represented groups behind the camera lens capturing people from the same groups is an important shift for a gl

274、obal travel brand.It remains to be seen whether,in practice,other brands will make use of the images in Celebrity Cruises All-Inclusive Photo Project library.But at the very least,the campaign sparks a much-needed conversation that could help more travellers feel seen and included in the future.Comm

275、enting on her participation as one of the projects photographers,Naima Green says:“As a queer,Black woman,it is fair to say that I rarely or only recently see my reflection in advertising or marketing imagery.That so many brands exclude the black,minority ethnic,LGBTQIA+,plus-size and disabled peopl

276、e is glaring,given just how many people fit into one or more of those identities.I commend Celebrity Cruises for taking a risk to try and do something about an issue that is,honestly,the responsibility of any and every advertiser.”Giles Duley echoes this:“One photo will not change the world,but if i

277、t can make one person question their way of thinking or make another feel welcome where before they felt excluded;then maybe it can inspire others to create change.”Case Study:Celebrity Cruises All-Inclusive Photo Project Aisha and Lexie Shaibu-Lenoir Giles DuleyG43Case Study:Lightning Travel Recrui

278、tmentChris King,“Thunder”and CEO of Lightning Travel Recruitment,speaks to Globetrender about what navigating a hetero-neuronormative world of work taught her as an ADHD trans femme.I lived with undiagnosed ADHD for much of my early working life,masking my neurodiversity and suppressing my transness

279、-a strategy which nearly cost me my life.It was only when my body gave up and I was forced to take time out that I realised something had to change.Worldwide statistics for suicide attempts within the trans community are truly shocking,with the estimated rate sitting at between 32%and 50%of the tran

280、s population.Transgender people are also twice as likely to be unemployed than cisgender people.After my body broke and numerous operations(caused by stress)left me bed-bound for most of 2019,and my mental health plummeted,I wasnt prepared to just become another statistic.So with a clear vision and

281、a dogged determination to make things better for others in my position,Lightning Travel Recruitment was born.Its not hyperbole to say setting up my own business saved my life.My gender journey is directly linked to the evolution of my career.I came out as non-binary in March 2021 in the height of th

282、e pandemic and began to focus on talking to anyone that felt othered in the world of business.I was amazed at just how much of what I was sharing resonated.So I leaned into it,as openly and authentically as I could.I realised that by channelling what I knew of working in a hetero-and neuro-normative

283、 world,as someone who is neither of these things,that I could help businesses to see the challenges facing candidates more clearly and help them to work on the solutions.Conversely,my own experiences would help candidates to understand that they could find a job which allowed them to thrive unashame

284、dly,as their whole selves.So many organisations operate according to the principle that they dont need to cater to the specific needs of neurodiverse or trans employees because they dont have any.However,the truth is that all organisations should be creating safe and inclusive workplaces which benef

285、it everyone,especially those who may be struggling in silence.I have never actively hidden my mental health struggles,but looking back I had no idea just how bad they were.This is why its such an important topic for me.Businesses need to stop seeing DE&I(diversity,equity and inclusion)as a tick-box

286、exercise.It has to be baked into their policies so that candidates feel seen and safe.While we are thankfully beginning to see representation increase in the DE&I space,outside of that,trans faces are still a rarity.I truly believe you cant be what you cant see and,as such,I very much see it as part

287、 of my duty as a trans,neuro-diverse business owner to be visible.I know that if Id have seen people like me growing up and in the workplace,I wouldnt have felt so isolated.Representation saves lives.Ive built Lightning Travel Recruitment by employing people who wouldnt typically fit in and am teach

288、ing them how to celebrate themselves and create a safe space in which to do so.This translates directly into the way we work with clients and candidates.While these things take time,we are already seeing just how transformative this approach is,not only in the lives of those who can finally be their

289、 authentic selves but for the companies who recruit them.G44GAY-IINTERFACESAI is estimated to offer a US$28 billion opportunity for the travel industry.For queer travellers who want anonymity,interacting with machines will be preferable to humans.YotelG45From border control and airport security to h

290、otel check-ins and room service deliveries,for many queer travellers,having to interact with humans can be fraught with anxiety.What this means is there is a huge opportunity for the integration of automated checkpoints,terminals and even robots that allow for people to be served in a non-judgementa

291、l way by a machine.Its also totally democratic and inclusive as these“Gay-I Interfaces”,as Globetrender calls them,are already in operation and make the travel experience more seamless for everybody,not just LGBTQ+people.Yotel(pictured)is a great example as it only has automated check-in kiosks at i

292、ts hotels and even has robot staff for in-room deliveries.Passport control,for example,can be stressful for anyone but imagine what its like for a trans person.Harry Nicholas,author of A Trans Man Walks into a Gay Bar,tells Globetrender what it was like the first time he went through passport contro

293、l with his new passport.“I was terrified because I hadnt started testosterone yet and my passport had changed to Mr and Male,despite me still being read as a girl.My mum felt the same anxiety as we edged nearer,and manoeuvred herself behind me in the queue,so I wouldnt get stuck on one side separate

294、 from my family,if anything was to happen.But it didnt.I went up to the counter,they checked that my face fitted the picture and we moved on,”says Nicholas.Facial recognition cameras and passport scanning kiosks could help trans people avoid this scenario but the photos on their ID will need to be u

295、p-to-date,and biometric technology will need to be sensitive to how trans faces change.How could AI be used to help support LGBTQ+travellers in the future?Globetrender decided to ask AI chatbot ChatGPT(which was created by OpenAI,the CEO of which is gay man Sam Altman),and this is what it said:“Imag

296、ine having a travel companion that understands your preferences and needs as an LGBTQ+traveller.AI-powered travel platforms can leverage sophisticated algorithms to analyse data and offer personalised recommendations.These platforms can suggest LGBTQ+-friendly destinations,accommodations,restaurants

297、,and activities that align with your interests and requirements.”It also says:“With AI as your ally,you can discover safe and inclusive options,ensuring a memorable and hassle-free trip.AI can significantly contribute to enhancing the safety of LGBTQ+travellers by monitoring social media and online

298、platforms for potential threats or incidents of discrimination.By analysing real-time data,AI systems can identify areas or establishments that may pose risks and provide timely alerts or alternative recommendations.“With AI as a vigilant companion,you can enjoy peace of mind while exploring new des

299、tinations.AI platforms can create virtual LGBTQ+travel communities where you can connect,share experiences,and seek support.And real-time translation services powered by AI can facilitate communication with locals,tour guides,or authorities,ensuring that your needs and concerns are effectively conve

300、yed and understood.”In the future,artificial intelligence provides the ability to hyper-personalise travel experiences,which is particularly useful to LGBTQ+people and goes far beyond addressing guests with their correct pronouns(but that is a good start).Gay-I InterfacesYotelG46A QUEER HISTORY OF F

301、LORENCETalk to a travel designer Carbon offsetting is built into every journey to compensate for emissionsJourney behind the scenes with The Luminaire to understand the powerful influence of male beauty and same-sex relations on some of the greatest figures of the Renaissance.Renowned art historian

302、Kevin Childs explores why this has been overlooked until very recently.Discover the Florence journeyG47In a revolutionary move that differentiates it from many other airlines in the world,Virgin Atlantic relaxed its uniform policy for pilots,crew and ground staff in autumn 2022,to allow people to ch

303、oose the attire that best represents their gender,gender identity or gender expression.Reflecting the diversity of its workforce and solidifying Virgin Atlantics position as the most inclusive airline in the skies,crew are now able to choose either a red skirt and jacket combo or a burgundy trouser

304、suit both designed by Vivienne Westwood as their uniform.The decision champions the individuality of Virgin Atlantics people by enabling them to wear the clothing that best expresses how they identify or present themselves.Not just relevant for people who identify as male or female,Jaime Forsstrom,a

305、 non-binary member of cabin crew at Virgin Atlantic,says:“The updated gender identity policy is so important to me.It allows me to be myself at work and have the choice in what uniform I wear.”In addition to the non-gendered uniform policy,wider updates include the mandatory inclusivity training for

306、 staff,in-destination training with tourism and hotel partners,and optional pronoun badges.The idea is that the badges will allow wearers to clearly communicate and be addressed by their preferred pronouns(she/her,he/him,they/them).Not just for staff,flyers will be able to ask for one at check-in or

307、 in the Virgin Atlantic Clubhouse,too.Virgin Atlantic has also updated its ticketing systems to allow for those who hold passports with gender neutral gender markers to select“U”or“X”gender codes on their booking,as well as the gender-neutral title,“Mx”.In lieu of passports without gender-neutral ge

308、nder markers,Virgin Atlantic is implementing a longer-term plan to amend communication preferences to ensure customers are addressed by their preferred pronouns“across all touchpoints”.Mandatory inclusivity training will also be rolled out for staff at all levels across Virgin Atlantic and Virgin At

309、lantic Holidays.There will also be a series of inclusivity“learning initiatives”for tourism partners and hotels within destinations such as the Caribbean to ensure all customers feel welcome,despite LGBTQ+equality being poor on the ground in some of these places.TV personality Michelle Visage teamed

310、 up with Virgin Atlantic to showcase the new uniform policy in a stylised fashion shoot.Visage says:“As the mother of a non-binary child,and as an ally to the LGBTQ+community,these efforts by Virgin Atlantic to further inclusivity for its people are extremely important and personal to me.People feel

311、 empowered when they are wearing what best represents them,and this gender identity policy allows people to embrace who they are and bring their full selves to work.”The airlines initiatives also include an update of its existing trans inclusion policies,which already allows time off for medical tre

312、atments related to gender transition,a choice of changing and shower facilities that align with the gender a person identifies as,and the co-creation of a personalised transitioning plan.Juha Jarvinen,Virgin Atlantics chief commercial officer,says:“At Virgin Atlantic,we believe that everyone can tak

313、e on the world,no matter who they are.Thats why its so important that we enable our people to embrace their individuality and be their true selves at work.”BA and Qantas have also updated their uniform rules recently.Case Study:Virgin AtlanticG48Globetrender speaks with the International LGBTQ+Trave

314、l Associations president and CEO John Tanzella,as well as Dr Elijah Nicholas and Diane Rodriguez,members of the International LGBTQ+Travel Association Foundations(IGLTAF)Transgender Advisory Group.Together,they share their insights on what their objectives are,where the safest destinations are for t

315、rans travellers and why there is so little data on the trans travel experience.What is the IGLTA Foundation?“The IGLTA Foundation is the charity subsidiary of the International LGBTQ+Travel Association and empowers LGBTQ+welcoming travel businesses globally through leadership,research,and education.

316、Its initiatives focus on segments of our industry or geographic regions that lack in governmental or societal support.”What is the purpose of its transgender advisory group?“The Transgender Advisory Group is part of a broad strategy to ensure all IGLTAF initiatives not only meet the goal of advancin

317、g LGBTQ+rights globally but also are driven by input from those directly impacted.This volunteer group helps us to develop resources that IGLTA,its members and the tourism industry at large can use to better support gender-expansive travellers.”When was it set up and why?“The group was formed in 202

318、1 but is getting more engaged now that travel restrictions have been lifted in many parts of the world.We are very aware of transgender under-representation in travel,whether its overall marketing that fails to include transgender travellers or lack of visibility in our business network.We need to d

319、evelop more inclusive resources to help tourism professionals better understand the needs of gender-diverse clients.”Why is it important to ask people about their gender identity/pronouns when they are booking travel?“It minimises the painful misunderstandings and conflicts that result when someone

320、is misgendered.It shows respect for the person you are booking,making them feel truly seen.”What kinds of unique challenges do trans people face when they travel?“Tourism businesses verifying pronouns isnt the global norm,so the opportunities for misgendering trans people are unlimited if they dont

321、fit a cisgender mould which can escalate into more serious conflicts.Bathrooms present a major challenge when there isnt a gender-neutral option.“We hear repeatedly that airport security checks are distressing.So often gender-diverse travellers are pulled out of line for looking different.And when l

322、egal documentation is different from the way a person identifies,that can open them up to even more discrimination.”How can travel companies,hotels and airlines better cater to the needs of trans people?“By reserving judgement.Specifically,though,by using gender-neutral language upon first meeting,a

323、llowing everyone to state their gender and pronouns in their booking.They should also seek advice from LGBTQ+tourism leaders that specialise in serving trans people and provide diversity training for front-line staff.”Do you have any interesting stats on trans travellers you can share?“Specific stat

324、istics on transgender travellers are hard to come by,as most surveys,the IGLTAs included,have focused on the full LGBTQ+spectrum,and the responses from those identifying as trans have been quite small.Its something we want to address with the help of our group.”Which are the safest destinations in t

325、he world for trans travellers?“Australia,New Zealand,Japan and Ireland are among the top choices,but answering that question comes with caveats.Its important for trans people to do their homework in advance to be able to best prepare for a safe journey.Q&A:IGLTA G49IGLTA offers a number of travel gu

326、ides,including one on trans travel safety.”Have you noticed an increase in the number of trans people travelling with their own children?“Its difficult to say if its an increase in number,but there is some increase in visibility and awareness of trans families.”What should the travel industry apprec

327、iate about trans family travel?“Trans family travel is an opportunity for the industry to reject stereotypes around parenting and gender and embrace a more expansive idea of what family can look like.Diane,a member of our advisory group,is a trans woman and her partner,a trans man,gave birth to thei

328、r daughter.“She shared this personal experience:I am a trans woman who does not go unnoticed,because of myvoice,body,face,etc.and when I am the one carrying my daughter,they see me as a sexual predator.In many cases people do not think that she is my daughter,they assume she is the child of my partn

329、er and an ex-wife and in the worst cases,they assume I have kidnapped her.Travel companies need to educate staff about the existence of trans families to help stop this type of invasive,aggressive behaviour.”Why has it taken so long to recognise the needs and rights of trans people?“Lack of visibili

330、ty.For so long,conversations were about gay and lesbian issues and most of the community spaces were for gay men or to a lesser degree,lesbians.Expanding the acronym to LGBTQ+doesnt mean that every letter gets equal attention.Resistance to the advancement of the needs of all travellers is a core pro

331、blem.Travel companies need to adapt to an emerging gender-expansive landscape.”What is the future of trans travel?“We hope that policies will catch up to societal changes and companies will be more proactive about ensuring safe,comfortable experiences for everyone.The result will be visible growth i

332、n trans travel,and those countries that support trans inclusion will thrive.”Q&A:IGLTA Naima G50Globetrender,the UKs leading travel trend forecasting agency,is helping travel and tourism companies to navigate whats coming next through bespoke consultancyIf you would like individual guidance on how to future-proof your company,email CEO Jenny Southan at Download Globetrenders latest trend reports at in the view,gain new perspectivesGLOBETRENDERThe Brando



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 182**26... 升级为高级VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

 136**44...  升级为高级VIP 136**89... 升级为标准VIP  

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  177**45...  升级为至尊VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

微**...  升级为标准VIP wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP 

wei**n_...   升级为标准VIP 139**16...  升级为至尊VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP 

182**00...  升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP

133**67... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP

 柯平 升级为高级VIP  shi**ey...  升级为高级VIP

 153**71... 升级为至尊VIP 132**42... 升级为高级VIP 

 wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 178**35... 升级为至尊VIP  

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP   wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

133**95... 升级为高级VIP  188**50...  升级为高级VIP

138**47... 升级为高级VIP  187**70... 升级为高级VIP

Tom**12... 升级为至尊VIP 微**...   升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP  156**93... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP  小敏  升级为高级VIP

hak**a9...  升级为至尊VIP  185**56... 升级为高级VIP

156**93... 升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  Br**e有... 升级为至尊VIP

wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  

 wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  156**20... 升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP 微**...  升级为标准VIP

 135**45...  升级为标准VIP wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 

wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP   157**60...  升级为高级VIP

 150**45... 升级为至尊VIP wei**n_... 升级为标准VIP

 wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 151**80...  升级为高级VIP 

135**10...  升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为高级VIP wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP  

wei**n_...  升级为标准VIP  wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  

 wei**n_... 升级为高级VIP  135**22... 升级为高级VIP 

wei**n_...  升级为至尊VIP 181**62...  升级为至尊VIP

 黑**... 升级为至尊VIP  wei**n_... 升级为至尊VIP 

178**61... 升级为高级VIP  186**20... 升级为高级VIP