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1、Flu(Fighting)Season:FunctionalBeverages&Immunity2EvergiIntroduction&Report MethodologyFunctional Beverages-ImmunityEvergi integrates consumer surveys,social listening,expert analysis,and more in a single platform to create a 360-degree view of emerging wellness attitudes and trends.With in-depth sur

2、vey data integrated with social media,users can filter and get answers on:Consumer DemographicsConsumer Attitudes and Behaviors on Diet,Shopping,Exercise,and moreBrand AffinitiesUsage and Interest on a broad range of products and functional ingredientsEvergiConversations:Social listening data from T

3、witter and Instagram posts utilizing keywords related to wellness.Posts are tagged by product type and subtype,medical conditions,ingredients,need states,and associated keywords.Evergi Consumers:Survey fielded quarterly online with 5,000+US consumers age 21+.Most recent wave was fielded in October 2

4、022.This is a general population survey,census balanced on age,gender,and geography.What is Evergi&How Were different?3Learn more as an Evergi Partner!This report includes just a fraction of the data and insights that Brightfield Group clients receive.Contact us to access the full report and learn h

5、ow consumer insights amplify Point-of-Sale data to help you better understand the roadblocks and opportunities across the CBD market.In the full report,youll learn:Which consumers are in the immunity need stateWhat ingredients consumers are seekingTop delivery vehicles for immunity supplementsMore c

6、ategory spotlights,including Immunity Tonics,Drink Mixes,Tabs,and SupplementsHow brands are standing out in the functional health spaceA deeper look at the competitive landscape and emerging new products.More graphs,data,and detailed visualizations using Evergi consumer dataTo learn more about our s

7、olutions for emerging CBGs,request your demo here.4Functional Beverages-ImmunityConsumer Survey MethodologyFielded quarterly online with 5,000 US consumers age 21+We use third-party panel providers to field the survey with a general population audience,which is census balanced on age,gender,and geog

8、raphyOur social listening dashboard is explicitly created for the emerging wellness industry.Identify the products,brands,and topics consumers are talking about to drive a stronger go-to-market.Social Listening MethodologyWe collect Twitter and Instagram posts utilizing keywords related to wellnessP

9、osts are tagged by product type and sub-type,medical conditions,ingredients,need states,and associated keywords5Cant stop,wont stop.Unless I get sick.Immunity has morphed from a seasonal concern to a daily wellness practice a trend that was helped along by COVID.In the early days of the pandemic,peo

10、ple did everythingthey could to ward off the then-unknown virus.There was a rush on immunity-boosting supplements,functionalbeverages,and products with added vitamins and minerals.Now,as unrestricted gatherings and movement resume,viruses can,and are,spreading like wildfire.Flu and cold cases are al

11、ready up,rising earlier than we saw in previous years.This winter we expect the number of colds,flus,COVID,and R.S.V.cases to surge.This has led to more people seeking ways to proactively help their immune systems,instead of waiting for a case of the flu to do it for them.What can the average consum

12、er do to maintain their daily health?Functional Beverages-ImmunityImmunity,power to the body7Demographics show Immunity is a universal need The need for immune system support spans income,household composition,and generation.Its not something for the uber trendy,its appeal resonates across consumer

13、segments to anyone who cares about their full-body health.It is old science at this point that when the body gets sick,its because the immune system is compromised,and there are products you can use to help bolster your immunity.Immunity products are easily accessible to all,and range from pills,gum

14、mies,and drink mixes found at the corner pharmacy,to fancy fortified juices and tonics sold alongside bottled water.Functional Beverages-ImmunityEvergiConsumer W4 21-W3 22The Immunity Consumer8Immunity Need State trends suggest its a consistent,not a seasonal need0%10%20%30%40%50%60%W4 2021W1 2022W2

15、 2022W3 2022%of Immunity ConsumersDigestive HealthExerciseImmunityFunctional Beverages-ImmunityEvergiConsumer W4 21-W3 22 n=21.009Over the past year,weve seen people cling to the Immunity need state,despite the decreasing concern for COVID.The Immunity need state stays steady when compared to more v

16、olatile ones like Digestive Health or Exercise,and surprisingly is not seasonally driven.Over half of immunity consumers are more likely to try to increase their immunity with alternative medicine and are looking for immunity boosting claims on the food and beverage products they purchase.9Vitamins

17、top the list of ingredients sought for Immunity,while more niche herbs,botanicals and minerals suggest consumers are using these functional ingredients for“medicinal”purpose Tried and true favorites like Vitamin C and Zinc rise to the top,not surprisingly,but alternative and herbal ingredients are a

18、lso on the radar,including turmeric,ginger,and elderberry.Lesser-known supplement ingredients like the camu camuand astragalus are beginning to appear in immunity products,bringing alternative medicine more mainstream.Omega-3,often associated with heart health,is now linked to improved immunity.This

19、 may contribute to the over-indexing purchases among immunity consumers.Over 50%of people believe that functional foods is medicine,and immunity boosting ingredients can help influence purchasing decisions.Functional Beverages-ImmunityEvergiConsumer W4 21-W3 22 n=21.00910EvergiSocial Listening among

20、 immunity consumers shows consistent chatter on immunity-boosting ingredientsFunctional Beverages-ImmunityEvergiConversations among immunity need state,Oct.2022Hashtag-based chatter on social media platforms has held steady over the past 6 months,supporting the continued interest in the immunity nee

21、d state.Omega-3 is growing as a topic among immunity consumers-up 52%over the past 6 months-as studies continue to explore its benefits.Despite conflicting claims over the efficacy of elderberry,it continues to grow in social media posts(up 36%).These conversations help support the view that immunit

22、y consumers are actively searching for ways to better their wellness.+2%+3%+36%+6%+1%+52%+55%+73%+201%0%50%100%150%200%250%Vitamin CZincElderberryVitamin DTurmericOmega 3/6AstragalusReishi MushroomsCamu CamuIngredient Growth Rate on Social MediaGrowth Rate11Innovation for the immunity conscious cons

23、umer should start with things they are already purchasing Teas are the top over-indexing beverages bought among consumers seeking immunity products.Daily coffee consumption offers another opportunity to add immunity boosting ingredients.Premium smoothies and juices,which are naturally high in vitami

24、ns,are an easy and approachable vehicle.Functional Beverages-Immunity0%5%10%15%20%25%30%35%TeasWaterCoffeeSmoothiesGen PopImmunity ConsumersEvergi Consumer W4 21-W3 22 n=21.009With all the great ingredients out there,how are they being used in beverages today?13Functional Beverages-ImmunityCoffee an

25、d Tea with Immunity BenefitsYes,even everyones favorite morning cuppasare being infused with immunity boosters.Whether you wake up with coffee or tea,hot or cold,brands are helping you start your day with a boost to your system.AmasuHealthy BeingFor the BiomeAmasuImmunity coffee is blended with a 75

26、0-year-old Chinese immunity-boosting formula containing astragalus,atractylodes,and siler root.Bottled white teas that include immunity-boosting ingredients like pterostilbene,egcg,elderberry,vitamin D,and turmeric.Comes in three flavors,blueberry,cucumber mint,and peach rose.Herbal tea bags that cl

27、aim to improve your immune system within two hours.Herbal tea blend includes cistus incanus,rosehips,sumac,black currant,chaga,and ginger.Immunity benefits are even being added to things like honey,to add an extra layer of protection to your beverage.Shown here are honey sticks from Bizi,who offer v

28、itamin infused honey.14Functional Beverages-ImmunityImmunity waters offer more than just hydrationJust when you thought water couldnt be better.Brands are adding immunity-boosting benefits to water,so you can get hydrated while protectingyourself against a cold.And there are options for both sparkli

29、ng and still water.FlowSmartwater+TruFlow now offers immunity-support spring water with vitamin C and zinc.Comes in three flavors,elderberry,cherry,and citrus,with zero sugar and environmentally friendlier cardboard packaging.Everyones favorite bottled water now offers a support line to help keep yo

30、u hydrated,and your immune system supported.Each bottle contains added zinc and is flavored with black currant and blueberry.Trumakes a line of functional sparkling waters to target different wellness needs.The TruDefend is an immunity blend with echinacea,turmeric,black pepper,ginger,cayenne,and vi

31、tamin C.51%62%0%10%20%30%40%50%60%70%WaterHave purchased in the past 3 monthsGen PopImmunity ConsumersEvergiConsumer W4 21-W3 22 n=21.00915Key TakeawaysImmunity is still a relevant topic,and consumers are still seeking out products that can help bolster their ailing systems.Immunity-boosting product

32、s are showing up across all beverage segments,so brands have a closing window to get in and carve out their space.Immunity consumers are seeking out ingredients that claim to help immunity and theyre willing to experiment with new ingredients that may be lesser known.Beverages offer a great delivery

33、 system for immunity supplements,including widely-adopted ingredients like vitamins and more alternative emergingingredients.Teas and waters are already popular,so brands can just add a little something extra to help broaden the appeal.Brands can make a traditional beverage more exciting through fla

34、vors,carbonation,and packaging,and adding functional ingredients can help them break through.Functional Beverages-ImmunityTo learn more about our solutions for cannabis,schedule a demo.See whats next in innovative,emerging CPGswith user-friendly data on:ConversationsListen in on the latesttrends.Our

35、 social listening dashboard is created specifically for the emerging wellness industry.Hone in on the products,ingredients,and topics consumers are talking about to drive new product ideation.These dimensions are all lined up with our survey data to ensure you get a complete picture of whats next.Co

36、nsumersDriven by need states,enhanced with social.Our consumer insights are created for Innovation and Marketing teams-driven by the need states consumers aim to achieve.With in-depth survey data integrated with social media,users can filter and get answers on:Consumer Demographics Consumer Attitude

37、s and Behaviors on Diet,Shopping,Exercise,and more Brand Affinities Usage and Interest on 100 Products and Functional IngredientsSnapshotsTake a pulse on your next innovation.Snapshots give a birds-eye view of the top trends across products,functional ingredients,and need states.From Plant-Based to

38、Apple Cider Vinegar to Relaxation,each profile helps you get foundational data to get started:top personas,SKUs,brands,demographics,and more.InnovationsIdentify whats next and drive the innovation pipelineProduct Trends Map your product distribution versus key competitors.Product Development Pipelin

39、e Use robust data to inform your product development strategy.Product Positioning Identify market opportunities with SKU and brand-level data.Brightfield Group is the leading research firm for emerging categories including CBD,cannabis,and wellness.By integrating multi-source data with AI and research expertise into our cross-comparable data lake,we uncover robust insights as new markets develop.Since 2015,we have helped Marketing,Innovation,and Insights leaders drive customer-centric strategies on their next big idea.Learn more at



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