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Drift & 亨氏营销:2022年会话营销状况报告(英文版)(60页).pdf

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Drift & 亨氏营销:2022年会话营销状况报告(英文版)(60页).pdf

1、2022 STATE OF CONVERSATIONS REPORT22022 State of Conversations ReportTABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION 03Methodology 04What Is a Conversational Solution?06EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 07Conversational Marketing 07Conversational Sales 08Conversational Support 09THE STATE OF CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING 10Methodology 10

2、2022 Conversational Marketing Key Findings 12Conversational Marketing for the User 18Conversational Marketing for Businesses 21Conversational Marketing Takeaways for 2023 25THE STATE OF CONVERSATIONAL SALES 26Methodology 262022 Conversational Sales Key Findings 28Conversational Sales for the User 33

3、Conversational Sales for Businesses 41Conversational Sales Takeaways for 2023 43THE STATE OF CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT 44Methodology 442022 Conversational Support Key Findings 46Conversational Support for the User 51Conversational Support for Businesses 55Conversational Support Takeaways for 2023 58CLO

4、SING THOUGHTS 5932022 State of Conversations ReportINTRODUCTIONIn 2020,businesses flocked to digital solutions in order to navigate the transition to a fully remote world and it worked.Now,with new uncertainties on the horizon,people are on the edge of their seats trying to figure out what to do nex

5、t.Lately,the words“market volatility”have come to haunt news articles,company meetings,and LinkedIn feeds.As a result,many leaders have been asked to cut back on resources,downsize teams,and brace for impact.In the aftermath of rapid digitization,businesses are struggling to make sense of their over

6、flowing tech stacks,disjointed experiences,and siloed teams and its coming at a big cost.According to McKinsey,with increasing buyer demand for seamless experiences,72%of B2B companies that sell via seven or more channels grew their market share in 2021.But its not all doom and gloom.Todays companie

7、s have the opportunity to rise above the competition by investing in agile,efficient,and consolidated solutions that are in service of the customer.And thats why many companies are turning to conversational solutions.In 2022,9 out of 10 respondents agreed that conversational solutions are valuable f

8、or creating an all-around better experience for both customers and businesses.And this was true for marketers,sellers,and support professionals alike all of whom have benefited from faster and more authentic conversations.In this benchmark report conducted in partnership with Heinz Marketing,youll g

9、ain insight into how Conversational Marketing,Conversational Sales,and Conversational Support can improve internal processes,drive more and better conversations,and help you meet your customers where they are,no matter the market conditions.42022 State of Conversations ReportMETHODOLOGYTo understand

10、 the state of conversational solutions,Drift and Heinz Marketing surveyed 600 B2B professionals distributed equally across marketing,sales,and customer service.Respondents spanned multiple experience levels,company sizes,and industries.WHICH BEST DESCRIBES YOUR COMPANYS SIZE?35%21%27%17%50 EMPLOYEES



13、.33%MARKETINGSALESCUSTOMER SUCCESS/SUPPORT/SERVICE62022 State of Conversations ReportWHAT IS A CONVERSATIONAL SOLUTION?A conversational solution leverages technologies like chatbots,AI,and automation to drive real-time and asynchronous conversations between businesses and buyers throughout the entir

14、e customer lifecycle.They allow businesses to scale personalized interactions while simultaneously empowering customers to have conversations on their own terms.There are three different types of conversational solutions,each serving a different go-to-market team:Conversational Marketing uses conver

15、sations to engage site visitors,understand their needs and intent,and if theyre qualified quickly connect them with sales.Conversational Sales ensures sellers are connecting with buyers through fast,timely conversations while also delivering a one-of-a-kind buying experience.Conversational Support d

16、rives meaningful customer service through automated 24/7 customer support which enables support agents to focus on the issues that matter most.DRIFT CONVERSATION CLOUD Ready to break down the silos across your team?Learn how Drift Conversation Cloud helps you do just that,so you can deliver personal

17、ized experiences that turn into more quality pipeline,revenue,and happy customers.Get a Demo72022 State of Conversations ReportEXECUTIVE SUMMARYHere are the key findings on the state of conversational solutions in marketing,sales,and support.CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING 01.No marketer believes that Conv

18、ersational Marketing solutions are not valuable.Every marketer who has implemented or interacted with a Conversational Marketing solution knows that it has the power to elevate your marketing strategy.Regardless of how big or small the business is,and whether you work in high tech,manufacturing,prof

19、essional services,financial services,or education,Conversational Marketing can help take your marketing to the next level.02.Buyers have doubled down on quick,authentic,and informative experiences.Not all buyers want to play phone tag or start another long email chain.Buyers value Conversational Mar

20、keting solutions like chatbots and live chat because they enable buyers to reach out to businesses on their own terms with the assurance that they will get a friendly greeting and a quick,detailed response.03.Content and Conversational Marketing are more powerful together.Building brand awareness an

21、d trust is a daunting task.But by using Conversational Marketing to support your content and digital marketing efforts,you can ensure youre engaging with the leads that are coming to your website,allowing you to learn more about people who are actually interested in your solutions.82022 State of Con

22、versations ReportCONVERSATIONAL SALES01.When it comes to selling,speed is the name of the game.Buyers and sellers alike are all too familiar with the slowness and tediousness of B2B buying and no one enjoys it.With quick responses and easy-to-use communication channels,Conversational Sales solutions

23、 present a necessary alternative to the traditional,friction-filled buying process.02.Email remains the top channel for sales interactions.Although buyers appreciate the timely responses that Conversational Sales solutions offer,they also want the one-to-one personalization that channels like email

24、provide.With an omnichannel experience,you can ensure buyers have the space to engage with you on their own terms so that youre continuously moving the conversation forward.03.Conversational Sales solutions give a much-needed boost to sales efficiency.Sellers are keenly aware that doing more with le

25、ss is no longer optional.For those that are on the hunt for ways to boost their sales productivity,Conversational Sales offers a timely solution that helps smooth out internal processes and build quality pipeline which ultimately leads to higher sales efficiency.92022 State of Conversations ReportCO

26、NVERSATIONAL SUPPORT01.Support agents have the most confidence in using conversational solutions.Compared to marketers and sellers,support professionals are more comfortable with using conversational solutions.Support agents also reported seeing the most value in their solutions,using them to improv

27、e their service such as by empowering customers to solve problems on their own through customer service chatbots.02.Conversational Support solutions resolve issues efficiently and in real-time.When customers turn to support teams,they do so in the hopes that their issues will be solved quickly.Conve

28、rsational Support solutions make sure the customer experience is up to par through efficient,real-time service a far faster experience than sending an email or filling out a form.03.AI makes fast and easy customer support even faster and easier.As digital customer support experiences become more per

29、vasive,customers will start to have higher expectations for high-quality,always-on customer service.With AI-enabled solutions,companies can rise to meet those demands without needing to increase headcount.102022 State of Conversations ReportTHE STATE OF CONVERSATIONAL MARKETINGMETHODOLOGYTo understa

30、nd the state of Conversational Marketing in 2022,we asked 200 marketers across multiple industries,company sizes,and experience levels to discuss their experiences with Conversational Marketing from both a user and business perspective.WHICH BEST DESCRIBES YOUR COMPANYS SIZE?35.5%32.5%14%18%50 EMPLO



33、ARKETING KEY FINDINGSNO ONE BELIEVES CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING IS NOT VALUABLEIn 2020,COVID-19 was the driving force behind an unprecedented shift to digital solutions,and Conversational Marketing was part of that wave.One year into the pandemic,we found that 97%of marketers believed Conversational M

34、arketing was valuable to their strategy.Today regardless of industry,company size,or job title all marketers are aware of the value that Conversational Marketing brings to their businesses.Overall,94%of respondents said their solution was somewhat to very valuable with 62%saying it was highly valuab


36、n lies in its capacity to build more quality pipeline.Marketers found the most appealing aspects of their solutions were:132022 State of Conversations Report 67%Better understanding buyers and customers 59%Generating a greater volume of high-quality leads 48%Greater,more predictable engagement from

37、leads and accounts WHAT THREE ASPECTS OF A CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING SOLUTION ARE MOST APPEALING TO YOU?Learning more about our buyers and customersGenerating a greater volume of higher quality leadsGreater,more predictable engagement from leads and accountsShortened/accelerated sales cycleLonger tim

38、es on site and/or more pages per sessionReduced customer churn67%59%48%27%22%8%While marketers all-around have experienced success with their Conversational Marketing solutions,some find it even more valuable than others.This includes:Larger businesses:The bigger the business,the more marketers valu

39、ed their solution.Among the largest enterprises,69%of marketers said their solution was very valuable,and the remaining 31%rated it as somewhat valuable.C-suite executives:The biggest Conversational Marketing advocates were top company leaders.94%of C-suite executives rated their solutions as very v

40、aluable.142022 State of Conversations Report IT,tech,software companies:Of all the industries surveyed,tech companies saw the most value out of their Conversational Marketing solution.74%of all tech marketers said their solution was very valuable.BUYERS HAVE DOUBLED DOWN ON QUICK,AUTHENTIC&INFORMATI

41、VE INTERACTIONSThe best marketers know that buyers wont be sold by a product or service alone the buying experience is an equally important factor for making purchasing decisions.And many have come up short:In 2021,buyers expressed increasing frustration with getting basic information from businesse

42、s and navigating their websites.39%41%more marketers said quick,detailed,and expert answers to questions were important for a positive experiencemore said friendliness,approachability,and easy communicationThis is why,with Conversational Marketing,buyers continue to emphasize the importance of quick

43、 responses,informative answers,and an authentic voice.Compared to 2021:Conversational Marketing acts as a foil to these negative experiences,empowering buyers to engage with businesses on their own terms.In fact,the top uses for Conversational Marketing were to communicate with businesses(69%)and ge

44、t questions answered(55%).152022 State of Conversations ReportAS A USER,WHICH TWO OF THE FOLLOWING FACTORS ARE MOST IMPORTANT IN HAVING A POSITIVE EXPERIENCE WHILE USING A CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING SOLUTION?Quick,detailed,and expert answers to my questionsFriendliness approachability,and/or easy comm

45、unicationGetting an instant responseComplaints/issues resolved quickly24-hour serviceReceiving personalized results49%28%26%22%19%24%11%27%29%32%35%35%30%32%34%48%41%57%202020212022More than ever before,users see Conversational Marketing solutions as an alternative to the frustrating,friction-filled

46、 experiences that have become the norm in the digital world.So its likely that,over time,more and more people will turn to Conversational Marketing solutions as a way to easily connect with businesses,get quick answers,and have genuine conversations.CONTENT AND CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING ARE MORE POWE

47、RFUL TOGETHERBuyers need to know that they can trust your business.Just take it from the 47%of marketers who said they would stop using Conversational Marketing if it provided inaccurate information.But building trust requires a continuous and concentrated effort which doesnt always lead to quantifi

48、able results.However,marketers can build trust with buyers quickly by using their Conversational Marketing solution to boost their inbound marketing efforts.162022 State of Conversations ReportA little over half of buyers(51%)use Conversational Marketing to get content,resources,or ideas and inspira

49、tion which allows them to learn about and better evaluate potential solutions.Moreover,marketers have already seen the benefit of combining their Conversational Marketing and content efforts.46%58%of marketers said the top positive outcome of their Conversational Marketing solution was quick and eas

50、y access to content for their users.of marketers said that content marketing was where they saw the most success with their Conversational Marketing solution.Clearly,Conversational Marketing and content marketing are a powerful duo.After content though,the two areas where marketers have seen the mos

51、t success were:Websites(53%)Digital ads,paid social,pay-per-click(PPC),and retargeting(38%)172022 State of Conversations ReportIN WHAT AREAS HAVE YOU SEEN THE MOST SUCCESS FROM YOUR CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING SOLUTIONS?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)Content marketingWebsiteLead qualificationPipeline creation

52、ABMSales enablementField marketingDigital ads,paid social ads,PPC,or retargeting Customer marketing/post-sale programsEvent intiatives(pre-and post-event)Email campaigns/nurture programs58%53%38%30%27%26%20%19%18%17%9%In short,Conversational Marketing has proven to enhance efforts around attracting

53、leads and engaging them.And considering how marketers plan to improve their use of Conversational Marketing in the same three areas content,website,and digital ads its clear marketers will continue to focus their time on educating,inspiring,and(ultimately)building trust with future customers.182022

54、State of Conversations ReportCONVERSATIONAL MARKETING FOR THE USERTo better understand how buyers and customers interact with Conversational Marketing solutions,we asked respondents about their experiences and expectations as users of Conversational Marketing.Heres what they told us.EMAIL TAKES BACK

55、 THE CROWN BUT CHAT SOLUTIONS COME IN FOR THE ASSISTAs businesses gradually return to pre-pandemic activities like in-person meetings and live events,the way buyers use communication channels has shifted again.Email is back on top with 26%of respondents reporting they have used it more than 10 times

56、 in the past six months.Phone calls and text messages follow closely after.AS A USER,IS THE PAST 6 MONTHS,HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU USED THE FOLLOWING METHODS TO COMMUNICATE WITH COMPANIES?Live chatChatbotWeb formPhone callEmailSocial mediaText36%25%25%26%25%23%23%19%24%13%29%33%18%18%28%23%19%14%11%2

57、1%14%3-5 TIMES6-10 TIMES10+TIMES192022 State of Conversations ReportAlthough live chat and chatbot solutions were not used as frequently as email,the majority of respondents said they have used them between 3-5 times in the past six months.This suggests that,while traditional channels like email and

58、 phone calls are used for consistent communications,chat solutions provide users with a reliable place to start the conversation.FEWER PEOPLE PREFER FACE-TO-FACE INTERACTIONS OR WEB FORMSWhile buyers do not use chat solutions as frequently as other communication channels such as web forms,this is li

59、kely because chatbots and live chat are not as widely available.In the past year,the number of users who would opt to use a Conversational Marketing solution(if one was available)has increased.30%of marketers said that nothing would stop them from using Conversational Marketing,and compared to 2021:

60、37%fewer people said they would prefer to interact with a person 84%fewer people said they would prefer to fill out a form on a website PREFERENCE FOR USING A CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING SOLUTION30%32%5%35%22%Nothing would stop me from using a Conversational Marketing solution*No data in 2021I prefer t

61、o interact with a personI prefer to fill out a form on a website202 State of Conversations ReportWHEN IT COMES TO RESPONSE TIME,EVERY SECOND COUNTS Todays buyers have a need for speed,and response time is no exception.For real-time communication channels:40%of respondents expect a respons

62、e within 5 seconds or less when using a chatbot With live chat and phone calls,the majority of respondents expect a response in 5 minutes or lessTHE EXPECTATION OF AN IMMEDIATE RESPONSE IN 202232%40%28%36%29%43%Chat botLive chatPhone callIMMEDIATELY5 MINUTES OR LESSStatic channels are also not immun

63、e to the demand for timely responses.With social media,texts,and web forms,most buyers expect a response within 1-4 hours.Email is the only exception to this but,even then,most people will only wait one business day for a reply.212022 State of Conversations ReportTHE EXPECTATION OF A RESPONSE WITHIN

64、 1 BUSINESS DAYSocial mediaTextWeb formEmail40%18%16%16%37%37%29%27%26%12%7%7%1-4 HOURS1 BUSINESS DAYMORE THAN 1 BUSINESS DAYCONVERSATIONAL MARKETING FOR BUSINESSESTodays marketers are well aware of how Conversational Marketing solutions empower their marketing efforts.Here,we dive into the advantag

65、es that these solutions provide and what businesses can do to get more out of them.MAKING THE BUYER EXPERIENCE EVEN BETTERAccording to Salesforces State of the Connected Customer report,88%of people believe a companys customer experience is just as important as its products or services.Marketers tha

66、t use Conversational Marketing have taken that fact to heart and their outcomes prove it.222022 State of Conversations ReportOf all the positive outcomes that marketers have seen with their Conversational Marketing solution,the top three are all user-centric.And more businesses have reported seeing

67、these outcomes in 2022 than in 2021.WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING POSITIVE OUTCOMES HAVE YOU SEEN FROM IMPLEMENTING A CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING SOLUTION?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY)27%25%69%increase in quick and easy access to content for users.increase in a more human,authentic experience.increase in relevant m

68、essaging for users.Quick and easy access to content for our usersA more human,authentic experienceRelevant messaging for our usersIntegrated campaigns and experiences across channelsAccelerated sales pipelineEnhanced personalizationA more seamless customer journeyIncreased ROI46%45%44%40%38%31%29%21

69、%232022 State of Conversations ReportMORE MARKETING&SALES ALIGNMENT CAN BOOST CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING SUCCESSWhen it comes to implementing a Conversational Marketing solution,most marketers are still struggling with a lack of marketing resources and a lack of alignment with sales.But things are loo

70、king up.In 2022,marketers reported facing less difficulty when partnering with sales on their use of Conversational Marketing solutions.25%decrease in a lack of engagement or buy-in from sales 29%decrease in a lack of engagement from sales to follow up with leadsWHAT ARE THE MOST CHALLENGING FACTORS

71、 TO ROLLING OUT A CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING SOLUTION?Lack of marketing resources to keep messaging freshLack of engagement/buy-in from salesLack of engagement from sales to follow up with leadsDifficult to set up45%45%40%40%30%49%28%32%39%41%35%29%202020212022Although more marketers are struggling wi

72、th a lack of marketing resources,it is unlikely that marketers will be able to turn many of their resources towards messaging right now.Instead,marketers should focus on further aligning with their sales teams to make the most of their Conversational Marketing solutions.242022 State of Conversations

73、 ReportMORE EFFECTIVE USE OF CONVERSATIONAL MARKETING CAN OPEN DOORS TO ABMA good number of marketers who have a Conversational Marketing solution said they use their solution effectively,but the majority(61%)believe there is more that can be done.OF THOSE RESPONDENTS WHO HAVE A CONVERSATIONAL MARKE

74、TING SOLUTION,HOW EFFECTIVELY ARE THEY USING IT?39%17%44%EFFECTIVELYSOMEWHAT EFFECTIVELYINEFFECTIVELYNamely,ineffective use of Conversational Marketing solutions is hurting pipeline.Only a fraction of respondents said their solutions helped accelerate sales pipeline(38%),enhance personalization(29%)

75、,and create a more seamless customer journey(21%).On top of that,only 9%of marketers said they saw the most success when using their solution for account-based marketing(ABM).This suggests that there is room for improvement when it comes to personalization but,as long as marketers continue to work o

76、n alignment,they will be able to deliver highly-personalized experiences that engage and convert target accounts.252022 State of Conversations ReportCONVERSATIONAL MARKETING TAKEAWAYS FOR 202301.Anyone can benefit from a Conversational Marketing solution,no matter what kind of business they work at.

77、02.Buyers want to build connections with businesses but without sacrificing a quick and easy experience.03.Conversational Marketing can act as a megaphone for your brand so you can capture more buyer interest and set yourself up for the next interaction.04.While marketers have been getting better at

78、 aligning with sales teams,now is the time to double down on those efforts to ensure your leads dont go to waste.05.Future Conversational Marketing efforts should home in on converting high-intent buyers into pipeline through personalized experiences,not just generating leads.262022 State of Convers

79、ations ReportTHE STATE OF CONVERSATIONAL SALESMETHODOLOGYTo understand the state of Conversational Sales in 2022,we asked 200 sellers across multiple industries,company sizes,and experience levels to discuss their experiences with using and implementing a Conversational Sales solution.WHICH BEST DES



82、R282022 State of Conversations Report2022 CONVERSATIONAL SALES KEY FINDINGSBOTH BUYERS AND SELLERS AGREE:SPEED IS THE NAME OF THE GAMEB2B sales is notorious for being complicated,time-consuming,and slow.According to Forresters 2021 B2B Buying Study,the number of buyer interactions needed to close a

83、sale has jumped from 17 in 2019 to 27 in 2021,an almost 60%increase.48%40%said learning more about buyers and customers quicker.said greater engagement from buyers and accounts.Its no wonder then that many sellers see Conversational Sales as an antidote to less-than-ideal buying experiences.Most sel

84、lers(57%)credited their success with their Conversational Sales solution to quick response times and answers.And,when asked what they found most appealing about Conversational Sales solutions,sellers pointed out how it leads to more and faster buyer interactions.292022 State of Conversations ReportW

85、HAT THREE ASPECTS OF A CONVERSATIONAL SALES SOLUTION ARE MOST APPEALING TO YOU?(SELECT UP TO 3.)Learning more about our buyers&customers more quicklyGenerating greater engagement from buyers and accountsImproving overall customer lifetime valueImproving overall revenue growthBooking more qualified m

86、eetingsShortening or accelerating our sales cycleReducing customer churnAccelerating revenue generationIncreasing annual contract valueOther48%40%33%30%28%23%21%19%8%1%These quick interactions not only help businesses improve their selling,but they also serve the interests of buyers.Buyers echoed th

87、e importance of speed in their interactions with sellers with more than half of respondents(55%)saying quick,detailed,and expert answers are crucial for a positive Conversational Sales experience.Plus,unlike marketers who prioritize accurate responses,sellers are more likely to stop using a Conversa

88、tional Sales solution if it didnt respond or was slow to respond(46%).302022 State of Conversations ReportEMAIL REMAINS THE TOP CHANNEL FOR SALES INTERACTIONSAlthough sellers and buyers alike appreciate the speed that Conversational Sales solutions provide,it still isnt as popular as traditional com

89、munication channels.40%of respondents said that email is the communication channel they use the most often.AS A USER,IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS,WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING COMMUNICATION METHODS HAVE YOU USED MOST OFTEN?31%40%25%17%16%10%EmailPhone callTextChatbot/live chatSocial mediaWeb formThis isnt to say t

90、hat chat solutions are not necessary.After all,only 17%of respondents said they would prefer to interact with a person rather than use Conversational Sales.Instead,these results simply show that buyers approach various communication channels differently.Buyers know that they can count on Conversatio

91、nal Sales channels to deliver instantaneous and informative responses,allowing them to forgo one-line emails and five-minute calls.On the other hand,emails and phone calls make up for what Conversational Sales lacks:one-to-one personalization.As buyers explained,receiving personalized results is the

92、 least important aspect of the Conversational Sales experience.312022 State of Conversations ReportAS A USER,WHICH TWO OF THE FOLLOWING FACTORS ARE MOST IMPORTANT TO YOU IN HAVING A POSITIVE EXPERIENCE WHILE USING A CONVERSATIONAL SALES SOLUTION?(SELECT TOP 2)Quick,detailed,and expert answers to my

93、questionsFriendliness,approachability,and/or easy communicationComplaints/issues resolved quicklyGetting an instant response24 hour serviceReceiving personalized resultsOther55%54%30%27%26%9%So,while email continues to be a valuable communication tool for buyers,it isnt necessarily the best for ever

94、y situation.Conversational Sales tools give buyers more options and opportunities to connect with sellers so they can have conversations whenever they want.CONVERSATIONAL SALES OFFERS A MUCH-NEEDED BOOST TO SALES PRODUCTIVITYHistorically,efficient selling has been a challenge.In our 2021 State of Co

95、nversational Sales report,76%of sellers said they were frequently meeting with unqualified buyers,and 86%of self-identified unproductive sellers saw this lack of qualified buyers as their biggest challenge.Now,as companies prepare for unpredictable times,sellers are on the hunt for solutions that wi

96、ll boost their sales productivity.Conversational Sales solutions do exactly that empower teams to sell more efficiently and the numbers prove it.322022 State of Conversations ReportA resounding 94%of individual contributors believe a Conversational Sales solution is valuable,with almost two-thirds(6

97、2%)saying it is very valuable.Sellers largely attribute this value to improvements that Conversational Sales has made to their internal sales processes,especially in:43%Business development 40%Generating and prospecting net new qualified buyers 37%Qualifying and nurturing qualified buyers HOW HAS US

98、ING CONVERSATIONAL SALES SOLUTIONS IMPROVED YOUR INTERNAL SALES PROCESSES?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)Business developmentGenerating/prospecting net new qualified buyersQualifying/nurturing qualified buyersAccount engagementAccelerated onboardingData-driven coachingAccount-based sellingCross-selling/up-

99、selling existing customersEvent campaignsPost-sale campaignsOther43%40%37%35%30%24%23%20%19%19%2%332022 State of Conversations ReportBy supporting business development and improving the qualification process,Conversational Sales solutions help ensure that sellers are starting conversations with the

100、right people at the right time,leading to more efficient selling.Download NowAs a result,36%of sellers reported they were able to book more qualified meetings with their Conversational Sales solution than without.CONVERSATIONAL SALES FOR THE USERHow do prospects and customers feel about Conversation

101、al Sales solutions?To answer this question,we asked respondents about their experiences as end-users of Conversational Sales.Here are the biggest insights:342022 State of Conversations Report42%36%of buyers expect an immediate response from a chatbot.of buyers expect an email response within 1-4 hou

102、rs,and 23%expect an even faster response.MOST BUYERS WILL NOT WAIT MORE THAN 1-4 HOURS FOR A RESPONSERegardless of what communication channel buyers use,people expect timely responses from sellers after reaching out.Across all channels,the majority of respondents said that they will not wait for a r

103、esponse for more than 1-4 hours.With text-based communication channels like live chat and text,most buyers expect a response within 5 minutes or lessAS A USER,HOW SOON WOULD YOU EXPECT TO GET A RESPONSE FROM EACH OF THE FOLLOWING CHANNELS?Live chatChatbotWeb formPhone callEmailSocial mediaText42%42%

104、12%11%11%17%21%24%31%31%30%9%36%36%14%23%20%41%41%31%15%IMMEDIATELY5 MINS OR LESS1-4 HOURS352022 State of Conversations ReportCONVERSATIONAL SALES SOLUTIONS ALLOW USERS TO MAKE STRIDES TOWARDS BUYINGFor users,Conversational Sales solutions provide an opportunity to start(or continue)the sales conver

105、sation,which means that users can actively move the buying process forward.The top three reasons people said they would use a Conversational Sales solution were:50%Communicating with businesses 49%Getting questions answered/resolving issues 43%Scheduling a meeting AS A USER,WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING WO

106、ULD YOU USE A CONVERSATIONAL SALES SOLUTION FOR?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)Communicating with businessesGetting questions answered/resolving issuesScheduling a meetingPurchasing an itemGetting content,resources,or ideas and inspirationSigning up for a product training,webinar,virtual event,or newslette

107、rNone of these thingsOther50%49%43%39%37%32%1%1%362022 State of Conversations ReportIn other words,buyers use Conversational Sales solutions to get in touch with businesses,address questions and concerns,and take the next step in the buying process.Some would even use a Conversational Sales solution

108、 to purchase an item(39%).FOR USERS,POSITIVE EXPERIENCES FAR OUTNUMBER NEGATIVE ONESAll of the sellers we surveyed have used a Conversational Sales solution before and the vast majority of them have had a positive experience.In fact,only 1%of respondents said they have had a negative experience usin

109、g Conversational Sales solutions.AS A USER OF CONVERSATIONAL SALES SOLUTIONS,PLEASE DESCRIBE YOUR MOST TYPICAL EXPERIENCE WITH THEM.32%68%POSITIVENEUTRALNEGATIVE To ensure a positive Conversational Sales experience,more than half of the respondents(54%)said friendliness,approachability,and easy comm

110、unication are key.Users also stated that Conversational Sales solutions must be responsive,accurate,and informative,otherwise they would stop using them entirely.372022 State of Conversations Report46%42%41%said they would stop using a Conversational Sales solution if it didnt respond or was slow to

111、 respond.said if it provided inaccurate informationsaid if it didnt answer the questionAS A USER,WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING WOULD STOP YOU FROM USING A CONVERSATIONAL SALES SOLUTION?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)If it didnt respond or it was too slowIf it provided inaccurate informationIf it didnt answer my q

112、uestionNothing would stop me from using a Conversational Sales solutionI prefer interacting with a personI prefer to fill out a form on a websiteOther46%42%41%26%17%7%1%382022 State of Conversations ReportCONVERSATIONAL SALES FOR BUSINESSESNow more than ever,sellers need to have the right solutions

113、in their toolkits so they can ensure they are selling efficiently and effectively.Here are some of the reasons why sellers say Conversational Sales is a must-have for your sales teams.EVEN SELLERS THAT USE CONVERSATIONAL SALES INEFFECTIVELY BELIEVE IT IS VALUABLEJust as buyers use Conversational Sal

114、es solutions to quickly communicate with businesses,sellers leverage their solutions in order to engage as many interested people as possible and ensure no one slips through the cracks.As a result,the top three benefits that sellers have seen with their Conversational Sales solutions were:53%Learnin

115、g more about buyers and customers more quickly 53%Greater engagement from buyers and accounts 36%Booking more qualified meetings 392022 State of Conversations ReportWHAT THREE ASPECTS OF A CONVERSATIONAL SALES SOLUTION ARE MOST APPEALING TO YOU?(SELECT UP TO 3.)Learned more about our buyers and cust

116、omers more quicklySaw greater engagement from buyers and accountsBooked more qualified meetingsImproved overall customer lifetime valueImproved overall revenue growthAccelerated revenue generationShortened or accelerated our sales cycleReduced customer churnIncreased annual contract valueOther53%53%

117、36%33%33%30%29%22%18%3%Almost all sellers said their Conversational Sales solution was valuable.In fact,only 1%of respondents said it was not valuable,while nearly 6 in 10 sellers said their solutions were very valuable.402022 State of Conversations ReportHOW VALUABLE DO YOU BELIEVE IT IS TO HAVE A

118、CONVERSATIONAL SALES SOLUTION FOR YOUR BUSINESS?33%58%VERY VALUABLESOMEWHAT VALUABLENOT VALUABLE,NOR UNVALUABLESOMEWHAT UNVALUABLENOT VALUABLE7%1%Sellers are convinced of the value that Conversational Sales solutions bring,and thats true even when they use these solutions ineffectively.Out of all th

119、e respondents who have a Conversational Sales solution,15%said they use them ineffectively.However,80%of those respondents still rated their solutions as somewhat to very valuable.OF THOSE RESPONDENTS WHO HAVE A CONVERSATIONAL SALES SOLUTION,HOW EFFECTIVELY ARE THEY USING IT?40%15%45%EFFECTIVELYSOME

120、WHAT EFFECTIVELYINEFFECTIVELY412022 State of Conversations ReportCONVERSATIONAL SALES SUCCESS STARTS WITH PROVIDING THE EXPERIENCE BUYERS WANTAs users of Conversational Sales solutions,our respondents have painted the picture of an ideal buying experience one that is fast,easy,and authentic.Its hard

121、ly a surprise,then,that this is exactly what leads to success with a Conversational Sales solution.The top three factors that sellers believe make their solution successful are:57%Quick response times and answers 50%Friendly and helpful responses and answers 43%A more human,authentic experience WHAT

122、 FACTORS DO YOU BELIEVE HAVE MADE YOUR SALES PROCESS WITH A CONVERSATIONAL SALES SOLUTION MOST SUCCESSFUL?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)Quick response and answers to our buyersFriendly and helpful responses and answers to our buyersA more human authentic experience for our buyersAbility to help buyers mak

123、e digital self-service purchasesRelevant messaging and helpful content for our buyersReal-time alerts to know when buyers are engaging on our website or with our contentOther57%50%43%36%34%15%1%422022 State of Conversations ReportSELLERS ARE ON THE HUNT FOR MORE INTEGRATED&AI-ENABLED SOLUTIONSIn 202

124、1,32%of sellers expressed their frustration with having too many complex processes or disjointed technologies.Todays sellers are still facing this problem.With Conversational Sales,these difficulties boil down to two roadblocks:lack of AI solutions and lack of integrations.29%Lack of/limited AI or i

125、ntelligent solutions to replace manual,repetitive processes 26%Lack of/limited integration with other channels,tools,and systems Compared to 2021:THE CHALLENGES OF IMPLEMENTING A CONVERSATIONAL SALES SOLUTION35%22%decrease in the number of sellers who struggled with a lack of integrations.decrease i

126、n the number of sellers who struggled with a lack of AI solutions.Lack of/limited AI or intelligent solutions to replace manual,repetitive processesLack of/limited integration with other channels,tools,and systemsLack of/limited incentive for sales reps to adopt new tools/resourcesLack of/limited co

127、ntent or sharable resources to use in conversationsLack of/limited self-service capabilities for buyersLack of/limited actionable,contextual,or predictive buyer dataLack of/limited knowledge,understanding,or enablement of how to effectively implement Conversational Sales40%26%37%29%32%25%37%25%30%24

128、%34%24%34%17%202 State of Conversations ReportThis shows that,for the many sellers who are actively looking to simplify and unify their complex sales processes,there are already Conversational Sales solutions out there that have two-way integrations and AI-enabled tools that enable them t

129、o sell more effectively than they are now.CONVERSATIONAL SALES TAKEAWAYS FOR 202301.Although sellers may not be as adamant about getting instant responses,they do still expect timely ones.02.Conversational Sales solutions provide buyers with a channel to engage with businesses quickly and keep the s

130、ale moving forward.03.Conversations empower sellers to better qualify and nurture potential buyers by providing more insight into buyer interests and intent signals.04.Efficient selling is much easier when you have a Conversational Sales solution to help you sharpen your selling skills.05.The key to

131、 unlocking a more effective Conversational Sales experience is to implement well-integrated and AI-enabled conversational solutions.442022 State of Conversations ReportTHE STATE OF CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORTMETHODOLOGYIn our inaugural report on the state of Conversational Support,we surveyed 200 custome

132、r support professionals across various industries,company sizes,and experience levels to find out how people feel about Conversational Support solutions in 2022.WHICH BEST DESCRIBES YOUR COMPANYS SIZE?24.5%18.5%25%32%50 EMPLOYEES OR LESS51-250 EMPLOYEES251-1,000 EMPLOYEES1,001-5,000 EMPLOYEES5,000+E



135、ONVERSATIONAL SOLUTIONSIn comparison to marketers and sellers,support agents are a lot more confident when it comes to using a conversational solution.Of those who have a conversational solution,39%of marketers and 40%of sellers said they use it effectively.By contrast,46%of support agents who have

136、a conversational solution use it effectively.Furthermore,only 7%of support agents use their solution ineffectively.OF THE RESPONDENTS WHO HAVE A CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT SOLUTION,HOW EFFECTIVELY ARE THEY USING IT?46%7%48%EFFECTIVELYSOMEWHAT EFFECTIVELYINEFFECTIVELYThe confidence that support agents fe

137、el towards their use of conversational solutions is mirrored in the success that they are seeing.A whopping 74%of support agents rated Conversational Support solutions as very valuable and 22%rated them as somewhat valuable.472022 State of Conversations ReportHOW VALUABLE DO YOU BELIEVE IT IS TO HAV

138、E A CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT SOLUTION FOR YOUR BUSINESS?22%74%VERY VALUABLESOMEWHAT VALUABLENOT VALUABLE,NOR UNVALUABLESOMEWHAT UNVALUABLENOT VALUABLESupport agents also expressed the least concern about the way they were currently using their Conversational Support solutions.In fact,the biggest chall

139、enge that support agents said they faced in rolling out their solutions was that they were unsure if the customer will use it(35%).CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT SOLUTIONS RESOLVE ISSUES EFFICIENTLY AND IN REAL-TIMEIts a no-brainer that,when people turn to customer support,they want their issues to be resol

140、ved as quickly as possible.But theres only so much time and resources that a team of human support agents can spare.Conversational Support solutions vastly improve the customer service experience by allowing agents to serve customers more effectively.63%of support agents said their Conversational Su

141、pport solution helps them assist customers in real-time,and over half of the respondents(53%)reported seeing increased agent productivity.482022 State of Conversations ReportSupport agents arent the only ones who have benefited from efficient,real-time customer service.For customers themselves,the t

142、op two Conversational Support use cases were:78%Resolving issues 59%Getting answers to questions AS A USER,WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING WOULD YOU USE A CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT SOLUTION FOR?78%59%39%20%1%Resolving issuesGetting answers to questionsAccessing resourcesPurchasing a solutionOtherAll this shows

143、that Conversational Support solutions are working as intended enabling support agents to solve problems quickly and effectively without forcing customers to wait days for answers.And given that only 17%of users would prefer to speak to a person and only 4%would prefer to fill out a form,its clear th

144、at Conversational Support solutions provide a far better experience than traditional customer support processes.492022 State of Conversations ReportAS A USER,WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING WOULD STOP YOU FROM USING A CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT SOLUTION?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)52%47%46%20%17%4%1%If it didnt resp

145、ond or was too slow to respondIf it provided inaccurate informationIf it didnt answer my questionNothing would stop me from using a Conversational Support solutionI prefer interacting with peopleI prefer to fill out a form on a websiteOtherAI INSTANTLY ELEVATES THE CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT EXPERIENCEI

146、n recent years,AI has become a buzzword in the world of digital transformation.That buzz is more than justified when it comes to customer support because the customer experience with an AI-enabled solution is leagues above one without.Although AI seems to be everywhere now,it isnt as pervasive in cu

147、stomer support as it appears to be.Almost 6 in 10 of our respondents(59%)said they use an AI-enabled Conversational Support solution but just as many(41%)do not.502022 State of Conversations ReportDO YOU HAVE AN AI-ENABLED CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT SOLUTION?41%59%YESNOOverall,support agents who have an

148、 AI-enabled solution have higher expectations for the Conversational Support experience.Among those respondents,the most important factors contributing to a positive Conversational Support experience were:62%55%53%Ease of communication24-hour serviceDetailed,expert answers to questions512022 State o

149、f Conversations ReportEXPECTATIONS FOR A POSITIVE EXPERIENCE WITH AI VS WITHOUT AIFriendliness,approachability,and/or easy communication24-hour serviceDetailed,expert answers to my questionsComplaints/issues resolved quicklyLittle or no wait timeReceiving personalized serviceAccessibility55%44%62%57

150、%53%39%48%48%50%38%29%19%19%25%WITH AIWITHOUT AIMeanwhile,with those who do not have an AI-enabled solution,56%less respondents said 24-hour service and 64%less said detailed,expert answers were important for a positive experience.This shows that support agents with AI-enabled solutions are more awa

151、re of Conversational Supports capacity to provide 24-hour,expert customer service therefore,they expect other companies to provide that experience.With AI-enabled Conversational Support solutions,companies can offer a more flexible and dynamic experience while alleviating the pressure on their suppo

152、rt agents.And considering McKinseys finding that nearly half of support leaders saw increased employee attrition in the past 12 months,AI-enabled solutions are sure to gain more traction as companies seek to elevate their customer service experiences.CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT FOR THE USERAs more time p

153、asses from the start of the pandemic,were starting to see a new vision of the ideal customer experience form.Here are a few ways that expectations towards customer support are changing:522022 State of Conversations ReportGIVEN THE OPTION,MOST CUSTOMERS WILL USE CHATBOTS&LIVE CHATUnlike with marketin

154、g and sales teams,support teams are more likely to encounter and more comfortable using a conversational solution.In the past six months,83%of support agents have used a self-service chatbot and 89%have used a live chat solution.Customers were far less likely to have used web forms,texts,or social m

155、edia to contact customer support.AS A USER,IN THE PAST 6 MONTHS,HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU USED THE FOLLOWING METHODS TO COMMUNICATE WITH COMPANIES?25%50%75%100%EmailPhone callLive chatChat botWeb formTextSocial media26%15%10%14%20%19%10%11%22%28%25%18%29%25%23%14%28%31%15%15%26%33%15%10%27%20%12%8%1-2

156、 TIMES3-5 TIMES6-10 TIMES10+TIMESAlthough email is the most popular communication channel among support agents,customers use chatbots and live chat fairly frequently to get in touch with businesses with the majority having used those channels 3-5 times in the past six months.532022 State of Conversa

157、tions ReportPERSONALIZED SERVICE IS LESS IMPORTANT THAN GETTING ISSUES RESOLVEDUnlike other revenue teams,support agents do not necessarily favor communication channels that offer a more personalized experience.Instead,they turn to channels like chatbots and live chat which ensure they can get their

158、 issues resolved faster.With Conversational Support solutions,support agents said receiving personalized results was one of the least important factors contributing to a positive experience(25%).By contrast,the most important factors contributing to a positive experience were:60%Friendliness,approac

159、hability,and easy communication 50%24-hour service 49%Complaints and issues resolved quickly MOST IMPORTANT FACTORS FOR A POSITIVE CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT EXPERIENCEFriendliness,approachability,and/or easy communication24-hour serviceDetailed,expert answers to my questionsComplaints/issues resolved q

160、uicklyLittle or no wait timeReceiving personalized serviceAccessibility60%50%49%48%44%25%21%542022 State of Conversations ReportSUPPORT AGENTS WERE MOST LIKELY TO EXPECT AUTOMATED COMMUNICATION CHANNELSIn customer support,fast responses are crucial for resolving issues and when it comes to dynamic c

161、ommunication channels,support agents expect lightning-fast responses.More than half of respondents(52%)expect a chatbot to provide an immediate response and 82%expect a live chat response within 5 minutes or less.Out of all the revenue teams,support agents were also the most likely to expect an imme

162、diate response from a real-time communication channel.EXPECTATIONS OF AN IMMEDIATE RESPONSE ACROSS REVENUE TEAMSLive chatPhone callChatbot29%31%34%28%24%29%40%42%52%MARKETING SALESSUPPORTAnd,if those expectations arent met,customers said they would quickly abandon that method of communication 52%sai

163、d they would stop using a Conversational Support solution if it didnt respond or was slow to respond.552022 State of Conversations ReportCONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT FOR BUSINESSESThe landscape of customer care is evolving and support professionals are turning to digital solutions to fill that gap.Heres h

164、ow Conversational Support solutions have proven to help businesses deliver a better customer experience.CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT IS VALUABLE ACROSS ALL COMPANY SIZESEven with a mix of respondents from a variety of experience levels and backgrounds,many support agents agree that a Conversational Suppor

165、t solution is very valuable to their business.This is the same regardless of whether the person works at a small business or a massive enterprise.Across all company sizes,7 in 10 respondents in each category rated their solution as very valuable.The biggest enterprises(with 5000+employees)saw margin

166、ally more value compared to other company sizes with 80%saying their solution is very valuable.70%80%of respondents in each category rated their solution as very valuable across all company sizes.of respondents in biggest enterprises(with 5000+employees)rated their solution as very valuable.562022 S

167、tate of Conversations ReportCONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT STREAMLINES THE CUSTOMER EXPERIENCEAlthough theres no doubt that Conversational Support solutions increase customer service productivity,thats far from the only thing they do.Through their use of Conversational Support,many support agents also benef

168、ited from having a more streamlined customer experience.Roughly 3 in 10 respondents said their Conversational Support solution led to positive outcomes with:30%Efficient ticket support with online concierge 30%A more seamless customer journey WHICH OF THE FOLLOWING BENEFITS HAVE YOU EXPERIENCED WHEN

169、 IT COMES TO IMPLEMENTING A CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT SOLUTION WITHIN YOUR OWN BUSINESS?(SELECT ALL THAT APPLY.)Assist customers in real timeIncreased customer service rep productivityEfficient ticket support with online conciergeProvide a more seamless customer journeyEngage buyers 24/7Improved lead g

170、enerationIncreased ROI30%30%53%63%27%14%13%572022 State of Conversations ReportAs more and more customers start to expect a highly efficient,digital customer experience,it is likely that more companies will see the payoff of using their Conversational Support solution to streamline the customer expe

171、rience.EFFECTIVE USE OF CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT SOLUTIONS LEADS TO MORE PURCHASESWhile support agents are the best at using their conversational solutions,over half of those respondents who have a Conversational Support solution(55%)still say they are not using them as effectively as they could be.On

172、e consequence of this is that only a few users would use a Conversational Support solution to make a purchase(20%).However,among those who use Conversational Support very effectively,this was in fact the top use case(61%).This disparity may be due to a lack of agent enablement.Support agents who rat

173、ed their Conversational Support solutions as very valuable already know the importance of enabling their agents,with their two biggest challenges being:82%said agents didnt know how to use/service chat 82%said not having enough agents to staff their conversationsWHAT ARE THE MOST CHALLENGING ASPECTS

174、 TO ROLLING OUT A CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT SOLUTION?Unsure if customers would use itNot enough agents to staff conversationsAnnother service channel to manageAgents dont know how to service chatLack of buy in from leadershipDifficult to set upNone of the above/not applicable35%27%24%19%17%16%15%582022

175、 State of Conversations ReportA truly effective Conversational Support experience hinges on having both expert support agents and chatbots focused on the customer.So,hiring support agents and training them to use Conversational Support solutions effectively is crucial to providing the best customer

176、service experience possible and paving the way to more revenue and more sales.CONVERSATIONAL SUPPORT TAKEAWAYS FOR 202301.Out of all revenue teams,support agents have the highest expectations towards the conversational experience with many expecting immediate responses.02.When it comes to digital cu

177、stomer support,fast and effective resolutions are essential to a positive experience.03.AI-enabled Customer Support solutions allow support agents to meet customer expectations for 24-hour,expert service.04.Although self-service chatbots are useful,live chat is indispensable which means agent enable

178、ment is crucial to succeeding with Conversational Support.05.By implementing Conversational Support solutions more effectively,you have a better chance of turning customer conversations into purchases.592022 State of Conversations ReportCLOSING THOUGHTSAs businesses now head into an uncertain future

179、 with reduced budgets and strained resources,revenue leaders will need to be as clear-cut as possible scaling back on whats not working and doubling down on what is.And while consolidating scattered processes and tools will prove valuable,at the end of the day,what matters most is delivering an expe

180、rience that serves your customers more efficiently and effectively.However,its important to remember that the customer experience isnt just about numbers.Response times,key performance indicators,and pipeline goals are all crucial.But so too are the words you use,the conversations you have,and the r

181、elationships you build.With conversational solutions that integrate with the rest of you tech stack,you wont need to compromise you can combine it all into one unforgettable experience.ABOUT DRIFTDrift brings your go-to-market teams together to deliver personalized conversations with your customers

182、in real-time so you can increase your revenue,shorten your sales cycle,and strengthen your brand.More than 50,000 businesses use Drift to align their marketing,sales,and customer service teams on a single platform to create a unified customer experience where people are free to have a conversation w

183、ith a business at any time,on their terms.For more information,visit .The future of digital experiences lies with customers and conversations.602022 State of Conversations ReportABOUT HEINZ MARKETINGFocused on helping clients drive predictable growth via a revenue responsible focus,Heinz Marketing h

184、elps B2B marketing teams elevate their impact and contribution to business outcomes that matter.Their proven Predictable Pipeline methodology has been successfully customized and implemented at countless organizations,changing the trajectory of marketing work,careers and lives.The Heinz Marketing te

185、am is made up of full-funnel experts who speak the language of sales,empowering clients with strategy and tools for success.For more information,visit .Disclaimer:Response percentages may not add up to 100%due to rounding.Response percentages may exceed 100%if the question allows respondents to sele

186、ct multiple answers.A BETTER CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE STARTS WITH BETTER CONVERSATIONS 9 out of 10 GTM pros say that conversational solutions are valuable for creating an all-around better experience for both customers and businesses.Unite your marketing,sales,and service teams with Drift to deliver a real-time conversational experience that will consistently delight your buyers and customers.Get a Demo



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