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1、Consumer connection playbook How to build human relationships in an emerging AI worldIntroductionDeveloping at breakneck speed,AI technology promises to change the world as we know it.And thats something that consumers feel understandably unsure about.Our research into how consumers feel about AI,fo

2、und that only 27.3%believe AI technology will improve the customer experience.Their concerns all centre around human connection;around two thirds of people fear jobs will be replaced,that they wont be able to speak to a real customer service representative,and that the human touch will be lost.Ultim

3、ately,they dont yet recognise AI as the thing that is going to make the world better.Changing this perception will be a big challenge for brands over the next few years,which is why we teamed up with those at the forefront of tackling it to share their knowledge.Attests Brand Growth Summit brought t

4、ogether industry experts from brands including Diageo,JCDecaux,The Clorox Company,and Butternut Box to discuss how theyre maintaining and growing consumer connection as they integrate AI into their businesses.In this playbook,we compile all of the wisdom shared at the event,giving you six actionable

5、 steps to guide your brand as we head into the future.Like everything we do at Attest,this playbook is designed to celebrate consumer understanding,and help make sure consumers stay at the heart of your business.Jeremy King Founder and CEO,AttestAttests 4 principles for AIPlaybook contributorsNathal

6、ie Nahai Persuasive tech and human behaviour expertJim Dores International Marketing Manager,JCDecauxEmma Pinto Senior Shopper Marketing Manager,The Clorox Company(Europe)Selene Riontino Insights Lead,Butternut BoxBenjamin Lickfett Global Head of Digital Innovation,DiageoGive consumers the ability t

7、o consent to AI and control how their data is usedBe transparent about how youre using AI and the value that provides to consumersEnsure your AI systems are accurate and reliable Communicate your overall philosophy and ethics for AIContents01/Dont let consumers down with AI tools02/Be open and value

8、s-led03/Combine new tools with old ones04/Put the consumer at the heart of everything you do05/Use AI as the catalyst for breakthrough consumer experiences 06/Keep subverting expectations01/Dont let consumers down with AI tools Humans are often sceptical when it comes to new technologies.When the fi

9、rst automobiles were invented in the late 19th century very few people believed they would catch on because gasoline could only be purchased by the pint in drug stores.In theory,cars seemed like a great idea but actually using them was a hassle.Consequently,it took time for the public to warm up to

10、this new technology that eventually went on to revolutionise transportation.The same is likely to be true of AI.Once good infrastructure is in place and people see the benefits of this technology outweigh the drawbacks,consumers will embrace it.But until we reach this point,brands need to work on bu

11、ilding consumer trust.One bad experience is all it takes to undermine this.So what can go wrong?Attest CEO Jeremy King says AI can negatively impact customer experience through issues like impersonal or unempathetic interactions,providing inaccurate information or making inappropriate recommendation

12、s.Chatbots are also potentially open to abuse by users(for example,it could be prompted to swear or make offensive remarks).Currently,consumers are reasonably open to using AI;our research shows 52%are likely to use a chatbot on a brands website.But if they encounter problems that lead to confusion

13、or frustration it could quickly damage trust.Thats why its essential that AI tools deliver on their promises.50.2%49.1%43.7%38.0%28.2%18-2425-3435-4445-5455-64Consumer distrust of companies collecting data via AI by countryFranceUSCanadaAustraliaUKGermanyNetherlandsMexico38.4%30.4%28.1%19.9%31.5%33.

14、1%35.3%37.0%What consumers think about brands using AITop 3 consTop 3 prosFaster customersupport46.9%Taking jobsfrom people59.3%Helping stafto do their jobs37.8%More creativeadvertising33.1%Loss of thehuman touch58.3%Inability to speakto a real person54.8%+Ability to spot AI-generated imagery by age

15、“AI can boost your connection with your consumers or,if done badly,it can destroy it.Thats why accuracy and reliability in your deployment of AI is key.”02/Be open and values-led When thinking about integrating AI tools,one of the most important questions for brands to ask themselves is,why?Is it to

16、 enrich an element of the customer experience or is it to quietly collect vast quantities of data so you can sell more products?If its the latter,itll be hard to get consumers to trust you.Key to getting consumer buy-in with AI is transparency openly communicating how youre using AI,what data its us

17、ing,and why thats good for the consumer.Attests Jeremy King says its a simple equation:transparency+value=the deal.Jeremy recommends that brands also openly talk about their overall philosophy and guiding principles for AI.What will or wont you do?Dove,for example,has publicly pledged never to use A

18、I-generated people in their marketing.Promoting open ethics for AI also means discussing things like how you respect privacy,avoid bias with your technology,and what youd do if things went wrong.Persuasive tech and human behaviour expert Nathalie Nahai says its down to brands to be values-led,and pr

19、ove to consumers that AI can be used responsibly to the benefit of everyone.If we breach consumer trust,present tools that disappoint,or otherwise do damage to society,it will erode that all-important consumer connection.“Its really important we get this right.If we dont,were going to be in a really

20、 difficult place.We need to use AI for the flourishing of all.If we can be values-led,it has the potential to lead us to a better world.”“You need to design,build and communicate your vision of the deal:why AI is good for the consumer and why they should care about it as much as you do.”Remember the

21、 saying dont throw the baby out with the bathwater?Its one to keep in mind when adopting new tools.While developments in digital marketing are exciting(with AI introducing all sorts of possibilities),that doesnt mean we should completely dispense with old tried-and-tested techniques.In fact,brands c

22、an enhance their results by artfully combining the two together.Jim Dores,International Marketing Manager at JCDecaux says consumers still connect with traditional forms of advertising,like out-of-home.Research shows that priming consumers with OOH ads means theyre likely to look at online ads for 3

23、7%longer.Adding AI into the mix can make OOH even more impactful.Using contextual information,such as the weather,times of day or local area to tailor digital OOH ads,can increase consumer receptivity and responsiveness 70%of consumers find contextual ads more creative,while 77%agree timely content

24、is valuable for discovering new products and brands.Of course,AI has the ability to do so much more than personalise a billboard based on whether its raining or if the sun is shining.But Jim warns this is where brands must tread carefully;if AI feels intrusive or creepy,it will do more harm than goo

25、d.“With AI well be able to track consumers and deliver OOH ads to them so it needs to be put in place with some ethics.”03/Combine new tools with old ones“58%of consumers associate OOH ads with increased brand trust,hence consumers tend to engage with the brand online after seeing one.”04/Put the co

26、nsumer at the heart of everything you do If you only remember one thing from this playbook,make it this one.Staying consistently consumer-centric will mean everything else falls into place when integrating AI into your business.Emma Pinto,Senior Shopper Marketing Manager at The Clorox Company(Europe

27、),says carrying out consumer research is essential for any brand aiming to be“consumer obsessed”.Staying close to your consumer lets you understand how the customer experience can be improved and how AI could be used to do that.Emma calls it identifying a consumer tension and believes its key to unl

28、ocking growth.AI tools that are introduced without consumer insight although exciting-sounding to shareholders might not actually prove useful to the end-user.Selene Riontino,Insights Lead at fresh dog food brand Butternut Box,agrees that brand innovation should be customer-led,especially in D2C bus

29、inesses.“We want to constantly update our understanding of and be acting on customer needs,pains,behaviours.For that reason,consumer research underpins both strategic and tactical initiatives at Butternut across all teams from Brand and Marketing to Digital Product.”“Five years ago,the expectation w

30、as that only bigger companies had the budget to run research but with companies like Attest its much more accessible.Research is really important.The consumer has to be at the heart of everything you do.”05/Use AI as the catalyst for breakthrough consumer experiences One issue facing AI is that its

31、still considered a novelty.This means consumers might be quick to write AI innovations off as a gimmick unless they deliver real(immediately obvious)value.If you cant see a reason for using an AI-powered calculator over a standard one,for example,youre unlikely to come back to use it again.To succee

32、d,Benjamin Lickfett,Global Head of Digital Innovation at Diageo,says AI must be the catalyst for breakthrough consumer experiences that deliver lasting value.A prime example of this is Diageos Whats Your Whisky?digital experience,which was created to simplify the complex whisky category for consumer

33、s who were not familiar with it.The platform asks consumers what flavours they like in order to create a unique flavour profile and recommend a whisky for them.Consumer response to the experience was so good that Diageo rolled it out to 20 countries in 18 languages and also expanded it into the beer

34、 and cocktail categories.But the innovation didnt just create value for consumers.Based on the millions of users who created flavour profiles,Diageo is able to understand the flavour profiles of different markets and see whats missing from them.Benjamin says such experiences should be built as platf

35、orms,not one-off projects,and advises partnering with pioneers in the field of AI innovation.But he also cautions that AI wont always be the answer,so brands should remain technology agnostic.“We start with the consumer problem what is it were actually fixing for?Its very easy to build AI for AIs sa

36、ke.We have evidence score cards to look at feasibility and desirability.If they show the right indicators we build a prototype and test.Were constantly optimising and not afraid to kill something if its not working.”06/Keep subverting expectationsDo you like watching funny dog videos?Who doesnt?But

37、do you want your entire social media feed full of them?Maybe not.Variety,as they say,is the spice of life.But thats not something AI algorithms seem to understand.If you engage with a piece of content,it will keep showing you similar content in the hope of holding your attention.Persuasive tech and

38、human behaviour expert Nathalie Nahai says this is a key difference between AI brains and human brains.“Algorithms on social media look at historical behaviour and serve more of the same which limits what you see,while human imaginations are vast power engines that draw on imperceptible and unquanti

39、fiable things.”Left to its own devices,AI can often lead to formulaic outputs and prediction fatigue.If you see the same thing again and again,eventually,youre going to get bored.Nathalie says this is why brands need to keep subverting expectations and do something different.By surprising people,bra

40、nds can not only achieve cut-through,they can connect with consumers in an entirely human way.“We need to use AI as a tool to support the human imagination.Sense the zeitgeist,engage creativity and take an informed risk.”ConclusionStaying tuned in to your audience is going to be vital as technology

41、increasingly automates consumer interactions.Remember that transactional data what customers did on your website or app doesnt tell the whole story.Staying connected means listening to what people are saying;carrying out consumer research,recording customer support calls,and reading social media com

42、ments.The good news is that AI can help make tasks like these quicker and easier.At Attest,for example,we use AI to analyse sentiment and pick out key themes in survey responses.Using AI in this way with the intention of increasing consumer understanding and improving user experience is what will le

43、ad to positive outcomes for all.We hope by following the six steps in this playbook,your brand will be able to move forward confidently and successfully with AI.Want to learn more about building consumer relationships?Watch the full 2024 Brand Growth Summit presentations.Ready to connect with your consumers?Talk to us.



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