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1、TRAVEL for the vast majority of these people, a mobile device will be their only computing device. A burgeoning population of mobile users, however, remains starkly in contrast to the slow pace of mobile development that we see across travel companies at large. The onus of being mobile-first is now

2、on travel companies; we owe it to global mobile users to both improve baseline experience (in terms of speed and usability) as well as to take advantage of the powerful capabilities of mobile devices (there are about 10 distinct sensors in most smartphones). Progressive Web App technology is deliver

3、ing lightning fast speeds for companies like MakeMyTrip and B as well as offline functionality for AirBerlin passengers on the go. Uber, which used the power of GPS to revolutionise transportation, recently allowed travellers to book simply via phone number in India, where downloading the full app m

4、ight present a barrier for many users. From initial research to on-location assistance, mobile devices have the ability to truly transform the core of travel experience but only if companies reimagine their offering in a user and mobile-first way. SO WHAT? Deliver a mobile experience that assists th

5、e traveller, agnostic of web vs. app channel Develop for fast page load times (goal of 2 seconds) on global networks (2-3G) Leverage mobile technologies (e.g. GPS, accelerometer, camera) to create inspirational or highly useful travel experiences TECHNOLOGY TRENDS for the global traveller, being abl

6、e to converse, without stopping to type, will be transformational. Virtual reality (fully immersive digital worlds) can deliver travel experiences independent of location. Augmented reality (digital objects presented in the physical world) enables an entirely new layer of interaction with ones surro

7、undings. Ironically, with more devices and technologies, we are able to focus more closely on the experience being delivered. SO WHAT? Develop relevant technology partnerships to create experiences that delight your user Deliver compelling brand experiences that extend beyond your existing consumer

8、base MACHINE LEARNING Major technology shifts come in roughly decade-long waves - from the PC to the web to the smartphone. Though travel, as an industry, is still playing catchup in terms of mobile adoption, broader technological shifts are already driving us all to consider the next wave: machine

9、learning. What is machine learning? Simply put, it means that computers dont need to be told exactly what to do. They can be given an objective and lots of data and then teach themselves how best to achieve the objective. The concept of machine learning may be applied to transform nearly every compo

10、nent of how businesses function. One example of this connects back to the importance of mobile experience: Google recently partnered with leading data analytics company SOASTA to use machine learning to determine the biggest drivers of mobile bounce rate and conversion rate.1 The power of machine le

11、arning allows us to solve highly complex problems faster than ever before. Most importantly, the nature of this data-driven transformation is that it is something that any company, no matter how big or small, can use to evolve or scale their business for the future. SO WHAT? Leverage existing machin

12、e learning algorithms, like the open source code from SOASTA, to improve insights and business operations Hire and develop a strong data science team, employing the best and brightest to innovate with your companys goals in mind 1 CHALLENGE YOUR THINKING Travel companies cannot hope to simply add ne

13、w features to old business models and succeed. Instead, we must always keep our eyes to the horizon, thinking about how certain transformational technology will allow us to reimagine our business in ways that benefit the user and the industry. Is your mobile experience fast, simple, and delightful?

14、How can mobile experiences strengthen, and possibly even revolutionise, your core business? Are you leveraging the connectivity of devices or immersive experience to deliver a superior discovery, booking, and/or travel experience? How can you use machine learning to solve the biggest challenges in y

15、our business? Fully immersive digital worlds can deliver travel experiences independent of location BIG DATA - The power of machine learning allows us to solve highly complex problems faster than ever before. How could strengthening your mobile experience revolutionise your business? TRAVEL it is th

16、e physical mechanism through which citizens of the world come to understand and appreciate other places and peoples on the Earth we share. Those who believe, as we do, that an improved understanding of others leads to deeper appreciation of their cultures and views they hold will agree that finding

17、ways to help people travel more has the potential to make the world, or at least those who are able to travel, a bit more peaceful. This is a noble ambition for our industry, and should serve as a motivation for us all to continue to make travel easier, cheaper, and more enjoyable. Artificial intell

18、igence (AI), or what we at IBM call cognitive computing, has the potential to improve travel in exactly these ways. 1 2 http:/www.iata.org/whatwedo/stb/Documents/2016-White-Paper.pdf SIMPLICITY Anyone who has taken a trip knows that while travel is a beneficial an enriching experience, it is often c

19、omplicated and at times frustrating. This is because travel is not a simple business, and although a host of companies promise to make everything from shopping for a vacation package to checking-in for a flight simple and easy, many travellers feel these procedures work against the goals of simplici

20、ty and efficiency. Cognitive computing, with its ability to understand the travel context and apply traveller-specific preferences to each step in the travel journey, can ease this burden by using data to further automate even the most complex travel processes. Context-driven personalisation, and th

21、e opportunities it will create for travellers and travel providers, is the primary focus of our recent publication titled “Beyond bots and robots: Exploring the unrealized potential of cognitive computing in the travel industry.”1 Cognitive systems can help make shopping a simple and personal proces

22、s, and give travel providers the power to simplify each subsequent step in the travel process. SECURITY Process improvements benefit both travellers and travel providers, but security processes, more than most others, are ripe for cognitive-enabled improvements. Cognitive systems have the power to u

23、nderstand the context of airport, aircraft, and at property security in new ways. As opposed to current systems, most of which are designed to treat all actors as equally likely threats, cognitive systems can apply a more probability- informed assessment of threats, thereby directing more resources

24、to the highest threats, and less to actors who deserve the least scrutiny. The International Air Transport Association (IATA) recently published a whitepaper on a process it calls “one identity” 2 in which it extolls the benefits of cognitive-enhanced security to the air travel industry. Additionall

25、y, AI tools can also be used to passively monitor entire environments with cognitive-enabled video and speech systems. Cognitive tools have the power to make travel safer, while reducing the stress and hassle associated with traveller screening. SEGMENTATION Although there are exceptions to nearly e

26、verything in the travel industry, most travel providers offer two or three levels of service. On an airline, there is generally an economy section, a business class section, and a first class section. Hotels and rental car companies follow similar logic offering elite members of their loyalty progra

27、mmes a higher level of service (often shorter lines, member-only support channels, and special assets). In an era of cognitive computer, consumers will soon begin to expect much more granular segmentation. AI can help airlines, hotels, and rental car companies offer dozens of unique service experien

28、ces, and it can also help direct customers to those experiences they are most likely to prefer. In this way, cognitive systems will help the travel industry realize its long-held vision of delivering personalised marketing and service to each customer. While it has been discussed and debated for dec

29、ades, delivering personalization will be a revolutionary improvement to all aspects of the travel experience. THE COLLECTIVE IMPACTS OF COGNITIVE COMPUTING ON TOURISM AND WORLD PEACE Applying cognitive computing to the industry will improve travel in many ways, and the benefits these changes will br

30、ing about are significant. Cognitive technologies will make travel more simple by automating the ordinary and delivering the extraordinary. Travel will be made safer through the application of cognitive tools that help the industry direct security resources to the threats that deserve the most atten

31、tion. Finally, but perhaps most importantly, cognitive tools will help the industry serve its customers as individuals, as opposed to members of a generic travel segment or demographic category. Collectively, these cognitive-driven innovations help diminish the current barriers to travel, leading to

32、 more travel, and an increase in our individual understanding of the people and places that make our world special. Therefore, in small but important ways, the application of cognitive computing to the travel industry will improve the prospects of world peace. THE JCB WAY: PAYMENT GLOCALISATION Kore

33、mitsu Sannomiya President and COO, JCB International Co., Ltd. M arch 31st 2014. That is the day when the sales of travellers checks, which for a long time had been a must-have for travelling, were terminated in Japan. I recall the strong emotion I felt at the time because payment cards had now beco

34、me common as a payment method for travellers after more than a half century had passed since they were introduced in the 1950s. In the history of payments, travellers first paid with cash, then with travellers checks, and now with payment cards, resulting in more convenient and secure payment than e

35、ver before. While this development has led to growth in consumption at the destination, the needs of travellers have also led to evolution in the payment system, which has created a positive spiral. The tourism industry and the payment card industry have been, and will continue, growing synergistica

36、lly. The penetration of payment cards has been brought about by common global standards developed by the global payment schemes and the infrastructure set up by payment operators in each country in accordance with the global standards. Thanks to this effort travellers can use their payment card with

37、 confidence regardless of country or currency, and enjoy a more diversified range of travel activities than before. However, while the payment system has secured interoperability at the global level, now we are seeing something different. That is the new trend toward localisation: the pursuit of loc

38、al identity and profit, exemplified by inbound travel visa restrictions and trade protectionism. While diverse reasons are given, such as the protection of personal information or economic rationality, more and more local and regional payment schemes pursuing local identity are appearing in various

39、areas. Local scheme payment systems have a unique identity that improves convenience for local cardholders day-to-day payment based on the infrastructure and business practice. However, while that kind of payment system should be respected, it only benefits cardholders inside the country, and causes

40、 the loss of universal acceptance outside the country. In addition, local schemes need to address information security and anti-money laundering measures as well as high-cost infrastructure, which require high expertise and technical skills. Its quite challenging for local schemes to set up and main

41、tain their infrastructure. That is why we, as one of the global payment schemes, believe it is time to further evolve our payment systems. We have come to the conclusion that it is essential to connect the universal acceptance we have created so far with unique identity leveraging regional character

42、istics so that cardholders can enjoy the benefits of both a global brand and a local brand with one payment card. In other words, what JCB must aim for is to realise payment glocalisation which enables a seamless connection between the local and the global. Based on this idea, we are working to supp

43、ort and collaborate with local schemes by providing the functions and know-how of the JCB payment system. That will enable the local scheme to set up an infrastructure combining local identity with global versatility with a minimum amount of effort and time. Another big movement is the evolution of

44、technology such as smart phones. Each individual person has a smart phone which is connected with an information network and utilises new services such as Google Maps and Uber to diversify travel style and enjoyment. In the payment industry, we are also seeing innovative technologies and services, s

45、uch as Fintech. We are committed to respecting the needs and market environment of each locality, and expanding payment schemes that provide users with better services by utilising the latest technology based on the expertise JCB has built up over the years without being trapped in traditional metho

46、ds. We are therefore aiming to achieve further growth and expansion together with the tourism industry so that all users in the world can enjoy travelling with greater confidence than ever before. TRAVEL due in part to new regulations and the number of willing hosts reaching a structural ceiling. Al

47、ternative accommodations primarily tend to take share from lower-tier hotels, but a significant portion of the demand, often as much as 30% to 50%, is induced, meaning that those visitors may not have made the trip had it not been for what is often a lower-priced option. The lines between traditiona

48、l hotels, serviced apartments, and home sharing will continue to blur. Hotel companies are yearning to become fully integrated accommodations providers. Also blurring are the lines between business and leisure travel, which has its own implications for the sector. The trend is for more localised exp

49、eriences, and in many cases for smaller and unique rooms. ENDURANCE AGAINST THE ODDS AMID A NEW WORLD ORDER With headlines about travel restrictions abounding and the world making sense of resurging populist movements, the hotel investment community asks itself where we will go from here. But travel is here to stay; mature economies will continue to spend increasing amounts on travel and emerging powerhousesdespite renewed political pressures and slowing economic growth cannot keep a lid on double-digit growth in outbound travellers. These forces stand to underpin t



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