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1、CONTENTSForewordBreakdown Core Gameplay Into Multiple ElementsReward Ads&Interactive End CardsUA OptimizationCreative Strategies to Boost UA Efforts&Improve CVRA/B Testing&Dynamic Creative Optimization(DCO)Increased optimization&iteration flexibilityCase:How Idle Heroes increased IVR by over 1,100%w

2、ith playable adsBreaking down the core gameplay to highlight the games unique selling pointsOptimizing&iterating playable ads based on target users preferencesCreative TipsLooking To Achieve Global UA Success?00The mobile gaming industry underwent significant upheaval over the

3、past two years,with reports of global mobile gaming purchase revenue down by 35%in 2021.The privacy paradigm driven by Apples App Tracking Transparency has seen more and more hardcore and midcore games move away from a moneti-zation strategy based solely on IAPs to one that integrates in-game advert

4、ising.Mobile measurement partner,AppsFlyer,has confirmed this with a recent uptick in in-app advertising revenue,driven partly by hardcore gaming.This has resulted in increased advertising traffic for midcore&hardcore games and significant gains in these developers user acquisition efforts.Midcore a

5、nd hardcore advertisers now have more opportunities to use ad creatives to their advantage and showcase their unique selling points to high-quality users.Interactive ads have quickly become a top acquisition format,with playable ads proving successful in lowering ad production costs and increasing c

6、onversion rates.FOREWORD01%of respondents,Q4 2021,Note:ages 1834Dont know41%32%26%23%21%16%If you want to advertise in games bring your best creativeAlways reward advertising time/attention(provide a strong value exchange)Never interrupt a committed(hardcore)gamer in their flowAlways make your adver

7、tising as relevant as possible to the environmentDont force me to wait to do what I want to doSource:Anzu,”The US In-Game Advertising Report 2022,”April 13,2022WHAT ADVICE WOULD US GAMERS GIVE TO ADVERTISERSLOOKING TO ADVERTISE WITHIN A GAME?02Mindworks created a series of playable ads for IDLE Hero

8、 by breaking down the core gameplay into multiple elements.Battles Hero selection Equipment/Weaponry Costumes Difficulty level Text content Duration Background music and sound effectsUnlike casual games,midcore and hardcore gameplay is more complex and has more elements to consider.One of the most c

9、ritical issues for those advertisers is how to showcase the core concepts from the full range of a games core selling points in a way that can resonate with the target audience.User preferences differ wildly,and so should each iterations creative elements.A higher level of granularity towards these

10、playables could mean focusing on:BREAKDOWN CORE GAMEPLAY INTO MULTIPLE ELEMENTS 03For advertisers with limited budgets,interactive ad creatives such as playable ads can go a long way in helping them solve their user acquisition challenges.The mix of rewarded video and interactive end-cards can incre

11、ase the install-per-impression rate(IVR)by 50%,while a blend of rewarded video and playable ads can more than double IVR.04REWARD ADS&INTERACTIVE END CARDSInteractive advertising is no longer just a staple of casual games.Midcore and hardcore games can also leverage interactive end cards and playabl

12、e ads to attract new users.Rewarded video ads are opt-in,giving users more control over their gaming experience.Game value exchange is strongest amongst midcore and hardcore gamers,as it provides direct value to the user experience and can be strategically placed within the gameplay.05Rewarded video

13、 ads can help increase the games exposure and boost engagement during a campaigns early stages.After viewing video ads,interactive end-cards can be introduced to allow users to interact with gameplay and gives gamers a better grasp of the games key features.SCAN TO PLAY06Mindworks playable ad was AF

14、K Arenas best-performing creative for 2 consecutive months,according to Sensor Tower.To ensure campaigns remain within budget and achieve optimal ROI,optimize toward campaign stage,ad channel,and creative performance.Bid higher for sub-channels with high user quality for more exposure and traffic.Bi

15、d strategically for sub-channels with average user quality to maintain the order of magnitude and capture as many paying users from that category as possible.Exclude the sub-channels with poor user quality to avoid wasting ad budget.UA OPTIMIZATION07In the world of mobile game advertising,ad creativ

16、es have always been a critical component of user acquisition success.Highlight gameplay and UX and combine them with interactive elements.To maximize engagement,give players the ability to interact with the ad without too much difficulty.This interaction can help reduce your barrier to entry.Ad capt

17、ivating visual and sound effects,thus increasing the players engagement and sense of success.A 2D playable ad depicting a battle scene made by Mindworks for Lilith GamesCREATIVE STRATEGIES TO BOOST UA EFFORTS&IMPROVE CVR08Advertisers can leverage playable ads to acquire user behavior data that can b

18、e drawn upon to test conversion elements.DCO determines in real-time the best combination of creative elements for user conversion.DCO will generate multiple versions of ad creativesA/B tests will be run to find the best version and improve ad campaign effectivenessReduces ad fatigueA/B TESTING&DYNA

19、MIC CREATIVE OPTIMIZATION(DCO)09INCREASED OPTIMIZATION&ITERATION FLEXIBILITYUnlike standard video ads commonly used in midcore and hardcore games UA campaigns,marketers can iterate playable ads to granular levels,including assets or variables.Also,multiple versions of the same playable ad can be gen

20、erated extremely quickly without having to render and export the results each time.Considering all elements Duration Characters Background music and sound effects Text content DifficultyAt the same time,advertisers can use ad data to learn more about their user behavior and use that information to i

21、terate and optimize their ad creatives,thus creating a better user experience&achieving positive campaign results.Mindworks data shows that playable ads can more than double the IVR of midcore and hardcore games.10CASE:HOW IDLE HEROES INCREASED IVR BY OVER 1,100%WITH PLAYABLE ADSMindworks,Mintegrals

22、 creative studio,was recently selected to work with DHGAMES to help them increase conversions for their RPG game,Idle Heroes.Through the use of strategic playable ads,we were able to increase IVR by over 1,100%compared to their original ad formats.11BREAKING DOWN THE CORE GAMEPLAY TO HIGHLIGHT THE G

23、AMES UNIQUE SELLING POINTSAs the name suggests,the idle mechanic is the games most prominent feature.To showcase gameplay elements like team assembly and auto-battle,Mindworks used native game levels in the playable ad.The team also added gameplay hints to help the players interact with the ad more

24、frequently and get a taste of the gameplay.As a result,players would get more satisfaction after winning the demo,encouraging them to download the full game.SCAN TO PLAY289.71%CVR increased173.65%IVR increased12SCAN TO PLAYCombat attributes and skill switching.GAMEPLAY FOCUSDisplaying combat scenes

25、and showing users how to switch between different skills.While Creative designers provided hints around which spell to use against each enemy,players were given the freedom to choose between multiple spells.By comparing the damage these spells did to the enemies health bars,players could quickly bet

26、ter understand how the game works,leading to a better gaming experience.CREATIVE FEATURES122.07%IVR increased13SCAN TO PLAYTower climbing.GAMEPLAY FOCUSBy adding story dialogs,players could quickly get an idea of the games background story,the goals they need to achieve,and gameplay functionality.CR

27、EATIVE FEATURES140%CVR increased14SCAN TO PLAYForming a team&team battle scenes.GAMEPLAY FOCUSAdding a classic gameplay element-highlighting the power of critical hits.Additionally,Mindworks added the ability to kill enemies by swiping the screen,which enabled players to do more damage and earn more

28、 diamonds from successful kills.CREATIVE FEATURES289.71%CVR increased173.65%IVR increased15OPTIMIZING&ITERATING PLAYABLE ADS BASED ON TARGET USERS PREFERENCESIn addition to producing high-quality creatives,continuous iterations and optimization efforts are another critical part of a successful ad ca

29、mpaign.16Based on the original creatives,Mindworks iterated the playable ads to show different characters and enemy skins based on target users preferences.Additionally,the team removed the numeric prompts indicating the characters increased combat effectiveness,thus directing the players attention

30、to how much damage the enemy took.To make gameplay more responsive,we sped up the hints that showed players how to do combos.Adjusting skins Optimizing visual effects Improving gameplay hintsITERATION STRATEGY174%CVR increased1,153%IVR increasedSCAN TO PLAY17SCAN TO PLAYBased on the behavioral data

31、acquired from the previous playable ads,we determined that users preferred shorter and more compact playables.Therefore,the team removed the character selection sequence in this version and got the users straight into the action.Remove the character selection process to reduce the game duration.ITER

32、ATION STRATEGY319%CVR increased230%IVR increased18Before creating an ad creative,its essential to have a deep under-standing of your target audience,and what they are like,and what they prefer;only then you will be able to increase your revenue;Work with a reliable,creative team and take advantage o

33、f a playable ad creative platforms flexibility to make the playable production process more efficient.CREATIVE TIPS19Midcore and hardcore game advertisers should use different ad formats to achieve better customer acquisition results at different campaign stages.For example,video ads can be used in

34、the early campaign stages to boost game exposure;for the middle and late stages,playable ads can be used to showcase key gameplay features and improve conversion rates.OUR STRENGTH IN MIDCORE&HARDCORE UA&RETENTION IS UNPARALLELEDLOOKING TO ACHIEVE GLOBAL UA SUCCESS?As a leading global mobile ad plat

35、form with an in-depth understanding of local markets,Mintegral provides a one-stop mobile advertising solution to help brands and apps overcome cross-regional challenges and scale globally.202126,000+DIRECT PARTNERED APPS1.4 BILLION+DAILY IMPRESSIONS96 BILLION+DAILY REQUESTS20+GLOBAL AD EXCHANGESWe have built a high-quality traffic network worldwide,providing massive amounts of native,video,and interactive inventory from direct partnerships and 3rd-party programmatic channels.DEVELOPER CONTACT AD CREATIVECONTACTMindworksADVERTISER CONTACT



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