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1、 Digital Business Transformation BusinessThe IT Roadmap for Digital Business TransformationExcerpt 2021 Gartner,Inc.and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved.CM_GTS_1452685The IT Roadmap for Digital Business Transformation(excerpt)Some of the top questions of the digital business transformation init

2、iative are:What is the best way to scope,scale and lead digital business transformation and deliver financial results?3 Which leaders and teams need to be involved?2 What are the key stages and activities?1 Is your digital ambition to optimize or transform?Across industries,organizations are acceler

3、ating digital business transformation for long-term growth and profitability.From Gartners perspective,“the transformation journey is taking large enterprises especially at least twice as long and costing twice as much as they originally anticipated.”In large part this is due to cultural readiness “

4、53%of the organizations surveyed remain untested in the face of digital challenge and their digital transformation readiness therefore uncertain.”From our expert research and interactions with thousands of companies in a wide range of industries,weve compiled digital business transformation best pra

5、ctices into a customizable roadmap.Your organization can use this roadmap to understand the key stages,resources and people required to plan and execute an effective digital business transformation initiative.2 The IT Roadmap for Digital Business Transformation(excerpt)What are the key stages?This b

6、est-practice insight is distilled from interactions with clients who have successfully implemented digital business transformation initiatives.This map shows the sequence of objectives and desired outcomes and is useful for aligning all stakeholders.A few key milestones and a sample of associated Ga

7、rtner resources are highlighted below,but the full roadmap will include complete details of all milestones and resources for each stage.3 The IT Roadmap for Digital Business Transformation(excerpt)AmbitionStrategy defined,and interest and excitement generatedAmbitionDesignDeliverScaleRefineSelected

8、tasks include:Define and articulate your digital business ambition and strategy,ensuring broad organizational alignment Assess your organizations digital business maturity and readiness for change,and understand required critical capabilities and competencies Identify on the basis of the organizatio

9、ns goals how the enterprise will balance optimization and transformation objectives Create compelling communication strategy to sell the transformation story to the organization+moreSample of associated Gartner resources include:Consultation by phone:Discuss the vision and goals for digital.Is the a

10、mbition to optimize the existing business or transform the business through digital?Analyst inquiry:Define and articulate your digital business ambition and strategy,ensuring broad organizational alignment Research:Digital Business Maturity Model:9 Competencies Determine Maturity Digital Urgency Ass

11、essment+more4 The IT Roadmap for Digital Business Transformation(excerpt)DesignOptions and ecosystem assessed for plan developmentSelected tasks include:Evaluate market and technology disruptions and innovations in your own industry and in the industries of others to ensure your knowledge remains cu

12、rrent Identify,create and build out new business and revenue models that would provide your enterprise with strategic advantage Seek out strategic partnerships that align with your transformation vision,and increase the speed and quality of your initiatives Check your design against emerging custome

13、r and constituent needs and desires,and ensure that they are at the center of your efforts+moreSample of associated Gartner resources include:Consultation by phone:Introduction to the Gartner BuySmart process and review of financial and technical requirements Research:Build Your Knowledge of the Dig

14、ital Dragons Analyst inquiry:Identify,create and build out new business and revenue models that would provide your enterprise with strategic advantage+moreAmbitionDesignDeliverScaleRefine5 The IT Roadmap for Digital Business Transformation(excerpt)DeliverMinimum viable proof of concept executed and

15、communicatedSelected tasks include:Understand the impact the transformation will have on your enterprise and the cultural changes that will be required to succeed Clearly identify your talent,skill and competency needs to successfully execute your digital transformation initiatives As part of the co

16、mmunication effort,establish KPIs and define how success will be measured+moreSample of associated Gartner resources include:Consultation by phone:Build a comprehensive communication strategy Research:Assess Your IT Bench Strength for Digital Business Transformation Research:Clearly identify your ta

17、lent,skill and competency needs and KPIs+moreAmbitionDesignDeliverScaleRefine6 The IT Roadmap for Digital Business Transformation(excerpt)ScalePlan is commercialized and absorbed by enterpriseSelected tasks include:Clarify how your governance will shift versus current models to reflect the unique ne

18、eds of your specific initiatives Actively engage in building and executing a detailed plan on bringing the organization forward and ensuring full alignment to the plan Measure your pilots and proofs of concepts,and assess what critical changes will be required of your infrastructure to facilitate an

19、d support the new digital business models+moreSample of associated Gartner resources include:On-site workshop:Building a comprehensive plan for bringing the organization forward and ensuring full alignment to the plan Research:A Digital Business Technology Platform Is Fundamental to Scaling Digital

20、Business+moreAmbitionDesignDeliverScaleRefine7 The IT Roadmap for Digital Business Transformation(excerpt)RefineAssessment,optimization and reevaluationSelected tasks include:Monitor the environment to assess whether and when changes occur that impact your digital ambitions Evaluate the impact that

21、your digital business transformation strategy has on your organization,your customers and your industry Ensure your organization has the agility to reset strategy and plans reflecting the transformation is a journey not a destination+moreSample of associated Gartner resources include:Consultation by

22、 phone:Monitor the environment to assess whether and when changes occur that impact your digital ambitions Research:Unleash Your Inner Futurist to Survive Digital Transformation Analyst inquiry:Ensure your organization has the agility to reset strategy and plans reflecting that transformation is a j

23、ourney,not a destination+moreAmbitionDesignDeliverScaleRefine8 The IT Roadmap for Digital Business Transformation(excerpt)Who needs to be involved?The most successful companies establish cross-functional teams for their digital business transformation initiatives.We have outlined the recommended fun

24、ctions to involve and their roles to ensure the best success in hitting the milestones.CIOData and analytics leader and teamSourcing,procurement and vendor management leader and teamEnterprise architecture leader and teamTechnical professional and teamApplications leader and teamInfrastructure and o

25、perations leader and teamCIO:Collaborates with organizational leaders to help guide digital business transformation efforts,strategies and digital capabilities and communicates mission and goals Application leader and team:Inform strategy and provide guidance for enterprise applications;manage adopt

26、ion of new technologies,delivery methods and organizational models;support and manage applicationsData and analytics leader and team:Provide intelligence and business insights for planning and strategy;focus on alignment of decision-making capability to business moment;deliver data modeling,analytic

27、s,and algorithmic models Enterprise architecture leader and team:Deliver innovative IT tools;enable new technology and design solution experimentation for business innovation;support technology alignment for digital business transformationInfrastructure and operations leader and team:Contribute insi

28、ghts about I&O competencies;help guide planning for I&O changes for digital business transformation;develop I&O service strategy and technical roadmap;deliver an integrated ITSM landscapeSourcing,procurement and vendor management leader and team:Evaluate,select and contract for digital business tran

29、sformation;manage vendor innovationTechnical professional and team:Work with business units to architect,integrate and operationalize new methodologies and technologies to transform business processes and functions9 The IT Roadmap for Digital Business Transformation(excerpt)Most critical priorityMin

30、ter Ellison,a leading international law firm,decided to undergo an organizationwide digital transformation.Using Gartner research and expert advisors,Minter Ellison was able to streamline its IT processes across the legal lines of business.Client Impact Story:Navigating Disruption in the Legal Lands

31、capeHow Gartner helpedOne-on-one interactions with Gartner Executive Partners and experts provided Minter Ellison a soundboard for ideas and credibility for its work in areas that included:Artificial intelligence Business process management Enterprise wide digital transformationMission accomplishedG

32、artner for IT Leaders helped the CDO of Minter Ellison to:Lead and deliver change and transformation across the legal lines of business Automate the processes for lawyers through new tools such as artificial intelligence and robotic process automation Establish IT function at the core of the strateg

33、y of the firm10 Contact us to explore the complete IT Roadmap for Digital Business Transformation U.S.:1 855 534 9015Global:+44(0)33 3222 1751Gartner roadmaps are designed to help CIOs and IT leaders successfully execute new initiatives and reduce time and costs.Our suite of roadmaps provides extens

34、ive coverage of IT leaders top priorities,such as:Data and Analytics Digital Transformation Security Data Strategy Cloud Strategy Maturing Information SecurityExplore more complimentary resources from Gartner on digital business transformation:IT Talent Drives DigitalizationReinvest in Growth With Smarter IT SpendingMaster Todays Technology Trends Cloud Migration IT Organizational Design 2021 Gartner,Inc.and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved.CM_GTS_1452685



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