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1、2022 China Gaming Cloud ServiceMarket Research2022年中国游戏云市场报告2022年中国市場報告Leadleo Research InstituteFrost&Sullivan Consulting(China)Key Points:cloud-side collaboration;development via cloud;operation and maintenance via cloud2022.12InstructionFrost&Sullivan and Leadleo Research Institute hereby release

2、 the annualreport“2022 China Gaming Cloud Service Market Report”as one of theChina cloud computing series reports.This report aims to analyze currentsituation,application prospects,technical trends and development trendsof China Gaming Cloud service market,and to identify the competitivelandscape in

3、 the Gaming Cloud service market,while reflecting respectivecompetitive advantages of leading vendors in this market segment.Frost&Sullivan and LeadLeo Research Institute conducted downstream user experience surveys on GamingCloud Service market.Respondents are of different sizes and in different se

4、gments in each of its industry thatincludes consumption,media,operators.Trends in Gaming Cloud Service market presented in this report also reflect trends in the Cloud Serviceindustry as a whole.The reports final judgment on market ranking and leadership echelon are onlyapplicable to the industry de

5、velopment cycle of this year.All figures,tables and text in this report are based on the surveys from Frost&Sullivan China and LeadLeoResearch Institute.All data are rounded to one decimal place.Any content provided in the report(including but not limited to data,text,charts,images,etc.)is the exclu

6、siveand highly confidential document of LeadLeo Research Institute(unless the source is otherwise indicated inthe report).Without the prior written permission of LeadLeo Research Institute,no one is allowed to copy,reproduce,disseminate,publish,quote,adapt or compile the contents of this report in a

7、ny way.If anybehaviour violating the above agreement occurs,LeadLeo Research Institute reserves the right to take legalmeasures and hold relevant personnel responsible.LeadLeo Research Institute uses“LeadLeo ResearchInstitute”or“LeadLeo”trade name or trademark in all business activities conducted by

8、 LeadLeo ResearchInstitute.LeadLeo Research Institute neither has other branches other than the aforementioned name nordoes it authorize or employ any other third party to carry out business activities on behalf of LeadLeoResearch Institute.Sullivan Market R400-072-55883Overview of Gaming Cloud Serv

9、ice Market of China-05 Gaming Cloud Service Infrastructure Core Demaning Points of Gaming Cloud ServicesGaming Cloud Service-Convergence of Emerging Technologies-09 5G Technology Integration&Application Intelligent Technology Integration&ApplicationOpportunities in and Challenges to Gaming Cloud Ser

10、vice Market of China-12 Opportunities in Scenario Expansion Challenges to Technology UpgradeTrends in application of Gaming Cloud computing resource-15 Customized Cloud Computing Services Applied to Gaming Cloud Scenario Reusing Computing Power within Gaming Cloud Scenario Trend in Network Traffic a

11、nd Terminal DevelopmentCompetitive Landscape of Gaming Cloud Service Market of China-19 Assessment Criteria Comprehensive Vendor Assessment Leading Competitor:Amazon Web Services(AWS)Leading Competitor:Tencent Cloud Leading Competitor:Huawei CloudMethodology-31Legal Disclaimer-32ContentsSullivan Mar

12、ket R400-072-55884 Figure 1:Schematic graph of the Gaming Cloud service infrastructure Gaming Cloud Infrastructure diagram-06 Figure 2:Gaming Cloud service function application and key points of user demand-07 Figure 3:Convergence of Gaming Cloud service and 5G-10 Figure 4:Intelligent technology and

13、 Gaming Cloud serviceintegration mapping-11 Figure 5:Global Service implements multi-write synchronous relational/non-relational database-14 Figure 6:Customized cloud computing power growth trends-16 Figure 7:Computing power development and its typical application load requirements-17 Figure 8:Growt

14、h of Cloud Gaming Smart Terminals-18Figures&ChartsChapter 1 Overview of Gaming Cloud Service Market of China1.1 What is the basic architecture of the Gaming Cloud service and how do vendors efficiently implement information flow transmission?1.2 What is the application status and user demand of diff

15、erentsegments of Gaming Cloud service?The multi-level cloud architecture can be divided into GamingCloud service content layer,Gaming Cloud PaaS layer,and GamingCloud IaaS layer.This multi-level architecture help achieve efficientinformation flow transmission for game developers and operator.The mul

16、ti-scenario practice of Gaming Cloud service broadenedconcerning user coverage,enriched application scenarios,andattracted loyal paying users while strengthening deep-binding userrelationship.Along with hardware upgrading progress,GamingCloud service vendors fully considered the existing demands ofg

17、ame developers and gamers.Further technical methods such asedge computing and GPU multi-channel rendering also promotedGaming Cloud service to grow with a faster 400-072-5588Sullivan Market Report6China:Cloud Series Gaming Cloud service utilizes multi-layered architecture to achieveefficient informa

18、tion flow transmissionTo achieve more efficiency in game development,game operation,gamedissemination andgame distribution,Gaming Cloud service began to bewidely used by game developing companies.The architecture of gamingcloud service mainly includes gaming cloud content layer,gaming cloudPaaS laye

19、r and gaming cloud IaaS layer.While the computing power ofgame operation evolves,end-devices for players to reach gaming contentalso gradually expanded,including cell phones,tablets,PCs,large-screenentertainment systems,VR all-in-one machines,etc.Gaming Cloud service enjoy features such as long-term

20、 connection retentionsession,long-termstatemaintenance,low-latencynetwork,highIOthroughput,andhighcomputingperformance.Thegamingscenarioenquires fluent interaction among gamers.While cloud service structure isprogressively layered and decoupled,users still require high computingpower from the underl

21、ying server.Hence,It is necessary to solve issuesconcerning cloud rendering,streaming,encoding and decoding,and meetup with requirement from cloud mobile games,mobile games,VR and evenenterprise-level visual rendering scenarios.1.1Gaming Cloud Service InfrastructureFigure 1:Schematic diagram of the

22、Gaming Cloud service infrastructureDDOSHSSWeb SecurityWAFCDNSLBEIPNetwork Access ControlACLNATVirtualized Environment SetupGEMUx86ARMCloud Gaming Resources-National ServerCloud Gaming Resources-Overseas ServersGaming Cloud IaaSPC Gaming Cloud service ClusterMobile Gaming Cloud service ClusterGaming

23、Cloud PaaSPC GamesMobile GamesGaming Cloud ContentTV GamesVR GamesH5 Browser GamesMOBA GamesFighting GamesAction GamesFPS/TPS GamesRacing GamesContent CenterGame AdaptationImage ManagementFulfillment CenterAccount ManagementPay BillingControl CenterResource SchedulingO&M MonitoringMulti-terminalPoly

24、morphicMulti-operating SystemMultiple virtualization scenariosMultiple PeripheralsPaaS service seek innovative breakthroughs,forming mature low-code/no-code solutionsIaaS improves the cost efficiency of enterprise hardware and facilities;PaaS further reduces overhead and extends application beyond p

25、rofessional 400-072-5588Sullivan Market Report7China:Cloud Series1.2Core Demaning Points of Gaming Cloud ServicesFigure 2:Gaming Cloud service function application and key points of user demand5G provides ample bandwidth space to meet high bandwidth demandsPhysical implementation,network upgrades,an

26、d other technologies to meet low-latency requirementsEnhance end-to-end netwrok slicing technology tomeet network stability requirementsEnsure stable bandwidth and network bandwidth requirements;Compute nodes deployed in edge data centers;improve transmission efficiency and reduce end-to-end latency

27、5G communicationEdge computingVirtualization and container capabilityGPU Multi-interface cascadeStreaming technologyMulti-way parallel rendering and isolation;High-performance transfer/memory interface;Multi-chip cascade,improved display rendering and codec performance;larger amounts of memoryThe en

28、coding pushing flow supports dynamic bitrate to ensure low packet lossSupport anti-shake image and enhance experienceDetect network bandwidth accurately and timely;adjust dynamic code streams dynamicallyMaximize server-side hardware performanceManage massive applications and reduce cost of cloud gam

29、ingoperation Emerging integration between gaming cloud service and game multi-consumption scenes;paying willingness of C-end users increasedThe integration of gaming cloud services with VR,live streaming,advertising,shopping and other emerging scenarios further expands the range of usersreached and

30、covered by various game workshops and enhances the richness ofgame payment scenarios.Based on solid industry chain resources on cloudcomputing,gaming cloud service providers gradually strengthen gaming cloudproductsandfunctionmatrix,andhelpgameenterpriseswithrichdevelopment tools,promotion and distr

31、ibution channels to attract more C-endconsumers to participate and make payment.This deepens the binding effectbetween and application depth of gaming cloud services and game industrywhile expanding the revenue scale of the whole game 400-072-5588Sullivan Market Report8China:Cloud Series Clear pursu

32、it of integration between Gaming Cloud service and bigdata,AI,5G and other emerging technologyFrom the perspective of game developers and other entities served byGaming Cloud service vendors,hardware upgrading and innovation is onlypart of their main focus.These entities also put more efforts in pur

33、suingcheaper and high-quality cloud services.Gaming Cloud service providersneed to continuously expand their service scale and improve couldcomputing quality to meet up with customer needs.Edge computing technology enables computing resource from serviceplatforms to sink closer to the user side,shor

34、tening latency and improvinguser experience.Also,Increasing user demand on GPU related functions hasspawned multi-form of cloud computing service and differentiated methodon configuration.The implementation of Gaming Cloud services structure isalso accelerated by multiple 5G application scenarios,su

35、ch as mobilebroadband(eMBB),ultra-reliable and low-latency communication(uRLLC),and massive machine-based communication(mMTC).Chapter 2 Gaming Cloud Service-Convergence of Emerging Technologies2.1 How does 5G technology converge with Gaming Cloud service?And how does the process go?2.2 Under what ki

36、nd of scenarios is intelligent technology applied to and integrated with the Gaming Cloud service?Favorable factors from both the market environment and industrychain ecology promoted the development of 5G technology.Theconvergence between 5G technology and Gaming Cloud servicetook a big leap from t

37、heoretically feasible to commercial take-offduring the past two decades.Intelligent technology is also widely applied to the Gaming Cloudservice industry,help forming an intertwining technical system,andpromotes the construction of AL/ML cloud service ecology tobecome the underlying foundation of In

38、ternet service of the next-400-072-5588Sullivan Market Report10China:Cloud Series2.15G Technology Integration&Application Favorable market factors:positive signals from consuming sideWe have witnessed harsh challenges from the COVID pandemic within the past three years.And at currentstage,we face ur

39、gent need from market to seek quick rebounce in economic development.Potentialconsumption in the global market is further released by actively enriching the application scenarios of 5Gtechnology,driving the consumption of 5G cell phones and other terminals,promoting other consumption ine-commerce,an

40、d encouraging online education and online entertainment,etc.Up to now,China Mobile hasbuilt about 300,000 5G base stations,aiming to cover all nationwide cities above the prefecture level with 5Gnetworks.As 5G networks and terminals gradually gain acceleration in popularity and application,the obvio

41、usadvantages of high speed,low latency and wide connectivity were given full play and greatly enhancedexperience for gamers.Favorable ecology factors:extension and reinforcement of industry chainAlong with changes in consumers perception of payment scenarios,as an emerging part of the cloudcomputing

42、 economy,the Gaming Cloud service is now leading the cloud industry to become one of the mostsignificant influencer and market booster under the pandemic.The effect of stay-at-home economyaccelerates the penetration of games among potential users,driving more potential end point users to noticeand e

43、njoy cloud gaming,hence nurturing user habits to purchase different form of cloud platform relatedservice.Leading enterprises within cloud service industry use their own advantages to drive continuous growthof the Gaming Cloud service market.Game content developers such as Tencent and NetEase also p

44、lay a vital role in the Gaming Cloud serviceindustry chain.By gradually migrating from traditional developing platform to cloud developing platform,whilepaying more attention to game content and increasing investment in production and research of high-qualitygames and large-scale games.Growth of Con

45、vergenceThe fifth generation of mobile communication(5G)technologyrepresents the main direction of current network development,driving overall social interconnection develop to the next level:from people interaction to both interconnection between humanand device,and the M2M interaction.Relevant dev

46、eloping trendsplace profound impact on how human society operates in thefuture.As to Gaming Cloud service industry,converging with 5Gtechnologywouldhelpovercomeshortcomingsofcloudcomputing service under more mobile scenarios.Commercial rendering in the4G network era acceleratesinformation penetratio

47、n;Domestic and foreign giantsand start-upscontinuetoexplorevariousGamingCloud service solutions andbusiness models.At the end of 2018,thedistribution of game versionnumber recovered;Opportunity from the supplyside promoted the growthrate of the industry and theperformanceofleadingcompanies5G Gaming

48、Cloud serviceoptimizesexpectationsoflong-term industry growthProposetheconceptofGaming Cloud service;Thedevelopmentoftheindustry is limited by factorssuchasinfrastructureandnetwork conditions.Enhance Gaming Cloud serviceecosystem,fastenintegrationamong R&D,distribution,andoperation,fast growth of gl

49、obalgaming marketFeaturesofgamecontentstreaming help open up gamesubscription market and arouseincrementsApplication of 5G technologyaccelerated;cognitive need ofmetaverse increase;methods ofGamingCloudservicemakeleapfrogging breakthroughsFigure 3:Convergence of Gaming Cloud service with 5G2000-2009

50、technically feasible technology mature2010-2018theoretically feasible technically feasibletechnology mature commercially viableCommercially viable commercial leap-400-072-5588Sullivan Market Report11China:Cloud Series2.2Intelligent Technology Integration&ApplicationElectronic devices su

51、ch as game consoles,mobile phones,AR/VR devices are systems derived from traditionalcomputing systems for specific purposes.Based on different forms of devices,Intelligent technology such ascomputer language design,computer algorithm design,computer graphics,software and hardware architecture,networ

52、k debugging and adaptation,interactive devices and many others are broadly applied and upgraded witha fast pace,while promoting the development,operation and maintenance efficiency of Gaming Cloud service.The way that intelligent technology integrate with Gaming Cloud service can be divided into thr

53、ee periods.Basic ConvergenceAt this point,service related to game development and operation begin to merge with intelligent technology ona basic level.Intelligent technology help assist rule design of the architecture of Gaming Cloud service and helpform automatic functions for game development.Conv

54、ergence and technology iterationCloud service vendors have preliminary experience in the application of intelligent technology in game businessand begin to try to accelerate the development and adaptation of intelligent tools in user interaction experienceupgrading,massive data correlation analysis,

55、automated operation and distribution,etc.Convergence and function spilloverThe application of intelligent technology in the game field comes to mature,and the application of intelligenttechnology in the front-end expanded to fields like personalized content creation,numerical value tuning,gamelogic

56、design,AI competitive robot,private domain socialization,etc.In the back-end,it provides more maturesolutions for game enterprises in public opinion analysis,advertising and precise promotion.Figure 4:Intelligent technology and Gaming Cloud service integration mappingGame EngineMachineLearningVirtua

57、l Human TechnologyVirtual Game ControllersMotion Capture TechnologyGame AI TechnologyServer TechnologySandbox Governance TechniquesRendering technology-automatic sceneproduction methodsGame graphic techniques-anti-aliasing,shadows,textures,procedural modelingScripting System-Visual scripting editing

58、GameEditorandPipeline-Scene/Story/Character/Effects EditorVirtual human renderings-hair,skin,clothingData-drivenvirtualhuman-virtual humangesture/expression drivenLaser positioningSupervised learningReinforcement learningVirtual haptic technologyHaptic feedback technologyEMG sensing technologyGaze p

59、oint optical technologyInertial motion captureOptical motion captureChapter 3:Opportunities in and Challenges to Gaming Cloud Service Market of China3.1 What knid of application scenarios are involved in the gaming cloud service and what knid of opportunities exist?3.2 What are bottlenecks and chall

60、enges to technology upgrade and iteration within gaming cloud service?The Gaming Cloud vendors face many customer groups,includinggame developers,game publishers,game operation platforms,game media platforms and the gamers group,and the personalizeddemands of different customer groups bring opportun

61、ities forgaming cloud service market to expand.The Gaming Cloud service industry in China faces opportunities andchallenges at the same time.Concerning requirement of networksecurity protection,complex dynamic database construction,andrich global backbone network construction,cloud service providers

62、need to combine their own advantages and grow from single-400-072-55883.1Opportunitiesin Scenario Expansion Low ConfigurationMulti-TerminalGame MasterpiecesExperienceVendors support users to run games across multiple terminals(PC terminal,mobile terminal,web page,workload,etc.)simultaneously by adap

63、ting to gamingcloud platforms.Owe to upgraded functions concerningGPU virtualization,edge computing,container technology,audio and video codec technology,cloud service help gamers who can only get access to low-end equipment find suitable ways to reach heavy load games,hence reduce threshold and hel

64、p developers to improve user accumulation and retention rate.Download-Free,Installation-Free,Cloud TrialGaming Cloud supports multiple traffic entrances,including advertising slots,information streams,application market,etc.Through lightweighted entry,users can access games without downloading,hence

65、increase game conversion rate.Through cloud service functions,video website operator could greatly improve efficiency in video traffic conversion.For example,game hosts can transfer gaming control to fans in video stream or let viewers to enter game scene directly through video stream.Large ScreenHi

66、gh Image QualitySmoothInteractive ExperienceGame developers cooperate with smart TV manufacturers by rendering technical system through cloud platforms and provide high-quality game experience for large-screen TV users,almost as well performed as professional gaming devices in terms of image quality

67、 and latency standards.By connecting gamepad or cell phone virtual handler with large-screen TV system,more players would be attracted to large-screen scenario and hence release potential demand for big screen game experience.Simple InstallationPreloadingGame Instant LaunchingGaming cloud service ve

68、ndors support real-time cloud rendering to help game developers efficiently build one-stop“game micro-end”,providing gamers with additional functions such as cloud trial,silent download,login/payment penetration and update package free installation.Players with low-end cell phone configuration can g

69、et game experience almost the same as original gaming terminals through micro end package.Reduced package size can effectively lower cost of customer acquisition and improve launch effect.Gaming Cloud serviceface multiple user groups,including game developers,game operators,communication operators,e

70、tc.Vendorsprovide customized services to stimulate potential consumption and help customers to upgrade their 400-072-55883.3Technology upgrade challengesThe Gaming Cloud service industry in China faces opportunities and challenges at the same time.Concerning requirement of network security protectio

71、n,complex dynamic database construction,and rich global backbone network construction,cloud service providers need to combine their own advantages and grow from single-point technology breakthrough to comprehensive technology stack construction.Gaming cloud service faces multi-faceted security threa

72、tsWith the expansion of the deployment scale and the scope of global networkcollaboration,coupled with the edge computing architecture collaboration,GPU virtualization and the complex information flow(audio and video streams),the exposure of the gaming cloud assets has increased,and the globalattack

73、ers carried out more frequent and decentralized attacks on the gamingcloud-related network facilities,aiming at paralyzing the facilities and extortinghigh ransoms,and implement DDoS attacks on networks and applications,andthis would pose challenges to the stability of the gaming cloud.In addition,t

74、here are security loopholes in different parts of the gameproduction chain,such as design,implementation and testing.This requirescloud service providers to take comprehensive measures such as threatmodeling,security code review,fuzzy testing and security testing to takecontrol in front and minimize

75、 risks caused by security events.Cross-services and cross-regional data synchronizationIn order to help gamers meet less restriction from region while experiencinghigh-quality games from Chinese game developers and share game strategies,game experiences and form battle teams through multiple social

76、channels,gaming cloud service providers need to ensure that user-device interactiondata and device-device interaction data(M2M)can be efficiently and smoothlysynchronized globally.Gaming cloud service providers need to build globallyunified account system by constructing global synchronized multi-wr

77、itingdatabase and by using cross-regional data replication architecture to createstable and safe account synchronization experience for gamers.Global-level matchmaking gamers seek ultra-low latencyCross-border matchmaking and global gaming scenarios break nationalboundaries,and the gaming cloud arch

78、itecture help gamers in differentregionsandlanguagesystemsachievesmoothinteractioninvariouscooperative scenarios and competitive matchmaking scenarios.Under the demand-oriented influence from“microservice+automation”,cloud service providers face multiple challenges:to further control bandwidthcostsw

79、hilepromotingarchitectureautomationandhigh-performancetransmission efficiency.Figure 6:Global Service implements multi-writesynchronous relational/non-relational databaseUSEUINDJPPain points of the global server game:Architecture design:different types of games design and how to deploy gameaccess la

80、yer,logic layer and data layer Network delay:Players in different regions can access the game smoothly Data R/W:Reading and writing data efficiently and maintain data consistency Resourcemanagement:Unifiedandefficientgameoperationandmaintenance and resource managementChapter 4 Trends in application

81、of Gaming Cloud Computing Resource4.1 Customized Cloud Computing Power applied togaming cloud service4.2 Reusing computing resource within gaming cloudservice4.3 Trends of traffic entrance and terminal devicesThe growing trend of customized cloud computing service is mainlymanifested by three points

82、,namely the optimization from productside,the improvement from technical side and the improvementfrom service side.The development of computing power includes the improvement ofinfrastructure capabilities and the increase in computing efficiency.The multiplexing of computing power is conducive to th

83、e efficientuse of computing power and the realization of global optimization.The mainstream entrance to game content is more diversified andlarge screen gaming experience is under pursuit;the continuousexpansion of cloud intelligent terminal market creates momentumfor continuous growth in game and g

84、aming cloud 400-072-5588Sullivan Market Report16China:Cloud Series4.1Customized Cloud Computing Services Applied to Gaming Cloud ScenariooEdge computing is diversifying on thelevel of product form and underlyingarchitecture,and customized servers areexpected to become the dominant driverin the edge

85、computing infrastructure.oBuild a stable and efficient platform toimprove computing infrastructure andhigh-speed network construction,andestablish standardized computing serviceplatform with customized functionsCustomizationCloud Edge ComputingIndustry-Level Applicationbasic infrastructurecomputing

86、power providersindustry sideapplication sideup-streammiddle streamsdown-streamSmart calculation high-end industry chainProduct OptimizationTechnology UpgradeService Improvementmulti-industry integrationenrich application scenarioslocal instant serviceflexible billing methodsFigure 7:Customized Cloud

87、 Computing Application Points”Cloud computing power services are becoming a new delivery form,enabling the high-qualitydevelopment of the computing economy.Baohong,He,Director of the Institute of Cloud Computing and Big Data,CAICTAs a new type of resource delivery method,computing service has gradua

88、lly derived from basic cloud computing to AI computing,supercomputing and other modes,and the computing efficiency can be measured and optimized through the dimensions ofconnection,volume,elasticity and capacity of computing.The application of customized computing service to gaming businessmainly sh

89、ows following characteristics.(1)Gaming cloud resources integrate heterogeneous computing power to promote the universality of computing service to gameenterprises of different scales;(2)Multi-layer hierarchical computing resources promote the ubiquity of gaming cloud services in different aspects o

90、f the gamingbusiness;(3)The gaming cloud resources unify the computing output standard and promote the standardization of computing service in thegaming industry.Compared with the initial centralized cloud service model,the cloud-edge collaborative computing service model has richerconnotation,inclu

91、ding the computing resource from the whole chain of cloud,edge and end;intelligent computing power is moreuser-centered,providing customized services,helping the traditional industry transform and upgrade,and constructing moreeffective R&D,operation and promotion workflow for gaming industry.oComput

92、ingtechnologiesrelatedtocomputing networks include task switchingtechniques,intelligentflowabstraction,resource assignment,domain control,netrange,labeled architectures,endomorphicsecurity,on-net computing,etc.oDeterministicnetworkinthefieldofcommunicationandnetworkingisalsoimportant in achieving co

93、mputing networkswithcontrolledperformanceanduserexperience.oPublic computing services need to focus onthree issues.oThe interface issue:realizing the interfacebetween users and resourcesoThe service device isssue:the medium toconvert resources into servicesoTheissueofproductheterogeneity:Computing s

94、ervice shows complexity anddiversity.Thereisneedtoensurecompatibilityamongdifferentprogramming languages and 400-072-5588Sullivan Market Report17China:Cloud Series4.2Reusing Computing Power within Gaming Cloud ScenarioIntelligent computing systems face multiple challenges:includingcomputationalplatf

95、ormdesignoptimization,computationalefficiency improvement in complex heterogeneous environments,highly parallel and scalable computational frameworks,andcomputational performance upgrade for AI applications.Thecomputing power reuse solution helps to relieve the resourcepressure under the intelligent

96、 computing system.Data center sizeSoftware and service supportData center PUECloud computing technologyCPU utilization efficiencyMemory efficiencyComputingefficiencyInfrastructure capacityComputingpowerinfrastructurepresentsdevelopmenttrends such as computing heterogeneity,computing networkcollabora

97、tion,ubiquitous computing power,and green andlow-carbon development.In the short term,this can helpstabilize investment and expand domestic demand.In thelong run,thsi would promote the construction of digitalinfrastructure,help with supply-side structural reforms,andsupport High-quality development

98、of the digital economy.customized requirementsenergy savingdemand for diverse computing power drives growthunderlying supportNew technology utilization efficiencyStorage device utilization efficiencyNetwork infrastructureStorage infrastructureComputing Power Development Efficient utilization of comp

99、uting system to achieve global optimization of computing powerBased on the complex network demand and requirement to optimize computing resource,cloud serviceproviders gradually master the computing network linkage control solution.Through the integrated managementand collaborative scheduling of mul

100、tiple resources such as network,storage and others,vendors achieve theglobal optimization of connectivity and computing.The linkage control solution includes centralized solution,distributed solution,hybrid solution and other routes in technical implementation,and would help realize theroute reachab

101、ility of computing nodes and fully mobilize the control ability of IP router nodes.Service providers can reuse the resources under the existing IP network,and improve the computing informationdistribution efficiency while fully considering real-time network status and computing resource invocation s

102、tatus,hence support high-speed scheduling of different applications,and ensure that massive applications can reachthe appropriate computing nodes.Figure 8:Computing power development and typical application bearing requirementsBandwidth requirementslowhigh100G10G1G50M2MindustrialcontrolIoTcollection

103、Real-time collection and decision-makingAI machinevisionVideorenderingSupercomputerCloud AR/VRBig 400-072-5588Sullivan Market Report18China:Cloud Series4.3Trend in Network Traffic and Terminal DevelopmentFigure 9:Growth of Cloud Gaming Smart TerminalsIn 2021,the global 5G mobile phone shipmentsexcee

104、ded 550 million units,accounting for morethan 40%of all.It is estimated that by 2025,5Gmobile phones will account for more than 70%ofthe global mobile phone shipments.smart TVgame host=smart phone2021550 million+cloud game intelligent terminal+The continuous demand in manyemergingmarketssuchasCentra

105、l and Eastern Europe,AsiaPacific,Middle East and Africapromotes the steady growth ofthesmartphonemarketandexpands the potential scale ofmobile cloud game usersSmartphone manufacturers andInternetcontentdevelopersenterthelarge-screenentertainmentsystemmarket,promoting games and gamingcloud vendors to

106、 penetrate theliving room scene,forming amulti-system interaction amongmobile,host and large-screenHigh-quality exclusive content isexpected to further attract andstimulate willingness of potentialgamertopay,andpromotegaming cloud service providersto help increase value for high-quality game content

107、 with high-quality computing resources.Diversified development of traffic entrances and rapid popularization of cross-system workflowCurrently,the mainstream traffic entrances of cloud gaming include cell phones,tablets,PCs,etc.Terminals likesmart TVs,VR/AR devices,smart cars and other end point dev

108、ices also gradually become potential gamingtraffic entrances.The existing market bonus in smart terminal market also bring strong increasing potential forthe development of gaming cloud.With the combination of Large screen+ultra-high definition+gamehandle,more and more host-like gaming system can cr

109、eate ultimate user experience for players.In this case,large-screen gaming scenario also become one of the key targets of gaming cloud services vendors.Thegrowing application of game content platforms help game developers to switch flexibly and optimize workflowcollaboration among Windows,OS,Android

110、,IOS,Linux,TV,browser and other heterogeneous systems.Requirement for fast upgrade and iteration of system and hardware also drive creation of game anddeployment of gaming cloud serviceFactors such as rapid iteration of screen technology,upgraded mobile side network connection,variousentertaining sc

111、enario from TV side,improved content experience through game consoles,and steady raise ofPC ownership all contribute to the expanded gamer groups.During the period of the COVID pandemic,wehave noticed proliferation of remote interactive scenes.This help promote end-device consuming market enterinto

112、a new incremental cycle.Living room TV come to play more of a vital role in remote education,meeting,entertainment and other social conditions.Hence,living room interactive entertainment begin to provide newopportunities towards gaming cloud service.0%20%40%60%80%100%01,0002,0003,0004,0005,0002020.1

113、2020.42020.7 2020.10 2021.12021.42021.72021.14G5GProportion of 5G mobile phonesUnit:10,000percentage(%)Domestic mobile phone market shipments and proportion of 5G mobile phones2022.119Methodology Frost&Sullivan has conducted in-depth research on the market changes of10 major industries and 54 vertic

114、al industries in China with more than 500,000industry research samples accumulated and more than 10,000 independentresearch and consulting projects completed.Rooted on the active economic environment in China,the research institute,starting from data management and big data fields,covers the develop

115、mentof the industry cycle,follows from the enterprises establishment,development,expansion,IPO and maturation.Research analysts of the institute continuouslyexplore and evaluate the vagaries of the industrial development model,enterprise business and operation model,Interpret the evolution of theind

116、ustry from a professional perspective.Research institute integrates the traditional and new research methods,adoptsthe use of self-developed algorithms,excavates the logic behind thequantitative data with the big data across industries and diversified researchmethods,analyses the views behind the qu

117、alitative content,describes thepresent situation of the industry objectively and authentically,predicts thetrend of the development of industry prospectively.Every research reportincludes a complete presentation of the past,present and future of theindustry.Research institute pays close attention to

118、 the latest trends of industrydevelopment.The report content and data will be updated and optimizedcontinuously with the development of the industry,technological innovation,changesinthecompetitivelandscape,promulgationsofpoliciesandregulations,and in-depth market research.Adhering to the purpose of

119、 research with originality and tenacity,the researchinstitute analyses the industry from the perspective of strategy and reads theindustry from the perspective of execution,so as to provide worthy researchreports for the report readers of each industry.20Legal Disclaimer The copyright of this report

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