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1、October 2022QS Quacquarelli Symonds ARAB REGION|2023Enabling InnovationHIGHER EDREPORTChoose from 18+accredited programs&over 30 majorsStart your degreein Dubai,Graduatein Canada 32QS Higher Ed Report|October 2022Arab Region Ranking|2023Enabling innovation 5|Editors welcome8|Where do we go now?Claud

2、ia Civinini26|Bridging the gapAfifah Darke33|Integrating ranking criteria into strategies new dimensions towards sustainable growth Dr Esra AlDhaenARAB REGION RANKINGS 202338|Methodology40|Rankings tables8|WHERE DO WE GO NOW?5QS Higher Ed Report|October 2022Arab Region Ranking|2023Anton John CraceAn

3、ton is Editor and Program Designer at QS Quacquarelli Symonds.He was the former Asia Pacific editor of The PIE News and received the Universities Australia Higher Education Journalist of the Year at the National Press Club of Australia.Welcome to the first of two Higher Ed Reports for October,in whi

4、ch we explore the 2023 QS World University Rankings:Arab Region.In last years edition of the report for the Arab Region Ranking,I observed that it comes out at an interesting halfway point in the calendar of QS events.We are just under six months before the 2023 QS Higher Ed Summit:Middle East and A

5、frica,which will be held in-person in Kuwait as well as online.That,of course,means this report comes just over six months after the 2022 Summit,and is being launched at the same time as we hold our Arab Forum to coincide with the Ranking.As the discussions of the Forum take place,and as the team an

6、d I finalise preparations for the 2023 Summit,its an ideal time to pause and reflect on what progress has been made since we gathered in Dubai in early March this year to discuss the future of the region.The title of this report,Enabling Innovation,takes its cue from the theme of the 2022 Middle Eas

7、t and Africa Summit,Innovation Enabling Environments.The content in the report is similarly take from the Summit,picking up the key highlights of those discussions on selected tracks.In“Where do we go now?”,we explore the thoughts of education stakeholders on how best to pursue innovation and excell

8、ence in a post-pandemic world.One observation was that universities must avoid falling into old habits of relying on what they know.Its a common enough position,but there is an interesting twist to the new calls for progress.Over the course of the pandemic,universities have become comfortable with o

9、nline and digital education.Following this thread,several speakers expressed concern that online and digital may have the impression of being new and bleeding edge but is in fact now engrained within most universities teaching and learning agendas.It has become something universities know,and stakeh

10、olders are concerned it will now become a default solution,regardless of whether it is appropriate for a respective problem or not.One speaker went so far as to hope the future wasnt online.Within the space of knowledge and research innovation,“Bridging the gap”explores how the regions universities

11、are navigating partnerships with the private sector and preparing their graduates to enter the workforce.The latter has clear positive benefits for universities and extends into the employer reputation metrics of QS Rankings.Some speakers,however,highlight that successful partnerships with the priva

12、te sector can also have an immediate effect on research impact and commercialisation.While I have written this message in October 2022,there is a chance you will read this in March 2023 while at that years edition of the QS Higher Ed Summit:Middle East and Africa.If you are reading this in October 2

13、022 or any time before the Summit,make a note to peruse again during the event.This Higher Ed Report serves as a shortened record of 2022 and one that will help you track not only your progress since then,but the progress of the region.I hope you and your family stay safe.Marking timeCollege of Medi

14、cineBachelor of Medicine and SurgeryCollege of Applied SciencesBachelor of NursingBachelor of Respiratory CareBachelor of Anaesthesia TechnologyBachelor of Emergency Medical ServicesBachelor of Industrial EngineeringBachelor of Information SystemsBachelor of Computer SciencesBachelor of Health Infor

15、mation SystemsCollege of PharmacyBachelor of Doctor of Pharmacy(Pharm.D.)WHERE DO WE GO NOW?By Claudia Civinini10Where do we go now?Christine Nasserghodsi,Managing Partner and Co-Founder at Mirai Partners,clearly knows how to hook an audience.Chairing a panel discussion titled Innovation Enabling En

16、vironments:Redefining education in the Middle East and South Africa at the QS Higher Ed Summit:Middle East and Africa 2022,she starts with a promise:“I have one major goal for this panel that we are able to say something provocative enough to get you to put your phones down.”With discussion topics s

17、uch as educational innovation,technology,career readiness in the wake of the uncertainty brought by the pandemic,as well as the anxiety it has created for governments,policymakers,leaders,educators and young people,Nasserghodsi might just achieve her goal.While the audience may have kept their phone

18、s down,education has certainly taken technology up during the pandemic.Moving on from the pandemic“When we look at the pandemic and what COVID-19 has done to us its been bad,but its done us some very good things as well.When we did the transition from traditional to online education,there is no way

19、that could have happened before the pandemic,”says Prof Ghassan Aouad,President of the Applied Science University in Bahrain.He observes that online education has created many opportunities,especially enabling cost-effective collaboration between different institutions.However,innovating education d

20、oesnt necessarily mean moving it online.“I hope that whatever the future model will be,it wont be online,”he says.“Because you still need to give the students the real-life campus experience,where they can meet,and exchange ideas.”A hybrid model,he argues,would be best.At the same time,Cameron Mirza

21、,Chief of Party for the USAID Pre-Service Teacher Education in Jordan,didnt mince his words:trying to fit a face-to-face lesson into an online format doesnt really work.“All available evidence suggests that students have not found the learning experience particularly good,and I think we have to ackn

22、owledge that this was an emergency response,”he comments.For universities,the opportunity lies in investing in instructional design and the ability of faculty to move between synchronous and asynchronous learning but crucially,the“vast amount of data”that universities are now sitting on needs to be

23、put to better use,Mirza says“Universities are great at collecting data for their QS submission,”he comments,“but perhaps less adept at using data to personalise the learning experience for students and be creative and get the curriculum to flex around the student rather than the other way around.”Th

24、e COVID emergency may be over,but there is no rest for the education sector.Claudia Civinini reports on a panel discussion charting the priorities for the rocky road ahead:innovating,tackling the skills gap,and rethinking education.After all,delivering content is for Netflix,not for schools isnt it?

25、VisionMissionNorthern Border University TOWARDS A Bright FutureWe aspire to become a distinctive university trusted and recognizedfor our core competency-based academic programs,research andinnovation,and service across the kingdom and internationally.We are a regionally serving comprehensive univer

26、sity committed to educational excellence.Guided by our core values,heritage and place,we deliver innovative educational programs characterized by outcomes that leverage the human,economic,cultural,natural resources and mining of the Northern Borders region and Our plan is to introduce new degree pro

27、grams that enhance Northern Border Universitys strategy toward becoming the Kingdoms mining university.Northern Border University (NBU)is committed to preparing its students for the chal-lenges of our rapidly developing region and evolving nation through workforce and market-sensitive educational ex

28、periences complemented with institutional core com-petencies(CCs)both co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.Adopt salient high impact practices(HIPs)to enhance student learning and achieve requisite competen-cies.Recruit,retain and develop a world-class faculty dedicated to student success a

29、nd teacher-scholar professional practice,with a focus on increasing the percentage of the qualified Saudis faculty.Enhance diversity by exposing the NBU family to and benefiting from other universities experiences.These institutional core competencies are:1-Effective communication2-Digital and infor

30、mation literacy3-Critical thinking4-Citizenship and national identity5-Self-motivated professional skills6-Networking and group interaction skills7-Entrepreneurial skillsNBU_KSnbu.edu.saAFrom the North to the Nation 1312QS Higher Ed Report|October 2022Arab Region Ranking|2023Where do we go now?of te

31、acher pay is taken seriously,particularly in the public school system,”Mirza adds.Nyla Khan,Partner and Co-Founder of Mirai,who works with teachers in several countries in the region,warns that digital inequity needs to be addressed for teachers,too:in many countries,computers and connectivity are n

32、ot available to teachers.“A lot of the policies have been focusing on students getting devices,but the issue is that teachers dont have access to this,”Khan says.Strategic partnerships between schools,universities,technology providers and policymakers,Khan argues,are the best way to get resources wh

33、ere they are most needed.But beyond giving teachers the respect they deserve and access to the technology they need,both Mirza and Khan address the need for a more fundamental rethink of education and teacher training.“There needs to be a sharper focus on teaching and not delivering content.Deliveri

34、ng content is for Netflix,”Mirza says.He explains that,in order to achieve the long-term outcomes regarding employment and innovation,there needs to be a shift away from didactic teaching and towards a more balanced and blended learning approach,where teachers have the skills to operate in a multi-m

35、odal setting.In the future,he adds,teachers will need to become more akin to learning scientists,moving between asynchronous and synchronous learning,and able to use data and technology to design learning strategies for students and personalise learning,develop students socially and emotionally and

36、gain real-time assessment to inform intervention strategies.Learning scientistsIf the plan is to innovate education and better equip students with the skills they need to succeed in the world,it cant be just the responsibility of universities:change needs to start in the school system.“This is an op

37、portunity for a fundamental shift away from the current school system,which,based on all available evidence,clearly points to an underperforming school system across the region,so I think there is a real opportunity to focus on the number one critical success factor for any education system and that

38、 is the quality of teaching,”Mirza explains.He named faculty working conditions,including pay,and wellbeing,as key factors alongside quality.Although he acknowledges that,after the pandemic,teachers gained newfound respect,much still needs to be achieved.“The teaching profession will never be taken

39、seriously until the subject“The teaching profession will never be taken seriously until the subject of teacher pay is taken seriously.”14Where do we go now?Autonomous partnersTalking about career readiness inevitably means talking about skills;and with change needing to start in the school system,te

40、achers should also develop and model certain skills.Khan explains that training is needed to provide soft skills.“We think about cognitive flexibility,digital learning and computational thinking,we think about social and emotional intelligence and about having an innovative mindset.“What we managed

41、to do over the past two years is use things like Zoom to reach thousands of teachers across 15 countries what we focus on is creating the behavioural change needed.How do we model the behaviour that we want teachers to present in their classrooms?”The skills gap is the same,she adds,in every profess

42、ion.Filling the gap is crucial to improve graduate outcomes but more important,is the type of skills.James Maughan,Director at Falcon and Associates,uses the Dubai Business Associate Programme as an example of what an effective bridge between universities and industry looks like.“Its a nine-month pr

43、ogramme,one-third in the classroom and two-thirds on the job We are this bridge to students first job,and we are very sensitive to both sides.“Typically,its a lot more dynamic on the employers side,we have to listen and pivot a lot more,and therefore we add new things which employers want.”He adds t

44、hat the pandemic highlighted the need for the workforce to possess more generalist skills.“COVID forced us all to pivot and create new solutions and therefore specialisation is a golden cage.We definitely are sensitive to giving a whole plethora of different skills,both hard skills and soft skills,”

45、he says.But while partnerships with industry are fundamental for universities to foster their graduates career readiness,and its vital for universities to listen to what employers need,it might be a challenge for higher education institutions to retain its autonomy.Professor Aouad argues that univer

46、sities will need to reflect on how to balance specialisation and skills in each subject.For example,he says,accountancy firms are hiring psychology,technology or law graduates to be trained as chartered accountants,not because of their specialist knowledge,but because of their excellent communicatio

47、n,critical thinking,and analytical skills.“You can see a shift,most universities now have industry advisory boards for their programmes and they will make sure that the programme is meeting industry needs,most universities now have compulsory internships,”he observes.However,he warns:“This is one of

48、 the most important questions facing the higher education sector.Is it specialism versus skills,and what is the balance?”Uncover brand and reputation insightsAcademic Reputation Tracker+Employer Reputation TrackerTrack rankings inputs and outcomesRankings Tracker+Subject Rankings Tracker+Rankings En

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58、h your target audience QS publications are read by 15k+higher education professionalsPromote your brand internationally Our audience comprises university leaders and academics from across the globeFor more information,please contact QS Publications Essential content for informed decisionsQS HE Repor

59、ts46k+Pageviews 170+Countries 4.4k+InstitutionsFind out the latest insights and compelling international education content with QS annual,quarterly and online publications.News from universities across the globe,key trends in higher education,data and expert analysis,survey reports on pressing highe

60、r education issues,and special reports on our rankings and results.QS Yearbook95k+Pageviews 110+Countries 2.7k+InstitutionsQS-GEN Magazine52k+Pageviews 85+Countries 2k+InstitutionsYEARBOOK 2021REASSESSING ASSESSMENTExam title:University:Date:Exam No.:Exam instructions to follow:Please use a black ba

61、llpoint pen Enter the correct information in the above boxes Please do not start the exam until instructed Read through each question thoroughly All questions must be answered,and in the correct space provided Leave time at the end of the exam to check through your answers The time limit for the exa

62、m is 60 minutesGLOBALEDUCATIONNEWSAugust 2021QS Quacquarelli SymondsIssue:05Access EducationHIGHER EDREPORTASIA RANKINGS|2022November 2021QS Quacquarelli SymondsQS Publications Advert-Print-A4-B2B.indd 1BRIDGING THE GAPBy Afifah Darke28Bridging the gapA vibrant society,a thriving economy and an ambi

63、tious nation.These are the three pillars that build the theme of Saudi Arabias Vision 2030.With education as the cornerstone for such a lofty vision,there has been gradual progress in the field over recent years,not only for Saudi Arabia,but also for its neighbouring countries.However,this has not t

64、ranslated itself into the labour market or into the workforce,points out Dr Haifa Al Kaylani,President and Founder of the Arab International Womens Forum.“When we look at the figures,we realise that womens participation in the economy remains amongst the lowest in the world,averaging around 20 perce

65、nt.And the unemployment rate for our young people in the region remains the highest in the world for the last 25 years,”she says as moderator of the panel,Bridging the Industry Academia Gap at the 2022 QS Higher Ed Summit:Middle East&Africa.Year-over-ear statistics support Dr Kaylanis statements.Acc

66、ording to research by PwC in 2019,the Middle East and Africa loses US$575 billion yearly due to legal and social barriers that exist for womens access to jobs.In a United Nations report released earlier this year,it was revealed that youth unemployment in the Middle East and North Africa region is a

67、lmost twice as high as the world average and has grown 2.5 times faster than the global average between 2010 and 2021.More than 33 million new jobs need to be created in the region by 2030 if the situation were to be substantially improved,the report added.Despite the bleak outlook,the relationship

68、between academia and industry can play a part in bettering the statistics,suggest the panellists.“Universities need to do a much better job of opening their doors in a responsible way,”says Abdulla Al Ghurair Foundations Chief Executive Officer Dr Sonia Ben Jaafar.The industry is also moving forward

69、 and shifting its mindset because they are not getting their desired students or employees,she adds.“What they are doing instead is creating mini campuses within their big industries because theyre tired of waiting.Its quite an interesting dynamic that has come to be and that needs to be undone.”Com

70、munication,which is key for any relationship,is also lacking between both parties,says Rola Abu Manneh,Standard Chartered Bank UAEs Chief Executive.“The connectivity is very much around the career fairs and only at the time the students want to apply for jobs,”she points out.During the pandemic,many

71、 industries,like logistics,aviation,banking and transportation,had gone through many changes.“But how many from the universities and academia would know about these changes in the industries?And this is where we see the gap.”The conversation between academia and industry needs to go deeper and shoul

72、d start much earlier than student fairs.Abu Maneh uses banking as an example where graduating students perceive the industry as rigid,numbers-driven and desk-bound.“Some students who dont like numbers have no affinity to finance,and would shy away from banking.But banking is not all about finance.An

73、d this is what I keep telling the students.There are many other areas especially with digitisation and you can do many more than just finance.”Close ties between industry and universities usually lead to attractive outcomes across several key areas,including graduate employment,up-to-date curricula

74、and research innovation.Despite its benefits,institutions worldwide,particularly within the Middle East and Africa,continue to face challenges.At the QS Higher Ed Summit:Middle East&Africa 2022,a panel of experts discuss industry needs,how partnerships are formed,and ways in which the gap can be clo

75、sed.Afifah Darke writes.3130QS Higher Ed Report|October 2022Arab Region Ranking|2023Bridging the gapTaking on responsibility Universities seem to uphold many obligations in helping to prepare the next generation of talent.From student wellbeing,capabilities and maturity,universities“by and large hav

76、e been doing a great job”,says PwCs Global Education&Skills Network Leader Sally Jeffery.However,the responsibility of ensuring the holistic development of the future generation should not just rest on the shoulders of higher education institutions.“I would like to see students taking that responsib

77、ility more on themselves,”points out Jefferey.It should be a two-way initiative for both students and universities,she adds,rather than the universities feeling that they are the only ones that can rise to the challenge.Dr Ben Jaafar makes a similar observation that universities are feeling overwhel

78、med.“The industry is doing what industry does,going at breakneck speed to get the new market and innovation.Theres desperation amongst industry leadership to kind of get that talent pipeline going.”At the same time,universities are trying to keep up with the pace,but lad behind,she notes.The pandemi

79、c has pushed everyone into a rush for innovation,she adds.“Id like to see more of a true,authentic partnership strategy,where universities can say this is what we can do best.And for the industry,to say this is what we do best.“Can we open the doors to models of internships that are peppered through

80、out the university career?”Dr Ben Jaafar asks the audience,citing Canada and the United States as examples of doing so.From co-op programmes to industry projects as assignments and“expanding classrooms to the industry”,there needs to be a vulnerability for both institutions and companies to“hold han

81、ds and go there together”,she says.Business schools in the meantime,which are not within the boundaries of the traditional university system,have done well in aligning themselves to the industry,says Bashar Kilani,Managing Director at Accenture.“Today,you have courses and engagements and models that

82、 continue to help individuals and organisations to develop.Probably this is a model that we need to look at in terms of the workforce of the future,the education of the future and the continuous learning environment,”he says.Kilani,who recently completed a diploma in management education,puts out an

83、 intriguing question:“Should we move into a model that resembles the business schools that over the years have proven to be financially a good income source for universities?People are seeing value;they are willing to pay for that.Most of the corporates have a programme with one of these large busin

84、ess schools to develop their executives,to help them with transformation,to give them input and data points for consulting.And I see a lot of room in this part of the world for successful business schools.”In the Middle East and Africa region,however,he observes that he is not seeing business school

85、s that are“competing at the global level”.According to the 2023 QS Global MBA Rankings,only two business school in the region,the American University in Beirut and Qatar University,are placed among the top 100 in the world.In total,only 15 of the more than 250 ranked universities come from either th

86、e Middle East or Africa.From job seekers to job creatorsWhen asked by Dr Al Kaylani on how universities should nurture job creators instead of job seekers,Kilani stresses the importance of digital skills.“I cannot imagine today,university graduates,even if they have a degree in History,if they are n

87、ot a digital native and not literate enough,they will not be able to use what they learn to create content or analyse content around this to create value that they can actually add.“Engage with the rest of the market,”he emphasises.The digital economy is a blessing in that it doesnt deal only with a

88、 certain country or a certain city once there,he says.According to the World Bank,by 2025,the Middle East is estimated to have 160 million potential digital users who will contribute significantly to rapid economic growth.“The world is your playing field,”says Kilani.“Were talking to a market of 400

89、 million Arabic-speaking consumers.Most of them are young people.I think we need to very much focus on these initiatives that help people develop digital skills,that will help them participate in the digital,”he adds.Other than keeping up with digitisation,graduates should also delve deep into under

90、standing business models and upgrading their financial skills,say the panellists.“Not everybody is going to be or not everybody should be an entrepreneur,”says Dr Ben Jaafar.“But we do need to be entrepreneurial to be successful in a business,in somebody elses business and to be able to develop in o

91、ur careers.”For Dr Jaafar,this is key because after being on several judging committee panels,she observes that these questions usually leave entrepreneur students stumped:“What is your market share?What is your value added?How are you going to make that differentiation and the financing mechanisms

92、around that when youre going to hit go from red to black to green?”She adds:“You have to have some basic knowledge,and ignore this idea that its scary and its just for certain people.It just has to be something that threads throughout if we want them to be job creators.”Despite such statistics,Kilan

93、i says he is very optimistic about the Arab world,especially with its young and educated population.“This energy just needs to be channelled in the right way.Weve got excellent start-ups.Weve got excellent technology companies coming out of this world.Maybe not as much as we want,maybe not to our am

94、bition,but I think weve got the momentum and we can really,really drive this.”“Were talking to a market of 400 million Arabic-speaking consumers.Most of them are young people.”33QS Higher Ed Report|October 2022Arab Region Ranking|2023EssayHigher Education Institutions(HEIs)worldwide are facing serio

95、us challenges to build academic reputation that is verified by stakeholders.International Ranking is found to be one of the most powerful tools that influences decision-making in relation to strategic level objectives such as identification of international partners,setting research strategies and d

96、efining benchmarking measures.HEIs must consider aligning their strategies to include ranking criteria as part of their actual objectives and the focus on research strategies is vital especially within the Arab region,to support an improved research cultural and create impact to society.Currently,HE

97、Is in the Arab region focus on improving research outcomes by improving the quality of research published in different ranked journals.However,there is a need to have a better clarity in terms that enable HEIs to publish impactful research and improve academic reputation.International Ranking,includ

98、ing the QS Arab Region Ranking,enable the creation of a culture within HEIs to improve the quality of research outcomes by limiting it to indexed outcomes as a minimum standard.The way forward for HEIs in the Arab Region is to improve the definition of research impact and shift from quantitative mea

99、sures such as number of papers published and focus on real impact measures including the growth rate of(H)index at a university level.In order to improve the quality of research outcomes,HEIs must consider revisions of the curriculum to include research skills,with a focus of conducting societal-res

100、earch projects to create real impact with the community.HEIs must also set clear strategies to partner with industries to conduct applied research that could be commercialised.Partnership with industries and engaging industrial experts in setting new dimensions and strategies supports improving empl

101、oyers reputation,another key component of international ranking.Ranking enables HEIs to partner with other international providers,providing a step towards shortlisting potential partners in terms of similarity of the vision,context and objectives.HEIs that are part of the Arab Ranking should consid

102、er partnering with international HEIs for different scopes.International partnerships lead to developing and improving research capacity at both a faculty and student level.Establishing Research Centres with International partners is one of the most successful ways to high-impact outcomes and buildi

103、ng research capacity.Research outcomes with international collaboration help to improve the access of research studies globally and create a higher-level impact.Integrating ranking criteria into strategies new dimensions towards sustainable growth Dr Esra AlDhaen,Executive Director for Strategy,Qual

104、ity and Sustainability,Ahlia UniversityQS StarsQS Stars is a rating system providing your institution with an overall score,as well as ratings in 12 categories,which you can use to promote your brand on an international scale.QS PublicationsQS Publications bring together insight and knowledge for pr

105、ofessionals in higher and international education to understand the latest trends in the sector.QS ConferencesQS Conferences bring international leaders together to celebrate academic excellence and innovation in higher education.For more information,please visit Evidence-based decision making at yo

106、ur fingertipsQS RankingsOur analyses identify institutional strengths,gaps and opportunities individually and comparatively at national,regional and global levels.Based on these findings,we develop a comprehensive set of strategic recommendations to ensure robust and potentially improved institution

107、al performance.QS AnalyticsQS Analytics reports provide higher education professionals with millions of datapoints and unpublished data on the competitive position of a given institution.MoveONMoveON is a data and insights-based SaaS platform that empowers international and mobility teams to achieve

108、 their institutions internationalisation goals.QS ConsultingQS Consulting helps governments,universities,organisations and think tanks gain competitive advantage in the global higher education landscape.QS Services Advert-Print-A4-B2B.indd 134Essay:Integrating ranking criteriaEssayHEIs should set a

109、clear strategy that supports international ranking requirements.They must reconsider devising policies and strategies to support building intellectual capital that is sustainable in terms of knowledge,professional development and competencies to maintain performance growth of the organization.Qualit

110、y Assurance,Accreditation Standards and Regulatory agencies play a vital role in improving the overall quality of the HEI performance.Therefore,regulatory standards in the Arab Region may be revisited to support HEIs to have a higher-level of autonomy to support expediting several strategic directio

111、ns.This will support HEIs to attract researchers,not only active scholars,but practiced academics that are members from industry to support producing research outcomes to be commercialised and serving a specific societal need.In addition,regulatory agencies must consider and utilise quality assuranc

112、e,international accreditation and international ranking reports for decision-making,including academic offering expansion as it is a validity mechanism of HEI performance and outcomes.A consideration to“marry”the system and provide the privilege for HEIs that are internationally ranked should be kep

113、t as a priority for regulators.A step in this direction will increase competition based on HEI performance through clear and fair ranking measures,and it is expected to improve the overall quality output accordingly.The Arab Region has proven to have well-established quality assurance agencies that

114、validate the overall institutional performance.The number of universities taking part in the QS Arab Region Ranking is impressive and a reflection of the maturity of specific internal strategies.It is time to consider a new dimension toward sustainable growth that allows placing the Arab Region as t

115、he hub of excellence and education and attract international scholars and students to experience diversified,as well as being the driver for change.Aligning international ranking criterias to institutionalised strategies could be a key success to ensure sustainable growth in performance and streamli

116、ning of operations to strengthen the intellectual capital and maintaining academic and employer reputation.2023 Arab Region Rankings87%Graduate Employment Rate.Saudi Arabia to gain e-Learning Licensefrom the Saudi National e-Learning Center.UBT scores at the TOP SECOND across all private Institution

117、s in the Kingdom in the terms of Total Number of Programs Accredited by NCAAA.1stUBT is ranked among the top 400 Universities globally by THE Impact Ranking for SDGS 8&10.College Ofe OfJeddahCollege OfJeddahCollege OfOUR COLLEGESMEMBERSHIPSQUALITY&ACCREDITATIONARAB REGION-2023 CONTINUOUSEXCELLENCE J

118、OURNEYARAB REGION-2023Proud of being ranked for the third year in row inthe stInternational Faculty membersrdInternational Students StudentsOUR EXCELLENCE JOURNEY CONTINUES UBT 43rd51stInternational Students International Faculty members ubt_edu920000490www.ubt.edu.sa Is Proud to be progressing forw

119、ard for the Third consecutive year in the TOP ARAB REGION QS WORLD UNIVERSITY RANKING 2023.38Enabling innovation METHODOLOGY:INDICATORS&WEIGHTINGSTheQSArabRegionUniversityRankings2023havebeenpublishedsince2014.Themethodretainskeyindicatorsoftheglobalranking,suchasAcademicReputation,EmployerReputatio










129、s tables2023 RankInstitutionLocationSizeFocusRes.AgeStatusAcademic ReputationEmployer ReputationFaculty StudentPapers per FacultyCitations per FacultyInternational FacultyStaff with PhDInternational StudentsInternational Research NetworkWeb ImpactOverall 1 KING ABDULAZIZ UNIVERSITY(KAU)SAXLFCVH4A100

130、.0100.093.096.9100.071.263.977.1100.098.1100.0 2 QATAR UNIVERSITYQAMFCVH3A94.797.688.199.798.198.876.598.599.895.498.9 3 KING FAHD UNIVERSITY OF PETROLEUM&MINERALSSAMFCVH4A98.798.299.599.999.395.444.345. 4 KING SAUD UNIVERSITYSAXLFCVH4A99.487.589.799.392.275.799.146.9100.0100.097.7 5 AM

131、ERICAN UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT(AUB)LBMFCVH5B97.498.890.596.287.440.476.382.295.999.997.5 6 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES UNIVERSITYAEMFCHI3A96.997.088.891.754.699.269.263.594.592.794.9 7 KHALIFA UNIVERSITY OF SCI-ENCE AND TECHNOLOGYAESSPVH2A83.376.999.8100.082.6100.0100.087.895.587.292.1 8 SULTAN QABOOS UNIVERS

132、ITYOMMFCHI3A77.966.989.691.876.983.599.110.799.487.984.0 9 AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF SHARJAHAESCOVH3B89.197.648.997.369.2100.096.9100.047.673.183.9 10 UNIVERSITY OF JORDANJOXLFCHI4A97.497.137.832.821.411.995.453.685.399.180.5 11 THE AMERICAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIROEGMCOHI5B98.088.476.353.821.366.833.512.43

133、2.599.377.6 12 CAIRO UNIVERSITYEGXLFCVH5A99.994.815.924. 13 LEBANESE UNIVERSITYLBXLFCMD4A91.398.217.214.729.724.493.259.776.536.771.2 14 AIN SHAMS UNIVERSITY EGXLFCHI4A91.484.525.413.823. 15 UNIVERSITY OF SHARJAHAELCOHI3B78.675.910.990.148.5100.02

134、1.3100.083.774.568.5 16 JORDAN UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE&TECHNOLOGYJOLCOHI3A83.789.618.760. 17 UMM AL-QURA UNIVERSITY SAXLFCHI4A80.248.789.113.323.777.379.841.555.969.068.0 18 PRINCE MOHAMMAD BIN FAHD UNIVERSITYSASSPMD2B66.478.136.884.799.5100.082.745.031.019.965.0 19 APPLIED


136、466.328.465.344.653.362.515.359.061.9 23 ALEXANDRIA UNIVERSITY EGXLFCHI4A89.660.99.411.538. 24 CANADIAN UNIVERSITY DUBAIAESFOHI2C73.572.363.929.56.0100.084.3100.05.510.860.9 25 SAINT JOSEPH UNIVERSITY OF BEIRUT(USJ)LBMFCHI5B51.490.584.925.334.951.910.141.427.953.060.2 26 AMERI

137、CAN UNIVERSITY OF THE MIDDLE EASTKWMSPMD2C69.581.224.434.324.6100.076.548.234.418.858.2 27 AJMAN UNIVERSITYAEMCOMD3C62.592.819.424.23.0100.071.5100.022.029.556.3 28 AL AIN UNIVERSITYAESFOVH2B72.954.713.475.73.4100.099.6100.023.216.754.3 29 IMAM ABDULRAHMAN BIN FAISAL UNIVERSITY(IAU)(FORMERLY UNIVERS

138、ITY OF DAMMAM)SALFCHI3A32.742.499.316.454. 30 KUWAIT UNIVERSITYKWLFCHI4A72.144.610.132.423.615.5100.048.079.439.553.7 31 ABU DHABI UNIVERSITYAESFOVH2C49.773.426.780.066.8100.012.299.914.826.651.6 32 KING FAISAL UNIVERSITYSALFOVH3A71.352.421.718.037.471.610.55.756.550.950.8 3


140、.667.556.848.4 37 HOLY SPIRIT UNIVERSITY OF KASLIK LBMFCMD4B28.654. 38 ASSIUT UNIVERSITY EGXLFCHI4A55.830.938.615.446. 39 UNIVERSITY OF BALAMANDLBSCOHI3B24.160.599.513.739.610.679.946.322.217.747.5 40 UNIVERSITY OF BAGHDADIQXLFCHI4A51.842.37

141、5.515. research and analysis on bilateral relations between India and the Middle EastSupporting balanced Middle Eastern research studies from various perspectivesDeveloping materials and resources for educators and the wider public readershipExpanding the network o

142、f institutional partnerships with universities in the Middle East by opening opportunities for student and faculty exchangeContributing to broad dissemination of research results and information regarding the Middle EastFostering interdisciplinary research on Middle East Studies atCENTRE FORMIDDLE E

143、AST STUDIESIndias No.1RankedPrivate University?CMES42Rankings tables2023 RankInstitutionLocationSizeFocusRes.AgeStatusAcademic ReputationEmployer ReputationFaculty StudentPapers per FacultyCitations per FacultyInternational FacultyStaff with PhDInternational StudentsInternational Research NetworkWeb

144、 ImpactOverall 41 AHLIA UNIVERSITYBHSFOHI2B62.829.559.655.95.775.055.952.22.86.445.3 42 PRINCESS SUMAYA UNIVERSI-TY FOR TECHNOLOGYJOSFOVH3B36.077.420.177.08.727. 43 ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF LEBANONLBSFOMD3C42.539.7100.01.514.179.8100.04.044.8 44 GERMAN JORDANIAN UNI-VERSITYJOSFOVH2A

145、 45 UNIVERSITY OF BAHRAINBHLCOHI3A60.050.413.019.312. 46 UNIVERSIT DE TUNIS EL MANARTNLFCVH2A37.13.961.476.88.85.5100. 47 GULF UNIVERSITY FOR SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYKWSFOHI2C50.437.221.239.752.799.791.349.05.617.641.9 4

146、8 YARMOUK UNIVERSITYJOXLFCMD3A59.058.02.730.46.53.561.526.014.641.740.7 49 NOTRE DAME UNIVERSI-TY-LOUAIZE NDULBSCOHI3B23.164.859.821.992.435.78.347.98.515.840.5 50 THE HASHEMITE UNIVERSITYJOLFCMD3A37.453. UNIVERSITYEGXLCOVH4A54.431.513.83.825.71.15.021

147、.371.738.0-51-60ALFAISAL UNIVERSITYSASFOVH2B14.610.654.768.591.098.282.497.138.523.6-51-60AMERICAN UNIVERSITY OF RAS AL KHAIMAH(AURAK)AESCOHI2A10.59.277.596.299.3100.070.1100.028.215.9-51-60AN-NAJAH NATIONAL UNI-VERSITYPSLFCMD4A25.177.612.015.536.519.737.740.141.366.1-51-60ARABIAN GULF UNIVERSITYBHS

148、FOHI3A16.110.197.731.330.868.692.2100.014.715.3-51-60FUTURE UNIVERSITY IN EGYPTEGMFOHI2B18.490.760.410. MOHAMMAD IBN SAUD ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY IMSIUSAXLFOHI4A48.916.831.55.151.425. UNIVERSITYSALFCMD2A46.628.056.413.218.596.933.48.639.8-51-60PRIN

149、CE SULTAN UNIVERSITYSASSPHI2B21.725.028.786.244.695.941.054.153.328.7-51-60UNIVERSIT DE SFAXTNLCOVH2A23.56.385.860.823. UNIVERSITYSASSPLO2#N/A25.328.564.12.65.583.649.797.41.535.1-61-70BIRZEIT UNIVERSITYPSMCOMD4B26.252.77.612.695.410.57.113.832.865.4-61-70BRITISH UN

150、IVERSITY IN DUBAIAESSPLO2B14.416.218.9100.099.7100.0100.0100.03.611.8-61-70EFFAT UNIVERSITYSASFOHI2B8.77.147.691.568.399.459.396.517.111.2-61-70HELWAN UNIVERSITY EGXLCOHI3A34. BORDERS UNI-VERSITYSALFCMD2A51.516.243.77.361.977.531.616.412.8-61-70QASSIM U

151、NIVERSITYSAXLFCMD2A25.69.753.29.610.168.15.623.052.547.9-61-70TANTA UNIVERSITY EGXLFOVH4A27.416.94.911.563.31.616.89.188.949.7-61-70UNIVERSITY OF DUBAIAESSPLO3B19.624.424.888.546.6100. UNIVERSITYEGXLFCHI3A28.414.53.916.347.21.2100.05.472.555.2-71-80AL QUDS UNIVERSITY THE

152、 ARAB UNIVERSITY IN JERU-SALEMPSMFCMD3A15.728.426.96.346.626.040.818.331.394.0-71-80AL-AHLIYYA AMMAN UNI-VERSITYJOSFOHI3B20.832.333.819.54.323.895.6100.07.318.0-71-80AL-BALQA APPLIED UNIVER-SITYJOLFCMD3A20.130.37.918.137.03.667.74.535.160.7-71-80GERMAN UNIVERSITY IN CAIROEGLCOMD2B37.747.813.021.412.

153、 UNIVERSITYIQXLFCHI4A17.519. UNIVERSITYJOMFCMD3A32.428.619.615.44.67.896.376.67.422.6-71-80SUEZ CANAL UNIVERSITYEGXLFCMD3A15.910.938.712.564.91.825.93.569.136.2-71-80UNIVERSIT DE CARTHAGETNXLFOVH3A10.774.144.423.


155、ACHELORPROGRAMS13FACULTIES56%INTERNATIONALSTUDENTS300+FACULTYMEMBERS18MASTERPROGRAMS30K+GRADUATEDSTUDENTSId say go for it!Its a beautiful country with a lot to discover;history,culture,food.If I could go back in time,I would deeinitely choose AlAl-Ahliyya Amman University&Jordan again with no hesita

156、tion.CAMELIA VAN BOSTErasmus+ICM StudentUniversit Libre de BruxellesBelgiumAL-AHLIYYA AMMAN UNIVERSITY44Rankings tables2023 RankInstitutionLocationSizeFocusRes.AgeStatusAcademic ReputationEmployer ReputationFaculty StudentPapers per FacultyCitations per FacultyInternational FacultyStaff with PhDInte

157、rnational StudentsInternational Research NetworkWeb ImpactOverall81-90AL NAHRAIN UNIVERSITYIQMFOVH3A11.618.799.925. SCIENCE PRIVATE UNIVERSITY-JORDANJOSCOHI3C18.337.98.435.73.615.367.099.47.514.2-81-90CADI AYYAD UNIVERSITYMAXLFCHI3A8.26.51.444.423.4100.03.065.680.8-8



160、10.2100.089.599.81.916.5-91-100ARAB ACADEMY FOR SCI-ENCE,TECHNOLOGY AND MARITIME TRANSPORTEGLFOHI4A17.526.741. UNIVERSITY IN EGYPTEGMCOHI2C25.219.339. UNIVERSITYSALCOHI2A11.711.438.49.326.881.41.28.447.737.8-91-100TAIF UNIV

161、ERSITYSAXLFCMD2A12.83.76.330.014.191.894.07.243.555.1-91-100UNIVERSIT INTERNATIONALE DE RABATMAS#N/A4.47.359.434.911.359.1100.07.39.6-91-100UNIVERSITY OF HAILSALFCMD2A9.34.139.411.447.079.917.311.938.029.3-91-100UNIVERSITY OF JEDDAHSALFCMD1A9.64.736.219.244.748.815.66.061.525.4-91-100UNIVERSITY OF S

162、ADAT CITYEGMFOHI1A1.43.099.512.962. ZAYTOONAH UNIVERSITYJOMCOMD3B12.615.94.939.411.521.173.995.76.861.5-101-110BENHA UNIVERSITYEGXLFCHI3A12.76.26.810. UNIVERSITYEGXLFCHI2A10.95.02.919.078.04.712. UNIVERS

163、ITYEGXLCOHI2A10.82.51.621.086.12.514.64.475.336.2-101-110MIDDLE EAST UNIVERSITY JORDANJOSFOHI2B12.410.63.926.03.510.390.281.18.598.6-101-110NATIONAL UNIVERSITY OF SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGYOMSFOHI3B20. UNIVERSITYEGSSPMD2#N/A7.

164、8-101-110UNIVERSITY OF BASRAHIQXLFCMD4A20.320.737. OF BUSINESS AND TECHNOLOGYSASSPLO2C23.116.736.83.665. OF TABUKSAXLFCMD2A11.22.416.712.883.556.61.75.452.426.3-111-120AL FURAT AL AWSAT TECHNI-CAL UNIVERSITYIQSFOVH1A2.23.8100.01

165、 UNIVERSITYOMSFOVH2B7.311.57.764.831.1100. UNIVERSITY OF TECHNOLOGY IN OMAN(GUTECH)OMSFOHI2C11.518.62.078.610.599.718.812.69.35.2-111-120ISLAMIC UNIVERSITY OF MADINAHSALFOMD4A18.213.919.14.422.236.19.2100.08.825.8-111-120MAJMAAH UNIVERSITY



168、cialSathyabamaSISTSathyabama46Rankings tables2023 RankInstitutionLocationSizeFocusRes.AgeStatusAcademic ReputationEmployer ReputationFaculty StudentPapers per FacultyCitations per FacultyInternational FacultyStaff with PhDInternational StudentsInternational Research NetworkWeb ImpactOverall121-130AL



171、3A6. OF PETRAJOMCOMD3C15.714.87.513.08.813.641.374.68.821.5-131-150AL ALBAYT UNIVERSITYJOLCOMD3A10.68.71.329. BAHA UNIVERSITYSALCOMD2A5.72.324.56.415.783.252.43.820.819.3-131-150AL HUSSEIN BIN TALAL UNI-VERSITYJOMFCMD2








179、170TAFILA TECHNICAL UNIVER-SITYJOMFOHI2A6. tables2023 RankInstitutionLocationSizeFocusRes.AgeStatusAcademic ReputationEmployer ReputationFaculty StudentPapers per FacultyCitations per FacultyInternational FacultyStaff with PhDInternational StudentsInternatio

180、nal Research NetworkWeb ImpactOverall151-170TIKRIT UNIVERSITYIQXLFCMD3A4.42.442. BADJI MOKHTAR DE ANNABADZXLFCMD3A6. DE BEJAIADZLFCMD3A6.62.719.713.436.21.11.717.621.6-151-170UNIVERSIT DJILLALI LIABESDZLFCMD3A2.21







187、SITYYELFCLO3A2. DE LA MANOUBATNLFOHI2A5.71.422.815.621.815.21.3-171-200UNIVERSIT DE GABSTNLCOHI2A3.96.27.468.320.213.21.1-171-200UNIVERSIT DE MSILADZXLCOMD3A2. DORANDZLFOHI4A3.73.95.814.68.310.529.2-171-200UNIVERSIT



190、6.494. Campus 6 Research Centers 1 University Hospital 25 Schools 1 Language Center 100 Undergrad.Programs 151 Postgrad.Programs 17 Higher Specialization Programs +128 Student Nationalities 15 Programs among Top 500 in QS Subject 2022 591-600 QS World University Rankings 2023 24 Int

191、ernationally Accredited Programs(UJ)was founded in 1962,as the first University in Jordan,and has grown to become Jordans largest university.It is located in Am-man,the capital of Jordan.UJ has evolved into a com-prehensive university with a second campus in Aqaba,the port city of Jordan.Brandon San

192、dars(Boston)International Studies Major-Arabic and Spanish“Most people I know chose to study in European countries,I decided to study in Jordan because its an immersive place which forms a challenge for me and I encourage a lot of people to join.Every-one here is welcoming,friendly,and theres so man

193、y different people from so UJ has qualified ac-ademics working in parallel with its ambition and aspirations to excel,many of them have held many key roles in academic,ad-ministrative and political fields in Jordan.GET IN TOUCH Website:www.ju.edu.jo Admission BSc.:regjuju.edu.jo Post-Graduate:https:

194、/eservices.ju.edu.jo/HighStudy/WhatsApp: Facebook: Editor Anton John CraceDeputy editor Afifah DarkeWriters Claudia CivininiMarketing and PR Serena Ricci and Mak Leeson Cover Alessandro MessinaContent manager Khushboo SinghSales contacts Contact publicationsQS.comThe QS Higher Ed Repo

195、rts are ongoing publications that showcase QS Rankings,sector insights,country overviews and emerging themes in higher and international education.The online edition is emailed to our extensive network of academics and university leaders worldwide.A limited number of complimentary copies of the prin

196、t edition are also sent to university leaders around the world.In addition,these copies are distributed at QS eventsVersion 1Contributors QS Stars,a yardstick of international academic standardsDrive institutional development Improve performance in key areasEnhance brand recognitionAttract prospecti

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