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莱坊国际(Knight Frank):2022年软出行革命报告(英文版)(47页).pdf

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莱坊国际(Knight Frank):2022年软出行革命报告(英文版)(47页).pdf


2、ASE STUDIES:EXEMPLARY BUILDINGS30.APPENDICES&CONTACTS43.SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATE3KNIGHT FRANKThe major transport strike of 2019 and the health crisis have given a real boost to the use of bicycles and electric scooters,revolutionising mobility in the Greater Paris Region in r

3、ecord time.Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic,and with public transport use still not back to its pre-crisis levels,the development of soft mobility*has been impressive.Fear of the virus,the search for well-being,comfort and savings,and the reduction of carbon emissions from daily travel:th

4、ere are so many reasons for this craze,which is particularly high among the younger generations,that it will continue.Soft mobility is also benefiting from favourable public measures,including financial aid to individuals,an increase in the number of kilometres of paths and an increasingly restricti

5、ve regulatory framework for the circulation and parking of combustion engine vehicles.Changes in the workplace also play a key role.With the health crisis,employee well-being has become a major concern for companies who are eager to enhance theiremployer brand as well as bring employees back to the

6、office,at a time when remote working is now firmly established in organisations.Companies are more demanding about the quality of their workspaces and are also more attentive to the way their employees get to their place of work.This makes well-located,easily accessible buildings more attractive.In

7、the Greater Paris Region office market,this accessibility premium has been reflected in a stronger recovery in letting activity in the most central and established office sectors over the past year.Within this context,and in light of the prospect of a continued increase in bicycle and electric scoot

8、er travel,it is becoming increasingly important for office building owners to take into account the new expectations of companies and their employees in the field of alternative mobility.The vast majority are aware of this,and some are already making efforts to respond to this new challenge.In the f

9、irst study on the subject of soft mobility and office real estate,Knight Frank takes stock of the active mobility revolution,details the various constraints and issues related to its development,and shows how landlords are responding to the expectations of companies and their employees.Considering t

10、hat 75%of all journeys are less than 5 km in distance,we must stop patronising cycling and treating it as a trivial matter.Elisabeth BorneThen Minister of Transport in her closing speech to the National Mobility Conference on 13thDecember 2017.*See glossary on page 46NB:This study focuses on soft an

11、d active mobility as a whole,but particular attention is paid to cycling,which is the most restrictive soft mode in terms of infrastructure.SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEKNIGHT FRANK4journeys per day in the Greater Paris Region,of which 72%are home-to-work journeys of less than 10

12、km.Source:Observatoire Mobilit en le-de-Francephysical activity recommended to limit the risk of cardiovascular disease,hypertension,diabetes,certain cancers,etc.Source:Organisation Mondiale de la Santof French people say they have increased their use of bicycles since the health crisis.Source:LObSo

13、Coof French people would like to reduce the environmental impact of their daily travel.Source:La Fabrique de la Cit-IPSOSnumber of bicycles sold in France in 2021(+4%year-on-year),including 908,000 E-Bikes(+42%).Source:Union Sport Cycleof temporary cycle paths were created in the Greater Paris Regio

14、n during the health crisis.Some of these will be made permanent and will be added to the 6,000 km of existing cycle routes.Source:Vlo le-de-Franceof GHG emissions in France come from the transport sector,and 20%from the building sector(a third of which relates to office buildings).Source:Ministre du

15、 DveloppementDurableSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEWith 91%of French people wanting to reduce the impact of their travel on the environment(Ipsos/la Fabrique de la Cit survey),soft mobility also has many other advantages.It notably increases the well-being and healthof those who use

16、 it,and also improves employee productivity.As well as reducing transport costs,it furthermore reduces travel time and transport-related stress.Health and well-beingImproved urban environment Reduction in noise pollutionSustainable and responsible approach(CSR)Financial gainReliability of travel com

17、pared to the car and public transport(traffic jams,roadworks,strikes,etc.)Productivity gains and new ways of working(remote working,etc.)Being an agent for change and improving the employer brandKNIGHT FRANK5SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEThere are still major obstacles that conside

18、rably limit cycling.Safety on the roads is one of the main issues,with unsuitable or poor-quality infrastructure(breaks in routes,poor signage,dangerous paths,etc.).This is compounded by aggressive or even dangerous behaviour by different users,sometimesdue to a conflicting views of public space:9 o

19、ut of 10 motorists in the Greater Paris Region say they have already been afraid of the behaviour of another driver(Vinci Autoroutes Foundation,May 2022).Finally,the fear of theft and damage remains ever-present:more than 400,000 bicycles were stolen in France in 2021,including 7,000 in Paris(+5%yea

20、r-on-year).Breaks in routesSaturation of cycle lanesUnsafe(real or perceived)Difficulties in sharing public space Lack of courtesy between usersFear of a breakdown(breakages,puncture,etc.)Theft or vandalismFinancial cost(maintenance,repair,etc.)Weather(heatwave,bad weather,etc.)Air quality(pollution

21、 spikes)KNIGHT FRANK6SOFT MOBILITYKNIGHT FRANKSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATE0%25%50%75%100%20182020H12021Others2-wheeled combustion engine vehiclesBicyclePublic transportCarWalking0Sources:EGT H2020,le-de-France Mobilits,OMNIL,DRIEANUMBER OF JOURNEYS PER DAY PER PERSONIn

22、 the Greater Paris Region,as a%Although it is commonly accepted that cycling is the most environmentally friendly mode of transport,it accounts for just 3%of all journeys in France,well behind the car(31%).As part of its Cycling and Active Mobility scheme,the government announced in 2018 that it wan

23、ted to triple this share by 2024.This is an ambitious goal,but one that is entirely achievable for the shortest journeys,for which the car accounts for a high proportion(60%of journeys of less than 5 km in the Greater Paris Region).More specifically,for home-to-work journeys of less than 5 km,soft m

24、obility accounted for 23%in France in 2017(source INSEE).The proportion varies significantly depending on the size of the urban area and the quality of the infrastructure but is generally increasing.The Vlo&Territoires association estimates that bicycle journeys in cities between January and May 202

25、2 increased by 42%compared to 2019.The trend towards the increasing use of soft mobility is being confirmed,particularly in the Greater Paris region.Parisians are increasingly favouring walking(48%of investments compared to 40%in 2018),while the share of cars is gradually decreasing(31%compared to 3

26、4%in 2018).As for cycling,the increase remains modest but real(3%in 2021,after 1%in 2010).According to Vlo&Territoires,cycling increased by 35%between 2019 and 2021,compared with an average of 18%in France.CHANGE IN MODES OF TRAVEL IN FRANCE AND THE GREATER PARIS REGION8KNIGHT FRANKSource:Atlas vlo

27、rgional,Vlo&Territoires(with the support of Banque des Territoires)CHANGE IN BICYCLE TRAFFIC IN 2021In number of trips per day in cycle lanesCompared to 2019+Compared to 2019IN FRANCEIN THE GREATER PARIS REGIONSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEKNIGHT FRANK1 0009008007006005004003002001

28、00020182019E-Bikes20202021Electric scooter salesAs a result of the popularity of soft mobility,bicycles have become the most sold means of transport in France,with 2.8 million sales in 2021(source:Union Sport&Cycle),compared with 1.7 million cars.While the latter have seen their sales fall by 25.1%c

29、ompared to 2019,bicycle purchases have continued to increase over the same period,both in volume(+6%)and turnover(+41%).The boom in E-Bikes,whose sales jumped by 70%compared to 2019,has greatly contributed to boosting the practice,making long journeys easier and more comfortable.According to Vlo&Ter

30、ritoires,the use of cycle paths in France is also strongly increasing.The trend is clear in the Greater Paris Region:according to the Union Sport&Cycle,11%of people in the region use a bicycle at least once a week to get to the office(compared with 8%of French people),resulting in record numbers of

31、cyclists on certain Parisian streets such as rue de Rivoli(6,200 cyclists every day on average)and boulevard Sbastopol(8,200).Far from being a phenomenon reserved solely for wealthy Parisians,cycling and other soft modes of transport are relevant to all employees.It is moreover supported by public a

32、nd local authorities(subsidies for the purchase,repair packages,etc.),as well as by shared mobility and free-floating services,enabling the generalised use of bicycles and micro-mobility and giving users more flexibility and freedom in their home-work journeys.For example,the Greater Paris Region Mo

33、bilities electric bicycle service,Vligo,now has 50,000 subscribers after three years of operation(+50%year-on-year).Moreover,the growth in alternative mobility is not just limited to Paris,and the number of users and operators is also increasing in the neighbouring Inner Suburb towns(particularly al

34、ong the western arc from Clichy to Montrouge).FAST-GROWING PRACTICE AND SALESSource:Union Sport&CycleNUMBER OF E-BIKES AND ELECTRIC SCOOTERS SOLD IN FRANCEIn thousandsSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATERER V PROJECT(2025-2030)Source:Collectif Vlo le-de-FranceThe health crisis made it po

35、ssible to improve infrastructure for cycling in a very short space of time.The cycle paths which appeared just after the outbreak of the pandemic will in part be made permanent and will greatly increase the density of the network of cycle paths in the Greater Paris Region.This is the case in Paris,w

36、here a total of 52 km will be made permanent between now and the 2024 Olympic Games;the same applies to the La Dfense business district(almost 6,000 cyclists now use the Pont de Neuilly path every day).On a regional scale,the RER Vlo project aims to ensure continuity and optimum safety of the paths,

37、largely thanks to the support of the Region,which released funds of some 300 million euros in 2022.By 2025(1stphase)and 2030(2ndphase-in grey on the opposite diagram),this new network will have nine main lines facilitating access to the capital.IMPROVING THE CYCLING NETWORK IN THE GREATER PARIS REGI

38、ONKNIGHT FRANK10KEYincluding 5 radial routes(A to E),2 routes along the Seine and the Marne(S and M),and 2 circular routes(PC and GC)of the network already built(paths and green routes)of cycle paths resulting from the pandemic made permanent in the Greater Paris Region,of which 52km in ParisTotal c

39、ost of RER V,just over 1%of the Grand Paris Express metro budgetSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEVlopolitain*Secondary networkRERVMetropolitan Cycle PlanEXISTANT/PROJETPARIS CYCLE MAP(2021 2026)Source:Ville de ParisKNIGHT FRANK11Although the goal set by the city of Paris is ambitious,

40、it is supported by the implementation of the 2021-2026 bicycle scheme,which is funded to the tune of more than 250 million euros.This funding is also in addition to the resources allocated by the Region and the State.The city plans to increase the quality and number of cycling facilities,i.e.:130 km

41、 of new,safe paths52 km of cycle paths resulting from the pandemic made permanent 130,000 additional parking spaces including:30,000 parking spaces in bicycle racks(10,000 dedicated to cargo bikes);40,000 spaces near stations and Grand Paris Express hubs;10,000 secure spaces on the public highway or

42、 in car parks;50,000 spaces in the private sector.In addition to improving the specific infrastructure,the goal is also to support the entire ecosystem through the development of services(maintenance/repair,cyclo-logistics,etc.)and public awareness(communication campaigns,creation of bicycle school

43、by arrondissement,training in active mobility,etc.).PARIS 100%CYCLE-FRIENDLY?EXISTING/PLANNED*Vlopolitain=Development of the Greater Paris Region network of cycle paths initiated in 2019 by local organisationsMAP OF BICYCLE TRAFFIC RECORDS IN PARISIn number of trips in a daySource:Ville de Paris/Par

44、is en SelleBOULEVARD SBASTOPOL,THE MOST USED BY PARISIAN CYCLISTStrips in a day(recorded on 6thSept.2022)compared to the previous record(recorded on 7thSept.2021)Boulevard Sbastopol(18,215 trips),boulevard Magenta(13,256)and rue de Rivoli(13,590)are the busiest roads in the capital.15,00010,0005,000

45、3,000XVIIIXVIIXVIVIIIVIIVXIIIXIVXVIXIIIIIIIVRue de RivoliVII13,590 trips+7%vs 2021 recordPont du Garigliano5,010 trips+10%vs 2021 recordAv.Grande Arme3,270 trips+8%vs 2021 recordAv.Porte des Ternes2,270 trips+40%vs 2021 recordBdMontparnasse3,525 tripsStable vs 2021 recordBd A.Blanqui2,830 tripsStabl

46、e vs 2021 recordQuai dAusterlitz7,210 trips-2%vs 2021 recordXIIQuai de Bercy3,825 tripsStable vs 2021 recordRueJ.Bartet4,670 trips+3%vs 2021 recordRuedAubervilliers3,060 trips+20%vs 2021 recordXIXBdMagenta13,255 tripsX+8%vs 2021 recordRueLaFayette7,120 tripsStable vs 2021 recordAv.Champs lyses6 670

47、trips-48%vs 2021 recordQuai de Grenelle5,700 trips+3%vs 2021 recordBdSbastopol18,215 trips+9%vs 2021 recordXIXXBdMnilmontant10,840 trips+52%vs 2021 recordKNIGHT FRANK12SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATECHANGES IN USE.TO BE ANTICIPATED BEFORE THEY BECOME RESTRICTIVETo encourage soft mob

48、ility and its integration in buildings(example of Paris Bioclimatic local town plan currently being drawn up)With,for example,the creation of a limited traffic zone by 2024 in the centre of Paris,the increase in the number of low-emission zones in several regional cities(Marseille,Strasbourg,Toulous

49、e,etc.)and the end of free parking for 2-wheeled combustion engine vehicles in Paris(since 1stSeptember 2022).A growing popularity among all socio-professional categories and the younger generation.Looking for flexibility and convenience for commuting and other daily trips(leisure,shopping,etc.).Wit

50、h calmer town centres(reduction of pollution and noise pollution,balanced sharing of public space,development of cyclo-logistics,etc.).Consuming better and less in the context of rising energy prices.Increased investment by local authorities in safe cycling infrastructure etc.KNIGHT FRANK13SOFT MOBI

51、LITYKNIGHT FRANKKNIGHT FRANKThe French regulatory framework has been gradually strengthened to better integrate environmental issues:The LOTI law(Internal Transport Guidelines Law “Orientation des Transports Intrieurs”,1982)incorporates soft mobility in the process of formalising an Urban Mobility P

52、lan,while the LAURE law(Air and Energy Efficiency Law-“Air et Utilisation Rationnellede lEnergie”,1996)imposes the creation of cycle routes according to the needs and constraints of traffic;The SRU law(Solidarity and Urban Regeneration Law“Solidarit et Renouvellement Urbain”,2000)encourages the plan

53、ning of cycling infrastructure within urban planning documents(territorial coherence plan,local town plan,etc.).Strengthened by the NOTRe law(New Territorial Organisation of the Republic law “Nouvelle Organisation Territoriale de la Rpublique”)of 2015;The Grenelle law(2010):mandatory installation of

54、 secure bicycle parking facilities in new buildings;Since 2018,the government has required companies with more than 100 employees to establish a mobility strategy to limit the carbon footprint of commuting;Development of the Bicycle&Active Mobility Plan,launched at the end of 2018 with the aim of tr

55、ipling the proportion of active mobility in France by 2024;The LOM law(Mobility Guidelines Law “Orientation des Mobilits”2019)enhances the mobility plan of companies byimposing a parking quota for soft modes(1.5%of the floor area)and introduces Sustainable Mobility Benefits(increased to 800/year sin

56、ce August 2022)for home-work journeys(replacing the kilometre-based bicycle allowance);Decree no.2022-930 of 25thJune 2002,which will come into force in December 2022,also enhances the security measures for bicycle parking spaces in both existing buildings undergoing works and in new buildings:premi

57、ses on the ground floor or basement level-1,secure closure/monitoring of the premises,etc;Air quality is also becoming a major issue in some large cities and conurbations(Paris,Grenoble,Lyon,Rouen,etc.),which is why Low Emission Zones(LEZ)are gradually being introduced to limit CO2 emissions and car

58、 traffic.AND IN THE FUTURE?The authorities could go even further to intervene in all aspects of the city:reducing pollutants(pollution,noise,etc.),strengthening multimodality,urban planning at a neighbourhood level,etc.This is the case for the city of Paris,which intends to introduce a bioclimatic l

59、ocal town plan based on five themes:inclusiveness and solidarity,urban and landscape heritage,resilience and carbon reduction,attractiveness and productivity,and strengthening cooperation between metropolitan areas.The building code could also be reviewed in order to increase the amount of space all

60、ocated to parking,for example by including an additional space for visitors or an oversized spaces quota for cargo bikes,etc.MEASURES FOR THE ENVIRONMENT AND SOFT MOBILITYSPOTLIGHT ON THE BUILDING AND HOUSING CODEThe Construction and Housing Code(articles R.111-14 to R.111-14-6 in particular)sets ou

61、t the standards for bicycle parking inoffice buildings.It must:-be located in the building(on the ground floor or first basement level)or outside,on the same plot of land and subject to the premises being covered and enclosed-be large enough to accommodate sufficient employees and visitorsAccording

62、to Article 3 of the decree of 13thJuly 2016,the space allocated for bicycle parking must correspond to:for buildings with primarily office usefor industrial and office buildingsThese are minimum standards,which should be increased to take into account the growing needs of(current and future)employee

63、s,the quality of the service or the proximity to a free-floating service.*accommodated simultaneously according to the project owners declaration15SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATESPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEKNIGHT FRANKTHE UNITED KINGDOM IS GRADUALLY TIGHTENING TH

64、E RULESSource:The Market Cycles II,British Council for Offices(March 2022)In the United Kingdom,soft mobility has also become a crucial issue and efforts are being made to improve infrastructure.In the Greater Manchester area,for example,a 1,600 km network of cycle and pedestrian paths is currently

65、being built.This project,led by former cycling champion Chris Boardman and called the Bee Network,will interconnect with the public transport system(buses,trams,etc.)and is expected to cost 1.5 billion.As for the regulatory framework,it has shifted in the direction of greater integration of soft mob

66、ility in office buildings,although regulations vary greatly from one city to another.The new London Plan,in effect since March 2021,includes,for example,minimum standards for new office buildings.As a result,in Central and Inner London,one bicycle space is now required for every 75 sq m,compared to

67、one for every 90 sq m under the previous regulations.While France intends to rely,among other things,on active modes to reduce the carbon footprint of travel,the United Kingdom sees this modal shift more as a way of improving the health and well-being of British people.Furthermore,national authoriti

68、es have recently increased the role of soft mobility in their travel policy:Launch of the Active Travel England agency to encourage the British to use soft mobility and finance its development;Modification of the highway code in favour of cyclists and pedestrians;Acceleration of projects to create a

69、 safe and uniform network in Greater London;Reiterating the target of doubling the number of cyclists by 2025.EXAMPLES OF LOCAL REGULATIONSTOWNLOCAL REGULATIONS Belfast1 parking space per 20 employeesBirmingham1 bicycle space per 250 sq m(project less than 1,000 sq m)1 bicycle space per 400 sq m(pro

70、ject over 1,000 sq m)Bristol1 bicycle space per 100 sq m(employees)1 additional space per 1,000 sq m(visitors)Cambridge1 bicycle space per 30 sq m of floor areaAdditional parking spaces for visitorsCardiff2 covered and secured bicycle spaces per 100 sq m of floor areaEdinburgh1 bicycle space per 400

71、 sq mOR 1 bicycle space per 800 sq m depending on the category of the buildingLondon1 space per 75 sq m in higher cycle parking standards areas such as Inner and Central London,1 space per 150 sq m in the rest of London1 additional bicycle space for visitors per 500 sq m for the first 5,000 sq m,the

72、n 1 space per 5,000 sq mManchester1 space per 200 sq mNewcastle2 spaces per 375 sq mAdditional parking spaces for visitorsWatford1 space per 120 sq mSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEINTERNATIONAL CERTIFICATION:ACTIVESCOREBorn in the UK in 2021(formerly CyclingScore),ActiveScore evalua

73、tes,certifies and enables propery owners to improve the mobility facilities and services offered within their assets.The assessment focuses on the quality of the infrastructure(70%of the score),the commitment of tenants and owners(20%)and the potential for improvement(10%).Different levels of certif

74、ication are awarded(from certified to platinum 100)and several asset classes are covered(offices,hotels,residential,retail,etc.).Furthermore,it facilitates obtaining WELL,BREEAM and LEED certifications.In France,only one building is currently ActiveScore certified(La Factorie,Perials headquarters in

75、 the 17tharrondissement,see p.30).However,several buildings are in the process of being certified,such as Capital 8 in the 8tharrondissement and Rise in Issy-les-Moulineaux.1,700 bicycle parking spaces(8 tube lines within walking distance)75 showers1,300 secure lockersBicycle wash and maintenance st

76、ationFleet of Brompton bikes for hireEvents and workshopsRepair serviceAN EXEMPLARY BUILDING,TWENTYTWO(22BISHOPSGATE)IN LONDONTotal area:118,000 sq mOwner:AXA IM AltsActiveScore Platinum 100 certified(one of only two in the world along with Castlemead in Bristol),WELL,BREEAM ExcellentCertified build

77、ings worldwide(UK,Australia,France,etc.)Certified buildings in the UK(Castlemead in Bristol,37 Clarendon Road in Watford,25 North Colonnade in London,etc.)Certified building in Franceas of 30thJune 2022(La Factorie”in Paris17th)Source:ActiveScoreKNIGHT FRANK17SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REA

78、L ESTATEBased on the principle that our mobility behaviour has a significant impact on our environment,the French initiative ByCycle promotes cycling and active mobility as the preferred means of travel for short journeys,particularly between home and work.Introduced by Icade in conjunction with One

79、point and A4MT,the ByCycle Initiative aims to:Raise awareness and provide training on active mobility issues;Support change through the development of premises and the rolling out of services;Create a community of users and mobility professionals to share best practices,create contacts and positive

80、synergy.The standard proposed by ByCycle is compatible with current certifications(BREEAM,NF HQE,ActiveScore,FUBs Pro-Vlo label,etc.).BYCYCLEINITIATIVE,A BICYCLE BOOSTER FOR THE REAL ESTATE INDUSTRY IN FRANCEPHASE 1:OBSERVATIONScoping of the project,definition of the legal context,field observation

81、and analysis of usesPHASE 2:DESIGNAssessment and definition of a renovation programmefor 4 pilot sitesPHASE 3:PROJECTIONPublication of a methodological guide and tools to help with asset renovation/Creation of a service offerPHASE4:REPLICATIONReplication of the approach to other assets in the countr

82、ySource:ByCycle InitiativeServices to encourage the practice:changing rooms,showers,repair workshops,etc.KNIGHT FRANK18A hybrid parking space to accommodate all kinds of bicyclesErgonomic and secure bicycle rack equipmentA well-dimensioned parking space(number of attachment points,area,etc.)Graphic

83、design to provide colour and signageFloor markings to mark out routes and accessesThe approach is organised in 4 phases:SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATECYCLE FRIENDLY EMPLOYER CERTIFICATIONThe Federation of Bicycle Users(FUB)and the French Environment and Energy Management Agency(ADE

84、ME)launched the Bicycle Friendly Employer certification in 2020,in partnership with Ekodev,Allianz France and Cyclez.Inspired by the European Cycling Federations Cycle Friendly Employer certification,the Bicycle Friendly Employer certification aims to highlight the commitment of private and public c

85、ompanies in favour of soft mobility.Following the publication of a white paper on cycling culture in companies in June 2021,audits for the certification of employers began in April 2022.Once the audit phase has been completed,the employer is certified for a period of 3 years according to 3 levels of

86、 certification:bronze,silver and gold.To achieve this,measures are to be taken in five different areas:Management and strategyCommunication and motivationCycling servicesSafetyEquipmentKNIGHT FRANK19Self-assessmentScopingmeetingCommitmentcharterSpecificationsAuditBicycle FriendlyEmployer certificati

87、onSOFT MOBILITYKNIGHT FRANKGiven that attracting and retaining talent has become a major issue,companies,particularly medium and large ones,are more than ever using their CSR policy to promote their employer brand.In the field of soft mobility,this approach can be based on the Bicycle Friendly Emplo

88、yer certification and the promoting of a bicycle culture in the company.Companies prefer certified or accredited quality real estate assets which fully integrate sustainable mobility(dedicated parking,repair areas,etc.).For example,PERIAL has worked on its new headquarters on rue Guersant in Paris 1

89、7tharrondissement so that it meets the specifications of the ActiveScore certification(Gold level).Some owners are also tempted to transform car parking spaces into bicycle parking using service providers such as 12.5,or to rent off-site car parks as required(via ZENPARK or BEPARK).In order to promo

90、te more environmentally friendly travel,the government introduced a sustainable mobility package in May 2010.This scheme allows companies to offer to cover the costs of their employees home-to-work journeys made using soft modes of transport.Others,such as HAVAS or SAINT GOBAIN,offer a fleet of bicy

91、cles for their employees.The micro-mobility ecosystem has been rapidly developing since the outbreak of the health crisis,particularly in terms of start-ups offering turnkey services to companies.This is illustrated by the acceleration of fundraising in 2022,with,for example,DOTT(60M),YESPARK(28M),V

92、OLT(5M)and GOUACH(3.3M).NEW MOBILITIES AT THE SERVICE OF THE BRANDThe outbreak of the health crisis has largely contributed to an increased awareness of the ecological crisis.This phenomenon is particularly noticeable in the business world where savings,in the energy consumption of buildings as well

93、 as in home-work trips,is more than ever a priority:KNIGHT FRANKAccording to the survey undertaken by Mr Orphelin,CAC40 companies are also committed to reducing their environmental footprint by encouraging the use of soft or shared mobility.However,the initiatives remain limited,with only 39%of comp

94、anies offering remuneration according to the number of kilometres cycled,a flat rate for servicing/maintenance or the payment of a free-floating subscription.Among the most committed,ORANGE,ACCOR,AXA FRANCE and LOREAL have,for example,introduced benefits for their employees using sustainable mobilit

95、y(400/year or more).In addition to financial aid,some companies offer a company bicycle(ACCOR,for example)or additional financial support for the purchase of a bicycle or safety accessories(notably ORANGE and LOREAL).Finally,some large companies favour other measures such as increasing the number of

96、 bicycle spaces and the number of charging points for electric vehicles,the provision of a fleet by service providers(e.g.STARBOLT,CYKLEO,ZENRIDE,etc.)or the running of maintenance and repair workshops.SPOTLIGHT ON CAC40 COMPANIESare considering the introduction of sustainable mobility benefits.Only

97、have introduced sustainable mobility benefits.have not yet started thinking about sustainable mobility benefits,nor have they introduced any specific schemes.Source:Le CAC40 vlo,survey undertaken by Matthieu Orphelin(Member of Parliament for Maine-et-Loire)AMONG CAC40 COMPANIES:KNIGHT FRANKSPOTLIGHT

98、 ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATE23KNIGHT FRANKTHE BRITISH EXAMPLELaunched in 1999 by two bicycle shop owners and subsequently structured as a company in 2005,Cyclescheme aims to promote the use of bicycles for commuting to and from work in order to reduce emissions,limit car congestion and co

99、ntribute to improving public health.Supported by the British Ministry of Transport and its various incentive measures such as Cycle to Work,this service offers employees the opportunity to hire a bicycle(standard,electric,cargo,etc.)and/or accessories and then purchase them at a saving of between 26

100、 and 40%on the totalpurchase price,without having to pay in advance.These costs are then be deducted from the salary by the employer for tax purposes.Cyclescheme won the award for best services to individuals at the BikeBizAwards in 2021.KNIGHT FRANK IS COMMITTED!In the UK,Knight Frank has partnered

101、 with the social enterprise Green Commute Initiative.Employees are given 2,000(previously 1,000)to buy a bike(standard or electric)and safety accessories.Furthermore,numerous events are organised throughout the year to promote soft mobility:-Knight Frank Cycle to MIPIM,in partnership with Club Pelot

102、on,whose aim is to raise funds while travelling from London to Cannes for the real estate trade show,-PedElle which aims to raise funds for charity by cycling from Vienna to Budapest.SOFT MOBILITYKNIGHT FRANKAlmost 20%of respondents indicate that they are still considering how best to recoup the cos

103、ts of increased integration of soft mobility.For 30%of them,it is seen as an additional service,reinforcing the quality of the services offered to the tenant.For 88%of respondents,the ability to adapt existing buildings is the main obstacle to the integration of soft mobility in office buildings.Thi

104、s finding is a reminder of one of the main challenges facing the real estate industry in the years to come:adapting existing buildings to new uses.almost half of the respondents(47%)see an excess of parking spaces for cars in their assets.Among the solutions implemented to use this unused space,part

105、nerships have been formed with service providers such as Yespark or BePark.But this space can also be reallocated to other uses than the car,and in particular to make more room for soft mobility.SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEThis summer Knight Frank conducted a survey of a large pa

106、nel of investors,real estate companies,savings collectors,insurers and international investment funds.The aim was to assess the impact of the growth in soft mobility on the management and marketing of their assets.Main findings of the survey:KNIGHT FRANK SURVEYRESPONDENTS KNIGHT FRANK25since the hea

107、lth crisis began,92%of them have noted that office occupiers expectations in this area are higher and 97%say they have improved the integration of soft mobility in their assets.Furthermore,for 57%of them,the development of dedicated solutions to encourage the use of soft mobility in their new projec

108、ts will be systematic.only 9%of respondents believe that improving facilities and services for soft mobility does not help the marketing of an asset.For the others,this is primarily achieved by providing dedicated facilities(lockers,changing rooms,etc.)and increasing the number of parking spaces.SPO

109、TLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATE0%25%50%75%100%Outskirts of a regional conurbationCity centre of a regional conurbationGreater Paris Region(Outer Suburbs)ParisGreater Paris Region(Inner Suburbs)RESULTS OF THE KNIGHT FRANK SURVEY*A lotA littleNot reallyYesNo*Multi-choice questionnaireSou

110、rce:Knight FrankKNIGHT FRANK26SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATERESULTS OF THE KNIGHT FRANK SURVEY*A lotA littleNot really Not at allYesNoOther(visitor parking spaces,specific access ramp,specific communication,etc.)Increase in the number of dedicated parking spacesNew services(repair

111、and maintenance workshops,accessory loans,etc.)New facilities(lockers,changing rooms,charging stations,etc.)*Multi-choice questionnaireSource:Knight FrankKNIGHT FRANK27SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATERESULTS OF THE KNIGHT FRANK SURVEY*Service not invoiced to the tenantCharged in the

112、same way as car parkingUnder considerationSpecific rent for bicycle spacesOther(included in common area charges,specific rent for services,etc.)The adaptability of the buildingRegulationsCost and other financial aspectsNot crucial to market the assetNo obstacles*Multi-choice questionnaireSource:Knig

113、ht FrankKNIGHT FRANK28SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATERESULTS OF THE KNIGHT FRANK SURVEYYesNoThe inadequacy of the existing stock for new uses is illustrated by the now excessive number of car parking spaces.47.5%of the investors surveyed made this observation.Several of them have re

114、sorted in particular to solutions involving the sharing of parking spaces or the installation of electric charging stations to optimise this unused space.This space can also be used for purposes other than the car.The exponential use of bicycles and electric scooters requires that we think about the

115、ir organisation.Transforming car parks to make more room for soft mobility,combined with new quality services,is therefore an alternative solution that allows for more flexible and profitable car park management.and contributes to the reduction of emissions from the transport sector.That said,vacant

116、 parking spaces are also an alternative for drivers of two-wheeled combustion engine vehicles,who are now required to pay a fee when parking on the public highway in Paris.Source:Knight FrankKNIGHT FRANK29SOFT MOBILITYKNIGHT FRANKAddress:CAPITAL 8,32 rue de Monceau Paris 8thTotal area:83,722 sq m(re

117、furbishment underway,delivery in June 2024)Certifications:BREEAM Refurbishment&Fit-out,HQE Renovation,Biodivercity,BBCA,Osmoz andActiveScore certification in progress(Gold level)THE BUILDING INTEGRATION OF SOFT MOBILITYThe building has:-252 bicycle parking spaces(additional spaces reserved for visit

118、ors)-Electric scooter parking-50 lockers on the Bicycle Workshop side and an additional 235 on the Mobility Hub side-8 showers-2 changing roomsOther services:-Goods lift for access to the bicycle room(on the Bicycle Workshop and Mobility Hub sides)-Battery charging sockets integrated into the locker

119、s-On the Bicycle Workshop side:-Bicycle maintenance and repair area with the services of a specialist available at specific times for more complex repairs-Mini-shop for purchasing bike/electric scooter related items-On the Mobility Hub side(residents):-Area with water supply for repairs/cleaningSPOT

120、LIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEOwner:INVESCOTenants:Rothschild,Tikehau,NatWest,CMA CGM,Paul Hastings,etc.Capacity:2,930 people31KNIGHT FRANKSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATETHE BUILDING Address:LA FACTORIE,34 rue Guersant Paris 17thTotal area:5,895 sq m(refurbished in 202

121、0)Certifications:Fitwel(3 stars),BBC Renovation,NF Btiments Tertiaires,certified High Energy Performance(HPE)and ActiveScore Gold(67 points).The building is also targeting BREEAM In-Use certification at the highest levels.INTEGRATION OF SOFT MOBILITYThe building has:-36 parking spaces for bicycles(w

122、ith electric sockets for charging)-Parking for electric scooters-14 lockers-8 showers-4 changing roomsOther services:-Goods lift between the ground floor and the bicycle room on the second basement level.-Video surveillance system and secure access with a personnel badge-On-site repair workshop for

123、bicycles and electric scooters(External service provider:CYCLOFIX)-Loan of repair kit-Loaner fleet of bicycles(and high-visibility vests)Events/Initiatives to promote active mobility-Annual charity cycling challenge(relay on a stationary bike)with donations to an association based on the distance co

124、veredOwner:SCI GUERSANTTenants:Groupe PERIAL,Vertex,TrescalCapacity:400 people32KNIGHT FRANKSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEAddress:Tour EQHO,2 avenue Gambetta/Alles des Vosges&Descartes,Courbevoie(92)Total area:78,974 sq m(built in 1988,last renovation in 2013)Certifications:BREEAM

125、Construction/Renovation,BREEAM in use,HQE Construction/Renovation,HQE Operation-25 parking spaces for e-bikes-14 parking spaces for loaner bicycles-82 parking spaces for standard bicycles-10 parking spaces for e-cargo bikes-18 parking spaces for electric scooters-Additional parking spaces for visito

126、rs(outdoor)-82 secure electric lockers-Showers available near the gymTHE BUILDING INTEGRATION OF SOFT MOBILITYThe building will have:Owner:ICADETenants:Banque de France,KPMG,Merz Pharma,Itelligence France,ToshibaCapacity:5,265 people(estimate)Other services:-Repair/maintenance area to accommodate a

127、partner-Self-repair workshop-Water supply point-Digital display panels(weather information,news/events)-Pop Up area for promotion and testing of equipment-Clear signage to guide cyclists along their route33KNIGHT FRANKSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEAddress:Rise,167 quai de la batail

128、le de Stalingrad,Issy-les-Moulineaux(92)Total area:7,000 sq m(delivery end 2022)Certifications:BREEAM RFO Excellent targeted(in progress),ActiveScore(in progress)34The building will have:-130 bicycle parking spaces-Ground floor premises,accessible at ground level with an automatic door-Charging stat

129、ions for bicycles and electric scooters-80 lockers-5 showers/changing roomsTHE BUILDING INTEGRATION OF SOFT MOBILITYOwner:B&C PartnersTenants:Marketing underwayCapacity:550 peopleOther services:-Repair corner under consideration-Other services under consideration(provision of a fleet of bicycles,loa

130、n of equipment,etc.)KNIGHT FRANKThese recommendations are suggested by www.weelz.frA VIRTUOUS CIRCLE TO ENCOURAGE USEIdentify an on-site cycling point of contact,regardlessof his/her position in the company,who is interested inand active in the promotion of soft mobilityTrain and raise awareness amo

131、ng on-site staff(receptionists,technical staff,managers,etc.)Inform employees about active mobility(website,leaflets,email campaign,etc.):visitor parking available on the ground floor,X minutes from the metro station,etc.Develop clear on-site signage(direction to bike/scooter parking,route signs)Pro

132、vide accessible parking(no stairs,on basement level 1 at most)that is welcoming,comfortable and secure.Provide suitable equipment(fixed bicycle racks,charging stations,lockers,spaces for cargo bikes,etc.)and facilities for employees:self-repair area(workshop stand with tools,air pump),changing rooms

133、(water point for refreshment,showers,etc.)Have an on-site repair contract(with a service provider or bike shop close to the site,ideally within one kilometre)Promote employee awareness:books,events,testimonials,soft mobility references in communication tools(newsletter,company annual report)Offer tr

134、aining or workshops(getting back in the saddle,safety,etc.)Get support from mobility experts and invest time in Think Big thinkingSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEKNIGHT FRANK35SOFT MOBILITYKNIGHT FRANKSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEANALYSIS OF THE CYCLE-FRIENDLINESS

135、OF THE DIFFERENT GREATER PARIS REGION OFFICE SECTORSINFRASTRUCTURESERVICESOTHERWhilst the exponential use of soft mobility raises the question of the adaptability and efficiency of office buildings,it is also a challenge for territories.Since accessibility and surroundings in which office buildings

136、are located are essential criteria for attracting companies,Knight Frank sought to develop an objective indicator measuring the cyclability of the various Greater Paris Region office sectors and their ability to satisfy the greatest number of cyclists and electric scooter users.For each of these key

137、 sectors,eight criteria were examined,ranging from the number of kilometres of cycle paths and dedicated parking facilities to the numbers of cyclists,the commitment of local authorities and the overall impression of users,particularly in terms of safety.It should be noted that this indicatormeasure

138、s the cyclability of each key sector,and not that of journeys from one sector to another.The analysis therefore needs to be supplemented by taking into account potentially dangerous breaks in the route,which could limit the use of bicycles and electric scooters.Geographical sectorsParis CBD and Cent

139、re WestParis SouthParis North-EastLa DfensePri-DfenseNeuilly-LevalloisSouthern LoopNorthern LoopInner Northern SuburbsInner Eastern Suburbs Inner Southern Suburbs Km of cycle pathsInfrastructure qualityMultimodality and accessibilityUser safetyShared mobility provisionDedicated parkingNumber of user

140、sLocal authority involvement Favourable Neutral UnfavourableSource:Knight FrankKNIGHT FRANK37See definition of criteria and sources used in the appendices,page 41.SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEParisCBDParis Centre WestNeuilly-LevalloisInner Northern SuburbsInner Southern Suburbs In

141、ner Eastern Suburbs Southern LoopPri-DfenseLa DfenseNorthern LoopParis SouthParis North-EastSource:Knight Frank/*groupings of towns or arrondissements5 SECTORS*THAT ARE FAVOURABLE&SOMEWHAT FAVOURABLE4 SECTORS*THAT ARE UNFAVOURABLE&SOMEWHAT UNFAVOURABLE8.4 MILLION SQ M OF OFFICES15%OF GREATER PARIS R

142、EGION STOCK19.8 MILLION SQ M OF OFFICES 35%OF GREATER PARIS REGION STOCKMAP OF CYCLE-FRIENDLY SECTORS The towns(and Parisian arrondissements)that are considered favourable or fairly favourable to cycling account for just over a third of the regions office stock,i.e.19.8 million sq m out of a total o

143、f 56 million.This shows how far we still have to go to offer cyclists and electric scooter users good travel conditions.KNIGHT FRANK38The 3 neutral sectors*account for 17%of the total stock in the Greater Paris Region(including the Outer Suburbs),i.e.9.4 million sq m of office space.FavourableSomewh

144、at favourable NeutralSomewhat unfavourableUnfavourableINNER PARIS,A PARADISE FOR SOFT MOBILITY?Key figures(2021/2020 change)pedestrian pathscycle paths and free-floating electric scooter rentals+5%car traffic but compared to 2002Decrease in car speedSource:Ville de ParisSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND

145、 OFFICE REAL ESTATEParis12thParis 15thParisCBDParisNorth-EastParisSouthParis Centre WestPARIS 12thFavourable situation122 km of bicycle infrastructure,6,200 parking spaces as well as 3 secure shelters and a 200-space bike station(4 rue Van Gogh).The 12tharrondissement is considered to be one of the

146、most cycle-friendly in Paris(Bois de Vincennes,green belts,etc.).The town hall is continuing to make permanent the cycle paths which resulted from the pandemic as well as encourage the growth of the practice,which is widely supported by the inhabitants.Density of the bicycle ecosystem(shops,repair w

147、orkshops,etc.).PARIS 15thSomewhat favourable situation90 km of cycling infrastructure(shared paths and bus lanes),9,100 parking spaces and an extensive free-floating supply(90 Vlib stations).Creation of a bicycle committee in 2020 by the 15tharrondissements town hall to accelerate discussions on sus

148、tainable mobility:reduction of breaks in routes and making lanes safer,increasing the number of parking spaces and services(repair workshop,provision of bicycle pumps,etc.).PARIS CBD AND CENTRE WESTSomewhat favourable situationSource:Knight FrankKNIGHT FRANK39Approximately 80 km of cycling infrastru

149、cture.Particularly high levels of traffic on the main roads(7,770 cyclists on average on Cours la Reine,6,600 on the Champs-lyses),which makes it difficult to move around in certain reserved lanes.Mixed feelings among users,particularly in areas around the Paris ring road junctions.Development of cy

150、cle-logistics micro-hubs in the vicinity of the CBD to serve as supply points for last-mile bicycle deliverers.FavourableSomewhat favourable NeutralSomewhat unfavourableUnfavourableSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATERueil-MalmaisonIssy-les-MoulineauxLa DfenseLADFENSENeutral situationEff

151、orts to change the image of the district to a greener,more peaceful business district that promotes a mix of uses and modes of transport.Development work to better integrate soft mobility,on the ring road and on the esplanade(bicycle racks,signage,etc.).Development of maintenance and repair services

152、(CYCLOFIX,etc.).Intermodality is still insufficient but will be improved by Grand Paris:new stations at La Dfense(EOLE,line 18)and in the neighbouring towns(Les Groues).Continuation of the cycle path introduced during the pandemic that connects La Dfense to Neuilly:more than 6,000 cyclists per dayEv

153、ents promoting cycling(Bike to work).RUEIL-MALMAISONNeutral situation55 km of cycle paths and green belts,in particular along the riverside paths.750 public parking spaces and a target of 10 Velib stations by the end of 2022.Benefits from the implementation of initiatives(Seine vlo,Convergence Vlo,e

154、tc.)and the Hauts-de-Seine departments cycling scheme(2022-2028).Progress to be made to increase the number of cycle paths and improve their continuity(particularly with neighbouring towns)and the safety of paths.ISSY-LES-MOULINEAUXFavourable situation34 km of cycle lanes,350 parking spaces,around t

155、wenty Velib stations,etc.Strong political commitment(in partnership with 7 other towns in western Paris)with a first bicycle scheme with a total budget of 15 million euros and the goal of achieving 93 km of cycle routes,doubling the number of dedicated parking spaces and partially lowering the speed

156、 limit to 30 km/h by 2025.The town is participating in the European Fuel Cell Cargo Pedelec programme to popularise the use of hydrogen for cargo bike travel(a mix of electricity and hydrogen).Further progress to be made to improve the continuity of paths and safety of the roads(agreement signed wit

157、h Vanves and the 15tharrondissement to improve these points).FavourableSomewhat favourable NeutralSomewhat unfavourableUnfavourableSource:Knight FrankKNIGHT FRANK40SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATESaint-OuenMontreuilIvry-sur-SeineMONTREUILSomewhat favourable situationStrong increase i

158、n the number of cycle paths(70 km in 2022,compared with 17.5 km in 2018)and dedicated facilities(2,300 on-street parking spaces,2 Vligo lockers and 120 additional spaces thanks to the 20 Bicycle-boxes installed in the town).Efforts to improve safety despite certain sections of the road considered to

159、 be conflictual by users.2018-2022 cycling scheme for a safe and peaceful town,with a complete and continuous cycle network and increased parking and services.Target of 10%of home-to-work journeys by bicycle in 2022(compared with 4%in 2018).IVRY-SUR-SEINENeutral situationSource:Knight FrankKNIGHT FR

160、ANK4131 km of cycle infrastructure,770 parking spaces and 17 Vlib stations,3 secure bicycle-boxes.Completion of the Nelson-Mandela bridge path connecting Ivry to Charenton to reduce the urban divide by 2023.The town benefits from good interconnections(tram,bus)which will be further improved by the c

161、ompletion of TZen 5 in 2024 and the proximity of the Grand Paris Express infrastructure(line 15 South).Implementation of a 2020-2026 bicycle scheme:reduction of traffic speed,goal of improving air quality,better cycling infrastructure,etc.SAINT-OUENUnfavourable situationOnly 17 km of cycle paths and

162、 users point to numerous safety deficiencies(breaks in routes,dangerous junctions,etc.)as well as contentious road sharing(increase in the number of accidents and anti-social behaviour).More favourable situation in the immediate vicinity of Paris.240 parking spaces and 8 Velib stations(from 25 bikes

163、 to 45 for the one near the RER station)Political commitment to make cycling a part of everyday life for residents and to improve cycling,driven by the 2024 Olympic Games:development of departmental roads into cycle lanes,awareness-raising workshops etc.FavourableSomewhat favourable NeutralSomewhat

164、unfavourableUnfavourableZOOM SURSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEK KN NIG IGH HT TF FR RAAN NK KThe assessment of Greater Paris Regions cyclability and the quality of the conditions for the use of soft mobility in office buildings is somewhat mixed.Nevertheless,it is important to recognise the wi

165、despread awareness of officelandlords,some of whom are showing real determination by adapting their property and developing new services for occupiers.It is in the interest of investors to take the subject of soft mobility seriously.In addition to contributing directly to the reduction of carbon emi

166、ssions from travel,this is a real distinguishing feature that adds to the quality of the services offered to occupiers at a time when the service dimension of a building is becoming a strategic factor in leasing an asset.While the trend favoursthe most central assets,especially those located in Pari

167、s,better integration of soft mobility can also improve the accessibility of buildings that are a little too far from public transport,at a time when the issue of the well-being of employees and their home-work journeys has become central with the health crisis and the explosion in remote working.As

168、a means of improving the carbon footprint of landlords and their tenants,supporting and facilitating the development of alternative forms of mobility also contributes to making employees want to come back to the office and thus to the dynamism of companies.KNIGHT FRANK42SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND

169、 OFFICE REAL ESTATESOFT MOBILITYKNIGHT FRANKtotal number of cycle kilometres in a town or sectorSources:le-de-France Smart Services(https:/velo.smartidf.services/les-pistes-temporaires),Geovelo(https:/www.amenagements-cyclables.fr/fr/stats)and le-de-FranceMobilits(https:/carto-velo.iledefrance-mobil

170、ites.fr/)users overall impression covering several topics(safety,comfort,services and parking,efforts of the town)in order to establish a cyclability scoreSources:Baromtre des villes cyclables 2021(https:/barometre.parlons-velo.fr/2021/dossier-presse-2021.pdf),Paris en selle(https:/parisenselle.fr/)

171、ability of the transport network to offer a user different modes of transport,for all categories of users(PRM,etc.)in order to make their journey Sources:(https:/www.societedugrandparis.fr/),RATP(https:/www.ratp.fr/services-aux-voyageurs/plan-des-stations-accessibles-pmr)and SCNF(https:/ of accident

172、s involving cyclistsSource:French Home Office(https:/www.data.gouv.fr/fr/datasets/bases-de-donnees-annuelles-des-accidents-corporels-de-la-circulation-routiere-annees-de-2005-a-2020/)number of parking spaces in the public domain(bicycle racks,bicycle shelters,bicycle-boxes,bicycle stations,etc.)in a

173、 town or sectorSource:Open Data le-de-France(https:/data.iledefrance-mobilites.fr/explore/embed/dataset/stationnement-velo-en-ile-de-france/map/?location=12,48.85805,2.34335&basemap=jawg.streets)number of stations offering self-service rental fleets(bicycles,electric scooters,etc.)in a town or secto

174、r Sources:OpenData Paris(https:/opendata.paris.fr/explore/dataset/velib-emplacement-des-stations/map/?basemap=jawg.dark&location=10,48.85811,2.35192),Vlib(https:/www.velib-metropole.fr/map?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIv5-2gtaT-QIV3oBQBh19sAKOEAAYASACEgKFo_D_BwE#/)and other Greater Paris Region operators.number

175、 of trips by users of soft mobility on a road or geographical areaSources:Paris en Selle(https:/compteurs.parisenselle.fr),OpenData Paris in partnership with Eco Compteur(https:/www.eco- INSEE(https:/www.insee.fr/fr/statistiques/5400972)implementation by local elected officials of concrete actions(t

176、own budget,modification of the local town plan,events,etc.),in the short or long term,to promote the use of soft mobility Sources:Greater Paris Region town websitesSPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATECRITERIA USED FOR THE MAPPING OF CYCLE-FRIENDLY SECTORS IN THE GREATER PARIS REGIONINFRA

177、STRUCTURESKNIGHT FRANK44SERVICESOTHERcombination of intermodality and multimodality,two terms referring to the ability to combine several modes of transport in a relatively fluid and efficient way to complete a journey(e.g.bicycle+RER+walking).provision of a fleet(bicycle,electric scooter,etc.)on a

178、self-service basis in order to travel flexibly:drop off the vehicle anywhere on the public highway after use.travel with no environmental impact,i.e.no energy except that produced by the user during physical effort(e.g.cycling,walking,etc.).includes active travel as well as travel with a low environ

179、mental impact vehicle(electric vehicle,car-sharing,etc.).light individual mode of transport(scooter,gyropod,skateboard,bicycle,rollerblades,etc.)enabling all or part of the journey to be made,particularly the first and last kilometres in urban areas.a lasting change of mode of transport(e.g.limiting

180、 the use of the car in favour of cycling for short journeys).contraction of electric scooter and taf which designates an employee who uses a electric scooter on a daily basis to travel between home and work.contraction of bicycle and taf which designates an employee who uses active mobility on a dai


182、te consultant.Its Paris office,established almost 50 years ago,has 5 main business lines:office marketing and user advice(Occupier Services&Commercial Agency),workspace development(Design&Delivery),Capital Markets,Retail Leasing and valuation with its subsidiary Knight Frank Valuation&Advisory.Knigh

183、t Frank France is the French subsidiary of Knight Frank LLP,a 125 year oldBritish firm now operating in 51 countries.It provides its clients with the expertise of over 16,000 professionals from its 488 offices.Knight Frank is a global platform and an independent partnership,specialising in both comm

184、ercial and residential real estate,with professionals who are committed to their clients.Knight Frank is uniquely positioned in the world of real estate consulting.With a consistent reputation for trust and integrity,Knight Frank is increasingly becoming the consultancy of choice.Knight Frank in bri

185、efStrategic cities where Knight Frank is a key player.We want to develop our business in these cities by supporting our clients in all their real estate projects.KNIGHT FRANK46SPOTLIGHT ONSOFT MOBILITY AND OFFICE REAL ESTATEDavid BourlaPartner,Head of Research+33(0)1 43 16 55 75+33(0)7 84 07 94 Knig

186、ht Frank SNC 2022Knight Franks Research Department provides market analysis and strategic real estate consultancyservices to a wide range of international clients,both private,institutional and end-users.KnightFranks reports are available on the KnightFrank.fr website.The data used to produce this s

187、tudy comes from sources known to be reliable,such as INSEE,ORIE andthe Knight Frank tools for monitoring real estate markets.Although great care has been taken in the preparation of this publication,Knight Frank cannot be heldresponsible for any errors.Furthermore,since this is general market resear

188、ch,it does not reflectKnight Franks opinion on specific projects or properties.Reproduction of all or part of thispublication is permitted,provided that the source is acknowledged.Crdits images:Freepik,AdobeStock,The Noun ProjectRECENT PUBLICATIONS The French investment marketJuly 2022The Lyon offic

189、e market September 2022ContactsVincent BollaertCEO France+33(0)1 43 16 88 90+33(0)6 86 48 44 Antoine GrignonPartner,Co-Head of Capital Markets+33(0)1 43 16 88 70+33(0)6 73 86 11 Guillaume RaquilletPartner,Head of Office Agency+33(0)1 43 16 88 86+33(0)6 15 79 46 The retail property market-France September 2022Annabelle VavasseurResearch analyst+33(0)1 43 16 64 71+33(0)6 43 64 76 KNIGHT FRANK47



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