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1、FEBRUARY 20222022 TRENDS REPORTCultureRisingWhat just happened?Whats next?Discover a foresight-driven framework for understanding our changing culture.3Trendmap01Diversifyingidentities Genderevolution Historical reckoning Celebratory activism Rawthenticity Rethinking ability02Relationshipsrenegotiat

2、ed New techquilibrium Meet you in the metaverse The new look of love Nanocommunity Collective creativity03Greaterexpectations Alternative education Flexiwork Digitally enterprising Cryptoinclusion Creator culture 04Expanding values Global passions,local purchases Sonic boom Instant shopification Ult

3、imate wellness Planet positive4Table of contents4 Trend map5 Introduction6 Foresight methodology7 Trend report55 How to use this foresight56 Sources5IntroductionDramatic events wire and rewire our lives.They help shape who we are and what we become.Major transitions like the emotional gauntlet of hi

4、gh school,military deployment or a backpacking trip can have a profound impact on self-understanding and a lifes direction.The COVID-19 pandemic does that too.Its a stress test for everyone,a soul-shaping moment that underscores the need for resilience,agility and human connection.Will we ever take

5、a hug for granted again?Or a live concert with friends?This global health crisis helped us realize how much we mean to each other.The physical,mental and spiritual effects of the coronavirus pandemic have been profound.In our latest global foresight survey,we found out that the future aint what it u

6、sed to be:37%of the respondents say the pandemic spurred them to reevaluate their purpose and priorities in life,while 41%said that if they had a do-over,theyd choose a different career.And 65%now expect more out of work and life.1These are just a few of the startling statistics that animated Cultur

7、e Rising:2022 Trends Report,formerly known as the Topics and Trends Report.We reinvented our approach this year,adopting a new foresight methodology that helped us divine the deeper cultural trends below the data,revealing not only where weve been but where we may be going.Along the way,we learned t

8、hat COVID-19 sparked new behaviors and brought more social awareness to issues that have been playing out for generations.More people are demanding a recognition and accountability of history while championing equality with a desire for historically marginalized voices to be heard.People are express

9、ing themselves in more authentic ways.Brand choices are increasingly an expression of personal values.And while technology plays a growing role in connecting us and energizing social movements,people have also grown more mindful of their screen time and the power of in-person connection.As marketing

10、 leaders and brand strategists,its critical to understand these cultural shifts and whats driving them so we can intelligently respond This global health crisis helped us realize how much we mean to each otherto changing values,needs and desires.Thats where this foresight comes in.Culture Rising:202

11、2 Trends Report explores four major global themes,as well as 20 related trends,that we feel represent some of the most significant cultural changes ascending around the world in the past year.Weve gleaned these from analyzing our aggregated and anonymized company user data as well as an original 12-

12、market global study that indicates signals of change(theres more on that methodology below).The research provides a cultural forecast for the next 1218 months.We hope it provides both understanding and inspiration for action.Lets rise together.6Signal gatheringis based on our proprietary on-platform

13、 data and is designed to identify rising trends worldwide.Facebook and Instagram data:600,000 uniqueconversation topics Anonymized,aggregatedinsight into the shiftingbehaviors of 3.5B+people Look back over the past15 months(conversationtopics)and 24 months(hashtags)Drivers surveyuncovered the dynami

14、cs behind the shifts.Commissioned survey with the Mintel market research firm of 36,000 people across 12 markets in six continents:Asia-Pacific:Australia,India,South Korea,Thailand Europe,Middle East,Africa:Germany,Nigeria,Poland,UK Latin America:Brazil,Mexico North America:Canada,USPlausible future

15、swere revealed through data triangulation and expert analysis.Determined the trends that are most likely to move from niche to norm,becoming essential to tomorrows business strategies:In-house and externalsubject-matter experts In-market local expertsForesight methodologyOur foresight approachunveil

16、ed for the first time with this reportis a unique way to systematically think about the future.We combine original research and forecasting with insights that are deeply grounded in analysis of social media conversations and behavioral signals like hashtags used around the world.When we analyzed our

17、 data and applied our foresight methodology,four key themes emerged:diversifying identities,relationships renegotiated,greater expectations and expanding values.Within each theme,five trends were identified.The result is a novel way of viewing the world that shows how people will connect,create and

18、consume in the next few years.In doing so,Culture Rising helps empower strategic decision makers to move more confidently into the future.Whats Shifting?Whats Sticking?Whats Next?671.DiversifyingidentitiesAuthenticity and self-expression expand and evolve,creating new and more fluid identities.In th

19、e process,the things that divide us can also bring us together.8People assert themselves in rich and multifaceted ways.Multiple forms of self-expression germinate and blossom,bringing with them more fluid identities.Rising conversation about gender roles,gender symbols and gender-neutral language re

20、flect a gender evolution in full bloom.Globally,nearly half of survey respondents say traditional gender roles are increasingly less relevantespecially Gen Z and Millennials.1 Most people say that the traditional male household role(breadwinner,no housework)feels anachronistic.The global conversatio

21、n is as varied as the world itself and despite our differing views,#Love conquers allits the most used hashtag on Instagram.2 In many of the markets analyzed,rising conversations focus more on gender equality,while in some Western markets they tend toward gender fluidity.This discussion is driven by

22、 the young:A quarter of Gen Z respondents expect their gender identity to change at least once in their lifetime.3 This gender blending shows up in mindsets and language.For example,in English,people are increasingly embracing(and discussing)“they”as a gender-neutral pronoun for a nonbinary individu

23、al.Rising conversation topics(global growth 20202021)2:Gender symbol+2,855%Gender role+113%Pronoun+110%Gender-neutral language+68%Singular“they”+57%Gender equality+40%#Trans+29%#Nonbinary+26%Gender identity+22%Genderevolution01Whats NextMore gender-neutral product marketing and products.Many fashion

24、-forward brands already design clothes and makeup with gender neutralityin mind.9Lenguaje no sexista(non-sexist language)Mexico+669%PronounUK+91%Gender equalityIndia+26%Gender equalityNigeria+13%Igualdade de gnero(gender equality)Brazil+26%+31%(gender)ThailandBnh ng gii(gender equality)Vietnam+147%G

25、enderqueerAustralia+53%#(gender equality)S.Korea+48%Two-spiritCanada+136%+58%Singular“they”USFacebook IQ source:Hashtags are based on Instagram data,global,Jan 2020Dec 2021.Conversation topics are based on Facebook global data,Jul 2020Sep 2021.9Beyond the binary:Global gender conversations runthe ga

26、mut from gender equality to gender fluidity10All around the world,people and cultures have struggled to come to terms with unfair and cruel pasts,seeking to better reconcile historical injustices in the hopes of building a more inclusive tomorrow.These conversations touch on issues ranging from righ

27、ts(+59%YoY)in Australia to accountability(+87%)in Canada to colonialism(+87%)in the UK and reparations(+41%)in the US.2 Many people are seeking to have meaningful conversations about these painful issues,honing their racial literacy as they come to realize“ally”is a verb.These conversations can be c

28、hallenging but are critical and include growing talk about Indigenous people and advocacy,as well as critiques of#WokeWashing.Globally,42%of respondents say their nationality,ethnicity,country of origin or race matters more to their identity now than a year ago.Gen Z and Millennials believe this mos

29、t strongly.1 This rising historical identity connection is especially pronounced among younger generations in countries where colonialism marginalized local cultures.Indigenous people+157%#WokeWashing+103%#DiversityAndInclusion+85%Racial literacy+84%Historicalreckoning02Rising conversation topics(gl

30、obal growth YoY)2:Whats NextPeopleand the societies they live inwill continue their journeys of historical reckoning and how to build better futures.How can brands respond?Rise to consumers expectations by leading with meaningful action,followed by purposeful statements.Picture big entertainment com

31、panies educating viewers about racist content in their old films and beauty brands continuing to offer an ever-wider selection of multicultural products that can appeal to BIPOC(Black,Indigenous,people of color)communities.Advocacy+78%#BIPOC+55%Justice+28%11Q3 2020Q4 2020Q1 2021Q2 2021Q3 2021Human r

32、ightsCivil and political rightsPoliceMinority groupEducationHealthSOME OF THE TOP CONVERSATIONTOPICS ASSOCIATED WITHADVOCACY INCLUDE:Global conversation growth(YoY)forAdvocacy+78%Facebook IQ source:Facebook data,global English language,Jul 2020Sep 2021.1112People are finding joy in parts of their id

33、entity that once remained hidden,from bisexual pride to cultural heritage.Globally,47%of respondents say society is more inclusive now than a year agoespecially Gen Z and Millennials.1 More than ever,people are openly talking about LGBTQ+pride,Asian pride,Black History Month,National Hispanic Herita

34、ge Month and other cultural celebrations.Technology is playing a key part in this rise of empowerment,through social media movements such as#LoveIsLove,facilitating purchase choices(with#BlackOwnedBusiness trending),amplifying boycotts,protests and signature campaigns.This activism helps to drive gr

35、owing acceptance and inclusion,though the rate of change varies widely across societies.There are still big challenges ahead,but change isnt just comingits already in motion.Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:#BlackHistoryMonth+568%Asian pride+154%National HispanicHeritage Month+131%Gay

36、pride+112%Bisexual pride flag+95%#BlackOwnedBusiness+62%#LoveIsLove+42%#WomenEmpowerment+33%Celebratoryactivism03Whats NextMany brands already embrace celebratory activism.Many others will discover power and purpose in moving from token gestures to transformative action,making marketing a force for

37、good.Brands will more openly embrace activism,partnering with relevant communities and using their voices to amplify pride,encourage acceptance and drive real change.13#DiversityAndInclusion85%#BlackOwnedBusiness62%#LoveIsLove42%#Intersectional33%Facebook IQ source:Instagram data,global,Jan 2020Dec

38、2021.Growing use of hashtags heralds growing awareness1314There was plenty of time for honest self-reflection when COVID-19 swept the globe.Pandemic-driven lockdowns and other safety measures unlocked new layers of realness.The quest for authenticity led to rawthenticityan embrace of the unvarnished

39、 self.People repudiated things like traditional beauty standards,helping lead to new forms of acceptance and more inclusive representation.Increasingly,public discourse refers to new topics like body positivity and fat acceptance.2 In South Korea,the#(ordinary person model,+95%year-over-year)is emer

40、ging.2 The desire for change is also fueled by frustration.Globally,33%of respondents feel overlooked because of their identity.In countries such as India,Thailand and Nigeria,an especially high share say they experience discrimination due to their gender,religion,ethnicity,race,sexual orientation,e

41、mployment or age.1 A social movement has been sparked,with ostracized groups emerging and gathering strength.Rawthenticity04Whats NextPeople continue to demand that media and advertising be inclusive,representative and real.Brands in sectors such as beauty and fashion may lead the way by launching c

42、ampaigns that celebrate nontraditional standards,but the opportunity to show your audience you really see them has relevance that transcends industry.Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:Authenticity+130%Body positive movement 96%#BodyPositivity+85%#RepresentationMatters+65%#BodyActivist+2

43、7%Fat acceptance movement+19%15Q3 2020Q4 2020Q1 2021Q2 2021Q3 2021Global conversation growth(YoY)forBody positive movement+96%Facebook IQ source:Facebook data,global English language,Jul 2020Sep 2021.1516From a growing awareness of neurodiversity to people-first language that leads with the individu

44、al rather than a condition(e.g.,“people with disabilities”),the world is increasingly working toward greater accessibility for allthrough products,services and beyond.And while topics like people-first language can lead to debate,perhaps what matters most is that the debate is being had.Increased aw

45、areness and empathy are seen in rising conversations about accessibility,Braille and disabled sports.2 Globally,64%of those surveyed agree that they try to make things easier for others who are different from them(particularly Millennials,Gen Zers and parents).1 There is a broader understanding of s

46、ocial exclusion of people with disabilities.Globally,69%of respondents are concerned about discrimination due to physical or mental disabilities.4 One result:Major fashion publications and brands embrace a model with Down syndrome,major companies serve up prominent campaigns featuring employees with

47、 disabilities and an entertainment brand showcases people on the autism spectrum in their quest to find love.Rethinkingability05Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:Neurodiversity+207%Braille+196%Disabled sports+165%#Accessibility+100%#AutismFriendly+53%People-first language+20%Whats NextA

48、wareness and understanding of PWD(people with disabilities)continues to riseincluding around those disabilities that may not be immediately apparent.Brands embrace more inclusive advertising and practices,and the media make PWD increasingly visible as consumers express growing concern for the disabl

49、ed community.Society shifts from not seeing to mindfully accommodatingworking to make available for PWDs the patterns of everyday life that so many may have taken for granted.Tangible actions and outcomes are expected to follow.17+327%+204%+183%+131%+83%+82%+71%+25%+24%+23%+908%AccessibilityAustrali

50、aAcessibilidade(accessibility)BrazilAccessibilityCanadaBarrierefreiheit(accessibility)GermanyBrailleMexicoAccessibilityNigeria#(disability empathy)S.KoreaNeurodiversity UKPeople-first language USCh Braille(Braille)VietnamSpektrum zaburzn autystycznych(autism spectrum)PolandGlobal conversation shows

51、a growing awareness of topics ranging fromaccessibility to neurodiversityFacebook IQ source:Hashtags are based on Instagram data,global,Jan 2020Dec 2021.Conversation topics are based on Facebook and Instagram data,global,Jul 2020Sep 2021.17Champion inclusivityBRAND INSPIRATIONCloseup celebrated the

52、magic of coming together at Pride in AR.(Brazil)Andar offers“leggings for all”and proved it by championing body positivity.(South Korea)HOW CANYOU CHAMPIONINCLUSIVITY?Stay curious:Talk to people whose experiences can expand your own perspective.Partner with people in the communities you want to repr

53、esent to ensure its authentic,inclusive representation.And remember that change starts at home.How will you cultivate a radically inclusive culture at work today?18192.RelationshipsrenegotiatedThe value of human connection has never been greater,but the shape of modern relationships is more flexible

54、from how people engage with their devices to the ways they meet,love,interact and create with one another.20With daily tech immersion,people are increasingly mindful of the time they spend on devices.Across generations,incomes and family structures,people are also seeking better ways to balance and

55、integrate screen time with the richness of everything happening#IRL.Peoples interest in innovations like haptic technology and virtual assistants(via artificial intelligence)is rising.Increasingly,tech companies are also owning the issue,releasing new features that help people better manage their sc

56、reen timeand some peoples growing mindfulness can inspire them to relook at their digital diet or even go temporarily off the grid.It all reflects a growing and ongoing effort to attain a new equilibrium in the way we use increasingly powerful and ever-evolving technology.Rising conversation topics(

57、global growth YoY)2:Whats NextTech companies continue to offer more ways to control and manage technology.Emerging markets see growing device usage,while mature markets lead the charge for digital balance.When it comes to our relationship with our devices,time well spent becomes the goal.And,as new

58、tech paradigms like the metaverse emerge,todays balancing act gives way to integration so intuitive that our technology practically fades into the background.Virtual assistant+165%Online and offline+153%Haptic technology+39%Off the grid+31%Artificial intelligence+30%Newtechquilibrium062165%66%say th

59、ey get excited about new technologywish technology were easier to use and understandFacebook IQ source:“Global Foresight Study”by Mintel(Meta-commissioned survey of 36,000 people ages 18+in AU,BR,CA,DE,GB,IN,KR,MX,NG,PL,TH,US),Oct 2021.Our relationship status with tech?Its complicatedAmong people su

60、rveyed globally2122Building has begun on the successor to the mobile internet,an immersive and interconnected universe of digital worlds where you feel present with other people who may be miles apart.It will take years for the metaverse to come to fruition,but people are increasingly talking about

61、building blocks of the future like virtual reality,augmented reality and the virtual economy.Millennials,parents,males and emerging markets like Nigeria are the most optimistic about what could be the next game changer.1 The ongoing global pandemic has already underscored the need for more immersive

62、 technology that can help us connect more authentically from a distance.Gaming is an area where many experts say the appeal of the metaverse is undeniable,and its already home to avatars in social spaces with built-in virtual economies and other building blocks of our immersive future.Whats NextIts

63、still early days(remember the first mobile phones?).But over time,innovations lead to usable,practical and ultimately delightful products.Major brands increasingly respond to peoples hunger for more interactive and immersive experiences.Important conversations,which are underway,seek to help ensure

64、the metaverse grows into a fair,equitable and open place that can unlock opportunity for all.Meet you inthe metaverse07Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:Metaverse+689%Oculus+154%360-degree video+131%Virtual economy+85%Virtual reality headset+42%#VR+47%#VirtualReality+47%#AugmentedRealit

65、y+43%23INNOVATIONFacebookMark ZuckerbergElon MuskYouTubeTwitterSilicon ValleyUSE CASESReal estateDigital artPuzzle video gameMobile gameEsportsCULTURAL CONTEXTReady Player OneScience fictionSnow CrashNeal StephensonACCESS POINTSVirtual realityOculusAvatarRobloxMobile appWorld wide webWebsiteVirtual

66、worldFINANCEDigital currencyBlockchainCryptocurrencyBitcoinENABLINGTECHArtificial intelligenceFacebook IQ source:Conversation topics are based on Facebook data,global,Jul 2020Sep 2021.The future is many things to many peopleThese are some of the top conversation topics associated with the metaverse:

67、2324#Love conquers allits the most used hashtag on Instagram.But it also means different things to different folks.On the one hand,33%of global respondents reported the widespread shutdown due to the pandemic actually had a positive effect on their romantic relationships,1 with wedding vow renewal c

68、eremony trending.2 At the same time,love itself continues to grow and permutateleading to new forms of connection,so much so that throuple,polyamory and nonmonogamy are hot topics in pockets of the world.Case in point:In the US,conversations around nonmonogamy are trending up(+40%YoY).In Australia,i

69、ts all about polyamory(+31%).And conversations around poliamor(polyamory,+12%)in Mexico and relacionamento aberto(open relationship,+19%)in Brazil are also rising.2 This evolution is linked to the Millennial-driven mindset shift that has higher expectations of love and connectedness.For example,ther

70、es increased discussion of dating coaches,as people take a more deliberate approach to achieving their#RelationshipGoals.This corresponds with more liberal views of monogamy.Some 22%of heterosexual US adults surveyed say theyre interested in an open relationship.5 Further,research reveals that anoth

71、er catalyst behind this movement is middle-aged women rediscovering themselves after a divorcethey may even throw a divorce party to celebrate.Its part of a pervasive development termed“middlescence,”a period of major physical,emotional and identity shifts.But dont mistake this for a midlife crisis.

72、Its more of a renaissanceor a second adolescence,but this time,with all the benefits of wisdom.Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:Whats NextTheres a quiet sexual revolution being led by nontraditional leaders that will evolve over the next few years and lead some to rethink societal boun

73、daries.Dating coach+196%Wedding vow renewal ceremony+145%Divorce party+87%Dating+58%#Throuple+68%Nonmonogamy+40%#OpenRelationship+62%#Polyamory+44%The new look of love 0825Q3 2020Q4 2020Q1 2021Q2 2021Q3 2021Global conversation growth(YoY)forNonmonogamy+40%Facebook IQ source:Facebook data,global,Jul

74、2020Sep 2021.2526Community is as old as humanity itself,but its evolving and being reinvented as people seek more flexible ways to connect with like-minded people.The isolating effect of the pandemic reminds us of the deep human need for connection,and millions have turned to nanocommunitiessuch as

75、the 600M people who are members of a Facebook Group they consider meaningful in their life.6 But these specialized online gathering places are not limited to Facebook Groups and can readily take on less formal shapessuch as Instagram hashtags,email newsletters and podcastswelcoming peoples interest

76、in diverse topics like#Crochet,#Baking,#NatureLovers and#CrystalHealing.In these digital nooks,conversations,often among strangers,can be remarkably honest and supportive.People are eagerly connecting around areas once stigmatized,like mental health.Emerging markets ranked significantly higher than

77、established markets in embracing these new nanocommunities.Millennials and Gen Zers are much more likely than Boomers to say they found support groups in these new places.1 Whats NextMore people will continue to seek deep connections and open conversations with like-minded people,most of whom they w

78、ill never meet in person,in nanocommunities.This goes beyond small talk to more intense conversations around areas once stigmatized,like the state of ones mental health.Nanocommunity09Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:#MentalHealth+66%#CrystalHealing+105%#BakersOfInstagram+79%#NailsOfIn

79、stagram+66%Support group+59%#BlackGirlMagic+50%#NatureLovers+43%#CatLife+41%#Crochet+41%27158%#BollywoodSongs79%#BakersofInstagram66%#MentalHealth105%#CrystalHealing41%#Crochet53%#EntrepreneurLife66%#NailsofInstagramPeople are findingtheir crew throughnanocommunityFacebook IQ source:Instagram data,g

80、lobal,Jan 2020Dec 2021.2728People have always watched and imitated others.Social mimicry is how we learn to speak,growand even dance.But in a mobile-first world,where short-form video(like Instagram Reels)serves as a universal language,our ancient impulse is gaining new creative wings.Whether youre

81、reimagining a skateboard trick,revealing an#OOTD or responding to a#DanceChallenge,youre just one Remix button away from turning an act of imitation into a moment of co-creation.The online world is a vibrant environment of imagination and collective idea generation.Why draw inspiration from one pers

82、on when you can learn from thousands?Why compete in a#DanceChallenge when you can start your own?Ten years ago,online remixes/reinterpretations were often limited to professionals and targeted at mass audiences.Today,its never been easier to showcase your skills and share them across the world.If yo

83、uve got a smartphone,youve got a video editing studio right in the palm of your hand.And if youre ready to#ReelItFeelIt,you might just discover a new sense of belonging and inspiration.You might just find perfect strangers who share your playful,competitive spirit and drive to push culture forward.R

84、ising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:Whats NextPeople continue to seek ways to forge connections with popular movements through mimicry and collaboration,even if on a small or temporary scale.In the future,new forms of collective creativity will happen not just between individuals,but also

85、between people and artificial intelligence.#Reel+633%Social dance+203%#Remix+98%#DanceChallenge+62%Mimicry+11%Collectivecreativity1029+633%#Reel+98%#Remix+62%#DanceChallengeFacebook IQ source:Instagram data,global,Jan 2020Dec 2021.29People are co-creatingin entirely new ways Connect experientiallyBR

86、AND INSPIRATIONSephora Collection launched during the pandemic,when stores were closed and people couldnt sample the scents.So Sephora tried sensorial AR,working with a neuroscientist to develop visuals that triggered scent memories.(France)MADE.com brings the store to your living room,thanks to the

87、 magic of augmented reality and a 3D online viewer that enables customers to virtually place products offered by the design brand in their homes.(UK)HOW CAN YOU CONNECT EXPERIENTIALLY?People havent run out of attention.They just need a good reason to spend it on you.People may not remember what you

88、say,but theyll always remember how you make them feel.Whether its an interactive poll,an AR ad or a fully immersive VR experience,have a little fun and take chances so you spark an emotional response with your audience.30313.Greater expectationsOur dreams have gotten bigger.So have our expectations

89、and our digitally enabled opportunities.People will redefine what success means and how they achieve it.Were reappraising traditional education and hybrid work,while pursuing new careers and joining the creator economy.32The old concept of traditional education is being rethought and rebuilt.The pan

90、demic undoubtedly accelerated the move to virtual learning.However,this digital leap was more challenging for some schools than others,and many students experienced educational(and social)disruptions along the way.Indeed,parents,educators and students were all challenged in their own ways.Consequent

91、ly,many people,especially Gen Zers,found themselves reappraising the value of traditional classrooms.1 More than ever,lifelong learning is considered essential.People place a higher value on alternative education and focused master class learning that happens outside the classroom.Stats show a direc

92、t link between college degrees and higher incomes.However,the easy availability of“learn as needed”upskilling options(e.g.,nanodegrees,microcredentials,paid web-based tutors and online free education videos)contrasted with the high cost/long duration/uncertain ROI of advanced degrees makes the argum

93、ent to skip college more compelling for some.Globally,the majority of Baby Boomers still place a high value on higher education.In contrast,Gen Zers are more inclined to explore their options,assessing the ROI of their educational investment and embracing life itself as a journey of ongoing learning

94、.1Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:Whats NextA tipping point may be approaching in formal higher education.Emphasis on reskilling and new home-based learning approaches will grow,especially as Gen Z,Millennials,and Gen X broaden their knowledge for new career opportunities.Meanwhile Ge

95、n Zers are already reshaping the future of both education and work in the process.Workforce development377%Graduation+185%Work experience+87%Master class+56%Financial literacy+54%Career counseling+48%Lifelong learning+47%Free education+11%Alternativeeducation1133EXPLORING ALL OPTIONS+48%Careercounse

96、ling+11%Freeeducation+52%EducationalconsultantLEARNING ON DEMAND+54%Financialliteracy+47%Lifelonglearning+337%WorkforcedevelopmentPeople are increasingly discussing awider range of educational optionsFacebook IQ source:Facebook data,global,Jul 2020Sep 2021.3334During the pandemic,many people experie

97、nced an epiphany of what really matters:worklife balance.When faced with this reality,its no longer enough to work for a paycheck and live for the weekend.Time may be money,but many people will agree that autonomy is priceless.For white-collar workers,the workplace is no longer just a sea of gray cu

98、bicles in a corporate office.Work happens wherever people are given the space to be productive.Remote work from home?Back to the office?Hybrid?The future is distributed,and worklife integration and balance is paramount.Video meeting fatigue and(occupational)burnout grew when boundaries between work

99、and home blurred.But commute times shrunk or disappeared too.7 An immediate benefit:40%experienced positive impacts on their worklife balance.1 On a broader scale,meaningful work is more important than ever,a feeling shared across income groupsand especially by Millennials and Gen Z.1 One COVID meme

100、 buster:People arent moving all over the world to work remotely.Just the opposite:There has been an historically low mover rate.8 But everyone values the freedom to choose how and where they work.Whats NextHaving proven that business can stay productive while working from home,fully distributed work

101、forces are here to stay and will continue to evolve as management and workers optimize the new hybrid workplace.Still,the need for human contact and in-person collaboration will drive a return to offices as people navigate into a hybrid future.Flexiwork12Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)

102、2:Hybrid event+761%#PaidTimeOff+236%Occupational burnout+125%Worklife balance+68%Work from home+57%#ZoomFatigue+58%#Productivity+48%Time management+33%35GrowthopportunitiesIndependenceFlexible hoursCollaborative teamFlexible locationEducational opportunities69%76%75%75%72%71%Facebook IQ source:“Glob

103、al Foresight Study”by Mintel(Meta-commissioned survey of 36,000 people ages 18+in AU,BR,CA,DE,GB,IN,KR,MX,NG,PL,TH,US),Oct 2021.Global workers surveyed increasingly say autonomy,flexibility and choice are key3536As the pandemic flipped work and commerce upside down,small and medium businesses(SMBs),

104、entrepreneurs and dreamers used digital tools to sustain their shops and grow their aspirations.For SMBs,e-commerce was critical in their fight for survival.They have been increasing digital tool use across a range of purposes,with the largest increases seen in advertising and in selling goods and s

105、ervices.Indeed,69%of SMBs worldwide reported that digital tools positively impacted their business during the pandemic.9 Consequently,conversation about digital marketing and social media marketing saw healthy spikes.The crisis also lit a fire under those who dream of starting their own business,whe

106、ther out of opportunity or necessity.However,starting their own business remains a great aspiration for many,with global conversation around entrepreneurship rising dramatically,2 and 56%of global survey respondents saying that it remains a dream of theirs.1 Specifically,the aspiration to become an

107、entrepreneur is highest among Millennials,Gen Zers and parents.1 But the journey to this dream may be paved with extra work,as many people hedge their bets by taking on side hustles(like renting their cars or extra rooms in the house)or maintaining other full-time employment.Rising conversation topi

108、cs(global growth YoY)2:Whats NextTraditional brick-and-mortar stores embrace a hybrid model that more tightly integrates digital with physical,as in-store shopping returns while e-commerce remains strong.The power of entrepreneurs continues to grow,as technology disrupts a growing number of industri

109、es and creates more opportunities for innovation.Digital marketing+79%#SocialMediaMarketing+78%#SupportSmallBusiness+61%Entrepreneurship+56%Female entrepreneurs+54%#EntrepreneurLife+53%Digitallyenterprising1337+136%CANADAMompreneur+42%USStartup company+102%MEXICOEmprendimiento(Entrepreneurship)+87%B

110、RAZIL Empreendedorismo(Entrepreneurship)+57%NIGERIAEntrepreneurship+35%UKEntrepreneurship+101%INDIAEntrepreneurship+61%S.KOREA#(Entrepreneur)+612%VIETNAM Doanh nhn(Entrepreneur)+55%AUSTRALIAEntrepreneurship+771%GERMANYUnternehmertum(Entrepreneurship)Facebook IQ source:Hashtags are based on Instagram

111、 data,global,Jan 2020Dec 2021.Conversation topics are based on Facebook data,global,Jul 2020Sep 2021.Globally,conversationaround entrepreneurship is on the rise 3738New forms of currency and digital assets are creating more interest in how these technologies can lead to more financial inclusion for

112、people.Cryptocurrency is digital currency powered by blockchain technology,whereby transactions are verified and records maintained by a decentralized system.Globally,49%of respondents believe cryptocurrency to be the future of money.1 Today,cryptocurrency is often associated with exciting opportuni

113、tieswith interest driven largely by Millennials,many of whom have been excluded from traditional paths to building their financial futures.In countries like the US and South Korea,for example,Millennials have the lowest rates of homeownership,highest recent increases in debt and lowest wealth at the

114、ir age compared with previous generations.The true potential of cryptocurrency,however,has yet to be fully realized.Cryptocurrency may unlock financial inclusion for unbanked and underbanked people around the worldmaking,for example,the transfer of money as easy as sending a message.Also powered by

115、blockchain technology are NFTs(nonfungible tokens),which have seen an explosion of interest and online conversation.Often associated with digital files like art,photos,videos and audio,NFTs offer their owners a unique certificate of authenticity and ownership.Their rise has been fueled by an influx

116、of creativity,rising valuations and that timeless human desire to own something singular and scarce.Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:Whats NextThe trend line is clear that digital assets are on the rise.A creator economy,boosted by the metaverse,built around NFTs and other digital asse

117、ts emerges,blending the economic rules of rare goods(scarcity,provenance,historic significance)with rules of creator economy(timeliness,virality).#NFT+11,480%Fungibility+1,171%Cryptocurrency+194%Token coin+163Blockchain+103%#CryptoEconomy+78%Financial inclusion+15%Cryptoinclusion1439+210%Cryptocurre

118、ncyCanada+164%Cryptocurrency USA+181%CriptomonedaMexico+276%CriptomoedaBrazil+269%CryptocurrencyNigeria+612%(Bitcoin)Thailand+127%Cryptocurrency Australia+288%CryptocurrencyIndia+193%CryptocurrencyVietnam+383%#(cryptocurrency)S.Korea+172%CryptocurrencyUK+170%Kryptowhrung(cryptocurrency)GermanyFacebo

119、ok IQ source:Hashtags are based on Instagram data,global,Jan 2020Dec 2021.Conversation topics are based on Facebook data,global,Jul 2020Sep 2021.Conversation around cryptocurrency issoaring around the world 3940The trope of the starving artist may have had its moment because the future will be writt

120、en by creators.Creativity has been unleashed,driven by social networks,affordable and powerful software and hardware and the belief that everyone can be clever and inventive.Most successful creators remain Millennials and Gen Z,and their audience sees their social selling success as highly relatable

121、 and attainable.Now,creators can take their large follower counts,the social influence that comes with itand their built-in authentic appealand become a brand ambassador or microinfluencer.Its also an attractive career choice:40%of survey respondents aspire to be a successful influencer or creator.1

122、 Not surprisingly,its strongest with Gen Z and weakest with Baby Boomers.Emerging markets(Nigeria,Thailand,India,Brazil)have the highest aspriration.1Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:Whats NextCreator culture continues to flourish,as more people can transform a hobby into an economical

123、ly viable full-time role.The most successful will build the next big brand or be a celebrity spokesperson who can serve as a bridge between brands and diverse communities.Both new and established creators are open to innovation and disruption in their quest for economic success.For some creators,the

124、ir appeal is relatability,so authenticity will remain key as they continue to partner with brands.#MicroInfluencer+384%Influencer marketing+147%Brand ambassador+131%Social influence+91%#Creator+76%Social selling+31%Creatorculture1541AUSTRALIA+396%CANADA+99%INDIA+267%NIGERIA+61%UK+76%US+101%Global Yo

125、Y growth in Facebook conversation around influencer marketing Facebook IQ source:Facebook data,global,Jul 2020Sep 2021.41Collab for successBRAND INSPIRATIONPetco hosted a live pet fashion show and an adopt-a-thon using Facebook Live Shopping,harnessing the power of collaboration and the cuteness of

126、dogs.(US)Havaianas partnered with a set of diverse creators and found that higher inclusivity led to higher conversion rates.(Brazil)HOW CANYOU COLLAB FOR SUCCESS?If you want to go fast,go alone.If you want to go far,find a friend.No matter your business objective,theres a strong chance you can do i

127、t better with a partner.It could be a set of diverse creators,members of an underrepresented community,a Spark AR developer,an NGO or even a like-minded brand.42434.ExpandingvaluesWhat we value shapes who we are and how we behave.Look out for next-level sustainability,global tastes,local community a

128、nd total wellness.Our shopping habits are no longer just self-expressionfor many,its an act of self-preservation.44Shoppers support businesses close to homeeven as they see the whole world as their cultural and culinary marketplace.Globally,58%of respondents say they make an effort to shop local eve

129、n when its more expensive.1 At the same time,62%consider themselves a global citizen,a broad term that refers to awareness,affinity and/or engagement of worldwide events,products and culture.Millennials feel it the most strongly,followed by Gen Z.1 Social media certainly helps create borderless cult

130、ures.Most users follow accounts by topic,without regard to country borders.On a good day,the increasingly global village that we inhabit fuels cultural exchange,understanding and engagement.These discussions cover everything from omakase,an elaborate chef-selected sushi dinner,to the latest Bollywoo

131、d songs and movies.Another powerhouse:South Korea.Its a top cultural exporter,and some of its biggest films,TV shows and musical acts attained global popularity.One result of both K-love and the countrys growing influence:26 Korean words were added to the Oxford English Dictionary due to cultural si

132、gnificance.10Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:Whats NextConsumers seek global culture thats locally made/sourced(food,furniture,clothing).Regional pride and consumer distrust of distant agribusiness practices also raised the demand for local,small-farm produce.Global citizenship+357%#B

133、ollywoodSongs+158%Omakase+106%#VocalForLocal+61%#ShopLocal+55%K-love+19%Global passion,local purchase164559%of respondents consider themselves global citizensmake an effort to shop locally,even if its more expensive61%People are embracing the duality of being global citizens and local championsAmong

134、 people surveyed globallyFacebook IQ source:“Global Foresight Study”by Mintel(Meta-commissioned survey of 36,000 people ages 18+in AU,BR,CA,DE,GB,IN,KR,MX,NG,PL,TH,US),Oct 2021.4546The human voice,the oldest form of storytelling,touches us in new ways,helping with everything from convenience(smart s

135、peakers)to calmness(music therapy)while it allows us to multitask(drive/bike/work).Podcasting is growing rapidly and has achieved a wider audience during the pandemic;news,comedy and true crime are top draws.11 There is also soaring interest in soundmojis and apps that offer a kaleidoscope of real-t

136、ime content and conversation.2 The power of sound is being explored through ASMR(autonomous sensory meridian response),which focuses on audio importance and sensory impacts,especially in noise-polluted areas like cities and offices.12 Video and screen immersion led to a renewed emphasis on high-qual

137、ity audio.This helped ignite a vinyl record rebirth in urban centers(NYC,LA)in the mid-2000s,which sparked interest in hi-fi audio and audio editing software.13Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:Whats NextThe immersive appeal of audio grows as we increasingly feel mental and visual fatig

138、ue from screens.Continued adoption of hi-fi audio in smartphones,smart speakers,headphones and car audio enable increased audio creativity.Brands are starting to jump on the audio bandwagon,but its just beginning.Podcast+117%Audio editing software+106%Smart speaker+42%#ASMR+34%Music therapy+30%Sonic

139、 boom174718-3430%32%50%35-5451%55+19%18%MenAgeWomenPeople are increasingly discussing podcasts on Facebook,with Gen Xersleading the wayFacebook IQ source:Facebook data,global,Jul 2020Sep 2021.4748Once upon a time,two-day shipping was considered fast.But with more and more people shopping at the spee

140、d of life,is two-hour delivery becoming the new standard?Shoppers shifting expectations are even more fundamental though:With online and offline boundaries blurring,many shoppers expect that if they can see it,they should be able to buy itwhether thats shopping via website,mobile app,messaging app,p

141、hoto with a product tag or live shopping broadcast.The groups most open to new shopping experiences are parents,higher income groups,married couples and women.1 Pair this with the rise of shoppable surfaces,an increase in live shopping,one-click mobile payments,layaway plans,flexible financing(like#

142、BuyNowPayLater options,which are most popular with Gen Z and Millenials14),free shipping and same-day delivery.Increasingly,shopping is effortless and for those considering an impulse purchase,resistance is futile.Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:Whats NextTodays consumers see no diffe

143、rence between online and offline channelsits all just shopping.And people demand the best of online and offline in every commerce interaction.Growing expectations for the interconnectivity of these channelsand the shoppability of every surfacechallenge retailers to find ways of offering the convenie

144、nce and immediacy of online within brick-and-mortar environments and conveying the in-store experience of touch and trust in online environments.People will increasingly expect that if they can see it,they can shop for it.QR code+223%#LiveShopping+90%#BuyNowPayLater+96%Layaway+74%Mobile payment+42%F

145、ree shipping+36%#SameDayDelivery+34%Impulse purchase+16%Instantshopification 1849OMNISURFACEACCESSNO PAYMENT,NO PROBLEMFABULOUSFULFILLMENTPROMISINGFUTUREQR code+233%Layaway+74%Online and offline+153%User experience design+73%#LiveShopping+59%#BuyNowPayLater+63%Free shipping+36%Virtual economy+85%Cus

146、tomer experience+60%Impulse purchase+16%#SameDayDelivery+17%#DroneDelivery+64%People increasingly expect that ifthey can see it,they can shop itFacebook IQ source:Facebook data,global,Jul 2020Sep 2021.4950People are increasingly striving to nurture their whole selves.Remarkably,many now report that

147、mental health has surpassed physical health in its importance to total wellness and general attitude.15 Much of that change came from the extreme stresses brought on by the pandemic.Globally,37%of respondents say they reassessed and reprioritized what matters most to them during the pandemic(with wo

148、men and Gen X reporting the most self-reflection).1 The World Health Organization now recognizes mental health as a major global health concern.Still,many in low-and middle-income countries receive no treatment for mental health issues.As mental health is more openly discussed,conversations about se

149、lf-reflection,self-love and mindfulness increase.This desire for ultimate wellness has led to people embracing new omnidirectional fitness motivation strategies(e.g.,working out in VR),nontraditional healthcare,an embrace of natural ingredients(and nature itself)as well as the desire to give back th

150、rough fundraising or being a volunteer for a cause you care about.2 Alternative wellness approaches such as botanicals,acupuncture,meditation,energy healing,nature therapy and yoga are also skyrocketing.Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:Whats NextMindbody health and worklife balance bec

151、ome prominent among consumers.Alternative lifestyles and stress-reduction techniques emerge as a priority for optimal health.Attitude+262%#Volunteer+256%Authenticity+130%Fundraising+111%Mindfulness+77%Self-love+73%Self-reflection+42%#Wellness+36%#FitnessMotivation+32%Ultimatewellness1951PHYSICALTher

152、e are many paths tomodern wellnessFacebook IQ source:Hashtags are based on Instagram data,global,Jan 2020Dec 2021.Conversation topics are based on Facebook data,global,Jul 2020Sep 2021.5152Growing concerns about climate change have spurred more people to believe that reducing our carbon emissions to

153、 net zero is paramount.Globally,69%of respondents believe brands should care about the environment and provide sustainable living products for consumers and sustainable tourism options for leisure activities.1 Thats a big change from just a few years ago and has to do with an increasing visceral awa

154、reness of climate change;the steady drumbeat of news about increasing droughts,floods,heat,wildfires and melting glacial ice can change minds.One big sign of that awareness:Electric vehicle sales have grown.16 Meanwhile,consumer electronics companies extend smartphone lifecycles,support trade-ins an

155、d recycling and focus on yearly service updates instead of new products.Upcycling,in which unwanted or waste materials are transformed into new goods,is also on the rise.More consumers view secondhand clothing as desirable,a trend aligned with the rise of the circular economy.17 Businesses are movin

156、g away from the“take,make and waste”model.Our future demands it.Rising conversation topics(global growth YoY)2:Electric vehicle+238%Sustainable tourism+178%Circular economy+152%Sustainable fashion+147%Space debris+133%Greenwashing+124%Sustainable living+60%Sustainable design+59%Upcycling+24%Planet p

157、ositive20Whats NextSustainability in operations and products continues to grow in importance.Forward-thinking companies increasingly adopt stances that push beyond neutrality(e.g.,shifting from“carbon neutral”to“carbon positive”means removing additional carbon dioxide from the environment).As Millen

158、nials approach their peak spending years,they will be holding businesses to account.Companies must back up words with concrete actions to reduce emissions or risk accusations of greenwashingor better yet,start with action and follow with words.53+199%Electric vehicleBrazil+286%Electric vehicleNigeri

159、a+168%Renewable energyIndia+101%Hybrid vehicleThailand+478%Circular economyAustralia+110%RecyclingVietnam+212%Global warmingPoland+184%Renewable energyGermany+114%Circular economyUK+91%Global warmingS.Korea+253%Old growth forestCanada+91%Space debrisUS+69%Circular economyMexicoConversations around s

160、ustainabilityare rising around the worldFacebook IQ source:Hashtags are based on Instagram data,global,Jan 2020Dec 2021.Conversation topics are based on Facebook data,global,Jul 2020Sep 2021.53Collide purposefullyBRAND INSPIRATIONCorona turned plastic into currency during Ocean Week.The brand accept

161、ed plastic waste as a form of payment,and for every six-pack purchased,Corona and Parley committed to clean one square meter of a local beach.(Mexico)Goodwill advocated for their mission of reuse,recycling and giving back to the community using the dance and body positivity focus of influencer Eric

162、Cavanaugh.(US)HOW CAN YOU COLLIDE YOUR TRENDS?No trend is an island.Want to see real magic?Bring a few trends together.For example,combine e-commerce and entertainment and you get live shoppertainment!Combine social good with diverse creators and youve got a campaign that will resonate with new folk

163、s in new ways.The possibilities are endless.The future is unwritten.GROW ON and build it.5455How to usethis foresightWe hope youve enjoyed this report and our forecast of how people will connect,create and consume in the next three to five years.More importantly,we hope youre inspired.Heres a few su

164、ggestions for how to incorporate Culture Rising into your organization,so you can move more confidently into the future.Commit to purpose.Consumers are increasingly looking to businesses to solve societys problems.Adapting to cultural trends is an opportunityonly if approached authentically.Convicti

165、on is key but nowadays action is everything.To avoid accusations of#Wokewashing or#Greenwashing,its best to act first before you advertise it.Champion inclusivity.Talk to people whose experiences can expand yours to help ensure authentic,inclusive representation.And remember that change starts at ho

166、me.Are you cultivating a radically inclusive culture at work?Connect experientially.People havent run out of attention.They just need a good reason to spend it on you.People may not remember what you say,but theyll always remember how you make them feel.Whether its an interactive poll,an AR ad or a

167、fully immersive VR experience,have a little fun and take chances so you spark an emotional response with your audience.Collab for success.If you want to go fast,go alone.If you want to go far,find a friend.No matter your business objective,theres a strong chance you can do it better with a partner.I

168、t could be a set of diverse creators,members of an underrepresented community,a Spark AR developer,an NGO or even a like-minded brand.Collide your trends.No trend is an island.Want to see real magic?Bring a few trends together.For example,combine e-commerce and entertainment and you get live shopper

169、tainment!Combine social good with diverse creators and youve got a campaign that will resonate with new folks in new ways.The possibilities are endless.The future is unwritten.GROW ON and build it.Check out the Facebook IQ site for shareable trends and deeper foresight:fb.me/2022trends56Sources1.“Gl

170、obal Foresight Study”by Mintel(Meta-commissioned survey of 36,000 people ages 18+in AU,BR,CA,DE,GB,IN,KR,MX,NG,PL,TH,US),Oct 2021.2.Hashtags are based on Instagram data,global,Jan 2020Dec 2021(comparison of JanDec 2020 vs.JanDec 2021).Conversation topics are based on Facebook global data,Jul 2020Sep

171、 2021(comparison of JulSep 2020 vs.JulSep 2021).3.“Companies Cant Ignore Shifting Gender Norms”by Harvard Business Review,Apr 2020.4.“The Global Inclusion Imperative”by Kantar(survey of 32,000+people ages 13+across 26 markets),Jul 2021.5.“A Quarter of Americans Are Interested in an Open Relationship

172、”by YouGov,Apr 2021.6.Facebook data,global,Jan 2021.7.INRIX 2020 Global Traffic Scorecard8.Census Bureau Releases 2020 CPS ASEC Geographic Mobility Data,US Census Bureau,Dec 2020.9.“Global State of Small Business”(Meta-commissioned survey of 35,000+SMB leaders in AR,AU,BE,BR,CA,CO,DE,EG,ES,FR,GB,GH,

173、ID,IE,IL,IN,IT,KE,MX,NG,PH,PK,PO,PT,RU,TR,TW,US,VN,ZA),Sep 2021.10.“Oxford English Dictionary rides the K-wave with a big Korean update”by NPR,Oct 2021.11.“Podcast Listener Journey Survey”by Kantar Profiles(Meta-commissioned online survey),2021.12.“How A.S.M.R.Became A Sensation”New York Times Magaz

174、ine,Apr 2019.13.“Heres Why Music Lovers Are Turning to Vinyl And Dropping Digital”Time,Jan 13,2015.14.“Almost 75%of BNPL users in the US are Gen Z or millennials”by eMarketer Insider Intelligence,Jul 2021.15.“World Mental Health Day 2021”by Ipsos,Sep 2021.16.Global EV Sales for 2021 H1,EV-17.“The Circular Economy,”Mintel,Mar 2021.



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