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ROI Revolution:2022年全购买行销漏斗元平台报告(英文版)(18页).pdf

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ROI Revolution:2022年全购买行销漏斗元平台报告(英文版)(18页).pdf

1、THE FULL-FUNNELMETAREPORTYour Guide to Profitable Growth With Social Media Advertising2Executive Summary Understanding the FunnelThe“Vitruvian Funnel”What Is Your Goal?Understanding Seasonality CPM&Conversion Rate by Campaign ObjectiveThe 4 Meta PlatformsFacebookInstagramFacebook MessengerFacebook A

2、udience NetworkConnecting the Marketing Funnel With Paid Social Tying It All Together:Meta Is Just One Piece of the PuzzleAdditional Resources34668941617Table of Contents3In this report,youll explore the full buyers journey as it relates to the 4 Meta platforms:Facebook,Instagram,Messenge

3、r,and Audience Network.Youll uncover:Insider expertise and knowledge based on over$12 million in annual ad spend managed for ROIs social media clients Profitable strategies to build your brand and nurture consumers to a sale throughout the path to purchase Proven best practices to realign your goals

4、 around full-funnel profitability,not just last-click performance metrics When advertising online,you need to ask yourself a simple question:Are your brands growth goals aligned with your omnichannel marketing approach?If you have even the slightest hesitation answering,its time to consider realigni

5、ng your priorities and key performance indicators(KPIs).Far too often,businesses focus solely on increasing conversions and optimizing the bottom-of-funnel tactics that lead to a sale.While sales are obviously the ultimate end goal,if you arent focused on the entire customer journey,youve already lo

6、st.Youre probably wondering,What does this have to do with social media?The simple answer is everything.Many retailers look at social media channels as simply a play for brand awareness or engagement,with the false assumption that ads are underperforming based on outdated attribution models.The trut

7、h is,a last-touch attribution model is no longer viable in todays digital landscape.There are often many touchpoints along a buyers journey,and a last-touch attribution model alone doesnt provide a comprehensive understanding.You must look at the full journey to be successful.Executive Summary4Under

8、standing the FunnelWhy do you use Facebook and Instagram?Is it to engage with friends?To share photos from your vacation?To catch up on local events?Or do you use it with the intent to make a purchase?With the birth of Facebook Shops and Instagram Shopping,social commerce is here to stay.In fact,98%

9、of consumers say they planned to make a purchase on social media in 20221.Before you even consider pitching a product to a user on social,you need to focus on the top of the funnel:awareness.Shoppers should know your brand,its values,and what you offer before they make a purchase.They also need to t

10、rust your brand.Most of this trust is created with top-of-funnel campaigns that arent looking to sell a product,but to introduce users to your brand and build credibility.Its only after a consumer knows and trusts your brand that they can feel confident moving further down the funnel toward a purcha

11、se.This is the essence of social media marketing:transforming cold prospects into warm leads,and then into hot customers.By 2025,social shopping is expected to become a$1.2 trillion channel2.1 https:/ https:/ is precisely why you need to develop a sales funnel specifically for Meta platforms,while a

12、lso ensuring it aligns with touchpoints on all other marketing channels.Choosing the right attribution model is integral to profitable cross-channel scaling.3 https:/ https:/ OpportunityAs a marketer,its essential that you dont just showcase your brand but also offer consumers relevant content that

13、eases their concerns.Your social media content should remove the friction and pain points that stand in the way of users moving down the path toward a sale.Just the stats:46%of consumers say theyll pay more for brands they trust3 Consistent brand presentation can increase your revenue by 33%5 to 7 i

14、nteractions usually take place before a customer remembers your brand4 6You want to promote a healthy,comprehensive strategy.Not unlike DaVincis Man,the complex anatomy of your paid social media marketing plan should be thoughtfully proportioned and utilize inter-connected campaigns that-despite the

15、ir unique purposes-all work together for a common growth goal.To see the future success of your brand,you first need a(strategic)vision.Before tackling the latest trends and opportunities with social media advertising,its essential to identify what your goal is.Now,were not talking about“I want a 50

16、0%return on ad spend!”That is a key performance indicator(KPI),not a goal.A goal requires you to think big picture about what you want to get out of your advertising,and what your focus area is.Focusing too granularly is a recipe for failure.The“Vitruvian Funnel”What Is Your Goal?7Here are some of t

17、he common goals we set with our clients:Drive brand awareness and reach Generate more website traffic Increase amount of website visitors who make a purchase Grow new customer acquisition As you can see,these goals are broad,centering on distinct areas of the funnel as opposed to a specific ad spend

18、 metrics that can often be very misleading.Heres an example:You hit a 1,000%return on ad spend,but have to cut your ad budget by 95%to reach it.As a result,you end up selling only a fraction of what you normally sell.What did you truly accomplish?The answer is most likely a negative cash flow.8ROI O

19、pportunityLay the groundwork for Q4 earlier in the year.Focus on brand awareness and prospecting campaigns in Q3,when costs are lower.This gives you time to build familiarity and credibility so that you can ramp up your mid-and lower-funnel efforts as the holidays approach.Conversion volume,conversi

20、on rate,CTR,and CPM all spike in November at the peak of holiday shopping.This means that brand awareness takes a back seat to conversion-focused ads,as advertisers look to close sales.Customers are primed to buy at certain times of the year.Your brands strategy needs to align with this peaked oppor

21、tunity.When taking a full-funnel approach to social media advertising,it is important to understand the impact that seasonality has on metrics such as conversion rate,CTR(click-through rate),and CPM(cost per thousand impressions).CPM is especially important because your top-of-funnel campaigns are a

22、ll about building brand awareness and nurturing shoppers.As you can see in this chart,most ecommerce brands see CPMs rise as Q4 gets closer.This makes sense as competition gets more fierce as the holiday season approaches.Q1Q2Q3Q4$6$8$11$144%3%2%1%0Q1Q2Q3Q4Click-Through RateConversion RateCTR and CV

23、R SeasonalityAverage CPMUnderstanding Seasonality9For every campaign,there is a reason and a time for every touchpoint in the buyer journey.As you just read about,there are a number of different objectives that you can set for your ads.As shown in the chart on page 8,CPMs vary widely based on the ob

24、jective you are looking for.Different campaign objectives make sense for different goals.For example,if you want to reach more users and grow awareness of your brand,it may not make sense to invest in conversion-focused objectives right away.As the chart shows,CPMs in those campaigns are 4x more exp

25、ensive.To maximize budget and reach,leverage upper-funnel objectives like traffic and brand awareness to start.If youre looking to increase sales,balance upper-funnel investment with conversion-focused objectives.These objectives have over 2x higher conversion rates than brand awareness,which leads

26、to a 6x higher ROAS as well.Youre probably wondering,Why even bother with other types of campaigns then?Why not just focus on the most profitable?CPM&Conversion Rate by Campaign Objective5 https:/ you arent focused on getting more traffic to recognize your brand,how are you going to find people who

27、are ready to convert?Its important to recognize that Facebooks default attribution model only gives credit to the last Facebook click from an ad.Its highly unlikely for that click to be the only touchpoint the consumer made.They probably interacted with ads from multiple campaign objectives across m

28、ultiple channels,but only that last click is attributed for the sale.This once again points to the fallacy of only looking at last-touch when determining the effectiveness of various marketing campaigns.A balanced approach to top-of-funnel awareness is essential to get the traffic that will convert

29、through bottom-of-funnel campaigns.ROI OpportunityLearn from last years data!Looking at the above chart,it would appear lead generation is a very poorly performing objective with high CPMs and super-low conversion rates.The reality is,conversion rate is isolated to a purchase,not a submitted form.Do

30、nt undervalue the importance of getting more people to subscribe to your emails!These are still high-quality leads.These consumers have an increased intent-they signed up,didnt they?They can later be retargeted for a much higher conversion rate through catalog sales and conversion campaign objective

31、s.CTR&CVR by Campaign Objective3.0%2.5%2.0%1.5%1.0%0.5%0.0%Brand Awareness Catalog SalesConversions Lead GenerationTrafficVideo ViewsCTRCVR11The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.When people think of Meta,they often neglect the fact that the internet giant is actually composed of four disti

32、nct platforms that you can advertise on through your Meta Ad account:1.Facebook 2.Instagram 3.Messenger 4.Audience Network Typically,advertisers see the best returns by running ads across all four networks.Meta optimizes ad spend for the platform and placement with the best result,which ensures more

33、 efficient ad spend.Additionally,with consumer attention spans shorter than ever,having your ads appear across multiple platforms will help you cast a wider net.Amount Spent per PlatformFacebook:84%Instagram:12%Audience Network:3%Messenger:1%The 4 Meta PlatformsCPM and CPC by Platform$18.00$15.00$12

34、.00$9.00$6.00$3.00$0.00AudienceNetworkFacebookMessengerInstagram$21.00$0.80$0.60$0.40$0.00$1.40$1.00$1.20$0.20CPMCPCCTR and CVR by PlatformCTRCVRAudienceNetworkFacebookMessengerInstagram3.00%2.00%1.00%0.00%12Facebook has evolved a lot over the years,adding placements and changing algorithms that kee

35、p advertisers on their toes.Its still a major pillar to social media advertising-of all social media platforms,users spend the most time per day on Facebook5.Facebook placements include:Feed Marketplaces Video feeds Right column Groups feeds Business Explore Stories Reels In-stream videos Search res

36、ults Instant Articles Feed Explore Shop Stories Reels Aside from Facebook,Instagram has become a tremendously successful platform for advertisers.In 2023,Instagrams ad revenue is projected to reach$39.7 billion over 3x what it was in 20196.Nearly 1 in every 8 digital dollars goes toward Instagram ad

37、vertising7,with Stories making up more than a quarter of the platforms ad revenue8.Instagram placements include:Facebook Messenger offers unique advertising opportunities through Stories and Messenger Sponsored Messages.More than 2.9 billion people use Messenger every month9,and its by far the most

38、popular messaging app in the US10.Messenger Sponsored Messages are a great way to engage with a large audience.They offer a unique use case-when clicked,they trigger a Facebook Messenger conversation where you can curate a unique,one-on-one customer experience in-app.This is especially valuable in a

39、 post-iOS 14.5 world where third-party data is hard to come by.5 https:/ https:/ https:/ https:/ https:/ https:/ MessengerROI OpportunityVertical creative is the way of the future.With the rise of Stories,TikTok,and Reels,1:1 ratios for images and videos alone dont cut it anymore.Design your creativ

40、e in a way that conveys your message regardless of aspect ratio.13Last but not least is the Facebook Audience Network.Similar to the Google Display Network or Amazon DSP,the Audience Network allows brands to serve ads to millions of global websites while still leveraging Facebooks laser-focused audi

41、ence targeting tools.Audience Network placements include:Native,banner,and interstitial Rewarded videos In-Stream videos 4X your opportunities.Blending different strategies is always the best method to optimize exposure,boost diverse interactions with shoppers,and balance spend versus return.This is

42、 why using all four platforms together should be your true goal.By hitting all four at once,your brand gains the ability to:Cover a much wider audience Reinforce your brands presence to stay top-of-mind Reach consumers on the platform where they are most likely to engageFacebook Audience NetworkROI

43、OpportunityEvery potential customer is unique,and has a unique path to purchase.Its your job to be there every step of the way and to gently guide them along that path.Having a multichannel,multi-platform advertising experience is the way to achieve this.You want to be the brand that they see whenev

44、er theyre online-because if you arent,one of your competitors most likely is!14Connecting the Marketing Funnel With Paid SocialThis just in:Digital advertising isnt easy!There are so many channels now that it can be challenging to determine where to spend your marketing budget.What channels do you l

45、everage?What types of ads do you run?How do you reach your target audience?Its overwhelming!But the truth is,if you want to be successful and grow your brand,you need to do it all.And while this report is specific to Meta channels,theres one piece of advice that all brands need to do across platform

46、s:Think full-funnel.15Stop treating your campaigns as these separate entities with separate goals.Your entire advertising mindset needs to shift,and it needs to shift now.No longer can you rely on a simple last-click attribution model and dump all of your budget into what you see at the bottom of th

47、e funnel.You are losing out on a massive amount of potential customers if you do that,and it will be impossible to scale.For Meta platforms specifically,you also need to think full-funnel.Leverage different advertising formats at every stage of your specific buyers journey,from awareness to consider

48、ation to conversion.Use top-of-funnel ad campaigns with a brand awareness objective through Facebook to cast a wide net.Use informative ads to reach buyers in research and discovery mode.Use Lookalike Audiences to enhance your reach to high-consideration consumers who dont fall into the remarketing

49、bucket.Use remarketing campaigns to help reengage with shoppers youve lost along the way.16Tying It All TogetherThe point is:Do it all!Dont compartmentalize your funnel.Let it flow freely from top to bottom,with advertising investment at every stage.Investment levels at each stage should differ base

50、d on the length of your buying cycle,the maturity of your business or product,and seasonality.Follow through with this philosophy and you will see a dramatic growth in customers,sales,and profitable revenue.At ROI Revolution,our proven digital marketing experts with over 20 years of online advertisi

51、ng experience are ready to accelerate your brands growth in 2022 and beyond.Whether youre looking for attribution solutions,strategies for growth on emerging social platforms,or any other type of expertise to drive more revenue for your business,were here to act as an extension of your team to surpa

52、ss your goals.Get in touch with one of our experts today at ROIR to get an insightful analysis of how we can help your brand grow beyond your expectations.17Additional ResourcesDive into the current state of social media as a whole with insights from a survey of 170+digital marketing professionals b

53、acked by outside research and data so that you have a clear picture of todays social media landscape.77%of internet users use social media to get more information about brands.Explore more of the latest stats around the latest social media trends for data-backed insights that will help you thrive in

54、 your social media campaigns.The State of Social Media ReportWhite PaperThe State of Social MediaInfographicTHE STATE OFSOCIALMEDIAEcommerce Insights on Attribution,Emerging Platforms,&M Your Report at:Get the Stats at:Report ContributorsSarah DavisSenior ContentMarketing SpecialistKatherine DullGra

55、phicDesignerChristine SchulzeTeam Lead,Social MediaAuthorWERE HERE TO HELP!Visit us anytime at ROIs proven digital experts have been amplifying brand growth since the dawn of digital.We have a reputation for helping brands identify untapped potential through custom multi-channel strategies.Our best-

56、in-class teams and technology empower hundreds of brands to drive billions in annual revenue.No matter the obstacles and opportunities your brand faces,were here to act as a trusted extension of your team.We dont have a“set it and forget it”approach to account management.We drive profitable revenue

57、and new customer acquisition at scale through consistent communication and ongoing campaign optimization.Full-funnel advertising strategies to supercharge profitable customer acquisition on Amazon,Google,Facebook,&more.ROIs RevolutionSuite,combining the hybrid intelligence of smart technology&human logic to accelerate your return on investment.Optimization of your website to boost conversion rates,optimize content strategy,&grow your organic search presence.Strategic partnerships with Google,Microsoft,Facebook,Instagram,Pinterest,Amazon,Snapchat,Feedonomics,&more.



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