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1、GBA INDEX PRESS CONFERENCE大湾区指数发布2022Inventory Space Redevelopment In The Greater Bay Area 粤港澳大湾区存量治理报告2022/09中国城市规划设计研究院深圳分院CHINA ACADEMY OF URBAN PLANNING&DESIGN SHENZHEN存量规划中心CENTER OF INVENTORY SPACE PLANNING粤港澳数字湾区中心GREATER BAY AREA DIGITAL CENTER更新中心CENTER OF URBAN RENEWAL中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院中国城市规

2、划设计研究院 深圳分院目录CONTENTS1.1.粤港澳大湾区进入存量再出发时期1.1.The Greater Bay Area Enters the Stage of Inventory Space Redevelopment1.2.存量治理难点:解决城市转型的阵痛与普遍面临的问题1.2.Obstacles to Inventory Space Governance:Addressing the Throes and Common Problems in Urban Transformation大湾区存量空间开发现状特征Features of the Current Development

3、of Inventory Space in the Greater Bay Area1page 02page 02page 10大湾区存量空间开发典型案例:多元规划策略推进存量空间治理2.1.深圳宝安2.1.Baoan District in Shenzhen 2.2.东莞长安2.2.Changan Township in Dongguan2.3.佛山顺德2.3.Shunde District in Foshan 2.4.广州2.4.GuangzhouCase Studies of Inventory Space Development in the Greater Bay Area:Dive

4、rsified Planning Strategy Promotes Inventory Space Governance2page 11page 11page 14page 16page 20中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院粤港澳大湾区进入存量再出发时期The Greater Bay Area Has Entered the Stage of Inventory Space Redevelopment大湾区存量空间开发现状特征Features of the Current Development Status of Inventory Space in the Greater Bay Are

5、a特征一:大湾区存量建成区规模大,但整体质量有待提升1975 年至 2014 年近 40 年时间,大湾区建成区面积从 946 平方公里增加到 6504 平方公里,增长了 588%。大湾区各城市中,广佛莞深四个城市拥有最大的城市建成区面积,香港则仅位列第十。存量空间大但建设用地利用粗放,保留了大量的城中村和村级工业园,依托劳动力密集型产业带动的初级城市化存量特征凸显,距离高品质的城市仍有差距。目前大湾区地均产值与人均产值分别为纽约湾区的 1/3、东京湾区的 1/2、旧金山湾区的 1/2 与 1/5。根据广东省统计,截止 2020 年 10 月,珠三角九市纳入“三旧”改造标图建库的面积为 1437

6、 平方公里1,占全省三旧改造图斑的 62.8%。其中广州、佛山、深圳、东莞四市“三旧”改造用地面积合计达到 1121 平方公里,占比达到 78.0%。Feature 1:The quantity of inventory built-up area is huge but the overall quality needs to be improvedOver the past four decades from 1975 to 2014,the size of built-up areas in the Greater Bay Area has increased from 946 km2

7、to 6,504 km2,up by 588%.In the Greater Bay Area,Guangzhou,Foshan,Dongguan and Shenzhen have the largest urban built-up areas,while Hong Kong is only ranked 10th.The size of inventory space is huge,but the use of construction land follows an extensive development mode,retaining numerous urban village

8、s and village-level industrial parks.The inventory space is characterized by the features of early-stage urbanization driven by labor-intensive industry.There is still a gap between the current Great Bay Area construction pattern and high-quality urban development.At present,the GDP per km2 and GDP

9、per capita in the Greater Bay Area are 1/3 of the New York Bay Area,1/2 of the Tokyo Bay Area and 1/2 and 1/5 of the San Francisco Bay Area.According to the statistics of Guangdong Province,an area of 1,437 km2 has been included in the database of old villages,factories and towns for renewal in the

10、nine cities of the Pearl River Delta by October 2020,accounting for 62.8%of the total plots for renewal across the province.In Guangzhou,Foshan,Dongguan and Shenzhen,the plots cover an area of 1,121 km2,accounting for 78.0%of the total in the nine cities.1数据来源:广东省低效存量用地报告图:大湾区 1975-2014 年建成空间规模变化趋势

11、Figure:Evolutionary Trend in the Size of Built-up Areas in the Greater Bay Area from 1975 to 2014图 例2014建成空间2000建成空间1900建成空间1975建成空间图 1 数据来源:GSHL,广东省 2021 年统计年鉴,港澳统计数据图 2数据来源:EuropeanCommission,JointResearchCentre(JRC);ColumbiaUniversity,CenterforInternationalEarthScienceInformationNetwork-CIESIN(20

12、15)Figure1Source:GSHL,GuangdongProvince2021StatisticsYearbook,StatisticsofHongKongandMacaoEuropeanCommission,JointResearchCentre(JRC);ColumbiaUniversity,CenterforInternationalEarthScienceInformationNetwork-CIESIN(2015)图 1:2020 年大湾区各市建成区面积及建成区人口密度 Figure:Size and Population Density of Built-up Areas

13、in the Cities of the Greater Bay Area in 2020图 2:国际湾区地均 GDP 与人均 GDP 对比 Figure:Comparison of GDP Per Square Kilometer and GDP Per Capita with Bay Areas in the World建成区面积(平方公里)建成区人口密度(人/平方公里)广州佛山东莞深圳江门中山惠州肇庆珠海香港澳门2000 040000350003000025000200000000粤港澳大湾区旧金山湾区东京湾区纽约湾区地均 GDP(美元/km2

14、)人均 GDP(万美元)中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院粤港澳大湾区存量治理报告(2022 年)Inventory Space Redevelopment In The Greater Bay Area 20220203特征二:存量空间经历高速发展阶段,增速开始放缓1975 年,城镇化动力较弱,存量空间离散,主要分布在广州、佛山、香港、澳门四个城市。改革开放至 90 年代,基于世界工厂分工的快速工业化带动城镇化,城乡空间快速增长。2000年以来,在外资、高新技术工业发展推动下,城镇空间持续高速、外延式发展。2014 年之后,创新空间需求提升,城市增量建成区空间减

15、少,存量空间通过城市更新转型高质量空间成为城市建设重点。各阶段年平均增长规模逐渐减少,从 16.48%的高速增长放缓至 2.12%的增长。Feature 2:The development of inventory space slows down after the stage of rapid developmentIn 1975,the drive of urbanization was weak,and the inventory space scattered across Guangzhou,Foshan,Hong Kong and Macao.From the beginning

16、 of reform and opening-up to the 1990s,the size of urban and rural space increased rapidly as a result of rapid industrialization and urbanization driven by the division of labor at the Worlds Factory.Since 2000,the urban space has continued to develop outward rapidly driven by foreign investment an

17、d high technology.Since 2014,there has been a growing need for innovative space,and the growth of urban built-up areas has dwindled.Thus,the focus of urban development shifted to transforming inventory space into high-quality urban space through urban renewal.The average annual growth has slowed dow

18、n over time from 16.48%to 2.12%.图:1975-2014 年粤港澳大湾区建成区空间演变 Figure:Spatial Evolution of Built-up Areas in the Greater Bay Area from 1975 to 2014图:1975-2014 年粤港澳大湾区建成区增量用地分布 Figure:Distribution of New Land in the Built-up Areas of the Greater Bay Area from 1975 to 2014图:1975-2014 建成空间规模及平均增长率变化趋势Figur

19、e:Size and Growth of the Built-up Areas from 1975 to 2014澳门香港中山市惠州市东莞市广州市珠海市肇庆市江门市深圳市佛山市粤港澳大湾区年平均增长率1990-20002000600050004000300020001000018.00%16.00%14.00%12.00%10.00%8.00%6.00%4.00%2.00%0.00%16.48%4.57%2.12%中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院粤港澳大湾区存量治理报告(2022 年)Inven

20、tory Space Redevelopment In The Greater Bay Area 20220405特征三:存量空间建设强度大,二次开发强化高密特征水网纵横、山脉相连的自然生态本底决定了大湾区城市不能“摊大饼”式外延,形成了组团式发展的整体城镇形态。部分城市国土开发强度较高,深圳、东莞国土开发强度已逼近 50%,佛山、中山已达 35%左右,生态和农业空间受到快速工业化和城镇化的侵蚀。山海之间形成若干高密的城市簇群,高强度开发地区主要集中于广州、深圳、香港、澳门、东莞、佛山、中山老城区。深圳全市建筑平均毛容积率已经达到 1.14,远高于香港 0.97、东京都 0.8、新加坡 0.5

21、1 的水平。市场主导的存量空间开发以拆除重建为主,在以实现经济利益为核心的更新改造中追求高容积回报、“拆一建二”成为普遍现象,客观上强化高密特质。Feature 3:The high development intensity of inventory space is further enhanced by the high density redevelopmentThe underlying ecosystem in the Greater Bay Area,featuring a complex network of rivers and mountains,determines th

22、at the urban sprawl must be avoided.It has resulted in the cluster-dominated urban layout.The intensity of land development in some cities is quite high.In Shenzhen and Dongguan,it is close to 50%and in Foshan and Zhongshan,35%.The ecological and agricultural space has been eroded by rapid industria

23、lization and urbanization.Several high-density city clusters are formed around mountains and coasts.High-intensity development areas are concentrated in the old towns of Guangzhou,Shenzhen,Hong Kong,Macao,Dongguan,Foshan and Zhongshan.The average gross plot ratio in Shenzhen has reached 1.14,far abo

24、ve Hong Kong(0.97),Tokyo Metropolis(0.8)and Singapore(0.51).The market-driven development of inventory space mainly takes the form of demolition and reconstruction.In order to maximize the economic benefits from urban renewal,it is common to increase the plot ratio by constructing more buildings on

25、the plot after demolition,which further increases the already high density.图:2020 年粤港澳大湾区各城市开发强度建成占比澳门东莞市深圳市佛山市中山市广州市珠海市香港江门市惠州市肇庆市70.00%60.00%50.00%40.00%30.00%20.00%10.00%0.00%图:粤港澳大湾区主要建成地区建成区容积率2(数据来源:公开地图数据)Figure:Proportions of Urban Villages in Sub-Districts of the Greater Bay Area图:2020 年粤港澳

26、大湾区各街道开发强度Figure:Development Intensity of Sub-Districts in the Greater Bay Area in 20202选择开发强度 18%以上的城市,考虑开放数据的完整性,其中广州选择越秀区、天河区、荔湾区、海珠区、白云区五个核心区、珠海选择香洲区。图 例0%-10%10%-30%30%-50%50%-70%70%-100%图 例0.00-0.470.47-1.281.28-2.082.08-3.813.81-6.83无数据中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院粤港澳大湾区存量治理报告(2022 年)Inven

27、tory Space Redevelopment In The Greater Bay Area 20220607图:粤港澳大湾区主要建成地区建筑总量3(数据来源:公开地图数据)Figure:Total Floor Area in High Development Intensity Areas(左图)粤港澳大湾区建成区容积率前 20 名街镇(右图)粤港澳大湾区建筑总量前 20 名街镇 (Left picture)Top 20 Sub-Districts and Townships by Plot Ratio of Built-up Area in the Greater Bay Area (

28、Right picture)Top 20 Sub-Districts and Townships by Total Floor Area in the Greater Bay Area澳门 _ 圣安多尼堂区澳门 _ 风顺堂区澳门 _ 花地玛堂区澳门 _ 望德堂区澳门 _ 大堂区香港 _ 中西区香港 _ 东区广州市 _ 逢源街道香港 _ 观塘区广州市 _ 梅花村街道广州市 _ 冼村街道广州市 _ 猎德街道香港 _ 油尖旺区香港 _ 黄大仙区广州市 _ 龙津街道深圳市 _ 南湖街道广州市 _ 滨江街道广州市 _ 农林街道广州市 _ 光塔街道深圳市 _ 福田街道64208东莞市 _ 厚街镇东莞市 _

29、 虎门镇东莞市 _ 大朗镇东莞市 _ 东城街道镇东莞市 _ 长安镇佛山市 _ 大沥镇东莞市 _ 常平镇东莞市 _ 寮步镇东莞市 _ 大岭山镇佛山市 _ 桂城街道佛山市 _ 狮山镇中山市 _ 中山港街道深圳市 _ 西乡街道东莞市 _ 南城街道东莞市 _ 万江街道东莞市 _ 塘厦镇深圳市 _ 沙井街道佛山市 _ 容桂街道中山市 _ 沙溪镇佛山市 _ 石湾镇街道0图 例 7.727.73-18.0618.07-33.3733.38-55.4355.44-106.42无数据单位:平方千米特征四:自下而上城镇化现象普遍,基本公共服务设施不均衡集体土地所有制背景下村镇意识强烈,自下而

30、上自发建设成为普遍现象,存量空间产生较多“半城镇化”、“半城半乡”地区,厂村混杂,碎片化现象突出。高质量公共服务设施主要沉淀在老城区图。各类公共服务设施过于集中在传统老城区,如广州主城区、深圳原关内地区、惠州中心区、肇庆中心城区等,城乡基本公共服务差距大。存量二次开发已经成为完善公共服务设施的主要途径。截止 2020 年底,深圳通过低效用地开发保障了 70.2km2公共利益用地,供应了各类学校 263 所,医院 42 家。Feature 4:The bottom-up approach to urbanization is widely adopted and basic public fac

31、ilities are not evenly distributedIn the context of collective land ownership,villages and towns had a strong sense of autonomy and it was common to adopt a bottom-up approach to development,resulting in numerous semi-urbanized towns,semi-urban and semi-rural areas,mixture of factories with rural co

32、mmunities and fragmented development in the inventory space.High-quality public facilities are mainly concentrated in the old towns,such as the downtown area of Guangzhou,former Guannei area of Shenzhen,central area of Huizhou and city center of Zhaoqing.There is a wide gap between the public servic

33、es in urban areas and those in rural areas.Redevelopment of the inventory space has become the main path to improving public facilities.By the end of 2020,Shenzhen has supplied 70.2 km2 of land for public interests by developing the inefficient land,providing space for 263 schools and 42 hospitals.图

34、:大湾区各街道城中村面积占比分布(注:无港澳及惠州数据)Figure:Total Floor Area in High Development Intensity Areas图 例0%0%-10%10%-20%20%-45%45%-75%3选择开发强度 18%以上的城市,考虑开放数据的完整性,其中广州选择越秀区、天河区、荔湾区、海珠区、白云区五个核心区、珠海选择香洲区。中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院粤港澳大湾区存量治理报告(2022 年)Inventory Space Redevelopment In The Greater Bay Area 20220809

35、存量治理难点:解决城市转型的阵痛与普遍面临的问题Obstacles to Inventory Space Governance:Addressing the Throes and Common Problems in Urban Transformation1、从存量用地中腾挪高质量的产业平台2、关注人的需求塑造高品质的优质城区3、补足城市化扩张发展时期的设施短板4、更新活化传承岭南地区历史文化资源1.To appropriate inventory land to develop high-quality industrial platforms 2.To meet the needs of

36、 people for high-quality urban areas3.To address the deficiency in facilities resulting from rapid urban expansion4.To revitalize historical and cultural resources in Lingnan Region图:高质量的公共服务设施在老城区分布Figure:Distribution of High-Quality Public Facilities in the Old Urban Areas图:典型案例区位图Figure:Typical c

37、ase location map图 例老城区国际化城区市级以上文化设施场所会展场馆三甲医院省一级中小学/国际中小学大湾区存量空间开发典型案例:多元规划策略推进存量空间治理Case Studies of Inventory Space Development in the Greater Bay Area:Diversified Planning Strategy Promotes Inventory Space Governance深圳宝安Baoan District in Shenzhen2.1.1.宝安的存量资源特征宝安区位于深圳西部,是深圳融入湾区核心的前沿地带,也是深圳产业升级的典型地

38、区。宝安区南部的宝安中心区是前海城市新中心的一部分,而宝安北部仍留存较大面积的村级工业园区和城中村,空间转型矛盾突出。2.1.1.Features of Inventory Resources in BaoanBaoan District is located in the west of Shenzhen.As the gateway of Shenzhen to the Greater Bay Area,it is the embodiment of Shenzhens strive for industrial upgrade.Baoan central area in the sout

39、h of the district is part of the Qianhai new city center,while in the north of the district there are numerous urban villages and village-level industrial parks,making spatial transformation an urgent need.中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院粤港澳大湾区存量治理报告(2022 年)Inventory Space Redevelopment In The Great

40、er Bay Area 20221011全区建成度高达 60%,远超过深圳市 48%的平均水平,几乎已达到适建区的上限,未来城市增量土地极其有限。截止 2020 年底,全区现状建设用地 237.66 平方公里(含深圳机场),工业用地占比、交通运输用地占比高。全区现状建筑量2.65 亿平方米,其中工业用房 0.8 亿平方米,各类居住用房1.45亿平方米,工业大区的特征明显。存量用地中,工业用地的规模大、开发强度高、效率较低,是未来二次开发的主要潜力所在。2.1.2.宝安存量治理使命:新一轮大湾区发展背景下的空间转型宝安区是深圳的产业大区,先进制造业转型升级诉求强烈,亟需释放大量老旧的产业空间解决

41、创新企业用地用房受限问题。同时,宜居空间面临结构性调整,目前成套住房面积比仅为特区的一半,伴随着人口结构的优化升级未来需要增加成套住房和高品质住房以满足高层次人才的居住需求,并按照“先行示范区”标准补足各类公共服务设施短板,塑造现代化的魅力城区。2.1.3.存量空间治理手段:生产生活联动,更新整备并举统筹宝安北部的存量产业空间与存量生活空间,一方面,积极推动大规模产业空间的土地整备,释放集中连片的产业空间,如燕罗街道通过整街道土地整备,集中供给 12.2 平方公里的连片产业用地,并完成村集体土地的确权。另一方面,创新探索土地整备和城市更新的联动机制,在松岗、沙井、新桥街道塑造品质城区,引导居住

42、用地相对集中布局,完善公共服务设施,塑造魅力的公共空间体系。The built-up area accounts for 60%of the total area in the district,much higher than the average level of 48%across Shenzhen,and close to the upper limit for a district.Therefore,the size of new land will be very limited in the future.By the end of 2020,there were 237.6

43、6 km2 of construction land in the district(including the land for Shenzhen Airport),containing high proportions of industrial land and transportation land.At present,the total floor area of the buildings in the district amounts to 265 million m2,including 80 million m2 of industrial buildings and 14

44、5 million m2 of residential buildings in various kinds.Clearly,the district is characterized by industrial activities.Among the inventory land,the industrial land is huge in size,high in development intensity but low in efficiency.It is where the potential of future redevelopment rests upon.2.1.2.Mi

45、ssion of Inventory Space Governance in Baoan:Spatial Transformation amid a New Wave of Development in the Greater Bay AreaBaoan District is home to the major industries in Shenzhen,with an urgent need for transformation toward advanced manufacturing.There is also an urgent need to free up the space

46、occupied by old and outdated industries to meet the desperate need of innovative enterprises for land and office space.Meanwhile,there is a need for the structural adjustment of livable space.At present,the floor area of apartments only accounts for half of the total floor area in the special econom

47、ic zone.With the optimization and upgrading of demographics,more apartments and high-quality houses will be needed by high-end talents.In addition,the deficiency in public facilities will have to be addressed in accordance with the standards of pioneering demonstration zone to create a modern charmi

48、ng city.2.1.3.Approach to Inventory Space Governance:Coordinating Production and Residence,While Synergizing Renewal with ReconditioningThe inventory industrial space and inventory residential space in the north of Baoan need to be coordinated.On the one hand,the large-scale land reconditioning of i

49、ndustrial space needs to be promoted to provide an extent of space for business operations.For instance,the land reconditioning in Yanluo Sub-District has freed up an extent of 12.2 km2 of contiguous industrial land,where the ownership of the rural collective land has been clearly defined.On the oth

50、er hand,mechanisms will be explored and innovated to synergize land reconditioning with urban renewal.Efforts will be made to develop high-quality urban areas in Songgang,Shajing and Xinqiao sub-districts where the residential land plots will be relatively clustered and equipped with improved public

51、 facilities to create a charming public space system.图:宝安区城市更新和土地整备潜力范围分布图Figure:Distribution map of potential range of urban renewal and land preparation in Baoan District图 例旧城更新潜力范围旧工业区更新潜力范围城中村更新潜力范围中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院粤港澳大湾区存量治理报告(2022 年)Inventory Space Redevelopment In The Greater B

52、ay Area 20221213东莞长安Changan Township in Dongguan2.2.1.长安的存量资源特征长安镇位于东莞市南端,东邻深圳市,南临珠江口,西连虎门港和滨海湾新区。镇区内八条河涌入海,依涌兴建了 13 个自然村,带动工业园区发展。长安镇现状建成区已超过全镇 50%。长安镇旧村用地 5.2 平方公里,约占现状建设用地的 10.5%,主要分布在中心区和 S358 沿线地区。受历史发展阶段影响,长安旧村主要呈现出总量大、分布散的特点。长安镇是东莞的工业大镇,存量工业用地规模大,村集体工业园占比高。存量工业用地面积约 24.16平方公里,占总建设用地面积约 47.8%。

53、主要集中在振安路及 S358 省道这两条交通主干道两侧,已形成振安东路沿线工业区、振安中路沿线工业区和振安西路沿线工业区三大工业板块。2.2.1.Features of Inventory Resources in ChanganChangan Township is situated at the southern tip of Dongguan,neighboring Shenzhen to the east,Pearl River Estuary to the south and Humen Port and Binhaiwan New Area to the west.There ar

54、e eight rivers that flow through the township into the sea,along which 13 villages have been developed to boost the development of industrial parks.The built-up area accounts for 50%of the total area in Changan Township.Among them,the old villages occupy an area of 5.2 km2 in the central area and al

55、ong the S358 highway,accounting for 10.5%of the inventory land.Due to its historic backgrounds and current stage of development,there are a huge number of old villages in Changan,which are widely dispersed throughout the area.Changan Township is a major industrial hub of Dongguan,with huge amounts o

56、f inventory industrial land of which the village-owned collective land makes up a high proportion.Inventory industrial land covers an area of 24.16 km2,accounting for 47.8%of the total construction land.The inventory industrial land is mainly located along both sides of Zhenan Road and S358 provinci

57、al highway,with three industrial clusters Zhenan East Road industrial zone,Zhenan Mid Road industrial zone and Zhenan West Road industrial zone.图:长安镇围绕头部企业的多途径土地供应模式示意图Figure:Diagram of multi-channel land supply mode around head enterprises in Changan Town图 例长安镇边界滨海湾新区边界长安镇村界长安镇村级工业园长安镇镇级工业园OPPO用地VI

58、VO用地步步高用地2.2.2.长安存量治理使命:保障头部企业和供应链企业空间需求长安镇的土地资源主要掌握在村集体手中,村属工业园用地零散,权属复杂。由于紧邻深圳,长安产业发展动力极强,孕育了 vivo、OPPO 等优质企业。如何通过统筹分散的村集体土地,提供更好的工业用地,吸引龙头企业,达到“做大蛋糕、合理分配蛋糕”是长安存量治理的长期命题。2.2.3.存量空间治理手段:存量与增量并举,加大统筹力度80 年代,镇政府即在各村统筹用地指标,预留产业用地,保障产业空间扩容所需。2010 年后,东莞市设立滨海湾新区,高位推动填海和土地征转收储,设立管委会高标准开展配套设施、道路建设,增量与存量并举,

59、为 vivo、小天才等头部企业提供了连片用地,保障了头部企业和供应链企业发展所需的空间。2.2.2.Mission of Inventory Space Governance in Changan:To Satisfy the Needs of Top Businesses and Other Players in the Supply Chain for SpaceMost of the land resources in Changan Township are collectively owned by villages.The village-owned industrial park

60、s are widely dispersed throughout the area with complex ownership.Due to its adjacency to Shenzhen,the momentum of industrial development in Changan has been extremely strong,nurturing numerous famous businesses such as Vivo and OPPO.The long-term issue that Changan needs to address in inventory spa

61、ce governance is how to supply better industrial land to attract the top businesses by coordinating the fragmented village-owned collective land resources and to grow the economic pie with fair allocation.2.2.3.Approach to Inventory Space Governance:Coordinating Inventory Space and New Space to Impr

62、ove Synergy In the 1980s,the township government,while coordinating the quota of land for villages,set aside plots for industrial development to ensure sufficient space for industrial expansion.After 2010,Dongguan established the Binhaiwan New Area to promote land reclamation,expropriation,transfer,

63、acquisition and storage.The management committee was created to develop infrastructure and roads according to high standards,who placed equal emphasis on new land and inventory land to satisfy the needs of top businesses such as Vivo and XTC with contiguous land.The move has ensured that top busines

64、ses and other entities in the supply chain are supplied with sufficient space for development.图:更新整备联动示意图Figure:the linkage diagram of urban renewal and land preparation更新整备配合联动留用地居住为主政府收储产业生活空间城市更新生产空间连片整备中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院粤港澳大湾区存量治理报告(2022 年)Inventory Space Redevelopment In The Great

65、er Bay Area 20221415佛山顺德Shunde District in Foshan2.3.1.顺德的存量资源特征顺德是依托集体土地发展民营经济的制造业大区。顺德存量工业用地以村级工业园为主,全区工业园约 532 个,其中村级工业园 382 个,产业用地 76.4 平方公里,占全区产业用地 57.6%。村级工业园的复杂产权导致了低效和碎片化的产业空间形态。全区低效产业用地总规模达到 66平方公里,其中村级工业园的低效产业用地规模达 53 平方公里,占全区低效产业用地 80%。村级工业园内产业用地纳税强度 41.1 万元/公顷,仅为其他产业用地纳税强度(106.4 万元/公顷)的

66、38.6%。全区工业园区的产业用地平均容积率为0.92,75.2%的产业用地现状净容积率低于1.5,容积率在 0.8 以下的园区规模达 15.6 平方公里。2.3.2.顺德存量治理使命:村级产业园改造支撑产业高质量发展村级工业园的环境污染治理、集约化发展是顺2.3.1.Features of Inventory Resources in ShundeAs a manufacturing base,Shunde has a considerable presence of private sector based on the collectively owned land.The invent

67、ory industrial land in Shunde mainly consists of village-level industrial parks.There are a total of 532 industrial parks in the district,among which 382 are village-level industrial parks that occupy an area of 76.4 km2 of industrial land,accounting for 57.6%of the total in the district.The complex

68、 land ownership in village-level industrial parks engender the inefficient and fragmentary spatial layout of industries.In the district,the total area of inefficient industrial land is 66 km2,among which village-level industrial parks amount to 53 km2,accounting for 80%of the total in the district.T

69、he tax intensity of industrial land in the village-level industrial parks is 411,000 yuan per hectare,which is only 38.6%of other industrial land(1.064 million yuan per hectare).The average plot ratio of the industrial land in the industrial parks of the district is 0.92.The current net plot ratio o

70、f 75.2%of the industrial land in the district is less than 1.5.The area of industrial parks with plot ratio below 0.8 is 15.6 km2.2.3.2.Mission of Inventory Space Governance in Shunde:Transformation of Village-Level Industrial Parks to Support High-Quality Industrial DevelopmentThe thorny problems f

71、aced by Shunde in inventory space governance are environmental pollution control and intensive development of 图:顺德区现状工业园区分布示意图Figure:DistributionofcurrentindustrialparksinShundeDistrict村级工业用地非村级工业用地OPPO 小天才滨海湾园区OPPO研发中心小天才研发中心德区存量治理的难点。针对顺德存量村级工业用地占比大、现状村级工业用地空间破碎、用地低效且对生态空间造成一定程度的侵蚀等主要问题,如何以村级工业园改造

72、整治提升为突破口,腾出高质量产业空间,优先支持传统家居、家电向智能家居、家电产业转型及围绕现有优势产业进行产业链上下游配套产业形成产业集聚组团,重塑全区产业格局,是顺德村级工业园改造着力解决的核心问题。village-level industrial parks.A large proportion of the inventory industrial land in Shunde is used by village-level industrial parks,with fragmented distribution of village-level industrial land,in

73、efficient use of land,and erosion of ecological space.Therefore,the core issue that Shunde strives to address in transforming the village-level industrial parks is how to use the transformation and restoration of village-level industrial parks as an opportunity to free up high-quality space for indu

74、strial development,support the transformation of traditional house furnishing and home appliances toward smart house furnishing and home appliances,and integrate the entities upstream and downstream in the industry value chain to create industrial clusters centering around the existing predominant i

75、ndustries,so as to reshape the industrial layout in the district.未来的滨海湾新区仍将继续探索产业-空间联动的存量治理道路,通过净地出让、建成区城市更新等多种途径完成空间再造,以总部、研发和优质居住吸引优质企业。In the future,Binhaiwan New Area will continue to explore the approach to inventory space governance by synergizing industry with space to reshape the space throu

76、gh various means,including transfer of ready-for-development land and urban renewal of built-up area,so as to attract the businesses of high quality with its great living environment and good infrastructure for the operation of headquarters and R&D.中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院粤港澳大湾区存量治理报告(2022 年

77、)Inventory Space Redevelopment In The Greater Bay Area 20221617图:顺德区美的产业链相关组团分布图Figure:DistributionmapofrelevantclustersofMideaindustrialchaininShundeDistrict产业组团创新中心区域交通枢纽广佛城市功能节点广佛都会区范围顺德区范围广佛合作核心区范围美的产业链及相关组团范围2.3.3.存量空间治理手段:产业补链强链聚集发展、环保转型改造1、围绕龙头企业形成细分配套链条,推进村级工业园改造顺德村级工业园立足龙头企业“美的+碧桂园”的智能家居计划,

78、围绕美的相关产业链形成上下游产业配套链条,打造以美的集团为核心的产业集群,改造腾挪现代产业园区,优先支持传统产业转型升级。通过本地技术、本地企业与村级工业园更新改造联合,在传统产业的基础上形成更广泛的产业经济链,而且伴随推进智能系统和建造科技集成技术的迭代,重塑顺德家电、家居等传统优势产业高质量发展格局。2、推进环保转型改造,从污染严重的村级工业园到环保产业示范园区顺德村级工业园大部分规模小,环保手续不全、环境安全隐患大。容桂恒鼎工业园的前身是原华口电镀城,项目面积 43147.2 平方米。顺德作为制造业重镇,电镀酸洗行业是容桂产业链不可或缺的一环。项目地块在更新改造前缺乏合法用地手续,是顺德

79、区容桂街华口股份合作经济社的自用建设用地。更新改造由政府主导,通过“三旧”改造政策完善历史用地手续,并通过公开交易方式转让给佛山市恒鼎投资有限公司,由恒鼎公司开发建设高标准厂房,只租不售。该项目改造一方面解决了土地历史遗留问题,将分散土地整合为高质量的产业用地,并建设高标准厂房,实现工业上楼,极大地提高了土地利用效率,为产业转型升级提供充足空间;另一方面通过建设高标准的废水废气处理设施,对园区内的废水废气统一集中处理,严格贯彻环保要2.3.3.Approach to Inventory Space Governance:Improving and Enhancing the Supply Ch

80、ain for Cluster Development and Environmental Betterment1.Center around the leading businesses to create the supporting supply chains of market segments and promote the transformation of village-level industrial parks Based on the smart home program led by Midea and Country Garden,the village-level

81、industrial parks in Shunde strive to create the supporting value chains and industrial clusters centering around Midea Group,so as to nurture modern industrial parks and prioritize transformation and upgrading of traditional industries.By combining the transformation of local technologies,businesses

82、 and village-level industrial parks,broader value chains will be developed based on traditional industries.With the iteration of smart systems,construction technologies and integrated technologies,the traditional strengths of Shunde,such as home appliances and house furnishing,will be reshaped to fu

83、rther pursue high-quality development.2.Promote environmental improvement and transformation,from heavily polluted village-level industrial parks to environmental industrial demonstration parksMost of the village-level industrial parks in Shunde are small in size,without complete procedures on envir

84、onmental protection.Thus,their operations tend to cause severe environmental pollution and safety problems.Hengding Industrial Park in Ronggui Sub-District,formerly known as Huakou Electroplating City,covers an area of 43,147.2 m2.As Shunde is a manufacturing stronghold,electroplating and pickling a

85、re essential to the industry value chain in Ronggui.Before the renewal,the project plot was the proprietary construction land owned by Huakou Joint Stock Economic Cooperative in Ronggui Sub-District,without complete procedures on use right transfer.In the renewal process led by the government,the pr

86、ocedures on use right transfer have been completed through the renewal policies for old villages,factories and towns,and the use right has been transferred to Foshan Hengding Investment Corporation through open transaction.After building high-standard factory premises,Hengding Investment is allowed

87、to lease the property,but not to sell.The renewal project has addressed the issues on use right transfer and turned the fragmented land resources into high-quality industrial land to build high-quality factory premises.It has increased the land use efficiency greatly,provided office space for indust

88、rial operations and ensured sufficient space for industrial transformation and upgrading.In addition,by building high-standard wastewater and exhaust gas management facilities,all the wastewater and exhaust gases within the industrial park are managed in a centralized manner to meet the strict envir

89、onmental requirements and liberate electroplating 求,从根本上解决了电镀企业环保问题,不仅降低了企业治污成本,企业还可以在全新的生产环境下增资扩产,产能提升 1/3。businesses from environmental concerns.It not only reduces the cost of pollution control,but also allows the businesses to expand their assets and production capacity(up by 1/3)under improved

90、working conditions.中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院粤港澳大湾区存量治理报告(2022 年)Inventory Space Redevelopment In The Greater Bay Area 20221819广州Guangzhou2.4.1.广州的存量资源特征广州是广东省省会城市,城市文化综合底蕴丰厚。作为“千年商都”,长期的生产、生活、对外商贸和交流,塑造了广州开放多元、务实包容的城市性格,传统工业区、批发市场、城中村等承载了城市过去几十年快速发展的空间,与众多历史文化传承共同形成了广州多元拼贴的独特城市空间特征。2.4.2.广州存量


92、则主要是以系统性的方式推进城市更新,以推进城市的功能完善为手段,推动城市各方面的发展。2.4.1.Features of Inventory Resources in GuangzhouAs the capital of Guangdong Province,Guangzhou has rich cultural heritages.As a commercial hub with thousands of years of history,Guangzhou is characterized by openness,diversity,pragmaticism and inclusivene

93、ss,due to its long-standing commitment to production,livelihood,international trade and exchanges.Traditional industrial parks,wholesale markets and urban villages have provided the space for the rapid development of the city over the past few decades.The spatial pattern of Guangzhou features divers

94、ity-a unique collage of historical heritages and cultural traditions.2.4.2.Mission of Inventory Space Governance in Guangzhou:Inheritance of Historical and Cultural HeritagesIn the past,the urban renewal in Guangzhou was characterized by the renovation of old towns,old factories and old villages,the

95、 transformation of village-level industrial parks,wholesale markets and logistics parks,and the rectification of disorder in economic development,transportation,and social security.After over ten years of exploration and endeavor,Guangzhou has entered the stage of high-quality urban renewal.As some

96、projects are oriented toward real estate development,Guangzhou faces many challenges in inventory space governance,including the fragmentation of renewal activities,low quantity and quality of public facilities and contradiction with preservation of historical and cultural heritages.Guangzhou has be

97、en committed to the protection of historical and cultural heritages and adopted the mini renovation+organic renewal approach.Mini renovation,a hallmark of Guangzhous urban renewal program,means to replace,retain,and repair the functions of existing buildings through partial demolition and reconstruc

98、tion without changing the overall layout,while restoring,preserving and revitalizing the buildings,and improving their infrastructure.As the overall urban layout is not affected,it is applicable to the renewal of built-up areas where the existing land is in conflict with the development of surroundi

99、ngs with inefficient land use and poor living environment.Organic renewal means to pursue the renewal of the city in a systemic way by improving urban functions to promote well-rounded development.城市客厅(总体城市设计)品质街区(总体城市设计)四大文化战略区历史城区外历史文化街区历史风貌区历史城区国家级文化示范产业区图 例图:广州历史文脉要素分布图Figure:Distributionofhisto

100、ricalcontextelementsinGuangzhou微改造x 文化遗产【永庆坊】微改造x 工业遗存【珠江啤酒厂】有机更新【聚龙湾】中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院粤港澳大湾区存量治理报告(2022 年)Inventory Space Redevelopment In The Greater Bay Area 202220212.4.3.存量空间治理手段:历史文化街区永庆坊微改造实践永庆坊地处广州老城西南,位于恩宁路北侧,曾经是最繁华的核心城区,是危破旧房连片改造的试点,具有厚重的历史文化积淀。在更新实施工过程中,规划部门向政府提出摒弃“推土机”改造模式

101、,向“绣花”功能微改造转变。永庆坊保护式更新改造使其成为广州 26 片历史文化保护街区之一,其创新点体现在以下三个层面:以绣花的功夫来推进片区微改造,保护与活化利用相结合。永庆坊在整体格局中实现了肌理延续,通过城市修补保护原有的街巷肌理。在空间上进行了巷道修复,留住乡愁。另外,在建筑修缮方面,以修旧如旧为原则,对有保护身份的建筑进行修缮。采用 BOT 合作模式,政府主导、企业承办、居民参与。政府以出租公有物业 15 年为条件引入企业,企业进行投资、建设和运营,自负盈亏并在运营期满后无偿交回给政府。以共同缔造的方式营造共建共治共享新实践,从人本关怀角度出发强化居住功能,营造多元社区生态。永庆坊的

102、活化利用已逐渐成为广州一张新的名片,取得了良好的文化效益;在经济效益层面,永庆坊改造实践实现了产业升级,激活老城的目的。2.4.3.Approach to Inventory Space Governance:Mini Renovation of Yong Qing Fang An Historical and Cultural StreetWith abundant historical and cultural assets,Yong Qing Fang is located in the southwest of the old urban area of Guangzhou on th

103、e northern side of Enning Road.Once served as the downtown area of the city,it is now a pilot area for the renovation of ramshackle buildings on contiguous land.During the process of renewal,the planner proposed to the government that the refined approach of embroidery-style mini renovation,rather t

104、han the bulldozer approach,should be adopted to improve the urban functions.After renovation,the well-preserved Yong Qing Fang has become one of the 26 historical and cultural streets in Guangzhou,which is innovative in the following three ways:The area is mini-renovated in an embroidery-style detai

105、l-oriented manner which combines preservation and revitalization.After restoration and repair,the overall layout and texture of Yong Qing Fang has been preserved.The alleys are repaired to retain the vestiges of the past.The buildings that are identified as heritage sites are repaired to restore the

106、 old landscapes.The BOT model is adopted for the project where the government takes the lead,the businesses operate,and the residents participate.The government attracts the businesses to invest,develop and operate in the public properties on a 15-year lease term.The businesses are responsible for t

107、heir own profits and losses throughout their investment,construction and operation and will return the properties to the government on a pro bono basis when the operation period expires.A collaborative approach is used in the process of co-creation,co-governance and co-benefits to enhance the reside

108、ntial functions with people-centered care and create a diverse community for the benefits of residents.After revitalization,Yong Qing Fang has become a new landmark of Guangzhou,generating considerable cultural benefits.In terms of economic benefits,the renewal of Yong Qing Fang has enabled industri

109、al upgrading and revitalized the old urban area.附录1.第一章建成空间数据来源均为 GSHL,具体为 Pesaresi,Martino;Ehrlich,Daniele;Florczyk,Aneta;Freire,Sergio;Julea,Andreea;Kemper,Thomas;Soille,Pierre;Syrris,Vasileios(2015):GHS-BUILT R2015B-GHS built-up grid,derived from Landsat,multitemporal(1975,1990,2000,2014)-OBSOLET

110、E RELEASE.European Commission,Joint Research Centre(JRC)Dataset PID:http:/data.europa.eu/89h/jrc-ghsl-ghs_built_ldsmt_globe_r2015b2.本报告中所有图纸,均基于自然资源部标准地图服务网站审图号为GS(2019)4342 号的标准地图制作,底图要素无修改。中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院粤港澳大湾区存量治理报告(2022 年)Inventory Space Redevelopment In The Greater Bay Area 20222223中国城市规划设计研究院 深圳分院



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