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1、113TH ANNUALINSIGHTS FOR 20232SURVEY TERM DEFINITIONSContent Marketing:A strategic marketing approach focused on creating and distributing valuable,relevant,and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audienceand,ultimately,to drive profitable customer action.Success:Achieving you

2、r organizations desired/targeted results.CHART TERM DEFINITIONSAll Respondents:B2B content marketers,all of whom indicated they are content marketers,involved with the content marketing function,and/or someone to whom content marketing reports,either directly or indirectly.Most Successful(aka Top Pe

3、rformers)and Least Successful:The“most successful”are those who characterize their organizations overall content marketing approach as extremely or very successful(Top 2).The“least successful”characterize their organizations approach as minimally or not at all successful(Bottom 2).See page 8.TABLE O


5、ENT MARKETING IN YOUR ORGANIZATION,WHAT WOULD THAT BE?.41m ACTION STEPS BY ROBERT ROSE.44m METHODOLOGY.46m ABOUT.473INTRODUCTIONA Content Marketing Wish List:TIME TO FEED THE GIANTWelcome to the 13th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks,Budgets,and Trends:Insights for 2023 report.This edition of

6、our report looks back on the last 12 months and includes expectations for 2023.Last years theme,The Sleeping Giant Awakes,explored how the pandemic changed the way organizations perceive content marketing.We found that content marketing took a more prominent role as organizations lost the ability to

7、 meet face to face with prospects and customers.Has that momentum continued?Well,71%of content marketers told us that content marketing has become more important to their organization over the last year.3Importance of B2B Content Marketingin the Last Year71%4%25%More important Less important About t

8、he sameContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 20224INTRODUCTIONBut with the increase in importance and growth comes a need for more staff,more tools,and well,more of a lot of things.When we

9、 asked,“If you could change one thing about content marketing in your organization,what would that be?”many of those same marketers told us they are still fighting for:Content marketing buy-in A content marketing strategy/strategic approach to content marketing More budget and additional staff More

10、access to subject matter experts(SMEs)Better technology Better measurement tools Greater alignment between marketing and sales/breaking down silosThats a lot to wish for.Furthermore,the year-over-year needle is stuck at around only 40%of marketers having a documented content marketing strategy.Witho

11、ut a strategy,too many content marketers are creating content for the sake of creating content in many cases this could mean responding to ad hoc requests.Percentage of B2B MarketersWith a Content Marketing Strategy40%33%20%7%Yes,and it is documented Yes,but it is not documented No,but plan to withi

12、n 12 months No,with no plansContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 2022For content marketing to be truly effective,it needs a strategy with resources behind it.Too many content marketers are

13、 operating either alone or with a small staff trying to do too much.In fact,46%of all marketers surveyed told us that one person(or group)in their organization is responsible for all types of content produced.Its unsurprising,then,that the year-over-year needle has also been stuck on overall success

14、 with around 29%of those surveyed saying their organizations are extremely or very successful with content marketing.Indeed,there is much to learn from those top performers and how they do things differently than their peers(see page 8).5INTRODUCTIONOur annual research suggests that content marketer

15、s would be happier in their current roles if their organizations prioritized content marketing,backed it with strategies and resources,and invested in technologies to help them do their jobs faster and more efficiently.If one theme emerged from this years annual research it was this:Its time for org

16、anizations to finally give content marketing the investment it deserves,staff it accordingly,and reap the rewards.The sleeping giant is awake.Now its time to feed it.All of this is not to say that content marketers are unhappy.In fact,85%told us they feel that content marketing provides a rewarding

17、and purposeful career path.Its just not always with the company in which theyre currently working.CMIs recent Content Marketing Career&Salary 2023 Outlook found that the lack of a clear career path in the organizations content marketers work for is a real problem.And many content marketers are willi

18、ng to change companies for better opportunities.How B2B Marketers Rate Their OrganizationsOverall Level of Content Marketing Successin Last 12 Months4%25%56%14%1%Extremely successful Very successful Moderately successful Minimally successful Not at all successfulContent Marketing Institute/Marketing

19、ProfsBase:Content marketers.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 2022Does Content Marketing Provide You Witha Meaningful/Purposeful Career Path?85%15%Yes NoContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers.13th Annual Content Marketing S

20、urvey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 20226KEY TAKEAWAYSNearly half of those surveyed think their organization will hire or contract for content producers in 2023.Forty-seven percent of respondents told us they expect their organization to hire or contract for content producers in 20

21、23(e.g.,writers,designers,videographers).This should come as a relief to content marketers who are stretched too thin.See page 10.Marketers who differentiate their content cite three key things.Those who are excelling with content differentiation say they produce better quality content,cover topics/

22、stories their competitors dont,and actively promote their content.See page 13.In-person events are back.In-person events came roaring up the list of content types used in the last 12 months,with 49%reporting they used in-person events to get in front of their audiences versus only 19%(understandably

23、)the previous year.These events were also the content type marketers said produced the best results for their organization.Furthermore,52%expect their organizations investment in in-person events will increase in 2023 compared with their 2022 budget.See pages 14,15,and 36.More marketers are using on

24、line communities.There was a slight uptick in those using their organizations branded online community to distribute content over the last 12 months(26%this year vs.22%last year).Yet interestingly,social media/community building is the fifth highest area of B2B content marketing investment for 2023(

25、with 57%expecting investment in this area,compared with only 37%the previous year).See pages 16 and 40.7The use of paid content distribution channels has decreased.The percentage of marketers using one or more paid distribution channels decreased to 67%,compared with 81%the previous year.Of those wh

26、o are using paid channels,85%use paid social media.See page 20.Investment in video and owned-mediaassets will continue to rise in 2023.Seventy-eight percent of content marketers said their organization will invest/continue to invest in video in 2023,up from 69%the previous year.We also saw notable i

27、ncreases in those planning to invest in owned-media assets(69%vs.57%the previous year).See page 40.Content technologies are an issue.In this new section of the annual survey,we asked content marketers whether their organization has the right technology in place to manage content across the organizat

28、ion.Only 28%said yes.Of the 61%who said no,31%said they have the technology but arent using it to potential and 30%said they have not acquired the right technology(11%were unsure).See page 26.Marketers struggle with creating content for the buyers journey and aligning content efforts across sales an

29、d marketing.Marketers cited these as their top two current content marketing challenges.Other issues included consistency with measurement and internal communication among teams/silos.See page 38.KEY TAKEAWAYS8Most SuccessfulAll RespondentsLeast SuccessfulHas a documented content marketing strategy6

30、4%40%19%Uses content creation/calendaring/collaboration/workflow tools76%65%49%Has the right technology in place to manage content across the entire organization47%28%9%Spends 50%or more of total marketing budget on content marketing33%21%8%Uses one or more paid channels for content distribution 75%

31、67%57%Strongly/somewhat agrees:Organization provides customers with a consistent experience across their journey.87%65%40%Organization measures content performance accurately.80%49%19%Diversity and inclusion play an integral role in the organizations content decision-makingand creative processes.70%

32、56%38%Uses content marketing successfully to:Nurture subscribers/audiences/leads66%54%32%Generate sales/revenue 62%42%20%Build/grow a subscribed audience59%44%26%How B2B Content Marketing Top Performers*Describe Their Organization At a GlanceTOP PERFORMERSContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsCh

33、art term definitions:A top performer(aka“most successful”)is a respondent who characterizes their organizations overall content marketing approach as extremely or very successful.The“least successful”characterize their organizations approach as minimally or not at all successful.Base:Content markete

34、rs.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 2022INSIGHTS FOR 20239STAFFING&OPINIONS10STAFFING&OPINIONSMany content marketers wear too many hats.Nearly half of those surveyed said one person(or group)in their organization is responsible for all types of con

35、tent but help with content creation may be on the way in 2023.Which of These Roles Do You Think Your B2B OrganizationWill Hire or Contract For in 2023?47%25%22%17%17%16%16%14%13%01020304050Content producers (writers,designers,photographers,videographers)Content marketers (who create and manage conte

36、ntmarketing programs to attract an audience)Community managers/social media specialistsSales marketing experts(who create and managecontent designed to enable sales teams)User experience(UX)designers/specialistsContent strategists(who create standards andguidelines,and manage content as a business a

37、sset)Subject matter experts(influencers or those whocan create unique voices for the company)None of the above UnsureContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 202246%said one group(or person)i

38、s responsible for handling all types of content in their organization(including advertising,thought leadership,brochures,SEO content,etc.).*This figure was higher for small companies(51%)and lower for large companies(30%).Base:Content marketers.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing

39、Institute/MarketingProfs,July 202211STAFFING&OPINIONSWith society embracing diversity,equity,and inclusiveness(DE&I),brands can do better.Fifty-seven percent of marketers agreed that diversity and inclusion play an integral role in their organizations decision-making and creative processes.StronglyA

40、greeSomewhatAgreeNeither Agree Nor DisagreeSomewhat DisagreeStrongly DisagreeOur organization values creativity and craft in content creation and production.51%35%6%7%2%Our organization provides customers with a consistent experience across their engagement journey.19%46%13%18%5%Diversity and inclus

41、ion play an integral role in our organizations content decision-making and creative processes.27%30%27%11%6%Our organization measures content performance accurately.13%36%23%21%8%Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who answered each statement.13th Annual Content Marketin

42、g Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 2022B2B Marketers Opinions About Content Marketing in Their OrganizationsINSIGHTS FOR 202312CONTENTCREATION&DISTRIBUTION13CONTENT CREATION&DISTRIBUTIONContent marketers who want to differentiate their content should focus on quality and unique

43、 stories.Eighty-three percent of those who always/frequently differentiate their content said they do so by producing better quality content than their competitors.How Often Do You Differentiate YourContent From the Competition?23%41%27%8%1%Always Frequently Sometimes Rarely NeverHow B2B Marketers D

44、ifferentiate TheirContent From the Competition83%72%50%38%33%30%3%020406080100Produce better quality contentCover topics/stories that our competitors arent coveringActively promote the content we publish(i.e.,beyond publishing/distributing it)Use formats theyre not usingDo a better job of distributi

45、ng our contentProduce more contentOtherContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who always/frequently differentiate their content from the competition.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 202214CONTENT CREATION&DISTRIBUTIONIn-pe

46、rson events are back and the use of video continues to soar.Forty-nine percent reported using in-person events,compared with only 19%the previous year.In addition,in-person events are the content type producing the best results(see next page).The use of videos increased to 75%from 66%the previous ye

47、ar.Content Assets B2B Marketers Created/Used in Last 12 Months89%75%67%62%61%61%59%49%33%30%17%16%8%020406080100Short articles/posts(fewer than 1,500 words)Videos(of any length/format)Case studiesVirtual events/webinars/online coursesInfographics/charts/data viz/3D modelsLong articles/posts(more tha

48、n 1,500 words)E-books/white papersIn-person eventsPodcasts and other audio contentResearch reportsPrint magazines or booksLivestreaming contentOtherContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Ma

49、rketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 202215CONTENT CREATION&DISTRIBUTIONTheres no denying the power of face to face.Marketers said in-person events produced the best results for their content marketing in the last 12 months(48%).Virtual events came in a close second,followed by research reports.B2B

50、 Content Assets That Produced the Best Results in Last 12 Months48%47%46%43%39%36%36%32%21%20%19%18%01020304050In-person eventsVirtual events/webinars/online coursesResearch reportsE-books/white papersShort articles/posts(fewer than 1,500 words)Case studies Videos(of any length/format)Long articles/

51、posts(more than 1,500 words)Podcasts and other audio contentInfographics/charts/data viz/3D modelsLivestreaming contentPrint magazines or booksContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsNote:Respondents were shown a display list of the content types they used in the last 12 months and asked,“Which co

52、ntent assets produced the best results for your content marketing in the last 12 months?(Select all that apply.)”Base:Content marketers who use each content asset listed.Multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 202216Owned-Medi

53、a Platforms B2B Marketers Used toDistribute Content in Last 12 Months90%78%69%67%54%28%26%14%12%11%9%4%020406080100Their organizations websiteBlogEmail newsletterEmail(other than newsletter)In-person or digital events Microsite(e.g.,resource center)Their organizations branded online communityOnline

54、learning platformDigital magazineSeparate content brand(e.g.,website or digital magazine,either through acquisition or in-house development)Mobile appOtherCONTENT CREATION&DISTRIBUTIONNearly three out of four marketers use email newsletters to distribute content.Most publish their newsletters themse

55、lves.Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 2022Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who publish email newsletters.13th A

56、nnual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 2022How B2B Organizations PublishTheir Email Newsletters15%83%2%We do it ourselves (we have our own email list/provider)We publish a newsletter through a social platform(e.g.,Twitter,LinkedIn)Both of the above 17CONTENT C

57、REATION&DISTRIBUTIONWith in-person events back in swing,more marketers are speaking and presenting.More marketers are writing guest posts,too.Speaking increased to 64%from 52%the previous year.Guest posts increased to 50%from 43%the previous year.Organic(Nonpaid)Platforms B2B Marketers Used toDistri

58、bute Content in Last 12 Months95%64%56%50%37%20%10%6%14%020406080100Social media platformsSpeaking/presenting at eventsMedia/public relationsGuest posts/articles in third-party publicationsGuest spots on podcasts,live video,etc.Influencer partnershipsListening platforms(e.g.,social audio,Audible,App

59、le Podcasts)SMS/text messagesNone of the aboveContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 202218CONTENT CREATION&DISTRIBUTIONThe use of organic social med

60、ia platforms hasnt changed much from the previous year.We did,however,see the use of YouTube increase by 5 points(65%this year vs.60%the previous year),not surprising considering the rise in the use of video.The use of TikTok inched up to 9%from 5%.Organic(Nonpaid)Social Media Platforms B2B Content

61、MarketersUsed in Last 12 Months96%76%70%65%57%11%9%7%020406080100LinkedInFacebookTwitterYouTubeInstagramPinterestTikTok MediumContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who used organic social media platforms in the last 12 months.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th An

62、nual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs,July 202219CONTENT CREATION&DISTRIBUTIONLinkedIn is the organic social media platform B2B content marketers used the most and the one they found most effective.Facebook had the lowest ratings,with 37%saying it was not very or

63、not at all effective.ExtremelyEffectiveVeryEffectiveSomewhatEffectiveNot VeryEffectiveNot At AllEffectiveLinkedIn21%39%33%6%1%Facebook5%18%41%31%6%Twitter3%14%47%28%8%YouTube9%29%45%15%2%Instagram6%19%44%27%5%Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who used the organic socia

64、l media platforms listed in the last 12 months.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs,July 202220CONTENT CREATION&DISTRIBUTIONThe use of paid content distribution decreased to 67%from 81%the previous year.This suggests that B2B companies moved money from top

65、-of-the-funnel paid awareness activities in the pandemic economy to mid-funnel awareness activities,lead generation,and direct advertising.Does Your Organization Use One or More PaidContent Distribution Channelsfor Content Marketing?33%67%Yes NoPaid Content Distribution Channels B2B MarketersUsed in

66、 Last 12 Months85%72%62%46%35%3%020406080100Social media advertising/promoted postsSearch engine marketing(SEM)/pay-per-clickSponsorships(e.g.,events,booths,workshops)Native advertising/sponsored content(not including social media platforms)Partner emails promoting our contentOtherContent Marketing

67、Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers whose organizations used paid channels to distribute content in the last 12 months.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs,July 202221CONTENT CREATION&DISTRIBUTIONFewer mar

68、keters invested money in paid advertising on Facebook.The use of Facebook advertising decreased to 56%from 69%the previous year.The others remained steady.Paid Social Media Platforms B2B Content MarketersUsed in Last 12 Months78%56%17%29%20%020406080LinkedInFacebookInstagramYouTubeTwitterContent Mar

69、keting Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers whose organizations used paid content promotion in the last 12 months.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs,July 202222CONTENT CREATION&DISTRIBUTIONMarketers who u

70、se paid social are getting the best results with LinkedIn advertising.Facebook and Instagram had the lowest effectiveness ratings.ExtremelyEffectiveVeryEffectiveSomewhatEffectiveNot VeryEffectiveNot At AllEffectiveLinkedIn13%36%40%9%2%Facebook9%30%45%12%5%Twitter10%33%45%13%0%YouTube11%32%44%11%1%In

71、stagram10%29%45%14%3%Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who used the paid social media platforms in the last 12 months.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs,July 2022How Effective Are These Paid Social Media Platforms in Helpin

72、g Your Organization Reach Its Content Marketing Goals?23CONTENT CREATION&DISTRIBUTIONOnly 10%of respondents said their organization monetizes content.These forward-leaning organizations were mostly agencies,consultants,and technology marketers.Does Your Organization Monetize ItsContent(i.e.,Does You

73、r ContentGenerate Revenue Directly)?10%13%77%Yes No UnsureHow B2B Organizations Monetize Content52%48%39%16%00Sponsorships/advertisingPaid or premium contentAffiliate relationshipsOtherContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers whose organizations monetize their cont

74、ent.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 2022INSIGHTS FOR 202324CONTENTMANAGEMENT&OPERATIONS25CONTENT MANAGEMENT&OPERATIONSThe use of technologies remained steady over the last year,with three notable exceptions.

75、The use of:Social media publishing/analytics decreased to 71%from 80%the previous year.Content creation/calendaring/collaboration/workflow tools decreased to 65%from 73%the previous year.Email marketing software decreased to 68%from 75%the previous year.Technologies B2B Organizations Use to Manage C

76、ontent84%71%68%65%51%50%32%17%15%14%12%2%020406080100Analytics tools(e.g.,web analytics,dashboards)Social media publishing/analyticsEmail marketing softwareContent creation/calendaring/collaboration/workflowCustomer relationship management(CRM)systemContent management system(CMS)Marketing automation

77、 system(MAS)Sales enablement platformDigital asset management(DAM)systemContent distribution platformContent performance/recommendation toolsOtherContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Mark

78、eting Institute/MarketingProfs,July 202226CONTENT MANAGEMENT&OPERATIONSSixty-one percent of marketers said their organization either hasnt acquired the right technology or has the technology but isnt using it to potential.This suggests that too many B2B companies:Are developing tech stacks without a

79、 strategy(i.e.,letting features and functions drive the strategy rather than the other way around)Dont appreciate the level of complexity in not just implementing martech tools but also managing and maintaining themContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsQ:Do you feel that your organization has th

80、e right technology in place to manage content across your entire organization?Base:Content marketers.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 2022The Right Technology in Place to ManageContent Across the B2B Organiza

81、tion11%31%28%30%Yes No we have the technology,but arent using it to potential No we havent acquired the right technology Unsure27Thirty-four percent of marketers said their organization translates content into different languages using a variety of methods.Nearly three out of four who translate cont

82、ent also localize it,mostly using in-house teams.CONTENT MANAGEMENT&OPERATIONSIn Addition to Translation,Does YourOrganization Also Localize Content?(Localization is defined as the process of adapting content tomeet the needs of local culture or target market.)73%27%Yes NoB2B Organizations Approach

83、to Translation46%38%37%20%5%4%01020304050In-house team(or regional offices)Ad hoc freelance translators(as needed)Enterprise translation service(outsourced human+technology solutions)Automated translation(technology solutions)OtherUnsureB2B Organizations Approach to Localization82%31%22%5%2%02040608

84、0100In-house team(or regional offices)Ad hoc localization freelancers(as needed)Enterprise translation/localization serviceOtherUnsureContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers whose organizations translate content into different languages.Aided list;multiple responses permitte

85、d.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 2022Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers whose organizations translatecontent into different languages.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Conte

86、nt Marketing Institute/MarketingProfs,July 2022Does Your Organization TranslateContent Into Different Languages?(Translation is defined as the process of changingcontent into another language.)34%66%Yes NoINSIGHTS FOR 202328METRICS&GOALS29METRICS&GOALSFour out of five marketers measure content perfo

87、rmance.Eighty-one percent of respondents said their organization measures content performance,up from 75%the previous year.Does Your B2B OrganizationMeasure Content Performance?19%81%Yes NoContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content M

88、arketing Institute/Marketing Profs,July 2022Metrics B2B Marketers Have Used toTrack Content Performance in Last 12 Months86%83%83%79%74%59%59%57%52%45%2%020406080100Website trafficEmail engagementWebsite engagementConversionsSocial media analyticsEmail subscriber numbersSearch rankingsQuantity of le

89、adsQuality of leadsCost to acquire a lead,subscriber,and/or customerOtherContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who measure content performance.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:30METRICS&GOALSMarketers rely most on conversions whe

90、n evaluating content performance.Quality of leads and website engagement are also among the top three metrics.Metrics B2B Marketers Rely on Most WhenEvaluating Content Performance70%60%57%49%47%41%37%34%34%22%020406080100ConversionsQuality of leadsWebsite engagementWebsite trafficEmail engagementSea

91、rch rankingsSocial media analyticsCost to acquire a lead,subscriber,and/or customerQuantity of leadsEmail subscriber numbersContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who measure the content performance metrics listed.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content

92、Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs,July 202231METRICS&GOALSIts difficult for many marketers to connect content,experiences,data,and measurement across platforms.The top challenge B2B marketers face with measuring content performance is difficulty integrating/correlating dat

93、a across multiple platforms(48%).Challenges B2B Marketers Face With Measuring Content Performance48%45%43%42%23%18%7%9%01020304050Difficulty integrating/correlating data across multiple platformsLack of organizational goal-setting KPIs to measure againstDifficulty tying performance data back to our

94、goalsDifficulty extracting insights from dataLack of trainingLack of communicationOtherWe do not face challenges measuring content performanceContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who measure content performance.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content M

95、arketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs,July 202232METRICS&GOALSAll RespondentsAs Reported One Year AgoCreate brand awareness83%80%Build/grow credibility/trust77%75%Educate audience(s)72%70%Build/grow loyalty with existing clients/customers63%60%Generate demand/leads67%60%Nurture

96、 subscribers/audiences/leads54%49%Drive attendance to one or more in-person or virtual events49%47%Generate sales/revenue42%42%Support the launch of a new product42%42%Build/grow a subscribed audience44%37%None of the above2%2%Content marketing is a proven strategy for creating brand awareness,build

97、ing trust,and educating audiences.As weve found in past years,B2B marketers say the top three goals content marketing helps them achieve are creating brand awareness,building credibility/trust,and educating the audience.Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers.Aided list;mult

98、iple responses permitted.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs,July 2022Goals B2B Marketers Have Achieved by Using Content Marketing Successfully in Last 12 Months INSIGHTS FOR 202333BUDGETS&SPENDING34The percentage of marketing budget going toward content

99、marketing is about the same as it was the previous year.Sixty-one percent of respondents said they had knowledge of their companys content marketing budget.Of those,23%said their organization spent 50%or more of its total marketing budget on content marketing.Do You Have Knowledge ofYour B2B Organiz

100、ations Budget/BudgetingProcess for Content Marketing?39%61%Yes NoPercentage of Total Marketing BudgetSpent on B2B Content Marketing2%7%14%23%23%17%9%4%0102030100%75%-99%50%-74%25%-49%10%-24%5%-9%1%-4%0%Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who know their organizations budg

101、et/budgeting process for content marketing.Aided list.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs,July 2022BUDGETS&SPENDING35Half of respondents think their content marketing budget will increase in 2023.In 2021,66%expected their 2022 content marketing budget to

102、increase.In 2022,only 50%think their 2023 budget will increase,suggesting caution in an unpredictable economy.Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who know their organizations budget/budgeting process for content marketing.Aided list.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:C

103、ontent Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs,July 2022How B2B Content Marketing BudgetWill Change in 2023 Compared With 202214%36%38%3%1%8%Increase more than 9%Increase 1%-9%Stay the same Decrease 1%-9%Decrease more than 9%UnsureBUDGETS&SPENDING36As in the previous year,52%of marketers expect their in

104、vestment in in-person eventsto increase in 2023.Expected investment in digital/virtual events decreased to 25%from 33%the previous year.Still,42%expect investment to stay the same.The most notable differences were with hybrid events:While 23%expect investment to increase(down from 39%the previous ye

105、ar),10%expect a decrease,and 28%said they will not/do not use hybrid events at all,compared with 18%the previous year.BUDGETS&SPENDINGIncreaseStay the sameDecreaseWill be a new area of investmentDo not/will not useDigital/virtual events25%42%16%3%14%In-person events52%29%6%3%10%Hybrid events23%33%10

106、%5%28%How B2B Organizations InvestmentWill Change in 2023 Compared With 2022Content Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who know their organizations budget/budgeting process for content marketing.Aided list.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/Marketi

107、ng Profs,July 2021INSIGHTS FOR 202337CHALLENGES38Creating content for the buyers journey and aligning sales are two important areas where content marketers face challenges.Technology and communication will be key to making advances in these areas in 2023.B2B Organizations Current Content Marketing C

108、hallenges61%50%43%41%38%34%33%020406080Creating content that appeals to different stages of the buyers journeyAligning content efforts across sales and marketingDeveloping consistency with measurementCommunicating internally among teams/silosDifferentiating our products/services from the competition

109、sAccessing subject matter experts to create contentAchieving consistency with messagingContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who measure content performance.Aided list;multiple responses permitted.13th Annual Content Marketing Survey:Content Marketing Institute/Marketing P

110、rofs,July 2022CHALLENGESINSIGHTS FOR 202339LOOKINGFORWARD40Investment in video will continue to grow.Seventy-eight percent of content marketers said their organization will invest/continue to invest in video in 2023,up from 69%the previous year.We also saw notable increases in those planning to inve

111、st in:Owned-media assets(69%vs.57%the previous year)Social media/community building(57%compared with 39%the previous year)LOOKING FORWARDContent Marketing Institute/MarketingProfsBase:Content marketers who measure content performance.Aided list;up to seven responses permitted.13th Annual Content Mar

112、keting Survey:Content Marketing Institute/Marketing Profs,July 2022Areas of B2B Content Marketing Investment in 202378%69%60%59%57%43%33%27%24%19%020406080VideoOwned-media assetsEvents(digital,in-person,hybrid)Paid mediaSocial media/community buildingEarned mediaGetting to know audiences betterUser

113、experience(UX)designAudio contentContent technologies41LOOKING FORWARDWe asked marketers,“If you could change one thing about content marketing in your organization,what would that be?”Most of the answers revolved around seven key themes.Here are some of the answers.A content marketing strategy/stra

114、tegic approach to content marketing“I would make our content more strategic.We are still at the stage where its highly reactive;theres nothing to pin it down to in terms of the wider business and marketing strategies.”“If we had more of an integrated marketing strategy it would not only increase sal

115、es but decrease the overall workload.”“I would like to see us commit to a content strategy as a way to drive campaigns,build our brand,and engage prospects and customers.We have tons of random acts of content,but our company doesnt see the benefit of orchestration.”“Our content is largely ad hoc/rea

116、ctive to organizational needs rather than planned and strategic.I hope to set a content calendar(based on identified needs from sales and the organization)and have the resources to deliver on that plan.”Content marketing buy-in“A more robust understanding of what the role encompasses and how it touc

117、hes all aspects of the organization.”“Define content marketing as a value-producing function to support all other marketing efforts.Recognize the value it brings and support it with adequate funding and resourcing.”“I would increase the perceived value of content marketing its a functional expertise

118、/skill set,not just something everyone pitches in to do.The right content is critical for the buyers journey and campaigns.”“More focus and support from leadership on our strategic goals so we can refine our content marketing focus to make sure we go in the right direction with the right resources.”

119、42LOOKING FORWARD More resources/more budgetandadditionalstaff“Increased investment into training and team knowledge because as a team of three its very hard to stay on top of the game.”“Increase the size of the team to add one or more writers and one or more digital marketing specialists(we current

120、ly have 1.5 of each).Theres a lot we want to do but we lack the resources to do it all.”“Have more budget to selectively outsource content creation;we simply cannot create enough new content to keep up with the demand we have in sales enablement and our brand awareness goals.”“Add more skilled perso

121、nnel and increase visibility of the content marketing teams contribution to the overall achievement of sales goals.”More access to subject matter experts(SMEs)“Help our SMEs understand the value of aligning to strategic POVs and topics,rather than pursuing random acts of content and ideas.Related to

122、 this,they need to become more audience-focused.”“Help our experts understand what the audience really wants to hear from them.Not just a sales pitch,but a true connection with their business.”“Get the subject matter experts to give the story value props and whys at a deep level and be specific abou

123、t how what we do adds value.”“More buy-in from our SMEs.Currently,some of our SMEs are right on the ball when helping to design content,but not all.The ones that dont require consistent nagging and will treat the content assignments as secondary or tertiary tasks.”Better technology“Better technology

124、 would allow us to speed up our efforts and measure them better.Only by having a solid measurement framework will we be able to improve our results.”“The technology.Being able to have a central repository that integrates with all our systems(CMS,CRM,etc.)to be able to manage and track the flow of wh

125、ere/when our content is reaching targets.“How content is collected and managed.Currently,content is mostly managed by the departments that created it and that restricts access to account managers.We do not have a library where all content can be accessed easily.”“Better technologies to manage and di

126、stribute content and understand content performance.Plus,technologies to better manage the content creation process.Without adequate technology,content marketing is an extremely frustrating endeavor and nearly impossible to measure at scale.”43LOOKING FORWARD Better measurement tools“A better way to

127、 track performance of content marketing,both as a whole and the individual content pieces.Right now,its disconnected and disorganized,and hard to trace leads back to what may have converted them.”“Would love to be able to more clearly measure and communicate success and use that information to infor

128、m future decision making.”“Better insight into how content impacts high-value actions and impact on ROI earning a place at the strategic marketing table with other revenue-generating disciplines.”“Prioritize content assessment as part of the marketing metrics we gather and attribute it more clearly

129、to revenue.This would help us be more strategic in what we make.”Greater alignment between marketing and sales/breaking down silos“Aligning sales and marketing.We are never on the same page.They want to sell the features of the product and we want to sell the experience of the product.”“Alignment be

130、tween various marketing teams.Too many people or teams work in silos and have the budget to do so.We end up creating too much content and much of it is not used.”“Convince our sales team of its power and efficacy to better encourage them(and other SMEs throughout the organization)to assist and suppo

131、rt us in its creation.”“Better communication between the marketing team and sales team regarding goals and overall messaging,as well as making sure the sales team understands why we create the content we do and being more cognizant of our time constraints.”44ACTION STEPSWhat I find fascinating in th

132、is years research is that,yes,its time to feed the giant but we should be careful not to get distracted by the food,rather than our ability to cook.Too often,content marketers get wrapped up in content creation,rather than their ability to lead the efforts to create.One of my go-to books of the last

133、 decade is Rita Gunther McGraths,The End of Competitive Advantage.In that book,she illustrates that all competitive advantage is transient perhaps now more than ever.This fact,she contends,is understood.But then“why,”she asks,“hasnt basic strategy practice changed?”As she says:“Most executives,even

134、when they realize that competitive advantages are going to be ephemeral,are still using strategy frameworks and tools designed for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage,not for quickly exploiting and moving in and out of advantages.”That last part has the deepest implications for the evolvin

135、g practice of strategic content marketing in a business.After working with hundreds of enterprise brands over the last 10 years,Ive concluded:Most businesses think about how they can change content to fit marketings purpose instead of how they might change marketing to fit contents purpose.Content w

136、ill never be a sustainable competitive advantage or differentiator all content is easily replicable and,at best,only transient in differentiated value.Instead,consider looking at content operations as the catalyst that can change everything for the content marketing challenges you face.Recognize tha

137、t you and the activities you perform are the competitive advantage.Your future success hinges on the ability as a team(of 1 or 100)to be dynamic and fluid moving in and out of“arenas”(as McGrath calls them)of content and creating temporary advantages.Heres the real takeaway:Ask everyone in your busi

138、ness including your CEO if they believe compelling,engaging,useful,and dynamic content-driven experiences will move the business forward.PLAN A PROCESS,NOT A PROJECTROBERT ROSEChief Strategy AdvisorCMI45If the answer is yes,then the strategic value is in your ability to evolve and coordinate all the

139、 activities to repeatedly create those valuable experiences.It is not the content itself or where you distribute it.The content teams job is not to be good at content;their job is to enable the business to be good at content.Realizing this strategic value presents a to-do list:Businesses must increa

140、singly stop organizing and scaling new marketing teams based on platforms,technologies,or inside-looking-out views of the customer journey.The successful business becomes skilled and integrated at operating and managing all manners of content-driven experiences.The format and placement of those expe

141、riences on multiple channels will always be temporal.Businesses must stop looking at content from a container-first perspective solely designed to support marketing tactics or initiatives.Instead,businesses must identify content operations as a function supporting the fluid use of content to fuel be

142、tter customer experiences.Businesses will win with content marketing when they can constantly reconfigure their activities and manage portfolios of content-driven experiences.When one experience is no longer advantageous to the business,they do not say,“Thats the way weve always done it.”Instead,the

143、y healthily disengage and dismantle these experiences.Content strategy=different activities that fit togetherOne of the first signs of trouble in any content marketing approach is if the first question is,“How do we get more efficient at content?”Getting to efficiency assumes there is a working,stan

144、dard operation that is providing value.The goal is to change that process to remove the friction.But when theres no repeatable standard operation,focusing on efficiency means trying to produce the same or more content with the same resources.That rarely works out to be better for the business.The mo

145、re difficult task is to determine the different activities the business will undertake to create or augment the existing processes,or which activities the business will undertake differently.Your businesss content capabilities reflect its ability to communicate.And your ability to evolve the activit

146、ies that impact communication is the only thing that creates any competitive advantage.The content you create will provide you with no sustainable competitive advantage.But a strategic content operation just might.ACTION STEPS46METHODOLOGY&DEMOGRAPHICSThe 13th Annual B2B Content Marketing Benchmarks

147、,Budgets,and Trends:Insights for 2023 report was produced by Content Marketing Institute(CMI)and MarketingProfs,and sponsored by ON24.The online survey,from which the results of this report were generated,was emailed to a sample of marketers using lists from CMI and MarketingProfs.A total of 1,104 r

148、ecipients from around the globe representing a range of industries,functional areas,and company sizes replied to the survey during July 2022.This report presents the findings from the 925 respondents who indicated:Their organization is a for-profit company,primarily selling products/services to busi

149、nesses(B2B)or businesses and consumers(B2B+B2C).They are a content marketer,involved with the content marketing function,and/or someone to whom content marketing reports.B2B Industry Classification Size of B2B Company(by Employees)B2B Role Small(10-99 employees)Micro (1-9 employees)Medium(100-999 em

150、ployees)Large(1,000+employees)President/C-level-VP/GM Director Manager Writer/editor Strategist Other 14%Technology/IT/software/hardware Agency(content marketing,advertising,digital,PR)Professional services Consulting Manufacturing Financial services/banking/insurance Healthcare/med/pharma/life scie

151、nces Publishing/media Other31%11%19%7%7%8%7%7%3%18%24%29%29%23%20%30%7%9%11%B2B Company(by Location)77%13%5%2%2%1%North America Europe Asia Africa Australia South America47Thanks to the survey participants,who made this research possible,and to everyone who helps disseminate these findings throughou

152、t the content marketing industry.About Content Marketing InstituteContent Marketing Institute(CMI)exists to do one thing:advance the practice of content marketing through online education and in-person and digital events.We create and curate content experiences that teach marketers and creators from

153、 enterprise brands,small businesses,and agencies how to attract and retain customers through compelling,multichannel storytelling.Global brands turn to CMI for strategic consultation,training,and research.Organizations from around the world send teams to Content Marketing World,the largest content m

154、arketing-focused event,ContentTECH Summit,and CMI virtual events.Our community of 215,000+content marketers shares camaraderie and conversation.CMI is organized by Informa Connect.To learn more,visit .About Informa ConnectInforma Connect is a specialist in content-driven events and digital communiti

155、es that allow professionals to meet,connect,learn,and share knowledge.We operate major branded events in Marketing,Global Finance,Life Sciences and Pharma,Construction and Real Estate,and in a number of other specialist markets and connect communities online year-round.About MarketingProfsMarketingP

156、rofs offers real-world education for modern marketers.More than 600,000 marketing professionals worldwide rely on our free daily publications,virtual conferences,MarketingProfs University,and more to stay up to date on the most important trends and tactics in marketingand how to apply them to their

157、businesses.Visit MarketingP for more information.About ON24ON24 is a leading sales and marketing platform for digital engagement,delivering insights to drive revenue growth.Through interactive webinars,virtual events,and personalized content experiences,ON24 provides a system of engagement powered b

158、y AI for businesses to scale engagement,conversions,and pipeline to drive revenue growth.The ON24 Platform supports millions of professionals a month who are totaling billions of engagement minutes per year.ON24 is headquartered in San Francisco with global offices in North America,EMEA,and APAC.For more information,visit ON or contact us now.ABOUT



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