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1、Demand of Graduate Management Talent:2021 Hiring Projections and Salary TrendsAccess the report,blog,and infographicCorporate Recruiters Survey|June 2021Contents2020 Graduate Management Admission Council(GMAC).All rights reserved.1.Executive Summary and Key Findings4-122.Demand for Graduate Manageme

2、nt Talent13-273.Hiring Projections28-444.Salary Trends45-485.About1.Graduate Management Admission Council(GMAC)2.Methodology3.Respondent Summary4.Contributors and Contact Information49-55GMAC Research3GMAC MissionProvide the tools and information necessary for schools and talent to discover and eval

3、uate each Blogs Infographics Reports WebinarsGMAT Geographic Trend Report Profiles of TestingSurvey Research Application Trends Survey Corporate Recruiters Survey Prospective Students SurveyThe Graduate Management Admission Council(GMAC)conducts the annual Corporate Recruiters Survey(CRS)to provide

4、vital data for employers and business schools in understanding trends and insights about hiring,salaries,and skills for MBA and business masters graduates.The survey is administered in partnership with the AMBA,EFMD,MBA CSEA,and career services offices at participating graduate business schools worl

5、dwide.This report focuses on the demand for graduate management talent from the viewpoint of employers.It narrates the key take-aways and provides related data by regions,programs,and industries.Despite the continuing impact of the pandemic on hiring,the survey gathered 569 responses from corporate

6、recruiters between February 25-March 31,2021.More details are available under the methodology section,along with the respondent profile.4Executive SummaryDemand for graduate management talent returns to pre-pandemic levels 91 percent of recruiters plan to hire MBAs in 2021,a level comparable to pre-

7、pandemic 2020 projected hiring(92%)Growth in the technology sector fuels hiring of business school graduates 96 percent of recruiters from the technology sector plan to hire MBAs in 2021 as compared to 80 percent in 2019Gap in expansion of online programs and their acceptance by employers Only 34 pe

8、rcent of recruiters indicate their organization values graduates of online and in-person programs equallyThe demand for business school graduates in the next five years General growth of business should create more suitable roles for business school graduates.-A recruiter from a technology company b

9、ased in EuropeWe are recruiting high potential business graduates to accelerate into leadership roles to fill succession gaps.-A recruiter from an organization based in Asia-Pacific regionAs we continue to expand,graduate business talent is our main pipeline to grow headcount.-A recruiter from a con

10、sulting company based in the USAs the company endures transformation,there will be demand for business school graduates.-A recruiter from a healthcare/pharma company based in the US56Recruiters project a robust demand for business school graduatesIn 2020,the global pandemic disrupted the growth traj

11、ectories of many organizations around the world.As organizations recover from the pandemic and rebuild their workforces,they need talent with relevant knowledge and skills.This demand for talent seems to be especially robust for business school graduates.Nine in ten corporate recruiters expect the d

12、emand for business school graduates to increase or remain stable in the next five yearsan indicator that graduate management talent is integral to organizational growth plans.Overall,a higher proportion of recruiters in 2021(37%)expect the demand to increase compared to the previous year(30%).In ter

13、ms of regions,a higher proportion of European recruiters(54%)expect the demand to increase as compared to Asian(32%)and American(34%).8%8%62%55%30%37%20202021Percentage of RespondentsOverallIncreaseRemain StableDecreaseDemand for Business School Graduates in the Next Five Years,%19%59%49%

14、26%32%20202021Asia-Pacific4%6%60%40%36%54%20202021Europe8%7%62%59%29%34%20202021United StatesData collected for 2020 from February 17-March 17 and for 2021 from February 25-March 31.7MBA hiring projections indicate a rebound in 2021Long-term expectation about the increase in demand for business scho

15、ol graduates also aligns with immediate hiring trends.Before the pandemic,92 percent of recruiters indicated they were planning to hire MBA graduates in 2020.However,the disruptions caused by COVID-19 adversely affected those plans,and hence the actual hiring of MBA graduates(80%)was lower than the

16、2020 projections.Looking ahead,hiring projections for MBA graduates show a recovery.The proportion of recruiters planning to hire MBAs in 2021(91%)returns to the same level as pre-pandemic 2020(92%).The MBA hiring projections exhibit strength across key regions and industries.Specifically,95 percent

17、 ofconsulting sector recruiters are projecting to hire MBA graduatesa reversal from the 2020 actual hiring of 76%.92%80%91%Percentage of RespondentsProjected(2020)Actual(2020)Projected(2021)MBA Hiring71%75%84%73%86%94%Asia-PacificEuropeUnited States2020(Actual)2021(Projected)MBA Hiring by Company Wo

18、rld Region76%75%89%95%83%96%ConsultingFinance/AccountingTechnologyMBA Hiring by Select Industries8MBA salary premium holds at the pre-pandemic levelsOne immediate outcome of the pandemic was cost reduction strategies as organizations focused on preserving resources1.This resulted in downward pressur

19、e on compensation in many organizations.MBA median salaries were not immune to these pressures.In 2020,the projected MBA median salary reached an all-time high of$115,000 pre-pandemic(Wave I)and declined to$105,000 three months into the pandemic(Wave II).However,the median MBA salary for 2021 is pro

20、jected to recover to its pre-pandemic 2020 levels.At$115,000,the median salary of MBA graduates is 77 percent more than those with a bachelors degree($65,000)and 53 percent higher as compared to those hired directly from industry($75,000).This salary premium shows that investing in an MBA credential

21、 pays off over the time.This salary premium could help an MBA graduate earn US$3 million more than someone only holding a bachelors degree.Data for Wave I was collected between February 17-March 17,2020,and Wave II between June 17-July 17,2020.Assumptions for future value calculation:Current age=30

22、years;Retirement age=64 years;Annual raise=3%1 Enterprise Transformation and Cost Reduction:Save-to-Thrive During the COVID-19 pandemic,Deloitte(2020)$95,000$105,000$115,000$105,000$115,000$55,000$55,000$65,000$65,000$65,000 201820192020(Wave I)2020(Wave II)2021Median Salary,Overall,2018-2021MBABach

23、elors degree$3 million*gap in lifetime earnings over 35 years9Growth in the technology sector fuels hiring of business school graduatesAccording to the IMF,companies are finding their fortunesand futuresincreasingly tied to their ability to attract a limited pool of qualified technology workers2.But

24、 this demand for talent in the technology industry is not limited to data scientists or software engineers.According to survey respondents,demand for MBA graduates by the industry will increase by 10 percentage points in 2021 compared to pre-pandemic 2020.With 96 percent of recruiters projecting to

25、hire MBA graduates in 2021,the demand for MBA talent tops the previous three years.As the technology sector matures,recruiters are placing high value on strategic,interpersonal and decision-making skills since these are needed to drive organizational growth and innovation.These core skills are the s

26、ignature of graduate management education.68%80%85%Versatile skill setStrategic thinkersStrong communication skillsPercentage of RespondentsTop-3 Reasons for the Confidence in B-schools,MBA Programs by Technology Industry71%74%89%89%80%86%96%20021Percentage of RespondentsAxis TitleMBA Act

27、ual vs.Projected Hiring by the Technology IndustryActualProjected60%79%79%81%81%Strategic and systems skillsDecision making processesInterpersonal skillsStrategy and innovationLearning,motivation,and leadershipPercentage of RespondentsTop-5 Skills for MBA Graduates by the Technology Industry2 Tech T

28、alent Scramble,IMF(March 2019)10Graduates see fast-track to leadership in the technology sectorIn addition to solid projections about hiring graduate management talent for their core skills,the technology industry is also willing to promote them to the leadership track at a quicker pace.The data sho

29、ws that two in three(68%)recruiters agree that leaders in their organizations tend to have a graduate business school educationan increase of 11 percentage points from 2020(57%).Furthermore,business school graduates also seem to move more quickly in their career trajectory.In this survey,more than h

30、alf(54%)of recruiters agree that business school graduates tend to have a fast-track to upper-level positions in their organizations.In sum,the technology sector is recruiting more graduate management talent and offering them fast-track to leadership roles to manage their organizational growth.9%15%

31、34%16%57%68%20202021Percentage of RespondentsLeaders in my organization tend to have graduate business school educationAgreeNeutralDisagree11%13%40%33%49%54%20202021Business school graduates tend to have a fast track to upper-level positions in my organization11Recruiters do not value online and in-

32、person programs at parityThe third and final highlight from this survey centers around corporate recruiters perception of online programs.While online programs were already gaining traction in recent years,the onset of the global pandemic accelerated their growth3.However,when recruiters were asked

33、about their level of agreement with the statement“My organization values graduates of online and in-person programs equally,”only one-third(34%)of them agreed.In terms of industries,recruiters from consulting,the industry in most demand by MBA students,are least likely to view graduates of online pr

34、ograms as equal to their on-campus peers.In terms of regions,American recruiters are more likely to disagree that there is a parity in online and on-campus programs as compared to European or Asian recruiters.37%29%34%OverallAgreeNeutralDisagree27%34%39%43%26%28%30%40%33%Asia-PacificEuropeUnited Sta

35、tesRegionsMy Organization Values Graduates of Online and In-person Programs Equally,202152%38%38%23%21%34%25%41%28%ConsultingFinance/AccountingTechnologyIndustries3 Pandemic Accelerates Growth in Online MBAs,The Financial Times(March 19,2021)12Candidates are skeptical about the career opportunities

36、gained through online degreesIn addition to the divergent viewpoints of recruiters,data suggests that candidates are also skeptical about the parity of career opportunities offered by online and in-person programs.Two in three MBA candidates(69%)disagree that career opportunities gained through on-c

37、ampus and online graduate business degrees are the same.This disparity in the perception of career opportunities is problematic as online programs are a fast-growing area of graduate management education.According to GMAC data,50 more online MBA programs accepted GMAT scores in the testing year(TY)2

38、020 as compared to TY 2016;and 84 percent of online MBA programs reported an increase in applications in the 2020 Application Trends survey.In summary,the data suggests that although the context of COVID-19 might have accelerated the supply of online programs by schools,the sustainability of demand

39、would require a higher level of acceptance by employers.66%84%7%2%27%14%All MBA programs(n=525)Online MBA(n=49)Percentage of programsProgram TypeRelative Change in Application Volumes,by Program TypeDeclineStableGrowth69%17%19%40%11%43%MBA(n=1,423)Online MBA(n=81)Percentage of RespondentsPreferred P

40、rogram Type“Career Opportunities Gained Through an On-campus Degree are Same as Gained Through an Online Degree”AgreeNeutralDisagreeSource: Prospective Students Survey,2021Source:Application Trends Survey,2020Demand for Graduate Management Talent13This section presents a summary of survey findings r

41、elated to:The demand for business school graduates Skills for recent business school graduates Viewpoints of corporate recruiters on graduate management education Breakdown by regions and industriesBack to Table of ContentsOverall,recruiters project an increase in demand for business school graduate

42、s,with Europe leading the pack148%8%62%55%30%37%20202021OverallIncreaseRemain StableDecreaseDemand for Business School Graduates in the Next Five Years,OverallQ.In the next 5 years,do you expect the demand for business school graduates to increase,remain stable,or decrease?15%19%59%49%26%32%20202021

43、Asia-Pacific4%6%60%40%36%54%20202021Europe8%7%62%59%29%34%20202021United StatesConsulting and finance/accounting industries expect a robust increase in demand for business school graduates15Demand for Business School Graduates in the Next Five Years,OverallQ.In the next 5 years,do you expect the dem

44、and for business school graduates to increase,remain stable,or decrease?9%7%67%57%24%36%20202021Finance/Accounting6%12%69%59%25%29%20202021Products/Services9%6%55%49%37%46%20202021Healthcare/Pharma7%11%56%57%37%32%20202021TechnologyIncreaseRemain StableDecrease11%6%68%48%21%46%20202021Consulting36%3

45、4%41%44%50%72%69%71%36%41%42%48%50%73%73%74%Dont require extensive traningNavigate challenges of technological disruptionInnovativeHandle complex global business environmentPrepared to take on leadership rolesVersatile skill setStrong communication skillsStrategic thinkersReasons for Confidence in B

46、-Schools to Prepare Graduates to be Successful,Overall,202120212020Strategic thinking,communication skills,and versatility remain a source of confidence for recruiters in graduate business schools16Q:What are the reasons you have confidence in a graduate business schools ability to prepare graduates

47、 to be successful in your organization?Ability to navigate technological disruption saw the biggest shift in 2021Strong communication skills are the top reason for the technology industrys confidence in b-schools1768%80%85%74%74%84%72%72%66%71%71%71%75%81%83%74%80%77%Versatile skill setStrategic thi

48、nkersStrong communication skillsVersatile skill setStrategic thinkersStrong communication skillsMBAOverallPercentage of RespondentsTop 3 Reasons for Confidence by IndustryTop 3 Reasons for Confidence in B-Schools to Prepare Graduates to be Successful by Industry,2021ConsultingFinance/AccountingTechn

49、ologyQ:What are the reasons you have confidence in a graduate business schools ability to prepare graduates to be successful in your organization?Recruiters value relational,strategic,and leadership skills of business school graduates18Q:Which of the following skills are most important for business

50、school graduates to possess for your current job openings?14%23%23%24%31%33%33%37%39%40%41%44%57%61%61%64%75%80%Knowledge of media communcations and deliveryManaging administrative activitiesKnowledge of human behaviorManaging human capitalOperations skillsKnowledge of tech,product design,and produc

51、tionFoundation skillsManagaing task environmentConscientiousnessGenerative thinkingManagaing tools and technologyInterpersonal orientationKnowledge of general business functionsManaging strategy and innovationStrategic and systems skillsManaging decision making processesLearning,motivation,and leade

52、rshipInterpersonal skillsMost Important Skills for Business School GraduatesNine in ten recruiters from the consulting industry identify interpersonal skills,learning,motivation,and leadership as most important for MBA graduates to possess1981%79%81%79%72%71%74%79%48%52%75%77%48%52%76%81%70%70%87%91

53、%63%68%80%87%Strategy and innovationDecision making processesLearning,motivation,and leadershipInterpersonal skillsStrategy and innovationDecision making processesLearning,motivation,and leadershipInterpersonal skillsMBAOverallPercentage of RespondentsTop 4 Skills by IndustryMost Important Skills fo

54、r Business School Graduates by IndustryConsultingFinance/AccountingTechnologyQ:Which of the following skills are most important for business school graduates to possess for your current job openings?A higher proportion of recruiters in 2021 expect their companies to expand/grow as compared to 202020

55、Company Direction in 2020-2021Q:Would you describe your company as15%8%21%24%64%68%20202021Asia-Pacific16%11%30%25%55%64%20202021Europe9%7%24%21%67%72%20202021United States9%15%9%8%22%21%25%21%69%65%66%71%20021OverallExpanding/GrowingMaintaining Current Market PositionOvercoming Challenge

56、sMore recruiters from the technology and finance/accounting sectors expect their companies to expand/grow in 202121Q:Would you describe your company asCompany Direction 2020-2021 by Industry4%5%23%23%73%72%20202021Consulting10%4%28%22%62%74%20202021Finance/Accounting9%4%13%18%78%78%20202021Healthcar

57、e/Pharma10%8%27%26%63%66%20202021Products/Services11%6%23%14%66%80%20202021TechnologyExpand/growMaintainOvercome challengesOnly one in three recruiters agrees that their organization values graduates of online and in-person programs equally2237%29%34%2021My organization values graduates of online an

58、d in-person programs equally,Overall,2021AgreeNeutralDisagree52%38%28%38%38%23%21%38%35%34%25%41%34%27%28%ConsultingFinance/AccountingHealthcare/PharmaProducts/ServicesTechnologyIndustryAgreeNeutralDisagree27%34%39%43%26%28%30%40%33%Asia-PacificEuropeUnited StatesRegionAgreeNeutralDisagreeConsulting

59、 recruiters are more likely to report that they recruit graduates from“leading”business schools2317%24%59%2021My organization primarily recruits graduates from“leading”business schools,Overall,2021AgreeNeutralDisagree12%13%12%22%20%19%19%25%22%25%69%68%63%56%55%ConsultingFinance/AccountingHealthcare

60、/PharmaProducts/ServicesTechnologyIndustryAgreeNeutralDisagree16%9%18%14%31%23%70%60%58%Asia-PacificEuropeUnited StatesRegionAgreeNeutralDisagreeRecruiters from the technology and finance/accounting industries are more confident than previous year2442%48%47%48%10%5%20202021TechnologyNo confidenceSli

61、ghtly confidentConfidentHighly confident42%42%45%46%12%11%1%20202021Consulting37%49%51%45%11%5%1%20202021Finance/Accounting51%47%45%49%4%4%20202021Healthcare51%40%41%41%8%19%1%1%20202021Products/ServicesQ:How much confidence do you have in a graduate business schools ability to prepare students to b

62、e successful in your organization?2020 data is from the Wave I survey.More recruiters from the technology industry agree that leaders in their organization tend to have a graduate business education2517%11%16%17%67%72%20202021Consulting9%7%18%22%73%71%20202021Finance/Accounting9%15%34%16%57%68%20202

63、021TechnologyAgreeNeutralDisagree7%4%25%24%68%72%20202021Healthcare14%11%21%20%65%69%20202021Products/ServicesLeaders in my organization tend to have graduate business school educationMore recruiters agree that b-school graduates tend to have a fast track to upper-level positions in their organizati

64、ons2618%12%33%32%49%56%20202021Consulting18%12%32%24%51%63%20202021Finance/Accounting11%13%40%33%49%54%20202021TechnologyAgreeNeutralDisagree12%7%26%23%62%70%20202021Healthcare20%8%24%30%56%63%20202021Products/ServicesBusiness school graduates tend to have a fast track to upper-level positions in my

65、 organizationFour in five recruiters from the consulting industry agree that employees with a graduate business degree earn more than others278%7%15%12%77%82%20202021Consulting6%9%29%25%66%65%20202021Finance/Accounting7%14%14%23%78%63%20202021TechnologyAgreeNeutralDisagree1%9%9%18%90%74%20202021Heal

66、thcare3%6%17%22%80%72%20202021Products/ServicesEmployees with a graduate business school education tend to earn more than othersHiring Projections28This section presents a summary of survey findings related to hiring projections by programs,regions,and industries.MBA Master in Management Master of A

67、ccounting Master of Finance Master of Data AnalyticsBack to Table of Contents2021 projected hiring of MBA graduates to rebound from lower actual hiring in 2020 due to the pandemic29MBAActual Hiring vs.Projection Over TimeQ:Did you hire each candidate type by program type last year?What are your plan

68、s for this year?67%86%80%81%76%92%91%20021ActualProjectedOver the last decade,the proportion of recruiters projecting to hire MBA graduates has steadily grown across the regions30Projected Hiring of MBAs by Company World Region 0%50%100%200001%7

69、5%84%73%86%94%Asia-PacificEuropeUnited States2020(Actual)2021(Projected)2020 Actual Hiring&2021 Projections by Company World Region2021 MBA hiring is projected to increase by industry,size,and type of company as compared to 2020 actual hiring3189%90%73%89%62%97%97%87%97%92%FortuneGlobal 100FortuneGl

70、obal 500For-profitprivateFor-profitpublicA startup46%70%82%93%67%91%97%97%Fewer than 100100 to 9991,000 to 9,99910,000 or moreMBA Actual Hiring(2020)&Hiring Projections(2021)by Company Characteristics76%75%95%82%89%95%83%98%96%96%ConsultingFinance/AccountingHealth Care/PharmaceuticalProducts/Service

71、sTechnology2021 projected hiring of Master in Management graduates rebounds from lower actual hiring in 202032Master in ManagementActual Hiring vs.Projection Over TimeQ:Did you hire each candidate type by program type last year?What are your plans for this year?34%49%44%53%42%56%54%20021A

72、ctualProjectedMore recruiters project to hire Master in Management graduates in Europe than in Asia-Pacific or the US3348%77%37%59%83%46%0%50%100%Asia-PacificEuropeUnited States2020(Actual)2021(Projected)0%50%100%2000021Asia-PacificEuropeUSMaster in Management2021 Hi

73、ring Projections vs.2020 Actual Hiring,by Company World RegionTrends in Hiring Projections,by Company World Region More recruiters from the technology and consulting sector project to hire Master in Management graduates34Hiring Projections(2021)vs.Actual Hiring(2020),Master in Management Candidates2

74、9%39%56%40%55%52%41%65%43%71%ConsultingFinance/AccountingHealthcare/PharmaProducts/ServicesTechnology2020(Actual)2021(Projected)59%59%35%54%24%63%64%46%62%46%Fortune Global100Fortune Global500For-profit,private For-profit,publicA startup12%33%42%65%17%48%47%72%Fewer than 100100 to 9991,000 to 9,9991

75、0,000 or more2020(Actual)2021(Projected)Overall,half of corporate recruiters project to hire Master of Accounting graduates in 202135Master of Accounting Actual Hiring vs.Hiring Projection Over Time Q:Did you hire each candidate type by program type last year?What are your plans for this year?31%44%

76、44%41%36%51%52%20021ActualProjectedMore recruiters from Europe project to hire Master of Accounting graduates in 20213639%64%43%50%69%50%Asia-PacificEuropeUnited States2020(Actual)2021(Projected)0%50%100%20000202021Asia-PacificEuropeUSMaster of Accounting2

77、021 Hiring Projections vs.2020 Actual Hiring,by Company World RegionTrends in Hiring Projections,by Company World Region Recruiters from large organizations project to hire more graduates from Master of Accounting programs3758%55%40%51%19%63%63%49%60%27%Fortune Global 100Fortune Global 500For-profit

78、,privateFor-profit,publicA startup20%30%48%62%24%39%54%69%Fewer than 100100 to 9991,000 to 9,99910,000 or moreHiring Projections(2021)vs.Actual Hiring(2020),Master of Accounting Candidates28%66%55%41%39%37%69%72%42%44%ConsultingFinance/AccountingHealthcare/PharmaProducts/ServicesTechnology2020(Actua

79、l)2021(Projected)Overall,hiring projections for Master of Finance graduates decreased slightly in 202138Master of FinanceActual Hiring vs.Hiring Projection Over Time Q:Did you hire each candidate type by program type last year?What are your plans for this year?31%45%39%46%37%54%48%20021Ac

80、tualProjectedMore recruiters from Europe project to hire Master of Finance graduates in 20213946%62%33%67%75%39%0%50%100%Asia-PacificEuropeUnited States2020(Actual)2021(Projected)0%50%100%20001920202021Asia-PacificEuropeUSMaster of Finance2021 Hiring Projections vs.2020 Actual

81、Hiring,by Company World RegionTrends in Hiring Projections,by Company World Region Recruiters from large organizations project to hire more graduates from Master of Finance programs4049%54%33%46%12%62%64%45%53%43%Fortune Global 100 Fortune Global 500For-profit,privateFor-profit,publicA startup5%28%4

82、4%59%13%36%46%68%Fewer than 100100 to 9991,000 to 9,99910,000 or moreHiring Projections(2021)vs.Actual Hiring(2020),Master of Finance Candidates23%50%48%32%43%33%53%65%43%54%ConsultingFinance/AccountingHealthcare/PharmaProducts/ServicesTechnology2020(Actual)2021(Projected)Overall,two in three corpor

83、ate recruiters project to hire Master of Data Analytics graduates in 202141Master of Data AnalyticsActual Hiring vs.Hiring Projection Over Time Q:Did you hire each candidate type by program type last year?What are your plans for this year?37%60%47%52%52%72%62%20021ActualProjectedMore US r

84、ecruiters project to hire Master of Data Analytics graduates in 2021 than 2020 actual hiring4254%57%46%59%72%62%Asia-PacificEuropeUnited States2020(Actual)2021(Projected)0%50%100%20021Asia-PacificEuropeUSMaster of Data Analytics2021 Hiring Projections vs.2020 Actual Hiring,by Company Worl

85、d RegionTrends in Hiring Projections,by Company World Region More consulting recruiters project to hire Master of Data Analytics graduates in 2021 than 2020 actual hiring4362%70%38%66%28%74%74%55%74%56%Fortune Global100Fortune Global500For-profit,private For-profit,publicA startup16%22%51%73%33%52%6

86、4%80%Fewer than 100100 to 9991,000 to 9,99910,000 or moreHiring Projections(2021)vs.Actual Hiring(2020),Master of Data Analytics Candidates33%42%62%51%73%67%50%76%64%76%ConsultingFinance/AccountingHealthcare/PharmaProducts/ServicesTechnology2020(Actual)2021(Projected)More than half of recruiters are

87、 willing or planning to hire international candidates,a level comparable to previous year4434%40%36%22%30%38%20202021TechnologyNo,we do not hire such candidatesWilling to hire,but no plansPlan to hire29%30%30%26%41%44%20202021Consulting26%32%36%29%38%39%20202021Finance/Accounting24%26%31%27%45%47%20

88、202021OverallCompany Plans to Hire International CandidatesQ.Does your company plan to hire business school graduates that require additional legal documentation in 2021?Salary Trends45This section presents median base salary trends for recent business school graduates for MBA and business masters p

89、rogramsBack to Table of ContentsAdjusted for inflation,the median annual base starting salary for MBA talent at US companies stands at US$115,00046Companies in the United StatesTrend in MBA Median Annual Base Starting Salary for New Hires,by Survey Year$-$25,000$50,000$75,000$100,000$125,000US Dolla

90、rsSurvey YearReported Median Annual Base Starting SalaryAdjusted Median Annual Base Starting Salary*Salaries are adjusted for inflation using the April 2021 U.S.Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index Inflation Calculator.MBA graduates continue to command a salary premium as compared with di

91、rect-from-industry hires47Q:What is your best estimate of the average base starting annual salary your company will offer to the following new hires in year?Data for Wave I was collected between February 17-March 17,2020,and Wave II between June 17-July 17,2020.$55,000$55,000$65,000$65,000$65,000$65

92、,000$65,000$95,000$85,000$75,000$95,000$105,000$115,000$105,000$115,000 201820192020(Wave I)2020(Wave II)2021MBA Median Salary,Overall,2018-2021MBADirect-from-industryBachelors degreeMedian salaries for business masters vary by program type48$75,000$75,000$85,000$85,000$75,000$55,000$75,000$80,000$8

93、0,000$65,000$55,000$65,000$75,000$75,000$55,000$55,000$65,000$75,000$75,000$55,000201820192020(Wave I)2020(Wave II)2021Median Salary,Overall,2018-2021Master of ManagementMaster of AccountingMaster of FinanceMaster of Data AnalyticsQ:What is your best estimate of the average base starting annual sala

94、ry your company will offer to the following new hires in year?Data for Wave I was collected between February 17-March 17,2020,and Wave II between June 17-July 17,2020.About49Back to Table of ContentsGMACThe Graduate Management Admission Council(GMAC)is a mission-driven association of leading graduat

95、e business schools worldwide.Founded in 1953,we are committed to creating solutions for business schools and candidates to better discover,evaluate and connect with each other.We work on behalf of the schools and the graduate management education community,and guide candidates on their journey to hi

96、gher education,to ensure that no talent goes undiscovered.GMAC provides world-class research,professional development opportunities,and assessments for the graduate management education industry,designed to advance the art and science of admissions.Owned and administered by GMAC,the Graduate Managem

97、ent Admission Test(GMAT)exam is the most widely used graduate business school assessment,recognized by more than 7,000 programs worldwide.Other GMAC assessments include the NMAT by GMAC(NMAT)exam,for entrance into graduate management programs in India,Nigeria,the Philippines,and South Africa,and the

98、 Executive Assessment(EA),which supports the admissions needs of more than 160 programs around the world.Our flagship portal for graduate management education resources and information,receives over 7 million visits a year and features the Program Finder matching tool and GMASS search service,a data

99、-driven technology that helps connect candidates and business schools.These platforms are part of GMAC Connect,a suite of services that help schools attract students through recruiting solutions that marry our market intelligence,data,reach,and candidate touchpoints.Subsidiaries of GMAC include UK-b

100、ased online publishing company BusinessBecause,a content-rich destination that helps students identify the right-fit business schools during the critical consideration and selection phases of their journey,and The MBA Tour,which supports business schools global recruiting efforts by organizing busin

101、ess education-focused events around the world.GMAC is a global organization with offices in China,India,Singapore,United Kingdom,and the United States.To learn more about our work,please visit .50https:/ Graduate Management Admission Council(GMAC)conducts the Annual Corporate Recruiters Survey(CRS)t

102、o provide vital data for employers and business schools in understanding trends and insights on the hiring,salaries,and skills of MBA and business masters graduates.The survey is administered in partnership with the Association of MBAs(AMBA),the European Foundation for Management Development(EFMD),M

103、BA Career Services&Employer Alliance(MBA CSEA),and career services offices at participating graduate business schools worldwide.This survey is aimed at gauging recruitment trends for the graduating class of 2021.This report is based on confidential responses from corporate recruiters representing 11

104、5 total business schools worldwide.The data was collected between February 25-March 31,2021.Schools around the world were invited to participate.Survey respondents receive interactive and summary reports of the current and previous years survey for their participation.A total of 569 employers respon

105、ded to the Corporate Recruiters Survey.This is slightly fewer respondents than the 712 recruiters responding to the 2020 Wave I survey,against which many of this reports comparisons are drawn.Both of these surveys had lower response rates than the 2018(n=1,006)and 2019(1,202)surveys.This is likely d

106、ue to several factors,including continuing uncertainty posed by COVID-19,survey fatigue,disruptions in personal lives,and finally,the inability to reach some recruiters who are no longer in their current roles.Due to the sample limitations,it was infeasible to report all international data.Findings

107、presented in this report are based on the 2021 Corporate Recruiters Survey unless otherwise noted.Readers should note that the terms“respondent,”“employer,”“recruiter,”and“company”are used interchangeably in this report and refer to survey respondents.Sign-up to participate in the next surveyDISCLAI

108、MERThe statistical information contained within this report is believed to be representative of the individuals who responded to the survey.This study does not represent a census of all employers of graduate business students worldwide,nor is it necessarily a representative sample of such employers.

109、Reasonable efforts were made to ensure data comparability within this limitation.Because of this,the results of this research study should not be used to generalize about the employer population.GMAC makes no representations or warranties with respect to the results of this study and shall not be li

110、able to members or anyone else for any information inaccuracies,or errors or omissions in content,regardless of the cause of such inaccuracy,error or omission.In no event shall GMAC be liable for any consequential damages.51Respondent profile52Respondent Profile2021Company World Region*Asia-Pacific7

111、%Europe14%United States74%Rest of the World5%Company Type*Fortune Global 10024%Fortune Global 50027%For-profit,private48%For-profit,public43%Non-profit organization5%Government agency2%Other2%A Startup7%The data for 2021 was collected between February 25-March 31.*Total of percentages for company ty

112、pe do not sum to 100 percent due to“none of the above”option and that a company may belong to more than one category.Respondent Profile2021Company SizeFewer than 100 employees16%100 to 999 employees11%1,000 to 9,999 employees19%10,000 or more employees54%IndustryConsulting16%Energy/Utilities2%Financ

113、e/Accounting19%Healthcare/Pharmaceutical13%Products/Services17%Technology13%Manufacturing11%Other9%Overall n=569Contributors and Contact Information53ContributorsDr.Rahul Choudaha,Industry Insights and Research Communications Director,author and researcher;Devina Caruthers,Manager-Research,survey de

114、velopment,data analysis and interpretation;Alexandria Williams,Associate Manager-Survey Research,data analysis and interpretation;Tacoma Williams,Associate Manager-Research Operations,administrative work.We appreciate feedback provided by several colleagues on various drafts of this report.Contact I

115、nformationFor questions or comments regarding the findings,methodology,or data,please email at gmac-For speaking opportunities,please contact Rahul Choudaha at For media enquiries,please contact Teresa Hsu at 542021 Graduate Management Admission Council(GMAC).All rights reserved.No part of this publ

116、ication may be reproduced,stored in a retrieval system,distributed or transmitted in any form by any means,electronic,mechanical,photocopying,recording or otherwise,without the prior written permission of GMAC.For permission contact the GMAC Legal Department at .GMAC,GMAT,Graduate Management Admission Council,NMAT by GMAC are trademarks of gmac in the United States and other countries.NMAT is a trademark of Graduate Management Global Connection(India)Private Limited(GMGC),a subsidiary of GMAC.



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