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1、2022 China Media Inflation ReportPrepared by R32022 年中国媒体价格趋势预测胜三编制January Report Summary 报告摘要The eleventh edition of R3s China Media Inflation report covers 2021 actual inflation and 2022 inflation forecasts.For this report,R3 referred to the public rate card of 700+media and buying policies of 20+

2、media agency holding groups and local media agencies.Digital ad spending is expected to grow 22%in 2021,while outdoor ad spending has rebounded,growing 42%between Q1 and Q3,thanks to the removal of restrictions on city-wide travel.Although there has been limited growth in the number of netizens,comp

3、lex consumer categories,diversification of creative forms,and changes in digital investment models,will increase the price of media although the base price remains steady.The actual investment amount will lead to a substantial increase overall.At this time,companies should evaluate whether the retur

4、n is reasonable.Within the BAT media group,short video apps and personalized content platforms like Douyin,Toutiao,and Tencent Flash Screen will have the highest inflation as algorithms tailor content to each user.Further integration of entertainment,livestreaming,social media,and commerce will stre

5、ngthen advertiser preference.Apps in Automobile,Sports and News categories are projected to have slight inflation,while apps in already crowded verticals like Mom&Baby and Beauty will maintain a flat price.该报告为媒体总体涨幅预测,并不依赖任何单一数据来源,胜三的涨幅预测被市场认为是最客观独立的观点之一。第十一版胜三中国发布的中国媒体价格趋势预测涵盖了2021年实际涨幅和2022年涨幅预测。


7、着娱乐、直播、社交媒体和商业进一步整合,广告商对于此类应用的偏好将只增不减。汽车、体育和新闻类应用有微小涨幅,母婴和美妆等饱和垂类应用价格与往年持平。This report is an overall media inflation forecast.We do not rely on any one single data source,and R3s inflation forecast is believed to have one of the most objective and independent views.1Methodology方法论DRIVING TRANSFORMAT

8、ION FOR MARKETERS&THEIR AGENCIESR3 Media Pool 胜三媒体数据库4100%1st Party Data100%一方数据Large Scale规模庞大Continuously Updating持续更新Fine Granularity精细化Coverage覆盖范围All data is directly from R3 media audit projects which cover over 40 billion in net media spend annually.所有数据直接来自涵盖每年四百余亿媒体净价的胜三媒体审计项目。Covering full

9、 media includes digital,TV,OOH,radio and print.Includes various purchase models.涵盖全部媒体,包括数字媒体、电视、户外、广播和平面。包括多种购买模式。Most updated data accumulation.最新的数据积累。Media cost and pricing policy is by individual ad format level.媒体费用和价格政策精细化到单个广告形式和点位。Media Net CostMedia KPIMedia RatecardMedia Rebate媒体净价媒体KPI媒体

10、市场刊例价媒体返点2Media Inflation Factors&Forecasts媒体价格上涨因素与预测概要DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS&THEIR AGENCIESKey Takeaways From Chinas 2022 Media Inflation Trends中国2022媒介涨幅趋势关键影响6There are 19-22 specific digital loading fees categorized under 8 types,and marketers need to obtain more transparency on l

11、oading fee types in order to minimize the cost impact.市场主需要进一步了解并评估,数字广告报价中常规 8 大类加载费下细分的19 22 种费率,以确保额外费用增加的效率。As for display media YOY ratecard strategy,Douyinkeeps cost constant on basic ad formats,but drives cost up to 20%-70%by creating new innovative formats as way to drive the growth of ad re

12、venue.以抖音为例,常规广告形式净价仅有微小变动,但通过更多细化的投放模式,及其附带的约20%70%的价格增长,将推动数字巨头的广告收入增长,这就是近来及未来展示类媒体净价同比年增长的战略。As more budget is allocated to biddable platforms,performance needs to be evaluated and benchmarked.更多的营销预算将会被分配到竞价媒体平台,而投放表现也将被进一步的评估和衡量。With a 6%net cost increase,loading fees are an essential part of

13、cost structure with varied new creative formats.数字巨头们倡导的细化投放模型,将导致加收费净价呈 6%增长。In 2022,OOH will keep resilience with 6%inflation on rate card and 3%on net.2022年,OOH的净价与报价将持续6%和3%的通胀率。Short video and social platforms lead all categories and projected to increase 5%and 7%on net cost respectively.短视频和社交

14、平台为涨幅之首,预计净价将分别增长5%和7%。With the development of Digital TV&Radio,traditional formats have all been impacted and estimated minus inflation on net cost.随着数字电视和数字广播的发展,传统形式都受到了冲击,预计传统电视及广播的净价将呈负指数增长。DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS&THEIR AGENCIESProduction Output and Consumer Confidence Showed a Sta

15、ble Recovery Trend in Q1-Q3 20212021年第一到第三季度生产总值和消费者信心指数稳健恢复7Chinas GDP growth rate of 2021 continued to recover with overall control of COVID-19.2021年,新冠疫情基本得到控制,中国GDP增速持续恢复。Chinas Consumer Confidence Index increased significantly in 2021 Q1-Q3 with Chinas economic recovery.随着中国经济回暖,消费者信心指数在2020年上半

16、年显著提升。Data Source:National Bureau of Statistics of ChinaDRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS&THEIR AGENCIESDigital Continued to Maintain Strong Growth数字花费保持强劲增长With economic recovery,total ratecard spending increased slightly;OOH showed a significant growth trend in Q1-Q3 2021随着经济复苏,整体刊例价有小幅度上升;2021

17、年第一到第三季度户外广告投放显著增长。820016-7.4%+2.9%+4.3%-0.6%Short Video Users短视频用户888 million 8.88亿8.5%of YOY increase 同比增长8.5%87.8%of total netizens 占网民总数的87.8%e-Commerce电商Short Video短视频Search搜索引擎Social社交媒体+22.5%+47.5%+15.2%+17.7%News新闻媒体+13.6%Online Video网络视频+5.5%Vertical垂直媒体+6.1%Online Shoppers网购用户81

18、2 million 8.12亿80%of total netizens 占网民总数的80%National online retail sales 全国在线零售额23.2%of YOY increase 同比增长23.2%Data Source:*1 CTR(Internet,TV,Radio,Print,OOH,excl.Social KOL,eCommerce and Content Co-op);*2 iResearch;*3 CODC-4.8%2020Media Aggregate Ratecard Spending Was Contracted*1媒体整体刊例价花费*12021 Q1

19、-Q32021年第一到第三季度+3%Growth Rate of Digital Advertising Revenue*2数字广告收入增长率*22021FY Estimation2021财年预测+22%Growth Rate of OOH Investment*3户外广告投放增长率*3+42%2021 Q1-Q32021年第一到第三季度DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS&THEIR AGENCIES73%of Marketing Spend Went to 4 Digital Giants in 2021 H1去年上半年73%的市场营销预算流入了4大数字

20、巨头9阿里巴巴集团字节跳动腾讯百度+爱奇艺2021年上半年2020年上半年4大数字巨头11个主要社交平台其他广告收益市场占比%3About R3关于胜三DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS&THEIR AGENCIESWork With R3 To Make Media Investment Transparent and Efficient胜三助您厘清并优化媒介投资 On-air KPI Verification Under Delivery Compensation Tracking Correct Use Of Ratecard Media Agenc

21、y Partner Selection Cost Market Norm Set Up Rebate Market Norm Set Up Way-of-Working EnhancementPRE-CAMPAIGN投放前DURING-CAMPAIGN投放中POST-CAMPAIGN投放后 Media Cost Fulfilment Media KPI Fulfilment Media Cost&KPI Benchmark Media Financial Audit 媒介代理商筛选 建立媒介花费规范 建立媒介返点规范 优化工作流程 实时KPI验证 未达标补偿资源检测 报价单正确性 媒介成本履行

22、验证 媒介KPI履行验证 媒介成本和KPI基准衡量 媒介财务性审计11DRIVING TRANSFORMATION FOR MARKETERS&THEIR AGENCIESDriving Transformation for Marketers and Their Agencies推动市场主及其代理商的转型Return on Media媒介效率审计We offer professional analysis of the media process,planning and buying with proprietary benchmarks and tools to set and meas

23、ure performance.We conduct financial audits to validate and benchmark transparency.我们使用独有的基准和工具,提供媒介过程、规划和购买的专业分析,设定和衡量商业绩效。我们进行财务审计确认,保障基准透明。CLIENTS合作客户We are retained by 12 of the top 20 marketers covering 60+markets on six continents.我们为20位头部市场主中的12位提供相关服务,覆盖全球六大洲60余个主要市场。By making marketing acco

24、untable with:如何打造可靠的市场营销策略:Return on Agencies代理商关系管理We help marketers find,pay and keep the best possible agency relationships covering Creative,Media,PR,Digital,Social,Performance,Event,Promotions and CRM.We take the lead on improving the Integration process through proprietary software and consult

25、ing.我们为市场主提供代理商甄选、报酬管理及效率评估等独立咨询服务涵盖创意、媒介、互动、公关、社交媒体、线下活动以及客户关系管理等营销领域的每一个环节。在通过专有软件和咨询来提升一体化进程上,我们处于领先地位。Return on Investment投资效果评估Using a bespoke and proprietary methodology,we help benchmark and provide insights into how your digital strategies perform in your category and across categories.通过定制化的方法和独有的工具,我们帮助市场主设定有针对性的营销基准参考,并针对您的数字营销策略在您的类别和跨类别中的表现提供咨询服务。EXTERNAL BENCHMARKS外部衡量基准BEST PRACTICE INSIGHTS洞察全球最佳实践INDEPENDENCE独立客观|



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