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2、 you think about the word“quitting,”what comes to mind?A two-week resignation notice?An employee storming off in a flurry of frustration with the contents of their desk stuffed into a box?Or maybe someone whos at work one day and gone the next?Any of those scenarios are accurate,but they dont speak

3、to the concept called“quiet quitting.”To understand what this phenomenon is,lets first clarify what it isnt:quitting.(At least,not literally.)According to The New York Times,quiet quitting is a protest against unreasonable expectations,not work itself.Its like pulling an emergency brake on the worka

4、holic mentality.Despite its popularity on TikTok,the concept didnt appear out of nowhere.In an interview with Business Insider,Sona Movsesian,Conan OBriens assistant since 2009 and author of The Worlds Worst Assistant,explains shes been quiet quitting for over a decade by taking frequent breaks and

5、even watching TV at work.She frames it as performing the bare minimum requirements of her role and avoiding any task outside of her job description.Quiet quitting isnt just a buzzword for a mounting wave of poor performance,but a defensive reflex against burnout.Tanner Bergman,a national certified c

6、ounselor specializing in corporate well-being,describes quiet quitting as“people protecting the limited capacities they have.”In other words,employees want to preserve boundaries,even if it comes at the cost of appearing less effective.QUIET QUITTING4What Causes Quiet Quitting?Several factors push s

7、omeone to quiet quit.While many reasons exist,the most common arise when employees feel:underpaid overworked consistently unrecognized unable to find joy in their work like theyre sacrificing too much of their personal lifeRegardless,all of the above justifications orbit a recurring theme:value.Lets

8、 examine how.And this trend may be more widespread than you think.Based on dwindling levels of engagement,Gallup projects at least half of the U.S.workforce is quiet quitting.The data reveals many employees especially millennials and members of Generation Z are less satisfied with and empowered by t

9、heir workplaces.Does this mean businesses should expect rampant quiet quitting,or that theres no way to unwind it once its taken hold?No,but youll need to identify how it arises and know how to foster a culture that inspires every employee to find their purpose.QUIET QUITTING51.COMPENSATIONEmployees

10、 who quiet quit dont find the investment they put into work reciprocated.Some causes may even be out of an organizations control like inflation or an unexpected life event.These external forces make even competitive pay feel insufficient.While salary contributes to employees sense of value,its not t

11、he only piece of compensation.High pay with few benefits may give some employees little reason to feel valued,especially if their pay isnt enough to give them greater well-being.2.UNCLEAR RESPONSIBILITIESIn times of need,the line between job titles can blur.Labor shortages and other emergencies may

12、compel leaders to lean on their best employees.But it doesnt take long for a temporary need to morph into an unreasonable expectation.If an employee finds themselves training every new hire or routinely addressing issues outside of their responsibilities,theyll ask questions.And their fatigue compou

13、nds when the pressure to do more is not backed by an incentive.Praise is great,but its superficial if its not supported by a tangible reward.This shouldnt suggest certain employees wont find ways to do more,but they shouldnt be forced to.After all,candidates hold the leverage in todays job market.Em

14、ployees who are asked to routinely do more eventually will find a way and with a different organization to do the equivalent work with better accommodations.Or,if they opt for quiet quitting,theyll just gradually do less.Unchecked,they may find little worth in their core responsibilities,too.3.UNNEC

15、ESSARY OVERTIMESimilarly,employees dont take to constant pressure.Certain industries like health care and emergency response dont always have the luxury of a normal schedule,but even workers in these fields still expect personal time.In a Morning Consult survey commissioned by Paycom,employees said

16、work-life balance was the most important factor to job satisfaction,even over benefits and pay.QUIET QUITTING6Its not a stretch for someone to fight back against unreasonable hours,even more so if theres no meaningful reason behind it.Employees who quiet quit in response to frequent overtime might:c

17、all in more often,specifically on peak days deliberately work less once they hit overtime stop selling after hitting minimum goals actively deter customers,clients and job seekers4.HUSTLE CULTURESearch for“side hustles”on YouTube.Youll inevitably find videos with titles similar to:“How I Crush an 80

18、-Hour Workweek”“4 Jobs 4 Life”“If Youre Not Stressed,Youre Not Trying”“Want Easy Money?Work Harder”Each support the notion that to be happy and succeed,you have to push yourself to the limit.The intent behind such a philosophy is positive,but it rarely equates to a healthy lifestyle.According to NPR

19、,“Hustle culture says its fashionable to work yourself to death or at least look like you are.”Quiet quitting is the opposite.If hustle culture champions“work as life,”quiet quitting argues“work as strife.”Success is dependent on effort,but it also relies on chance.Employees who“hustled”for several

20、years without anything to show for it may begin to wonder if the grind is worth it.Instead,they may enjoy the same result by simply coasting.Neither promotes a happy medium,but quiet quitting offers a path of least resistance.At the same time,hustle culture fails to consider mental health.Unfortunat

21、ely,its a temporary diversion from addressing real wellness issues.In other words,work can be misappropriated as therapy.And hustle cultures time has run short for an increasing number of employees so much so that“burnout culture”seems like the logical next stage.QUIET QUITTING7How to Empathize With

22、 Quiet QuittingQuiet quitting can arise anywhere.While an organization unintentionally may encourage it,the decision to do so is ultimately up to the employee.At the same time,quiet quitting shouldnt be misconstrued as“giving up.”Remember,quiet quitting isnt actually“quitting,”at least in the tradit

23、ional sense.Unfortunately,the trends name makes it hard to divorce the concept from turnover.Its not a stretch for an employer to view quiet quitting as rubbing dirt in the wound of an upcoming resignation.But this train of thought keeps organizations from addressing the real heart of the issue:well

24、-being.Quiet quitting isnt malicious;its preservation.While quiet quitting may lead to attrition,a truly toxic environment will cause employees to leave even faster.Bergman offered a unique take,saying,“Its actually healthy for employees to approach quiet quitting in a positive way.”Through this len

25、s,quiet quitting signifies a shift in an employees priorities.Try to think of it less as a problem to fix,and more as an opportunity to revitalize workforce wellness.Quiet quitting is only an issue if organizations dont use it as a launch pad for a greater conversation around boundaries.QUIET QUITTI

26、NG8No organization offers a perfect work-life balance,because it means something different to each employee.It can be dictated by:Bergman argues the perfect work-life balance doesnt exist;if it did,we wouldnt need boundaries.But since it doesnt(and never will),we need them.Organizations should striv

27、e to give employees time,choice and flexibility,so they can devote their finite energy when and where its needed.Placing the responsibility of maintaining the ideal balance on employees isnt helpful,either.People are fluid,and the ebbs and flows of life dictate our energy and motivation.If we were p

28、unished every time we worked harder or took time off,the predicament would leave us with little room to grow.Again,employees need the control to define this balance themselves.And no,this doesnt mean a group of employees enjoy a 10-hour week while another works 80.It does,however,mean giving employe

29、es a chance to voice what they actually need from their work.If quiet quitting is trending among your workforce,Bergman believes a fresh focus on well-being programs helps cultivate a healthier workplace:Well-being programs are the next frontier of the corporate world,he said.Even if a business cant

30、 deliver a perfect work-life balance all the time,it can at least protect its employees mental and physical health.That starts with a healthy environment backed by an effective well-being strategy.family“Well-being programs are the next frontier of the corporate world.”Tanner Bergman,MS,LPC,NCCsched

31、ulesrelationshipsmental health needsand moreQUIET QUITTING9How to Cultivate a Healthy Work EnvironmentAs quiet quitting appears in more headlines,you might be tempted to strategize around eliminating it.But this is a pitfall that misses the bigger picture.Quiet quitting is a side effect,not the prim

32、ary issue.Instead,focus on boosting engagement.Lean on these six tips to gauge and enhance your organizations culture:1.EVALUATE(OR CREATE)AN EMPLOYEE WELL-BEING PROGRAMPrioritizing well-being offers employees more than a salary;it gives them a greater lease on life.Take a sincere look at your exist

33、ing program and take any avenue to expand it.Benefits like health care and life insurance offer peace of mind,but theyre preventive.On-site well-being advisors,gym memberships,money management courses and employee assistance programs are just a few options to proactively provide opportunities for em

34、ployees to enhance their holistic well-being.QUIET QUITTING10Above all,ask employees about the opportunities that speak to them,perhaps through an anonymous companywide survey to encourage honest feedback.According to the Society for Human Resource Management,well-being programs have the potential t

35、o:reduce absenteeism boost productivity improve morale and loyalty decrease injuries lower workers compensation,health care and disability-related costs2.FOSTER A PSYCHOLOGICALLY SAFE WORK ENVIRONMENTWe need security to thrive.Inclusion and transparency remind us its OK to be authentic and even vuln

36、erable.Dr.Amy C.Edmondson,an organizational learning scholar at Harvard Business School,defines this as psychological safety,or the ability for a person to show their true self without threatening their:self-image status careerQuiet quitting may emerge when employees fear any task or meeting they ap

37、proach differently will yield harsh consequences.Psychological safety gives teams the assurance to take risks,fail and continue to carve their own path at work.3.ACKNOWLEDGE EVERY EMPLOYEEEmployees need to know their voice matters and their concerns are taken seriously.After all,everyone wants to be

38、 heard.QUIET QUITTING11Give employees a judgment-free platform to discuss what matters to them.This could be through:At the same time,let employees regularly ask for assistance.For example,mentors are a great opportunity for employees to build confidence and understand the value they bring from some

39、one whos been in their place.According to CNBC,91%of employees who have a mentor say theyre satisfied with their jobs.Dont dismiss the value of frequent and transparent communication,either.Consider using tools that make it easy for employees to ask questions,seek help and respond to surveys,all wit

40、hin the same easy-to-use app.4.SHOW APPRECIATIONRemember,quiet quitting ties back to the value employees find in their work.Celebrate their victories and express gratitude.After all,employees wins are synonymous with the organizations success.Make a habit of sharing shoutouts and highlighting progre

41、ss.Not every moment of praise needs to be backed by a specific award.Verbal affirmation by itself can build a sense of confidence and belonging.5.INVEST IN DEVELOPMENTStagnation is the next-door neighbor of apathy.Employees who dont feel like theyre getting better at their job wont get excited about

42、 advancing.Engage workers with development and build excitement around personal growth.After all,Gallup reported companies with a strategic investment in development are 11%more profitable and twice as likely to retain staff.one-on-one conversationsgroup sessionsskip-level meetings with department l

43、eadershipopen communication with HRQUIET QUITTING12Dont just tell employees you care about development;show them!A customizable learning management experience helps you upskill your people,track their progress and help stay compliant.Take it a step further with training technology offering the conve

44、nience and flexibility employees enjoy as consumers.6.REVIEW COMPENSATIONEven if organizations cant control economic shifts,its still important to revisit compensation.This helps ensure employees are paid competitively and fairly.If categorical raises arent possible,be open with employees about why

45、and assure them your organization remains focused on their quality of life.Remember:Compensation is not merely money;it includes benefits,too.Consider coverage options to support a greater number of employees,including:parental planning and adoption housing aid pet insurance volunteering and charita

46、ble giving local discounts and moreFinally,nothing sours an experience faster than inaccurate pay.In a OnePoll survey commissioned by Paycom,91%of HR professionals agreed payroll errors break employee trust.Use a self-service payroll tool to empower workers to verify their hours,ensure their pays ac

47、curate and resolve any issues before payroll runs.Although none of these options may prevent quiet quitting,they address its common sources.Embrace experimentation and let employees know youre focusing on improving their experience.Companies with a strategic investment in development are 11%more pro

48、fitable and twice as likely to retain staff.GallupQUIET QUITTING13ConclusionQuiet quitting isnt anything new,even if the term is.After all,would you give work your all if you didnt think it mattered?However,it is a sign employees arent getting the most out of their roles or their roles are taking to

49、o much out of them.People commonly quiet quit when they feel:Theres no way to eliminate quiet quitting.In fact,a strategy specifically targeting the phenomenon risks creating a toxic work environment and an unhealthy work-life balance.Instead,empathize with employees need to set boundaries and find

50、ways to make their experience better.QUIET QUITTING14As you begin to build a healthier work culture or evaluate your current strategy keep these six tips in mind:1.Evaluate(or create)an employee well-being program.2.Foster a psychologically safe work environment.3.Acknowledge every employee.4.Show a

51、ppreciation.5.Invest in development.6.Review compensation.And remember,ask employees what they need from their workplace.Employees quiet quit because they dont find value in what theyre doing.Respect their personal lives and help them find their purpose.QUIET QUITTING15How We HelpPaycoms single,easy

52、-to-use app has all the tools you need to engage every employee.For example,Beti,the employee-driven payroll experience,guides employees to find and fix errors before payroll runs right in the Paycom app!They enjoy assurance their work is compensated,and you enjoy the edge of an engaged and satisfie

53、d workforce.Paycom Surveys helps you quickly,securely and anonymously gather feedback from employees,making it easier to discover what motivates them at work.Paycom Learning helps you craft and deliver exciting and engaging training material for employees to access anytime,anywhere.With an add-on pa

54、ckage of additional wellness courses,employees will find insight on the topics they care about,like:mental health mindfulness nutrition work-life balance personal financePlus,our performance management and compensation budgeting tools help you reward and promote employees meaningfully,fairly and wit



57、ED HEREBY.It does not constitute the provision of legal advice,tax advice,accounting services or professional consulting of any kind.The information provided herein should not be used as a substitute for consultation with professional tax,accounting,legal or other professional advisers.Before making

58、 any decision or taking any action,you should consult a professional adviser who has been provided with all pertinent facts relevant to your particular situation.Product or company names mentioned herein may be the trademarks of their respective owners.This guide is protected by copyright law.Indivi

59、duals may reproduce and distribute this guide for individual,non-commercial use.Paycom is not responsible for any liabilities that may arise out of the reproduction or distribution of the information herein.2022 Paycom.All rights reserved.QUIET QUITTING16SOURCESDesimone,Rob,“What High-Performance Wo

60、rkplaces Do Differently,”Gallup,Dec.12,2019.Edmondson,Amy,“Psychological Safety and Learning Behavior in Work Teams,”Administrative Science Quarterly,johnson.cornell.edu,June 1999.Harter,Jim,“Is Quiet Quitting Real?”Gallup,Sept.6,2022.Krueger,Alyson,“Who Is Quiet Quitting For?”The New York Times,Aug

61、.23,2022.Morning Consult,Measuring Employee Satisfaction,February 2022.Paycom,“Alleviate HRs Stress With Self-Service Payroll,”,Dec.16,2021.Rosario,Isabella,“When The Hustle Isnt Enough,”NPR,npr.org,April 3,2020.Society for Human Resource Management,How to Establish and Design a Wellness Program,shr

62、m.org,2022.Wronski,Lauren and Cohen,Jon,“Nine in 10 workers who have a career mentor say they are happy in their jobs,”CNBC,July 16,2019.Zinkula,Jacob,“Conan OBriens assistant whos quiet quit her job for over a decade says its okay to be mediocre and find ways to do the minimal amount of work possible,”Business Insider,Sept.2,2022.



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