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1、The leading lawyers and law firms globallyThe leading lawyers and law firms globallyGlobal Law Firm Networks2Global Law Firm Networks How lawyers are rankedEvery year we carry out thousands of in-depth inter-views with clients in order to assess the reputations and expertise of business lawyers worl

2、dwide. The qualities we look for (and which determine rankings) include technical legal ability, professional conduct, client service, commercial awareness/astuteness, dil-igence, commitment, and other qualities most valued by the client.GLOBAL LAW FIRM NETWORKS: An Introduction to Global Market Lea

3、dersContributed by TAGLawTAGLaw is honoured to be once again named an “Elite” internation-al legal network/alliance for the ninth year and to contribute our thoughts to this annual introduction for the third time. This prestig-ious recognition is truly a testament to the quality of our impressive co

4、mmunity of 160+ independent law firms that are members of TA-GLaw. Today, TAG Alliances brings together over 20,000 profession-als in over 110 countries worldwide to seamlessly service the global needs of their clients.All of us at TAGLaw and TAG Alliances send warm congratulations to our fellow pee

5、rs who have also been recognized as “Elite” and “Leading” legal networks/alliances by Chambers.2021 Looking back while looking ahead.For some, 2021 was a repeat of 2020. At TAG Alliances, we decided to build on the new programs and initiatives that resulted from the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, d

6、ue to our members expressing their desire for in-person interactions, we adapted our very success-ful virtual meeting platform to allow for a hybrid component. This change resulted in more than 120+ TAG Alliances members safely meeting together in various “Pop-up” locations around the globe for a TA

7、G Alliances Hybrid International Conference in October 2021. The conference included a simulcast of a keynote presentation on innova-tion from disruption by renowned speaker Shawn Kanungo, together with a strategic update by TAG Alliances President and CEO, Richard Attisha.We have seen a handful of

8、legal networks and alliances implement-ing similar hybrid events illustrating the importance of in-person inter-actions to build and maintain trusted relationships between member firms. This Fall, our TAG Alliances “Pop-up” meetings were connect-ed to allow for an interconnected global experience as

9、 we watched a dynamic keynote presentation from leading futurist Shawn Kanungo.In 2021, our member firms continued to assist their clients with the various challenges presented by the pandemic and the different rip-ple effects, such as disruption to supply chains, governmental assis-tance to SMEs, i

10、ncluding pandemic tax credits and incentives, and the continued digitization of our global economy. Vaccine mandates and travel passports also presented clients with regulatory puzzles and workplace law issues requiring legal expertise and solutions. Further-more, the recent uncertainty in global ma

11、rkets has created additional opportunities for lawyers and advisors as corporations shift resourc-es or change their processes to account for the current economic cli-mate. For many firms, 2021 has been one of the busiest years of prac-tice due to these various issues and factors.As the pandemic con

12、tinues, it is becoming more evident that law firms cannot solely focus on their clients challenges without address-ing their own internal issues. Firms of all sizes are being confronted with significant staffing and talent challenges. At our frequent “Man-aging Partner & Firm Leader Roundtables,” we

13、 have discussed this issue at length, in addition to how firms can not only retain but truly engage the next generation of firm leaders and allow them to become the superstars of tomorrow. However, firm leaders within TAGLaw and TAG Alliances have observed that their next generation of leaders is no

14、t merely interested in financial gain or incentives but emphasizes other qualities such as work-life balance, diversity, equity, sustaina-bility, and leaving a positive mark on their communities and society.Additionally, younger professionals want their firms to provide a level of autonomy to develo

15、p and promote unique expertise (e.g., blockchain, cryptocurrencies, cybersecurity, etc.). Savvy firm lead-ers, especially those who are members of international networks and alliances, frequently seek the perspectives of other firm leaders to see how they are facing the incredibly challenging talent

16、 market. As leaders and organizers of international legal networks and alliances, we play a key role in equipping our members with the knowledge and insights to solve recruiting and talent retention issues.What is ahead for firms and alliances & networks?We are all looking forward to a world where t

17、he pandemic eventu-ally fades into the background. In 2022 and beyond, law firm alliances and networks will need to resume their in-person events to counter-act the virtual meeting fatigue that has begun to take effect. Howev-er, online meetings will continue to play a crucial role in maintaining an

18、d strengthening the relationships that were previously forged at in-person events. Whatever the venue, in-person or digital, alliance and network events play a vital role in allowing member firms to build strong relationships to serve their clients and to share best practices.Technology continues to

19、 be a significant disruptor, and alliances and networks that invest in technologies and solutions will better serve the needs and expectations of their members. At TAGLaw and TAG Alliances, we pride ourselves on being innovators, and the next step in our technological evolution is the development an

20、d launch of our mobile app. Dynamic solutions, such as mobile apps, will allow alliances and networks to maintain visibility and engage among the next generation of firm leaders, many of whom will manage their firms in the near future. It also allows our members to collaborate through unique, niche

21、practices to provide global solutions to clients.However, we must all remember that technology is just a tool to facilitate connections between member firms and individuals. In the early days of alliances and networks, paper directories and member lists have been replaced by online directories on we

22、bsites and other virtual mediums. Today, members of alliances and networks have in-stant access and connectivity with other members through apps on mobile devices. In the near future, communication with members may Contents:Global Law Firm Networks Leading Legal Networks Global Market Leaders p.43 G

23、lobal Law Firm Networksbe through the online metaverse or virtual reality environment where professionals can work together using avatars in a virtual office. Whatever the medium or method, the primary mission of networks and alliances is to connect professionals with other high-quality, like-minded

24、 professionals to serve the needs of their clients this is our mission, and the future looks very bright.GLOBAL LAW FIRM NETWORKS: An Introduction to Global Market LeadersContributed by Ally LawIn Challenging Times, a Clear PathThe past few years have been the most transformative and disruptive in r

25、ecent memory, delivering public health, economic and other chal-lenges on a massive scale. The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic continues to have major impacts on the global workforce, cross-border supply chains, international business growth, overseas investment, immigra-tion and more.More than ever, glob

26、al law firm networks are well positioned to help their clients weather the current storms, find silver linings in the densest of clouds, and create value for businesses, shareholders and customers alike.We believe that the following trends will make global law firm net-works a more attractive option

27、 for businesses and individuals seeking representation at home and abroad:1. Bigger may be better: its all in the detailsLaw firm mergers in 2021 are on pace to equal or slightly exceed that of 2020. While the total number of mergers is still below that of pre-pandemic levels, it is not excessively

28、so: the 10-year running av-erage (20112020) is 44, whereas at the end of Q3 2021, 33 law firm mergers had been completed and a number of others are expected to be finalized by year end.On a per-attorney basis, the bulk of these combinations involved some of the larger U.S. and international law firm

29、s, including the merger of Holland & Knight with Thompson & Knight, as well as the separate mergers of Crowell & Moring and Thompson Coburn with smaller, regional firms.In some respects, the increased emphasis on larger, financially in-tegrated firms makes sense. Big firms typically offer broad geog

30、raph-ic coverage, often in multiple countries or regions, and many mergers involve combinations of firms with complementary skill sets.However, there are a number of downsides to ever-larger firms, many of which directly affect existing and potential clients. These in-clude higher costs (driven in p

31、art by high overhead and a levelling-up of hourly rates across offices and partners), an increase in potential conflicts with other client matters, and slower responsiveness due to a tendency to silo discipline-specific teams.The best global legal networks, on the other hand, can deliver the same le

32、vels of geographic and subject-matter coverage while also providing top-quality, highly skilled lawyers at competitive rates based on local market standards. Whats more, at legal networks such as Ally Law, many of our members are bold, innovative, first-genera-tion firms whose success, even before j

33、oining the network, has been predicated on delivering excellent service.Similarly, as a horizontally integrated organization, our mem-ber-firm partners communicate one-on-one with each other, meaning that client questions and rapidly emerging issues are handled directly and immediately. At Ally Law

34、we believe in handshakes, not handoffs.2. The “Great Resignation” will bear fruit for smaller, flexible firmsAn unexpected side effect of the COVID-19 pandemic and the shift toward remote work and productivity-based (rather than hours-in-office-based) metrics is that smaller, nimble firms have been

35、able to more quickly adapt their human resources policies to meet the needs of todays legal practitioners and staff.This shift in attitudes is perhaps best exemplified by the so-called Great Resignation. In many of the worlds largest economies, the ex-pectation during the early months of the public

36、health crisis was that employees that had not yet been laid off would cling even more tight-ly to their positions for fear of being set adrift during an uncertain economy.In fact, the opposite has occurred. In the United States and else-where, employees from junior associates to senior partners are

37、quitting their jobs at unprecedented rates. This is in some part down to changes at the individual level, as the heightened possibility of illness and even death often causes people to reexamine their priori-ties. However, at a more macro level many countries are experiencing a shortage of skilled w

38、orkers. Job candidates in these markets often have their pick of employers and are demanding a quality of life that includes personal as well as professional opportunities.Coupled with the growth of the “gig economy,” in which many work-ers are temporary staff or contractors, rather than employees,

39、tradi-tional law firms are finding themselves hard-pressed to adapt to the demands of a new cohort of lawyers. Many of these younger profes-sionals assess the employer-employee relationship with a critical eye and are more willing to pack up their skills and take them where they feel they are more v

40、alued.Small and mid-size firms, which make up the bulk of global law firm network membership, have typically taken an approach to work-life balance that now matches the broader employment environment. At member firms, relationships between firm leaders, seasoned lawyers and early career associates a

41、re more personal and direct. Compensa-tion and benefit plans and employment policies including working conditions can be adapted quickly to meet the demands of the day.While Big Law will always hold a certain attraction for some law-yers, many of the fields best and brightest want to practise law at

42、 the highest levels in firms that also offer a more personal, welcoming and supportive environment an environment that also translates directly into better service for, and stronger relationships with, clients.4Global Law Firm NetworksGlobal Law Firm Networks Band 1 Leading Law Firm Networks: The El

43、ite Global Market LeadersInterlawNumber of member firms: 88Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 64About this network: Interlaw boasts an impressive roster of lawyers from approximately 150 cities across the world. With its size, the network is still able to provide top-tier service and is comm

44、itted to quality control with its diligent applicant vetting process and thorough performance monitoring. Members connections are strengthened through its structured business groups in various practice and sector areas, and innovative technology used to mon-itor referrals for a seamless stream of wo

45、rk across the network. Chair Glenn Cunningham is a key con-tact at the network.Interlex GroupNumber of member firms: 49Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 41About this network: Founded in 1973, the Interlex Group has a longstanding reputation as an elite legal network. The network offers comp

46、rehensive legal and business services to clients in approximately 60 countries. Its global footprint spans Europe, the Americas, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region. Clients also benefit from its informal alliance with LEX Africa, a network comprising over 20 firms throughout the African con

47、tinent. President Law-rence Swibel is a key contact for the group.Lex MundiNumber of member firms: 152Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 144About this network: Lex Mundi has a stellar rep-utation as an elite network of top firms around the world. It stands out among legal networks for its Ba

48、nd 1ADVOCALFA InternationalFirst Law InternationalGlobalawThe Harmonie Group. Canadian Litigation CounselInternational Lawyers NetworkIR GlobalLawyers Associated Worldwide (LAW)LegalinkLEXWORK InternationalMackrell InternationalPacific Rim Advisory CouncilSCG LegalBand 2Ally LawInternational Busines

49、s Law ConsortiumLEGUS International Network of Law FirmsMSI Global AllianceNextlaw Referral Network LLCGlobal Market LeadersLeading Law Firm NetworksAlphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.Band 1InterlawInterlex GroupLex MundiMeritasMultilawTAGLawTerraLexWorld Law GroupWorld Services

50、GroupGlobal Market LeadersLeading Law Firm Networks: The Elite3. Word is (finally) out: the law is a businessFor decades, the legal industry has seen itself as distinct from all oth-er professions, with specific entry requirements, a code of conduct and unique career-advancement and promotion practi

51、ces. No longer. Todays most effective law firm leaders understand that they are pro-viding services in a marketplace that follows the rules, pressures and possibilities found in virtually every other industry. As such, they are changing their mindsets and running their firms with business princi-ple

52、s at top of mind.A growing number of firms, for example, are changing their organi-zational and compensation structures to meet the demands of clients rather than the traditions of the past. Some firms are eliminating the partnership hierarchy altogether, treating all of their attorneys as part-owne

53、rs of the enterprise. Transparency in fees, compensation, bonuses and promotions is replacing behind-closed-doors decision making.Looking ahead: synergy, mutual respect and shared opportunities form the basis of a successful networkSynergy means that an organization is more than the sum of its parts

54、. Rather, it is a well-oiled, lean machine in which each member deliv-ers specific strengths that contribute to the smooth functioning of the whole. At Ally Law and other global law firm networks, these syn-ergies dont just arise when a new firm joins the network (although we certainly seek out high

55、-quality firms whose local presence and practices complement that of the group): they grow out of our mem-bers interactions with each other and are rarely imposed from the top down.For example, at Ally Law, our Women in the Law and Young Leaders Development programs were the direct result of members

56、 creating expanded networking and career-growth opportunities for, respec-tively, women attorneys and promising, early career lawyers within the organization. Our industry- and discipline-specific affinity groups were likewise established by members interested in creating strong-er relationships wit

57、h like-minded and issue-focused attorneys across jurisdictions.Mutual respect is another watchword for global legal networks, one that plays out positively for member firms and, most especially, clients. Before an invitation to join Ally Law is issued, potential mem-ber firms go through a rigorous v

58、etting process to assess the quality of their service and counsel and their commitment to values we share.Admission to Ally Law automatically confers respect, but it doesnt stop there. New and long-time members alike participate in programs, host global conferences and regional meetings, and serve o

59、n various committees. This level of engagement strengthens relationships; shared expectations also mean that client satisfaction remains a top priority and member firms become each others preferred partners.Finally, an effective legal network focuses on shared opportunities. More than just referrals

60、 from one jurisdiction to another, we actively seek out multijurisdictional engagements that, by definition, require us to work together efficiently on behalf of our clients best interests. The benefits of this approach accrue to our clients as much as to our network.More than ever, the time is inde

61、ed right for global law firm net-works. The COVID-19 pandemic and the subsequent economic im-pacts have taught us innumerable lessons. At Ally Law and in other top-performing legal networks, we are committed to making the most of this knowledge to provide better quality, more cost-effective legal se

62、rvices to our clients, now and in the future.Global Law Firm Networks Global Market Leaders5 Global Law Firm NetworksGlobal Law Firm Networksextensive coverage of both core and niche business sectors. Members are regularly assessed to ensure a high level of quality is maintained across the board. It

63、 provides in-depth developmental, technological and logistical support to its members on an ongoing basis. An interviewee enthuses: “On every occasion we worked with them, they proved that they are very reliable and responsive and our clients were pleased with the assistance provided by the referred

64、 law firms.” Key network contacts include president Helena Samaha and chair Michelle Liberman.MeritasNumber of member firms: 185Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 107About this network: Meritas is praised as a respected provider of global business law solutions. It caters to multinational cl

65、ients on the full range of commercial, corporate and litigious matters. A quality assurance programme, overseen by a board-led committee and support team, ensures a high standard of service. The programme specifically involves a yearly quality assessment for members. A source reveals: “Its a real ad

66、ded benefit for our community which deals in different states.” A primary contact for the network is president Sona Pancholy.MultilawNumber of member firms: 87Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 60About this network: Multilaw comprises member firms covering approximately 100 countries world-w

67、ide. The network is noted for a highly collabora-tive cross-border practice and project management through the use of the latest technology. It assists key clients through a management programme as well as with joint pitches. Clients are guaranteed top-level service, which is ensured through continu

68、al appraisals. An interviewee reports: “It is a strong net-work with all items on board, in all different places and regions.”A key contact for the network is executive director Adam Cooke.TAGLawNumber of member firms: 163Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 100About this network: TAGLaw is hi

69、ghly regarded for its members combined full-service international business capabilities. Member firms also have niche expertise in areas such as private wealth, interna-tional family law and professional sports law. The network has a sophisticated and multifaceted vet-ting process for prospective me

70、mbers. Within the TAG Alliances group are the additional TIAG and TAG Strategic Partners organisations, which focus on building networking success in the accounting and advisory sectors, and beyond. The key contacts for this network are executive director Chris Cervellera and president and CEO Richa

71、rd Attisha.TerraLexNumber of member firms: 133Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 99About this network: TerraLex stands out among legal networks for its substantial list of independent full-service member firms. Members advise on the full range of business law matters, including areas such as

72、 antitrust and competition, bankruptcy and insolvency, construction and infrastructure, immigra-tion and IP. It also has notable expertise in specialist areas such as the automotive, aviation, education and energy sectors. The group publishes and promotes resources to support end users through pract

73、ice guides and its Corporate Counsel Value Kit, pro-duced in cooperation with the Association of Cor-porate Counsel. A primary contact is London-based chair Tim Brown.World Law GroupNumber of member firms: 59Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 51About this network: World Law Group offers clie

74、nts assistance with the full range of business needs. It provides a tailored approach through focused global practice and industry groups. Member expertise includes antitrust and competition, corporate gov-ernance, infrastructure and PPPs, dispute resolution and international corporate transactions.

75、 Its more specialist groups are in areas such as life sciences, cannabis law, energy, mining and cleantech. It is dedicated to maintaining and monitoring quality standards and tracking referrals across the network. A source claims: “Members are vetted periodically so they have to be excellent law fi

76、rms. In addition, there is a big emphasis on cooperation and not just referrals.”A primary contact is president Scott Guan of Zhong Lun, based in Shanghai.World Services GroupNumber of member firms: 108Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 96About this network: The World Services Group has exte

77、nsive global coverage with members operating in over 100 jurisdictions. It comprises top-quality independent law firms, and new members are required to meet the approval standards in local knowledge, reputation and depth of experience. With the encouraged use of digital platforms, mem-bers and clien

78、ts are able to gain access to and ben-efit from these tools in their work. The group also allows clients access to its investment banking and accounting wings, presenting itself as a one-stop shop for business services. An interviewee notes: “I would definitely recommend them for the quality of the

79、services provided and the valuable resources they offer to member firms.”Maricarmen Trujillo, based in Houston, Texas, is the COO and a key contact for the network.ADVOCNumber of member firms: 93Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 30About this network: ADVOCs members are leading firms in thei

80、r jurisdictions, with extensive commer-cial experience and offering deep expertise in cross-border M&A and litigation. Members are selected via a vetting process, and quality is controlled through peer review and a thorough approval process. The network provides technological support, training and o

81、ther resources to guarantee a seamless service to clients. ADVOCs global reach is bolstered by its close connection to LEX Africa, which covers more than 20 African countries. A key contact for the net-work is Simon Rous of Ashfords LLP in London.ALFA InternationalNumber of member firms: 145Number o

82、f firms ranked in Chambers guides: 63About this network: A leading legal network offering global assistance with both cross-border and regional business matters, ALFA International has a strong presence across Europe, Africa, the Americas and the Asia-Pacific region. Its members have sub-stantial ex

83、perience in a wide range of practice areas including M&A, insurance, labour and employment, and tax. A strong group of experts in trial law means clients have access to litigation support across var-ious fields. Clients and members also have access to focused knowledge events and educational pro-gra

84、mmes hosted by the network. Key network con-tacts include chair Kevin Owens, based in Chicago.First Law InternationalNumber of member firms: 65Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 41About this network: First Law International is a leading legal network with a substantial global reach. Headquar

85、tered in Brussels, the network covers over 80 jurisdictions throughout Europe, the Americas, Africa, the Middle East and the Asia-Pacific region. Clients have access to experts in numerous areas including banking and finance, dispute resolution, IP, and regulatory and compliance. Specialised trainin

86、g events and a biannual conference are organised in order to facilitate member integration and develop-ment. The networks CEO, Orlando Casares, is a key contact.GlobalawNumber of member firms: 86Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 33About this network: Globalaw comprises around 100 leading in

87、dependent law firms operating predomi-nantly across three regions: the Americas, Asia-Pa-cific including Oceania, and EMEA. Members have regional expertise in M&A, dispute resolution and many other specialist areas, including securities, avi-ation, immigration and telecommunications. A source reveal

88、s: “It enables me to find lawyers, globally, that are part of a system that I can trust.” President Julia Holden-Davis is a key contact.The Harmonie Group. Canadian Litiga-tion Counsel (CLC)Number of member firms: 92Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 36About this network: The Harmonie Group

89、provides top defence teams across the globe to corporations and insurance companies. Its offering is deepened by its association with the Canadian Litigation Counsel. Its members are specialists in insurance defence and various other contentious areas, including litigation involving construction and

90、 cargo claims, legal mal-practice, creditor/debtor rights, healthcare litigation and product liability. Members also have full-service capabilities, offering advice in areas such as M&A, IP and employment. A key contact for the group is exec-utive director Timothy Violet.International Lawyers Networ

91、kNumber of member firms: 73Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 27About this network: International Lawyers Network is an association of full-service law firms covering a substantial global footprint of over 60 countries, allowing clients access to comprehensive regional and cross-border advic

92、e. It is well regarded interna-6Global Law Firm NetworksGlobal Law Firm Networks tionally, with its member firms holding expertise in a variety of specialist areas such as cybersecurity and data privacy, energy, and trusts and estates. A source claims: “The lawyers are truly partners, and many of th

93、em become friends. That is the greatest strength of the network its capacity to unify work and pleas-ure.”Prague-based chair Pavla Kopeckov Prikrylov of PETERKA & PARTNERS is a key contact.IR GlobalNumber of member firms: 733Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 122About this network: IR Global

94、 gives access to top lawyers, accountants and financial advisers around the world. The leading network operates on the principle of practice area exclusivity and has ten practice-area management committees to max-imise results for its clients. Members also benefit from meetings organised on a region

95、al and interna-tional basis. A key contact for the network is founder Thomas Wheeler, based in Amsterdam.Lawyers Associated Worldwide (LAW)Number of member firms: 95Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 39About this network: Founded in 1989, Lawyers Associated Worldwide has members in an impres

96、sive number of key jurisdictions. An invitation-only alli-ance, its clients include both public and private com-panies active in a broad range of industries. Members will be leading players in their own market with strong cross-border capabilities. Colorado-based Lorri Salyards is the networks CEO a

97、nd a key con-tact.LegalinkNumber of member firms: 79Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 38About this network: Legalink has an established presence in the market, with over 25 years oper-ating as a leading international legal network. Ini-tially operating in Europe, it now also has respected m

98、embers across the Americas and Asia. It frequently hosts networking and knowledge events for its members. Its Legalink Academy is a unique offering through which young lawyers from all cultures come together for knowledge transfer and collaborative training. The networks chair, Markus Bauer, is a ke

99、y contact.LEXWORK InternationalNumber of member firms: 47Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 27About this network: LEXWORK International started as a network of firms across Europe but has now developed into a leading international platform with members also spanning Asia and the Americas. Th

100、e network maintains a high standard of quality and commitment from its members, using methods such as a one-day reply rate to initial requests and pro-gress reporting. Key contacts for the network include Derek McCulloch of Gillespie Macandrew LLP in the UK and Peter Abdella of Harter Secrest & Emer

101、y LLP.Mackrell InternationalNumber of member firms: 107Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 35About this network: Mackrell International was established in 1987 and has developed into a solid network of leading law firms across many juris-dictions. Member firms will possess a substantial regio

102、nal presence along with strong cross-border capabilities. It covers all key industry sectors and practice areas as well as having expertise in a variety of specialist fields, including blockchain and crypto-currency, cannabis, fraud and environmental health. Chair David Ettinger and managing directo

103、r Keith Heddle are key contacts for the network.Pacific Rim Advisory CouncilNumber of member firms: 27Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 26About this network: Founded in 1984, Pacific Rim Advisory Councils member firms claim to be home to 12,000 lawyers throughout the Pacific Rim region. Mem

104、bers are elected through a diligent vetting process and membership is maintained based on ongoing review. Semi-annual conferences and public seminars are organised by the network to maximise relations and the ongoing development and knowl-edge base of the group. A key contact for the group is chair

105、Jaap Stoop of Dutch firm NautaDutilh.SCG LegalNumber of member firms: 134Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 81About this network: SCG Legal is a recognised player in the USA and continues to increase its global presence, now being active in over 80 jurisdic-tions around the world. Members po

106、ssess extensive knowledge and experience of local, state, national and international regulatory agencies. They also have leading practices in litigation and other forms of alternative dispute resolution, as well as all corpo-rate and financial matters. A source enthuses: “SCG Legal has a good geogra

107、phic coverage and most of its members provide a high level of service and perfor-mance. Beyond simply being a directory of referrals, SCG Legal has training programmes, technical knowl-edge and best practices-sharing, marketing resources, group committees, regional teams, webinars and breaking news

108、in a wide range of industries and service lines.”Chair Thad Morgan in the USA is a key contact.Band 2 Leading Law Firm NetworksGlobal Market LeadersAlly LawNumber of member firms: 69Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 21About this network: Ally Law, established in 1989, is recognised globally

109、 for its top-tier legal offering. Members offer expertise in tax, M&A, labour and employment, intellectual property, IT, and trusts and estates. High standards are ensured through the annual evaluation of members. The network maintains quality across the board by additionally seeking client feedback

110、 to guarantee technical and practice standards are met. President Paul Franke and executive director Wendy Horn are key contacts.International Business Law ConsortiumNumber of member firms: 81Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 21About this network: The International Business Law Consortium (

111、IBLC) is a leading legal network with a presence in established and emerging markets in North and Latin America, Africa, Europe and the Asia-Pacific region. It has skills in handling major cross-border business matters for its clients, in the areas of tax, M&A and employment in particular. Made up o

112、f approximately 3,000 individuals, the net-works global capabilities are further strengthened by its connections with other international organi-sations, including professional services consultancy network IECnet. A key contact for IBLC is Colora-do-based chair Rick Holzer.LEGUS International Networ

113、k of Law FirmsNumber of member firms: 65Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 14About this network: Legus was established in 1995 and comprises firms considered to be leaders in their respective jurisdictions while also having a strong international outlook. The network enables and encourages m

114、embers to take a collaborative approach through the utilisation of its innovative working group structure. The network appoints an affinity group leader to streamline client needs to practitioners and jurisdictions, as well as organising training and networking events to unify its member-ship across

115、 the globe. Founder and president Sandra Boyer is a key contact.MSI Global AllianceNumber of member firms: 114Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 24About this network: MSI Global Alliance brings together top-tier legal counsel for global collabo-ration and referrals. It also includes leading

116、profes-sionals in advisory, tax and accounting and audit services. It is divided into specialist interest groups, including real estate, employment law and other areas. Members constantly work closely with the professional service organisations within practice groups, delivering clients one single p

117、ackage for cross-border business advice. Andrew Leck is the CEO of MSI Global Alliance and a key contact.Nextlaw Referral Network LLCNumber of member firms: 736Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 291About this network: Nextlaw was established in 2016 in association with Dentons. It is a large

118、 net-work comprising over 600 members in around 185 countries and is focused on bringing members and clients the best in technological support platforms and training. Its forward-thinking model allows for multiple member firms per jurisdiction, encouraging a greater diversity of specialists among me

119、mber organisations. It also works through its sister entities Nextlaw Labs, which focuses on innovation in legal technology, and Nextlaw Global Public Affairs Net-work. Key contacts for Nextlaw include CEO Chris Pinnington and director Alan Ragueneau.The leading lawyers and law firms globallyRegiona

120、l Law Firm Networks8Regional Law Firm NetworksBand 1ALNNumber of member firms: 14Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 11About this network: ALN brings together the exper-tise and capabilities of leading corporate law firms from 15 African jurisdictions under one legal banner. The network combi

121、nes high-end legal services with unparalleled local knowledge, providing a single, integrated platform for international clients to access legal counsel in Africa. It offers broad cov-erage of the continent, particularly in Sub-Saharan Africa, with strong representations in anglophone, francophone a

122、nd Arabic-speaking jurisdictions. The networks structuring around sector groups, namely energy and infrastructure, financial services and natural resources, provides clients with deep and tailored industry-specific legal services across its geographic spread. Recently, the networks firms in Algeria,

123、 Morocco, Guinea and Ivory Coast con-solidated further into a single unit known as ADNA, providing smooth legal services across francophone Africa. Cheick Modibo Diarra serves as the ALN chair.DLA Piper AfricaNumber of member firms: 20Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 18About this network:

124、Comprising an array of inde-pendent law firms across the continent, as well as the firms Johannesburg and Casablanca offices, DLA Piper Africa offers clients international legal service standards combined with invaluable on-the-ground business and legal understanding. The net-work offers francophone

125、 and lusophone presence, in addition to its extensive coverage of the Maghreb region, and Eastern and Southern Africa, all of which is supported by the firms global network of offices. Through tried and tested cross-office collaboration the network has positioned itself as a single point of contact

126、providing a joined-up legal service for mul-ti-jurisdictional mandates. The networks commit-ment to integration and continued development is demonstrated through its hosting of academies and its well-established secondment programme, both between African offices and internationally. James Kamau is t

127、he chair of DLA Piper Africa and managing partner of Iseme, Kamau & Maema Advocates in Kenya.LEX AfricaNumber of member firms: 26Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 22About this network: Since its inception in 1993, Lex Africa has displayed considerable commitment to the African continent and

128、 its mission of developing professional legal skills and business. Its addition of firms in North and francophone Africa in recent years has bolstered its already sweeping coverage of the continent and cemented its presence across all the major language speaking regions. The core focus of the networ

129、k lies in its six practice groups, including banking and finance, competition, M&A and dispute resolution. The network is increasingly focused on integration between its member firms, utilising events and secondment programmes to foster common professional values, approaches and standards, as well a

130、s to build deep professional rela-tionships. In addition, the network continues to pro-duce informative publications on operating in Africa, including its guides on mining and on insolvency and business restructuring. Werksmans director and Lex Africa chair Pieter Steyn is a key contact and is based

131、 in Johannesburg.Miranda AllianceNumber of member firms: 15Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 8About this network: The Miranda Alliance distin-guishes itself through its remarkable coverage of the lusophone regions of the world, with comprehensive coverage of the Portuguese-speaking countrie

132、s of Africa, accompanied by its presence in a number of Africas francophone jurisdictions. The alliance is supported by its founding member in Portugal, Miranda & Associados, and its expertise and capa-bilities are bolstered by further members around the world, and liaison offices in Paris, London a

133、nd Houston. The network focuses on the cultivation of shared professional values and standards, which are promoted through ongoing training, webinar programmes, and employee secondment to Miranda & Associados Lisbon office. The alliance maintains French, German and Spanish desks to assist compa-nies

134、 and investors with their operations and activities across Africa. Based in Lisbon, Miranda & Associados lawyers Ana Pinelas Pinto and Catarina Cunha e Tvora are key contacts.VdA Legal PartnersNumber of member firms: 12Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 9About this network: VdA Legal Partner

135、s offers inte-grated legal services across its network of associ-ated law offices, providing access to comprehensive local knowledge to allow its members to success-fully navigate individual challenges across different markets. The network possesses considerable reach across lusophone Africa, with f

136、urther coverage of the continent derived from its member firms in fran-cophone jurisdictions. In addition, its international office in Timor-Leste and its administrative head office in Lisbon, Vieira de Almeida, provide the net-work with support and capability beyond the African continent. Inter-off

137、ice collaboration is employed to provide the best level of service for clients engaging the network on cross-border mandates. The network utilises employee rotation and training to strengthen inter-office relationships and shared knowledge. Lis-bon-based managing partner Joo Vieira de Almeida is a k

138、ey contact.Alphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.Band 1ALNDLA Piper AfricaLEX AfricaMiranda AllianceVdA Legal PartnersAfrica-wideLeading Regional Law Firm NetworksHow lawyers are rankedEvery year we carry out thousands of in-depth inter-views with clients in order to assess the repu

139、tations and expertise of business lawyers worldwide. The qualities we look for (and which determine rankings) include technical legal ability, professional conduct, client service, commercial awareness/astuteness, dil-igence, commitment, and other qualities most valued by the client.Leading Regional

140、 Law Firm Networks Africa-wideContents:Leading Regional Law Firm Networks Africa-wide p.8 Asia-Pacific Region p.9 Central & Eastern Europe p.11 Europe-wide p.12 Latin America-wide p.12 Middle East-wide p.13 USA p.139 Regional Law Firm NetworksBand 1InterlawAsia-Pacific coverage: Australia, China, Ch

141、ina Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zea-land, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, China Taiwan, Thailand, VietnamNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 10About this network: An extensive network of prac-titioners who offer cross-border support to clients with busines

142、s interests throughout the Asia-Pa-cific region. This strong alliance aims to cultivate networking and the sharing of knowledge through regional and annual meetings. Additionally, it encour-ages members to form practice-specific groupings, thereby offering specific expertise across juris-dictions. T

143、he quality of its membership is ensured through peer reviews, and mentors are assigned to new members, while existing member firms build relationships, share insights and host workshops and webinars with and for each other. Lisa Theng of CNPLaw in Singapore is the networks chair for the Asia-Pacific

144、 region.Lex MundiAsia-Pacific coverage: Afghanistan, Australia, Bang-ladesh, Cambodia, China, China Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, China Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, China Taiwan, Thailand, VietnamNumber of firms rank

145、ed in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 14About this network: This strong network has a long-standing reputation in the market and an extensive roster of members across Asia-Pacific. The law firm members provide clients with comprehensive coverage throughout the region and display signif-icant ability in finan

146、cial and commercial transac-tions, including dispute resolution, tax and antitrust. The network concentrates on facilitating cross-border transactions and providing members with high-quality international support through regular regional initiatives such as conferences, week-long management and lead

147、ership programmes and webi-nars. Notable pro bono offering for social entrepre-neurs worldwide. In 2020, the network launched Equisphere, a tool designed to assist in-house counsel in tackling multi-jurisdictional legal chal-lenges. Helena Samaha, who is based in London, is the networks president an

148、d CEO and a key contact.MultilawAsia-Pacific coverage: Australia, Bangladesh, Cam-bodia, China, China Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Paki-stan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, China Taiwan, Thailand, Timor-Leste, VietnamNumber of firms r

149、anked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 16About this network: Headquartered in London, this network has continued to expand its coverage of the Asia-Pacific region. It places significant emphasis on referral work and on providing members with regional and annual conferences and publications. Its focus on cl

150、ient services is manifested in organ-ising client events and utilising its newly adopted online referral reporting system to ensure the quality of services. Offering a wide range of legal expertise, members of the network are committed to cooper-ating on cross-border mandates for clients in various

151、industries such as gaming, fintech startups, agro-sciences and retail. Paul Kirton of Macpherson Kelley in Australia is chair of the Asia-Pacific regional com-mittee and a key contact.Pacific Rim Advisory CouncilAsia-Pacific coverage: China, China Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the

152、Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, China Taiwan, VietnamNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 10About this network: This network consists of independent, full-service law firms providing con-centrated coverage across Asia-Pacific. It holds meetings twice a year for member firms to netwo

153、rk and exchange information on recent legal and busi-ness developments in the Pacific Rim region and further afield. Member lawyers contribute to the networks publications and seminars, and they have access to secondment programmes. Toronto-based Susan Iannetta, the director of the network, is a key

154、 contact.World Law GroupAsia-Pacific coverage: Australia, China, India, Indo-nesia, Japan, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, China Taiwan, Thailand, VietnamNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 12About this network: This alliance combines a large number of excellent inter

155、national and domestic firms offering a full range of legal services and comprehen-sive coverage in 12 jurisdictions across Asia-Pacific. It places significant emphasis on member referrals and relationships, and organises regular meetings and other events for members to exchange information and impro

156、ve cohesion. Its 24-hour-or-less response time commitment stresses the member firms strong bond with each other.World Services GroupAsia-Pacific coverage: Australia, Bangladesh, Brunei, Cambodia, China, China Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, China Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand, Papu

157、a New Guinea, the Phil-ippines, Singapore, China Taiwan, Thailand, VietnamNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 14About this network: A network that provides exten-sive coverage of the Asia-Pacific region with active practice teams focusing on areas including banking, investment, real est

158、ate and technology. The group arranges regional and annual meetings to encourage members to share knowledge and best practices. Also offers a variety of publications and online resources. The network is in close partnership with multiple information-sharing platforms and con-tinued education service

159、 providers to supply lawyers with the most updated legal insights. Membership also functions on a personalised individual level, allowing the membership to locate specific indi-vidual experts, as well as broader teams. Maricarmen Trujillo is the COO and a key contact for the network.Band 2ADVOCAsia-

160、Pacific coverage: Australia, Bangladesh, Cam-bodia, China, Fiji, China Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, China Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zea-land, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, Thailand, VietnamNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 10About this networ

161、k: An extensive legal network of highly regarded full-service firms that provide expertise in major practice areas across Asia-Pacific. The group is composed of members selected on the quality of their commercial work and through a system of peer reviews. It holds a number of events and has several

162、practice groups, including sports law, technology, dispute resolution and corporate law, to enhance the sharing of information. Members benefit from access to practitioners in most conti-nents of the globe. Offers a centralised secretariat and supporting services based in London, with Simon Rous of

163、Ashfords LLP as a key contact.ALFA InternationalAsia-Pacific coverage: Australia, China, Guam, China Hong Kong, India, Japan, Micronesia, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, China Taiwan, ThailandNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 7About this network: This l

164、ong-established network has expanded from its roots in the USA to cover all regions, including Asia-Pacific. Aimed at providing the highest-quality and cost-effective legal services, the network is made up of international independent law firms that assist clients with cross-border mandates ranging

165、from litigation to transactional commercial issues. Member firms are assessed on client and peer feedback, and relationships between members are fostered by regular seminars and Alphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.Band 1InterlawLex MundiMultilawPacific Rim Advisory CouncilWorld La

166、w GroupWorld Services GroupBand 2ADVOCALFA InternationalEmployment Law AllianceFirst Law InternationalTerraLexBand 3Ally LawInternational Lawyers NetworkLawyers Associated Worldwide (LAW)LegalinkMeritasSCG LegalTAGLawAsia-Pacific RegionLeading Regional Law Firm NetworksLeading Regional Law Firm Netw

167、orks Asia-Pacific Region10Regional Law Firm Networksconferences, including industry-specific events. To ensure members quality, aspiring firms must pass its Search Committee assessment and due diligence process before being invited to join. Launched the Future Leaders Forum in 2020 to develop the le

168、ader-ship skills of young members. Jessica Zaroski Bauer, based in the networks Chicago headquarters, is its COO.Employment Law AllianceAsia-Pacific coverage: Australia, Bangladesh, Cam-bodia, China, Guam, China Hong Kong, India, Indo-nesia, Japan, Laos, China Macau, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zealand,

169、Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, China Taiwan, Thailand, VietnamNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 19About this network: In addition to its US focus, this global network counts among its members law firms across the Asia-Pacific region with strong employ-me

170、nt, labour relations and immigration practices. Its member firms predominantly act for employers. Lawyers are invited to join the group after a rigorous due diligence process, and it offers a wide range of networking events, regional committees and webi-nars on employment matters across continents.

171、Thanks to its extensive membership, businesses can access expertise across borders from a single point of contact. Jenny Tsin of WongPartnership in Singa-pore is the Asia-Pacific regional chair and key con-tact for the network.First Law InternationalAsia-Pacific coverage: China, China Hong Kong, Ind

172、ia, Indonesia, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Thailand, VietnamNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 6About this network: A well-established network which has grown from its headquarters in Brussels to cover a range of jurisdictions in more than

173、75 countries, including many in the Asia-Pacific region. It attracts independent law firms whose expertise and cross-border support benefit multinationals from such diverse sectors as the food industry, tech-nology, pharmaceuticals, energy and finance. The group coordinates members professional deve

174、lop-ment through training sessions and conferences each year and requires all member firms to undergo anti-bribery and anti-corruption compliance training. The networks advisory board, which consists of selected managing partners of member firms, adds depth to its value-added service to clients. Cli

175、ents are supported through the networks offering of an in-house-style legal counsel service. Brussels-based Orlando Casares is the CEO and key contact for the network.TerraLexAsia-Pacific coverage: Afghanistan, Australia, Bangladesh, China, China Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia, Myanmar, New Zeala

176、nd, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, China Taiwan, Thailand, Uzbekistan, VietnamNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 14About this network: With members in 17 jurisdictions across Asia and Oceania, this global network is well represented in the region. It aims to promot

177、e coop-eration among its members through referrals, while each firm maintains its independence. Clients are offered a full range of practice group specialisms, and the alliance has established practice guides and conferences to promote strong networking. Places a significant emphasis on forming clos

178、e relation-ships with in-house legal counsel worldwide. Derek Humphery-Smith of Lander & Rogers in Australia and Lee Ying Ying of Kelvin Chia Partnership in Sin-gapore are key Asia-Pacific region contacts for the network.Band 3Ally LawAsia-Pacific coverage: Australia, China, China Hong Kong, India,

179、Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zea-land, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, China Taiwan, Thailand, VietnamNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 5About this network: Member firms frequently col-laborate to assist clients in a variety of industries, including the leisure and hospita

180、lity, technology and healthcare sectors. Referrals are tracked, and clients are regularly surveyed to ensure a consistent level of service is maintained throughout the net-work. Members meet regularly, and the networks yearly meeting includes an international client seminar. Andrew Parlour of Russel

181、l Kennedy in Mel-bourne and Ramesh Vaidyanathan of Advaya Legal in Mumbai are treasurer and vice president respec-tively for the Asia-Pacific region.International Lawyers NetworkAsia-Pacific coverage: Australia, China, China Hong Kong, India, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singa-pore, China Taiwan, T

182、hailandNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 2About this network: Full-service network with member firms across nine Asia-Pacific jurisdictions. Biannual referral surveys ensure a high standard is maintained among member firms. Members regu-larly meet and cooperate, while webinar offering

183、s and virtual networking opportunities have lately been expanded to meet the needs of present circum-stances. Executive director Lindsay Griffiths is a key contact.Lawyers Associated Worldwide (LAW)Asia-Pacific coverage: Australia, China, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Sin

184、-gapore, China Taiwan, ThailandNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 6About this network: Invitation-only network aimed at helping clients pool global legal resources to tackle cross-border issues and establish global busi-ness connections. Member firms are selected by an elected committe

185、e for both their expertise and their commitment to cost-efficiency, as well as the latest in legal technology. Elizabeth Guerra-Stolfa of Rigby Cooke Lawyers in Australia, Frank Mao of Shanghai Pudong Law Office in China and Lawrence Tan of Eldan Law in Singapore are the executive members for the As

186、ia-Pacific region.LegalinkAsia-Pacific coverage: Australia, China, China Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, VietnamNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 6About this network: This alliance has a significant presence across th

187、e Asia-Pacific region, with mem-bers in 12 jurisdictions from which clients can access advice on cross-border matters, including commer-cial and dispute resolution issues. New members are invited to join following referrals from existing mem-bers, and meetings are held on a biannual basis to encoura

188、ge networking and the exchange of informa-tion. Resources available to members include online publications and guides to doing business, including regionally-grouped Covid resources offering up-to-date information on the business and legal implica-tions of the pandemic. Haroldo Espalter of Hughes &

189、Hughes in Montevideo chairs the network.MeritasAsia-Pacific coverage: Australia, China, China Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zea-land, the Philippines, Singapore, South Korea, Sri Lanka, China Taiwan, Thailand, VietnamNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 8About this ne

190、twork: With a diverse roster of mem-bers in Asia-Pacific, this alliance is committed to the sharing of information and referral work among its members. It has thorough quality controls to select new members and carries out ongoing evaluations, including regular recertification. The group organ-ises

191、regional meetings, webinars and other initiatives to offer lawyers insights and information on trends in their practice areas. Darcy Kishida of Kojima Law Offices in Tokyo, Rao Yao of HHP Attorneys-at-Law in Shanghai and Nini Halim of HHR Lawyers in Jakarta are regionally based members of the networ

192、ks board of directors and key contacts.SCG LegalAsia-Pacific coverage: Australia, China, China Hong Kong, India, Japan, New Zealand, the Philippines, Sin-gapore, Sri Lanka, China Taiwan, Thailand, VietnamNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 6About this network: SCG Legal has a substantia

193、l Asia-Pacific presence with member firms in ten different jurisdictions across the region. By sharing skills and expertise in the network, member firms help leading and growing companies navigate through regulatory issues at all levels across the region, carry out sophisticated transactional work a

194、nd conduct litigation in all its forms. The networks membership is strictly by invitation, which is granted only if a firm can demonstrate high-quality service, industry leadership and the value it would bring to the network, with membership peer-reviewed on an annual basis to ensure consistent qual

195、ity. Its strength is particularly notable in India. Network sec-retary Mark Dunphy of Hall & Wilcox in Melbourne is a key contact.TAGLawAsia-Pacific coverage: Australia, Bangladesh, China, China Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, New Zealand, Pakistan, the Philippines, Singapore, South Ko

196、rea, China Taiwan, ThailandNumber of firms ranked in Chambers Asia-Pacific: 9About this network: Through referrals, the group assists clients on cross-border mandates and to access specialist practice area expertise. The TAG Academy provides web-based courses, seminars 11 Regional Law Firm NetworksB

197、and 1SEE Legal (South East Europe Legal Group)Number of member firms: 10Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 10About this network: SEE Legal offers a top-tier ser-vice to businesses looking for top-notch advice in Eastern Europe. Its market-leading member firms operate in four main areas: bank

198、ing and finance, M&A, competition, and energy and infrastructure. One interviewee enthuses: “The network is actually more than just a network; it is really integrated, which is why we like to call it a group. Its greatest strength is that it brings together law firms that are top-tier firms in their

199、 respective jurisdictions.” Key contacts for the network include regional co-chairs Borislav Boy-anov of Boyanov & Co. in Bulgaria, Emir Bahtijarevic of Divjak, Topic, Bahtijarevic & Krka in Croatia and Bojana Bosnjak-London of Maric & Co. in Bosnia & Herzegovina.Band 2AdrialaNumber of member firms:

200、 9Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 6About this network: Adriala is a well-established network operating throughout South-Eastern Europe. Its member firms consist of over 200 law-yers combined, offering a comprehensive service to regional and international clients. The network has recognise

201、d expertise in handling cross-border man-dates within the region. Clients benefits from firms wide range of expertise, including in dispute resolu-tion, regulatory compliance, and restructuring and insolvency. A source says: “The real added value is not only their professional support and extreme re

202、spon-siveness but also that they cover the entire Balkan region and coordinate the multi-jurisdictional work for us.”A key contact for the network is business devel-opment manager Janja Pihlar, based in Slovenia.South East Legal AllianceNumber of member firms: 7Number of firms ranked in Chambers gui

203、des: 6About this network: South East Legal Alliance has notable coverage in Central and Eastern Europe, allowing clients to benefit from a seamless cross-border offering in the region. Member firms pos-sess strengths in the full range of practice areas, including banking and finance, construction, c

204、ompe-tition, employment and tax. End users can also uti-lise the networks language services via its specialist desks. It has members fluent in English, with further proficiency in French, Spanish, Russian, German and Italian. Key contacts for the group are the members of the network executive board,

205、 including Stevan Dimitrijevi of Dimitrijevi & Partners in Bosnia & Herzegovina.TLA Top-tier Legal AdriaticNumber of member firms: 6Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 5About this network: TLA comprises leading law firms in Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia, Macedonia, Mon-tenegro and Bosnia & Herzeg

206、ovina. The cohesive nature of the network allows members and clients to operate on a cross-regional basis through one cen-tral contact point. Members offer businesses oper-ating in the region advice across a variety of practice areas. Key contacts include Boris avori of avori & Partners in Croatia a

207、nd Nikola Jankovi of JPM Jankovi Popovi Miti in Serbia.Alphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.Band 1SEE Legal (South East Europe Legal Group)Band 2AdrialaSouth East Legal AllianceTLA Top-tier Legal AdriaticLeading Regional Law Firm Networksand international conferences, and members o

208、ffer doing business guides to inform clients on regula-tory and other pitfalls when conducting business within particular jurisdictions. The networks Knowl-edge Centre keeps members up to date on the latest macro developments and their business implications, including those in relation to COVID-19.

209、Vancou-ver-based Richard Attisha and Chris Cervellera are the president of TAGLaw and its executive director respectively.Leading Regional Law Firm Networks Central & Eastern Europe12Regional Law Firm NetworksBand 1AffinitasNumber of member firms: 4Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 4About t

210、his network:This is a closely integrated network consisting of first-rate firms in Mexico, Peru, Colombia and Chile. The network focuses on assisting clients with trans-actional work in the M&A and finance spaces, though all members are full-service firms. The organisation has an executive committee

211、 composed of four part-ners meeting every two weeks. A broader assembly of its members also meets on a biannual basis to share knowledge on developments in the region, as well as to coordinate strategies for further integra-tion such as standardised billing in cross-border transactions involving mul

212、tiple members. The organ-isation cultivates strong relationships with firms from Asia and Australia. Juan Lus Avendao of the networks Peruvian member Miranda & Amado is the main contact.ALAENumber of member firms: 34Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 18About this network: This alliance of la

213、w firms counts as members at least one firm from every state in Brazil, and leading firms from eight other Latin American countries, making for impressive regional coverage. Members of the network share a full-ser-vice structure and approach and meet three times a year, holding further meetings when

214、 hosting events for clients to provide insight on regional trends and key legislative developments. The network aims to provide reliable internal references across all juris-dictions in which it is active. CEO Fernando Ceylo is the key contact.Club de Abogados IberoamericaNumber of member firms: 20N

215、umber of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 18About this network: This sizeable regional network has been active in the region for over 50 years, starting in Spain in 1966. It retains its intercontinental approach through its European and Latin American branches, the latter of which encompasses 18 fir

216、ms highly respected in transactional matters. Integra-tion among members takes various forms, including the networks mini teams which bring together spe-cialised practitioners in the real estate, labour, infra-structure, tax, arbitration, compliance and energy practice areas. Francisco Roldn Cobo of

217、 Ecuadorian firm Prez Bustamante & Ponce is the key contact.Ura Menndez Latin America NetworkNumber of member firms: 6Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 6About this network: This informal collaboration of highly respected law firms occurs between Spanish giant Ura Menndez and its closest all

218、ies in Latin America. Included among its members are several existing significant regional players known for their transactional prowess, as well as domestic big hit-ters. The alliance also boasts strong cooperation with a selected group of non-member firms, invariably from jurisdictions in which th

219、ere is no active member, such as in Ecuador, Brazil or Central America. Inte-gration includes joint training sessions among young partners and senior associates of the mainly full-ser-vice transactional firms that make up the alliance. Madrid-based Eduardo Rodrguez-Rovira and Rafael Jimnez are the k

220、ey contacts.Alphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.Band 1AffinitasALAEClub de Abogados IberoamericaUra Menndez Latin America NetworkLatin America-wideLeading Regional Law Firm NetworksBand 1Association of European LawyersNumber of member firms: 40Number of firms ranked in Chambers gu

221、ides: 24About this network: The Association of European Lawyers has over 30 member firms all possessing extensive experience and advising on the full range of practice areas. The network has substan-tial strengths in Europe and provides clients with a seamless service on regional and cross-border ma

222、ndates. Members expertise includes all commer-cial, financial and contentious practices, as well as notable specialisms in data protection, life sciences and tax. The network organises biannual meetings for members, who also have access to specialised courses and training seminars. A key contact for

223、 the network is secretary general Jeff Gillbanks.Band 2EurojurisNumber of member firms: 387Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 31About this network: This network is widely respected for its pan-European services offered to both pri-vately owned companies and public organisations. Members poss

224、ess knowledge and experience in a wide range of practice areas, giving clients access to specialist and holistic advice. The network holds training sessions for its members alongside its larger, biannual meetings. Eurojuris is affiliated with Asia-juris, which allows clients to also have easy access

225、 to counsel in Asian jurisdictions. President Olivier Vibert is a key contact.UnilawNumber of member firms: 16Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 13About this network: Unilaw is an international net-work of independent law firms across Europe and beyond, established in 1970. For each jurisdic

226、tion, a well-regarded law firm has been carefully selected, offering national expertise throughout Europe and Japan. The non-exclusive network assists firms and their clients with work across borders. Together, the network firms have hundreds of lawyers in 30 coun-tries, engaged in the full gamut of

227、 practice areas. Morten Eldrup of Jrgensen is a key contact within the network.Band 1Association of European LawyersBand 2EurojurisUnilawEurope-wideLeading Regional Law Firm NetworksLeading Regional Law Firm Networks Europe-wideLeading Regional Law Firm Networks Latin America-wide13 Regional Law Fir

228、m NetworksBand 1American Counsel AssociationNumber of member firms: 188Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 64About this network: Founded in 1928, this venerable organisation prides itself on being the oldest legal network in the world. With multiple member firms per US state, its broad object

229、ives are to provide a forum for the sharing of knowledge and to encourage continual improvement in the practice of law. Addi-tionally, it supports numerous initiatives for men-toring and assisting the next generation of lawyers. Brett Harrison, based at McMillan in Toronto, is the networks president

230、 and a key contact.State Law Resources, IncNumber of member firms: 42Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 29About this network: State Law Resources is a long-standing network comprising leading law firms in more than 40 US states. The network is dedicated to providing clients with top-tier adv

231、ice in adminis-trative and regulatory law and government relations. Clients also benefit from members expertise in spe-cialist areas, including insurance, natural resources, procurement and energy. Derrick Smith, based in Arkansas, is chair and president of the network and a key contact.United State

232、s Law Firm GroupNumber of member firms: 18Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 16About this network: The United States Law Firm Group has members across the country. The network also has a strong international offering with further member firms in Canada, the UK, Belgium, Asia and the Middle E

233、ast. It highlights the importance of col-laboration between members through an emphasis on knowledge sharing and referrals. Executive director Michael Chivell, based in St. Louis, Missouri, is a key contact for the network.Band 2Business Counsel, Inc.Number of member firms: 19Number of firms ranked

234、in Chambers guides: 14About this network: Business Counsel, Inc. is a well-established network operating across the USA, with additional strengths worldwide. Members pos-sess strong skills in all corporate business matters such as regulatory, transactional and contentious. Key contacts for the netwo

235、rk are directors Kenneth Carter in South Carolina and Jerry Clements in Texas.The Trial NetworkNumber of member firms: 23Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 20About this network: The Network of Trial Law Firms is composed of 24 specialised firms across the USA. A unique offering of the networ

236、k is its Litigation Management Supercourse available to members, in addition to other specialised seminars and trial-re-lated resources. The network continues to focus on member engagement and relations, resulting in a solid service to clients across the country. A source reveals: “The Network is a

237、group of top-notch attorneys who excel in their field. The programs they present are very informative, and the opportunities to meet new people hopefully business partners in the future are limitless.”A key contact for the network is executive director and general counsel Felice Wagner, based in Pom

238、pano Beach, Florida.USLAW NetworkNumber of member firms: 80Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 30About this network: USLAW Network maintains a solid reputation among legal market insiders for its strong line-up of member firms, particularly in civil litigation. The network caters to a variety

239、 of clients, including small businesses and major corporations. Outside of its strengths in the USA, the network holds close connections with Canada, Latin America and Asia through member firms. Its international reach is further enhanced through its affiliation with the networks ALN in Africa and T

240、ELFA in Europe. Key contacts include chair Dan Longo, based in Cal-ifornia.Alphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.Band 1American Counsel AssociationState Law Resources, IncUnited States Law Firm GroupBand 2Business Counsel, Inc.The Trial NetworkUSLAW NetworkUSALeading Regional Law Fi

241、rm NetworksBand ILex MundiNumber of member firms: 4 within the Middle East; 152 globallyNumber of members ranked in Chambers guides: 4 within the Middle East; 144 globallyAbout this network: With member firms based across the GCC and the Levant, Lex Mundi maintains a significant level of Middle East

242、 expertise as part of its global offering. It provides clients with a consider-able depth of local knowledge as well as integrated support on cross-border matters. Member firms also provide full Arabic language capabilities and domes-tically qualified lawyers (both of which are vital for handling lo

243、cal court litigation). Lex Mundis Middle East presence includes well-regarded domestic law firms and branch offices of high-profile international practices. Board member Aly El Shalakany from Shalakany Law Office in Egypt is a key contact for the networks regional presence.Nextlaw Referral Network L

244、LCNumber of member firms: 4 within the Middle East; 736 globallyNumber of members ranked in Chambers guides: 4 within the Middle East; 291 globallyAbout this network: Nextlaw Referral Network was created in association with Dentons and provides considerable coverage across the Middle East. Den-tons

245、itself fields particularly strong teams in the UAE, Qatar and Oman, alongside well-established prac-tices in Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Saudi Arabia. In addition, Nextlaw members include well-regarded law firms collectively covering the vast majority of the GCC and the Levant. The network comprises

246、law firms of different sizes and specialisms, which allows for a very broad range of capabilities. The broader global network provides clients with sig-nificant outreach for cross-border issues. Nextlaw also supports network members by offering notable training opportunities as well as technological

247、 plat-forms which allow for an integrated customer experi-ence. Abu Dhabi-based Paul Jarvis is chief executive of Dentons UK and Middle East offering, and a key contact.World Services GroupNumber of member firms: 5 within the Middle East; 108 globallyNumber of members ranked in Chambers guides: 3 wi

248、thin the Middle East; 96 globallyAbout this network: The World Services Group (WSG) is a robust global network with a strong presence in key markets across the Middle East. Its member firms are well-established domestic practices that can provide in-depth local knowledge as well as international exp

249、erience. Members can also access expertise across a very broad range of legal disci-plines, with individual departments highly ranked for corporate/commercial matters as well as disputes. The network also provides firms with notable tech-nology tools to benefit client service. Bashir Ahmed from Afri

250、di & Angell in Dubai is a director of WSG and a key contact for the network within the region.Lex MundiNextlaw Referral Network LLCWorld Services GroupMiddle East-wideLeading Regional Law Firm NetworksLeading Regional Law Firm Networks Middle East-wideLeading Regional Law Firm Networks USAThe leadin

251、g lawyers and law firms globallyPractice Area Focused Law Firm Networks15AdvertisingPractice Area Focused Law Firm NetworksBand 1Vogel Global Competition NetworkNumber of member firms: 58Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 37About this network: Vogel Global Competition Net-work has a strong g

252、lobal presence and is dedicated to sharing knowledge between members, as well as providing international services concerning inter-action with national or regional competition and regulatory authorities. The network publishes a prac-titioners guide to global competition issues, organ-ises regular me

253、etings and maintains a regularly updated blog of current trends and developments in the field. Stphanie Boudin is a key contact.Band 1Vogel Global Competition NetworkGlobal: Multi-JurisdictionalCompetition/AntitrustBand 1L2bAviationNumber of member firms: 44Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides:

254、 20About this network: L2bAviation is a specialised legal network dedicated to providing assistance with global-wide aviation law. It has members in Europe, Asia, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East. Member firms advise a broad range of clients including airports, airlines, manufacturers, insur

255、ers, financiers, lessors and export credit agencies. Chair Sergi Gimenez, based in Spain, is a key point of con-tact.Alphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.Band 1L2bAviationGlobal: Multi-JurisdictionalAviationBand 1Adlaw InternationalNumber of member firms: 25Number of firms ranked i

256、n Chambers guides: 16About this network: Adlaw International, estab-lished in 1992, has a longstanding presence in the global advertising and marketing space. It comprises leading law firms from over 20 countries all offering high-quality local and international advice. Mem-bers assist advertisers a

257、nd agencies with regulatory compliance and international clearance in numerous markets. Christoph Kolonko in Frankfurt chairs the network and is a key contact for the group.GALA Global Advertising Lawyers Alli-anceNumber of member firms: 73Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 54About this netw

258、ork: Global Advertising Lawyers Alli-ance (GALA) is an international network of leading advertising, marketing and promotion law experts. Members have notable expertise in their respective jurisdictions but work closely together to provide cli-ents with a seamless service across countries. GALA is a

259、 recognised thought leader in the field, pub-lishing extensively on a multitude of advertising and marketing topics. Key contacts include global chair Jeffrey Greenbaum in the USA and vice-chair Danil Haije in the Netherlands.Band 1Adlaw InternationalGALA Global Advertising Lawyers AllianceGlobal: M

260、ulti-JurisdictionalAdvertisingHow lawyers are rankedEvery year we carry out thousands of in-depth inter-views with clients in order to assess the reputations and expertise of business lawyers worldwide. The qualities we look for (and which determine rankings) include technical legal ability, profess

261、ional conduct, client service, commercial awareness/astuteness, dil-igence, commitment, and other qualities most valued by the client.Advertising Global: Multi-JurisdictionalAviation Global: Multi-JurisdictionalCompetition/Antitrust Global: Multi-JurisdictionalContents:Advertising Global: Multi-Juri

262、sdictional p.15Aviation Global: Multi-Jurisdictional p.15Competition/Antitrust Global: Multi-Juris-dictional p.15Competition/Antitrust Europe-wide p.16Employment & Labour Global: Multi-Juris-dictional p.16Environment Global: Multi-Jurisdictional p.17Food & Beverages Global: Multi-Jurisdictional p.17

263、Fraud Global: Multi-Jurisdictional p.17Immigration Global: Multi-Jurisdictional p.17Insurance Global: Multi-Jurisdictional p.18Life Sciences Europe-wide p.18Projects & Energy Europe-wide p.18Shipping Global: Multi-Jurisdictional p.19Tax Global: Multi-Jurisdictional p.19Tax Latin America-wide p.19Tec

264、hnology & Communications Eu-rope-wide p.20TMT Global: Multi-Jurisdictional p.2016Practice Area Focused Law Firm NetworksBand 1 Employment: The EliteGlobal: Multi-JurisdictionalEmployment Law AllianceNumber of member firms: 141Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 121About this network: Employme

265、nt Law Alliance has members covering over 120 countries, with an espe-cially notable presence in North America. The net-work is able to offer clients a single contact point for the management of all global employment matters. It is highly respected worldwide for its international coordination, clien

266、t service, knowledge and experi-ence. The network provides its members and clients with additional resources such as international back-ground check summaries and handbooks. It also puts on annual conferences and focused seminars for its members. A key contact for the network is founder and CEO Step

267、hen Hirschfeld.Ius LaborisNumber of member firms: 53Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 49About this network: Ius Laboris has vast global coverage, with elite member firms in over 50 juris-dictions. The network comprises top law firms in Europe, North and South America, the Middle East and th

268、e Asia-Pacific region. Members are regional experts in all areas of employment and pensions law and work closely together to provide clients with comprehensive international advice. It has a wide range of specialist expertise in areas such as data privacy, restructuring, occupational health and safe

269、ty, and discrimination. Members are invited to meetings and seminars throughout the year and have access to the networks Ius Laboris University, which promotes professional development among lawyers. One impressed interviewee notes: “We think it is the strongest alliance across Europe, with a top la

270、w firm in each country.” Based in Brussels, executive director Sam Everatt is a key contact.L&E GLOBALNumber of member firms: 25Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 23About this network: L&E Global has a strong inter-national presence with members in numerous juris-dictions. Members possess a

271、recognised regional footprint and are able to present clients with a truly international outlook. A source claims: “They have a strong network internationally, and contacts in different jurisdictions, so they are able to provide a service to clients who need assistance in other parts of the world.”N

272、etherlands-based Jeroen Douwes is executive director and a key contact for the network.Employers Counsel NetworkNumber of member firms: 60Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 39About this network: Employers Counsel Network has extensive coverage in North America, with mem-bers in all 50 US sta

273、tes as well as Washington, DC and Canada. The network regularly produces articles and provides other interactive resources to ensure its members and clients are kept at the forefront of US employment issues. It handles a wide variety of mat-ters in the practice area, including related disputes and w

274、orkplace issues. Senior managing editor Tony Kessler is a key contact at the network.Band 2 EmploymentGlobal: Multi-JurisdictionalCELIA AllianceNumber of member firms: 12Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 4About this network: The CELIA Alliance comprises leading law and professional services

275、 firms across the world, which are able to offer expert advice on all areas of employment. Member firms have experience assisting with compensation and benefits issues, employment and labour law matters, and related tax and social security services. Operating throughout Europe, Asia and the USA, the

276、 network provides cli-ents with truly global and comprehensive services. A key contact for the network is London-based Guy Abbiss of Abbiss Cadres LLP.Band 1Employers Counsel NetworkBand 2CELIA AllianceGlobal: Multi-JurisdictionalEmploymentAlphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.Band

277、1Employment Law AllianceIus LaborisL&E GLOBALGlobal: Multi-JurisdictionalEmployment: The EliteBand 1Antitrust AllianceNumber of member firms: 15Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 10About this network: The Antitrust Alliance is com-posed of leading antitrust teams in Europe, pro-viding top-no

278、tch competition law advice throughout the continent. Members advise on EU and national regulations, working seamlessly across countries to provide clients with a comprehensive service, including expertise in competition authority inves-tigations, merger control, compliance programmes and cartel inve

279、stigations. The network is well placed internationally, with its notable cross-border practice groups and joint initiatives between members. ngel Valds of LILF in Barcelona is a key contact.Band 1Antitrust AllianceCompetition/AntitrustCompetition/Antitrust Europe-wideEmployment & Labour Global: Mult

280、i-Jurisdictional17 Environment Practice Area Focused Law Firm NetworksBand 1Alliance of Business Immigration Law-yers (ABIL)Number of member firms: 45Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 23About this network: This global network and its members span over 20 countries, presenting clients with a

281、 single contact point for the management of all global immigration needs. Its international footprint stretches across the globe with members in Aus-tralia, South America, South Africa, Asia and Europe. The network also has substantial US coverage. Members can handle matters relating to corporate st

282、rategic planning of relocations, family-related migration concerns and the preparation of applica-tions. The network also gives members access to an online client case-tracking function. Hannah Little, based in North Carolina, is a key contact for the net-work.Band 1Alliance of Business Immigration

283、Lawyers (ABIL)Global: Multi-JurisdictionalImmigrationBand 1ICC FraudNetNumber of member firms: 80Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 46About this network: ICC FraudNet is a specialised network focused on combating commercial fraud and assisting with asset recovery across interna-tional border

284、s. Founded in 2004 by the Paris-based International Chamber of Commerce, the network is a collection of the top professionals in asset recovery law around the world. Members also include leading forensic accountants and fraud investigators. A key contact for the group is executive secretary Peter Lo

285、we.Alphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.Band 1ICC FraudNetGlobal: Multi-JurisdictionalFraudBand 1Food Lawyers NetworkNumber of member firms: 37Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 15About this network: Founded in 2007 in Cologne, Food Lawyers Network maintains a European hub

286、in Brussels though it comprises lawyers throughout the continent, as well as the USA, Africa and the Asia-Pacific region. The network provides clients access to leading professionals in the field who can advise internationally on issues in the food and bev-erage sector, as well as feed and agricultu

287、ral law. Members specialist expertise covers food regula-tory compliance, government relations, commercial contracts and litigation. A key contact is secretary general Giorgio Rusconi of Mondini & Rusconi in Italy.Band 1Food Lawyers NetworkGlobal: Multi-JurisdictionalFood & BeveragesBand 1Environmen

288、tal Law NetworkNumber of member firms: 32Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 14About this network: This network comprises firms predominantly based in the USA, though through its affiliates it also offers clients specialised advice on environmental and land use law in Latin America, Canada an

289、d Europe. Member firms are able to pro-vide assistance with matters concerning local, state and federal regulators, and multi-state representa-tion is an additional service the network provides. Greg DeGulis, based in Ohio, is chair of the network and a key contact.Band 1Environmental Law NetworkGlo

290、bal: Multi-JurisdictionalEnvironmentEnvironment Global: Multi-JurisdictionalFood & Beverages Global: Multi-JurisdictionalFraud Global: Multi-JurisdictionalImmigration Global: Multi-Jurisdictional18Practice Area Focused Law Firm NetworksInsurance Band 1BiolegisNumber of member firms: 20Number of firm

291、s ranked in Chambers guides: 14About this network: Biolegis is a leading network of top-tier life sciences experts. The network operates throughout Europe, and members expertise spans across the field including IP, product liability, mass torts and environmental regulation. In addition to this speci

292、alist expertise they are also able to offer clients services in M&A, employment, corporate and finance, and litigation. Ralph Cox, based in Clyde & Cos London office, is a key contact at the network.Confrence BleueNumber of member firms: 26Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 15About this netw

293、ork: This network has over 20 years experience servicing clients in the healthcare industry across Europe. Members have recognised strengths in handling cross-border and international matters and particular expertise in drug regulatory issues, EU legislation affecting the movement of goods, competit

294、ion and distribution law. The network also exhibits strong skills in the areas of IP, health-care, genetic engineering and product liability. The key contacts for the network are co-managing part-ners Jonas Lfgren of Lindahl in Sweden and Hctor Jauss of Fieldfisher JAUSAS in Spain.Alphabetical order

295、 within each band. Band 1 is highest.Band 1BiolegisConfrence BleueEurope-wideLife SciencesBand 1InsuralexNumber of member firms: 49Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 23About this network: Insuralex is a noteworthy group of independent insurance and reinsurance firms with well-established rep

296、utations in their markets and deep expertise in the field. Members work closely together across jurisdictions via referrals and knowl-edge sharing. The network also hosts regional meet-ings and conferences for its members, encouraging cross-border collaboration. Clients further benefit from various

297、innovative resources such as a mobile app. A source enthuses: “Insuralex is an outstanding and very professional network. Over the years we have developed an excellent business relationship with law firms around the globe. One of the biggest strengths is the common interest of all members in insuran

298、ce and reinsurance matters and in serving our clients in the best way possible.” The key contacts for the network are executive director David Roig, based in Florida, and president David Rheney in South Carolina.Band 1InsuralexGlobal: Multi-JurisdictionalInsuranceInsurance Global: Multi-Jurisdiction

299、alLife Sciences Europe-wideBand 1Associated European Energy Consult-antsNumber of member firms: 24Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 12About this network: AEEC is an established group of expert European energy lawyers. The networks members have substantial strengths within the EU, though the

300、y also benefit from close ties to the USA, India and Kazakhstan. Members and clients are able to utilise the network as both an information and referrals platform in various fields, including com-munications, environmental and utilities law. It also regularly hosts conferences and focused seminars t

301、hroughout Europe which are accessible to members and industry experts. The key contact for the group is chair Christian Held at Becker Bttner Held in Ger-many.Energy Law GroupNumber of member firms: 36Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 32About this network: This network is a significant play

302、er in the European energy market, consisting of experts across various fields including renewables, mining and electricity law, oil and gas, and water. Client can also benefit from a full-service commer-cial offering presented by member firms. Alongside its established positioning in Europe, the net

303、work also has strengths in the Middle East and North Africa. Members are invited to specialised events throughout the year as a way of sharing information and building relationships between them. A key con-tact is Paris-based chair and founder Thierry Lauriol of Jeantet.Band 1Associated European Ene

304、rgy ConsultantsEnergy Law GroupEurope-wideProjects & EnergyProjects & Energy Europe-wide19 Shipping / TaxPractice Area Focused Law Firm NetworksBand 1LATAXNETNumber of member firms: 17Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 11About this network: This is a tax network comprising highly regarded pr

305、actices from South and Central America and the Caribbean. The alliance is uniquely placed to advise on an array of domestic and cross-border tax concerns, offering demonstrable skill in transfer pricing, tax planning and transactional tax matters. The networks mission is to further public and privat

306、e knowledge of the investigation and analysis of tax policies and strategies. Membership offers opportunities for coordinated billing, net-working and international referrals. The alliance also offers a solid cooperation with the international tax network WTS Global. Venezuela-based Juan Carlos Gara

307、ntn-Blanco is the key client contact.Band 1LATAXNETLatin America-wideTaxBand 1TaxandNumber of member firms: 46Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 22About this network: Taxand comprises leading professionals in tax law from around the world and offers clients comprehensive and specialist advic

308、e on the full range of tax-related matters. With a pres-ence in all major jurisdictions, the network also pro-vides client support on related cross-border dispute resolution. Frederic Donnedieu de Vabres is the chair of the network and a key contact.WTS GlobalNumber of member firms: 69Number of firm

309、s ranked in Chambers guides: 24About this network: WTS is composed of leading tax firms throughout the globe. On top of its traditional tax expertise, the network is dedicated to enhancing its offering in developing fields such as tax tech-nology, and assisting clients internationally with enhanced

310、tool and IT solutions. CEO Wim Wuyts is a key contact for the group.Alphabetical order within each band. Band 1 is highest.Band 1TaxandWTS GlobalGlobal: Multi-JurisdictionalTaxBand 1SNumber of member firms: 217Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 78About this network: S covers over 1,000 ports

311、 in more than 100 countries around the globe. It provides clients with high-quality advice relating to the arrest and release of ships. The net-work puts out an annual summary on shipping law and developments, available to both members and non-members, as well as regular ship arrest news articles. A

312、nnual conferences for members and cli-ents strengthen relationships between members and their connections with industry players. Founder Felipe Arizon, based in Spain, is a key contact for the network.Band 1SGlobal: Multi-JurisdictionalShippingShipping Global: Multi-JurisdictionalTax Global: Multi-J

313、urisdictionalTax Latin America-wide20Practice Area Focused Law Firm NetworksBand 1TechLaw Group, IncNumber of member firms: 30Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 29About this network: Founded in 1986, TechLaw Group is highly regarded in the international TMT market. Member firms cover over 35

314、 jurisdictions around the world and have outstanding expertise within this growing sector. The network emphasises collaboration between members through referrals and frequent meetings. President David Mirchin of Meitar Liquornik in Israel is a key contact.Alphabetical order within each band. Band 1

315、is highest.Band 1TechLaw Group, IncGlobal: Multi-JurisdictionalTMTBand 1EcomlexNumber of member firms: 11Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 7About this network: Ecomlex is dedicated to pro-viding top-tier service to clients in the technology and communications sectors. Its European members o

316、ffer advice on the complete range of technology matters such as privacy and data protection, e-com-merce, telecoms and IT procurement. Firms advise clients across the field, including on issues in the fintech, adtech and gaming sectors. Paul Barton of Fieldfisher is a key contact.EuroITCounselNumber

317、 of member firms: 17Number of firms ranked in Chambers guides: 10About this network: A well-recognised name in the European TMT market, EuroITCounsel offers clients specialised advice on regional and interna-tional issues concerning GDPR, digital commerce, and other technology and telecoms-related i

318、ssues. Through specific regional points of contact, clients are provided with a seamless service. Clients include startups and emerging companies as well as mature multinationals. Simon Stokes, based in the London office of Blake Morgan, is the key contact for the network.Band 1EcomlexEuroITCounselE

319、urope-wideTechnology & CommunicationsTechnology & Communications Europe-wideTMT Global: Multi-JurisdictionalThe leading lawyers and law firms globallyAgribusiness21AgribusinessBand 1Sidley Austin LLPWhat the team is known for Sidley Austin is a dis-tinguished as a global market leader with a well-es

320、-tablished focus on the agribusiness sector. The law firm offers: Expertise in a diverse range of areas, with strong teams in M&A, joint ventures, technology, IP and environmental law advising across financing, fund formation and transactional work for clients in the agricultural industry. An esteem

321、ed dispute resolution practice in the sector with aptitude in high-profile litigation cases, often working with the firms international trade team and with trade associations. Experience acting for clients including multina-tional companies, biotech companies, agritech firms and startup ventures.Str

322、engths An impressed client notes: “Sidley Austin provides a high level of service and professionalism.”Notable practitionersCalifornia-based Joshua Hofheimer and Washing-ton-based Deepti Kulkarni are key contacts for the department.Band 2Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner LLPWhat the team is known for Bryan Cave Leighton Paisner is well known for its in-depth experience and expertise in the agribusiness industry. Particu-larly renowned for its dynamic transactional practice which is adept at mid-market de



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