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1、1The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachThe definitive guide for recruiting email outreach Benchmarks and best practices for messaging passive talent2022 EDITION2 Amidst the market downturn of 2022and regardless of what might be going on elsewhere in their organizationsrecruiting teams ar

2、e acutely aware of one thing:the roles theyre hiring for are as competitive as ever.80%of separations are now initiated by employees(for context,it was 40%in 2020).4.4 million people quit their jobs of their own volition in April,another 4.3 million quit in May,and 1 in 5 workers still intend to qui

3、t this year.So while the U.S.saw 11.4 million job openings posted in April and another 11.25 million in May,the trend in quits is set to continue for the foreseeable future.Introduction TABLE OF CONTENTS1/Recruiting in 2022 52/Benchmarks 63/Stages in an email sequence 74/Spacing sequence cadence 125

4、/Subject lines 156/“From”names 297/Send times 328/Message length 409/Message content 4410/Diversity 4912/Examples of email outreach 5013/The best best practice 5814/How Gem can help 613The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachBor reiust,cus modit qui reAs talentmost of whom arent actively l

5、ooking,but are sought outvoluntarily quit their jobs for better opportunities elsewhere,the talent shortage is here to stay.Yes,freezes and layoffs are happening;but regardless of macroeconomic conditions,many roles remain competitive.And youre likely reading this because yours are among them.Up to

6、80%of recruiting now happens prior to application,meaning the very top of the funnel is probably getting more attention from your team than it has before.And it now takes more than its ever taken to engage with,and hold the attention of,talent.Of course,recruiting technologies(like Gem!)now exist th

7、at automate outreach and centrally track top-of-funnel work,giving teams visibility into email open rates,click-through rates,response rates,and interested rates.With this data,every talent acquisition team can examine and analyze the impact of its own unique efforts,and reiterate on and refine futu

8、re outreach.Still,it can be invaluable to see outreach benchmarks and best practices across industries,for a broader storybacked by an abundance of dataof what works.Thats why weve republished The definitive guide for recruiting email outreach,at a time when outreach to passive talentand the employe

9、r branding efforts it sustainsmeans more than ever before.These insights and best practices are drawn from around 10 million outreach sequences,sent from June 1,2021 to May 31,2022.They cover:The ideal number of stages in an outreach sequence,along with average reply and interested rates for each st

10、age Best practices for sequence cadence The most successful personalization tokens for email subject lines,along with subject line best practices and examples of our customers best-performing subject linesAs the trend of talent voluntarily quitting their jobs for better opportunities elsewhere conti

11、nues,it seems the talent shortage is here to stay.Freezes and layoffs may be happening,but many roles remain competitive.Weve republished“The definitive guide for recruiting email outreach”at a time when outreach to passive talentand the employer branding efforts it sustainsmeans more than ever befo

12、re.4The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachGems insights&best practices are drawn from 10 million outreach sequences,sent from June 1,2021 to May 31,2022 When to send messages on behalf of hiring managers and executives for better open and reply rates The best(and worst!)send times,broken

13、 down by day-of-week,hour-of-day,tech vs.non-tech,and more granularly by role Best practices for message length and content,along with the words most often used in outreach that elicits responsesDiversity outreach benchmarksas a way of keeping your team thoughtful about whom its reaching out to to f

14、ill those pipelinesWe also offer plenty of examples of recruiting outreach,along with insights from leading-edge talent acquisition professionals on their most effective messaging practices.If its up to us at Gem,every talent team will soon be internally equipped to discover its own best practices a

15、nd start standing out in prospects inboxes.In the meantime,well keep updating The definitive guide for recruiting email outreach to help you understand what kinds of messages are statistically more likely to resonate with your prospects.Heres to joy and curiosity in your messaging journey.5The defin

16、itive guide for recruiting email outreach58%Employers are only managing to fill 58%of job openings in a given month source1 in 5workers still intends to quit this yearsource80%of separations are now initiated by employees source11.4The U.S.saw 11.4 million job openings posted in April and another 11

17、.25 million in May source 1,source 249%of talent leaders cite sourcing as one of their teams biggest challenges source4.4 millionpeople quit their jobs in April and another 4.3 million quit in May source 1,source 2 Recruiting in 2022 by the numbers52%of talent acquisition leaders say they see the mo

18、st qualified candidates through sourcing source63%of talent leaders say theyre investing in sourcing tools and tech in 2022 source 5xSourced candidates are 5x more likely to be hired than inbound candidates are source121Your prospective candidates are receiving as many as 121 emails a day source 6Th

19、e definitive guide for recruiting email outreachData from around 10 million prospect outreach campaigns shows prospects responding to recruiter emails at the following rates:Benchmarks 80706050403020100Rates by sequenceRATESRATE TYPE78.3%of outreach sequences are opened21.3%of outreach sequences see

20、 replies7.9%of outreach sequences see interested replies 7The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachThe first email sees a 61.4%open rate 8.3%reply rate3.9%interested rateBy the second email,most sequences have cumulatively seen a 73.5%open rate 15.8%reply rate6.2%interested rateNumber of st

21、ages in an email sequence By the third email,most sequences have cumulatively seen a 77.4%open rate 20.2%reply rate7.5%interested rateBy the fourth email,most sequences have cumlatively seen a 78.2%open rate 21.2%reply rate7.9%interested rateBy the fifth email,most sequences have cumulatively seen a

22、 78.3%open rate 21.3%reply rate7.9%interested rate142348The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachSTAGE NUMBER123456789RATES80%75%70%65%60%55%50%45%40%35%30%25%20%15%10%5%0%Rates by sequenceRATE TYPECumulative open,reply,and interested rates by sequence numberOPEN RATEREPLY RATEINTERESTED RA

23、TEThe data points completely flatten after Stage 5:any sequence of 6 or more stages still sees a 78.3%open rate,a 21.3%reply rate,and a 7.9%interested rate.9The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachA 4-stage sequenceThe takeaway?Send follow-ups!Theyll exponentially increase your response ra

24、tes and interested rates.As a general rule,the total number of responses goes up as the number of emails in a sequence increases.A three-stage sequence,for example,sees more than 2x the replies and nearly 2x the number of interested candidates as a one-off email does.Remember that passive candidates

25、 are less likely to respond to that first (or second,or third)email for one simple reason:theyre employed.Follow-up messages are effective because they let you experiment with timing,eventually catching prospects when they can process what youre offering.That said,by stage three,most opens,replies,a

26、nd interested replies have been captured;though we see incremental gains from sending a fourth stage(“the breakup email”).Anything beyond a fourth stage has little to no benefit.A four-stage sequence strikes the right balance between connecting with talent and preserving employer brand.Consider a to

27、ol that will automate your reachouts and let you leave the spreadsheets and manual work behind.The data shows youll certainly see a great ROI.(Recruiters who use Gem work,on average,5x more quickly through follow-up outreach with our automated follow-up feature.)“The difference between a great sourc

28、er and a sub-par sourcer is in how much discipline someone has in following up,in not wasting productivity cycles.Less successful sourcers do a lot of work to generate lists of good pipelines;but then they reach out once and never follow up.Response rates on that initial outreach might be 15%,but th

29、ey might be 50%on the follow-up.So the one thing I was looking for in a tool was automated follow-ups.We ran a free trial of Gem and the team loved it.Our sourcers were thrilled about things like Send-on-behalf-of and Rules of Engagement.And I just saw productivity increase.So at that point,it was a

30、 no-brainer.”Angela Miller Head of RecruitingBEST PRACTICE10The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachAt Gem we also recommend a long-term nurture mindset,and heres why:your initial outreach sequence catches talent in a very specific 2-to-3-week window of their lives,in which any number of t

31、hings could be going on for them.But were creatures of transition;and if your first outreach doesnt catch talent precisely when theyre ready to make a move,that doesnt mean they wont be ready 4,6,or 9 months down the line.The aggregate benchmark data above(see p.6)confirms this:21.3%of sequences see

32、 replies,but only 7.9%of sequences see interested replies.In other words,around 14%of replies are of the“thanks,but no thanks”or“thanks,but not yet”type.This doesnt foreclose future conversations.So give prospective candidates some space after that initial outreach sequence,then continue to send ema

33、ils with company updates a few times a year.This will ensure your org is top-of-mind when talent is ready to make a move.“We built nurture campaigns with emails along the lines of:Hey,its been awhile;Id love to reconnect.Heres the latest on Mapbox;check out our ERG spotlights.So much happens in the

34、months between reachouts that you lose context.Gems Activity Feed offers a birds-eye view of our history with a prospect;often its enough to base my re-engagement on.Ill also schedule a follow-up email to go out at a later date the moment I get off the phone with a stellar candidate.Do they have a n

35、ew addition to the family and so cant make any major life changes right now?Ill craft an email to go out in four months that says:I hope your new baby is healthy and well.This humanizes the process;it makes talent feel heard and their lives respected.”BEST PRACTICELong-term nurture after the initial

36、 sequenceBrie Bastidas Head of Technical Recruiting(formerly Mapbox)“Nurturing is great behavior that I feel is overlooked in our industry.Gem has been a huge part of cultivating that for me.A lot of people send out three messages in their little drip campaign,and thats it.But I believe wholehearted

37、ly that this is a long-term relationship whether theyre responding to you or not;youve got to keep cultivating it.”Aaron Smith Lead Technical RecruiterPersona 12The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachSpacing sequence cadenceOur data shows that outreach cadence has remained fairly consiste

38、nt over the last few years:sourcers most often allow 6 days between emails 1 and 2,and another 6 days between emails 2 and 3(in 2021 it was a 5-6 cadence,in 2020 a 6-6 cadence).We suspect this cadence is so often used because it leads to email delivery on a different day of the week throughout the s

39、equence,and because it gives talent time between stages to consider the opportunity thats being offered.Indeed,we see some of the highest reply rates when there are 6 days between stages 1 and 2(9.1%replied),and 5 days between stages 2 and 3(7.8%replied).That said,open rates are highest when the sou

40、rcer or recruiter instills a sense of urgency by only waiting a day between sends.When recruiters send stage 2 the day after stage 1,those emails see a 15.1%open rate;and when recruiters send stage 3 the day after stage 2,those emails see a 7.3%open rate.Interested rates are highest when there are 6

41、 days(3.4%interested)between stages 1 and 2,and 6 days(2.5%interested)between stages 2 and 3.We see a similar pattern with staffing agencies:the highest open rates occur with outreach thats sent just one day after the previous message,but the highest interested rates happen on day 6.Open rates are h

42、ighest when the sourcer or recruiter instills a sense of urgency by only waiting a day between sends;but reply and interested rates tend to be highest when nearly a week passes between sendsperhaps because it gives talent time to consider the opportunity.13The definitive guide for recruiting email o

43、utreachIn-house outreachStaffing outreach1 day 7.3%open rate 6.7%reply rate 1.9%interested rate2 days 5.8%open rate 7.5%reply rate 2.4%interested rate3 days 5.9%open rate 7.6%reply rate 2.1%interested rate4 days 5.7%open rate 7.1%reply rate 2.3%interested rate5 days 5.8%open rate 7.8%reply rate 2.2%

44、interested rate6 days 5.4%open rate 7.4%reply rate 2.5%interested rate1 day 7.3%open rate 5.6%reply rate 1.0%interested rate2 days 6.4%open rate 5.5%reply rate 1.5%interested rate3 days 6.2%open rate 4.6%reply rate 1.1%interested rate4 days 6.2%open rate 5.2%reply rate 1.3%interested rate5 days 6.4%

45、open rate 5.3%reply rate 1.5%interested rate6 days 5.8%open rate 5.9%reply rate 1.6%interested rateTIME BETWEEN STAGES 1&2:TIME BETWEEN STAGES 1&2:TIME BETWEEN STAGES 3&4:TIME BETWEEN STAGES 3&4:1 day 15.1%open rate 8.8%reply rate 3.3%interested rate2 days 14.6%open rate 9.0%reply rate 3.0%intereste

46、d rate3 days 13.4%open rate 8.5%reply rate 3.0%interested rate4 days 13.4%open rate 8.7%reply rate 3.1%interested rate5 days 13.4%open rate 8.3%reply rate 3.0%interested rate6 days 12.7%open rate 9.1%reply rate 3.4%interested rate1 day 17.6%open rate 15.9%reply rate 1.6%interested rate2 days 15.3%op

47、en rate 9.6%reply rate 1.7%interested rate3 days 15.9%open rate 9.0%reply rate 1.5%interested rate4 days 14.6%open rate 8.3%reply rate 1.9%interested rate5 days 14.5%open rate 7.8%reply rate 1.9%interested rate6 days 14.5%open rate 7.6%reply rate 2.1%interested rateThe average number of days that pa

48、ss between stage 1 and stage 4 is 19(the median is 15),meaning that a typical email outreach sequence for Gems customers keeps them top-of-mind with talent for around 2.5 weeks.14The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachOur takeaway from the above data?When experimenting with cadence,try 1

49、OR 6 days between stages 1 and 2,and again between stages 2 and 3.1 day will instill a sense of urgency and/or excitement,and is likely to see the highest open rates;while 6 days gives prospective candidates time to contemplate your offer,and is likely to see the highest interested rates.Remember,th

50、ere are two types of cadence:send cadence(delivery timing,the data on which weve been discussing)and conversational cadence(the rate at which you move your messaging forwardwell have more to say about this when it comes to message length!).Take both into account with every email“One pattern our team

51、 at Dropbox observed is that six days was a bit of a magic number when it came to email outreach cadence.It meant we were always catching the prospect on a different day of the week,which increased our chances of eventually hearing back from them.It also meant we were allowing enough breathing space

52、 between touches to give the prospect time to turn over what we were offering.”BEST PRACTICEExperiment with 1 and 6 daysMike Moriarty Operating Partner,Talent“Our cadence tends to vary depending on the client and whether we have access to internal email.Typically well send the first message in the a

53、fternoon(Mon-Thurs),the second 2-3 days later,the third about four days after that,and a fourth about a week or so later.As of late,given the urgency the market is creating,our sequences have been quick to roll out:2 weeks or so.”Alyssa Garrison Co-Founder 15The definitive guide for recruiting email

54、 outreachSubject lines Naturally,theres a direct correlation between subject lines and open rates.For best practices on this outreach element,we pulled data on our customers token usage,then combed through millions of subject lines and observed the characteristics of those that saw the highest open

55、rates.Gems tokens represent values that are either auto-captured from the prospects LinkedIn(or GitHub,or SeekOut,etc.)profile(pany)or manually entered by a sourcer(i.e.reason).These variables can be dropped anywhere in subject lines or message copy when the sourcer is creating the email sequence.Th

56、e value will automatically populate the email,replacing the token when the outreach is sent.In short,tokens offer the best of both worlds:personalization and automation.16The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachToken usage among Gems customers,by company sizeThis year we pulled data on the

57、 tokens that are most used in subject lines,splitting it out by company size.We noted some clear differences between how smaller companies and larger companies approach subject lines:The larger the company,the more likely sourcers and recruiters are to include the company name in the subject line.Fr

58、om a brand awareness perspective,this would make logical sense.Smaller companies,on the other hand,are more likely to rely on the prospects first name or job title in the subject line as a way of attracting their interest.Overall,SMBs are also the most likely not to include any tokens in their email

59、 panycompany+first namecompany+first name+titlecompany+titlefirst namefirst name+titletitle45.0%40.0%35.0%30.0%25.0%20.0%15.0%10.0%5.0%0.0%COMPANY SIZEEnterprise Mid-market SMBSUBJECT LINE TOKENSMESSAGE DISTRIBUTIONno tokens17The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachToken usage as a factor

60、of open rates by company sizeInterestingly,what recruiters think is a best practice for subject lines isnt always so.Heres what the data shows:For SMBs,subject lines that include both company and title tokens see the highest open rates(63.7%),with title coming in a close second(63.4%).For Mid-market

61、 organizations,subject lines that include both company and first name tokens see the highest open rates(66.5%).For Enterprise organizations,subject lines that include both first name and title tokens see the highest open rates(68.4%),with a company and first name combination coming in a close second

62、(68.0%).*Due to low sample sizes,this high percentage may not hold as more emails with this token combination are sent.TOKEN OPENfirst_name+title 68.4%company+first_name 68.0%company+first_name+title 66.9%company 66.4%no token 65.0%title 65.0%first_name 61.8%company+title 61.8%TOKEN OPENcompany+firs

63、t_name 66.5%first_name 64.9%title 64.8%first_name+title 64.6%company 63.6%no token 62.9%company+title 62.7%company+first_name 62.5%TOKEN OPENcompany+title 63.7%title 63.4%company 62.9%no tokenoken 62.2%company+first_name 61.8%first_name+title 61.6%company+first_name+title 61.6%first_name 61.3%Enterp

64、riseMid-marketSMB18The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachToken usage as a factor of open rates,in aggregate company+first name:65.8%open ratecompany:64.8%open ratetitle:63.9%open ratefirst name+title:63.2%open ratecompany+first name+title:63.0%open rateNo token:62.8%open ratecompany+titl

65、e:62.5%open ratefirst name:62.5%open ratecompanycompany+first namecompany+first name+titlecompany+titlefirst namefirst name+titletitle1,400,0001,200,0001,000,000800,000600,000400,000200,0000SUBJECT LINE TOKENMESSAGE COUNT70.0%60.0%50.0%40.0%30.0%20.0%10.0%0.0%OPEN RATEOpen rate19The definitive guide

66、 for recruiting email outreachPersonalize!Based on Gems open rate data,teams should generally include at least one token in their subject lines.It can make a nearly 5%(4.8%)difference in open rates,and which tokens work best for you will be well worth testing.Prospects have years worth of digital fo

67、otprints trailing them.Do your due diligence and research themon LinkedIn,Twitter,GitHub,Medium,and elsewhere.Then drive opens with a personalization tokenor if you dont use Gem,a manually-personalized subject line.Personalized subject lines can make a nearly 5%difference in open rates.A/B test subj

68、ect line tokens to determine which work best for your own outreach.BEST PRACTICESSubject lines20The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachIf youre a Gem user,we recommend a short token in the subject line(see the previous pages for whats worked best over the last 12 months),and a longer reas

69、on token in the body copy:a recent success,a blog post they wrote,how their recent GitHub project aligns with what your eng team is working on,an interest that would make them a great add to your company culture or a career aspiration they appear to have whatever might inspire them to respond.Smalle

70、r companies:dont be afraid to name your organizationWhile recruiters at smaller organizations are less likely to use company tokens in their subject lines,the data shows that subject lines with company names do wellespecially when accompanied by a title token.Use outreach stats to inform your subjec

71、t linesIf its worked before,itll likely work again.Dig into your own data and see whats most resonated with prospective candidates in the pastwhether for yourself or for teammates in your org.In Gem,its as simple as filtering sequences to those with the highest open rates,and discovering your own be

72、st practices from there.21The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachOur customers best-performing subject lines*Here are some subject lines with open rates of greater than 90%:*At least 200 messages with the subject line had to be sent to qualify.Flexible Technical Workfirst_name+company=Lea

73、dership Opportunitycompany-An exciting new job opportunity for you!first_name,company is Officially a FinTech Unicorn and We Still Need More Top title Talentcompany:Technical title opportunitycompany in the News!first_name,iOS tech leadership companyWere nearing the finish line,first_name last_name!

74、Remote Talented Ruby on Rails title Opportunity at companySenior Frontend title|Come to the Dark Sidefirst_name,hows company life?Executive Search-Director,Finance&Administration (Reporting to COO)company:title a Virtual Economycompany wants you on the team!VP of title Opportunity at company!Ahoy fr

75、om company New Grad!company Leadership Role x first_namefirst_name,Get in early at company(Remote-First Company)!Interested in amazing growth and scale?Hi from company:)Hi first_name;Whats next after company?first_name x company role Up for a call?first_name,Hello from companyHello first_name!first_

76、name,company just raised our Series B,join us!“I get as creative as possible with my emails,especially with compelling subject linesthings that capture people.Personally I enjoy food puns.So Ill say something like:Can I have a slice of your time?And Ill include a pizza emoji.And as a follow up,Ill s

77、ay:Come on,use your noodle,and include a bowl of noodles.Of course,these things are always persona-specific,but food puns seem to work really well with engineers!”Joe PecciSenior Manager of EngineeringRecruiting23The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachHopefully as you read the best-perfor

78、ming subject lines above,you considered what made each of them compelling to their recipients.Here are some strategiesmany of them inferred directly from the above examplesthat are worth testing:Appealing to values Passive talent may be checking their email in sprint-mode;but their hearts go with th

79、em even as they scan their inboxes.Think about“the greater good”your company is ultimately trying to offer,the demographic it most wants to support,or the values and causes it hopes to honor.Talent for whom these subject lines resonate will opt in because theyre in alignment with your mission and vi

80、sionwhich means a more likely values-fit when theyve signed that offer letter.Appealing to curiosityThe prospects youre reaching out to are top professionals and problem-solvers in their fields:they already possess an instinct for inquiry.In the context of talent outreach,lets define curiosity as th

81、e urge to understand“language events”(subject lines)that are ambiguous,uncertain,or partial.Curiosity is one of the most influential drivers of human behaviorin this case,email opens.Thats because it releases dopamine,a chemical associated with motivation.Consider the questions the subject lines abo

82、ve invoke.Machine Learning to Combat CancerMarket This:Fundamental Digital Rights for AllHelp us make the internet a safer place!(Career Opportunity)first name,Fight Online Fraud with Product DesignLooking to make an Impact on heathcare in America?first name,How ADRs are Different companyJenna Willi

83、amsJenna WilliamsNot all AI startups are equalWould you like to do what Google does on the Web but in games?TECH&TRAVELcompany name!($135M Raised,Series C)Opportunity to own a high-visibility product that leverages machine learningSubject line strategies to experiment with24The definitive guide for

84、recruiting email outreach Jenna WilliamsRe:Build a Marketing team from scratch!Being verb-forward If youll allow us to state the obvious,action words inspire action.When prospects are presented with powerful verbs,theyll feel both implicitly challenged(in a good way!)and empowered.Verbs also help pa

85、ssive candidates better visualize what success could look like in that role youre offering.“Build,”“lead,”“define,”“secure,”“disrupt,”and“reinvent”are among the more compelling verbs weve see talent teams use.Questions Questions place recipients in an instant dialogue with your emaileven before they

86、 open it.Prospects will naturally pause and respond internallyand will then be lured in to find out(or be affirmed in)the answer.Want to join the next unicorn?Whats the next design breakthrough in your career?Ready to love coming to work every day?Want to join THE fastest-growing travel company in C

87、anadas history?first_name,want to chat about the future of live entertainment?Lead the Toronto office of company We just raised$53M Series D!Help define an industry!Hiring our first Sr.Front End EngineersHi first_name,secure the infrastructure that powers 90%of fintech?first name,come disrupt the cl

88、oud testing space!25The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachFlattery Compliments trigger reward centers in the brain,which leave us wanting more of the resulting“mini-high.”Prospects are likely to try to extend this feeling by clicking in.Note that flattering the egos of prospects future s

89、elves(“come be our expert”)can be as impactful as flattering their current selves.Mutual connections Mentioning mutual connections is a personalization strategy that functions as an immediate endorsement,evoking trust in the prospect.Passive candidates may not be interested in introducing risk into

90、their lives with a career changeespecially given current market conditions.Having a common connectionone who already works at your companypsychologically minimizes that risk.Personality Of course,how much personality you inject into prospect outreach will hinge on your overall brand personality,not

91、to mention what you know about your prospective candidates.But if it fits your company style,a little pun never hurt anyoneindeed,it probably only ever caught their attention.(Note the subject line that plays on the word“audit”below opened to an email about a Senior Accountant position.)Pop culture

92、references,emojis,and humor of all kinds also fall into this category.Experiment with these as you see fit.Jenna WilliamsJenna WilliamsLooks like youve been KILLING IT at company,first_name.now whats next?Unicorns,Narwhals,and Designers oh my!Hello,Is it company youre looking for?Play a pivotal&impa

93、ctful role as our machine learning expertWere in need of a top-tier Staff Data Engineer,first_name.Are you free to connect in the next few days?company makes you an international superstar!Want global users to view your work?Impact 80M+American Livesfirst_name company Needs Your Mad Skillsfirst_name

94、,be audit you can be at company!26The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachBrevity Outreach coming out of enterprise organizations tends to have the shortest subject lines,while outreach from staffing companies tends to have the longest.That said,our data shows there isnt much of a correlat

95、ion between subject line length and open rates beyond a slight downward trend as word count increases(shown by the purple line in the graph below),and a slight uptick in open rates for 4-word subject lines.That said,depending on whom you ask,42%,47%,or more of email opens occur on mobileand given wh

96、at the data suggests about the effectiveness of Sunday outreach(see“Send Times”below),its a safe bet that the majority of talent is seeing your message first on mobile.You may not want your subject line cut short on smaller devices.So test subject lines of up to 50 characters to determine“most effec

97、tive length”but our guess is that the language in your subject line will carry more significance than the length will.11,000,000900,000800,000700,000600,000500,000400,000300,000200,000100,0000TOTAL WORD COUNTMESSAGE COUNT2OPEN RATE0.650.600.550.500.450.400.350.300.

98、13141516ALL SEGMENTSNumber of words in subject,and associated open ratesOpen rate27The definitive guide for recruiting email outreach“Pretty,pretty,pretty good.”(Curb Your Enthusiasm)Acknowledge an accolade.Avoid the overused and generic,“I was impressed with your background.”Instead,comment on a sp

99、ecific accomplishment you uncovered in your online research using Gems social profile finder.Example:Congrats on being Microsofts 2021 Developer of the Year.“Look at you quoting my quotes.”(Insecure)Lift the prospects own words off of their social profile and place them strategically in your subject

100、 line or introduction sentence.Example:Lets chat about the“human-centered design of data products”Maisha Cannon Program manager,recruiting“I am Beyonc,always.”(The Office)Embrace your inner magic and do what only you can do.The best outreach subject lines will always be uniquely you,drafted and craf

101、ted with the readers interest in mind.Example:From PhD in English Lit to Senior Content Strategist-Lauren,I want to write like you when I grow up!“Survey says!”(Family Feud)Referencing stats from useful annual data sets from StackOverflow and JetBrains can add an extra element of customization to in

102、-demand tech professionals.This data is particularly helpful if your engineering tech stack is amongst the most popular.Example:Are you in the 62%of engineers open to a remote Python role?“Is that your final answer?”(Who Wants to Be a Millionaire?)When sending a final follow-up,the breakup method ca

103、n be effective in generating a reply.Keep it brief while letting the recipient know this is your last message.Gems Send-of-behalf-of works well in this instance.Add value by including a relevant resource.Example:I Guess Its Goodbye+A Parting Gift for YouInspiration can often come when you least expe

104、ct it.What do you get when you mix a Sourcer with 24+months in quarantine and an increased appetite for streamed content?Five“quaran-stream”-inspired subject line strategies:28The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachWords most often used in top subject lines The following cloud contains th

105、e words Gems customers use in subject lines that see 80%+open rates(note that first_name,company_name,and title are tokens that auto-populate when the message sends).A few trends weve noted(you might observe others):Calling out funding/backers right away(“first round,”“Series B,”Series C,“VC,”“YC,”“

106、$200M,”“raised,”“funded,”“venture,”“pre-IPO”)Mentioning role/seniority(“Manager,”“VP,”“Executive,”“leadership,”“Senior,”“CTO,”“COO”)Leading with verbs(“start,”“impact,”“build,”“scale,”“help,”“head,”“grow,”“join”)Invoking enthusiasm(“exciting,”“growth,”“future,”“first,”“early,”“founding,”“revenue,”“u

107、nicorn,”“pre-IPO,”“strategic,”“global,”“flexible,”“fully remote”)29The definitive guide for recruiting email outreach“From”names Over 25%of outreach sequences sent through Gem contain a message sent on behalf of someone else.Our data shows that sending on behalf of(SOBO-ing)a hiring manager or execu

108、tive in the company over the course of a sequence increases open and response rates.(In fact,some of our customers have seen tripled and quadrupled response rates with SOBO.)With Gem,you can send on behalf of multiple teammates in the same sequence:stages 1 and 2 might come from the recruiter,stage

109、3 could come from the hiring manager,and stage 4 could come from the Director of Engineering,for example.The manager and director can decide whether they want the replies to come directly to their inboxes so they can personally continue the conversation,or to go back to the recruiter,who then stays

110、in control of the correspondence.Consider having the senders reference a conversation they had about the prospect in those messages to make it all the more personalized.Now youve got a very high-touch engagement strategy from multiple people.When prospective candidates feel theres a whole group that

111、s excited about them,theyll be all the more likely to open and reply.SOBO-27.4%No SOBO-72.6%30The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachVary your senderespecially for hard-to-fill roles Our data shows that sequences with more than one sender over time see 24%higher open rates on average.(The

112、y also see higher response rates,as well see shortly.)“At Segment,wed put extra time into partnering with our recruiting team to craft the right message and cadence for each role.By crafting tailored messages and reaching out from multiple senders at the leadership level,we saw 2x response rate for

113、hard-to-fill roles.”“We use SOBO very intentionally for things like leadership hires and key individual contributors,and we take it seriously.With Gem,gone are the days of needing to ask senior leaders to send emails for us.The efficiency weve achieved with the SOBO feature is fantastic.”BEST PRACTI

114、CE“From”namesAlbert Strasheim CTO&SVP Engineering(formerly Segment)Joe Gillespie Head of Technical Recruitment24.0%22.0%20.0%18.0%16.0%14.0%12.0%10.0%8.0%6.0%4.0%2.0%0.0%No SOBOSOBOSEQUENCE CONTAINS SOBOOPENED FIRST PERCENTStages 2-5 only,No SOBO vs.SOBONO SOBO SOBO31The definitive guide for recruit

115、ing email outreachUse SOBO after stage 1The point of SOBO is to have the prospective candidate see that more than one person in the organization is interested in them and what they might bring to the rolewhich is why sequences that use a SOBO in the very first email see less success than those that

116、wait until a later stage to invite a manager or exec into the conversation(reply rates are nearly 9%lower for first-email SOBOs).Our data suggests that a best practice is to have at least the first email come from a recruiter,and to wait until the second email(or beyond)to send on behalf of a hiring

117、 manager or executive.The narrative this generates is that the recruiter is excited enough about them to have personally brought their name up to leadership.Whats more,talent is more likely to respond when they know that more than one personat least one of them in a high-level roleawaits a response.

118、Sequences that didnt get a response in Stage 1 saw a 25%increase in open rates and a 13%increase in reply rates when Stage 2 was sent on behalf of someone else*Sequences that didnt get a response in Stages 1 and 2 saw a 57%increase in open rates and a 39%increase in reply rates when Stage 3 was sent

119、 on behalf of someone elseSequences that didnt get a response in Stages 1,2,and 3 saw a 57%increase in open rates and a 16%increase in reply rates when Stage 4 was sent on behalf of someone else“At Mapbox,we were looking for a Data Roads Lead,which is super-niche domain expertise.To get a role like

120、that filled we had to up our outreach game;so we used SOBO because conversion rates are typically higher on outreach sent from hiring managers.There were maybe 100 people globally that made sense for that job;our SOBO messages saw an 82%open rate and a 33%interested rate.Those were remarkable number

121、s.”Brie Bastidas Head of Technical Recruiting(formerly at Mapbox)“Its important to me that this strategy is used sparingly;but when its done well,SOBO is super advantageous.We use it for director and senior manager roles.And Ill typically personalize it.For example,I recently combed my network and g

122、ave a recruiter 20 or so referrals.And I was like,This person I met at a conference;this person Ive had multiple conversations with;so when you reach out on behalf of me,please say this.When someone responds,I get a copy of that reply.And then I have a back-and-forth with them.”Arquay Harris VP Engi

123、neering*Rates are calculated as opens and replies as a percentage of unique sequences(not messages)starting at Stage 2.32The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachSend timesWhen your outreach is competing with hundreds of emails for prospects attentionand when passive talent doesnt have the

124、luxury of carefully attending to every message they receiveyou want to put your email in a position to get noticed.Great subject lines will get you great open rates,sure.But a subject line is only as great as it is visible.And this means getting it as close as possible to the top of prospects inboxe

125、s.33The definitive guide for recruiting email outreach50%of prospects will open your email within the first 41 minutes after send timedata that underscores the importance of catching passive talent at the right time.Youll want to send as close as possible to when prospects will be sitting down at th

126、eir computersor picking up their phonesto tackle email.(Naturally,mobile broadens your likelihood of catching talent shortly after send.)Median hours to open:0.6 Median hours to reply:6.7BEST PRACTICESend times Plan outreach based on minutes-to-open 2,800,0002,600,0002,400,0002,200,0002,000,0001,800

127、,0001,600,0001,400,0001,200,0001,000,000800,000600,000400,000200,0000Hours to open(first 48 hours)HOURS TO OPENOPEN COUNT024680222426283032343638404244464834The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachReplies as a function of opens over timeThe below scatter plot shows the first 24

128、hours following an email send;the yellow line that passes through is the reply rate.Note thatfor the first 8 hours after sendthe sooner the email is opened,the more likely the prospect is to reply.Interestingly,reply rate as a percentage of opens goes up again as time goes on,but the data is also mo

129、re dispersed.This is likely a function of when the email is sent.For example,if an email is sent in the morning during business hours,the recipient may open it,but may not reply until the end of the work day. TO OPENREPLIES AS%OF OPENS2004006008000Replies o

130、ver opens RepliesOpens35The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachYoull discover the best window for your prospective candidates through testing,over time.In the meantime,what weve discovered at Gem is that Sunday outreachparticularly outreach sent Sundays at 8 pm,6 pm,and 11 amtends to do s

131、urprisingly well,seeing 63.9%,63.5%,and 63.3%open rates,respectively.(Mondays between 2-3 pm and Wednesdays and Thursdays at 4 pm also see particularly high open rates.)*That said,“best times”were more nuanced when we dug in by role.After all,different roles have different relationships to email;and

132、 it may be worth it to hypothesize why some of the following numbers are what they are.(For example,we imagine that weekdaysas opposed to Sundaysare likely great times for recruiting outreach because recruiters are already on email all day.They may be regularly switching between their work email and

133、 personal email to see whats happening there.)BEST PRACTICEConsider Sunday sends*Data on send timeshere and beloware limited to Stage 1.65.0%60.0%55.0%50.0%45.0%40.0%35.0%30.0%25.0%20.0%15.0%10.0%5.0%0.0%Top times to sendSun,8 pmOPEN RATESun,6 pmSun,11 amMon,3 pmMon,2 pmThu,4 pmWed,4 pmMon,1 pmThu,3

134、 pmThu,2 pmThu,5 pmSun,2 pmSun,12 pmMon,4 pmWed,2 pmWed,3 pmDAY AND TIME 36The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachIn aggregate,here are the top 5 days and times to send(and not to send!)outreach for tech and non-tech roles.(Its worth noting that outreach for tech roles tends to see overal

135、l better open rates than outreach for non-tech roles):Best(and worst)send times:tech v.non-techBest send times:tech rolesSunday at 8 pm:64.2%open rateSunday at 11 am:63.9%open rate Monday at 4 pm:63.6%open rateSunday at 6 pm:63.5%open rateSunday at 3 pm:63.4%open rateBest send times:non-tech rolesSu

136、nday at 6 pm:63.4%open rateMonday at 1 pm:63.4%open rateSunday at 7 pm:63.2%open rateMonday at 2 pm:63.0%open rateMonday at 3 pm:62.5%open rateWorst send times:tech roles Tuesday at 11 pm:55.5%open rateThursday at 12 am:55.9%open rate Wednesday at 6 am:56.9%open rateWednesday at 12 am:57.3%open rate

137、Wednesday at 11 pm:57.5%open rateWorst send times:non-tech roles Friday at 11 pm:52.2%open rateWednesday at 12 am:53.1%open rate Friday at 10 pm:53.1%open rateThursday at 11 am:53.3%open rateSaturday at 2 pm:54.5%open rate37The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachBest send days× by ro

138、leEngineersSunday at 12 pm:62.4%open rateSunday at 8 pm:62.3%open rateSunday at 11 am:62.2%open rateEng managersSunday at 11 am:70.4%open rateSunday at 8 pm:70.3%open rateSunday at 3 pm:70.2%open rate*Data on Data,Biz dev,and PMM roles was limited,so their numbers may not be as meaningful as those o

139、f the other roles listed.Still,these are good send times to start with when A/B testing your messaging.Recruiting/HRThursday at 12 am:67.0%open rateWednesday at 6 am:65.3%open rateMonday at 8 pm:65.3%open rate SalesSunday at 5 pm:67.8%open rateThursday at 6 pm:64.3%open rateSunday at 2 pm:63.2%open

140、rateMarketingSunday at 10 pm:71.1%open rateSunday at 6 pm:69.6%open rateThursday at 5 pm:69.2%open rateData*Sunday at 5 pm:83.4%open rateMonday at 6 am:76.3%open rateSunday at 11 am:75.4%open rate DesignSaturday at 6 pm:78.2%open rateThursday at 8 am:74.9%open rateSaturday at 11 am:74.8%open rateBiz

141、 dev*Sunday at 8 pm:70.7%open rateTuesday at 6 am:70.4%open rateTuesday at 7 pm:69.7%open ratePMM*Friday at 12 am:81.2%open rateSunday at 4 pm:79.3%open rateSaturday at 11 am:74.9%open rate ProductSaturday at 10 am:77.1%open rateSaturday at 11 am:72.5%open rateMonday at 1 pm:72.4%open rate38The defi

142、nitive guide for recruiting email outreachOverall best send times by day of the week Monday sees the best overall open rates(61.6%),followed by Sunday(61.4%)Still,theres little variation in open rates from Sunday-Friday(61.2%-61.6%)Saturday sees the worst overall open rates(58.3%)Its worth noting ho

143、w few recruiters send outreach on Sundays,despite how well the data shows those messages perform.If you have the ability to set-and-forget outreach,we recommend experimenting with sending on Sundays.Youll either catch talent that afternoon/evening while theyre preparing for the week ahead,or first t

144、hing Monday morning as theyre cleaning out their inboxes in preparation for the days to come.Sun1,800,0001,600,0001,400,0001,200,0001,000,000800,000600,000400,000200,000Open rates by send daySEND DAYSENT MESSAGESMonTueWedThuFriSatOPEN RATE0.800.780.760.740.720.700.680.660.640.620.600.580.560.540.520

145、.50Open rate39The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachOverall best send times by hourThroughout the work week,the best overall send times by hour are:In other words,the closer to 5 pm,the better.5 pm also sees strong open rates(62.1%),though youre a little more likely to have missed your w

146、indow at that point.11 am sees strong open rates as well(62.0%),likely because recruiters are catching prospects just before their lunch hour.4 pm 62.6%open rate3 pm 62.6%open rate2 pm 62.5%open rate1 pm 62.2%open rateBy Hour800,000750,000700,000650,000600,000550,000500,000450,000400,00350,00300,002

147、50,000200,000150,000100,00050,0000SEND HOURMESSAGE SENT COUNTOPEN RATE0.620.610.60 0.590.580.570.560.550.540.530.520.510.5006223Open rate 40The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachMessage length In aggregate,the majority of our customers tend to stay in the

148、 170-210 word count range for the initial message of their outreach sequence.(There are some variations here,of course.Outreach from SMBs and Mid-market organizations,for example,tends to be a bit longerhovering closer to 210.This is likely because,in lieu of a strong talent brand,sourcers and recru

149、iters take time to introduce the organizations theyre writing from.)That said,we observed a pretty meaningful pattern in our data:regardless of company size,initial outreach with a word count of 51-60 sees the highest response rates across the board.*Word count indicates the upper limit of the group

150、.For example,“10”indicates 1-10 words.“50”indicates 41-50 words.450,000400,000350,000300,000250,000200,000150,000100,00050,000Reply rates as a factor of word count(aggregate)WORD COUNTWORD COUNT FREQUENCYREPLY RATE24.0%22.0%20.0%18.0%16.0%14.0%12.0%10.0%8.0%6.0%4.0%2.0%0.0%020406080018020

151、0220240260280300320340360380400420440460480500520540Open rate41The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachHeres how reply rates as a factor of word count break down by company size:WORD COUNT0500300140,000120,000100,00080,00060,00040,00020,0000SMBMid-marketEnterprise200,000180,0001

152、60,000200,000180,000160,000WORD COUNTWORD COUNT FREQUENCYWORD COUNT FREQUENCY0500300140,000120,000100,00080,00060,00040,00020,0000200,000180,000160,000WORD COUNT FREQUENCY140,000120,000100,00080,00060,00040,00020,0000WORD COUNT0500300Reply rate42The definitive guide for recruit

153、ing email outreachMessage length:Err on the shorter side Its worth noting that,because sourcers and recruiters tend to write longer messages,our data set of 60-word outreach isnt that large(31,000+messages)and so may be skewed.Yet theres also a pretty clear overall downward trend in each of the abov

154、e charts.Given that,wed recommend initial messages in the 60-120 word count range(though by all means,A/B test longer ones!Weve seen long messages do wellboth for ourselves at Gem,and for our customers!)The“shorter is better”strategy echoes what LinkedIn studies have shown about best practices for I

155、nMail:“The response rate for the shortest InMails 400 characters or less is 22%higher than the average response rate for all InMails.”Theres a commonsense element to the argument that short-and-to-the-point outreach(assuming its also personalized and genuine)will outperform long emails.Remember,pass

156、ive candidates arent exactly swimming in free time.And you can deliver the essentialsa personalized mention,a compelling detail or two about the opportunity,a call to actionin fewer than 10 sentences.Then theres mobile to consider:An iPhone will show about 120 words at a time.Dont make passive talen

157、t scroll for the good stuff.Remember:youll have three follow-up emails to offer more detail about company or team culture,workplace benefits,employee spotlights,and more.(You can also use hyperlinks directing prospects to web pages on careers,diversity,and culture when they want to offer more inform

158、ation.This keeps the messaging simultaneously rich and short.)So dont cram everything into your initial outreach.You know your persona and whats most compelling for them.Start with the things at the top of the list.Leave the rest for them to ask you about when you get them on the phone.BEST PRACTICE

159、Make the email easy to read Take structure into account:a longer email is as good as the breathing space between sentences.Break your outreach up into shorter blocks of text so the message contains 3-4 paragraphs.Consider bullet points.From a UX perspective,this is easier on the eyesand easier for t

160、he recipient to scan and digest than one big block of text would be.+20%+10%RESPONSE RATES FOR DIFFERENT LENGTHS OF INMAILS COMPARED TO THE OVERALL AVERAGE RATELENGTH OF INMAIL(NUMBER OF CHARACTERS)-10%-20%AVG.FOR ALL INMAILSInsights from LinkedInShorter InMails get better response rates0-400401-800

161、801-1,2001,200+22%+3%-6%-11%43The definitive guide for recruiting email outreach“Im definitely in the shorter-is-better camp.Of course,the shorter the message,the more compelling its words need to be.The essential thing is to make sure youre always adding value for the candidate,whether its in 20 wo

162、rds or 200 words.”“Everyone says:youve got to have a short message.And I was like,Ive never done that,and Ive always been successful.So I tested it.I created two sequences in Gem.One was super condensed:Im hiring for my team,help us make an impact,short and sweet.The other was:Let me tell you what w

163、ere doing on my team,some of the challenges we have,how you would make an impact.I had fewer opens and replies on the long one,but more candidates replied with interest.So dive into your own metrics to figure out what works for you.”Jaime Onofre Recruiting ManagerChinsin Sim Senior Recruiter,Busines

164、s Strategy&Operations 44The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachMessage contentHere are the words most often used in outreach that elicits responses.*Use this as insight into what traditionally worksbut also as an invitation to do something different than the messages your prospective cand

165、idates are seeing all the time.For example,“building”is a popular verb to describe what a team is doing.What other compelling verbs can you use to describe a-day-in-the-life?What can you say beyond calling someone a“great fit,”telling them you love their“profile”or their“background,”asking if they w

166、ant to“chat,”and so on?*“Company_name,”“first_name,”and“company”are Gem tokens that auto-populate with the prospects name and organization when the message is sent.45The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachMessage contentGet personal Our data at Gem shows that highly personalized outreach

167、delivers the best ROI.Stage 1 messages that use a reason token have an overall reply rate 23.7%greater than those without a reason token.The takeaway?Deep personalizationexplaining to a candidate why youre reaching out to them specificallywill be well worth your time.Experiment with personalization

168、at scale with tokens Because each prospector each prospect poolwill have their own“sweet spot,”sourcers should experiment with and test tokens at scale.Some questions worth asking:Do company tokens or title tokens get better response rates?Is it better to mention prospects current company or your co

169、mpany?How long after graduation does the school token continue to have value?Do more tokens=more responses?Or are there diminishing after returns after a certain point?Whats the best possible use your team can make of reason tokens?Introducing the reason token The reason token is a concept unique to

170、 Gems platform that allows recruiters to personalize the motivation for reaching out to each prospect while on their LinkedIn,GitHub,SeekOut,etc.profiles(e.g.“Im reaching out because you worked at Company X for four years,and it looks like you have rare industry expertise for an opportunity that jus

171、t came up here”).This variable is then inserted into respective prospects messages when sequences are sent in batch.BEST PRACTICESStage 1 messages that use a reason token have an overall reply rate 23.7%greater than those without a reason token.46The definitive guide for recruiting email outreach Gi

172、ve talent the details they want to hearWhat talent values in work,and the factors they prioritize in their career decisions,has seen some transformation since 2020.Your employee value proposition(EVP),which your outreach points to,needs to evolve with talents changing priorities.Of course,things lik

173、e meaningful work,career development,engaged and supportive leadership,and competitive salary and benefits all remain table stakes.But heres what else talent cares about most right now,and what your message content should speak to:Flexibility The pandemic shattered long-standing assumptions about wh

174、ere(and when)work gets done,and flexibility is now the#1 priority for job candidates.51%of candidates say they wouldnt apply to a job if remote/hybrid work wasnt an option,and 33%of candidates have turned down a job because it didnt offer flexible or remote work options.So if a flexible work schedul

175、e is part of your EVP,call it out loudly in your outreach.Employee well-being Flexibility certainty falls into this broader category.Employee well-being covers everything from mental health to work-life balance to stress management to non-traditional forms of wellness like mindfulness or financial w

176、ellbeing.Think teletherapy stipends.Think clear guidelines for your employees about when the workday ends.Think monthly“wellness days”that the entire team has off for self-care.If your company offers these things,let talent know as much.Stability This is a big one in 2022,in a post-pandemic world wi

177、th a great deal of market uncertainty.Candidates are asking questions about stability theyve never asked before:How likely is it that the role youve sourced them for would be impacted if the market continues to turn?Has your team had to rescind any offers?Has your organization had to lay off employe

178、es or pause hiring?If so,what roles and why?How have market conditions impacted your business performance?If you can demonstrate company stability as part of your outreach whether by revealing more about growth plans or company financialsdo so.83%of candidates consider an organizations diversity whe

179、n deciding whether to accept a job62%of candidates want to see salary front-and-center in a job description56%of employees say the pandemic made them want to contribute more to societyFlexibility is the#1 priority for job candidates47The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachDiversity and in

180、clusion 83%of candidates say they consider an organizations diversity when deciding whether to accept a job;63%say they turn to social media for employee sentiment about diversity;and 17%say theyve abandoned a recruitment process in the past because of lack of diversity at the company.How diverse is

181、 your leadership team or board?Do you have employee resource groups(ERGs)?Are your benefits inclusive?Are underrepresented employees being promoted at the same rate as their majority peers?Are you using your platform to give voice to social justice issues?Whatever your company is sincerely up to,mak

182、e those efforts visible in your outreach.(This may mean pointing to your careers page,where this content should live.)Corporate social responsibility,mission,and values As the boundary between our work lives and personal lives has shrunk,its as important as ever for workers to feel aligned with the

183、mission and purpose of the companies they work foryour(and their)“why.”According to a Gartner survey from late last year,65%of employees said the pandemic made them rethink the place work should have in their lives,while 56%said it made them want to contribute more to society.So if your company is d

184、oing what it can to reduce its carbon footprint,engage in volunteer efforts or charitable giving,make environmentally and socially conscious investments,or otherwise offer employees a sense of meaning and purpose,share that out.Salary Salary may not be the#1 deciding factor for candidates anymore;bu

185、t its a very hot topic these days,and its certainly still a critical element of any career decision.Indeed,54%of candidates have recently abandoned a recruitment process because the salary didnt meet expectations,and 62%say they want to see salary information front-and-center in a job description.Mi

186、salignment on salary expectations can be avoided by transparently presenting salary ranges up-frontperhaps even as soon as your initial outreach sequence.According to one recent survey,the most important things an organization can offer its employees in 2022 are:WHAT MATTERS MOST?Of course,you wont

187、be able to speak to all of these things at once.Choose one or two elements of your EVP for each stage of your outreach sequence.Talent will come to understand the bigger picture of your organizations offerings with each new email they open.1.Work-life balance 2.Career advancement opportunities3.Comp

188、ensation reflective of what theyre worth4.A great manager and/or team 5.A compelling work culture 6.A sense of purpose 7.A strong and thoughtful benefit package“Were not trying to sell anything in our outreach.Its not like,“Hey,heres a job.”Were trying to start a genuine conversation.I want someone

189、to respond to the dog photos I send with pictures of their own dog,and that leads to a conversation,which eventually brings us to a discussion about their career.An easy segue is,“What are your heartburns at your current company?”When we have the answer to that question,we know what value prop to us

190、e right off the bat.Were telling them how things work at Yext with their pain point in mind.And the best partwe havent even touched on the opportunity yet.”Michael FrancoSenior Directorr of Engineering 49The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachDiversityWeve included diversity data this yea

191、r because its as important to consider whom your outreach goes to as it is to consider what youre saying and when youre saying it.Many of Gems customers have strong diversity initiatives in place,but diversity is a work in progress for everyone.We recommend you use this data to benchmark your outrea

192、ch efforts against,and do what you can to surpass the percentages shown here for underrepresented groups.Asian talent sees the most outreach for technical roles;Black talent sees the least White talent sees the most outreach for non-technical roles;Hispanic/Latinx talent sees the least of outreach f

193、or technical roles is sent to men Outreach for non-technical roles sees slightly more gender paritythough men still receive about 10%more outreach than women do for these rolesOutreach by race/ethnicity(non-tech)Outreach by gender(tech)Outreach by gender(non-tech)75.0%Male25.0%Female45.9%White44.9%F

194、emale55.1%Male12.8%Hispanic/Latinx17.0%Black/African-American24.3%Asian52.3%Asian31.7%White8.7%Hispanic/Latinx7.3%Black/African-AmericanOutreach by race/ethnicity(tech)*The above data is limited to stage 1 messages.50The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachHey first_name,pany name is an ac

195、count aggregation technology looking to make big waves in fintech.Last year we raised$147M in funding.and now were ready to scale!Well need to grow by about 70 engineers(were currently at 15)over the next two years,so were looking for the right people to have a hand in shaping our engineering cultur

196、e as we grow.extra1 tells me you might enjoy,and add a lot of value,to our building process.When do you have some time to jump on the phone this week?Im flexible and would love to hear more about your background,interests,and of course,share more about company name.Hey first_name,I hope your day_of_

197、week is going well.I partner with our Success Engineering Managers at company name to identify new technology-focused,customer-centric individuals for our team.Your experience extra1 caught my eye and I thought Id reach out to tell you more about our team.This is a truly ideal time to join-its still

198、 early enough to have a huge impact and to create an amazing home in the greater Denver tech-community.Were outgrowing the startup phase and running to power the entire customer data ecosystem,and we need the best people to take the market.I realize that you might be happy at company and not activel

199、y planning a move right now,yet my hunch is that this would be a great conversation at least.Im adding a few links below in case you want to dig in more.Let me know if youre interested.The next step would be to have an intro call with me to help familiarize you more with the customer-facing Success

200、Engineer opportunity.Open to learning more?Examples of great recruiting email outreachExplain why youre reaching out to them This is another way of reiterating:personalize.And we dont just mean mentioning mutual interests here,though thats been shown to work in subject lines.Youve done your research

201、.You know what projects and initiatives your prospect has been undertaking at their current company in recent years.You know their interests and skill sets,and have a strong sense of what they could bring to the position(or to a specific current project)and offer your company.Tell them as much.Itll

202、flatter them,yes.Itll also make you look instantly trustworthy.51The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachTalk about“opportunities,”not“roles”or“positions”“Positions”are static;“opportunities”are dynamic.87%of millennials say professional development or opportunities for career growth are v

203、ery important to them in a job.Think of this as the value proposition for your prospect.(Your mantra should be:“Upward trajectories,not lateral transfers.”)Why would top talent who isnt even looking for work consider your open position a better opportunity than what theyve got now?The ability to bui

204、ld a team from scratch?Increased organizational impact?The opportunity to learn a new skill set(and ultimately to be more attractive in the market)?Whatever it is,speak to that.Hey first_name,Pleasure to meet you.My name is name and I work for company name,a Series B,NEA-backed data analytics compan

205、y that is starting to explode with growth.Straight to the point:We are about to double in size and were looking to hire a Solutions Architect(Professional Services/Consultant).This role will work on implementation/analytics consulting for our top clients and simultaneously create scalable processes

206、for a new org as we take on more customers next year.Why you:Your experience at company is exactly what we are looking for in our first SA team!We need someone who has both customer-facing experience and the right set of technical expertise.reasonWhy company name?Backed by NEA and Menlo Crushing our

207、 sales goals quarter after quarter Going through huge growth(35-85 in headcount 2020,doubling again in 2021)Our product is vertical and dept agnostic Extremely competitive payI hope to hear back from you and if theres any information I can provide,please dont hesitate to reach out.Hey first_name,My

208、name is name and I head up Sales Recruiting at company name.We are looking for a Sales Operations Manager to drive operations for our fast-growing sales team.As the first Sales Operations Manager,youll be instrumental in solving critical business problems and building the blueprint to help our organ

209、ization scale.Our Director of Sales Operations was impressed with your experience at company and thought it would be a great fit for what were looking for.Do you have 15-20 minutes for an exploratory conversation in the next week?More about the opportunity:Amazing culture$88M in funding from investo

210、rs including Union Square Ventures,First Round Capital and Sequoia Opportunity to work closely with Sales Leadership team coming from Atlassian,Twilio,Optimizely and Google Ability to build the blueprint and operationalize the infrastructure to help a young sales team scale 4x from today Strong reve

211、nue growth(100%YOY growth)and impressive portfolio of customers:Twilio,Airbnb,Jet,Zillow52The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachGive them what theyre not getting now This best practice is an extension of the last:Its one thing to speak to opportunities;its another to speak to the opportu

212、nities prospects arent experiencing in their current role.Where does their current company fall shortin terms of growth opportunities,benefits,company culture,work environment?If your company offers something more energetic,substantial,or successful,emphasize those elementswithout,of course,mentioni

213、ng their companys weakness.(Your prospect will figure that out for themselves.)Hi first_name,My name is name and Im working alongside our CTO at company name to find product-focused Mid to Senior Web Engineers to join us.from anywhere right now,though our HQ is in Austin.Based on your experience wit

214、h reason,I feel you would be a great fit.In the past two years,weve raised$35M in funding,opened in 4 cities,and are on track to double in size by next year.Weve proven our business model,are generating revenue each quarter,and now need your expertise to scale,optimize,and automate our operations.Wh

215、at its like to work here:No product managers.You own and drive the product from start to finish.Lots of growth opportunity as we grow from a small team of 6 engineers to 20+by the end of the year.Tackling technical challenges across internal tooling,guest experience,finance,and data.Work on a very c

216、ollaborative team of forward-thinking,creative,and product-focused people.first_name,Im checking in one last time,hoping to chat with you about the Head of Information Security role at company name.Here are 5 reasons why you should work for company name:1.Hot,early-stage start-up with big-name backe

217、rs Founders Fund,SV Angel,and Sequoia Capital 2.We are solving a real-world problem in a$1.75T industry ready for disruption pany name is positioned to win in an unsaturated market already captured 5%of US market 4.Build your dream team and have a massive impact 5.Work among wonderful people and pee

218、rs as we build this business 5 stars on Glassdoor 53The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachMention company mission and culture Youre not just selling an opportunity;youre selling a daily experience.Its worth noting that one of the biggest roadblocks candidates face when changing jobs is“n

219、ot knowing what its really like to work at the company.”So describe it for them.Consider work-life balance,collaborative environments,paid time off,continuing education,and more.Consider what you know about the prospects interests and how theyd fit in with your current team.Granted,you wont have tim

220、e to expound.Make a brief mention about culture or values,and link to a page on your website dedicated to company mission or culture.Hi first_name,I noticed you have a great Infra-Eng Leadership background with company in a title pany name is hiring for a Platform Manager who will take over a high-p

221、erforming SRE/SETI style team due to growth in the organization.Im curious if you might be open to considering a career opportunity if the company/team/tech are right?company name has an incredible origin story which has led us to now serving 1.4M registered developers who build with company name.Ou

222、tside of our incredible open-source culture,one of the aspects which Im particularly excited about is our focus on user privacy&community impact.We are also big proponents of creating a diverse culture and building a company based on values and a moral compass.The Platform Team practices the playboo

223、k outlined by the Google SRE visionaries.We believe in empowering&growing teams to reach their full potential which is demonstrated by our CTOs Story and Philosophy.A quick note is that we live in containerized SPOT instances on AWS which allows us to pay 10-20%of list price for our service needs as

224、 we scale.Theres a lot of great work in place already but so much left to do.Would you be open to learning more about what we could offer you in a career opportunity?Hey first_name,Happy day_of_week!I wanted to see if you had any questions from my last message.Right now,company name has over 60k+cus

225、tomers which is just 1%of the small business market in the US.For the next few years,our business strategy is centered around growing our customer base.Theres a ton of opportunity for the Growth team to be at the core of how we think about scaling our business.Weve got some really ambitious goals fo

226、r what we want to achieve,and weve got a fantastically supportive team to go chase them.Any interest in a quick chat?Id love to tell you more about what we are working on!Here are a few more links about our engineering culture and what we are up to:A day in the life of an engineer(how we work day-to

227、-day!)Engineering values and principles(what we stand for were working on making these values&principles crisper,so feel free to ask if you have any questions.One of my favorites is the humility value)product name(our hot new product!But also a very crucial way to financially empower the thousands o

228、f people we pay who might need a more flexible approach than the typical two paychecks a month.Solving this problem is particularly near&dear to my heart,and Im so happy were exploring this space)54The definitive guide for recruiting email outreach Offer social proof“Social proof”is the psychologica

229、l phenomenon in which people look to others to determine“right action”in a given situation.While its originally a marketing term,the concept is just as relevant to talent outreach.Typically,social proof in sourcing comes in the form of employee confirmation that the company culture is as dynamic and

230、 supportive as the recruiter says it is.If youre sourcing diversity prospects,maybe you link to a blog post written by your female head engineer,for example.If you dont yet have that first-degree connection,other strategies include media mentions and acknowledgments that others have taken a particul

231、ar action with you(“Candidates whom weve recently interviewed have said X”).The point is to give voice to those people top talent most want to hear from.Indeed,in a recent study from LinkedIn,candidates said they wanted to hear employee views.So link to your careers page,your about page,or a page on

232、 company culture where employee quotes are featuredor forefront employee sentiment in the email itself.Hi first_name,Sharing with you a blog post one of our top reps wrote detailing the unusual DNA of company names sales org.If you feel you have DNA superseding the“traditional salespeople”you work w

233、ith or popularized in Wolf of Wall Street,give this piece a read.A key quote:“The Account Development team includes an Olympic hopeful in Atlanta,a former professional rugby player in San Francisco,and a ballet-dancing,chess-playing,part-time DJ in London.In fact,the team is led globally by a former

234、 biomedical engineer and a special operations veteran its not your traditional group of deal-closers.But it is a group of multi-talented individuals who draw upon a diverse range of backgrounds to challenge their prospects to think differently.”name joined in date and a few months later was promoted

235、 from our team to a field Account Executive role.Hi first_name,My name is name and I lead the Enterprise Outbound team here at company name.I came across your profile and felt compelled to reach out.Your experience at company is ideal for what Im looking for as I build my team of Enterprise reps.Wit

236、h our strong product-market fit,opportunity in the enterprise,and talented leadership,company name is a place where you can have a tangible impact and continue to accelerate your already-impressive career.I joined company name just under 6 months ago to work with incredibly bright people on a unique

237、ly-positioned product that solves real problems for engineers and pany name has an insane growth trajectory and were looking for top-tier talent to assist with that growth.Ive led high-growth teams a few times in my career,but have never been part of an organization that values the SDR team as much

238、as Ive seen here.We just had two promotions from the SDR teamone into the SMB AE org and one into the customer success organd Im eager to share my experience with you.I realize youve been a role for duration now and probably on track for your next role,but I would welcome the chance to share why thi

239、s would be an amazing opportunity for you and answer any questions you might have about the team.At the very least,it would be great to have another connection in the space.55The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachConsider conversational cadence Conversational cadence is exactly what it s

240、ounds like:the speed at which you move the conversation forward(even if that“conversation”looks more like a monologue).Remember,you have four emails in which to motivate engagement and elicit a response and you have plenty of information about your company to offer.So introduce it in small doses.If

241、your initial outreach about how the opportunity could advance your prospects career doesnt elicit engagement,perhaps your first follow-up describes company culture,and your second shouts out the Series C funding you just received.Every prospect will have their own“sweet spot”that nugget of informati

242、on that finally animates them into action.Hi first_name,I wanted to follow up on my previous message.Youve got a unique background that is exactly what we need to strategically lead the design of companys names products.Since we are a small team,theres a huge opportunity to influence our organizatio

243、n and the direction of growth.Check out why name and title of colleague joined company,and learn why you should too.Im stoked to tell you more about what we are working on at company name!Ive included more information on the team and the role here for you to look over.Thanks!Hey first_name,Are you s

244、tarting to think about a new jumping off point for your career?company name just got named on the 2022 Career-Launching List and Id love to chat with you about growth and learning opportunities here.Thanks!Hey first_name,I wanted to share the latest news with you that company name has been awarded o

245、ne of the Best Workplaces in Technology by Great Places to Work and Fortune Magazine!This means a lot to us as we continue to try to push the boundaries of technology and workplace culture.If youre open to discussing opportunities here at company name or learning more,whats your availability for a 1

246、5-20 minute chat?Thanks!56The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachMake your breakup email unforgettable Done well,the breakup(aka“Hail Mary”)email may very well be the hook that finally gets prospects attentions.After all,loss aversionthe notion that the fear of loss is more powerful than

247、the pleasure of gainsis real.It can be difficult for prospects to hear you confirm for them that theyre not moving forward in the processso try it,and see if thats what gets a bite.Some of the best breakup emails weve seen propose that the sourcer/prospect relationship take a new formwhether through

248、 blog subscriptions,company events,or referral programs(“I have a philosophy that good people know good people!”).Parting gifts are memorable.Humor is memorable.And poems will likely leave their mark for a long time.Hi first_name,The bad news is I havent heard back from you.The good news is that you

249、 are probably loving your current role.Since this will be my last email,I wanted to sign-off with a gift as a thank you for reading.Its one of my favorite tools from Sourcing Master Glen Cathey a handy Candidate Sourcing Funnel Calculator to help you estimate how many people you need to identify to

250、find your purple squirrel.Hopefully you will find it useful.Hey first_name,I figured I would try bugging you one more time.Totally understand if youre not ready to make a move right now;I know this year has thrown a wrench into a lot of things.Maybe we can interest you in attending one of our virtua

251、l events?Weve got one coming up in which well talk about infrastructure disasters(and learnings!).It would be great to“see”you there.Hey first_name,Im not going to lie,Im a little sad we didnt get to connect but I wanted to leave you with a poem.Roses are red Violets are clear I wish you the best In

252、 growing your careerHey first_name,Ive reached out a few times because I really wanted to share company name and the role I thought youd be a great fit for.Since I havent heard back,Ill assume the timing isnt right and I wont continue to pester with emails.If anything changes for you in the future o

253、r even if you are just curious about what we are building,please dont hesitate to reach out.Consider me your company name resource!Check our blog to keep up with growth and to get free industry tips!57The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachBody copy“donts”Dont paste a full job description

254、 in the email.Remember:the end goal may be getting candidates in the door for an interview;but the goal of initial communication is an interested response from prospects.Dont drone on.Remember our best practice on message length:Youre aiming for short and curiosity-piquing.A lot can get lost in a le

255、ngthy message.Youll get to the juicy details once youve got them on the phone or in your office.Dont offer a laundry list of required skills.The professionals youre reaching out to already know whats required to do the work.Focus on opportunity instead.“When Im recruiting for a position,I often spen

256、d time with engineers on the teams I support to ask them questions that help me understand the ins and outs of their role:What makes this team attractive to join,what the day-to-day work is like,and what theyd say to a candidate considering a role like theirs.Their responses often go right into the

257、body of my sequence emails.In that sense,the outreach is a joint effort across team members.”Olivia Duran Manager of Technical Sourcing 58The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachThe best best practice:always be testingIts worth stressing that the real“best practices”will be the things that

258、 get your team the most engaged responses and move the most qualified prospective candidates through your hiring funnel.What weve given you in this guide are starting points only.If youre using Gem for your sourcing activities,you have access to analytics such as open rates,reply rates,interested ra

259、tes,click-through rates,number of follow-ups sent,who entered process,how far into the recruiting funnel they got,and more.59The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachElements of your email outreach worth testingWhile its easy to fixate on reply rates as the metric of your most successful ou

260、treach strategies,remember that open rates and click-through rates offer no less actionable insight.(Exceptional open rates mean youve hit upon compelling subject lines;great click-through rates mean youre linking to interesting content.)In other words,youll know which prospects have“conveyed”intere

261、st even if they havent directly expressed it.These metrics should inform your judgement about which prospects to follow up with and how quickly,as well as what additional information to send them.(Did they click through to your careers page,or into that blog post by your head engineer that you linke

262、d to?Which of the LinkedIn profiles you provided saw the most views?Gems analytics will offer insights into click-throughs.Use that intelligence to strategize your next step.)Hands down,data will be your most priceless asset;and we recommend testing for the following metrics.Note that this list isnt

263、 inclusive,and that you wont be able to discover the answers to all of these questions through analytics.Some elements,like tone,there are no metrics forbut the questions are still worth asking:After how many follow-ups does your team start seeing diminishing returns?Whats the most effective wait ti

264、me between initial outreach and each of your follow-ups?In subject lines,which tokens statistically attract the most opens?Do more tokens in the message copy earn more responses?Or are there eventually diminishing returns?Do you get more opens by appealing to values or opportunities in your subject

265、lines?What subject line“power verbs”get you the most clicks?Whats the average length of your best-performing subject lines?Whats the average length of your best-performing body copy?What is the average length of your best-performing reason tokens?What send times are statistically most effective for

266、which roles?Do you see statistically better response rates when you send from a recruiter or from someone in a leadership role?At what stage in the sequence is it best for a recruiter to switch to SOBO?For which roles is SOBO best?Is there a tone in your email copy that seems to motivate the highest

267、 levels of engagement?Which links get the most clicks?What forms of social proof are most compelling to your prospects?Which break-up strategies get the most responses?60The definitive guide for recruiting email outreach“Our CTO recently did a podcast about tech at Wheel;we put that in our outreach

268、and Gem tracked clickthrough rates.That behavioral data showed passive talent was more interested in that podcast than a lot of other things weve linked to in the past.I took that data to Chris and said,now we know you need to do more podcasts.Clearly this is a powerful talent attraction strategy fo

269、r us.You see tangible results in Gem that literally inform your employer branding strategy.Its not like,well,my instinct says this is working,but I have nothing to show for it.”“One critical practice is asking about our messaging after hiring someone.Were asking,“Hey,what attracted you?Why did you r

270、espond to this outreach?”Ill even ask,“Why did you click on this link but didnt open the second email?”The answers to those questions help us create future iterations of our outreach.”Greg Troxell Recruiting ManagerMichael Franco Senior Director of Recruiting61The definitive guide for recruiting ema

271、il outreachHow Gem can helpGems Talent Engagement Platform is enabling over 1,200 talent teams to deliver a modern source of truth for all talent relationships.Customers love us for our usability,the depth of our analytics,and the ROI they see with us.Our customers see 2x response rates,5x faster so

272、urcing,and 10-day drops in time-to-hire.62The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachTalent sourcing with GemSourcing passive talent not only leads to a healthy pipeline,it also reduces time-to-hire.Sourced candidates are 45x more likely to be hired than inbound candidates are.Yet recruiters

273、often struggle to surface this talent and engage with them.Gem ties all your critical tools togetheryour ATS,your email,the places you seek out candidatesand automates your workflows,from 1-click upload to follow-ups.Fill your pipeline with quality candidates from any databasefastWhether youre sourc

274、ing for corporate or non-corporate reqs,salaried or hourly ones,tech or non-tech,Gem lets you source for any role from any site:LinkedIn,Github,SeekOut,Facebook,Twitter,Indeed wherever youre looking for talent.Gems Chrome extension auto-captures prospective candidates information directlyfirst and l

275、ast name,title,work history,and moresaving sourcers and recruiters hours of manual labor.Now its easier than ever to build pipelines of candidates.Sequences&templates:Dynamic email templates use tokens automatically pulled from prospects profiles for personalization at scale.Automated follow-ups:Say

276、 goodbye to time-intensive manual follow-ups and spend more time building candidate relationships.Email addresses and phone numbers:Gem serves up contact information you can trust.63The definitive guide for recruiting email outreach“When I came to Pure Storage and was shown Gem,I immediately thought

277、,Oh,this is a godsend.I no longer had to send follow-ups manually or keep track of whom to follow up with on my own trackers.”Talent pools:Build lists of candidates to reach out to for open and future roles,set-and-forget follow-ups and long-term nurture campaigns.Rules of engagement:Improve candida

278、te experience and prevent duplicate outreach with access to ownership for every prospect profilealong with an entire history of who on your team has engaged with that prospect in some way.Send-on-behalf-of:exponentially increase response rates by sending outreach“from”hiring managers or executives w

279、ith email aliases.Events:Send invites,track attendance,follow up,and measure who converts into process.Source from warm leadsThe recruiters across your organization have interviewed a host of candidates over the years,and not everyone has been offered a role.Your team has an entire pool of“silver me

280、dalists”its cultivated relationships withtalent who knows your organization,has bought into your product and culture,and who may be interested in a new role.So say goodbye to sourcing from scratch,and cut your time-to-hire by sourcing those warm candidates from your ATS and CRM.Gems Candidate Redisc

281、overy surfaces talent profiles from within your silver medalist pool.Filter by criteria such as stage reached,rejection reason,source,DEI attributes,or interview feedback;easily add prospects to a re-engagement sequence;or share candidates between teams.Brian Wilhelm Senior Technical Sourcer64The de

282、finitive guide for recruiting email outreach“I easily saved over$125,000 in my first year on agency fees for the roles I filled with Gem sequences.Gem has paid for itself well over 9xa more-than 1000%ROI,just in the roles that I recruit for as a working manager.”Track what mattersYou cant improve up

283、on what you dont measure.Gems Outreach and Content Stats automatically track the success of all outreach,and let sourcers and recruiters A/B test elements of their messaging such as subject lines.Which content sees the highest interested rates,and ultimately converts the most candidates into process

284、?Open,click,&reply tracking:Know who opened your email,and when.Track click activity,link engagement,and all responses in one place across your team.Sourcers and recruiters can discover best practices and optimize their outreach with this data.Visibility into recruiter activity:Analyze activity by t

285、eam member and track KPIs:numbers of LinkedIn views,prospects added to Gem,first messages and follow-ups sent,replies received,and candidates converted to process.Track diversity automatically:Diversity efforts must begin at the very top of the funnel.Dig into the demographics of the recipients of y

286、our outreach,filtering by gender and race/ethnicity.Are your teams reachouts equitable?Are there elements of your messaging that are inadvertently alienating certain groups?Blake Thiess Director of Talent AcquisitionJoe Gillespie Head of Technical Recruitment“Gem seems to have been built intentional

287、ly for sourcers and recruiters to not only become more efficient and optimize their top-of-funnel workflow,but also to leverage data and make smarter decisions.”65The definitive guide for recruiting email outreachKeep track of all candidate conversations in one placeWhether youre sending InMails,mes

288、sages on Indeed,or text messages,Gem serves as the central hub for all prospect and candidate communications.When you message and add candidates to Gem from wherever you source,all interactions sync back into the candidates activity feed.Every member of your recruiting team has visibility into that

289、feed.Say goodbye to siloed conversations,and hello to visibility and collaboration.“Weve tried everything and Gem is the first product to delight our hiring managers.Now,everyones involved in the hiring processour entire company is an extension of the recruiting team!”Thomas Carriero SVP,Twilio Enga

290、ge GMClick here for resources2022 Gem,Inc 100622Lauren Shufran,AuthorLauren is a content strategist with a penchant for 16th-century literature.When theyre not trying to tap into talent teams pain points,theyre on their yoga mat or hiking the hills of Marin County.Come at them with your favorite Sha

291、kespeare quote.Jaeman Kim,ContributorJaeman has an accomplished career in analytics and strategic planning across a variety of industries and high growth start-ups.When not diving into data,Jaeman enjoys exploring new places,both local and abroad,and catching the UCLA game.Go Bruins!Gems end-to-end

292、modern recruiting solution empowers talent acquisition teams to engage their entire talent network,optimize sourcing efforts,and uncover actionable insights that guide smarter,forward-looking decisions.Gem works alongside LinkedIn and other places that you source,while integrating with Gmail,Outlook

293、,and your ATS.Find the talent you need to meet hiring targets and scale your teams with Gem.To learn more and see a demo,visit MethodologyOver the last five years,Gem has worked with 1,200+customers across a wide range of industries,including tech,finance,healthcare,and professional services.In that time,weve analyzed well nearly ten million outreach sequences,sent from thousands of sourcers and recruiters.The data in this report was drawn from both those analyses and our own research in the industry.Big gratitude to our very own Jaeman Kim for pulling all our user data.



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