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1、OCTOBER 2022Technology Is the Fast Track to Net ZeroCO2 AI by BCGCarbon Emissions Survey Report 2022We must act now to limit global warmingSource:NASAs Goddard Institute for Space Studies.2.0C range:450 ppmToday415 ppm1.5C range:430 ppm1960310 ppmCO2 concentration in the atmosphere(ppm)0400250450800

2、Year060020040000CO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISSIONS SURVEY 2022Our 2022 CO2 AI by BCG Carbon Emissions Survey represents a continuation of a 2021 investigation into where businesses stand on their net-zero journeySource:BCG analysis.Note:Throughout this analysis,greenhouse gas emiss

3、ions are measured in carbon dioxide equivalents.CO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISSIONS SURVEY 2022Second edition1,600+respondents40%+global emissions18countries14industriesOur 2022 survey confirms that the better a company measures its emissions,the more it can reduce themSource:CO2 AI by BCG Carbon Emissio

4、ns Survey 2022.Note:We define respondents who have realized more than 50%of their emissions reduction ambition as having made a significant reduction.Partially measure internal(Scope 1 and Scope 2)and external(Scope 3)emissionsFully measure internal emissionsFully measure all emissionsof respondents

5、 who partially measure their internal and external emissions declare a significant reduction in those emissionsof respondents who measure the full scope of their internal emissions declare a significant reduction in those emissionsof respondents who measure the full scope of all of their emissions d

6、eclare a significant reduction in those emissionsCO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISSIONS SURVEY 2022Scope of measurementAbility to reduce45%58%64%Corporations recognize the benefits of decarbonizationSources:CO2 AI by BCG Carbon Emissions Survey 2022;BCG analysis.More than 70%of those surveyed foresee$1 mill

7、ion or more in annual benefits from emissions reduction37%foresee$100 million or more in annual benefits from emissions reductionCO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISSIONS SURVEY 2022The largest perceived benefits are improved reputation and lower operating costsSources:CO2 AI by BCG Carbon Emissions Survey 202

8、2;BCG analysis.Note:Percentage of respondent organizations;respondents were permitted to give more than one answer.Perceived benefits from emissions reductionRESPONDENTS(%)CO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISSIONS SURVEY 202243Increased revenues54Improved reputation54Lower operating costs48Higher valuations40L

9、ocal taxation benefits37Ability to attract talentSources:CO2 AI by BCG Carbon Emissions Survey 2022;BCG analysis.Measurement remains a leading roadblock,with only marginal improvements in emissions measurement since 2021CO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISSIONS SURVEY 2022RESPONDENTS(%)Internal emissions(Scope

10、 1 and Scope 2)External emissions(Scope 3)801010100Partial measurementComprehensive measurement81%10%9%2021 survey resultsPartially measure internal(Scope 1 and Scope 2)and external(Scope 3)emissionsFully measure internal emissionsFully measure all emissionsTotalFullyTo some extentOrganizations are

11、not yet measuring their emissions accuratelySource:CO2 AI by BCG Carbon Emissions Survey 2022(N=1,602).Our respondents estimate a 25%to 30%average error rate in their emissions measurement,with an improvement of approximately 5 pp over 2021CO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISSIONS SURVEY 202225%30%Sources:CO2

12、AI by BCG Carbon Emissions Survey 2022;CDP Global Supply Chain Report 2021;BCG analysis.Note:pp=percentage points.Scope 3 is still challenging:it accounts for over 90%of emissions but is a priority for only 12%of organizationsCO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISSIONS SURVEY 2022Respondents(%)Reduction priority

13、(%)Emissions(%)Companies that measure the relevant scope and have defined targets(%)5788812925029Scope 2Scope 1Scope 37 pp21 ppInternal emissions(Scope 1 and Scope 2)External emissions(Scope 3)The CO2 AI by BCG maturity index measures organizational maturity through four general stages of emissions

14、measurement and reductionSources:CO2 AI by BCG Carbon Emissions Survey 2022;BCG analysis.Note:An organizations maturity score is determined by the average of various dimension-specific scores based on survey answers about emissions measurement(exhaustiveness,accuracy,automation,and frequency)and red

15、uction(concern,target settings,equipment,and actual reduction).Across all organizations,the average dimension-specific score is 5.0.CO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISSIONS SURVEY 2022Stage 1 Lagging Poor measurement exhaustiveness and accuracy No targets,or targets set to a limited scope No obvious reduction

16、Maturity score2.5 out of 10Stage 2 Emerging Limited measurement exhaustiveness and accuracy Targets are not systematically set Limited reductionMaturity score2.5 to 5 out of 10Stage 3 Competent Good measurement exhaustiveness and accuracy Targets set systematically,at least for internal emissions Si

17、gnificant reductionMaturity score5 to 7.5 out of 10Stage 4 Expert Comprehensive and accurate measurement Targets set systematically for all emissions Significant reductionMaturity score7.5 out of 10The overall CO2 AI by BCG maturity index score for all sectors has improved marginally since 2021,from

18、 4.7 to 5.0Sources:CO2 AI by BCG Carbon Emissions Survey 2022;BCG analysis.Note:Financial institutions are the most mature sector in terms of reducing emissions in line with their ambition.Because of rounding,not all bar chart totals add up to 100%.Industrial goods and financial institutions are at

19、the forefront of carbon maturity Public sector and nonprofit organizations are the least mature,consistent with their nonprioritization of emissions reductionCO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISSIONS SURVEY 2022Proportion of organizations(%)79383838372254321191613117ConsumerIndustrial goo

20、dsFinancial institutionsEnergy4Insurance4Health carePublic sector and nonprofitFront-runnersFollowersLaggardsMaturity score202120225. 1:laggingStage 2:emergingStage 3:competentStage 4:expertWhat would accelerate emissions reduction?Sources:CO2 AI by BCG C

21、arbon Emissions Survey 2022;BCG analysis.CO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISSIONS SURVEY 2022Policy incentives(e.g.,regulation,tax incentives)“Receive more state support to invest in renewable energy,such as tax incentives for the reduction of CO2 emissions.”“Precise emissions standards and regulations,with w

22、ell-defined rewards and penalties.”Leadership support“Full support from senior leadership and a willingness to allocate more budget.Immediate decisions and concrete actions,to help us move quickly from declarations to actions.No more delays or extensions.”Adoption of digital solutions“The breakthrou

23、gh enabler would be the use of digital and AI technologies to accelerate carbon-emissions measurement and reduction by simulating new inputs and estimating the potential damage.”Organizations with automated digital solutions for emissions measurement areSources:CO2 AI by BCG Carbon Emissions Survey

24、2022;BCG analysis.CO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISSIONS SURVEY 2022More likely to measure emissions comprehensivelyMore likely to reduce emissions in line with their ambitions2.2x1.9xCO2 AI by BCG is a sustainability-as-a-service platform to help companies master their end-to-end net-zero journeySource:BCG

25、 analysis.CO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISSIONS SURVEY 2022Measureand reportReduce emissionswith yourorganizationCollaborate with your ecosystem and shapesustainability within your industry(developed in partnership with CDP)Develop and report a single,accurate view of emissionsIdentify initiativesand proje

26、ct impactReduce footprintand track progressCollaboratethroughout thevalue chain DecideSources:CO2 AI by BCG Carbon Emissions Survey 2022;BCG analysis.Note:Africa includes Egypt,Nigeria,and South Africa;Asia-Pacific includes Australia,China,India,and Japan;Europe includes France,Germany,Italy,Spain,a

27、nd the UK;Latin America includes Argentina,Brazil,and Chile;the Middle East includes the UAE;North America includes Canada and the US.Because of rounding,not all bar chart totals add up to 100%.Respondents are distributed across geographies,industries,and organization sizesCO2 AI BY BCG CARBON EMISS

28、IONS SURVEY 2022EMPLOYEES(%;NUMBER)Organization size1310100,001+281,0002,500172,5015,0005,00110,00050,001100,00010,00120,00020,00150,00053159GeographyRESPONDENT REGION(%;NUMBER)321227AfricaAsia-PacificEuropeLatin America124Middle East13North America071208INDUSTRY OF

29、OPERATIONS(%;NUMBER)IndustryEnergyPublic sector and nonprofitConsumer(retail)Consumer(other)Consumer(packaged goods)Financial institutionsHealth careOtherIndustrial goods(automotive)Industrial goods(chemicals)Industrial goods(materialsand processes)Industrial goods(other)InsuranceTechnology,media,andtelecommunications9232667481



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