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1、Buildingbetterfutures2022 GLOBAL IMPACT REPORT The past year has been a striking reminder of what global progress really looks likeand what it demands from all of us.We published last years report amidst what some dubbed a“summer of hope.”After the health,economic and social crises that began the de

2、cade,millions were completing their full course of COVID vaccines,and economic growth was roaring back.We appeared to be set up for a year of healing and recovery.Of course,the reality wasnt quite so simple.New variants and inequitable vaccine rollouts perpetuated the pandemic.The economic buzzword

3、switched from“recovery”to“recession.”And just as we were all ready to take a breath from the constant crises,Russias invasion of Ukraine shocked the world,threatening the democratic norms that lay at the very foundation of global peace and stability.The year of progress,then,wasnt quite as straightf

4、orward as we hoped.Meaningful progress never is.It involves surprises and setbacksand sometimes,solutions that go on to create their own set of problems.Yet the last twelve months were also proof of whats possible when we keep marching forward together,combining the efforts,insights,and resources of

5、 different people and organizations to drive progress.At Deloitte,we have found that the key to continued success during periods of disruption is to ground our work in a purpose that transcends the day-to-day.Its not possible to know what lies ahead,but with a clear north star,organizations like our

6、s can more effectively navigate uncertainty and keep moving forward resiliently and with agility.In fact,we have found that when organizations successfully embed purpose their people find ways to reframe challenges as opportunities.When they are able to do this,they make an impact on the issues that

7、 matter most to them,their clients and the communities in which they live and work.As a result,purpose-driven organizations not only create enormous value for society as a whole,but also thrive themselves,consistently demonstrating higher growth and profit than their counterparts.Message from Deloit

8、te Global CEO“Purpose-driven organizations not only create enormous value for society as a whole,but also thrive themselves,consistently demonstrating higher growth and profit than their counterparts.Deloittes record over the past year is testament to that.”Deloittes record over the past year is tes

9、tament to that.In the last 12 months,Deloitte has delivered nearly 20 percent aggregate revenue growtha record for our organization.Analysts have highlighted Deloittes leadership across industries,regions,and capability areas.And Brand Finance recognized Deloittefor the fourth year runningas the wor

10、lds strongest and most valuable commercial services brand.Guiding clients journeys of transformation Serving clients globally with solutions that are built up from deep,industry-specific knowledgecombined with understanding of local market needsis an essential part of what we do at Deloitte.In recen

11、t years,as the challenges clients have faced became increasingly complex,Deloitte found new opportunities to deliver on purpose and to make an impact that matters.For clients,this has included helping them re-route supply chains,incorporate new audit standards,digitize operations,or transition to a

12、lower carbon future.Clients want Deloittes guidance and insights on their transformation journeys because of our digital capabilities,innovative approach and a deep understanding of their business and markets.Our multi-disciplinary business model is a competitive strength that allows Deloitte to bri

13、ng the broadest set of capabilities to clients and uphold the public trust.In addition to Deloittes work with clients,we are also creating the ecosystem changes needed to build a more sustainable future.Knowing that what gets measured gets managed,we built on our collaboration with the World Economi

14、c Forums International Business Council that identified 21 stakeholder capitalism metrics to help align Environmental,Social,and Governance(ESG)reporting across industries and regions.Over the past year,Deloitte represented the World Economic Forum in the working group set up by the International Fi

15、nancial Reporting Standards(IFRS)Foundation.This group helped to lay the groundwork for the International Sustainability Standards Board(ISSB),which aims to enable a comprehensive global baseline of sustainability information.Deloitte is also committed to the Sustainable Markets Initiative(SMI)and c

16、ollaborates with SMI on its mission to build a coordinated global effort within the private sector to accelerate the transition to a sustainable future.Finally,we are enormously proud of Deloittes new,decade-long,five-Games partnership with the International Olympic Committee(IOC)to help the IOC rea

17、lize the possibilities of its strategic roadmap for the future,Olympic Agenda 2020+5,and its vision to build a better world through sport.In partnership with the IOC,Deloitte will apply its expertise in management and business consulting to help enhance and secure the IOCs digital ecosystem while al

18、so delivering meaningful impact to the National Olympic Committees,billions of fans,and the thousands of athletes who make the Olympic Games possible.Investing in our communities The health,economic,and social challenges of the last several years illuminated and exacerbated inequities in our communi

19、ties.At the same time,these crises demonstrated how our fates are intertwined:for business to thrive,communities must thrive.During the COVID-19 pandemic,Deloitte doubled our WorldClass commitment to impact 100 million futures in our communities with education and career-building opportunities by th

20、e year 2030.In addition,over the past year,Deloitte expanded our WorldClass efforts through the WorldClass Education Challenge,selecting 12 innovative initiatives that support access to quality education for more of the worlds students.For instance,one entrepreneurial winner from Nigeria is building

21、 virtual labs so that students in under-resourced schools can access the practical scientific training they need.Another,in India,is creating virtual communities that provide resources for parents to teach their young children vital life skills,including language,numeracy and social-emotional skills

22、.These innovators prove that when it comes to tackling global issues,we must start with local actioninvesting in,and being led by,individuals who understand their communitys needs best.That same philosophy informs the Deloitte Health Equity Institutes(DHEIs)recently launched in the US,India,and Afri

23、ca.These institutes study local disparities in health equity so they can be addressed better in the future.“Our multi-disciplinary business model is a competitive strength that allows Deloitte to bring the broadest set of capabilities to clients and uphold the public trust.”Supporting our people Fin

24、ally,we know making an impact that matters begins and ends with our people.It is their hard work,knowledge,commitment and ingenuity that power everything we do.Like many organizations,we too have experienced the Great Resignation.For Deloitte,it presented us with an opportunity to re-evaluate the wa

25、ys we support our people to do better.We have evolved our talent programs to help empower Deloitte people to design a work life that works for themgiving them the flexibility to pursue their passions and care for the people they love.We have expanded health benefits so our practitioners and professi

26、onals can get the care they need,wherever and whenever they need it.And weve made significant investments in their mental wellbeing,from offering stronger mental health benefits to enhancing flexible work arrangements to increasing paid time off.Building better futures While the last few years have

27、been especially challenging,Deloitte has been adapting to and leading through change and disruption for the better part of 177 years.And each time,we have emerged stronger.We fundamentally believe that the organizations that will lead the 21st century will be those that allow the challenges around t

28、hem to sharpen their sense of purpose,spark innovations that advance their mission,and compel them to be the change the world needs most.Together,we will lead the way to a more sustainable and equitable future for all of us.Punit RenjenDeloitte Global CEO“We have evolved our talent programs to help

29、empower Deloitte people to design a work life that works for themgiving them the flexibility to pursue their passions and care for the people they love.”BusinessEnvironmentalSocialGovernanceOverviewInnovationDeloitte core servicesLocationsBusiness metricsOverviewEnvironmental progressSustainable and

30、 responsible supply chain Environmental metricsOverviewSupport for UkraineHealth equity Human rights Social metricsOur peopleGender balanceRacial and ethnic inclusionDisability and neurodiversity inclusionLGBT+inclusionMental healthLearning and developmentPeople metricsOverviewLeadership and governa

31、nceDeloitte organization structureEthicsAnti-corruption commitmentIndependenceRisk and opportunity managementConfidentiality,privacy and cybersecurityGlobal securityPublic policyStakeholder engaement and materialityFY2022 Environmental,Social and Governance highlightsPerformance metrics tableTable o

32、f contentsESG highlights6EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsBusiness7EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsFor Deloitte,the answer was simple:focus on the future.We recognize how recent challenges present a valuable opportunitynot simply to figure out a ret

33、urn to the way things used to be,but to imagine a better way things can be.While no one can predict the future,purpose-led organizations can help shape it and build something better together.Envisioning better futures,then designing and implementing strategies to bring them to lifethese are challeng

34、es Deloitte practitioners have been tackling for years.And in doing so,they draw on core Deloitte strengths,including our ability to bring together talented teams to identify critical issues,forge connections,leverage technology and create practical solutions to meet each clients needs.A significant

35、 part of building a better future should include an examination of how we work.While our organization often relied upon flexible work arrangements before the COVID-19 pandemic,the past year offered an opportunity to further enhance what“hybrid work”means at Deloitte,helping to ensure it works for ou

36、r people.We likewise helped clients develop effective strategies driven by what the future of work could look like across sectors:a workplace that may not be a single place at all,but is flexible and sustainable;work that is technology-enabled and data-driven;and a workforce that is diverse in skill

37、s and backgrounds,developed in the flow of work,with the appropriate quality controls,and supported by an equitable,inclusive culture.No discussion of the future would be complete without an examination of the future of the planet we inhabit.Deloitte has been a leader in promoting a standard approac

38、h to environmental,social and governance(ESG)metrics.We regularly report on our own progress and continue to collaborate with clients through the Deloitte Sustainability&Climate practice,helping them advance on their own journeys to a lower-carbon world.For example,over the past year Deloitte Financ

39、ial Advisory practitioners advised companies on strategies to drive sustainability and climate opportunities,including helping them model what net-zero transformation will look like for their organizations and industries.Deloitte Consulting practitioners helped clients accelerate their transformatio

40、n and develop sustainability initiatives by scaling Deloittes practices in artificial intelligence,software engineering,and cloud and edge computing.And as stakeholders call for greater transparency,Deloitte Audit&Assurance practices expanded their ESG services to further help clients provide their

41、stakeholders with Building a better future starts nowIn a year of multiple global disruptions and dislocations,how does an organization focused on people and progress stay inspired,support its clients and continue its strong upward momentum?8EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlights

42、transparent,reliable and meaningful performance disclosures that respond to changing reporting requirements.Whether they are would-be disruptors or face the threat of disruption themselves,companies across industries must navigate the many challenges of digital transformation.Deloittes ability to gu

43、ide clients through this uncertain year was strengthened by our alliance relationships with 15 of the worlds leading technology providers.From orchestrating ecosystems and evolving cloud-based industry solutions like ConvergeTM to executing targeted acquisitions in areas such as product engineering

44、services and digital content production,Deloitte Consulting LLP teams,in collaboration with tech leaders,enabled clients growth and transformation.Helping to create and preserve value during times of adverse market conditions,Deloitte Financial Advisory practitioners supported clients on more than 1

45、0,000 M&A and Turnaround&Restructuring projects this year.Deloitte Forensic practices worked with public-and private-sector organizations and other stakeholders to identify vulnerabilities in the global financial crime framework,as well as design solutions for information sharing,legislative reform

46、and asset recovery.And Deloitte Infrastructure practices helped clients explore sustainability strategies and shaped the future of mobility by improving transportation options for more than 1 billion people.Deloitte Risk Advisory practices have developed sophisticated solutions to support organizati

47、ons evolving risk and regulatory needs.An example is RegHub,which enhances how companies structure,source and manage compliance by using digital cloud platforms to track the market for regulatory change.In addition,Deloitte Cyber practitioners used leading-edge technology to help clients protect aga

48、inst,and respond to,an array of cyber risks.Deloitte Cyber Operate practitioners also assisted global companies in solving complex challenges by offering outcome-based solutions that accelerate innovation and Digital journeys powered by tech alliances Creating and protecting value and trust 9Environ

49、mentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsdeliver value in areas such as digital identity and threat detection and response.We remain committed to integrity and independence in serving our vital role in the financial ecosystem.Deloitte Audit&Assurance practices uphold trust in the capital m

50、arkets by driving accountability,transparency and reliability of reporting across 180,000+engagements worldwide.Ongoing investments in the development of Deloitte Audit&Assurance practitioners,solutions and technologies,as well as expanded assurance services,enable us to redefine whats possible in c

51、orporate reporting,including the impact of ESG reporting across industries.Over the past year,Deloitte Tax practitioners guided clients through the shifting tax and economic landscape,helping them navigate the global push for tax transparency,the digitalization of tax authorities and the Organisatio

52、n for Economic Co-operation and Developments two-pillar approach to tax challenges arising from the digital economy.Deloitte Tax practitioners are helping organizations anticipate and address these issues,including major implications for data quality and access,with advanced tools that automate proc

53、esses,speed response times and improve accuracy.At the same time,the acceleration of new business models is driving the need to transform tax operating models through outsourcing,in-sourcing and co-sourcing of routine compliance and reporting activities.Deloitte Legal practices worked with clients t

54、o design and roll out policies to address the changing work environment,including the trend toward more hybrid arrangements.*Deloitte Legal practitioners helped clients navigate employment laws as they implemented changes to COVID-19 restrictions,remote working accommodations and return-to-office ru

55、les.Deloitte Legal practices also helped clients transform their legal operating models with tech-based solutions for managing contract lifecycles,collaborating with advisors in real-time and automating routine tasks,which improve the accuracy and speed of processes,while producing cost efficiencies

56、.Our peoples creative thinking and bold solutions have helped clients address disruption and resolve their toughest challenges.Guided by our purpose to make an impact that matters,we are helping Deloitte clients move their businesses forward and create a better future.Adapting to a changing landscap

57、eMoving forward*Where permissible under local laws and regulations10EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsDeloitte envisions and creates industry-defining innovations that allow clients to drive change and turn disruption into lasting value for their customers.These capabilities

58、have been essential in helping clients navigate the COVID-19 pandemic,and will remain critical as business,government and other institutions rise to the challenge of climate change.Deloitte innovation investments are increasingly focused on developing products and services that generate social and e

59、nvironmental benefits.Deloittes innovation investments have created services that help clients reduce their carbon footprints,manage the risks of transitioning to a low-carbon economy,and integrate environmental,social and governance(ESG)and climate criteria into their investment decisions.Deloitte

60、Audit&Assurance practices have investedand continue to investhundreds of millions of dollars to transform our audit services to be highly responsive to organizations evolving needs in the dynamic regulatory landscape.Deloitte Omnia,our digital audit platform,enables Deloitte audit professionals work

61、ing remotely to execute their audits digitally while maintaining high-quality audit standards and meeting deadlines.Additionally,Deloitte has developed an ESG Module for Omnia:a structured framework powered by artificial intelligence(AI)that addresses multiple standards,disclosure frameworks,and ris

62、ing regulator expectations.Omnias ESG Module was named Digital Innovation of the Year by the International Accounting Bulletin at The International Accounting Forum and Awards in 2022.Deloitte has also made significant investments in the digital transformation of its Tax practices with Intela by Del

63、oitte,a digital platform that enables seamless collaboration between Deloitte Tax practitioners and clients.An end-to-end cloud-based solution,Intela provides a single workspace to support tax compliance,documentation and risk mitigation.Intela can also extract,organize and analyze data,helping Delo

64、itte Tax practitioners provide greater strategic insights.Intela will allow Deloitte Tax practitioners to enhance how theyand their clientsspend their time.To better serve clients seeking solutions to complex issues,Deloitte offers CortexAITM,a multi-cloud,secure and scalable platform that makes it

65、easier to access data,analytics and artificial intelligence.With its smooth interface and integration of a clients data and external data,CortexAITM has already helped hundreds of clients across industries generate new insights and turn unstructured data into searchable intel.In addition,by adhering

66、 to Deloittes Trustworthy AI framework,CortexAI provides the level of governance needed for organizations to confidently apply and scale AI.Deloitte is also committed to shaping the future of industries through investments in industry cloud platforms.An example is Deloittes suite of ConvergeHEALTH s

67、olutions that are supporting the digital transformation of life sciences and health care for millions of patients in more than 20 countries.Specifically,ConvergeHEALTH ConnectTM helps health care companies engage more effectively with their patients.In 2022,Deloitte announced Converge by Deloitte,an

68、 expansion of Deloittes ConvergeHEALTH businesses into the consumer Contact:Ragu Gurumurthy,Deloitte Global Innovation OfficerInnovation11EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsand financial services sectors as part of a US$750 million investment in new software platforms,ecosyste

69、ms and alliance relationships.This expansion also included hiring additional diverse software engineering,data scientist and industry professionals to dramatically accelerate the future transformation of industry.ConvergePROSPERITYTM cloud-based software solutions,combined with Deloittes technology

70、ecosystem,helps financial institutions offer exceptional customer experience,expand product offerings,acquire new customers,reduce customer acquisition cost,deliver strong ROI goals from technology investments,and better reach the underserved.ConvergeCONSUMERTM is focused on understanding the consum

71、er,predicting future demand,and optimizing decision-making to improve experiences and offerings to consumers ethically and responsibly across industries.ConvergeCONSUMER combines first party,client and external data sets and applies predictive analytics in its next-generation analytics and experienc

72、e platforms to drive actionable insights.For clients needing to strengthen their cybersecurity defenses,Deloitte Cyber professionals developed Predictive Analytics for Cyber in Enterprises(PACETM),a cloud-native analytics solution supporting on-premises,hybrid and multi-cloud environments.PACE enhan

73、ces Deloittes cyber risk quantification and risk management frameworks by quickly combing through petabytes of data and providing faster,simpler,persona-driven decision-making for cyber security organizations.Looking ahead,Deloitte continues to envision and develop innovative solutions to meet clien

74、ts needs and drive positive change across industries.12EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsDeloitte core servicesThe above list of services is a representative sampling of Deloitte business capabilities.Deloitte offers many services,not all of which are available from every Del

75、oitte firm and not all of which are permissible for audit clients under various professional and regulatory standards.NotesOn 24 May 2022,Deloitte exited from Belarus and the Russian Federation.Data for those geographies is included in FY2022 reporting as the fiscal year ended on 31 May 2022.NotesDe

76、loitte core servicesTax&LegalFinancial AdvisoryConsultingRisk AdvisoryAudit&AssuranceStrategy,Analytics and M&A Customer&Marketing Core Business Operations Human Capital Enterprise Technology&Performance Audit ServicesAssurance ServicesAccounting&Internal Controls Cyber&Strategic RiskRegulatory&Lega

77、l SupportM&A Transaction ServicesTurnaround&Restructuring ServicesValuation and ModelingCorporate Finance AdvisoryInfrastructure and Capital Projects Economics and Real EstateForensicTax Services for BusinessesGlobal Employer ServicesHigh Net Worth Tax ServicesLegal13EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBus

78、inessGlobal ESG highlightsLocationsAlbaniaAlgeriaAndorraAngolaArgentinaArmeniaArubaAustraliaAustriaAzerbaijanBahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBelgiumBeninBermudaBoliviaCuraaoCyprusCzech RepublicDenmarkDominican RepublicEcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorEquatorial GuineaEstoniaFinlandFranceGabonGeorgiaGermanyGha

79、naGibraltarGreeceGreenlandKyrgyzstanLao PDRLatviaLebanonLithuaniaLuxembourgMalawiMalaysiaMaltaMarshall IslandsMauritiusMexicoMicronesia(Federated States of)Moldova(Republic of)MonacoMongoliaMontenegroMoroccoMozambiqueMyanmarRomaniaSaudi ArabiaSenegalSerbia(Republic of)SingaporeSlovak RepublicSloveni

80、aSouth AfricaSpainSri LankaSwedenSwitzerlandTaiwan(China)TajikistanTanzania(United Republic of)ThailandTogoTrinidad and TobagoTunisiaTurkeyNotesBosnia-HerzegovinaBotswanaBrazilBritish Virgin IslandsBrunei DarussalamBulgariaCambodiaCameroonCanadaCayman IslandsChadChannel Islands?(Jersey and Guernsey)

81、ChileChinaColombiaCongo(Brazzaville)Congo(Democratic Republic of)Costa RicaCroatiaGuamGuatemalaHondurasHungaryIcelandIndiaIndonesiaIraqIrelandIsle of ManIsraelItalyIvory CoastJapanJordanKazakhstanKenyaKorea(Republic of)KosovoKuwaitNamibiaNetherlandsNew ZealandNicaraguaNigeriaNorth Macedonia(Republic

82、 of)Northern Mariana IslandsNorwayOmanPalauPalestinian TerritoriesPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayPeruPhilippinesPolandPortugalPuerto RicoQatarTurkmenistanUgandaUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern IrelandUnited StatesUruguayUzbekistanVenezuelaVietnamYemenZambiaZimba

83、bweAlbaniaAlgeriaAndorraAngolaArgentinaArmeniaArubaAustraliaAustriaAzerbaijanBahamasBahrainBangladeshBarbadosBelgiumBeninBermudaBoliviaBosnia-HerzegovinaBotswanaBrazilBritish Virgin IslandsBrunei DarussalamBulgariaCambodiaCameroonCanadaCayman IslandsChadChannel Islands (Jersey and Guernsey)ChileChin

84、aColombiaCongo(Brazzaville)Congo(DemocraticRepublic of)Costa RicaCroatiaCuraaoCyprusCzech RepublicDenmarkDominican RepublicEcuadorEgyptEl SalvadorEquatorial GuineaEstoniaFinlandFranceGabonGeorgiaGermanyGhanaGibraltarGreeceGreenlandGuamGuatemalaHondurasHungaryIcelandIndiaIndonesiaIraqIrelandIsle of M

85、anIsraelItalyIvory CoastJapanJordanKazakhstanKenyaKorea(Republic of)KosovoKuwaitKyrgyzstanLao PDRLatviaLebanonLithuaniaLuxembourgMalawiMalaysiaMaltaMarshall IslandsMauritiusMexicoMicronesia(FederatedStates of)Moldova(Republic of)MonacoMongoliaMontenegroMoroccoMozambiqueMyanmarNamibiaNetherlandsNew Z

86、ealandNicaraguaNigeriaNorth Macedonia(Republic of)Northern Mariana IslandsNorwayOmanPalauPalestinian TerritoriesPanamaPapua New GuineaParaguayPeruPhilippinesPolandPortugalPuerto RicoQatarRomaniaSaudi ArabiaSenegalSerbia(Republic of)SingaporeSlovak RepublicSloveniaSouth AfricaSpainSri LankaSwedenSwit

87、zerlandTaiwan(China)TajikistanTanzania(United Republic of)ThailandTogoTrinidad and TobagoTunisiaTurkeyTurkmenistanUgandaUkraineUnited Arab EmiratesUnited Kingdom of GreatBritain and Northern IrelandUnited StatesUruguayUzbekistanVenezuelaVietnamYemenZambiaZimbabweGeographies with at least one Deloitt

88、e office in operation during FY2022 are listed below.These are listed for ease in identifying locations where Deloitte has a presence.They are not intended as statements on political sovereignty.Please contact an office near you to inquire about Deloitte capabilities to provide services in locations

89、 not listed below.Note:On 24 May 2022,Deloitte exited from Belarus and the Russian Federation.Data for those geographies is included in FY2022 reporting as the fiscal year ended on 31 May 2022.14EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsBusiness metricsRevenue figures are in US$billi

90、on.Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.NotesTotal revenue$59.3B$50.2B$47.6BFY2020FY2021FY202215EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsRevenue figures are in US$billion.Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.Due to rounding,sum of revenue by bus

91、iness may not equal total.NotesRevenue by businessAudit&AssuranceConsultingFinancial AdvisoryRisk AdvisoryTax&Legal Total$59.3B$11.4B$25.8B$5.3B$7.0B$9.9B Business metrics16EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsNotesRevenue by industry$11.9B$8.6B$16.1B$10.0B$5.3B$7.5BConsumerEner

92、gy,Resources&IndustrialsFinancialServicesGovernment&Public ServicesLife Sciences&Health CareTechnology,Media&TelecomRevenue figures are in US$billion.Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.Due to rounding,sum of revenue by industry may not equal total.Business metrics17Environmental

93、SocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsAmericasAsia PacificEMEARevenue figures are in US$billion.Figures are aggregated across Deloitte member firms in the relevant region.Due to rounding,sum of revenue by region may not equal total.NotesRevenue by region$30.7B$10.0B$18.8BBusiness metrics18Soc

94、ialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsEnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsEnvironmental19SocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsEnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsHowever,when restrictions eased,emissions rebounded.And the temporary reduction in

95、 emissions wasnt enough to slow the rise in extreme weather events and other impacts of climate change.Globally,the calls for immediate action on climate became more urgent.Deloittes ambition is to help lead the worlds transition to a lower-carbon future.And over the past year,Deloitte has shown tha

96、t we have the scale,knowledge and resources to turn this ambition into meaningful,measurable action.Recognizing the necessity of collective action to effectively tackle the climate crisis,Deloitte worked to advance our WorldClimate strategy,which consists of a three-pronged approachactions we take,a

97、ctions we inspire our people to take,and actions we take with clients and others in our ecosystem.Deloitte has committed to achieving science-based net-zero emissions and we currently have a 1.5 C near-term(2030)goal in place,validated by the Science Based Targets initiative.We are embedding sustain

98、ability into policies and practices throughout the organization and measuring performance against our goals.In addition,we continue to make strong progress in realizing our commitments to all three core initiatives of the Climate Group supporting the advancement of renewable electricity(RE100),elect

99、ric vehicle adoption(EV100)and energy efficiency/productivity(EP100).For instance,91 percent of the energy Deloitte purchased in FY2022 was renewable energy.Along with Deloittes own operations,we are also reviewing our global supply chains more closely to help ensure procurement sustainability.We ar

100、e working to quantify Deloitte emissions across our organizations entire supply chain.As we translate our ambition into action,we also continue to examine environmental issues more widelyfor example,looking at our impact on nature and biodiversity,as well as our carbon footprint.Biodiversity is crit

101、ical to the health of the planet,and while our organizations direct impacts in this area are limited,Deloitte supports nature-positive solutions and will assess impacts throughout our value chain.Deloitte is also working with Indigenous peoples in Australia,Asia,and Canada,among other geographies,to

102、 advance nature-based climate solutions.We recognize the importance of collaborating with these communities to honor their knowledge and to support Indigenous-Advancing responsible climate choicesWhen COVID-19 restrictions led to a record drop in global carbon emissions,the world saw the difference

103、a collective change in behavior can make for the environment.20SocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsEnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsled climate solutions.In addition,Deloitte has published insights into environmental issues impacting Indigenous peoples,including Whe

104、n day comes,a report on reframing the relationship between the mining industry and Australias First Peoples.Deloitte Globals 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey revealed that climate is a top concern for these generations.They are taking climate action and they want business to do the same.We also lear

105、ned from Deloitte Globals 2022 CxO Sustainability Report that more than three-quarters of C-level executives agree that the world is at an environmental tipping point.Investors and other stakeholders are increasingly calling on companies to embed environmental,social and governance(ESG)metrics into

106、their business strategies and report against them.We recognize that what gets measured gets managed.This is why Deloitte played a lead role in the World Economic Forums(WEF)project to identify a common framework of stakeholder capitalism metrics to evaluate the environmental impact of business activ

107、ities,regardless of industry or region.Along with many organizations,Deloitte is reporting against these metrics,enabling us to chart our progress with greater clarity and transparency.We,together with the coalition of companies supporting WEFs project,strongly supported the efforts to help establis

108、h global sustainability reporting standards.During the past year,Deloitte represented WEF in the working group set up by the International Financial Reporting Standards(IFRS)Foundation.The activities of this working group were critical to lay the groundwork for establishing the International Sustain

109、ability Standards Board(ISSB),which was announced at COP26.The groups work included developing prototypes that were used as the basis for the draft standards issued for formal consultation by the ISSB in March 2022.Deloitte issued a statement of support for the ISSB and its aim to enable a comprehen

110、sive global baseline of sustainability information,welcoming this significant milestone in corporate reporting.Deloitte is also committed to the Sustainable Markets Initiative(SMI)and collaborates with SMI on its mission to build a coordinated global effort within the private sector to accelerate th

111、e transition to a sustainable future.During the past year,Deloitte launched a climate e-learning program to inform,challenge and inspire our people to act.Developed in collaboration with World Wildlife Fund,the program helps Deloitte people around the world understand what Deloitte is doing to addre

112、ss climate change and also how they can make a positive impact through responsible choices at home and at work.More than 300,000 people have completed the training to date.And 95%of those responding to the post-training survey have committed to taking climate action.Deloittes climate learning progra

113、m was honored with a Brandon Hall Group HCM Excellence Award in the Best Unique or Innovative Learning and Development Program category.Deloitte is empowering our people to be more intentional about where,when and how we travel.Making smarter travel choices,along with leveraging technology to hold m

114、any meetings virtually,will help us meet our WorldClimate commitment of cutting travel-related emissions per full time equivalent by 50%from 2019 levels.Deloittes professional-led Green Teams spearhead internal grass roots efforts to promote more sustainable choices throughout Deloitte offices globa

115、lly and encourage community Prioritizing climate actionand measuring impact Our people are our superpower21SocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsEnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsvolunteering with environmental non-profit organizations.In addition,Deloitte created Clim

116、ate Exchange,a global content hub designed to inspire ideas and provoke discussions that drive action.During Earth Month,we focused on specific,achievable ways our people can help build“Better Futures.Together.”Deloitte also engages with like-minded organizations and initiatives across our ecosystem

117、,such as the Sustainable Aviation Buyers Alliance,to inspire action,increase demand for sustainable products and services,and develop solutions.While Deloittes air travel remains significantly below pre-pandemic levels,further reducing travel-related carbon emissions is an important part of our Worl

118、dClimate strategy.Deloitte US entered into Sustainable Aviation Fuel(SAF)agreements with several airlines to help achieve carbon reductions,and is among the first organizations to account for SAF purchases in their impact reporting.Deloitte is also helping to accelerate SAF usage through our involve

119、ment in WEFs Clean Skies for Tomorrow Coalition and First Movers Coalition,as well as advancing climate action more broadly through WEFs Alliance of CEO Climate Leaders.Recognizing the desire of young people to lead the way in helping to ensure the long-term health of our environment,Deloitte Global

120、 established a collaboration with One Young World(OYW)to help develop young professionals into future leaders.Through this collaboration,Deloitte supports and inspires impactful youth-led initiatives focused on climate action and educational equity,as well as providing sponsorships for young profess

121、ionals to attend the annual OYW Summit.This year our organization significantly expanded and invested in Deloitte Sustainability&Climate,a practice serving clients globally as they define their paths to a more sustainable future.Building upon decades of climate client service,Deloitte has assembled

122、one of the largest global networks of sustainability experience,including an investment of US$1 billion in client-related services,data-driven research,and assets and capabilities.Over the past year,Deloitte practitioners have supported clients around the world as they created transformation plans;r

123、edefined business strategies to incorporate ESG;embedded sustainability into operations;met tax,disclosure and regulatory requirements;and established collaborations across their ecosystems.In addition,we launched the Deloitte Center for Sustainable Progress(DCSP)to help accelerate transformation of

124、 clients organizations and value chains.The DCSP provides results-oriented insights and analysis that draw upon Deloittes experience and global network,including acting as a convenor of specialists,industry influencers and thought leaders from around the world.Our recent report,The Turning Point,off

125、ers a detailed exploration of how letting climate change go unchecked could cost the global economy US$178 trillion over the next 50 yearsthough conversely,it could gain US$43 trillion over the same time period by rapidly accelerating the transition to net-zero.Collaborating with our ecosystem Guidi

126、ng clients sustainability journeys 22SocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsEnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsSustainable and responsible supply chain Deloitte supply chains cross multiple industries and regions of the world.Because more than two-thirds of Deloittes agg

127、regate emissions are derived from purchased goods and services,our WorldClimate strategy includes a specific focus on developing more sustainable supply chains.As part of Deloittes WorldClimate initiative,in FY2022 we continued to expand on previous years supply chain sustainability activities.Effor

128、ts to assess,manage and reduce supply chain emissions are underway across Deloittes major purchasing categories,and include implementation of sustainability-related request for proposal(RFP)questions and contract language.These improvements include introducing WorldClimate-specific requirements with

129、 our suppliers,such as setting science-based targets,and category-specific ESG-related items such as recycling and electricity-use standards.In support of these goals,Deloitte Global has established a Procurement Sustainability team,with the express purpose of driving sustainability solutions in Del

130、oitte supply chain and procurement processes.Deloittes outreach to our global supply base for carbon emission reporting has more than doubled for FY2022,to over 400 suppliers.Continuing to use the CDP(formerly Carbon Disclosure Project)platform,Deloitte has engaged our largest suppliers to report th

131、eir emissions through this centralized climate-focused reporting mechanism.Deloitte was named a CDP Supplier Engagement Leader in 2021 in recognition of these efforts.Initiatives of this kind help Deloitte to calculate our emissions with greater precision and identify which suppliers we should engag

132、e with directly.These initiatives also help to lay the foundation for Deloittes 2025 goal of having two-thirds of our suppliers(by emissions)set science-based targets.Beyond outreach,collaboration for emissions intensity reduction is a defining aspect of our plan for making Deloittes supply chain mo

133、re sustainable.For example,Deloitte US entered into Sustainable Aviation Fuel(SAF)agreements with several airlines to help achieve carbon reductions,and Deloitte is among the first organizations to account for SAF purchases in their impact reporting.We are also actively investigating other innovativ

134、e means of reducing our organizations travel emissions,as well as helping to accelerate SAF usage more broadly through our involvement in the World Economic Forums Clean Skies for Tomorrow Coalition and First Movers Coalition.Assessing,managing and reducing supply chain emissionsCarbon emission repo

135、rting by suppliersLooking aheadContacts:Kathryn Alsegaf,Deloitte Global Chief Sustainability Officer;John Brugge.Senior Manager,CoRe Procurement Sustainability23SocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsEnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsEnvironmental progressIn FY2020,Delo

136、ittes near-term(2030)greenhouse gas(GHG)reduction goals were validated by the Science Based Targets initiative(SBTi)as 1.5C-aligned,science-based targets.Deloitte has also committed to set long-term emissions reduction targets using the SBTis Net-Zero Standard.Since setting our validated,science-bas

137、ed targets,we have been working toward achieving these goals,recognizing the increasing urgency of the climate crisis.The positive impacts of setting an ambitious strategy are clear.We continue to make progress toward our goal of procuring 100%of our electricity from renewable sources,achieving 85%i

138、n FY2021 and 91%in FY2022.Deloittes gross GHG emissions(Scopes 1,2 and3)decreased 32%compared to the baseline inFY2019,showing great progress towards our 2030SBTi goals of a 70%reduction in Scope 1 and 2emissions and a 50%reduction in business travelemissions per FTE.Reductions achieved in FY2022wer

139、e primarily the result of increased purchasesof renewable energy,coupled with continuedreductions in business travel.While we recognizeour business travel was still heavily impactedby restrictions from the COVID-19 pandemic,Deloitte began implementing new policies andpractices around business travel

140、 in FY2022,aimed at addressing business travel intentionalityand keeping us on track to minimize reboundspost-pandemic as we pursue our travel reduction goals.Additional details of our greenhouse gas emissions and performance against goals are included in the Performance Metrics and Reporting Framew

141、orks Summary.Renewable electricity consumption85%91%1100%Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.1Reflects purchases of renewable electricity that are completed and in progress as of the date of publication.NotesFY2021FY2022FY2030goal74%FY202012%FY2019Contact:Kathryn Alsegaf,Deloitte

142、 Global Chief Sustainability Officer24SocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsEnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsBeginning with FY2019,we have calculated our supply chain emissions beyond business travel.In FY2022,purchased goods and services emissions comprise more than

143、75%of Deloittes aggregate emissions.Reducing these emissions is a key component of our carbon-reduction strategy,and demonstrates why we have also significantly increased our interaction with our supply chains on sustainability and carbon emissions.To improve the quantification of emissions from pur

144、chased goods and services,and to better understand our suppliers engagement on climate,Deloitte continued reaching out to suppliers in FY2022 via the CDPs(formerly Carbon Disclosure Project)supply chain reporting program.We asked over 400 of our suppliers to respond,more than doubling our supplier o

145、utreach from the previous year.14%of Deloitte suppliers have now set science-based targets,up from 8%in FY2021,as we work toward our goal of having 67%of our suppliers by emissions adopt science-based targets by 2025.In February 2022,Deloitte was honored to be named by CDP as a Supplier Engagement L

146、eader for effectively engaging our suppliers on climate change,an honor awarded to only the leading 8%of disclosing companies.See Sustainable and responsible supply chain for details on the steps we are taking with our suppliers.While our current environmental strategy focuses primarily on energy an

147、d GHG emissions,we are also actively working to improve management systems for water,waste and single-use plastics.A number of key meetings globally are now planned as zero-or low-waste events.Greenhouse gas emissions by scopeFigures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.NotesMetric tonnes

148、 of CO2eScope 3Scope 3Scope 2Scope 1Fuel in buildings and fleetElectricity in buildings and fleetBusinesstravelPurchased goods and servicesFY2019FY2020FY2021FY20221,656,3221,316,615688,6611,122,86925SocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsEnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highligh

149、tsA core tenet of Deloittes WorldClimate strategy includes investing in meaningful solutions for the emissions we cannot eliminate.Decarbonizing through absolute reductions remains a key priority for Deloitte.During our transition,however,Deloitte has chosen to compensate for unabated emissions thro

150、ugh offset purchases as a means to promote the advancement of sustainability solutions while also recognizing that it does not replace the need to reduce emissions in line with science-based approaches.In FY2022,Deloitte has continued to offset its operational and business-travel emissions with veri

151、fied carbon credit purchases.Additionally,two of the largest Deloitte firms chose to offset their purchased goods and services emissions in both FY2021 and FY2022.Deloitte will continue to evolve its carbon offsets strategy as a component of our overall net-zero strategy,informed by external guidanc

152、e on carbon offset leading practices and changes in the market.Offset projects we support include reforestation,preventing deforestation,projects focused on health and livelihoods,and sustainable infrastructure.Deloitte recognizes the recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Di

153、sclosures(TCFD)as a useful framework for assessing and reporting on climate-related risks and opportunities.Deloitte issued its inaugural TCFD report last year and anticipates issuing an update to the report later this calendar year.OffsetsTask Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures26SocialG

154、overnanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsEnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsEnvironmental metricsCommitment to science-based net-zero with 2030 goals1234Reduce emissions from business travel 50%per full time equivalent from 2019 levelsSource 100%renewable energy for Deloitte faci

155、litiesTransition fleets to 100%electric vehiclesEngage Deloittes supply chain to setscience-based carbon reduction targets5Invest in meaningful market solutions to compensate for remaining emissions27EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsEngage ecosystemsEngage with ecosystems to

156、 address climate changeEmpower individualsEducate and inspire Deloitte people to act on climate change Embed sustainability Address internal policies and practicesCut emissionsCommitment to science-based net-zero with 2030 goals WorldClimateEnvironmental metrics28EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusines

157、sGlobal ESG highlightsSocial29EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsAs Deloitte sought to support and inspire our people and communities,for us this has also been a year of reaffirming our commitment to making an impact that matters in society;reimagining the future of work to he

158、lp our people thrive;and reconnecting in person,where possible,for moments that matter to foster our sense of belonging.For our purpose-led organization,this has required resilience and creativity both to tackle the challenges of the present,and to lay the groundwork for shaping better futures.It ha

159、s required the collective ambition,energy and ingenuity of our 415,000 Deloitte people around the world,connecting for impact.Deloitte has continued to devote significant resources to help our communities address the pandemic.COVID-19s disproportionate effect on underserved and marginalized populati

160、ons highlights the need to address health inequity in our communities.Over the past year,Deloitte has driven collaboration and investment with the launch of Deloitte Health Equity Institutes in Africa,India and the US.In addition,Deloitte formed a strategic alliance with Vodafone to increase access

161、to telemedicine and other digital healthcare solutions for people across Europe.When Russia invaded Ukraine,Deloitte moved quickly to support our people and others impacted by the war.We helped colleagues in Ukraine and their family members move to safety and provided them with temporary housing,fin

162、ancial support,immigration and legal assistance,and counseling.Deloitte and its people have demonstrated incredible solidarity and support to Ukrainians,and provided financial donations and timein pro bono services and volunteer workto global and local non-governmental organizations(NGOs).For exampl

163、e,Deloitte Central Europe created an app called IRENA,a chatbot that enables NGOs and governmental organizations in the region to provide necessary information to refugees at scale.Worldwide,Deloitte has raised more than US$7 million in monetary donations to support the immediate humanitarian needs,

164、including food,housing,health care and psychological support.Deloitte also made the decision to separate from our practices in Russia and Belarus;our organization no longer operates in those countries.Deloitte is committed to supporting education,skills building and employment opportunities for refu

165、gees and displaced persons,in Europe and beyond.Responding to humanitarian crises From the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to the war in Ukraine and its social and economic reverberations,this has been a year of global challenges with a deeply human impact.30EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG

166、 highlightsMillions of people in our global society are held back from achieving their full potential.To address this shared global challenge,Deloitte has focused our collective resources on investing in education and skills through our WorldClass ambition.We have a goal of impacting 100 million fut

167、ures by 2030 through programs and collaborations with leading educational organizations around the world.Together,we help scale opportunities,speed up progress and create better futures.We have already impacted 34 million individuals since 2018,including 14 million during FY2022.Future innovators,en

168、trepreneurs and leaders will need new skills to meet the challenges of tomorrow.Deloitte ran the WorldClass Education Challenge,in collaboration with the World Economic Forum,to advance innovative educational approaches that support access to quality education and training opportunities for more of

169、the worlds students.In late 2021,a group of 12 innovators based in Africa,India and Asia Pacific was selected.Their projects focus on digital learning,developing critical skills for future workers and investing in educators.For example,Job Oyebisi seeks to inspire the next generation in Nigeria by p

170、roviding them with access to quality STEM education.His innovaton,StanLab,puts a 3D virtual laboratory at students fingertips.To expand and scale these programs,Deloitte is providing pro bono professional services,financial grants and opportunities to participate in networking opportunities and even

171、ts.While most people might not think of a sports sponsorship as a way to drive societal impact,we see it differently.Thats why Deloitte and the International Olympic Committee(IOC)have formed a global partnership to help advance the Olympic Movement.The Olympic Games have a long history of uniting a

172、thletes and supporters from countries around the world to bring out their best,in a spirit of fair and friendly competition.The motto of the Olympic Games,“Faster,higher,strongertogether,”reflects that focus on unity and feels especially important in these trying times.That call to action also captu

173、res the ambition of Deloitte and the IOCs“partnership with purpose.”Deloitte will provide a global team with wide-ranging management and business consulting capabilities to support the IOC with its digital transformation strategy,provide the IOC with Management and Business Consulting Services to ad

174、vance the IOCs Olympic Agenda 2020+5 goal,and drive initiatives related to sustainability,diversity,equity and inclusion,and athlete career transition and well-being.Empowering 100 million futures A partnership with purpose 31EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsSupport for Ukra

175、ineWhen the news broke that Russia had invaded Ukraine,Deloitte was prepared and mobilized our organization to move quickly.We brought the strength of our global resources to bear in providing support and assistance to Deloitte Ukraine people and their families.We also activated initiatives to suppo

176、rt the immediate and long-term humanitarian needs of the people of Ukraine.With the safety and wellbeing of our people as our top priority,Deloitte worked swiftly to help colleagues in Ukraine and their family members move to safety,as well as support those who chose to remain in the country.Deloitt

177、e continues to help Deloitte Ukraine people move,as needed,as well as support those who have stayed.To address Ukrainian colleagues immediate and essential needs,Deloitte member firms in the region provided temporary housing,financial support,counseling,and immigration and legal assistance.Deloitte

178、also made the decision to exit its practices in Russia and Belarus.Our organization no longer operates in those countries.Deloitte people around the world have shown their strong solidarity and support to Ukrainians by providing donations and timeincluding both pro bono services and volunteer workto

179、 global and local non-governmental organizations(NGOs).Deloitte people,member firms and foundations have made financial donations totaling more than US$7 million to support the humanitarian needs of those impacted by the war.Since the escalation of the conflict in Ukraine,donations were directed to

180、the International Committee of the Red Cross and UNHCR,the UN Refugee Agency,as well as to the Deloitte Poland Foundation,which in turn donated to local NGOs.The Deloitte Poland Foundation has been at the heart of many of the initiatives in Europe to support Ukrainians who have fled their homes,incl

181、uding providing food,housing,health care and psychological support.One of the NGOs it has supported is the Our Choice Foundation,which runs the Ukrainian House in Warsawthe first contact point for many refugees.The Deloitte Poland Foundation provided donations to purchase 10 tons of food to supply f

182、ood banks in Poland and Lithuania that provide meals to reception points and organizations helping refugees.In addition,other Deloitte firms contributed directly through their foundations,such as the Deloitte Romania Foundation,which donated to World Vision Romania,to set up two facilities to provid

183、e educational and counselling services for Ukrainian children in Romania.Deloitte Ukraine provides assurance services(on a pro bono basis)to UNITED24,an initiative Providing for the safety of our colleagues Serving Ukrainian refugees needs Contact:Stasha Santifort,Purpose and Social Impact Leader 32

184、EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightslaunched by the President of Ukraine as the main platform for collecting charitable donations in support of Ukraine.The platform allows legal entities and individuals to direct money broadly in three main directions:1)to support the Ukrainian

185、 army and demining,2)to rebuild infrastructure and 3)to support humanitarian needs,including rebuilding destroyed hospitals.Around the world,Deloitte has launched local giving campaigns,as well as volunteer and pro bono initiatives.Examples include:Deloitte Central Europe developed an app called IRE

186、NA.A chatbot that provides assistance to refugees,the app has been shared with NGOs operating in countries receiving refugees from Ukraine,including Hungary,Poland,Slovakia and Romania.Deloitte Ireland,working in partnership with Irelands Office of the Revenue Commissioners,is helping Ukrainians acc

187、ess employment opportunities in Ireland.Deloitte Ireland practitioners supported Revenues development of virtual workers to speed up the registration process for Ukrainian refugees.More than 3,000 Ukrainian people have been helped,enabling them to start work more easily.Deloitte Spain has provided p

188、ro bono assistance to the Spanish Commission for Refugees(CEAR),an NGO that is playing a key role in the reception and integration process for refugees from Ukraine.When CEAR needed to increase its capacity so it could serve more refugees,Deloitte Spain supported them to quickly pre-select more than

189、 120 staff.Deloitte US is providing pro bono support to HealthRight International,an NGO that expands equitable access to quality health systems for marginalized communities.HealthRight has been working to build accessible,equitable systems of care in Ukraine since 2005,providing housing,health care

190、 and social support to over 125,000 people affected by violence throughout the country.With the start of the war,the organization shifted to provide critically needed humanitarian support services to Ukrainians across the country.Deloitte US is providing strategic and financial advisory support to h

191、elp the organization navigate the crisis and achieve an even greater impact at scale.Deloitte has also fostered a variety of employee-led initiatives.The Deloitte Poland Foundation created an online platform where Deloitte people can connect and share ideas.To date,almost 500 people have collaborate

192、d on more than 50 initiatives,leveraging their unique skills and experience to assist those in need.For example,our people prepared a practical guide to help Ukrainian colleagues navigate their new environments and access critical information and resources.Individuals also coordinated a clothing dri

193、ve to collect business attire,which was donated to foundations that support refugees as they seek employment.In addition,a Deloitte Spain professional is raising funds to support the United Nations Refugee Agency by swimming across the English Channel.As the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and across

194、 Europe continues,we will remain steadfast in our support of our Deloitte Ukraine colleagues and those impacted by the ongoing war.Deloitte is committed to supporting education,skills building and employment opportunities for refugees and displaced persons,in Europe and beyond.A long-term commitment

195、 to refugees 33EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsHealth equityHealth equity is the fair and just opportunity for everyone to fulfill their human potential in all aspects of health and wellbeing.This overall state of wellbeing is influenced not just by access to health care,bu

196、t also by systemic and unintentional bias and the conditions in which people are born,grow,live,work and agethe social,economic and environmental drivers of health.While history shows that global society has made tremendous strides in extending average life expectancy,marginalized communities are st

197、ill more likely to experience worse health outcomes than the overall population.These health inequities are being exacerbated by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic,climate change,forced migration and the rising cost of living.Achieving health equity is a complex,global challengeone where many organizatio

198、ns have a role to play,including Deloitte.Over the past year,Deloitte firms have taken action by launching Deloitte Health Equity Institutes(DHEIs)in Africa,India and the US.Unified by the ambition to advance health equity to make an impact that matters,the DHEIs shape initiatives to help address th

199、e root causes of health inequity through four levers:Advancing health equity as an outcome for individuals and communities to transform the systems that exacerbate disparities;Enhancing Deloitte clients ability to drive change in health equity through their own organizations,offerings,communities an

200、d ecosystems;Driving action across the ecosystem by working in collaboration with like-minded organizations and key decision-makers;and Empowering,activating and energizing Deloitte people to create change within our organization and in the communities we serve.As an example,Deloitte leads a collabo

201、ration with the World Economic Forum to launch and expand the Global Health Equity Networka network that mobilizes executive leaders across sectors and geographies to commit to prioritizing health equity.The COVID-19 pandemic has also laid bare the reality of health inequities around the world,highl

202、ighting the urgent need for action.In India,the DHEI collaborated with leaders in Indias State of Haryana(Districts of Karnal and Rohtak)to pilot“Expand the Ward,”a program to reduce the strain on hospitals by helping to provide virtual home care to those with mild to moderate COVID-19.The program m

203、obilizes local health care practitioners and community-based workers to help provide early detection and essential care of patients in their homes.Joining the fight against COVID-19 Contacts:Greg Reh,Deloitte Global Life Sciences&Health Care Industry Leader;Ashleigh Theophanides,Executive Director,A

204、frica Deloitte Health Equity Institute;Charu Sehgal,Executive Director,India Deloitte Health Equity Institute;Dr.Jay Bhatt,Executive Director,US Deloitte Health Equity Institute 34EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsPersonal protective equipment(PPE)has been an essential tool f

205、or health care professionals fighting the pandemic throughout the world.The Africa DHEI worked with the South African government,Business for South Africa and other social organizations to mobilize resources and to help ensure the supply of PPE.To facilitate this effort,Deloitte Africa created a PPE

206、 supply chain“control tower”dashboard,providing a single view of PPE demand planning and procurement.Such collaborations are a core element of the DHEIs work to improve health equity within our communities.In the US,the DHEI worked with a wide array of organizations to drive vaccination education an

207、d uptake programs,ensuring the delivery of more than 9,000 vaccinations,as well as a wide array of educational resources to more than 50,000 people.While the pandemic is naturally a major focus,the DHEIs address many critical concerns across the spectrum of global health.The Africa DHEI is working t

208、o help reduce health disparities across the continent through health equity collaborations with key policymakers and players in the life sciences and pharmaceutical industries.Deloitte Africa has also created and used a myriad of digital data tools to help local health care practitioners identify pa

209、tterns of illness and remotely track patient statistics,missed treatment opportunities and other indicators.This has enabled community and national leaders and practitioners to target and deploy resources more effectively.In India,the DHEI is working to address the mental health burden by developing

210、 imperatives and mobilizing resources for local health care practitioners to help close the treatment gap,reduce the stigma surrounding diagnosis and treatment,and ultimately minimize the number of years individuals live in ill-health.In addition,following the successful pilot of“Expand the Ward,”th

211、at initiative is now being scaled across other primary care areas.With a focus on identifying and reaching low-income,underserved citizens,the US DHEI developed a comprehensive health equity dashboard to help health care leaders and researchers assess the magnitude of health disparities.Powered by D

212、eloitte USs HealthPrism technology,the dashboard synthesizes a range of credible big data sets to quantify relative risks for certain health conditions,like diabetes,that correlate to income,race,geography and age.The DHEIs have advanced critical insights and understanding in their inaugural year,as

213、 well as establishing cross-sector collaborations,philanthropic investments and research activity to raise awareness and spur action.Of course,there is still much to be done.Efforts to date have laid the foundation for expanding the work of the DHEIs and realizing sustainable,long-term advancement t

214、oward health equity.Learn more about the DHEIs.Confronting health concerns more broadly Looking ahead 35EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsHuman rightsDeloittes commitment to human rights is inherent in our Shared Values and ALL IN,our global diversity,equity and inclusion str

215、ategy.We believe all people are endowed with fundamental human rights,including the right to equal treatment under the law,freedom of mobility,and other rights as outlined in the UN Declaration of Human Rights and UN Standards of Conduct for Business in Tackling Discrimination against Lesbian,Gay,Bi

216、sexual,Transgender and Intersex people.Deloittes commitment to protecting these human rights is expressed in our organizations Commitment to Responsible Business and Global Principles of Business Conduct.Deloitte Global is a founding member of the United Nations Global Compact(UNGC).In addition,Delo

217、itte was an early signatory to The World Economic Forums Partnering Against Corruption Initiative(PACI).Deloitte also supports the principles and standards for responsible business conduct espoused in several international instruments,including the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises,OECD

218、Anti-bribery Convention,and UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights.In addition,Deloitte has committed to the US Business Roundtable Statement on the Purpose of a Corporation.Following the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights,we focus on our business and operations,including

219、 our global supply chains,to identify and evaluate potential human rights impacts as a part of our human rights due diligence process.As a part of this process,we determined that the professional services industry has a lower risk of incidents of child,forced or compulsory labor in direct operations

220、 relative to many other industries,given the type of work performed and its delivery methods.Deloitte is not aware of any instances of child,forced or compulsory labor in our direct operations.The Deloitte Supplier Code of Conduct includes prohibitions on forced or involuntary labor.It also requires

221、 that work be conducted based on freely agreed terms;that documents relating to workers identities or immigration status may not be withheld or destroyed,concealed,confiscated or otherwise made inaccessible by the supplier;and that there be no exploitation of child labor or employment of workers und

222、er the age of 15(or the minimum legal working age,whichever is greater).The Supplier Code of Conduct is provided to suppliers each time a new or renewed contract is established.In addition,in Deloitte Global requests for proposals(RFPs)we require that suppliers answer questions regarding compliance

223、with the International Labour Organization Principles in respect to human rights and conditions of employment,and public reporting on their efforts to eliminate slavery,forced labor and child labor in their operations and supply chain.Human rights risk assessments Contacts:John Brugge,Senior Manager

224、,CoRe Procurement Sustainability;Anna Nefedova,Deloitte Global ESG Reporting Leader 36EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsWe recognize that risks are more likely to occur deeper in our supply chains,beyond those suppliers from which we procure directly.Accordingly,suppliers are

225、 expected to apply standards comparable to those set forth in Deloittes Supplier Code of Conduct throughout their own supply chains.Increased transparency from direct suppliers will be critical in continuing to understand and address human rights concerns.Deloitte includes our human rights practices

226、 and policies in our Global Impact Report to provide transparency to clients and other stakeholders.In addition,we encourage our people to raise any human rights or other ethical concerns.Our organization provides multiple channels for consultation and reporting of concerns,with an emphasis on confi

227、dentiality and non-retaliation.Deloitte continues to review our human rights efforts,as well as evolving industry leading practices,to understand how we can most fully act on our commitments.Transparency and accountability37EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsSocietal investmen

228、tsUS$284MTotal societal investments1.4MHours of volunteer and pro bono timeNotesTotal societal investments of US$284M include US$126.3M in donations,US$131.1M in value of volunteer and pro bono work,and US$26.6M in management costs.Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.“Individuals

229、 reached”refers to the total number of people,external to Deloitte,impacted through support provided by Deloitte people to individuals(e.g.,mentoring)and organizations(e.g.,capacity building for nonprofit organizations)toward Deloittes goal of reaching 100 million individuals by 2030.Because of roun

230、ding,numbers may not tally with the total.WorldClass commitmentUS$110.6MWorldClass investments733,000Hours of volunteer and pro bono timededicated to WorldClass13.6M Individuals reached in FY202233.6M Individuals reached toward our 100M goalUS$1.2BTotal societal investments fromFY2018 through FY2022

231、Through WorldClass,we seek to expand opportunities for 100 million individuals by 2030 by providing access to education and job skills.Social metrics38EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsWorldClassExpand opportunities Reach 100 million individuals by 2030Empower individualsSupp

232、ort and inspire our 415,000 people to lead in their communitiesEngage ecosystemsCollaborate across sectors to create education and skills building opportunities100Social metrics39EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsOver the past year we have seen that hybrid work offers solutio

233、ns for many people,but also challengesparticularly for women,Gen Zs and millennialsincluding maintaining a healthy separation between work and life,advancing their careers,and feeling a sense of purpose and connection.Thats why Deloitte has explored the Future of Workincluding ongoing changes in how

234、 people work,the workforce and the workplacealongside Deloitte clients.We have evolved our approach to learning and development,with a greater focus on promoting agility and advancing the technology skills our people want and Deloitte clients need.This includes“hiring to train”programs where future

235、Deloitte professionals earn the credentials and on-the-job experiences they need to succeed in future roles.This past year we were excited to welcome people back to Deloitte University for in-person sessions,while also providing digital learning opportunities and new tools to foster mentoring in the

236、 hybrid workplace.Deloitte Globals 2022 Gen Z and Millennial Survey showed that financial security is the top concern for these generations.As a people-powered business,Deloitte supports its professionals throughout their career journeys with innovative and challenging work,extensive professional de

237、velopment opportunities,and competitive,market-based compensation and benefits.Supporting our people in the hybrid workplaceand throughout their careers While much has changed over the past year,Deloitte does not waver from our commitment to providing opportunities,programs and resources to help our

238、 people thrive.We live our Shared Valuesparticularly Take care of each otherand prioritize respect and inclusion,fairness,development and well-being.Our people40EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsDeloittes global diversity,equity and inclusion strategyALL INemphasizes a workpl

239、ace culture founded on respect and characterized by inclusive behaviors and an appreciation for diversity in its many forms.ALL IN is focused not only on helping our people live our values and thrive in a culture that is respectful and inclusive,but also on designing and implementing targeted action

240、s and interventions that can make a positive impact when it comes to our diversity,equity and inclusion goals.Throughout the year,Deloitte Global has developed a range of internal resourcesfrom inclusive leadership training and conversation guides to practical tips and guidance on topics ranging fro

241、m microaggressions to transgender inclusionto help Deloitte people feel more confident having conversations in the workplace about diversity-related topics including race,sexual orientation,gender identity,neurodiversity and disability.Externally,Deloitte Global has published research on diversity-r

242、elated topics such as gender balance with Women Work 2022:A Global Outlook,mental health through the 2022 Gen Z and Millennial survey research paper,and LGBT+inclusion in the LGBT+Inclusion Work:A Global Outlook report.Throughout the year,Deloitte campaigns also help drive the conversation on inclus

243、ion in the societies around the world in which Deloitte operates.These include Deloittes International Womens Day celebration,which encouraged everyone to#BeTheButterfly all year,taking seemingly small actions that can have a big impact to help break gender bias,as well as our World Mental Health Da

244、y stories from Deloitte people,which aimed to challenge stigma around mental health challenges.Deloittes Pride celebration this year focused on the importance of LGBT+inclusion year-round under the theme#QueerAllYear.Finally,Deloitte Global also debuted three additional films in the award-winning“Ca

245、n you see me?”series,a moving reminder of how powerfully words and actions can impact people.Going ALL IN for our inclusive workplace 41EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsGender balanceDeloitte strives to make gender balance the norm across our organization.We have set aspirat

246、ional goals against which Deloitte Global leadership monitors progress.We have developed consistent global standards spanning the entire career lifecyclefrom recruitment,promotion and succession processes,to development,mentoring,sponsorship and flexible working.The Deloitte Global Executive compris

247、es 23%women and the Deloitte Global Board of Directors is 38%women,progressing toward the aspirational goal of 30%female representation in Deloitte Global leadership roles by 2023 and 40%by 2025.Since 2019,Deloitte firms have increased female representation in both member firm partnership and other

248、leadership roles.Twenty-five percent of member firm partners,principals and managing directors are female,with the goal of reaching 30%by 2025.Progress against these aspirational goals and other measurements is monitored and reported to the Deloitte Global Executive and Deloitte Global Board of Dire

249、ctors semi-annually.Deloittes commitment globally to achieving gender pay equity goes beyond what is typically required by local legislation in the countries where its firms are located,and the Deloitte Global Executive has a zero-tolerance approach to gender pay inequity across Deloitte.To that end

250、,through a consistent methodology,Deloitte Global Talent provides the Deloitte Global Executive with visibility and analysis of gender pay equity practices by identifying statistically significant gender pay differences on a like-for-like basis and highlights underlying factors that contribute to di

251、fferences so action can be targeted across the talent lifecycle.Deloitte has a longstanding commitment to transparency when it comes to gender balance.For example,Deloitte UK started voluntarily reporting its gender pay gap(the total average difference between earnings for men and women)in 2015,two

252、years before it became required by legislation.In the US,where neither public nor private reporting is required,Deloitte US made a public commitment to pay equity in its inaugural Diversity,Equity and Inclusion(DEI)Transparency Report,which contains a wealth of detail on Deloitte USs DEI goals.The 2

253、022 DEI Transparency Report provides an update on progress in the US to date.It also extends this work to include other historically underrepresented groups.Going forward,Deloitte is keen to expand that focus to other geographies as well.Deloittes focus on working toward gender equality does not end

254、 with our own organization.Many Deloitte firms and Deloitte Global are signatories of the UN Womens Empowerment Principles.Deloitte believes we should be a force for good and lead the way on the complex challenges facing women and girls in society.Through a number of our WorldClass societal impact p

255、rojects,Deloitte is working to positively impact the lives of women and girls around the world.Stories of this impact formed the basis for the first-ever Deloitte Global Gender Impact Report,released on International Womens Day in 2020.The report,centered on the theme of the“Butterfly Effect,”demons

256、trates the impact of Deloittes work with girls and women in our Contacts:Emma Codd,Deloitte Global Inclusion Leader;Nhu Fabros,Managing Director,Deloitte Global Talent42EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightscommunities and beyond,anchored in the idea that a small action can have

257、a widespread,lasting impact.Deloitte is committed to helping girls and women around the world access the right skills and opportunities through education initiatives,supporting social enterprises,sponsorship and mentorship programs and more.Building on the Butterfly Effect theme,Deloittes 2021 campa

258、ign illustrated the individual impact of Deloitte women on the lives of women and girls in our communities,and the 2022 campaign featured a call to action for everyone to#BeTheButterfly through their everyday actions.This campaign was amplified internally and externally through the engagement of Del

259、oitte people around the world.Deloitte also conducts global research into critical gender equality-related issues.The inaugural Deloitte Global Women Work report was published in 2021.This landmark report shared the findings of a survey of 5,000 working women across 10 countries,in which Deloitte Gl

260、obal heard directly from them about the state of gender equality in the workplace.Published in April 2022,the second survey report,Women Work:A Global Outlook,looked additionally at the impact of hybrid working on women,the“great resignation,”and womens experiences of stress,burnout and poor mental

261、health over the past year.This important research has informed Deloitte,as well as Deloitte clients and other stakeholders,when it comes to the engagement and retention of women in the workforce.Deloitte is a global member of the 30%club and a number of Deloitte firms have collaborated with the orga

262、nization to publish research in chapters around the world,including Australia,Canada,Colombia,Ireland,Italy,Japan,the Middle East,Southern Africa,the United Kingdom and the United States.For more than 20 years,Deloitte has been a supporter of Catalyst,a global nonprofit organization working with som

263、e of the worlds most powerful CEOs and more than 800 leading organizations to build workplaces that work for women.43EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsRacial and ethnic inclusionDeloitte stands against systemic bias,racism and inequitable treatment.We take seriously our respo

264、nsibility to listen,learn and lead the change we wish to see in the world.As an example,in 2021,Deloitte US launched the Deloitte Health Equity Institute whose mission is to drive change that addresses racism,bias and inequity in health outcomes through public,private and social sector collaboration

265、.The Deloitte Health Equity Institutes,which include Deloitte US,Deloitte India and Deloitte Africa,aspire to be catalysts for change by bringing business,government and community leaders together to intentionally design and build systems that advance health equity as an outcome.To help foster racia

266、l inclusion,Deloitte US and Deloitte Canada donated more than US$10 million in contributions and pro bono commitments to a number of organizations that are fighting for social justice,tackling employment and wealth inequality,and creating educational opportunities for underserved communities.Deloitt

267、e USs Making Accounting Diverse and Equitable(MADE)initiative has committed US$75 million to fuel greater racial and ethnic diversity in tax and accounting,and in 2022 Deloitte US also launched the DEI Institute to further sustain equity and belonging for all.Deloitte Canada,in 2022,signed a multi-y

268、ear agreement with Indspirean organization that invests in the education of Indigenous peoples for over CAD$500,000.Both Deloitte Canada and Deloitte Australia published Reconciliation Action Plans outlining each firms commitments to further engage and collaborate with First Nations People.Deloitte

269、is actively engaged in global and local recruitment,learning and development,career progression and mentoring initiatives aimed at increasing Black and ethnic minority representation throughout the organization.For example,Deloitte UK is supporting the 10,000 Black Interns initiative.Some Deloitte f

270、irmsincluding Deloitte US,Deloitte UK and Deloitte South Africareport on racial and ethnic representation within their firms.Read more about their efforts in the Deloitte US 2022 Diversity,Equity,and Inclusion(DEI)Transparency Report,the Deloitte South Africa Transparency Report and the Deloitte UK

271、2021 Ethnicity Pay Report.Deloitte UK has reported its ethnicity pay gap(the difference in the average hourly rate of pay between earnings for ethnic minority and non-ethnic minority employees)since 2017.Deloitte firms offer their leaders a range of resources to help them support their Black profess

272、ionals and to mitigate the disproportional impact the COVID-19 pandemic has had on them.These resources include the Deloitte US Support your Black workforce,now toolkit and the Deloitte Canada Black in Canada report.The Deloitte US 2021 equity imperative report addresses the need for business to tak

273、e bold action.Deloitte UK is a Founding Partner of the Change the Race Ratio campaign that focuses on increasing racial and ethnic participation in business.The Deloitte UK Black Action plan outlines five actions to help develop Black professionals,including a“5 Million Futures”societal collaboratio

274、n with Blueprint for All.Contacts:Emma Codd,Deloitte Global Inclusion Leader;Nhu Fabros,Managing Director,Deloitte Global Talent44EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsDisability and neurodiversity inclusionDeloitte aims to provide an environment where people with both visible an

275、d non-visible disabilities can actively and fully participate in the workplace and society.As such,disability as well as neurodiversity inclusion are increasingly priority areas for Deloittes global diversity,equity and inclusion strategy.Deloitte has launched a number of awareness-building,coaching

276、 and education programs to help remove obstacles that may hinder professionals with disabilities from reaching their full career potential,as well as to support skills development and career progression in society at large.This includes initiatives focused on accessibility in the physical work envir

277、onment,such as the Deloitte US human-centered design(HCD)initiative that seeks to better understand the experiences of people with disabilities,identify ways to improve accessibility,and create a more inclusive culture.Deloitte Canada launched its first AccessAbility Action Plan in 2021 to reinforce

278、 its commitment to the inclusion of people with disabilities as well as those with different accessibility needs,followed by a progress update in 2022.Deloitte Japan has published demographic data on its people with disabilities as part of the firms drive to increase representation,accessibility and

279、 awareness of talent with disabilities.Many Deloitte firms are also committed to funding scholarships and offering apprenticeships to neurodivergent talent and those with disabilities.Examples include Deloitte Canadas funding toward scholarships for law students with disabilities through the Legal L

280、eaders for Diversity and Inclusion(LLD)scholarship fund and the Deloitte US NeurodiversityDeloitte program consisting of a three-month apprenticeship with an opportunity for full-time employment.This intentional action is complemented by Deloittes global focus on fostering an inclusive workplace cul

281、ture underpinned by respect,and by encouraging Deloitte people to practice empathy by considering the perspective of others,including those in underrepresented groups.Highlighted in Deloitte Globals award-winning Can you see me?campaign,are stories representing people in underrepresented groups such

282、 as Thiago,a wheelchair user,and Delphine,an autistic person.Deloittes global focus on fostering an inclusive workplace for colleagues with disabilities has been recognized by third-party organizations around the world,including in the US where,in 2021,Deloitte achieved a perfect score in the Disabi

283、lity Equality Indexs best places to work ranking.Deloitte UK is part of the UK Governments Disability Confident employer scheme focused on best practices around the recruitment,retention and development of talent with disabilities.Deloitte Global and many Deloitte firms have also sought to advance t

284、he inclusion of people with disabilities through the sharing of leading practices and resources across the organization,as well as via external platforms and networks.This includes Deloitte Global,Deloitte UK and Deloitte Japan memberships in the Valuable 500 and Deloitte Australia membership in the

285、 Australian Network on Disability.Contacts:Emma Codd,Deloitte Global Inclusion Leader;Nhu Fabros,Managing Director,Deloitte Global Talent45EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsA number of Deloitte firms have collaborated with specialized organizations to support the recruitment

286、of neurodiverse talent.This includes Deloitte UK working with Auticon,Deloitte Canada working with Auticon and Ready,Willing&Able,and Deloitte Belgium working with Autimatic.Several Deloitte firms have employee resource groups dedicated to neurodiversity and disability to help foster community and a

287、llyship,including raising awareness of neurodiversity across their respective firms.46EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsLGBT+inclusionAt Deloitte,we want our LGBT+(lesbian,gay,bi,transgender and more)people to feel confident in being who they are and empowered to thrive at De

288、loitte and within the communities we serve.Deloitte proudly signed up to the UN Standards of Conduct for Business in Tackling Discrimination against LGBTI people(the UN Standards).As such,Deloitte continues to act to further LGBT+inclusion aligned with the five core areas of these standards,with LGB

289、T+inclusion being one of our global inclusion priority pillars.In line with the UN standard to act in the public sphere,Deloitte is proud to be a member of the Partnership for Global LGBTI Equality.Deloitte has also joined the Brunswick Groups coalition,Open for Business,a network of major businesse

290、s campaigning for LGBT+inclusion globally,which recently recognized Deloitte as a Global Equality Champion.Our commitment to the UN Standards applies to our organization as a whole,regardless of geography,and is aligned to our global approach to Diversity,Equity and Inclusion,which stands against al

291、l forms of discrimination,worldwide.This means that,within the walls of Deloitte,we apply LGBT+inclusive policies and practices for our own people in all jurisdictions in an approach known as the embassy model.*We have updated our Global Code,Global Anti-discrimination and Anti-harassment Policy,Sup

292、plier Code and Commitment to Responsible Business Practices to reflect this stance(specifically referencing sexual orientation and gender identity).And to further advance LGBT+inclusion,Deloitte introduced a global LGBT+inclusion baseline in 2022,which sets out minimum expectations on inclusion for

293、each country in which Deloitte operates.Deloitte offers a variety of platforms that enable LGBT+colleagues and allies to build community and to feel seen and heard at work.This includes StandOUT,an LGBT+and allies network that operates globally,as well as more than 30 local employee resource groups(

294、ERGs)across Europe,Africa,the Americas and Asia Pacific.Our LGBT+inclusion strategy is informed by the lived experience of our LGBT+professionals,with an LGBT+advisory group and an LGBT+network/ERG leaders Community of Practice helping to inform our actions.We also embrace and promote the power of a

295、llyship to support our LGBT+people and their rights and well-being,and to amplify LGBT+voices.And because allyship is such a critical element of LGBT+diversity,we have created a host of resources,including digital learning and guides,to support our LGBT+and allies networks and our people.We have inc

296、orporated guidance on critical issues,including LGBT+inclusion generally as well as specifically focusing on transgender inclusion,and on how to have respectful and inclusive conversations about related topics.In 2021,Deloitte Global released additional resources to help Deloitte firms to review the

297、ir internal policies through an LGBT+inclusion lens and augment the LGBT+inclusion learning and support resources available to Deloitte people worldwide.Deloitte Global also developed an LGBT+inclusion e-learning that was released in 2022 and is available to Deloitte people.In 2021,Deloitte began in

298、troducing LGBT+demographics questions for some Deloitte firms in our annual Global Talent Experience(GTE)survey in those countries where it is permissible Contacts:Emma Codd,Deloitte Global Inclusion Leader;Nhu Fabros,Managing Director,Deloitte Global Talent47EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlo

299、bal ESG highlightsto gather such data.This data enables Deloitte to measure the impact of our actions to help foster inclusion and identify additional actions to further support the global LGBT+inclusion strategy.Externally,we have championed the transformative power of allyship more broadly.Our Pri

300、de celebrations in 2020 and 2021 were centered around the themes of LGBT+visibility and allyship,with our 2021 campaign featuring the”Can you see me do you hear me?”lived experience stories of some of our LGBT+professionals from around the world.In 2022,Deloitte Global released the LGBT+Inclusion Wo

301、rk report,based on a survey of 600 non-Deloitte respondents from organizations across 12 geographies and territories and a range of sectors.The research provides a snapshot of the lived workplace experiences of LGBT+employees,to understand their daily realities,what organizations are getting right a

302、nd what can be improved.Deloitte Globals award-winning Can you see me?film series features the stories of Jackie,a trans woman,and Alejandro,a gay man.While the characters are fictional and are played by actors who identify with their character,the films comprise an amalgam of lived experience of ma

303、ny people across the working world.The films were created to help viewers understand that everyone is a sum of their parts and experiences,and how words and actions have an impact on others.Deloitte is also recognized by various organizations for its work to help foster LGBT+inclusion.For example,De

304、loitte Australia is recognized as an employer of choice for LGBT+inclusion,achieving Gold Employer Status in the 2020 Pride in Diversity Annual Workplace Equality Index.In addition,Deloitte US has achieved a perfect score on the Human Rights Campaign Foundation Corporate Equality Index for 14 consec

305、utive years.Deloitte US also made the list of Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality in both 2021 and 2022.*The embassy model approach refers to an organization applying LGBT+inclusive policies and practices to their own employees in all jurisdictions,but not seeking to exert influence externally by

306、 lobbying the government or supporting local activists.48EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsDeloitte believes that supporting mental health and well-being is critical to attracting and retaining the best people and helping them be their authentic and productive selves today an

307、d into the future.We recognize the importance of mental health and the need for Deloitte people to know where and how to seek support when they are facing mental ill health.Our leaders understand their roles in maintaining a stigma-free workplace.To advance mental health awareness and support Deloit

308、te people globally,our organization introduced a mental health baseline in January 2021 that sets clear expectations in each country in which we operate.This set of requirements includes reducing stigma,providing leadership learning and support,and identifying causes of mental ill health and corresp

309、onding actions to help address them.Each Deloitte firm committed to meeting this set of minimum requirements within 18 months and guidance was provided to help firms meet each element of the baseline.This included a Mental Health Diagnostic Toola self-assessment that allows Deloitte firms to evaluat

310、e their current state against the baseline and identify actions needed to meet the requirements.Building on the baseline,we are focusing on developing tailored guidance and tools to help firms to continue to address the most significant workplace issues,with an initial focus on the mitigation of bur

311、nout.Deloitte offers various resources to support its people when it comes to their mental health.We believe that prevention is critical.To this end,the Deloitte Global Mental Health Podcast Series features leaders from across and outside the Deloitte organization who share practical tips and ideas

312、to help support mental health and well-being.Other resources include well-being articles,videos and educational materials,and information published on Deloittes Inclusion Hub,an online resource accessible to Deloitte people globally.In 2022,Deloitte Global created the“Supporting Mental Health at Wor

313、k”e-learning,which has been released globally.This learning module aims to raise awareness of signs that someone might be experiencing mental health challenges,how to have a supportive conversation,and the resources available that can help.Each year,World Mental Health Day provides an opportunity to

314、 advocate for and accelerate positive change for mental health in the workplace.In October 2021,as part of our global World Mental Health Day campaign,Deloitte published stories of the journeys of some of our people when it comes to mental health.Our hope is that these stories make clear the importa

315、nce of being able to talk about mental health at workand that its OK to not be OK.Externally,Deloitte aims to promote the importance of mental health as a priority for business leaders globally.Deloitte is a founding partner of the Global Business Collaboration for Better Workplace Mental Health(GBC

316、),established in January 2021 to advocate for and accelerate positive change in mental health in workplaces around the world.Deloitte Global CEO Punit Renjen signed the GBC pledge on behalf of Deloitte,and Deloitte hosted an affiliate session on reducing stigma on mental health in the workplace at t

317、he 2022 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos.Mental healthContacts:Emma Codd,Deloitte Global Inclusion Leader;Tim Ackroyd,Senior Manager,Deloitte Global Talent 49EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsSince 2020,Deloitte has published a paper each year on the mental health

318、 findings of the annual Deloitte Global Gen Z and Millennial Survey.These papers provide insight for employers on the importance of mental health when it comes to these generations,along with practical actions to help foster better mental health at work.The 2020 paper provided critical insight into

319、the views of these generations during the pandemic,while research conducted for the 2021 report yielded additional findings that were published in May 2021.Finally,the 2022 paper highlighted issues such as burnout and its impact on millennials and Gen Zs.50EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal

320、 ESG highlightsLearning and developmentAs we emerged from the initial COVID-19 pandemic lockdowns,Deloitte continued to provide virtual learning as part of a hybrid approach to professional development.Our digital learning platforms allowed us to respond quickly and provide our professionals virtual

321、 offerings to complement in-person training classes.We are leveraging Cura,a digital learning platform that uses artificial intelligence to provide customized,online development options covering more than 400,000 learning assets from both internal and external sources.Cura also personalizes learning

322、 based on the learners needs and interests.Cura democratizes the process,giving our people both a voice and a choice in their learning while enabling collaboration and individual contribution.By the end of the fiscal year,more than 360,000 Deloitte people had accessed the platform.As Deloitte office

323、s around the world reopened,Deloitte University(DU)and learning teams worked to balance in-person classroom activities and virtual learning delivery.DU is Deloittes cultural home,providing in-person moments that matteraugmented by Cura.As the pandemic enters the next phase,DU will be an even more im

324、portant place for Deloitte people to meet in a renewed context of personal safety,inclusion,and physical and mental well-being.Time spent together in person at DU is focused on capability building,coaching and mentoring,role playing,and making connections.The importance of DU to Deloittes future is

325、underscored by the continued investment in its global footprint:DU EMEA will move to a new bespoke facility near Paris in 2023;DU Asia Pacific announced it is moving forward with a second facility in the region in China;Deloitte India announced its intent to build a DU campus in Northern India;and i

326、n June 2022,Deloitte US opened an expanded DU US India facility.Despite curtailed operations at DU during the pandemic,we estimate Deloittes total direct,global investment in learning for FY2022 to average US$1,150 per person.This does not include the“opportunity cost”of taking professionals offline

327、 for formal training,which at 42 developmental hours per person per year on average represents US$5.12 billion.That figure also excludes other independent learning time spent by Deloitte professionalssuch as utilizing Cura resources and pursuing on-the-job coaching and mentoringthat are a core aspec

328、t of development at Deloitte.The way Deloitte people work continues to evolve and we have seen a shift in strategy to embed learning into the flow of work,as well as to align with Deloittes environmental strategy to reduce travel.Contacts:Stevan Rolls,Deloitte Global Deputy Talent Leader;Lieven De G

329、roodt,Deloitte Global Learning Leader;Anila DeHart,Managing Director,Deloitte Global Talent 51EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsFigures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.NotesTotal headcount+7.3%+3.2%+19.3%334,800345,374411,951FY2020FY2021FY2022People metrics52E

330、nvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsDeloitte people align to gender identities beyond male and female.We are on a journey to more accurately and completely capture gender identity information across our organization.The data provided is a mix of biological sex and gender identit

331、y data based on information available at this time.Age ranges are estimated based on data collected from Deloitte firms.Figures are aggregated across the Deloitte organization.Because of rounding,numbers may not tally with the total.NotesTotal headcount by gender and ageBy age46%47%7%Age 50Age 30-50

332、Age 50Age 30-50Age 95%of employees have completed required anti-corruption training5Deloitte Global Executive Committee82EnvironmentalSocialGovernanceBusinessGlobal ESG highlightsPerformance metrics tableBusinessFY2022FY2021FY2020RevenueUS$billionTotal revenue159.350.247.6Revenue by businessRevenue

333、by businessAudit&Assurance11.410.59.9Consulting25.820.819.8Financial Advisory5. Advisory7.05.95.6Tax&Legal29.98.98.7By regionBy regionAmericas30.725.225.3Europe/Middle East/Africa18.816.715.0Asia Pacific10.08.57.5By industryBy industryConsumer11.910.410.6Energy,Resources&Industrials8.67.57.9Financial Services16.113.312.7 Government&Public Services10.08.46.8Life Sciences&Health



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