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1、Centering inclusivity in the future of digital marketingDiversity and InclusionCONSUMER STUDYUNITED STATES EDITIONJUNE 20231Integral Ad Science(IAS)ran an online survey among U.S.consumers to better understand consumer attitudes toward diversity and inclusion(D&I)efforts in digital advertising.In th

2、is study,we explore why diversity matters in advertising and measure how inclusive messaging affects consumer sentiment,receptivity,and purchase behavior.This report also gauges the impact that contextual adjacency has on consumer sentiment and behavior in relation to brands D&I efforts.Field DateMa

3、rch 2023Participation n=1,003 U.S.online usersDiversity and InclusionStudy objectives and design274%of consumers consider diversity and inclusion to be importantQ.How important is the topic of diversity and inclusion to you?3A majority of consumers agree that diversity is important to the future of

4、the U.S.Q.Thinking about the topic diversity and inclusion generally,please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:“I believe that diversity is the future in my country66%of consumers agree that diversity is the future in their country4I believe that diversity is the fu

5、ture in my countryMore than half of consumers actively consume content related to D&IQ.Thinking about the topic diversity and inclusion generally,please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:“I educate myself and like to read up on articles and consume content on topic

6、s related to diversity and inclusion issues”56%of consumers like to consume content related to diversity and inclusion 5I educate myself and like to read up on articles and consume content on topics related to diversity and inclusion issuesNearly two-thirds of consumers think their actions have a si

7、gnificant impact in supporting diversity effortsQ.Thinking about the topic diversity and inclusion generally,please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:“I believe my individual actions have a significant impact in helping support diversity and inclusion causes”I have

8、 changed my shopping or purchase habits to help support diversity and inclusion causes45%of consumers say they have changed their shopping or purchase habits to help support D&I effortsand nearly half have changed their shopping habits to support D&I.666%of consumers believe that its important for b

9、rands to promote D&IQ:Thinking about the topic diversity and inclusion specific to brands and advertising,please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:“It is important for brands to promote diversity and inclusion”7Consumers want brands to get involved in wider convers

10、ations surrounding D&I effortsQ.Thinking about the topic diversity and inclusion specific to brands and advertising,please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:“Brands have a responsibility to reflect our modern culture”;“Brands should be engaged in the social convers

11、ation around diversity and inclusion issues”67%of consumers believe that brands have a responsibility to reflect our modern culture62%of consumers believe that brands should be engaged in the social conversation around D&I issues8Consumers expect action over posturing when it comes to brands D&I eff

12、ortsQ.What kinds of actions would you like to see brands/companies take in order to promote diversity and inclusion efforts?What kinds of actions would you like to see brands/companies take in order to promote diversity and inclusion efforts?44%Provide consistent level of customer service for all gr

13、oups of customers40%Develop accessible products with all customers in mind40%Feature diverse representation of individuals in advertisements39%Have hiring practices that maintain a multifaceted employee base39%Ensure their advertisements and content are accessible to those with disabilities36%Hire d

14、iverse leaders/spokespeopleEntertainment,fashion,and food/beverage brands are the top advertisers consumers expect to advocate for D&IEntertainmentFashion/ApparelFood and BeverageHealthcare/PharmaRetail/e-commerceTravelFinancial ServicesAutomotiveTech/telcoEnergy and utilities52%49%48%44%39%39%38%33

15、%32%29%Q.What types of companies/brands/advertisers should play a role in advocating for diversity and inclusion?Select all that apply:10Brands should consider many D&I factors in their campaigns,particularly race,ethnicity,and age.Q.What factors should a brand consider in order to be diverse or inc

16、lusive in their ad campaign?Select all that apply:Race/EthnicityAgeBody type/physical appearanceGender identitySexual orientationSocio-economic statusDisabilityLanguageCitizenship/immigrant statusReligious/spiritual affiliation55%52%44%43%41%38%38%37%34%33%11Consumers are wary of hollow or inauthent

17、ic attempts to address diversity in advertisingQ.Thinking about the topic diversity and inclusion specific to brands and advertising,please indicate whether you agree or disagree with the following statements:“Brands only use diversity in advertising to increase their profits”55%of consumers agree t

18、hat brands only use diversity in advertising to increase profits12and there are consequences to brands for having a poor D&I strategyQ.How likely are you to“Boycott a brand that doesnt take diversity and inclusion seriously”;“Switch from using a brand that demonstrates poor diversity and inclusion v

19、alues,even if you have used that brand for a long time”*Responses include“Very likely”and“Likely”50%of consumers would be likely to switch from a brand that demonstrates poor D&I values,even if they have used that brand for a long time45%of consumers would be likely to boycott a brand that doesnt ta

20、ke diversity and inclusion seriously1382%of consumers think brands should make a concerted effort to place ads around content that promotes diversityQ.Do you think brands/advertisers should make a concerted effort to place ads around content that promotes diversity?14The brand and content surroundin

21、g the ad can be linked in the minds of consumersQ.Please indicate how much you agree with the following statement:“I believe an advertiser approves of the content their ads appear next to.”61%of consumers believe advertisers approve of the content near their ads 15I believe an advertiser approves of

22、 the contenttheir ads appear next toBrands benefit from placing advertisements around content that promotes D&IQ.If you see an ad that appears alongside content that promotes diversity and inclusion efforts,how likely would you be to engage with the ad(e.g.,click on ad)to learn more about the produc

23、t or brand?*Responses include“Very likely to engage with the ad”and“Likely to engage with the ad”;If you see an ad that appears alongside content that promotes diversity and inclusion efforts,how likely would you be to purchase the advertised product/service?*Responses include“Very likely to purchas

24、e the product/service”and“Likely to purchase the product/service”56%of consumers would be likely to purchase a product/service from an ad that appears alongside content that promotes diversity and inclusion efforts56%of consumers would be likely to engage with an ad that appears alongside content th

25、at promotes diversity and inclusion efforts16Being around content that opposes D&I efforts negatively affects ad performanceQ.If you see an ad that appears alongside content that promotes diversity and inclusion efforts,how likely would you be to engage with the ad(e.g.,click on ad)to learn more abo

26、ut the product or brand?;If you see an ad that appears alongside content that promotes diversity and inclusion efforts,how likely would you be to purchase the advertised product/service?Q.How would you feel towards a brand if one of their ads appeared alongside content that opposes diversity and inc

27、lusion efforts?28%of consumers would be unlikely to engage with an ad that appears alongside content that opposes diversity and inclusion efforts30%of consumers would be unlikely to purchase a product/service from an ad that appears alongside content that opposes D&I efforts1736%of consumers would f

28、eel less favorable towards a brand whose ad appears alongside content that opposes D&I effortsUltimately,consumers hold advertisers most responsible for the content ads appear adjacent to online but publishers also have a role to playQ.Who do you believe bears the most responsibility for the type of

29、 content ads appear next to online?Who bears the most responsibility for the type of content ads appear next to online?The advertiser/brand55%13%Internet service providers1832%The web page that shows the ad183%of consumers consider D&I to be important to themKEY TAKEAWAYS61%of consumers believe thei

30、r individual actions have a significant impact in helping support D&I effortsConsumers care about diversity and inclusion and want to do more to promote D&I efforts46%of consumers have changed their shopping habits to help support D&I efforts19266%of consumers believe that its important for brands t

31、o promote D&I KEY TAKEAWAYS52%of consumers say entertainment is the top vertical they expect to play a role in advocating for D&IBrands and advertisers should actively advocate for diversity and inclusion45%of consumers would be likely to switch or boycott brands that have poor D&I values46%20382%of

32、 consumers think brands should make an effort to place ads around content that promotes diversityKEY TAKEAWAYS67%of consumers believe that brands have a responsibility to reflect our modern cultureIts important for brands to promote diversity and inclusion in their advertising and in media placement

33、s online55%of consumers hold advertisers most responsible for the type of content ads appear near21456%of consumers would purchase products from ads that are placed alongside content that promotes D&IKEY TAKEAWAYS36%of consumers would feel less favorable towards a brand whose ad appears alongside co

34、ntent that opposes D&I effortsConsumers are sensitive to content opposing diversity,impacting brand perceptions and ad performance30%of consumers would be unlikely to purchase products from ads placed alongside content that opposes D&I22How IAS can help:Context Control Avoidance Classify 90+specific

35、 emotions for true contextual classificationCognitive semantic technology powered by the largest knowledge graph in verificationPrecise classification of content at scale,powered by sentiment and emotion detectionComprehensive protection from dynamic,real time page-level scoring 150+industry vertica

36、l and topical segments availableAvailable in all major global DSPs,in 45+languages and over 50 countriesGET STARTED23Safety&Suitability:Avoidance strategy for D&I 1.Standard control2.Topical Segments3.GARM SegmentsClient brand safety settings Adult Illegal downloads Drugs Hate speech Offensive langu

37、age Violence AlcoholSpecific to market trends and issues Discrimination avoidanceAligning with GARM framework Incitement of hatred Sensitive social issues Sexual contentGET STARTED4.Brand specificSegmentsUnique to your brand Brand name+negative sentiment Non-ambiguous keywords*Precise control over a

38、voiding negative context at scaleUniversalMost brands want to avoidUnique to a brand or industry*Remove KW list from ad server/DSP,but keep non-ambiguous KWs,e.g.,brand namesBrand specificGET STARTED24Words matter use natural language processing to increase scale and prevent inadvertent blocking of

39、important LGBTQ+content.1,634URLs blocked Jan-Jun 22 containing LGBTQ+keywords at URL level94%of URLs were categorised as brand safe and suitable100%Implementing IAS Context Control pre-bid(Discrimination Avoidance segment)resulted in 100%passed LGBTQ+positive sentiment articlesCase Study:A“Top 40 Brand”25Diversity and InclusionCONSUMER STUDY26Centering inclusivity in the future of digital marketingUNITED STATES EDITIONJUNE 2023



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