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1、How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers WantW H I T E P A P E RD E C E M B E R 2 0 2 2In collaboration with AccentureContentsForewordExecutive summaryPurpose of the reportKey insights1 Introduction1.1 The urgency of sustainable T&T development2 Sustainable travel behaviour and the sa

2、y-do gap2.1 Studies on sustainable traveller behaviour2.2 The sustainability say-do gap3 T&T industry sustainable products approach3.1 Defining sustainable travel products in the carbon emissions space3.2 Case studies3.3 A look ahead evidence from other industries4 Recommendations5 Conclusion5.1 Cal

3、l to actionContributorsEndnotes3446772272932323435Cover:Borchee,Getty Images Inside:Getty Images 2022 World Economic Forum.All rights reserved.No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means,including photocopying and recording,or by any informatio

4、n storage and retrieval system.DisclaimerThis document is published by the World Economic Forum as a contribution to a project,insight area or interaction.The findings,interpretations and conclusions expressed herein are a result of a collaborative process facilitated and endorsed by the World Econo

5、mic Forum but whose results do not necessarily represent the views of the World Economic Forum,nor the entirety of its Members,Partners or other stakeholders.How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want2ForewordAs the travel and tourism(T&T)industry recovers from the impact of the CO

6、VID-19 pandemic,the urgency of the need to combat climate change and other sustainability challenges has increased dramatically.In response,T&T companies are setting new sustainability targets while governments,regulators and customers push for accelerated action.Moving the T&T industry towards a mo

7、re sustainable future requires travel companies to step up their eco-conscious and sustainable T&T product offerings to allow customers to understand and adopt these products at an accelerated pace.In this context,we set out to investigate how different companies are defining and incorporating susta

8、inable travel products into their brands and presenting these products to customers.For this report we asked a few key questions:How does the T&T industry currently define sustainability and,in particular,“environmentally sustainable”travel products?Which“sustainable travel”options already exist tod

9、ay?What are the challenges for customer adoption of these options?What can the T&T industry learn from early movers within the industry and from other industries?What are the necessary steps the industry can take to help accelerate the adoption of sustainable travel offerings?In line with the World

10、Economic Forums multistakeholder approach,this report was produced with the input of multiple industry participants and experts,with Accenture partnering with the Forum on research and thought leadership.We analysed more than 50 T&T companies,and interviewed five leading industry companies for case

11、studies and insights that are included in this publication.Feedback was also sought from members of the Forums Global Future Council on Sustainable Tourism,a community of leaders from government,business and civil society focused on generating principals and solutions for sustainable tourism develop

12、ment.We hope that our findings will enrich the discussion about what is possible and what works,and inspire action from all industry participants.While the challenge is great,the sustainable transition of the T&T industry is imperative to safeguard the privilege of global travel for generations to c

13、ome.Lets accelerate this transition which is well under way.Pedro G.Gomez Pensado Head of Shaping the Future of Mobility,Member of the Executive Committee,World Economic ForumHow to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers WantDecember 2022Jesko-Philipp Neuenburg Global Travel and Aviation S

14、ustainability Lead,AccentureHow to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want3Executive summarySustainability has risen to the top of the CEO agenda and leaders across industries are stepping up action.1 In travel,many companies are already in the process of setting ambitious sustainabili

15、ty goals and developing corresponding strategies,including the transition to net zero.2 However,to achieve these goals and transition to a more sustainable future,travel and tourism(T&T)companies must successfully develop products that enable more sustainable travel choices.As it currently stands,su

16、stainable travel products are still in their infancy and obtaining the required funding and sponsorship for relevant initiatives and products remains a prime challenge for T&T companies.While the need for these products is becoming clearer,their value and business case are still often challenged.The

17、 purpose of this report is to make the case for accelerated investments in sustainable travel products by providing an analysis of the opportunities and challenges of developing sustainability offerings.More specifically,the intention is to:1.Provide transparency on the status of current research on

18、 sustainable traveller behaviour(including research from practitioners and academia)2.Supply an overview of the current sustainability product landscape and composition(especially as it relates to decarbonization)3.Offer proof points in the form of real-life examples of sustainability products from

19、the T&T industry and beyond(including examples from other industries as well as success stories from T&T companies)4.Highlight roadblocks that are currently limiting the adoption of sustainable travel products 5.Provide guidance to T&T companies on how to overcome current roadblocks to accelerate an

20、d benefit from sustainable traveller behaviour(including recommendations on how to design,develop and offer sustainable travel products)6.Present a call to action to the T&T industry to further develop and offer more sustainable travel products,including a call to action for T&T companies and platfo

21、rm players to share success stories Moreover,the goals outlined are intended to help the T&T industry accelerate a flywheel model for sustainable traveller behaviour,as outlined in Figure 1.Development of any new offerings typically requires a combination of capital,marketing and human resource inve

22、stment,as well as operational changes.As a result,leadership sponsorship is required,as well as statistics that demonstrate an overall positive impact for businesses.The report will showcase how sustainable offerings,when designed to address current say-do gap roadblocks,should meet customer needs.M

23、eeting these needs will,in turn,be the drivers of higher growth rates,shaping improvements in brand image and helping secure the necessary leadership support.Note that while this report focuses primarily on the environmental aspects,its findings are relevant to a broad range of sustainability produc

24、ts.Purpose of the reportHow to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want4Flywheel model:how the report can affect the sustainability transition of the T&T industryFIGURE 1Source:World Economic Forum and Accenture analysis,2022Flywheel modelfor sustainable travellerbehaviour in T&T12345Th

25、e report willcontribute to#1Signal/motivation:Evidence that travellers not only say they prefer sustainable travel products,but also act accordingly Sponsorship:Leadership in T&T companies is more likely to approve budgets for sustainability initiatives/sustainable products Travel products:T&T compa

26、nies are more likely to develop sustainable travel products and offer them to travellers Buying behaviour:Travellers are more likely to book/buy sustainable travel products(and may even pay more)Growth rates:Higher growth rates of sustainable travel products compared to(non-sustainable)peer products

27、 1Causal chain2345How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want5 Recent research on sustainable traveller behaviour from both practitioners and academia indicates that consumers are increasingly demanding sustainable products.However,these are typically consumer surveys and therefore

28、show only what travellers say they would do(in terms of attitudes or intentions).When it comes to tangible sustainable travel behaviour,there is clearly a lack of research and empirical data.While consumer surveys show that travellers say they demand/prefer sustainable travel products,3 the picture

29、is often different when it comes to their actual behaviour.This“say-do gap”describes the discrepancy between what travellers say,in the form of their attitudes or intentions,and what they eventually do,in terms of actual booking or buying behaviour.4 Our assumption is that while there is a say-do ga

30、p in travel,one of the main reasons is the lack of compelling sustainable travel products that adequately address the roadblocks that create this gap.While still in the early stages of development,within the T&T industry,companies have started to design,create and offer sustainable travel products.T

31、hese apply to a wide range of product approaches that differ across sub-industries(e.g.aviation,hospitality,car rental and services)and maturity levels(anything from additional information and services to truly new sustainable core products).Other industries outside of travel provide examples of suc

32、cessful sustainable products.In retail(e.g.consumer goods,electronics,fashion),for example,sustainable products show significant growth rates and even outperform traditional non-sustainable alternatives.There are also some proof points and success stories to be found within the T&T industry itself.M

33、ultiple company interviews highlight the accelerated growth rates of more sustainable travel products in the wake of the industrys post-COVID recovery as travellers increasingly emphasize a wish to make sustainable choices.Several strategies can be used to address the say-do gap and build the founda

34、tion for a cycle of sustainable product development that may improve traveller adoption.These recommendations touch on increasing product availability,improving the customer experience,reducing the green premium and providing suitable product value and impact,focusing on customer incentives and reco

35、gnition,and educating consumers through greater focus on product credibility and awareness.Call to actionTo drive the net-zero transition in the T&T industry,there is a need to increase ambition where possible.More specifically,this report calls on T&T companies,such as airlines,hotels,car rental an

36、d ride-sharing companies and others:1.To develop more pilots and prototypes of sustainable travel products and test them in the market2.To share success stories about sustainable travel products(no matter how small)as well as effective techniques3.To ensure alignment across the industry on reporting

37、 standards,emissions impact calculations,etc.4.To work together to introduce comprehensive sustainable travel packages that offer a seamless way for customers to incorporate sustainable products throughout their journeys5.To align with vendors and supply-chain players on sustainability initiatives a

38、nd offerings6.To work with local governments,communities and other organizations to improve awareness and,where necessary,to help enable sustainable offering development 7.To educate and work with employees on the sustainability mission and the range of offerings available for customersThe report al

39、so calls on digital travel platforms,such as booking sites,aggregators,global distribution systems and others:1.To provide more information about sustainable travel products on their platforms 2.To share data and insights on actual booking behaviour to allow for comparisons of sustainable vs.traditi

40、onal products3.To provide transparency on the methodology behind emissions calculations,reporting,green badges and certificatesKey insightsHow to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want61IntroductionT&T company investment in sustainable travel products must be seen in the context of th

41、e increased urgency for the industry as a whole to develop in a more sustainable and resilient manner.Sustainable development,defined by the United Nations as“development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs”,is one of the

42、 worlds greatest challenges and opportunities and will depend on“building an inclusive,sustainable and resilient future for people and the planet”.5 Accounting for 11%of global emissions,6 a share that is only expected to climb without significant mitigation action,and 10%of global GDP and employmen

43、t in 2019,7 the sustainable development of T&T is a critical component in tackling the worlds growing environmental and socioeconomic challenges.In particular,this report focuses on the environmental sustainability aspects of T&T due,in part,to the urgency of climate change.According to global exper

44、t and leader perceptions collected for the World Economic Forums Global Risks Report 2022,environmental risks account for half of the top 10 most severe risks facing the world in the next 10 years,with climate action failure,extreme weather and biodiversity loss making up the top three.8 Moreover,th

45、e latest IPCC report9(April 2022)found that limiting global warming to 1.5C may be beyond reach without immediate and deep greenhouse gas(GHG)emissions reduction across all sectors,with the failure to do so potentially amplifying the negative impact of climate change on the worlds ecosystems,water a

46、nd food supply,infrastructure,socioeconomic development and overall well-being.10 The 2021 results of the Travel&Tourism Development Index(TTDI)also provide further insights on the need for greater environmental sustainability in developing T&T destinations.The index covers 117 economies and benchma

47、rks factors and policies that enable the sustainable and resilient development of T&T,including aspects such as Business Environment,International Openness,Transport Infrastructure,Cultural Resources,Natural Resources and Environmental Sustainability.Figure 2 backs up index results showing that econ

48、omies in Europe tend to have the highest scores for Environmental Sustainability,while economies in Asia,the Americas,sub-Saharan Africa and the Middle East tend to underperform.As a result,it is these latter regions tourism development that is often at greatest risk from environmental challenges su

49、ch as climate change,pollution and loss of biodiversity.This is particularly problematic for countries that depend on nature-based tourism.Out of the 30 top scorers for Natural Resources,in a measure of availability of natural assets,17 score below average for Environmental Sustainability.In the Ame

50、ricas and Asia-Pacific,where more than half of economies score above average for Natural Resources,less than 40%and 20%of economies,respectively,score above average for Environmental Sustainability.11 The urgency of sustainable T&T development1.1How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customer

51、s Want7Regional Environmental Sustainability pillar performance,2021FIGURE 2Source:World Economic ForumNote:Data represents regional economy group means scores for the Environmental Sustainability pillar.The pillar measures the general sustainability of an economys natural environment,protection of

52、its natural resources and vulnerability to/readiness for climate change.For more information on the pillar and its components,please see the Technical notes and methodology page of the Travel&Tourism Development Index 2021.1234567Northern EuropeWestern EuropeSouthern EuropeEastern AfricaEastern Euro

53、pe&EurasiaEastern Asia-PacificSouth AmericaWestern AfricaNorth and Central AmericaSouthern AfricaSouth-East AsiaMiddle East and North AfricaSouth AsiaPillar score,17(best)Global averageHow to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want8On average,high-income economies tend to have better o

54、verall Environmental Sustainability,due to typically lower levels of pollution and better nature preservation policies than in lower-income states.However,on average,high-income economies ranked in the index also produce around 50%more per capita GHG emissions than the index average.12 Therefore,whi

55、le developed economies may typically be better prepared to protect their environment,they punch above their population weight when it comes to contributing to global emissions and climate change.Meanwhile,developing states are often less prepared to deal with the impact of the climate challenge on t

56、heir tourism economies.In this context,the private sector will play a vital role in enabling sustainable T&T development and addressing the related global challenges.Investment in improving environmental,social and governance(ESG)performance will be critical,with sustainable travel products represen

57、ting an important mechanism for achieving this goal.Reasons why companies should become more sustainableAs highlighted in Table 1,there are multiple incentives available for the T&T industry to reduce emissions and improve its overall ESG attributes.CategoryReasons to invest in sustainabilityRegulat

58、ory and policy environment Government and governing bodies forcing environmental standards that businesses must comply with,such as enforcing the Paris Agreement,publishing Sustainable Development Goals(SDGs),the Renewable Fuel Standard(US)13 and the Adopted Renewable Energy Directive(EU)14 Certain

59、jurisdictions considering setting policies15 and restrictions on the modes of transport allowed by range,region etc.For example,France is considering banning flights that take less than 2.5 hours by train.Additionally,Austria stipulated it would eliminate all domestic flights if an alternative train

60、 journey shorter than three hours was available,as part of Austrian Airlines bailout condition16 Various government subsidies,tax credits and other incentives are currently in place or under consideration that may be relevant for sustainable products17Resilience and risk management As the impact of

61、COVID-19 and current challenges have shown,the T&T industry is exposed to various local and global risks.Improving sustainability enables companies to build resilience in the face of future headwinds Environmental risks such as climate change and pollution endanger natural assets and infrastructure

62、that are vital for many tourism destinations,making them a danger to T&T company operating conditions Consumer and stakeholder expectations Consumers are being made aware of sustainable options and are beginning to choose these products and services Companies that adapt can better capitalize on grow

63、ing demands for more sustainable travel options and increase brand affinity among sustainable consumers,gaining a strategic and competitive advantage,and improving their brand image Stakeholders are increasingly focusing on sustainability performance,and businesses have an opportunity to capitalize

64、on this demand.According to the 2019 UNGC and Accenture CEO Study,18 62%of customers want companies to take a stand on social,cultural,environmental or political issues,and 88%of investors see sustainability as a driver of competitive advantageInvestment and operational benefits Based on the 2019 UN

65、GC and Accenture CEO Study,19 99%of chief executive officers from companies with more than$1 billion in annual revenue believe that sustainability will be important to the future success of their business The UNGC and Accenture 2021 study20 highlights how investors and the capital markets are encour

66、aging sustainability focus,with 31%of chief executive officers citing them as among the most influential stakeholders to manage future sustainability efforts Inclination to contribute towards green practices is on the rise,thus providing companies with an additional route to diversify their offering

67、s and pave the way for profitability Some sustainable offerings can also help reduce operation costs;for instance,reducing room-cleaning services in hotels improves sustainability and may also lower hotel expenditure Increased focus on workers rights/inclusive labour polices can lead to a more produ

68、ctive workforce21Reasons for the T&T industry to invest in sustainabilityTABLE 1How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want92Sustainable travel behaviour and the say-do gapTravellers want to be sustainable,but there is a discrepancy between intention and action.Recent surveys and re

69、ports from practitioners and academia indicate that travellers want to travel and consume more sustainably.This is a behavioural change that is here to stay,increasing the demand for sustainable travel options.Below is a snapshot of these changing behaviours and attitudes.Traveller prioritiesIncreas

70、ing sustainability to combat climate change ranks as the top environmental and social issue for surveyed travellers in markets such as the UK,Australia and Japan.22 How customers value sustainable travel choices:96%say it is important that their travel spend makes a positive impact in the places the

71、y visit(Kind Traveler)23 40%want to make more sustainable choices compared to a year ago(Skyscanner)24 4 out of 5 global travellers confirm sustainable travel is important(B)25 40%of those making more sustainable choices over the past 12 months cite the pandemic as the catalyst to making sustainable

72、 changes(Skyscanner)26 78%aim to stay at a sustainable property at least once in the next year(B)27 Traveller perception The practices most associated with sustainable or environmentally friendly travel,according to a 2021 Agoda survey,28 are the use of renewable energy and resources and reducing or

73、 eliminating single-use plastics.Globally,people are looking for ways to give back to the environment,and this is prominent in the T&T industry.How travellers view sustainable travel:69%see sustainable travel as lessening their environmental impact(Expedia)65%see sustainable travel as supporting the

74、 local economy,culture and communities(Expedia)29 Traveller behaviourWhere travellers choose to stay and their mode of transport for travel is changing as they consider sustainable alternatives.How customers are altering their travel behaviour:75%want to use environmentally friendly modes of transpo

75、rtation for future trips(B)20%are choosing to travel by train instead of car for longer distances(B)28%do not mind travelling for a longer time to reduce carbon emissions(B)40%actively look for information related to sustainability while booking(B)40%are aware of sustainable stay options and have se

76、en these on an online travel site over the past year(B)38%actively look for information on a propertys sustainability efforts before booking(B)46%have stayed in sustainable accommodation over the past year at least once(B)Studies on sustainable traveller behaviour2.1How to Create the Sustainable Tra

77、vel Products Customers Want10 41%of those who stayed in sustainable accommodation did so to help reduce their environmental impact(B)30 Although the surveys covered here show that travelling sustainably is increasingly important for people,they also highlight that a large share of travellers are sti

78、ll not prioritizing sustainable options.For instance,when asked,the majority of Bs31 survey respondents said they would not be willing to pay more for travel activities to ensure they are giving back to local communities,while a Skyscanner 2021 survey32 found that the majority of people prioritize c

79、ost above all other factors when booking flights.The debate about consumers willingness to pay more for sustainability still has no clear answers,as these contradictory survey results indicate.In general,price is just one of many factors that hinder increasing demand and the actual purchase of susta

80、inability products.According to The Human Paradox report from Accenture,consumers are increasingly facing complex choices that are driven by evolving forces ranging from inflation to social movements,with 60%of consumer saying that their priorities keep changing because of everything going on in the

81、 world.Unsurprisingly,while nearly 70%of consumers are worried about the impact of climate change on their lives;the report adds that they continue to struggle to make sustainability a top priority over other needs.33Survey feedback on sustainable behaviour preference across the traveller journeyFIG

82、URE 3Source:World Economic Forum and AccentureNotes:1.B,Sustainable Travel Report,2022;2.Kind Traveler,10 Global Trends at the Intersection of Travel,Philanthropy and Sustainability,10 March 2022;3.Expedia,The Rise of Sustainable Travel,the Conscious Traveller and What Your Brand Needs to Know,2022.

83、Booking96%agree that it is important to them that their travel budget makes a positive impact in the places they visit2ResearchSTART40%actively look for information related to sustainability while booking travel1Travel90%of consumers look for sustainable options when travelling346%of global travelle

84、rshave stayed in sustainable accommodation at least once during the past year1AccomodationENDFuture travel65%of consumers would like to opt for environmentally friendly transport or lodging on their next trip3How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want11Even though numerous consumer

85、 behaviour studies suggest that travellers want to be more sustainable,the uptake of sustainable travel products anecdotally does not signify an accelerated trend just yet.As sustainable offerings are relatively nascent,there is limited data/research on actual purchasing behaviour.This discrepancy,c

86、alled the sustainability say-do gap,was also highlighted during the company interviews conducted for this paper.Recent surveys have identified that travellers want more information on companies sustainability practices or would like their offerings to be more transparent,intuitive and easy to access

87、.Research on different industries reveals that although companies are continuously attempting to build products that cater to this need,the maturity level and the nature of these products vary greatly.Industry and expert interviews conducted for this report and multiple consumer behaviour studies34

88、have helped identify a range of roadblocks that can help explain the gap between consumers claims and what they are doing in practice.These roadblocks can be classified or clustered into six main categories:limited availability,lack of awareness,low credibility,price premium,cumbersome purchasing ex

89、perience and lack of rewards/acknowledgement.The sustainability say-do gapIllustration of the sustainability say-do gap in travelFIGURE 4Source:World Economic Forum and Accenture analysis,20222.2SayDoTraveller claiming to seek sustainablebooking optionsTraveller not booking a sustainability-driven t

90、ripWillingness to opt for sustainable travelHighLowGapROADBLOCKSI will choose a sustainable alternative regardless of hurdlesTravellers thoughts while planning for upcoming travelI am not sure what sustainable options existI care about the environmentThe say-do gap is the discrepancy between what co

91、nsumers sayand what they do in practiceTravellers thoughts while making the bookingGreen badges and offset programmes arenot well definedLets make the booking fastGreen flight/hotel options are expensiveCant find any carbon footprint informationLimited availabilityLack of awarenessCumbersome purchas

92、ing experienceLow credibilityPrice premium Lack of rewardsHow to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want12These roadblocks are industry-agnostic,and this report elaborates on how each is a hindrance to the growth in uptake of sustainable products in the T&T industry.1.Limited availabil

93、ity:The overall lack of sustainable product alternatives has created an availability roadblock in the T&T industry.The majority of travel products on the market are not necessarily sustainable.Moreover,consumer behaviour is influenced not just by the functionality of a product but also by its aesthe

94、tics,quality,comfort and overall appeal.Therefore,sustainable products need to meet consumer expectations in these areas to be a competitive option.A B 2022 survey of global travellers found that 32%claimed non-sustainable travel options appealed to them more,26%said the same about sustainable trave

95、l destinations and 27%said sustainable travel did not provide the expected luxury and comfort.This highlights that travellers perceive a lack of comparable sustainable options.35 2.Lack of awareness:Although the concept of sustainability has been catching up post-COVID,consumer awareness of sustaina

96、bility concepts and related products is often limited.In particular,consumers may lack an understanding of what the current T&T sustainability challenges are,what behaviour they or the industry can modify to address these challenges,and what sustainability products are currently available or how the

97、y work.In the B survey,31%of travellers surveyed confirmed that they didnt know sustainable accommodation existed and 29%said they didnt know how to find it.Additionally,29%of respondents who havent stayed in sustainable accommodation this year believed there werent any options in their preferred de

98、stination,10%thought they were available only in remote areas and 8%believed they seem less luxurious.36 This highlights the fact that low levels of awareness about sustainable practices among travellers inhibit them from choosing more sustainable options.How to Create the Sustainable Travel Product

99、s Customers Want133.Low credibility:Consumers want to be reassured that companies sustainability claims are credible and verifiable.This has created a need for more transparency in reporting,including enhanced certifications and verified labels for sustainable products.Seven out of 10 travellers sur

100、veyed by Expedia have avoided a travel destination or transport option due to a perceived lack of credibility in relation to an organizations sustainable practice commitments.37 According to Bs survey,57%of customers claimed they would feel better about staying in a particular accommodation if they

101、knew it had a sustainable certification.384.Price premium:While this is not always the case,sustainable travel is generally perceived to be more expensive than its traditional counterpart.As the willingness to pay a premium for more sustainable products varies by customer segment and is ever-evolvin

102、g,customers often drop out from purchasing the sustainable alternative due to actual or perceived higher prices.About 74%of consumers surveyed said it costs too much to be more sustainable when travelling,with only half willing to pay more for more sustainable transport,activities and lodging.Moreov

103、er,26%of travellers39 said they wouldnt choose a destination,lodging or transport option that is committed to supporting the local community and culture if it was more expensive.Some 59%of respondents from a Vacationer survey stated cost as their most important factor when booking travel,34%were wil

104、ling to pay something extra up to$50 to lower their carbon footprint from the trip,and 22%were not willing to pay any premium.405.Cumbersome purchasing experience:Consumers want sustainable products and wish their purchasing process to be hassle-free and intuitive.Having to go out of their way to re

105、search the sustainability of a product or to purchase such a product is considered a major roadblock.Moreover,customers want sustainability information and associated labelling to be easily accessible.When asked about how a seamless experience would affect customers booking behaviours,32%of responde

106、nts declared that they would like T&T companies to suggest things to do and places to visit while on holiday.Likewise,34%of global travellers said they would be encouraged to make more sustainable travel choices on online travel agency(OTA)platforms if the platforms offered a sustainable filter opti

107、on,with 36%wanting such travel platforms to use clear labelling to help them more easily identify when something was sustainable.416.Lack of rewards/acknowledgement:As customers increasingly adapt to green practices,providing ways for them to make their efforts more visible would encourage them to c

108、ontinue on this path.To bridge this roadblock,customers would have to feel rewarded for their efforts,both physically and emotionally.This includes supplying tools to help them publicize their actions on social media,providing some physical recognition and delivering a product that looks different t

109、o showcase the customers sustainable choice(e.g.a green boarding pass or different-coloured seats on a plane).Some 16%of customers surveyed who have stayed at sustainable properties within the past year highlighted how ideal such properties are for sharing stays on social media.42While certain matur

110、e products have paved the way for a breakthrough,some companies with nascent-stage products are still debating on how significant the return on investment(ROI)would be.Focusing on these roadblocks would help companies close the current say-do gap.Additionally,some interdependencies exist across the

111、six roadblocks,allowing companies and the industry at large to address multiple issues within the same initiative.For example,companies that struggle to optimize the right purchasing experience must deal with a lack of customer awareness of and exposure to existing sustainable offerings.As part of t

112、he process of refining the purchasing experience,it is important to ensure that customers are presented with all of the sustainable options offered by the company and that they clearly understand the sustainability benefits,as well as any other potential travel experience benefits those offerings ca

113、n provide.How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want143T&T industry sustainable products approachSustainable products offer a path towards reducing carbon emissions.Sustainable travel products currently being offered in the market address environmental and social factors products t

114、hat touch on issues such as water safeguarding,waste management,worker and community inclusivity and the protection of natural and cultural heritage.However,for the scope of this report,the focus is on environmentally sustainable travel products built around decarbonization practices.Decarbonization

115、 is one of the most critical sustainability challenges facing the T&T industry.Companies approaches to carbon emissions can help inform the development of broader sustainability product portfolios.As T&T companies start or mature their net-zero journey,many create their sustainable products around s

116、everal decarbonization levers,which are usually aligned with their sustainability strategy.As an example,three different categories across the aviation,hospitality and car rental and ride-sharing travel segments were analysed in this section,as well as three main product configurations.These three s

117、egments were chosen due to their large share of the overall T&T industry and because they are some of the largest and more direct conduits for travel emissions.43 Defining sustainable travel products in the carbon emissions space3.1How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want15Sustai

118、nable travel product categoriesFIGURE 5Source:Accenture Travel analysis,2022Note:1.Product is not available in the current market;however,it will be available in the future.Product categoriesDifferent categories exist in relation to achieving carbon neutrality or net-zero targets.As shown in Figure

119、5,these can be grouped into three main decarbonization levers spanning a scale of companies effort and integration levels.Sustainable travel products are built according to these categories,starting with a low effort level with compensation strategies,and passing through more robust reduction and ze

120、ro-emissions strategies.After analysing 50-plus T&T companies and interviewing five representatives from the aviation,hospitality and car rental and ride-sharing ecosystem,12 mainstream sustainability features were found.Car rental andride-sharing sharing-AviationHospitalityCompensationNeutralizing

121、customers proportion of CO2 emissionsby investing in carbon offsetsReductionReducing customers CO2 emissions by investingin industry-specific carbon mitigation optionsZero emissionsDeveloping a zero-emission productby investing in non-pollutant technologiesAvoidance carbon offsetting Electric/hydrog

122、en-powered aircraft 1Entire propertypowered by REHybrid electric vehiclesFull electricvehiclesEnergyefficiencyLatest aircraftgeneration Sustainable aviationfuels(SAF)usageLevel of integration of sustainability within core productsPartial usageof renewableenergy(RE)Low-carbonmenuHigh-qualitycarbon of

123、fset(technology-based|nature-based)Removal carbon offsetting Enabler|All sectorsVisibilityCarbon calculators,filters and green badges Level of effort to companiesLow-qualitycarbon offset(technology-based|nature-based)How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want16CompensationFirst,car

124、bon-offsetting services are a common choice offered to customers by most companies covered in this analysis.These are defined as a method of compensating carbon emissions outside of a companys value chain.They can be divided into low-quality carbon offsets,also called avoidance offsets,and high-qual

125、ity offsets,usually referred to as carbon-removal offsets.Avoidance offsets prevent carbon that would have otherwise been released into the atmosphere whereas removal offsets capture and store carbon in geological and ocean reservoirs,land vegetation or products.44 These include nature-based practic

126、es such as preventing deforestation and forest degradation,as well as projects aimed at protecting grasslands that would otherwise be converted into croplands.There are also tech-based projects that focus on improving household devices(e.g.building cooking appliances that use less heating material s

127、uch as wood),boosting renewables and energy efficiency(e.g.bringing renewable energy to remote communities through solar panels)and developing GHG treatments(e.g.methane capture from animal waste for clean gas cooking).Conversely,removal offsets include nature-based projects such as soil sequestrati

128、on,reforestation and afforestation,as well as technology-based options that encompass direct air capture(DAC)and,more broadly,carbon capture,usage and storage(CCUS).Both removal and avoidance offsets are offered to the final customer through a third-party organization,such as myClimate45 or Cool Eff

129、ect.46 In terms of costs,avoidance offsets are often less expensive than removal offsets,especially the tech-based ones.Prices range from$5 to$30/tCO2 for avoidance offsets to$20 to$40/tCO2 for nature-based removal offsets and$450 to$900/tCO2 for tech-based solutions.47 ReductionOn the other hand,co

130、mpanies with net-zero strategies adopt reduction alternatives by investing in industry-specific carbon mitigation options.These options can greatly vary by segment.AviationFor the aviation industry,two main options are available:48 the uptake of sustainable aviation fuels(SAF)and the acquisition of

131、latest-generation aircraft.Currently,the availability of SAF is limited:it represents less than 1%of total aviation fuel demand.49 However,it has an average CO2 reduction potential of 80%,50 and several airlines and businesses are rallying to achieve 10%SAF demand and supply by 2030 through coalitio

132、ns such as Clean Skies for Tomorrow.51 The latter is triggering the inclusion of SAF uptake services for leisure and corporate travellers through different airlines websites.Costs vary depending on the SAF pathway used.Biofuels made of waste fats,oils and greases are currently the only ones in comme

133、rcial use and represent the less expensive option.Today,customers who would like to include a portion of SAF in their flight have to pay on average$650/tCO2.If paying for full SAF,Accenture analysis shows that this translates to more than$200 per trip for a New York to London flight that in an econo

134、my cabin on average generates 320 kg of CO2 emissions.It is important to note that customer payments for SAF are used by the airline towards future purchases of the fuel.The second option is the introduction of latest-generation aircraft.Airlines regularly upgrade to the latest available aircraft,a

135、process that is cost-effective given the cost-reduction benefits involved.Usually,new aircraft generation brings a 1520%reduction in fuel consumption and a reduction in the same range for CO2 emissions.52 Although customers do not typically get to choose what aircraft they fly on,the introduction of

136、 carbon calculators providing carbon emissions data for flights can help lead to more sustainable choices.Calculators can show that routes flown by newer planes generate fewer emissions,thereby pushing sustainability-conscious travellers to choose these flights over options serviced by older aircraf

137、t.HospitalityOn the hospitality side,several hotel companies are currently following three principal reduction practices.53 The first is to work towards energy-efficiency practices,54 encompassing,lighting,the provision of hot water,catering services,and heating,ventilation and air-conditioning(HVAC

138、)optimization.55 Measures in this regard include the appropriate setting of internal temperatures,retrofitting spaces for better insulation,installing low-energy lighting(LEDs)and occupancy sensors,and other HVAC optimizations.While hotels can follow specific and more targeted actions,products in th

139、is sector are usually defined as green when a third-party organization certifies compliance in relation to the measures described above.Examples of such certifications include those provided by the Global Sustainable Tourism Council(GSTC)and the Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design(LEED)sys

140、tem.However,as highlighted by Marriott International in the case study section of this report,the definition of a sustainable product needs to be complemented with other practices aimed at reducing,for example,waste and by-products from water and plastic How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products

141、 Customers Want17usage and food,given that a significant part of the environmental impact in the hospitality sector comes from these resources.In fact,some criteria highlighted in the certification process encompass safeguarding water resources,minimizing waste,maximizing reuse and other social aspe

142、cts such as promoting health and well-being and increasing the social and economic benefits for local communities.56Another reduction pillar comes with the increasing use,if only partial,of renewable energy(RE),which is,according to the sector decarbonization approach(SDA),the most relevant in terms

143、 of meeting science-based targets.As described by the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance,practices include on-site renewable energy through wind or solar power and ground sources of energy.Also,“near-site”renewable energy can be procured by hotels through power purchase agreements(PPAs),sleeved PPAs,w

144、here an intermediary utility company handles the transfer of money and RE on behalf of the buyer57 or community solar panels.Hospitality providers can also support utility renewables through the purchase of renewable energy certificates(RECs)in order to help countries upgrade their power grids.Actio

145、ns taken in this space are also considered in the criteria for green certifications or badges,which are usually displayed on a companys website along with its carbon and/or water footprint information.58 If properties end up being fully powered by RE,they can be classified under the zero-emissions c

146、ategory.Lastly,practices such as including low-carbon menus in catering services are gaining more popularity.Initiatives such as the Cool Food Pledge,where businesses commit to reducing 25%of the GHG emissions associated with the food they serve by 2030 relative to a 2015 baseline,are currently rall

147、ying more and more hospitality service companies to join these types of pledges.59 Car rental and ride-sharingRegarding the car rental and ride-sharing segment,the main reduction approach comes with the introduction of hybrid-electric vehicles(HEV),where two types of configurations currently exist.T

148、he first is the plug-in hybrid electric vehicle(PHEV),powered by an internal combustion engine(ICE)and energy stored in a battery.These cars can operate on full electric mode for 3060 km before switching to regular fuel.The share of kilometres that can be electrified translates into an exhaust pipe(

149、tailpipe)CO2 emissions reduction of 1555%compared to full ICE cars.60 Even though the reduction potential is significant,market shares of new vehicle registrations in different geographies continue to be low.In 2021,PHEVs market share in Europe was 9%,followed by 2%in China and 1%in the US.61 The se

150、cond type of configuration is the hybrid-electric vehicle(HEV)powered solely by petrol,which provides simultaneous energy through regenerative breaking to batteries embedded in the car.These types of cars can be classified into micro,mild and full hybrid vehicles reaching CO2 emissions reductions of

151、 3%,15%and up to 30%respectively.62How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want18Zero emissionsZero-emissions products are defined as those that produce no carbon emissions.In terms of zero-emissions products,different maturity levels exist,depending on the sector.AviationIn the avia

152、tion industry,two products are currently under development:electric aircraft and hydrogen propulsion aircraft.Electric aircraft use electric motors to generate energy that is stored in high-density batteries;these can achieve 100%zero emissions if the electricity is generated through renewable sourc

153、es.However,due to the additional weight that these batteries bring and the further technological development required,such aircraft would be viable only for short-haul ranges(of less than 500 km)from 2040 onwards.A similar scenario applies for hydrogen propulsion aircraft,where hydrogen combustion n

154、eeds to be produced through renewable energy sources in order to get a 100%zero-emissions aircraft.As research is still at the development stage in this field,its more likely that this product will become available from 2040 onwards,specifically for regional and narrow-body aircraft.63HospitalityIn

155、hospitality,a zero-emissions product already exists:renewable sources of energy are available,as are circularity practices for water collection and waste recycling.In fact,some hotel chains properties are already entirely powered by RE.64 However,transitioning to these practices requires significant

156、 investment and is dependent on the availability of sustainable technologies in different geographical areas.65 When the latter difficulty is overcome,such practices can be highlighted on hospitality companies websites,mainly through green badges or information for customers.Car rental and ride-shar

157、ingIn car rental and ride-sharing,a zero-emissions product is commercially available today in the form of battery-electric vehicles(BEVs).BEVs represent the primary technology pathway,translating into the highest global EV share in 2021 for light-duty vehicles,achieving 71%of global sales for all ca

158、rs compared to 29%for PHEVs.66 Although current BEV penetration is low within the broader automotive market,it is expected to grow due to new mandates being proposed by some governments;for example,the requirement for a minimum of 100%BEVs by 2035 in the EU,20%by 2025 in China and 50%by 2030 in the

159、US.67Currently BEVs,available as light-duty vehicles(LDV)and heavy-duty vehicles(HDV),are powered by a pack of batteries recharged through an electric power source and have a typical driving range of 240640 km.68 These products are made visible to customers through green badges and filters available

160、 in car rental and ride-sharing websites and apps.Companies within the aviation,hospitality and car rental and ride-sharing industries often follow several decarbonization approaches at once when it comes to building an environmentally sustainable travel product.The availability of sustainable trave

161、l products depends on how difficult it is to abate emissions.This is driven by the stage of development of decarbonization technologies within their respective industry,as highlighted in the A Net Zero Roadmap for Travel and Tourism report.69 VisibilityVisibility products such as carbon calculators,

162、filters and green badges can serve as enablers for all of the sustainable product types.These products enable travellers to identify sustainable travel offerings and understand the impact they can make.It is essential to achieve alignment across the industry on the methodologies behind these tools t

163、o help overcome say-do gap roadblocks.Sustainable product configurations presented to customersHaving now laid the groundwork on the different environmentally sustainable approaches that companies undertake,the following three main sustainable product configurations will be analysed below:ancillary,

164、bundled and embedded products.How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want19Sustainable travel product configurationsFIGURE 6Source:Accenture analysis,2022Note:1.Product is not available in the current market;however,it will be available in the future.Product configurations included

165、in the framework above are the ones offered at the time of booking.Ancillary productsA sustainable ancillary product represents an add-on to a product or service provided by a company.These are chosen on a more voluntary basis than bundled/embedded products and are often found as part of the booking

166、 process.For example,Lufthansa Group includes sustainable features and information at different touchpoints of the customer journey,from the booking experience and in-flight services to the provision of sustainability information after the trip.However,particularly in hospitality,a wider range of an

167、cillary products may be offered throughout the customer experience.These include offerings chosen by customers for example,selecting low-carbon menu items or electing for reduced room-cleaning services.For the industry segments within the scope of this paper,typical ancillaries include carbon-offset

168、ting services.In Lufthansa Group,customer uptake of sustainability ancillaries is reaching nearly double-digit percentages at some airlines.For United Airlines SAF ancillary products,emissions reductions achieved in just one year are 15 times higher than the combined reductions through carbon offset

169、s over the lifetime of the programme,despite higher carbon-abatement costs.The success of the different ancillary types may also be driven by the market segments to which they are offered.In the case of United Airlines,the success of SAF offerings mentioned above were targeted at corporate clients w

170、hile carbon offsets were offered to retail customers.Further details on the Lufthansa Group and United Airlines examples are given in the case study section of the report.IndustryEmbedded productBundled productAncillary product Energy efficiency Entire property powered by RE Low-carbon menu Avoidanc

171、e and/or removal carbon offsetting Low-carbon menu Hybrid electric vehicles Full electric vehicles Avoidance and/or removal carbon offsetting Latest aircraft generation Electric/hydrogen-powered aircraft1 SAF usage services Avoidance and/or removal carbon offsettingProduct configuration of sustainab

172、le featuresCar rental andride-sharing AviationHospitalityHow to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want20Bundled productsA bundled product includes a sustainable feature or ancillary attached to it and sold as a package.This type of configuration typically gives customers less flexibil

173、ity to opt out and is usually targeted at a specific travel segment and geography.In the case of hotel companies,these bundled products can include carbon compensation options as well as low-carbon menus.Airlines are also starting to bundle their products by including carbon compensation options and

174、/or a percentage of SAF,creating a greener offering.Also,car-sharing companies such as Uber have a bundled product that includes carbon compensation options,specifically in the Latin American market where the EV penetration is low.Embedded productsEmbedded products include a sustainability feature t

175、hat is set within a product and sold as a core offering.For airlines,this means using the latest-generation aircraft or the electric and hydrogen-powered aircraft that are currently under development.For hotels,embedded products can include full or partial RE usage as well as energy-efficiency pract

176、ices.For car rental and ride-sharing companies,sustainable products have the highest penetration in the market through BEVs and HEVs.In fact,as testified by Uber,the availability of EVs has increased four-fold in the past year,with these vehicles carrying more than 13 million people in 2021.Further

177、details on Ubers product categories are described in the case study section below.Particularly for embedded products,the use of visibility tools is key to enabling customer decisions and competitive differentiation.For example,carbon calculators can help customers identify flights flown on the lates

178、t-generation aircraft and green certifications achieved through practices such as RE can help such offerings to stand out in the hospitality space.Companies approaches when defining a sustainable travel product are usually based on the availability and cost of decarbonization technologies.Evidence c

179、ollected so far shows that customers naturally opt for sustainable products when the choice requires little additional effort when searching,booking and paying for them.In that sense,car rental and ride-sharing companies seem to be ahead of hotels and airlines,given that an embedded zero-emissions p

180、roduct is available at a competitive price.However,examples from other industries illustrate additional practices that T&T companies could follow to increase the uptake of sustainable products.How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want21Amadeus70 is a travel services company that p

181、rovides IT solutions to a range of T&T companies including airlines and travel agents.Its solutions connect travellers to the journeys they want through travel agents,search engines,tour operators,airlines,airports,hotels,cars and railways.In the race to support the industry to decarbonize and achie

182、ve its own targets,Amadeus is currently strengthening its sustainability value proposition.With nearly 2 million reservations processed per day in 2019,the company is in a key position to inform and help raise awareness about each travellers carbon footprint.In this regard,Amadeus is starting to par

183、tner with other companies to offer sustainability features such as carbon calculators that can be integrated into Amadeus travel distribution platforms.This will help airlines and travel agents provide visibility to their customers about their flights carbon emissions,thus allowing them to make more

184、 sustainable choices.Also,offering carbon-offsetting options to travel agencies will help to extend the impact of these solutions.Although some of these products are already on the market,further research and innovation are needed to help the company advance faster towards decarbonization.In 2021 Am

185、adeus invested 787 million in research and development towards technology solutions that help boost operational efficiency for their customers,efficiencies that in many cases are linked to improved environmental efficiency.A lack of standardization and precision in carbon calculation methodologies i

186、s currently hindering the credibility and uptake of these features.However,coalitions such as Travalyst,of which Amadeus is a member,aim to address these challenges and help build the critical mass needed to drive alignment for the industry.CASE STUDY 1Amadeus IT GroupCase studies3.2How to Create th

187、e Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want22Marriott International71 defines a sustainable travel product as“an independent third-party-certified hotel”,where the certification must be accredited by an organization such as the Global Sustainable Tourism Council(GSTC).The companys objective is to r

188、eceive these third-party certifications for 100%of its properties by 2025.In order to also provide visibility for guests,Marriott International is currently integrating sustainability-related information on its website such as CO2 footprint and water footprint information at the individual property

189、level.Unlike aviation and car rental and services,hospitalitys sustainability impact does not come predominantly from direct CO2 emissions.In order to address this complexity,Marriott International displays its properties different metrics,including LEED certification,water footprint,waste managemen

190、t and complementary sustainable products such as EV charging for cars.Having displayed this information on its English-language website,Marriott International recorded more than 200,000 hits in the first month after release,demonstrating interest from potential guests.As a next step,Marriott Interna

191、tional will incorporate filtering and search criteria based on these sustainability metrics to give guests more direct control when searching for accommodation for their next trip.Additionally,the company gives customers the option to donate their points accumulated through the Bonvoy rewards progra

192、mme to different causes.These donations to specific ESG initiatives have increased by 200%,from 39 million points in 2019 to 120 million points in 2020.Marriott International also shares its sustainability-related information with third parties including booking platforms,which can use this data in

193、their own booking flows.However,at this stage the information is used in different ways and sustainability badges and standards can also vary by platform.Marriott International highlighted the risk of confusing travellers and a potential loss of credibility if these inconsistencies cannot be resolve

194、d over time.CASE STUDY 2Marriott InternationalHow to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want23Uber72 currently has two main products in its green portfolio for travellers.For rides,“Uber Green”is the most widely available geographically;a rider is matched with an electric or hybrid veh

195、icle and this product is priced similarly to UberX.This approach is based on the companys belief that sustainability does not have to come at a higher price for the rider.Similarly,a more premium and expensive version of Uber Green is being offered called“Comfort Electric”,which provides a higher-en

196、d vehicle and guarantees it as fully electric.This is now widely available across the US and Canada.An additional product currently being offered specifically in Latin America is“Uber Planet”,which charges customers an extra fee for contributing towards certified offset programmes.Customers who sele

197、ct these products more often are more likely to receive them as a top option when searching for rides.The second product category in the companys portfolio is the inclusion of sustainable alternatives to rides,such as public transport journey planning,high-capacity vehicles and the ability to rent s

198、hared bikes,scooters,e-mopeds and cars through third-party operators(e.g.CityScoot,Car Next Door).Customers selecting these products receive a thank-you message and are given a badge for green trips in their ride history,to further encourage them to take more green rides.In order to help overcome th

199、e upfront price premium for EVs,Uber also encourages drivers to transition by making the total cost of owning and driving an EV more affordable.In this context the company offers lower commission rates and an extra payment of$1 per ride for EV drivers in certain markets.It provides support in the pu

200、rchase of lower/zero-emissions cars via the companys partnership with EV manufacturers and other vehicle access schemes.Uber also provides general oversight,seminars and online tools to assist drivers in evaluating the economics of transitioning to electric vehicles.Based on recent survey results,be

201、tween 60%and 72%of drivers said their earnings had increased since switching to an EV.The company is recording strong growth with its sustainable products.The number of available electric vehicles grew four-fold over the past year,resulting in more people(more than 13 million in 2021)opting for thes

202、e rides.Uber has also found that customer and driver satisfaction for green trips is higher than for standard trips.Despite this promising start,the company faces challenges in accelerating the transition due to limited customer awareness,limited EV charging and long vehicle downtimes due to chargin

203、g,and the lack of EV availability in certain geographies.Potential opportunities to help accelerate the transition include enhancing the in-app experience to easily navigate to a green option.The company plans to develop more sustainable options and to make them widely available across geographical

204、areas in the future.CASE STUDY 3Uber TechnologiesHow to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want24In its journey to net zero,Lufthansa Group,73 which includes multiple carriers such as Lufthansa and Swiss,has started to offer different sustainability products to corporate and leisure cu

205、stomers to help reduce the carbon impact of their journey.Many travellers claimed they were not aware that a credible sustainable product was available,providing impetus for the company to offer more transparent and easily accessible products.Lufthansa Group engages with its travellers at multiple p

206、oints throughout their journey,providing the opportunity to purchase its sustainable product and thus reducing or compensating the travellers carbon footprint from the flight.In the online booking process on the websites of the Lufthansa Group airlines,travellers can choose between three ancillary o

207、ptions for carbon offsets,SAF or a mix of both.During their flight aboard Lufthansa and Swiss selected aircrafts,travellers also have the option to compensate their emissions and to learn more about Lufthansa Groups sustainability activities through its Wi-Fi service.Lastly,once the journey comes to

208、 an end,customers who are members of the Miles&More loyalty programme receive a monthly summary of their flights and the offer of a one-click reduction or compensation.Through this process,Lufthansa has learned that the vast majority of customers purchasing sustainable products prefer to do so at th

209、e time of booking with after the flight being the second most popular time of purchase and during the flight being the least-used purchase opportunity.In line with the above,ancillary sustainable products purchased at the time of booking have a very promising conversion rate,reaching nearly double-d

210、igit percentages at some Lufthansa Group airlines.However,the uptake of sustainable products varies by country.For example,travellers in certain markets seem to have a higher willingness to pay for reduction options such as SAF,with higher uptakes therefore being offered to these markets.A similar t

211、rend is observed in the Nordic countries,where a green fare is currently being tested.Lastly,Lufthansa Group continues to focus on supplying a modern,efficient fleet and has made investments in fleet renewal.In addition to deploying retrofit technologies on the current fleet that can help reduce CO2

212、 emissions,the group plans to put at least 190 new-generation aircraft into service by 2030.In the future,the company will continue to further refine its sustainable product offerings and take into account its customers feedback.One focus area will remain the travellers desire for some form of ackno

213、wledgment when behaving more sustainably.CASE STUDY 4Lufthansa GroupHow to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want25United Airlines74 has been growing and refining the portfolio of its sustainable products,both embedded and ancillary/bundled,in its drive to achieve net zero by 2050.The

214、 airline has placed a significant focus on renewing its fleet to help deploy the most efficient aircraft types currently on the market.The current fleet renewal plan will see more than 500 new aircraft delivered over the next five years,which will lower carbon emissions by 1720%per seat compared to

215、older models,and a nearly 50%reduction compared to regional aircraft that are being displaced and removed from the fleet.Currently,ancillary products include SAF contributions offered to leisure and corporate travellers.In line with its overall messaging of“100%green”(net-zero emissions without the

216、use of carbon offsets),United recently discontinued the practice of offering offsets to its customers,after doing so for 15 years.In the quest to better position its sustainable products,United noticed several trends.First,the target customer chosen has an impact on the adoption rates.For example,ca

217、rbon offset uptakes by retail customers were extremely low,whereas contributions towards SAF by corporate customers were more successful,growing to 15 times more emissions reduced in the span of just one year,despite higher carbon-abatement costs.Along with the product,placement in the booking flow

218、also plays a significant role in customer awareness and thus can help drive conversion rates.United believes that products offered at the start of the booking process or bundled in the price might be associated with discouraging passengers from booking a flight due to the additional costs.On the oth

219、er hand,offering them at the end of the booking flow moves the customer away from other profitable ancillaries,hence cutting down revenues and profit for the airline.In addition,an offer after the booking flow is complete,e.g.on the confirmation page,creates challenges relating to customer visibilit

220、y.Lastly,across all locations,there are many internal challenges in terms of prioritizing internal resources to enhance a zero-profit product.Another observed trend is that the revenue generated by these products is not consistent throughout the year.Offset contributions during December were 58%high

221、er than in other months of the year.Passengers possibly prefer to make their sustainability contributions all at once rather than making multiple repeated purchases,suggesting a role for subscription models.Lastly,United has also observed geographic variations in the adoption rate of its products.Ce

222、rtain regions with higher environmental awareness have seen six times higher uptake for the offset programme than other regions.In the future,the company will increasingly focus on how to make these products more meaningful for its customers while maintaining a simple and credible approach.CASE STUD

223、Y 5United AirlinesHow to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want26Consumers inclination to choose sustainable products and practices has been unswerving across industries,suggesting a long-lasting behavioural change rather than a short-lived trend.To assess the consistency of this beha

224、vioural change,the preference for sustainable practices was benchmarked across various industries.Some non-T&T industry examples are highlighted below.These examples provide evidence of the increased adoption of sustainable products and highlight the potential upside for the T&T industry.Unilevers p

225、lan to inculcate sustainable efforts within the company and make them available to the consumer(Unilever Sustainable Living Plan)has seen an upward trajectory.In the 10-plus years since the company launched this initiative,Unilever has managed to halve its environmental footprint from the production

226、 and use of products.The“sustainable brands”highlighted in this plan grew 69%faster than other brands,while delivering 75%of the companys growth.75Nike has made continual progress in trying to lower carbon emissions in prime impact areas.The brand saw an increase in the use of sustainable materials

227、within apparel from 19%in 2015 to 59%in 2020.The company reported a 70%absolute reduction in GHG emissions in its owned or operated facilities over the same period,with 10 times the amount of finished product waste refurbished,recycled or donated.Revenue grew by 22%and gross profit by 15%over the sa

228、me period.76 Investment in sustainability does not have to come at the price of revenue or profit growth.Additional non-T&T examples that are relevant to say-do gap roadblocks include:Ecoalf prints text on the importance of eco-friendly products on its fashion merchandise.On the road to net zero by

229、2030,the brand has developed more than 500 recycled fabrics,received green certifications and created a strong brand communication of delivering low/negative-impact sustainable products.On its website,Ecoalf displays information on carbon emissions,water and phosphate saved per product,as well as de

230、tails of the people who worked on each product,the number of processes from design to scale and their supply-chain traceability.The brand logged 67%growth in 2021 and is targeting revenues of 40 million in 2022 and 60 million in 2023.77Main roadblocks addressed:Lack of awareness,cumbersome purchasin

231、g experience,lack of rewards/acknowledgment Publicly known and accepted independent third-party certifications can help improve the credibility of product offerings.Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design(LEED)certification is a green building rating system used worldwide.The system was develo

232、ped by the US Green Building Council(USGBC).A study by commercial real estate services firm Cushman&Wakefield examined the rent and revenue premium achieved by LEED-certified multifamily and office buildings.LEED-certified multifamily homes achieved a 3.1%higher average rent between 2000 and 2021 th

233、an non-certified homes.More significantly,while the incremental construction cost for LEED-certified building tends to be 7.439.43%higher,LEED-certified office spaces averaged an 11.1%higher rent than non-LEED-certified offices since 2015.78 Main roadblocks addressed:Lack of awareness,low credibilit

234、y,price premium The car industry is making consumers more aware of how electric vehicles(EVs)reduce the cost of ownership,despite often higher upfront prices.For example,Tesla is expected to achieve around 1.4 million global sales of EV vehicles in 2022.79 One of the strategies that will help the co

235、mpany achieve this success is its focus on explicitly including the savings and incentives of getting a Tesla car vs.a comparable petrol-or diesel-powered vehicle on its website.This information,displayed at a product level on its website,includes a breakdown of the running costs with incentives on

236、company car taxes and country-specific car duty reductions,as well as fuel cost savings.Main roadblocks addressed:Lack of awareness,price premium,cumbersome purchasing experience In the retail space,thanks to the use of particular packaging and messaging,wide distribution across a network of stores

237、and clear labelling for organic and sustainable products,the purchase experience of sustainable produce in grocery stores and through websites tends to be more straightforward for customers.For the UK retailer Waitrose,these elements helped drive increased searches through Google and sales of its or

238、ganic brand(almost double the number of searches in 2021 and a 13%sales increase compared to 2020 for Waitrose Duchy Organic),fuelled as well by the COVID-19 pandemic and consumers focus on health as a consequence.80Main roadblocks addressed:Lack of awareness,cumbersome purchasing experience,low cre

239、dibilityA look ahead evidence from other industries3.3How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want27 Fintech company Aspiration rewards customers with 1%cashback on all qualifying purchases through its eco-friendly credit card Zero and offers other sustainability benefits,including 1

240、0%cashback for purchases from Conscience Coalition brands.81 Each time a customer makes a purchase using this credit card,the company plants a tree;there is also an app feature that tracks their carbon neutrality progress.These efforts are made visible on the physical credit card,which has a“Zero”me

241、ssage printed on it.82 Main roadblocks addressed:Lack of rewards/acknowledgmentHow to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want284RecommendationsSeveral strategies can be used to build the foundation for a cycle of sustainable product development and improve customer adoption.To sum up,T

242、&T companies may consider six steps to help overcome the main say-do gap roadblocks.This cycle is also summarized on Figure 7 below.Sustainable travel product development cycleFIGURE 7Source:World Economic Forum and Accenture analysis,2022RecognizeOptimizeCreateDevelop sustainable productsFacilitate

243、Provide a frictionless experienceRecognize and reward customersImprove thevalue propositionEducateIncrease awarenessImprove transparencyand alignment Increased demandHigher growthImproved brand image123465How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want291.Develop sustainable products:In

244、vest in developing new and refining existing sustainable offerings to align with customers desire to seek out sustainable travel alternatives.Interact with travellers to gain feedback through surveys or ratings about sustainable products and practices,and refine and evolve offerings periodically.Mai

245、n roadblock addressed:Limited availability2.Provide a frictionless experience:While booking trips,54%of respondents from the B survey declared that they do not actively look for more sustainable transport options,but if the information is easily accessible,they are willing to review it.83 Simplify t

246、he booking process by adding filters and options to compare alternatives and select sustainable products to help travellers make informed decisions.Additionally,allow travellers to purchase sustainable products,if applicable,throughout the different phases of the trip customized to the specific prod

247、uct.Main roadblocks addressed:Cumbersome purchasing experience,lack of awareness3.Improve the value proposition:Surveys and customer feedback have shown that one of the major decision factors for travel booking is cost.As a result,it can help to reduce the price premium charged for a sustainable tra

248、vel product vs.a traditional peer product.While this strategy may affect company bottom-line performance in the short term,it can help drive increased demand,higher growth and improved brand image that will compensate for this in the long run.Also,improve sustainable product price competitiveness by

249、 working with vendors to reduce the higher internal cost associated with such products.Alternatively,offset real or perceived price premiums through different approaches,including but not limited to:highlighting other benefits that sustainable products can deliver to the customer and enhancing the s

250、ustainability impact of the product,which can help improve its consumer perception and customers willingness to convert and pay more.Main roadblock addressed:Price premium 4.Recognize and reward customers:Reward travellers sustainable choices by providing some form of incentive.This could be a disco

251、unt,loyalty points,etc.Also,give feedback on how“green”a traveller was when compared to the average traveller,to encourage and increase environmental consciousness during travel.In addition to measurable incentives,many interviewed companies highlighted their customers desire to showcase their green

252、 choices to their fellow travellers and social networks.Wherever possible,provide travellers with options to display and share their green practices via social platforms or other mechanisms according to the principle“do good and talk about it”.This can also have the side effect of increasing consume

253、r awareness and improving brand image.Main roadblocks addressed:Lack of awareness,price premium,lack of rewards/acknowledgmentFinally,two recommendations focus directly on providing more information and educating travellers when necessary to help overcome the roadblocks relating to limited availabil

254、ity,lack of awareness and low credibility:5.Increase awareness:Multiple surveys have highlighted that travellers are not always aware of sustainable products being offered or they believe those products to be of lower quality/comfort than their non-sustainable counterparts.Similarly,some of the comp

255、anies interviewed for this report highlighted the fact that their customers are not always aware of the products offered,how to select them and the impact they can have on the overall emissions footprint of their trip.84 Educate travellers about sustainable travel products and alternatives to ensure

256、 they are aware of the availability and the impact of such choices.In addition,work with local governments and tourism offices to help showcase sustainable offerings and educate travellers.Main roadblocks addressed:Lack of awareness,limited availability6.Improve transparency and alignment:The T&T in

257、dustry is currently fragmented when it comes to its approach to emissions calculation,green badges and certificates.Metrics and methodologies included for calculating emissions vary across platforms(e.g.radiative force inclusion for aircraft,allocation across cargo/passengers/cabins)and the underlyi

258、ng criteria for badges are also inconsistent.When offering these features and products,companies should provide more transparency and elaborate on the methodology and factors considered.This will ensure that travellers have a clear understanding of the sustainability benefit of their choices and avo

259、id the potential loss of credibility.More than half(55%)of the respondents from the B survey wanted to see how their money was going back into the local community.85 The level of detail when providing the information is also important.While some travellers prefer a high-level summary of the sustaina

260、ble product and how it reduces their environmental footprint,others seek to understand the detail to ensure they feel comfortable with the product/offering they How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want30choose.Two out of three travellers surveyed by Expedia86 wanted to see more s

261、ustainability information from lodging and transport providers and 34%would use providers that declared a commitment to sustainable practices.Providing high-level descriptions only increases the risk of losing potential travellers who are well-versed in sustainability.However,providing descriptions

262、that are too detailed might be overwhelming for others,who might avoid exploring and purchasing the sustainable product as a consequence.Allow the travellers to dive as deep into the details as best fits them.Offer high-level summaries of products and their impact with further hyperlinks throughout

263、the booking flow or QR codes on the transport or hotel property for travellers to explore further.Main roadblocks addressed:Lack of awareness,low credibilityLife-centric design and smart use of technology will be key enablers as T&T companies continue to develop and refine sustainable travel product

264、s.As noted above,some customers will have different preferences in terms of how much sustainability information they would like to receive before making a purchase,while the United Airlines case study highlights that customer and geographic segments may differ in their environmental awareness and pr

265、eferences,leading to variation in product uptake.Moreover,customers do not live in a vacuum and instead face complex choices driven by different forces shaping their lives.As a result,companies need to support customers to make sustainability a top priority in their decision-making.As part of this t

266、ransition,T&T companies and their products need to become more life-centric,which means understanding the different factors affecting customers lives and delivering products that provide the most relevant solutions for their contexts.This includes going beyond static customer segmentation and moving

267、 towards a more holistic view of customers and what motivates them,getting away from one-size-fits-all products and providing options that are adaptable to the shifting forces that affect customers and simplifying offerings to make decisions easier amid complicated lives.87 Within this context,inves

268、tment in technology,data and analytics and related competencies will be critical factors in successfully creating sustainable travel products.These include tools and systems for gaining market insights,optimizing and measuring the environmental impact of operations,facilitating the distribution of s

269、ustainable products across different channels and platforms(pany websites,apps,travel aggregators)and creating seamless product experiences.For example,artificial intelligence is already being used to provide insights into past and even future customer behaviour,conduct sentiment analysis,power dyna

270、mic pricing,assist customers in travel booking and personalize travel plans and experiences.88 Moreover,internet of things(IoT)technology can help with smart management,including,for instance,integrating system such as HVAC to optimize hotel operations and improving energy efficiency.89How to Create

271、 the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want315ConclusionThere is an ever-growing collection of both anecdotal(e.g.surveys)and empirical proof points demonstrating customers increased desire to seek out sustainable travel options.While many of the sustainable products offered are currently in the

272、ir relative infancy,the industry is working to develop and refine these products.Several T&T companies have highlighted the existing roadblocks to be overcome.Some of these cannot be tackled in isolation and will require cross-industry and stakeholder collaboration and alignment as outlined in the c

273、all to action below.T&T companies1.Develop more pilots and prototypes of sustainable travel products and test them in the marketa.Review current sustainable product offerings and adoption rates,and gather customer feedbackb.Refine existing products and develop new options based on feedback and recom

274、mendations included in this report to help overcome say-do gap2.Share success stories about sustainable travel products(no matter how small),as well as effective techniquesa.Develop key performance indicators(KPIs)to measure the success of sustainable travel productsb.Share KPIs used,data on growth

275、rates and uptake levels to help other companies make a positive business case for sustainable productsc.Provide feedback to the industry on the product types with the highest adoption rates3.Ensure alignment across the industry on reporting standards,emissions impact calculations,etc.a.Work with ind

276、ustry organizations,e.g.the International Air Transport Association(IATA),and third-party certifications,e.g.GSTC,to align on measurement,reporting and certification standardsb.Adopt and adhere to industry standardsc.Communicate standards clearly to customers to ensure transparency and build credibi

277、lity4.Work together to introduce comprehensive sustainable travel packages that offer a seamless way for the customer to access sustainability products throughout the journeya.Develop new cross-industry partnerships across different product segmentsb.Work with partners to identify collaboration oppo

278、rtunities for combined sustainable travel packages(e.g.flight with SAF contribution combined with EV rental car picked up at the airport and a booking at a hotel with EV charging stations relying on renewable energy)5.Align with vendors and supply-chain players on sustainability initiatives and offe

279、ringsa.Understand and encourage transparency of sustainability offerings and goals throughout the entire supply chainb.Make sustainability a key criteria for supply-chain partnerships c.Collaborate with supply-chain partners in developing sustainability products6.Work with local governments,communit

280、ies and other organizations to improve awareness and,where necessary,to help enable sustainable offering developmenta.Work with authorities and communities to identify local initiatives and needs to align sustainable offeringsb.Provide information to local tourism authorities such as national T&T or

281、ganizations(NTOs)to help showcase sustainable productsc.Communicate where public-sector assistance or removal of roadblocks is required to enable new sustainable product introductionCall to action5.1How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want327.Educate and work with employees on th

282、e sustainability mission and range of offerings available for customersa.Develop training for employeesb.Work with employee groups to educate them about sustainability,corporate initiatives and customer offerings to ensure they can comfortably communicate this message to travellers and customersc.Li

283、sten to feedback received by employees from customers and use it to help refine sustainability products and communicationDigital travel platformsDigital travel platforms such as OTAs,aggregators,global distribution systems and others have an important role in the T&T ecosystem.OTAs alone are estimat

284、ed to have captured 40%of the global travel booking market(i.e.airlines,hotels,packaged tours,rail and cruise).90 It is therefore essential that they support the industry on its mission to overcome some of the major roadblocks that currently exist.1.Provide more information about sustainable travel

285、products on their platforms a.Work with T&T companies to collect sustainability metricsb.Display sustainability metrics and features provided by T&T companiesc.Provide descriptions and explanations of sustainable products/features2.Share data and insights on actual booking behaviour to allow for com

286、parisons of sustainable vs.traditional productsa.Allow travellers to search/filter by sustainability productsb.Track and publish traveller behaviour trends as they relate to search and purchasing 3.Provide transparency on the methodology behind emissions calculations,reporting and green badges or ce

287、rtificatesa.Gather and verify data from T&T companies on their sustainable products and certificationsb.Align emissions calculations and reporting methodologies with main industry bodiesc.Provide insights to T&T companies and travellers on certificate/badge methodologiesThe call to action is not exh

288、austive and represents just some of the initial step industry players will need to take if they are to be involved.The World Economic Forum and Accenture will continue to work with industry players on sustainable travel product adoption and the transition to a sustainable T&T industry.How to Create

289、the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want33ContributorsThe World Economic Forum would like to thank the wide range of organizations and colleagues that made this publication possible.World Economic Forum Pedro G.Gomez PensadoHead of Shaping the Future of Mobility;Member of the Executive Committ

290、ee Maksim Soshkin Aviation,Travel and Tourism Analysis Specialist Lauren Uppink CalderwoodHead of Aviation,Travel and Tourism IndustriesAccenturePhilipp MoellerSenior Manager,Travel Sustainability Natalie NehmeManager,Travel SustainabilityJesko NeuenburgManaging Director,Global Travel&Aviation Susta

291、inability LeadRoshni PandeAnalyst,Travel SustainabilityDavid WalfischPrincipal Director,Travel SustainabilityAcknowledgementsWe would like to thank the following interview partners for their insights,which have contributed to the findings of this report:Lucas Bobes,Environmental Officer and Head of

292、ESG Reporting,Amadeus IT GroupChristopher Hook,Global Head of Sustainability,Uber Technologies Lars Kroeplin,Head of Corporate Responsibility Strategy,Lufthansa GroupDenise Naguib,Vice-President of Sustainability&Supplier Diversity,Marriott International Aaron Robinson,Environmental Sustainability S

293、enior Manager,United AirlinesAlso special thanks to the following members of the World Economic Forums Global Future Council on Sustainable Tourism for their input on report concepts:Sadiq Gillani,Jean-Patrick Marquet,Megan Morikawa,Angel Lorente Paramo,Douglas Sabo,Jim Sano and Angela Tritto(Counci

294、l fellow).Astra ContentEditing,USA/UK 1-Pact EditionDesign and layout,FranceHow to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want34Endnotes1.UNGC and Accenture,Climate Leadership in the Eleventh Hour,CEO Study on Sustainability,28 October 2021:https:/ and Accenture,A Net Zero Roadmap for Trav

295、el&Tourism,2021:https:/ the Sustainability Say-Do Gap,15 July 2021:https:/ Nations,The Sustainable Development Goals Report,2022:https:/unstats.un.org/sdgs/report/2022/.6.WTTC,UNEP and Accenture,A Net Zero Roadmap for Travel&Tourism,2021:https:/ Impact 2022,August 2022:https:/wttc.org/Portals/0/Docu

296、ments/Reports/2022/EIR2022-Global%20Trends.pdf.8.World Economic Forum,The Global Risks Report 2022:17th Edition,11 January 2022:https:/www.weforum.org/reports/global-risks-report-2022/.9.IPCC,Climate Change 2022:Impacts,Adaptation and Vulnerability,Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Asses

297、sment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel 2022:https:/www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/.10.Prtner,Hans-O.et al.(eds),Summary for Policymakers,IPCC.In:Climate Change 2022:Impacts,Adaptation and Vulnerability,Contribution of Working Group II to the Sixth Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel,20

298、22:https:/www.ipcc.ch/report/ar6/wg2/downloads/report/IPCC_AR6_WGII_SummaryForPolicymakers.pdf.11.World Economic Forum,Travel&Tourism Development Index 2021:Rebuilding for a Sustainable and Resilient Future,24 May 2022,p.27:https:/www.weforum.org/reports/travel-and-tourism-development-index-2021/.12

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323、/ Data Can Make or Break Travel Sustainability,Accenture Travel Compass Blog,7 June 2022:https:/ Travel Report,2022:https:/ Rise of Sustainable Travel,the Conscious Traveler,and What Your Brand Needs to Know,2022:https:/ Human Paradox:From Customer Centricity to Life Centricity,2022:https:/ Trends i

324、n Travel Industry for 2021 and Beyond:https:/ Francisco and Arteaga-Ortiz,Jesus,Drivers for Pursuing Sustainability through IoT Technology within High-End Hotels an Explanatory Study,Sustainability,28 September 2019:https:/ Role of Online Travel Agencies in Supporting Asia Pacific SMEs in Recovery,2

325、020:https:/www.pata.org/research-q1v63g6n2dw/p/the-role-of-online-travel-agencies-in-supporting-asia-pacific-smes-in-recovery.How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want37World Economic Forum9193 route de la CapiteCH-1223 Cologny/GenevaSwitzerland Tel.:+41(0)22 869 1212Fax:+41(0)22

326、786 2744contactweforum.orgwww.weforum.orgThe World Economic Forum,committed to improving the state of the world,is the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation.The Forum engages the foremost political,business and other leaders of society to shape global,regional and industry agendas.How to Create the Sustainable Travel Products Customers Want38



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