
如何推动跨职能协作 - 埃森哲(英文版)(32页).pdf

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如何推动跨职能协作 - 埃森哲(英文版)(32页).pdf

1、Provocative thinking, transformative insights, tangible outcomes TOGETHER MAKES BETTER How to out-collaborate the crisis The greatest lessons often emerge from the most devastating times of crises. One lesson from the COVID-19 pandemic: We need to come together to outmaneuver uncertainty. Even in “n

2、ormal” times, a lack of collaboration on complex challenges like digital transformation can cost organizations ROI and future revenue growth. In the time of COVID-19 and economic downturn? The age-old siloes problem could be disastrous. In studying the issue, we have uncovered a group of companies t

3、hat have solved the collaboration conundrumthat work across functional lines to innovate, stay relevant, and drive profitable growth. This report reveals what they do differently from the rest. Sustaining digital transformation through economic downturn How can companies continue to digitize in time

4、s of sluggish demand and shaky supply chains? By focusing on cross-function collaboration. Heres why. TOGETHER MAKES BETTER: How to out-collaborate the crisis2 Dr. Bhaskar Ghosh Advisor to the CEO The COVID-19 crisis has brought our economy to a standstill. Everything seems stuck on pause everything

5、, that is, except digital. Digital is not taking a pause. If anything, the crisis is speeding up digital transformation, forcing organizations and individuals further up the adoption curve and hastening a wider and deeper digitization of industry than we ever could have imagined just a few years ago

6、. Digital is now central to just about everything we do. From connecting with colleagues and loved ones through the web, to managing globalized supply chains in the cloud, to building a portfolio of software-enabled offerings, digital has become not just a tool we use to aid our life and work but hu

7、manitys essential and irreplaceable one. Using new technologies like industrial internet of things (IIoT), artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, 3D printing, and digital twins, some manufacturers have been able to rapidly shift to the production of medical supplies, such as surgical masks, hand sa

8、nitizer, and ventilators. This extraordinary achievement would not have been possible without the digital reinvention of industry. But as we look toward a post-COVID-19, never normal future, we must also remember that organizational change is just as critical to success as embedding intelligence int

9、o products and factories. While many things can get in the way of a successful tech transformation, our research tells us that “cross-function” competition is one of the biggest ones. Make no mistake: Creative tensions can be a good thing, but weve found that different business functions are competi

10、ng, rather than collaborating, with each other to scale digital initiatives, and its costing companies. Daunting as it may sound, some companies have cracked this code. In studying them, weve identified five attributes that enable organizational functions to work well together, learn from one anothe

11、r, and overcome the barriers to doing both. We call these leading companies the Champions, and we predict that they will be best-positioned to outmaneuver uncertainty in the near future. This report explains what they do differently and sets you on a path to becoming one. Foreword 3TOGETHER MAKES BE

12、TTER: How to out-collaborate the crisis Finding new value by bringing business functions together CHANGE IT TO MAKE IT 4TOGETHER MAKES BETTER: How to out-collaborate the crisis Global crises like the COVID-19 pandemic are so complex that they can only be tackled by teams from disparate domains. To s

13、olve them, people must be able to work together across disciplinary and organizational boundaries. Break down silos at all costs. Doctors working with government leaders, nurses working with supply-chain managers, infectious-disease experts working with CEOs of just about every industry. Silos be da

14、mned. For their part, global businesses at the front line of the crisis have been able to collaborate well outside their organization, harnessing their ideas, people, and resources for the greater good of humanity. But what about inside the organization? Are business functions collaborating to addre

15、ss the most complex issues facing the company, irrespective of COVID-19, such as new competitive threats and digital transformation? Are they leveraging key technologies like cloud, data analytics, and AI to drive value? Accentures Industry X.0 Research study shows that many established companies st

16、ill struggle with cross-function collaboration. In a survey of more than 1,500 global senior and C-level executives of industrial companies conducted prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, 75 percent say different business functions (e.g., R the development team takes the suggestions and implements them al

17、most immediately. This fast-paced collaboration is enabled by a multi-cloud platform that unifies several tools for software development and management, and allows the teams to modify features and put them back into production on the fly. As a result, time to release software has been reduced signif

18、icantly from a couple of weeks to a few days or hours, with the aforementioned results. The cross-function effort already helped to achieve a 15 percent increase in revenue and a 5 percent reduction in IT cost. 19TOGETHER MAKES BETTER: How to out-collaborate the crisis Pick projects that bring peopl

19、e together: 3 Prioritize digital initiatives that stimulate cross-function collaboration. Champions know where and how to allocate capital. They do it by prioritizing projects that require cross- function collaboration, before allocating funds and driving focused execution. 20TOGETHER MAKES BETTER:

20、How to out-collaborate the crisis Take, for instance, Spanish shipbuilder Navantia and its innovative Shipyard 4.0 platform. Shipyard 4.0 uses digital twins, Big Data-based simulations and AI to help Navantia accelerate ship design and development, optimize the construction process, including meetin

21、g maximum safety standards, and develop new services across the operational lifetime of its vessels. The Navantia Technology Center (NTC) brings together experts in engineering and design, production and maintenance, combining their skills towards building the platform. The engineers use physical-as

22、set specifications provided by the production experts to create the digital replica/twin. They then leverage usage and maintenance data to model simulations into the digital twin. In total, the project encompasses more than 1,000 engineers, 40 construction and engineering firms, 200 suppliers, four

23、shipyards and all of Navantias business linesall working together under common transformation goals.5 When leaders champion partnership and collaboration in all involved functions, companies can achieve digital transformation faster, smoother, and more efficiently. working together under common tran

24、sformation goals. 1000 engineers 40 construction and engineering firms 200 suppliers 21TOGETHER MAKES BETTER: How to out-collaborate the crisis Make sure solutions speak the same language: Dont compromise on interoperability. 4 Champions know how to harmonize different tech platforms in the cloud, e

25、nsuring that they work together seamlessly toward mutual outcomes. They are also more likely to have their digital platforms work and communicate well together. In doing so, individual functions are empowered to collaborate virtually and to continuously access and exchange data-driven insights about

26、 their customers, market conditions and operations. Take Covestro, a German specialty chemicals company. In 2017, the company launched its Optimized System Integration (OSI2020) platform to digitize production systems and unite both them and the data they contain within a single integrated, cloud-ba

27、sed platform.6 The company developed a plan to replace its design and engineering applications with a plant and engineering platform solution which captured, managed and shared data about asset specifications and procedures.7 With this new cohesive system in place, Covestros plant facility engineeri

28、ng, operations and manufacturing functions are safer, more reliable and more efficient. 22TOGETHER MAKES BETTER: How to out-collaborate the crisis Meviy, the online platform launched by Japanese industrial equipment parts manufacturer MISUMI in 2016 is another great example. Meviy provides customers

29、 with high-value precision parts such as molds, equipment and devices used in product development and prototyping by employing a next- generation manufacturing platform. The fully automated platform seamlessly connects the Engineering, Purchase, and Manufacturing divisions. Connecting these key func

30、tions through a single cohesive platform doesnt just significantly eliminate design errors, it cuts manufacturing lead time down from nearly two weeks to as little as one day. How? The platform allows customers to upload 3D designs of desired components and uses a proprietary AI algorithm to assess

31、the manufacturing feasibility of the component. From there, the platform provides an instant estimate of the component manufacturing cost and delivery time. Next, the order, along with the product specifications, is automatically converted into manufacturing data and communicated to the factory mach

32、ine tools for processing. By completely eliminating any manual intervention, the system ensures low component cost and fast delivery. So far, the service has handled more than 3 million components and catered to 40,000 customers worldwide, with a repeat order rate of 80 percent.8 The service handles

33、 more than 3 million components and caters to 40,000 customers. 23TOGETHER MAKES BETTER: How to out-collaborate the crisis Cross-function collaboration works best when teams are equipped with the technology and expertise to gather, deliver and analyze data in ways that unlock the best insights. Acco

34、rding to our research, Champions successfully create such an environment for collaboration by spelling out clear guidelines on how their Information Technology (IT) and Operating Technology (OT) teams should work together. They also favor multidisciplinary teams with the tech know-how to gather, del

35、iver, and analyze data that yield high-value business insights. Create rules for the road: Build smart IT-OT governance policies from the get-go. 5 24TOGETHER MAKES BETTER: How to out-collaborate the crisis Consider Western Digital: Early in its digital transformation, the company established a data

36、 governance group across the two technology domains. Since then, this group focusses on identifying and, educating and guiding “data stewards” employees who champion data quality and data sharing initiatives within and between their respective divisions. The group is also empowered to manage core pl

37、atform decisions for the American computer data storage company, in every function, uniformly.9 This helps Western Digital leaders know how to best organize, secure and extract valuable insights from its entire data warehouse. At the same time, this approach fosters a company- wide spirit of data sh

38、aring and accountability that echoes through every business function. Western Digital also built a shared and engaged change management culture. The goal was not only to improve IT-OT governance processes, but also to optimize all organizational systems and data in ways that help internal operations

39、 work faster and more effectively together. When you put smart IT-OT policies in place at the start of your transformation and securely funnel in key data points from all functions in a unified way, youll unlock value like a Champion. Western Digital leaders know how to best organize, secure and ext

40、ract valuable insights from its entire data warehouse. 25TOGETHER MAKES BETTER: How to out-collaborate the crisis Cross-function collaboration is not an end state, or even a means to an end. It must be a central organizational imperative for companies in a post-COVID-19, never- normal world, and a s

41、trategic focus for executives tasked with sustaining digital transformation efforts. When executed effectively, greater collaboration across functional boundaries can not only reduce waste and costs, but also earn measurable financial returns. As companies continue grappling with the adoption and im

42、plementation of digital technologies, or with hastening their digital transformations, they may easily lose sight of cross-function collaboration. But the Champions recognize it as fundamental to their business. Like efficiency and productivity, it is becoming an increasingly important barometer for

43、 success in difficult times. Conclusion: If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go farther, go together. 26TOGETHER MAKES BETTER: How to out-collaborate the crisis 27TOGETHER MAKES BETTER: How to out-collaborate the crisis ABOUT THE RESEARCH In the months of January and February 2020, we s

44、urveyed 1,550 senior executives from companies spanning 14 different industries and spread across 11 countries with annual sales exceeding $1 billion. In the survey, we asked executives to report their company names and the investments they had made towards digitally transforming key business functi

45、ons. We also collected data on the impact these investments had on both costs and revenues. We compared survey data on digital investment and its impact, with publicly reported financial information to ascertain loss of value due to interfunctional competition. We identified Champions as companies w

46、hich satisfied two separate criteria: i. They outperformed industry average in terms of cross- functional impact of digital transformation investments on revenue, for the period between 2017 and 2019, and ii. their overall revenue growth for the three-year period was higher than their industry peers

47、. Utilities, 10% Aerospace his writing has been published by business and academic periodicals like the Harvard Business Review, Fortune, and the European Business Review. Aarohi holds a Bachelor of Business in Finance from the University of Delhis College of Business Studies. Find Raghav on LinkedI

48、n Find Aarohi on LinkedIn Raghav Narsalay Industry X.0 Global Research Lead Aarohi Sen Principal, Thought Leadership for Industry X.0 Find Nigel on LinkedIn 30TOGETHER MAKES BETTER: How to out-collaborate the crisis Acknowledgements Contributors The authors would like to thank their fellow Accenture

49、 leaders Tracey Countryman, Ram Ramalingam, Jack Ramsay and Sef Tuma. This report could not have come together without their valuable insights and thought leadership on Industry X.0. Project Team Marc Appel, Preeti Bajla, Tatjana Berg, Jens Derksen, Florian Heinrichs, Francis Hintermann, Rod Kay, Sinead Kennedy, Rodrigo Lima, Paddy Lynch, Aoife McEvoy, Surbhi Mehta, James Murphy, Hiroyuki Okabe, Dylan OBrien, Vincenzo Palermo, Ayako Takada, Ida Nair Sharma, Shital Sharma, Ashley Williams. The authors would also



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