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1、DAIRY MARKET REVIEWEmerging trends and outlook 2022CFood and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsRome,2022DAIRY MARKET REVIEWEmerging trends and outlook 2022DRequired citation:FAO.2022.Dairy Market Review:Emerging trends and outlook 2022.Rome.Previous reports are available at www.fao.org/m

2、arkets-and-trade/publications/en/?news_files=113040The Dairy Market Review is a product of the FAO Markets and Trade Division of the Economic and Social Development Stream and prepared under the overall guidance of Boubaker Ben-Belhassen,Director.The report was written by Upali W.Galketi Aratchilage

3、 and Harout Dekermendjian,and Ettore Vecchione and Jonathan Hallo prepared the publication layout.The designations employed and the presentation of material in this information product do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the U

4、nited Nations(FAO)concerning the legal or development status of any country,territory,city or area or of its authorities,or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.The mention of specific companies or products of manufacturers,whether or not these have been patented,does not imply

5、 that these have been endorsed or recommended by FAO in preference to others of a similar nature that are not mentioned.The views expressed in this information product are those of the author(s)and do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of FAO.FAO,2022Some rights reserved.This work is made

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12、sts solely with the user.Sales,rights and licensing.FAO information products are available on the FAO website(www.fao.org/publications)and can be purchased through publications-salesfao.org.Requests for commercial use should be submitted via:www.fao.org/contact-us/licence-request.Queries regarding r

13、ights and licensing should be submitted to:copyrightfao.org.Cover and footer photos:ShutterstockiiiCONTENTSInternational dairy prices 1Following steep increases,international dairy prices have seen some easing since June 1Global milk production 1Global milk output to expand slightly,sustained by Asi

14、as continued production growth 1World trade in dairy products 3World dairy trade to contract for the first time in nearly two decades 3Trade performance of dairy products 4Trade in milk powders and whey to contract,while that in butter to rise and in cheese to remain stable 4Butter 4Cheese 5Skim mil

15、k powder 6Whole milk powder 6Statistical annexes 8Appendix tables statistics 9ivDairy Market Review 2022 International dairy prices eased in recent months due to subdued import demand Global milk production is forecast to expand slightly,sustained by growth in Asia World dairy trade may contract for

16、 the first time in two decadesHIGHLIGHTS1Dairy Market Review 2022International dairy pricesFollowing steep increases,international dairy prices have seen some easing since JuneExcept for four months from June to September 2021,the FAO Dairy Price Index rose steeply since mid-2020,reaching near-recor

17、d highs in June 2022 that is only 4percent below its peak in December 2013.Much of this increase until June this year was driven by the tightening of global markets due to constrained supply availabilities in Western Europe and Oceania.In addition,persistent import demand from North Asia,primarily u

18、ntil March,and the Middle East,also contributed to price increases.Increased demand for certain dairy products in Europe and elsewhere,especially for butter,amid the shortages of sunflower oil due to disruptions of supplies from the Black Sea region,also backed global dairy price increases since Feb

19、ruary 2022.As for global demand,import purchases by China,the worlds largest dairy importer,fell steeply starting from April,especially for whey products and milk powders due to high inventories,lower food services sales,impacted by COVID-19 lockdowns and rising domestic milk production.Imports also

20、 fell in several countries due to economic downturns,high dairy prices,currency depreciations against the United States dollar and limited foreign exchange,further weighing on international dairy prices.In addition,lower demand for spot supplies and medium-term contracts during the summer months in

21、the Northern Hemisphere due to long holidays as well as expectations for dairy supplies to increase in the unfolding 2022/23 season in Oceania,further weighed on global dairy prices.However,the decline in international dairy prices was contained to some extent by increased import demand by leading i

22、mporters in the Middle East and East Asia,together with tight supplies from leading producers,especially the European Union and Oceania.Figure 1.FAO Dairy Price Index 2014-2016=100Source:FAO,www.fao.org/markets-and-trade/commodities/dairy/fao-dairy-price-index/en/Global milk productionGlobal milk ou

23、tput to expand slightly,sustained by Asias continued production growthWorld milk production in 2022 is forecast at around 930 million tonnes,up by 0.6 percent from 2021,principally driven by volume expansions in Asia with a small gain in Central America and the Caribbean,offset by a sizable decline

24、expected in Europe.Outputs in South America,Oceania and Africa are also expected to fall moderately,while production may remain steady in North America.200020140170200Dairy Price IndexButterSkim milk powderWhole milk powderCheese2Dairy Market Review 2022Figure 2.Worl

25、d milk production by region Source:FAO.In Asia,the worlds largest milk-producing region,milk output in 2022 is expected to reach nearly 419million tonnes,up by 2.1percent year-on-year,with much of the output growth anticipated in India,Pakistan,China,Uzbekistan,Kazakhstan and Japan,among others.Thes

26、e gains are forecast to be offset by anticipated output contractions in Trkiye,the Republic of Korea and the Syrian Arab Republic,among others.In India,milk production is forecast at 221 million tonnes,expanding by 2.3percent,a slower pace than in previous years,reflecting the outbreak of the Lumpy

27、Skin Disease that significantly affected small-scale operators.Pakistans milk production is likely to expand in 2022 at a slower rate due to the heatwave that swept through the country earlier in the year and heavy floods in September that led to dairy infrastructure damages and cattle losses.In Chi

28、na,large-scale,modern dairy operations are sustaining growth momentum,despite the negative impact of high input costs and market disruptions linked to COVID-19 containment measures.By contrast,milk output in Trkiye is likely to fall due to shrinking profit margins amid rising input costs,leading to

29、higher milk cow turn-offs.Likewise,fewer milk cows and high input costs would lower output in the Republic of Korea.In Central America and the Caribbean,milk output is anticipated to reach 19.7 million tonnes,an increase of 1.2 percent from 2021.This increase is mainly driven by Mexico the leading p

30、roducer in the region where milk output is forecast to increase by 1.7percent year-on-year on rising dairy herd numbers and improvements in manufacturing technologies,notwithstanding the growth-limiting impact of high input costs.In Europe,milk output is forecast at around 232million tonnes in 2022,

31、down by 0.8 percent from 2021,principally due to expected output contractions in Ukraine,the European Union,the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland(United Kingdom)and Switzerland,partially counterbalanced by output increases in the Russian Federation and Belarus.In Ukraine,milk prod

32、uction is likely to fall more steeply than the declining trend that the country was on in recent years,impacted by the ongoing war on the dairy infrastructure.Milk output in the European Union is forecast to drop for the second consecutive year due to dry and warm weather and high input costs,especi

33、ally fuel,fertilizer and feed costs.The lower-than-normal exports of grain from the Russian Federation and Ukraine and poor harvests may lead to potential shortages in animal feed and lower milk yields,further pressuring farm financial margins.Similarly,prolonged heatwave,inflationary pressure and c

34、ontinuing shrinkage of dairy herd size may decrease milk output in the United Kingdom by around 1.0percent,reaching just over 15 million tonnes.By contrast,milk production in the Russian Federation is forecast to increase by 2.2percent in 2022,underpinned by government support to sustain higher prod

35、uctivity and modernization of livestock facilities,while increased domestic demand sustained through government assistance may counter less-buoyant foreign sales.Milk output in Belarus is likely to increase slightly due to favourable fodder availability and milk yield improvements.In Oceania,milk ou

36、tput is forecast at 30.4 million tonnes,down by 1.8percent from 2021,the second consecutive year to register a decline.In Australia,lower cow numbers,labour shortages and high input costs,along with the impacts of flooding in some milk-producing regions,could lower milk output,while efforts to addre

37、ss labour shortages through the Pacific Australia Labour Mobility programme and improved pasture land due to favourable weather 0700420AsiaEuropeNorthAmericaSouthAmericaAfricaOceaniaCentralAmerica&Caribbean2021 estimate2022 forecastMillion tonnes3Dairy Market Review 2022may provide some s

38、upport to sustain milk production growth.New Zealand is also likely to see a year-on-year milk production drop in 2022,mainly due to dry weather conditions that downgraded pasture quality and availability,rising input costs and inadequate labour availability.In Africa,milk output is forecast at near

39、ly 51 million tonnes in 2022,down by 0.5percent,driven mainly by anticipated declines,notably in Kenya,Ethiopia and South Africa,due to extreme weather events,impacts of conflicts on production systems and increasing input costs,countered by moderate gains in several countries.In North America,milk

40、output is projected to remain stable,reaching 112.6 million tonnes,as a marginal increase in production in the United States of America(United States)is to offset a possible decline in Canada.In the United States,yield improvements and favourable weather conditions in some states may increase slight

41、ly milk output,but partially offset by squeezed profit margins amid high input costs and dry weather inducing farmers to liquidate dairy cows ahead of schedule.By contrast,increased cattle slaughter amid high input costs could lower milk output in Canada.In South America,milk production is pegged at

42、 65.6million tonnes in 2022,down by 1.7percent year-on-year,reflecting likely declines in Brazil,Uruguay and Argentina,offset marginally by possible increases in Colombia.In Brazil,milk production decline,currently forecast at 3.3percent,is mainly driven by squeezed producer margins,caused especiall

43、y by rising input costs of machinery,fuel and labour,despite a 38 percent increase in average farmgate prices by July 2022 compared to the same period last year and stability in feed prices.In Uruguay,lower pasture conditions reflected the likely decline in milk output.In Argentina,milk output may d

44、ecline due to the impacts of drought conditions during the winter season(June-August),the high costs of production coupled with the devaluation of the peso,notwithstanding growing dairy herd numbers and improved dairy facilities.By contrast,milk output in Colombia may reach just over 7.0 million ton

45、nes,sustained by favourable weather conditions earlier in the year,which fostered pasture recovery.World trade in dairy products World dairy trade to contract for the first time in nearly two decades World trade in milk products is forecast at 85 million tonnes(in milk equivalents),down by 3.4 perce

46、nt from 2021,the first decline in nearly two decades,primarily underpinned by a steep drop in imports into China,with further declines forecast for Nigeria,Viet Nam and the Russian Federation.These import declines are likely to be partially countered by possibly higher purchases by the Philippines,I

47、ndonesia,the United Kingdom,the European Union and Mexico.In China,lower food service activities related to COVID-19 containment measures,rising domestic milk production and high inventories could lead to an import contraction of about 15percent,or roughly over 3 million tonnes,mostly whey and milk

48、powders,starting from April.Lower consumer demand could also cut imports by Nigeria,Viet Nam and the Russian Federation.By contrast,a continued increase in demand for dairy products,also induced by increased food services activities,could bolster imports by the Philippines,Indonesia and Mexico.Meanw

49、hile,more relaxed border control measures could lift bilateral trade between the United Kingdom and the European Union,but constrained to limited volume gains due to lower retail spending,inflationary pressures and economic downturns.With the global trade contraction,lower exports are anticipated fr

50、om a few leading exporters,including New Zealand and the European Union,Belarus and Trkiye.However,a few countries,including Mexico,India,Argentina and the United States,may export more,owing to elevated export availabilities of selected dairy products,especially butter and milk powders,and consider

51、ing bilateral trade arrangements.4Dairy Market Review 2022Trade performance of dairy products Trade in milk powders and whey to contract,while that in butter to rise and in cheese to remain stableDespite the expected export contraction,global trade in butter is forecast to rise by 6.2percent from 20

52、21,while cheese exports may increase by a small margin.By contrast,global trade in whole milk powder(WMP),skim milk powder(SMP)and whey powder,the most traded dairy commodities,is forecast to drop,respectively,by 6.4 percent,3.5 percent and 5.6 percent,principally underpinned by possible declines in

53、 purchases by China.Figure 3.Composition of global dairy exports Source:FAO.ButterGlobal butter exports to reach an all-time high in 2022Global butter trade is expected to register a 6.2percent increase year-on-year,reaching an all-time high of around 1.08 million tonnes in 2022,mostly driven by buo

54、yant import demand from Bahrain,the United Arab Emirates,and Indonesia.Meanwhile,after drops in 2021,improved trade relations between the European Union and the United Kingdom are likely to boost butter trade by 12.3 and 4.6percent,respectively,in 2022.By contrast,imports are forecast to contract in

55、 the Russian Federation,the Philippines,China and Australia.The forecast decline in butter imports by the Russian Federation reflects inflationary pressures and war-induced sanctions,whereas high international butter prices and currency depreciation against major currencies may discourage imports by

56、 the Philippines.In the case of China,lower demand from the restaurant and hospitality sector may lead to a slight drop in butter imports,although butter demand remains buoyant from the high-end bakery products market.Figure 4.Post-Brexit EU butter exports to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and

57、Northern Irelanda Source:FAO,based on Trade Data Monitor(TDM).a data for 2022 reflect up to September.On the export side,much of the increased demand for butter is likely to be supplied by India,New Zealand,Trkiye,the European Union and the United States.Indias butter exports may reach an all-time h

58、igh at around 50 thousand tonnes,mainly destined for the Middle East and North Africa regions,considering the local demand and the recovery of the hospitality and restaurants segment.After drops for two consecutive Jan 20May 20Sep 20Jan 21May 21Sep 21Jan 22May 2202 5005 0007 50010 00012 500Tonnes,pr

59、oduct weight0510152025ButterCheeseSkim milkpowderWhole milkpowderWheyOthers2021 estimate2022 forecastMillion tonnes,Milk equivalent5Dairy Market Review 2022years,butter exports from New Zealand are likely to expand by 4.4percent in 2022 due to robust demand in Asia,including China and Indonesia.Desp

60、ite an export ban that was in operation from April to September 2022,imposed to ensure domestic availability,butter exports by Trkiye may increase to 15.4 thousand tonnes,given high shipments sustained in the first four months of the year,mostly to North Africa and the European Union.In the United S

61、tates,butter exports may reach 65.5 thousand tonnes,up by 13.7percent year-on-year,sustained by buoyant import demand,especially from Canada,Mexico and the Republic of Korea,partly induced by competitive prices.In the European Union,butter shipments may increase on robust demand from the United King

62、dom,benefitting from the relaxed border control measures and in line with generally high autumn/winter demand.By contrast,butter exports are likely to fall from Argentina,Australia,the United Kingdom,Ukraine and the Russian Federation.Lower shipments to the Russian Federation one of the major butter

63、 importers from Argentina may lead Argentinas exports to fall,possibly the first such decline in five years.Tight supplies and lower demand in China may reduce butter shipments from Australia,constraining exports to around 21.8 thousand tonnes,about 10percent lower than in 2021.Meanwhile,Ukraine may

64、 also register a decline in butter exports by 10percent from last year,reflecting the war-related damages to the dairy infrastructure in the country.Cheese Global cheese trade to remain stable World cheese exports are forecast at 3.5 million tonnes,nearly unchanged from 2021,as anticipated declines

65、in imports,primarily into China,are likely to be offset by higher imports expected in the United Kingdom,Saudi Arabia and Mexico.In China,lower demand from the hospitality sector may lead imports to fall for the first time in four years.In Japan,the predicted drop in imports reflect the 3percent yea

66、r-on-year cutback on tariff rate quota for 2022 for natural cheese.Meanwhile,the anticipated decline in cheese imports by Australia reflects increased domestic availabilities.By contrast,the United Kingdom is likely to see a lift in cheese imports on higher consumer demand,further facilitated by eas

67、ing border controls with the European Union bloc.In Saudi Arabia,the increase is mostly on account of rising local demand amid a halt in milk production growth that characterized the sector in recent years,probably leading to an all-time high volume of cheese imports.Concerning exports,higher shipme

68、nts are mostly centred in the United States,the United Kingdom,and Belarus,while lower shipments are likely from New Zealand,the Islamic Republic of Iran and Switzerland.In the United States,shipments are forecast to increase by nearly 11percent,reaching 448 000 tonnes,largely destined for Mexico,th

69、e biggest market for US cheese,driven mainly by the invigorated food processing industry and high food services sales.Relaxed border controls are facilitating the United Kingdom to recover its cheese export volume from a sharp fall in 2021 by as much as 20percent.Belarus sustains cheese export growt

70、h amid continued high volumes imported by the Russian Federation,the countrys leading trading partner,despite a possible downturn in overall dairy exports in 2022.After a record high in 2021,lower demand from China may decrease cheese exports by New Zealand by around 8.0percent from last year.Simila

71、rly,cheese exports from the Islamic Republic of Iran may decrease due to lower demand for cheese from its neighbouring countries,compensated by increasing exports of milk powders.Figure 5.United States cheese exports to major destinations from January to October period050030020

72、0212022MexicoRepublic of KoreaJapanAustraliaCanadaPanamaThousand tonnes,product weight Source:FAO,based on Trade Data Monitor(TDM).6Dairy Market Review 2022Skim milk powder SMP trade in 2022 seen dropping World trade in SMP in 2022 is forecast at 2.6 million tonnes,down 3.5percent from 2021,principa

73、lly due to expectations of a sharp fall in imports by China,together with sizable declines in Viet Nam,Yemen,and Nigeria,partially counterbalanced by higher imports by the Philippines,Indonesia,Mexico and Malaysia.SMP purchases by China are likely to drop by as much as 21.0percent from 2021,equivale

74、nt to 96 000 tonnes,with total imports falling to 360000 tonnes,amid growing local production and lower demand from the food services sector.The elevated SMP prices,coupled with economic hurdles and currency fluctuations,may lower imports by Yemen and Nigeria,whereas VietNam may register lower SMP i

75、mports,because of higher international prices and national currency devaluation.By contrast,the Philippines imports may rise by as much as 30percent from the 2021 level,adding 50000 tonnes more in 2022,primarily to fulfil demand from the food manufacturing sector.In Indonesia,high demand for dairy p

76、roducts from the rising middle class may bolster SMP imports,whereas Mexicos SMP imports may increase for the second consecutive year,underpinned by robust internal demand and the import tariff exemption granted for 21 products,including milk powders,to contain price increases.Concerning SMP trade,e

77、xport downgrades are anticipated for several countries,notably the European Union and the United States,partially offset by higher exports from the Islamic Republic of Iran,New Zealand and Canada.As for the European Union,the decline,with exports may reach over 691 000 tonnes,is mainly driven by low

78、er imports by China,Indonesia,the Philippines,Malaysia,Algeria and Nigeria,reflecting high import and freight prices and currency movements.The lower SMP shipments from the United States mainly reflect a slight decline in imports from Mexico,the main US market,along with those by China and Viet Nam,

79、partially compensated by increased shipments to some Southeast Asian destinations such as the Philippines and Indonesia.By contrast,the Islamic Republic ofIran may ship more SMP,reaching an all-time high,mainly due to high demand from Iraq and Pakistan.New Zealands exports may increase amid buoyant

80、purchases,especially by Indonesia,Malaysia and Thailand.Similarly,Australia may also ship more SMP,reflecting robust demand from Asia.Figure 6.SMP global imports and price developmentsa Skim milk powder ImportsestimateforecastFAO SMP Price Indexa(right axis)2 3002 4002 5002 6002 700200202

81、0212022Thousand tonnes,product weight2014-2016=0200 Source:FAO,based on Trade Data Monitor(TDM).a FAO SMP Price Index for 2022 is average of Jan-Oct 2022.Whole milk powder A drop in global WMP trade is likely Global WMP exports are pegged at 2.6 million tonnes,down by 6.4percent from 2021

82、,with a steep decline in imports anticipated into China,along with sizable drops in Sri Lanka,Nigeria and Egypt,partially counterbalanced by possible increases in Algeria,Indonesia,Brazil,Thailand and Saudi Arabia.China is likely to lower WMP purchases by about 11 percent,reflecting high initial sto

83、cks following historically large volumes imported last year,coupled with lower demand from the restaurant and hospitality sector due to COVID-19 related measures,growing local production and rising import prices.Despite the cut in purchases,Chinas WMP import share remains stable as global demand dec

84、reased concurrently.Meanwhile,in SriLanka,total WMP purchases are likely to fall to 42 000 tonnes,a decline of about 41percent from 2021,reflecting higher dairy prices,currency depreciation and limited foreign exchange.Similarly,Nigerias WMP imports may drop by as 7Dairy Market Review 2022much as 34

85、percent amid lower consumer demand,attributed to inflationary pressures.Following an 8.0 percent drop in 2021,Algerias WMP imports may surge in 2022,reflecting the countrys consumer demand growth.After a 24percent increase in 2021,Indonesias WMP imports may continue the positive trend in 2022,exceed

86、ing the capacity to fulfil the countrys dairy consumer demand.Following a steep fall in 2021,Brazils WMP purchases may recover,facilitated by the temporary import tariff reduction to contain rising prices,despite high prices and lower household income constraining demand for dairy products.WMP expor

87、ts from New Zealand are anticipated to decline by 15.3 percent in 2022,reaching around 1.4 million tonnes due to lower demand from China,despite the free trade agreement that came into force at the beginning of 2022 and higher sales to several countries in East Asia and the Middle East.WMP exports f

88、rom the European Union are likely to contract by as much as 15percent due to lower purchases by key importing countries,including Nigeria and Algeria,reflecting economic downturns and high import prices.Tight milk supplies in the European Union have so far led to diverting already limited milk avail

89、ability for producing other dairy products in high demand internally,especially cheese and butter,as well as escalating energy costs that reduced processing margins.Figure 7.WMP imports by Chinaforecast02004006008001 0002002020212022ChinaThousand tonnes,product weight0%10%20%30%40%Share o

90、f China in aggregate importsSource:FAO,based on Trade Data Monitor(TDM).8Dairy Market Review 2022Statistical annexesFAO Dairy Price IndexInternational prices(USD per tonne)FAO Dairy Price IndexPERIODButterSMPWMPCheddar cheese(20142016=100)Annual average20115 0233 4083 9624 38013020123 7403 0633 3363

91、 87711220134 7844 1484 7304 56314120144 2783 6063 8544 54213020153 3062 0892 5373 0768720163 4731 9862 4812 8078320175 6412 0113 1633 66410820185 5871 8343 0603 73610720194 4432 4403 1863 43510320203 8442 6063 0413 50610220214 9953 1813 8553 816119Monthly2021November5 7693 5244 0673 8691262021Decemb

92、er6 0723 6814 1693 8921292022January6 3263 8594 2433 9761332022February6 6344 0974 6044 2461422022March6 9234 3704 8694 2491462022April7 2234 4824 7254 2511472022May7 0084 2284 3884 3701442022June7 1334 2614 5324 6591502022July6 7933 9744 3264 6871462022August6 6103 7024 0114 7561432022September6 55

93、53 6613 9824 7531432022October6 2683 4643 8934 7061392022November6 1523 1663 7574 788138Sources:Product prices are the mid-point price ranges reported by Dairy Market News(USDA)and European Commission-reported European Union prices(starting from 2008).9Dairy Market Review 2022Appendix tables statist

94、ics Milk and milk products statisticsaProductionImportsExports22avg.estim.fcast.avg.estim.fcast.avg.estim.fcast.ASIA 379 922 410 261 418 853 47 681 51 665 48 936 8 553 9 066 8 862 China 33 790 38 251 39 750 15 843 20 695 17 648 98 112 120 India 198 77

95、9 216 259 221 179 95 92 59 435 596 837 Indonesia 1 561 1 579 1 584 3 083 3 348 3 650 51 59 59 Iran(Islamic Republic of)7 808 8 531 8 577 292 103 100 821 1 220 1 394 Japan 7 347 7 592 7 740 2 213 1 940 1 920 13 31 48 Malaysia 48 52 54 2 397 2 426 2 497 631 459 367 Pakistan 58 205 62 710 64 280 468 32

96、5 286 27 9 9 Philippines 16 17 17 2 665 2 562 2 910 93 89 91 Republic of Korea 2 059 2 034 2 012 1 297 1 460 1 537 35 40 43 Saudi Arabia 2 651 3 160 3 153 2 659 2 454 2 626 1 576 1 357 1 258 Singapore-1 530 1 473 1 501 423 398 419 Thailand 1 313 1 374 1 395 1 635 1 713 1 784 285 304 310 Trkiye 22 86

97、2 23 200 22 900 214 81 90 1 031 1 364 1 073 AFRICA 49 735 51 191 50 923 10 230 9 856 9 405 1 373 1 124 893 Algeria 3 314 3 360 3 370 3 253 3 036 3 101 6 1 1 Egypt 5 179 5 140 5 175 1 221 1 201 1 095 615 255 75 Kenya 5 305 5 461 5 318 198 146 165 2 3 5 South Africa 3 816 3 794 3 745 365 373 336 367 3

98、94 395 Tunisia 1 406 1 492 1 465 137 95 102 45 18 19 CENTRAL AMERICA&THE CARIBBEAN 18 925 19 482 19 712 6 507 6 053 6 159 1 162 825 1 611 Costa Rica 1 184 1 203 1 205 64 58 48 141 137 132 Mexico 12 501 13 078 13 300 4 157 3 911 4 092 651 267 1 081 SOUTH AMERICA 65 922 66 729 65 619 3 244 3 308 3 174

99、 4 074 4 360 4 650 Argentina 10 981 11 900 11 880 28 17 30 1 952 2 269 2 482 Brazil 36 089 35 997 34 801 1 046 885 927 74 126 128 Colombia 7 336 6 993 7 120 440 442 544 22 42 13 Uruguay 2 182 2 317 2 284 39 51 35 1 517 1 521 1 543 NORTH AMERICA 109 238 112 428 112 602 2 774 2 913 3 136 12 629 14 372

100、 14 657 Canada 9 550 9 798 9 700 746 898 954 1 018 746 834 United States of America 99 688 102 630 102 902 2 028 2 014 2 182 11 611 13 626 13 823 EUROPE 232 460 233 772 231 855 8 399 11 958 12 122 30 078 34 690 32 496 Belarus 7 501 7 822 7 860 54 79 77 4 045 4 510 4 113 European Union 168 796 159 66

101、5 158 707 1 905 3 028 3 222 22 793 25 304 23 603 Russian Federation 31 395 32 339 33 050 3 787 3 732 3 637 283 426 406 Ukraine 9 664 8 729 7 320 207 421 249 649 466 358 United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland-15 446 15 260 -3 484 3 695 -2 882 2 928 OCEANIA 31 013 30 921 30 352 1 771 1 6

102、11 1 509 22 485 23 619 21 937 Australia 9 123 9 015 8 740 1 208 1 166 1 130 2 838 3 108 3 142 New Zealand 21 868 21 884 21 590 314 208 161 19 642 20 507 18 791 WORLD 887 216 924 784 929 915 80 607 87 365 84 441 80 354 88 056 85 106 LIFDCb 56 863 59 575 59 722 4 972 4 982 4 715 631 748 676 LDCc 37 38

103、2 38 907 38 906 4 642 4 659 4 384 268 396 335 a thousand tonnes,milk equivalent.b Low-Income Food-Deficit Countriesc Least Developed CountriesCC3418EN/1/12.22CONTACTDairy Market Review FAO-Dairy-Outlookfao.orgMarkets and Trade Division-Economic and Social Development stream www.fao.org/markets-and-trade Food and Agriculture Organization of the United NationsRome,Italy



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