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高盛(Goldman Sachs):2023年美国经济展望报告-接近软着陆(英文版)(19页).pdf

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高盛(Goldman Sachs):2023年美国经济展望报告-接近软着陆(英文版)(19页).pdf

1、The key macroeconomi c questi on of the year has been whether i nflati onarynoverheati ng can be reversed wi thout a recessi on.Our analysi s suggests that theanswer i s yesan extended peri od of below-potenti al growth can graduallyreverse labor market overheati ng and bri ng down wage growth and u

2、lti matelyi nflati on,provi di ng a feasi ble i f challengi ng path to a soft landi ng.The i ni ti al steps along thi s path have been successful,but there i s much furthernto go i n 2023.We expect another year of below-potenti al growth and labormarket rebalanci ng to solve much but not all of the

3、underlyi ng i nflati on problem.Unli ke consensus,we do not expect a recessi on.The first step i n keepi ng the adj ustment process on track i s ensuri ng that GDPngrowth remai ns below potenti al.The fiscal ti ghteni ng that helped to slow theeconomy thi s year has mostly run i ts course,but the la

4、rge ti ghteni ng i n financi alcondi ti ons engi neered by the Fed should keep GDP growth near 1%i n 2023.Consumer spendi ng should grow a bi t more firmly as i ncome begi ns to ri seagai n,but thi s i s li kely to be offset by weakness elsewhere,especi ally i nhousi ng.The second step requi res sof

5、t GDP growth to further reduce labor demand.Sonfar,the speed and composi ti on of labor market rebalanci ng have beenencouragi ng.Our j obs-workers gap has shrunk substanti ally,dri ven by a decli nei n j ob openi ngs rather than employment.I n 2023,we expect a further largedecli ne i n j ob openi n

6、gs coupled wi th a pp ri se i n the unemployment rate toshri nk the j obs-workers gap from the hi stori cal peak of 5.9 mi lli on reached earli erthi s year to the 2 mi lli on threshold that we esti mate i s necessary to dampenlabor market overheati ng.The thi rd step requi res labor market rebalanc

7、i ng to slow wage growth.Wagengrowth has begun to moderate i n recent months,and we expect i t to fall to 4%by the end of 2023,not far above our 3.5%esti mate of the pace compati blewi th 2%i nflati on.I f so,thi s i ntermedi ate step would provi de cruci al earlysupport for the vi ew that overheati

8、 ng can be reversed wi thout a recessi on.The fourth step requi res softer wage growth to bri ng i nflati on back to target.Thi snshould get underway i n 2023 but wi ll take longer.We expect core PCE i nflati onto fall from roughly 5%to 3%by December 2023,dri ven largely by goodscategori es where su

9、pply chai n recovery i s now reversi ng pandemi c shortages.Jan Hatzi us+1(212)902-0394|j an.hatzi Goldman Sachs&Co.LLC Al ec Phi l l i ps+1(202)637-3746|alec.phi lli Goldman Sachs&Co.LLC Davi d Meri cl e+1(212)357-2619|davi d.meri Goldman Sachs&Co.LLC Spencer Hi l l,CFA+1(212)357-7621|spencer.hi Go

10、ldman Sachs&Co.LLC Joseph Bri ggs+1(212)902-2163|j oseph.bri Goldman Sachs&Co.LLC Ronni e Wal ker+1(917)343-4543|ronni Goldman Sachs&Co.LLC Ti m Krupa+1(202)637-3771|ti Goldman Sachs&Co.LLC Manuel Abecasi s+1(212)902-8357|manuel.abecasi Goldman Sachs&Co.LLCUS Economics Analyst 2023 US Economi c Outl

11、 ook:Appr oachi ng a Soft Landi ng(Mer i cl e)18 November 2022|5:59PM ESTI nvestors should consi der thi s report as only a si ngle factor i n maki ng thei r i nvestment deci si on.For Reg AC certi ficati on and other i mportant di sclosures,see the Di sclosure Appendi x,or go to following is a reda

12、cted version of the original report published on 18 November 2022 20 pgs.Servi ces i nflati on i s li kely to fall meani ngfully i n the offici al data only wi th a longer lag,especi ally i n the largest categori es,shelter and health care.We expect the FOMC to slow the pace of rate hi kes as i t sh

13、i fts to fine-tuni ng thenfunds rate to keep growth below potenti al,but to ulti mately deli ver a bi t more thani s pri ced,wi th a 50bp hi ke i n December and three 25bp hi kes next year rai si ng thefunds rate to a peak of 5-5.25%.Our recessi on odds are below consensus eventhough our Fed forecas

14、t i s sli ghtly more hawki sh than consensus because weexpect demand to prove more resi li ent than expected next year.18 November 2022 2Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal yst2023 US Economi c Outl ook:Approachi ng a Sof t Landi ng A year ago,the i nflati on problem began to broaden beyond the i ni ti

15、 al pandemi c-dri ven di slocati ons and started to also i nclude an element of textbook overheati ng i n whi ch labor demand far exceeded labor supply and hi gh wage growth,hi gh i nflati on,and hi gh short-term i nflati on expectati ons rei nforced each other i n a feedback loop.Si nce then,the ke

16、y macroeconomi c questi on has been whether i nflati onary overheati ng can be reversed wi thout a recessi on.Earli er thi s year,we i ntroduced a step-by-step framework for analyzi ng thi s questi on,summari zed by the di agram i n Exhi bi t 1.1 Worki ng backwards,we first asked how much wage growt

17、h would need to decli ne to be compati ble wi th 2%i nflati on and concluded i t would have to fall from 5.5%to 3.5%.We then asked how much the i mbalance between labor demand and labor supply would need to shri nk to dampen wage pressures and concluded that the j obs-workers gap would have to fall

18、from 5.9 mi lli on,the wi dest gap i n hi story,to 2 mi lli on.Fi nally,we asked how weak aggregate demand would have to be to reduce labor demand enough to achi eve thi s rebalanci ng,assumi ng that labor supply rebounded only modestly,and concluded that an extended peri od of posi ti ve but below-

19、potenti al GDP growth could reduce labor demand by the amount requi red.The punchli ne was that there i s a plausi ble path to a soft landi ng,though cali brati ng poli cy j ust ri ght to stay on that path would surely be challengi ng.The i ni ti al steps along thi s path have been successful,but th

20、ere i s much further to go i n 2023.Growth slowed qui ckly to a soli dly below-potenti al pace thi s year,labor market rebalanci ng has gone very well so far,and recent months have finally brought si gns of moderati on i n wage growth and i nflati on.We expect another year of below-potenti al growth

21、 and further labor market rebalanci ng i n 2023 to solve much but not all of the underlyi ng i nflati on problem.Unli ke consensus,we do not expect a recessi on.1 These reports i nclude More Jobs than Workers:A New Measure of Labor Market Ti ghtness,What Wi ll I t Take to Restore Balance to the Labo

22、r Market?,Q&A on the Jobs-Workers Gap and the Ri sk of Recessi on,A Recessi on I s Not I nevi table,Prospects for a Soft Landi ng:What Could Make the Feds Job Easi er or Harder?,What Wage Growth Rate I s Compati ble Wi th 2%I nflati on?,Tami ng I nflati on Wi thout a Recessi on:A Progress Report,and

23、 The Expected Path to Sustai nable Wage Growth.18 November 2022 3Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ystAnot her Year of Below-Pot ent ial Growt h,Not a Recession The first step i n keepi ng the adj ustment process on track i s ensuri ng that GDP growth remai ns below potenti al.GDP growth i s on track

24、 to slow from 5.7%i n 2021(Q4/Q4)to j ust 0.2%i n 2022,meani ng that so far,poli cy ti ghteni ng has been very well cali brated to slow demand growth as much as possi ble wi thout acci dentally ti ppi ng the economy i nto a recessi onary spi ral,an underappreci ated success.I n 2023,we expect GDP gr

25、owth of about 1%,below potenti al but well above consensus expectati ons.A year ago,our below-consensus growth forecast for 2022 largely reflected the drag we expected from fiscal and monetary poli cy ti ghteni ng.Today,our above-consensus Exhibit 1:.We Expect Anot her Year of Below-Pot ent ial GDP

26、Growt h in 2023 t o Rebalance t he Labor Market and Slow Wage Growt h and Inflat ion,but Reaching t he 2%Target Will Take Longer 023456789The Slowdown Required to Rebalance the Labor Marketand Calm Wage Growth and InflationPercent change,year agoMillionsBelow-potentialGDP growth.lowers th

27、e jobs-workers gap.which slows downwage growth.Starting PointCurrentGDP Growth(left)Jobs-Workers Gap(right)Wage Growth(left)Core PCE Inflation(left).to bring downcore inflationEnd-2023,GS ForecastRequired,GS EstimateSour ce:Depar tment of Commer ce,Depar tment of Labor,Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investm

28、ent Resear chExhibit 2:GDP Growt h Slowed Abrupt ly in 2022,and We Expect It t o Remain Below Pot ent ial in 2023-30369-30369Jan-2021Jul-2021Jan-2022Jul-2022US Real GDP Growth(left)GS Current Activity Indicator(right)GS Potential Growth EstimatePercent,quarterly annual ratePercent,monthly annual rat

29、eNote:GDP growth is plotted in central month of quarter.For CAI,a 3 month average is shown.,QoQ AR2023,QoQ ARQ4/Q4- GDP GrowthGS ForecastConsensusGS Potential Growth EstimatePercent chang

30、ePercent changeSour ce:Depar tment of Commer ce,Bl oomber g,Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment Resear ch18 November 2022 4Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ystforecast for 2023 i n part reflects the di mi ni shi ng i mpact of poli cy restrai nt.The large drag from the expi rati on of pandemi c fiscal

31、reli ef measures i s now mostly behi nd us,and our financi al condi ti ons i ndex(FCI)framework i mpli es that the i mpact of monetary poli cy ti ghteni ng i s peaki ng now and wi ll gradually fade i n 2023.Exhibit 3:Fiscal Policy Tight ening Is Most ly Behind Us,and t he Impact of t he Tight ening

32、in Financial Condit ions Engineered by t he Fed Is Likely Peaking Now Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4202120222023-8-6-4-202468-8-6-4-202468Impulse to Quarterly Annualized GDP Growth From Fiscal Policy and Financial Conditions,GS EstimatesFiscal ImpulseFinancial Conditions ImpulseTotalPercentage pointsPerce

33、ntage pointsSour ce:Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment Resear chAn i mportant consequence of the end of the fiscal ti ghteni ng i s that i ncome should start growi ng agai n.Real di sposable i ncome fell for a year as speci al transfer payments expi red and i nflati on outran wage growth.Wi th few tr

34、ansfers left to lose and i nflati on li kely to be more restrai ned i n 2023,we expect real i ncome to ri se 3.5%next year,although thi s partly reflects large gai ns from i nterest i ncome and tax rate normali zati on that wi ll accrue mostly to hi gh-i ncome households and have less i mpact on spe

35、ndi ng.Offsetti ng the turnaround i n i ncome,wealth effects on consumer spendi ng have shi fted from posi ti ve to negati ve as hi gher i nterest rates have brought down equi ty and home pri ces,the latter of whi ch li kely have further to fall.We expect these forces,along wi th other i nfluences i

36、 ncludi ng fadi ng boosts from the reopeni ng i mpulse and excess savi ngs,to net out to consumpti on growth of roughly 1.5%i n 2023.18 November 2022 5Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ystOther areas of the economy are li kely to be weaker,especi ally the i nterest rate-sensi ti ve housi ng sector,th

37、e busi ness structures component of capi tal spendi ng,and government spendi ng.Thi s should keep GDP growth near 1%i n 2023,a pace that i s li kely close to a speed li mi t for the Fed unti l a larger dent has been put i n the i nflati on problem,i n that accelerati on beyond thi s poi nt would li

38、kely be unwelcome and mi ght be met wi th further ti ghteni ng to ensure that supply and demand conti nue to rebalance qui ckly.Reversing Labor Market Overheat ing Wit hout a Spike in t he Unemployment Rat e Below-potenti al growth has already produced a rebalanci ng i n the labor market whose Exhib

39、it 4:We Expect Consumer Spending t o Grow 1.5%in 2023 as a Year of Falling Income Offset by Posit ive Wealt h Effect s Gives Way t o a Year of Rising Income Offset by Negat ive Wealt h Effect s-15-10-5051015202530-15-10-5051015202530JanMarMayJulSepNovJanMarMayJulSepNovJanMarMayJulSepNov202120222023O

40、ther Income(Nominal)Government Transfer Payments(Nominal)InflationReal Disposable IncomePercent change vs.Dec.2020Percent change vs.Dec.2020Household Disposable Income-2.0-1.5-1.0- Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4202120222023

41、2024CryptoReal EstateEquitiesPercentage pointsPercentage pointsContributions to Quarterly Annualized Real PCE Growth from Wealth Effects*Our estimates assume that the SP500 will stand at 4000 at end-2023 and that home prices will decline 12%from their peak.Sour ce:Depar tment of Commer ce,Gol dman S

42、achs Gl obal Investment Resear chExhibit 5:We Expect GDP t o Grow About 1%in 2023 as Weakness in Housing,Business St ruct ures,and Government Spending Offset s Somewhat Firmer Consumpt ion Growt h Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q420222023-8-6-4-20246-8-6-4-20246Contributions to GDP GrowthConsumptionNonres.Fixed Inve

43、stmentHousingInventoriesTradeGovernmentTotalPercent change,annual ratePercent change,annual rateGS Forecast2023 Q4/Q4Growth Rate*1.5%2.4%-8.4%0.0pp-0.2pp0.5%1.1%*Shows inventories and trades contributions to 2023 Q4/Q4 GDP growth.Sour ce:Depar tment of Commer ce,Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment Res

44、ear ch18 November 2022 6Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ystspeed and composi ti on have been very encouragi ng.Based on ti mely j ob openi ngs measures from Li nkUp and I ndeed,we esti mate that the j obs-workers gaptotal labor demand(employment plus j ob openi ngs)mi nus total labor supply(the si

45、ze of the labor force)has fallen from a peak of nearly 6 mi lli on to j ust over 4 mi lli on.All of the decli ne i n labor demand so far has come from a decli ne i n j ob openi ngsa drop that i s much larger than any i n US hi story seen outsi de a recessi onrather than i n employment.How has thi s

46、been possi ble?Di dnt a shi ft out i n the Beveri dge curve duri ng the pandemi c si gnal a breakdown i n the effici ency wi th whi ch workers matched to j obs,i mplyi ng that a large decli ne i n labor demand would unfortunately have to i nvolve a large i ncrease i n the unemployment rate?And would

47、nt thi s set i n moti on the usual recessi onary vi ci ous ci rcle where j ob loss leads to a sharp pullback i n spendi ng,leadi ng to more j ob loss?I n our vi ew,the Beveri dge curve debate last summer mi ssed several i mportant poi nts:what looked li ke a conventi onal shi ft out i n the curve si

48、 gnali ng a structural i ncrease i n mi smatch was more a matter of unemployed workers temporari ly not wanti ng or applyi ng for j obs because of elevated unemployment benefits and Covi d fears;standard measures of i ndustry mi smatch were low,not hi gh;and the rate at whi ch unemployed workers wer

49、e flowi ng i nto new j obs was hi gh,not low.These poi nts have made us confident that the labor market i s on a steep part of the Beveri dge curve where a reducti on i n labor demand di sproporti onately takes the form of a decli ne i n j ob openi ngs.Thi s favorable trend i s li kely to conti nue

50、for now.Job openi ngs are sti ll falli ng,and the layoff rate remai ns very low,despi te recent layoffs i n the technology sector.We expect a further large drop i n j ob openi ngs i n 2023 coupled wi th a more li mi ted pp ri se i n the unemployment rate to shri nk the j obs-workers gap to the 2 mi

51、lli on threshold that we esti mate would slow wage growth to a sustai nable rate.Our forecast i mpli es a trough to peak i ncrease i n the unemployment rate of 0.7pp,roughly one-thi rd the i ncrease seen i n even the shallowest US recessi ons.I n part for that reason and i n part because we expect a

52、cti vi ty growth to remai n posi ti ve,our forecast would probably not be classi fied as a recessi on.18 November 2022 7Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ystWage Growt h Slows Most of t he Way t o a Sust ainable Rat e Only recently has labor market rebalanci ng begun to yi eld clearer evi dence of a

53、moderati on i n wage growth.Average hourly earni ngs have decelerated meani ngfully and survey measures of current and future wage growth have fallen too,though the employment cost i ndex decelerated only a touch i n Q3.We see some ri sk of an upcomi ng“January effect”where more wage contracts reset

54、 at the start of the year and i ncorporate larger than usual cost of li vi ng adj ustments,resulti ng i n an outsi zed j ump i n wages even after seasonal adj ustment.But by the end of 2023,we expect a large decli ne i n the j obs-workers gap to reduce wage growth from the peak of 5.5%reached i n th

55、e mi ddle of thi s year to 4%,not far above our 3.5%esti mate of the pace compati ble wi th 2%i nflati on.Because loweri ng i nflati on to an acceptable rate i s li kely to take a whi le,a further decli ne i n wage growth next year would be a cruci al i ntermedi ate benchmark that could reassure pol

56、i cymakers that wi th pati ence,gradual labor market rebalanci ng can reverse i nflati onary overheati ng wi thout a recessi on.Exhibit 6:We Expect t he Jobs-Workers Gap t o Shrink t o t he 2mn Threshold That We Est imat e Is Needed by t he End of 2023,Led by a Large Decline in Job Openings and a pp

57、 Rise in t he Unemployment Rat e-4-3-2-10123456-4-3-2-10123456Jan-21Jul-21Jan-22Jul-22Jan-23Jul-23Jan-24US Jobs-Workers Gap Jobs-Workers Gap,JOLTS Job OpeningsJobs-Workers Gap,GS ForecastJobs-Workers Gap,Alternative Job Openings*MillionsMillionsRequired,GS Estimate*Average of job openings from Indee

58、d and LinkUp,scaled to JOLTS job openings.Mar-22Apr-22MayJun-22Jul-22Aug-Sep-Oct-22Nov-Dec-Jan-23Feb-23Mar-23Apr-23MayJun-23Jul-23Aug-Sep-Oct-23Nov-Dec-7-6-5-4-3-2-1012-7-6-5-4-3-2-1012Contributions to Change in Jobs-Workers GapSince March PeakMillionsMillionsChange in Jobs(Demand):Change in Employm

59、entChange in Job OpeningsChange in Jobs-Workers GapRequired Jobs-Workers Gap,GSEstimateShaded bars show GS forecast.Change in Labor Force(Supply):Change in Particpation RateChange in PopulationSour ce:Depar tment of Labor,Indeed,Li nkUp,Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment Resear ch18 November 2022 8Go

60、l dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ystCore Inflat ion Falls from 5%t o 3%,Led by Goods Cat egories The 2023 i nflati on outlook presents two qui te di fferent stori es i n the goods and servi ces categori es.On the goods si de,supply chai n recovery finally appears to be yi eldi ng the deflati onary pay

61、back that has been deferred for more than a year by a seri es of further pandemi c-and war-related di srupti ons.As producti on of i tems such as autos rebounds and i nventori es are rebui lt,competi ti on should reverse the scarci ty effects that rai sed retai l margi ns and consumer pri ces earli

62、er i n the pandemi c.I n addi ti on,more moderate commodi ty pri ce i nflati on,falli ng transportati on costs,and downward pressure on i mport pri ces from dollar appreci ati on should also help to reduce core PCE goods i nflati on,whi ch we expect wi ll fall sharply from 5.7%year-over-year now to-

63、1.6%by December 2023.Exhibit 7:Wage Growt h Is Showing Early Signs of Moderat ion and Should Fall t o About 4%by Lat e 020002120222023Employment Cost Index*(left)Average Hourly Earnings(Composition-Adj)*(left)Monthly Wage Surveys*(right)IndexPerc

64、ent change,annual rate*ECI wages and salaries private sector ex incentives(SA by Haver),qoq annual rate.*6m annual rate.*Average of NFIB,Dallas Fed manufacturing,Dallas Fed services,Richmond Fed manufacturing,Richmond Fed services,NY Fed services,and Kansas City Fed services.

65、 change,year agoPercent change,year agoGS ForecastGS Wage TrackerSour ce:Depar tment of Labor,Feder al Reser ve,NFIB,Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment Resear ch18 November 2022 9Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ystOn the servi ces

66、si de,di si nflati on wi ll take longer.We expect core PCE servi ces i nflati on to fall only modestly from 4.9%now to 4.4%by December 2023.The broad reason i s that there wi ll li kely be some lag from a slowdown i n wage growth to a slowdown i n i nflati on i n labor-i ntensi ve servi ces categori

67、 es.A more speci fic reason i s that the largest categori es,health care and shelter,already appear desti ned to run hot because of lags i n the offici al data.I n the health care category,a large Medi care fee adj ustment i n response to cost i ncreases thi s year wi ll affect government-pai d serv

68、i ces di rectly and li kely spi ll over to pri vately-pai d servi ces.I n the shelter category,web-based alternati ve measures of new tenant rents have already decelerated sharply to an annuali zed growth rate of about 3%.But the offici al seri eswhi ch covers rents on both new tenant and conti nui

69、ng tenant leasesi s li kely to ri se a firmer 6%next year as conti nui ng tenant rents catch up to market rates,though i t should decelerate sequenti ally.Exhibit 8:As Supply Chains Recover,Product ion Rebounds,and Invent ories Rebuild,Compet it ion Should Unwind Scarcit y Effect s and Lower Prices

70、in Supply-Const rained Goods Cat egories Like Aut os 2030405060708090100110120-3-2- 2002 2004 2006 2008 2010 2012 2014 2016 2018 2020 2022Change in Average Supplier Delivery Time,Business Surveys(left)Production Materials Commitment Leadtime,ISMManufacturing Index(right)Z-ScoresDays051015

71、202530-80-60-40-20020406080100120Jan-19Jul-19Jan-20Jul-20Jan-21Jul-21Jan-22Jul-22Percent of avg.2019 levelMillions,annual rateNew Car Inventories(left)Auto Assemblies(right)Sour ce:Feder al Reser ve,Insti tute for Suppl y Management,Depar tment of Commer ce,Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment Resear c

72、h18 November 2022 10Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ystTaken together,we expect year-over-year core PCE i nflati on to decli ne from 5.1%i n September to 2.9%i n December 2023.We expect an even larger decli ne i n year-over-year core CPI i nflati on from 6.3%i n October to 3.2%i n December 2023.As

73、we noted last year,thi s would mean that the large di vergence between CPI and PCE i n 2022 should fade i n 2023 as decli nes i n durable goods pri ces wei gh more heavi ly on the CPI and the health servi ces categori es i n the two i ndi ces move i n opposi te di recti ons.Fine-Tuning t he Funds Ra

74、t e We expect the FOMC to slow the pace of rate hi kes to 50bp i n December and to 25bp Exhibit 9:Alt ernat ive Dat a Show a Sharp Slowdown in New Tenant Rent Growt h,but Shelt er Inflat ion Is Likely t o Remain High in t he Official Dat a in 2023 as Cont inuing Tenant Rent s Cat ch Up t o Market Ra

75、t es 024686892020202120222023Average of CoStar,Zillow,and YardiNew-Tenant Repeat RentIndex*(From BLS)Continuing-Tenant RentIndex*(Calculated by GS)All-Tenant Repeat RentIndex*(From BLS)CPI Rent+OERPercent change,year agoPercent change,year ago*Adjusted for the historical gap of

76、 the ATRR vs.CPI rent.-10-5055-10-50552002020212022Zillow(month-over-month,annual rate)Yardi(month-over-month,annual rate)CoStar(quarter-over-quarter,annual rate)Average of alternative measuresPercent change,annual ratePercent change,annual rateSequential Pace ofAlte

77、rnative Rent Measures(seasonally adjusted)Sour ce:Zi l l ow,Yar di,CoStar,Depar tment of Labor,Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment Resear chExhibit 10:We Expect Core PCE Inflat ion t o Fall from 5.1%Today t o 2.9%in December 2023,Led Mainly by Goods Cat egories-10Jan-19Apr-19Jul-19Oct-1

78、9Jan-20Apr-20Jul-20Oct-20Jan-21Apr-21Jul-21Oct-21Jan-22Apr-22Jul-22Oct-22Jan-23Apr-23Jul-23Oct-23Jan-24Apr-24Jul-24Oct-24Supply-Constrained*Other GoodsTravelOther ServicesHealthcareShelterCore PCEPercent change,year agoPercent change,year agoGS ForecastContributions to Year-on-Year Core PCE Inflatio

79、n*New,used,and rental cars,furniture,sporting equipment,household appliances,sports and recreational vehicles,and video,audio,photo,and info.equipment.Sour ce:Depar tment of Commer ce,Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment Resear ch18 November 2022 11Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ysti n February,March

80、,and May,rai si ng the funds rate to a peak of 5-5.25%.We see a couple reasons for hi kes to conti nue through the spri ng.Fi rst,our forecast i mpli es that the i nflati on trend i s li kely to remai n uncomfortably hi gh for a whi le longer.Second,wi th the fiscal ti ghteni ng now mostly behi nd u

81、s and household real di sposable i ncome ri si ng agai n,the FOMC wi ll need to ti ghten financi al condi ti ons enough to keep the economy on a soli dly below-potenti al growth path.We do not expect rate cuts next year because we do not expect a recessi on and we are skepti cal that a decli ne i n

82、i nflati on alone would lead the FOMC to cut toward neutral because we suspect that the Fed leadershi p shares our skepti ci sm about neutral rate Exhibit 11:We Expect a 50bp Hike in December Followed by 25bp Hikes in February,March,and May t o Raise t he Funds Rat e t o a Peak of 5-5.25%25bp50bp75b

83、p75bp75bp75bp50bp55bp25bp33bp25bp19bp25bp8bp0. May Jun Jul Sep NovDecFebMarMayMay 23LevelRate Hikes at FOMC MeetingsPercentPercentSize ofrate hike5.00-5.25%FOMC Estimate of Longer Run Rate5.03%3ActualGS ForecastMarket Pricing20

84、2220231. Federal Funds RateGSMarket PricingPercentPercentSour ce:Feder al Reser ve,Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment Resear chExhibit 12:The Inflat ion Trend Will Remain High in Early 2023,Creat ing Pressure

85、t o Keep Hiking Trend at Upcoming FOMC MeetingsCore CPICore PCECore Services PCEPercent change,3m annualized ratePercent change,3m annualized rateDec.22:Feb.

86、23:Mar.23:May23:Jun.23:Jul.23:Sep.23:Nov.23:Dec.23:Latest Core CPI Before FOMC MeetingLatest Core PCE Before FOMC MeetingSour ce:Depar tment of Commer ce,Depar tment of Labor,Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment Resear ch18 November 2022 12Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ystesti mates.I nstead,we thi

87、nk the more natural path i f i nflati on comes down i s to si mply wai t unti l somethi ng goes wrong and then deli ver ei ther small cuts i n response to a smaller threat,si mi lar to the i nsurance cuts of 2019,or substanti al cuts i n response to a full recessi on.I n the other di recti on,i f i

88、nflati on i s sti cki er than we expect or underlyi ng growth momentum i s stronger,the FOMC would li kely rai se the funds rate to a hi gher level.Our Fed scenari o analysi s i mpli es that our probabi li ty-wei ghted average vi ew i s a touch more hawki sh than market pri ci ng.The Risks t o Our F

89、orecast of a Soft Landing Why do our vi ews di ffer from consensus?Why do we thi nk the Fed can achi eve a soft landi ng now when i t couldnt i n the 1960s and 1970s?And what would lead us to forecast a recessi on i nstead?Relati ve to consensus,we expect roughly i n-li ne i nflati on,a lower unempl

90、oyment rate,hi gher GDP growth,and a sli ghtly hi gher peak funds rate.On i nflati on,there i s substanti al di sagreement among forecasters,but li ttle of i t appears to be dri ven by di fferences i n unemployment rate forecaststhat i s,by tradi ti onal Phi lli ps curve effects.I nstead,i t i s li

91、kely dri ven by vi ews on whether resolvi ng pandemi c di slocati ons i n the goods sector wi ll deli ver a long-awai ted deflati onary i mpulse.Thi s has proven hard to ti me so far,but we thi nk the process i s finally on track.On the unemployment rate,we expect a smaller i ncrease because we cont

92、i nue to take an opti mi sti c vi ew i n the Beveri dge curve debate.Our growth forecast i s above consensus and our recessi on odds are below consensus even though our Fed forecast i s sli ghtly more hawki sh than consensus because we expect demand to prove more resi li ent next year,and because ou

93、r models i mply that the drag on growth from the ti ghteni ng i n financi al condi ti ons i s peaki ng now,whereas others li kely expect the“long and vari able lags”of monetary poli cy to peak later.Exhibit 13:Our Scenario Analysis of Possible Fed Pat hs Implies That Our Probabilit y-Weight ed Avera

94、ge View Is a Touch More Hawkish Than Market Pricing*The recession scenarios show unrealistically slow cuts to capturemany sub-scenarios of recessions starting at various points in time. Sep-22 Mar-2

95、3 Sep-23 Mar-24 Sep-24 Mar-25 Sep-25Fed Funds Rate Scenario AnalysisHigher Inflation,More Hikes(20%)GS Baseline(30%)Recession,Limited Cuts(20%)*Recession,Substantial Cuts(30%)*PercentPercent0. Sep-22

96、Mar-23 Sep-23 Mar-24 Sep-24 Mar-25 Sep-25Fed Funds RateGS BaselineGS Probability-Weighted AverageMarket PricingPercentPercentSour ce:Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment Resear ch18 November 2022 13Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ystWhy do we thi nk the Fed can reverse overheati ng more successfully t

97、oday than i t could i n the 1960s and 1970s?One reason i s that the problem i s less seri ous today:a part of the i nflati on overshoot sti ll reflects pandemi c-related supply-demand i mbalances that wi ll fade on thei r own;j ob openi ngs are very elevated,but the employment-to-populati on rati o

98、i s not unsustai nably hi gh;and whi le short-term i nflati on expectati ons are hi gh,long-term i nflati on expectati ons remai n anchored,meani ng that there i s not yet a percepti on of hi gh i nflati on as a new normal that only a deep recessi on could cure.Another reason i s that monetary poli

99、cymakers today have a more sophi sti cated understandi ng of both i nflati on dynami cs and thei r poli cy tools,are more poli ti cally i ndependent,and have better real-ti me data for moni tori ng the economy.Achi evi ng a soft or at least“softi sh”landi ng i s i n large part a questi on of cali br

100、ati ng poli cy ti ghteni ng correctly,and whi le thi s i snt easy,i t has gone well so far thi s year.Exhibit 14:Relat ive t o Consensus,We Expect a Slight ly More Favorable Inflat ion-Unemployment Tradeoff and See Less Risk of Recession Despit e Having a Slight ly More Hawkish Fed Forecast 12345672

101、34567Forecast for End-2023 Core PCE InflationForecast for End-2023 Unemployment RateGS ForecastConsensus Forecasts of End-2023 Unemployment Rate vs.End-2023 Core PCE Inflation,October WSJ Survey007080901003. of RecessionForecast for Peak Fed Funds RateConsens

102、us Forecasts of Peak Fed Funds Rate vs.Recession Probability,October WSJ SurveyGS ForecastSour ce:Wal l Str eet Jour nal,Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment Resear chExhibit 15:Short-Term Inflat ion Expect at ions Remain High,but Long-Term Expect at ions Are Anchored

103、. Next 1yrUMich Next 5-10yrNY Fed 1yr AheadNY Fed 3yr AheadPercentPercentHousehold Inflation Expectations-2-101234567-2-0022GS Business Inflation Expectations IndexGS Company Price Announcement Ind

104、ex*PercentPercentBusiness Inflation Expectations*Share of sentences mentioning higher prices less share of sentences mentioning lower prices,rescaled to PCE inflation.Sour ce:Feder al Reser ve,Uni ver si ty of Mi chi gan,Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment Resear ch18 November 2022 14Gol dman SachsUS

105、Economi cs Anal ystWhat would make us change our mi nd?We would rai se our recessi on odds i f the beni gn labor market adj ustment led by a decli ne i n j ob openi ngs stops,i f elevated near-term i nflati on expectati ons i n the busi ness sector make a return to pre-pandemi c labor market condi t

106、i ons less effecti ve i n bri ngi ng down wage growth and i nflati on than we are assumi ng,or i f new global supply shocks such as another large j ump i n energy pri ces add to i nflati on momentum and make the Feds task even harder.David Mericle18 November 2022 15Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal y

107、stThe US Economi c and Fi nanci al Outl ook 2020202242025(f)(f)(f)(f)Q1Q2Q3Q4Q1Q2Q3Q4OUTPUT AND SPENDINGReal GDP- GDP(annual=Q4/Q4,quarterly=yoy)- Expenditures-

108、. Fixed Investment7.210.7-10.2-15.8-0.12.0-3.1-17.8-26.4-21.3-17.5-10.0-5.00.0Business Fixed Investment-

109、 Property Products4. Government6.22.3-3.1-0.8-0.10.0-5.3-3.43.7-3.0-1.0- Government0.4- Exports($bn,12)-923-1,233-1,369-1,304-1,351-1,371-1,489-1,431-1,274-1,282-1,282-1,296-1,308-1,329Inv

110、entory Investment($bn,12)-55-2757575Industrial Production,Mfg.- MARKETHousing Starts(units,thous)1,3951,6051,6131,5701,5701,5701,7201,6471,4581,6271,5701,5701,5701,570New Home Sales(units,thous)832278677660960853349652

111、8559613Existing Home Sales(units,thous)5,6386,1275,0573,8314,1474,5096,0575,3734,7704,0283,7503,7933,8583,924Case-Shiller Home Prices(%yoy)*9.518.86.7-7.5-2.23.820.019.613.16.7-1.0-7.4-8.2-7.5INFLATION(%ch,yr/yr)Consumer Price Index(CPI)* CPI*

112、 PCE* MARKETUnemployment Rate(%) Underemployment Rate(%),monthly rate)-774562370295260539349385Employment-

113、Population Ratio(%)57.459.560.059.659.459.260.159.960.160.059.959.859.759.6Labor Force Participation Rate(%)61.561.962.362.262.061.862.462.262.362.362.362.262.262.2Average Hourly Earnings(%yoy) FINANCEFederal Budget(FY,$bn)-3,132-2,775-1,375-1,250-

114、1,350-1,600-FINANCIAL INDICATORSFF Target Range(Bottom-Top,%)0-0.250-0.25 4.25-4.55-5.25 4.25-4.5 3.5-3.750.25-0.5 1.5-1.753-3.25 4.25-4.54.75-55-5.255-5.255-5.2510-Year Treasury Note0.931.523.754.003.753.652.322.983.833.753.904.004.004.00Euro(/$)

115、.05Yen($/)563128125*Annual inflation numbers are December year-on-year values.Quarterly values are Q4/Q4.PCE=Personal consumption expenditures.Denotes end of period.Note:Published figures in bold.Source:Goldman Sachs Global Investment Research.*Weighted average of me

116、tro-level HPIs for 381 metro cities where the weights are dollar values of housing stock reported in the American Community Survey.Annual numbers are Q4/Q4.20222023THE US ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL OUTLOOK(%change on previous period,annualized,except where noted)Sour ce:Gol dman Sachs Gl obal Investment

117、 Resear ch18 November 2022 16Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ystDi scl osure Appendi x Reg AC We,Jan Hatzi us,Alec Phi lli ps,Davi d Meri cle,Spencer Hi ll,CFA,Joseph Bri ggs,Ronni e Walker,Ti m Krupa and Manuel Abecasi s,hereby certi fy that all of the vi ews expressed i n thi s report accurately

118、reflect our personal vi ews,whi ch have not been i nfluenced by consi derati ons of the firms busi ness or cli ent relati onshi ps.Unless otherwi se stated,the i ndi vi duals li sted on the cover page of thi s report are analysts i n Goldman Sachs Global I nvestment Research di vi si on.Disclosures

119、Regulat ory disclosures Disclosures required by Unit ed St at es laws and regulat ions See company-speci fic regulatory di sclosures above for any of the followi ng di sclosures requi red as to compani es referred to i n thi s report:manager or co-manager i n a pendi ng transacti on;1%or other owner

120、shi p;compensati on for certai n servi ces;types of cli ent relati onshi ps;managed/co-managed publi c offeri ngs i n pri or peri ods;di rectorshi ps;for equi ty securi ti es,market maki ng and/or speci ali st role.Goldman Sachs trades or may trade as a pri nci pal i n debt securi ti es(or i n relat

121、ed deri vati ves)of i ssuers di scussed i n thi s report.The followi ng are addi ti onal requi red di sclosures:Ownershi p and materi al confli cts of i nterest:Goldman Sachs poli cy prohi bi ts i ts analysts,professi onals reporti ng to analysts and members of thei r households from owni ng securi

122、ti es of any company i n the analysts area of coverage.Anal yst compensati on:Analysts are pai d i n part based on the profitabi li ty of Goldman Sachs,whi ch i ncludes i nvestment banki ng revenues.Anal yst as officer or di rector:Goldman Sachs poli cy generally prohi bi ts i ts analysts,persons re

123、porti ng to analysts or members of thei r households from servi ng as an officer,di rector or advi sor of any company i n the analysts area of coverage.Non-U.S.Anal ysts:Non-U.S.analysts may not be associ ated persons of Goldman Sachs&Co.LLC and therefore may not be subj ect to FI NRA Rule 2241 or F

124、I NRA Rule 2242 restri cti ons on communi cati ons wi th subj ect company,publi c appearances and tradi ng securi ti es held by the analysts.Addit ional disclosures required under t he laws and regulat ions of jurisdict ions ot her t han t he Unit ed St at es The followi ng di sclosures are those re

125、qui red by the j uri sdi cti on i ndi cated,except to the extent already made above pursuant to Uni ted States laws and regulati ons.Austral i a:Goldman Sachs Australi a Pty Ltd and i ts affili ates are not authori sed deposi t-taki ng i nsti tuti ons(as that term i s defined i n the Banki ng Act 19

126、59(Cth)i n Australi a and do not provi de banki ng servi ces,nor carry on a banki ng busi ness,i n Australi a.Thi s research,and any access to i t,i s i ntended only for“wholesale cli ents”wi thi n the meani ng of the Australi an Corporati ons Act,unless otherwi se agreed by Goldman Sachs.I n produc

127、i ng research reports,members of the Global I nvestment Research Di vi si on of Goldman Sachs Australi a may attend si te vi si ts and other meeti ngs hosted by the compani es and other enti ti es whi ch are the subj ect of i ts research reports.I n some i nstances the costs of such si te vi si ts o

128、r meeti ngs may be met i n part or i n whole by the i ssuers concerned i f Goldman Sachs Australi a consi ders i t i s appropri ate and reasonable i n the speci fic ci rcumstances relati ng to the si te vi si t or meeti ng.To the extent that the contents of thi s document contai ns any financi al pr

129、oduct advi ce,i t i s general advi ce only and has been prepared by Goldman Sachs wi thout taki ng i nto account a cli ents obj ecti ves,financi al si tuati on or needs.A cli ent should,before acti ng on any such advi ce,consi der the appropri ateness of the advi ce havi ng regard to the cli ents ow

130、n obj ecti ves,financi al si tuati on and needs.A copy of certai n Goldman Sachs Australi a and New Zealand di sclosure of i nterests and a copy of Goldman Sachs Australi an Sell-Si de Research I ndependence Poli cy Statement are avai lable at:https:/ sclosures/australi a-new-zealand/i ndex.html.Bra

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137、16 9001.Goldman Sachs may benefici ally own 1%or more of the securi ti es(as such term i s defined i n clause 2(h)the I ndi an Securi ti es Contracts(Regulati on)Act,1956)of the subj ect company or compani es referred to i n thi s research report.Japan:See below.Korea:Thi s research,and any access t

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139、si a)L.L.C.,Seoul Branch.New Zeal and:Goldman Sachs New Zealand Li mi ted and i ts affili ates are nei ther“regi stered banks”nor“deposi t takers”(as defined i n the Reserve Bank of New Zealand Act 1989)i n New Zealand.Thi s research,and any access to i t,i s i ntended for“wholesale cli ents”(as def

140、ined i n the Fi nanci al Advi sers Act 2008)unless otherwi se agreed by Goldman Sachs.A copy of certai n Goldman Sachs Australi a and New Zealand di sclosure of i nterests i s avai lable at:https:/ sclosures/australi a-new-zealand/i ndex.html.Russi a:Research reports di stri buted i n the Russi an F

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145、onsi bi li ty of the i ndi vi dual i nvestor.Uni ted Ki ngdom:Persons who would be categori zed as retai l cli ents i n the Uni ted Ki ngdom,as such term i s defined i n the rules of the Fi nanci al Conduct Authori ty,should read thi s research i n conj uncti on wi th pri or Goldman Sachs research o

146、n the covered compani es referred to herei n and should refer to the ri sk warni ngs that have been sent to them by Goldman Sachs I nternati onal.A copy of these ri sks warni ngs,and a glossary of certai n financi al terms used i n thi s report,are avai lable from Goldman Sachs I nternati onal on re

147、quest.European Uni on and Uni ted Ki ngdom:Di sclosure i nformati on i n relati on to Arti cle 6(2)of the European Commi ssi on Delegated Regulati on(EU)(2016/958)supplementi ng Regulati on(EU)No 596/2014 of the European Parli ament and of the Counci l(i ncludi ng as that Delegated Regulati on i s i

148、 mplemented i nto Uni ted Ki ngdom domesti c law and regulati on followi ng the Uni ted Ki ngdoms departure from the European Uni on and the European Economi c Area)wi th regard to regulatory techni cal standards for the techni cal arrangements for obj ecti ve presentati on of i nvestment 18 Novembe

149、r 2022 18Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ystrecommendati ons or other i nformati on recommendi ng or suggesti ng an i nvestment strategy and for di sclosure of parti cular i nterests or i ndi cati ons of confli cts of i nterest i s avai lable at https:/ sclosures/europeanpoli cy.html whi ch states

150、the European Poli cy for Managi ng Confli cts of I nterest i n Connecti on wi th I nvestment Research.Japan:Goldman Sachs Japan Co.,Ltd.i s a Fi nanci al I nstrument Dealer regi stered wi th the Kanto Fi nanci al Bureau under regi strati on number Ki nsho 69,and a member of Japan Securi ti es Dealer

151、s Associ ati on,Fi nanci al Futures Associ ati on of Japan and Type I I Fi nanci al I nstruments Fi rms Associ ati on.Sales and purchase of equi ti es are subj ect to commi ssi on pre-determi ned wi th cli ents plus consumpti on tax.See company-speci fic di sclosures as to any appli cable di sclosur

152、es requi red by Japanese stock exchanges,the Japanese Securi ti es Dealers Associ ati on or the Japanese Securi ti es Fi nance Company.Global product;dist ribut ing ent it ies The Global I nvestment Research Di vi si on of Goldman Sachs produces and di stri butes research products for cli ents of Go

153、ldman Sachs on a global basi s.Analysts based i n Goldman Sachs offices around the world produce research on i ndustri es and compani es,and research on macroeconomi cs,currenci es,commodi ti es and portfoli o strategy.Thi s research i s di ssemi nated i n Australi a by Goldman Sachs Australi a Pty

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155、ldman Sachs Brasi l:0800 727 5764 e/ou contatogoldmanbrasi .Horri o de funci onamento:segunda-fei ra sexta-fei ra(exceto feri ados),das 9h s 18h;i n Canada by Goldman Sachs&Co.LLC;i n Hong Kong by Goldman Sachs(Asi a)L.L.C.;i n I ndi a by Goldman Sachs(I ndi a)Securi ti es Pri vate Ltd.;i n Japan by

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157、a by Goldman Sachs&Co.LLC.Goldman Sachs I nternati onal has approved thi s research i n connecti on wi th i ts di stri buti on i n the Uni ted Ki ngdom.Effecti ve from the date of the Uni ted Ki ngdoms departure from the European Uni on and the European Economi c Area(“Brexi t Day”)the followi ng i

158、nformati on wi th respect to di stri buti ng enti ti es wi ll apply:Goldman Sachs I nternati onal(“GSI”),authori sed by the Prudenti al Regulati on Authori ty(“PRA”)and regulated by the Fi nanci al Conduct Authori ty(“FCA”)and the PRA,has approved thi s research i n connecti on wi th i ts di stri bu

159、ti on i n the Uni ted Ki ngdom.European Economi c Area:GSI,authori sed by the PRA and regulated by the FCA and the PRA,di ssemi nates research i n the followi ng j uri sdi cti ons wi thi n the European Economi c Area:the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg,I taly,the Ki ngdom of Belgi um,the Ki ngdom of Denma

160、rk,the Ki ngdom of Norway,the Republi c of Fi nland,the Republi c of Cyprus and the Republi c of I reland;GS-Succursale de Pari s(Pari s branch)whi ch,from Brexi t Day,wi ll be authori sed by the French Autori t de contrle prudenti el et de resoluti on(“ACPR”)and regulated by the Autori t de contrle

161、 prudenti el et de resoluti on and the Autori t des marches financi ers(“AMF”)di ssemi nates research i n France;GSI -Sucursal en Espaa(Madri d branch)authori zed i n Spai n by the Comi si n Naci onal del Mercado de Valores di ssemi nates research i n the Ki ngdom of Spai n;GSI -Sweden Bankfili al(S

162、tockholm branch)i s authori zed by the SFSA as a“thi rd country branch”i n accordance wi th Chapter 4,Secti on 4 of the Swedi sh Securi ti es and Market Act(Sw.lag(2007:528)om vrdepappersmarknaden)di ssemi nates research i n the Ki ngdom of Sweden;Goldman Sachs Bank Europe SE(“GSBE”)i s a credi t i

163、nsti tuti on i ncorporated i n Germany and,wi thi n the Si ngle Supervi sory Mechani sm,subj ect to di rect prudenti al supervi si on by the European Central Bank and i n other respects supervi sed by German Federal Fi nanci al Supervi sory Authori ty(Bundesanstalt fr Fi nanzdi enstlei stungsaufsi c

164、ht,BaFi n)and Deutsche Bundesbank and di ssemi nates research i n the Federal Republi c of Germany and those j uri sdi cti ons wi thi n the European Economi c Area where GSI i s not authori sed to di ssemi nate research and addi ti onally,GSBE,Copenhagen Branch fili al af GSBE,Tyskland,supervi sed b

165、y the Dani sh Fi nanci al Authori ty di ssemi nates research i n the Ki ngdom of Denmark;GSBE-Sucursal en Espaa(Madri d branch)subj ect(to a li mi ted extent)to local supervi si on by the Bank of Spai n di ssemi nates research i n the Ki ngdom of Spai n;GSBE-Succursale I tali a(Mi lan branch)to the

166、relevant appli cable extent,subj ect to local supervi si on by the Bank of I taly(Banca dI tali a)and the I tali an Compani es and Exchange Commi ssi on(Commi ssi one Nazi onale per le Soci et e la Borsa“Consob”)di ssemi nates research i n I taly;GSBE-Succursale de Pari s(Pari s branch),supervi sed

167、by the AMF and by the ACPR di ssemi nates research i n France;and GSBE-Sweden Bankfili al(Stockholm branch),to a li mi ted extent,subj ect to local supervi si on by the Swedi sh Fi nanci al Supervi sory Authori ty(Fi nansi npekti onen)di ssemi nates research i n the Ki ngdom of Sweden.General disclo

168、sures Thi s research i s for our cli ents only.Other than di sclosures relati ng to Goldman Sachs,thi s research i s based on current publi c i nformati on that we consi der reli able,but we do not represent i t i s accurate or complete,and i t should not be reli ed on as such.The i nformati on,opi

169、ni ons,esti mates and forecasts contai ned herei n are as of the date hereof and are subj ect to change wi thout pri or noti ficati on.We seek to update our research as appropri ate,but vari ous regulati ons may prevent us from doi ng so.Other than certai n i ndustry reports publi shed on a peri odi

170、 c basi s,the large maj ori ty of reports are publi shed at i rregular i ntervals as appropri ate i n the analysts j udgment.Goldman Sachs conducts a global full-servi ce,i ntegrated i nvestment banki ng,i nvestment management,and brokerage busi ness.We have i nvestment banki ng and other busi ness

171、relati onshi ps wi th a substanti al percentage of the compani es covered by our Global I nvestment Research Di vi si on.Goldman Sachs&Co.LLC,the Uni ted States broker dealer,i s a member of SI PC(https:/www.si pc.org).Our salespeople,traders,and other professi onals may provi de oral or wri tten ma

172、rket commentary or tradi ng strategi es to our cli ents and pri nci pal tradi ng desks that reflect opi ni ons that are contrary to the opi ni ons expressed i n thi s research.Our asset management area,pri nci pal tradi ng desks and i nvesti ng busi nesses may make i nvestment deci si ons that are i

173、 nconsi stent wi th the recommendati ons or vi ews expressed i n thi s research.We and our affili ates,officers,di rectors,and employees,wi ll from ti me to ti me have long or short posi ti ons i n,act as pri nci pal i n,and buy or sell,the securi ti es or deri vati ves,i f any,referred to i n thi s

174、 research,unless otherwi se prohi bi ted by regulati on or Goldman Sachs poli cy.The vi ews attri buted to thi rd party presenters at Goldman Sachs arranged conferences,i ncludi ng i ndi vi duals from other parts of Goldman Sachs,do not necessari ly reflect those of Global I nvestment Research and a

175、re not an offici al vi ew of Goldman Sachs.Any thi rd party referenced herei n,i ncludi ng any salespeople,traders and other professi onals or members of thei r household,may have posi ti ons i n the products menti oned that are i nconsi stent wi th the vi ews expressed by analysts named i n thi s r

176、eport.Thi s research i s focused on i nvestment themes across markets,i ndustri es and sectors.I t does not attempt to di sti ngui sh between the prospects or performance of,or provi de analysi s of,i ndi vi dual compani es wi thi n any i ndustry or sector we descri be.Any tradi ng recommendati on i

177、 n thi s research relati ng to an equi ty or credi t securi ty or securi ti es wi thi n an i ndustry or sector i s reflecti ve of the i nvestment theme bei ng di scussed and i s not a recommendati on of any such securi ty i n i solati on.Thi s research i s not an offer to sell or the soli ci tati on

178、 of an offer to buy any securi ty i n any j uri sdi cti on where such an offer or soli ci tati on would be i llegal.I t does not consti tute a personal recommendati on or take i nto account the parti cular i nvestment obj ecti ves,financi al si tuati ons,or needs of i ndi vi dual cli ents.Cli ents s

179、hould consi der whether any advi ce or recommendati on i n thi s research i s sui table for thei r parti cular ci rcumstances and,i f appropri ate,seek professi onal advi ce,i ncludi ng tax advi ce.The pri ce and value of i nvestments referred to i n thi s research and the i ncome from them may fluc

180、tuate.Past performance i s not a gui de to future performance,future returns are not guaranteed,and a loss of ori gi nal capi tal may occur.18 November 2022 19Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal ystFluctuati ons i n exchange rates could have adverse effects on the value or pri ce of,or i ncome deri ved

181、 from,certai n i nvestments.Certai n transacti ons,i ncludi ng those i nvolvi ng futures,opti ons,and other deri vati ves,gi ve ri se to substanti al ri sk and are not sui table for all i nvestors.I nvestors should revi ew current opti ons and futures di sclosure documents whi ch are avai lable from

182、 Goldman Sachs sales representati ves or at https:/ cati ons/character-ri sks.j sp and https:/www.fiadocumentati on.org/fia/regulatory-di sclosures_1/fia-uni form-futures-and-opti ons-on-futures-ri sk-di sclosures-booklet-pdf-versi on-2018.Transacti on costs may be si gni ficant i n opti on strategi

183、 es calli ng for multi ple purchase and sales of opti ons such as spreads.Supporti ng documentati on wi ll be suppli ed upon request.Di fferi ng Level s of Servi ce provi ded by Gl obal Investment Research:The level and types of servi ces provi ded to you by the Global I nvestment Research di vi si

184、on of GS may vary as compared to that provi ded to i nternal and other external cli ents of GS,dependi ng on vari ous factors i ncludi ng your i ndi vi dual preferences as to the frequency and manner of recei vi ng communi cati on,your ri sk profile and i nvestment focus and perspecti ve(e.g.,market

185、wi de,sector speci fic,long term,short term),the si ze and scope of your overall cli ent relati onshi p wi th GS,and legal and regulatory constrai nts.As an example,certai n cli ents may request to recei ve noti ficati ons when research on speci fic securi ti es i s publi shed,and certai n cli ents

186、may request that speci fic data underlyi ng analysts fundamental analysi s avai lable on our i nternal cli ent websi tes be deli vered to them electroni cally through data feeds or otherwi se.No change to an analysts fundamental research vi ews(e.g.,rati ngs,pri ce targets,or materi al changes to ea

187、rni ngs esti mates for equi ty securi ti es),wi ll be communi cated to any cli ent pri or to i nclusi on of such i nformati on i n a research report broadly di ssemi nated through electroni c publi cati on to our i nternal cli ent websi tes or through other means,as necessary,to all cli ents who are

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189、 s Goldman Sachs responsi ble for the redi stri buti on of our research by thi rd party aggregators.For research,models or other data related to one or more securi ti es,markets or asset classes(i ncludi ng related servi ces)that may be avai lable to you,please contact your GS representati ve or go

190、to https:/.Di sclosure i nformati on i s also avai lable at https:/ or from Research Compli ance,200 West Street,New York,NY 10282.2022 Gol dman Sachs.No part of thi s materi al may be(i)copi ed,photocopi ed or dupl i cated i n any form by any means or(i i)redi stri buted wi thout the pri or wri tten consent of The Gol dman Sachs Group,Inc.18 November 2022 20Gol dman SachsUS Economi cs Anal yst



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