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1、Food Safety Supply Chain Vision StudyClosing the Trust Gap:Technology and the Food Supply ChainThe path toward better food safety through traceability and improved consumer confidence2 zebra technologiesVision Study ReportFood Safety Supply Chain 1-Minute ViewThe Impact of COVID-19This study was con

2、ducted prior to the global COVID-19 pandemic,which is likely to cause long-lasting changes in consumer demands.The sharp focus on human health,along with the health of the food supply chain,may further increase demand for food traceability through the provision of information and transparency.Major

3、shifts towards curbside and e-commerce deliveries will only add to the pressure,but technology can play a key role in meeting these demands by optimizing food supply chain resilience.Using technology to extend traceability capabilities can help maintain food safety and security during this and other

4、 public health crises,as well as better manage supply chain imbalances caused by market disruptions.Contents 1-Minute View 2The Story in Numbers 3Market Watch:Consumer Faith in Food Safety is Low 4The Business Consequences of Food Safety Incidents 5The Information Challenge Ahead 6 The Key Technolog

5、y Enablers 7 Focused Investment in Traceability Technologies 8 Regional Findings 9 Close the Trust Gap:Information is Power 10About the Study The Zebra Vision Study Report on technology and the food supply chain checks the pulse of industry and public perception around safety,traceability and transp

6、arency.Weve captured the views of consumers,and food and beverage industry decision-makers,from all over the world.The picture theyve painted highlights the challenges around information for businesses in the supply chain and how technology can solve them.Consumers are increasingly worried about ill

7、ness or allergies caused by the food they consume.Consequently,theyre concerned about the source,quality and safety of their food.This could be a make-or-break issue for companies throughout the supply chain as consumers dont believe they are sufficiently informed.However,technology can deliver the

8、enhanced traceability needed to inspire greater consumer trust and at the same time enable improved operations for your business.Vision Study ReportFood Safety Supply ChainThe Story in NumbersIdentifying the Gap Across the GlobeAn average of 20%of consumers place complete trust in companies and bran

9、ds to ensure food safetycompared to 37%of industry decision-makers,who are more informed69%of industry decision-makers say the industry can manage food traceability and transparency,but only 35%of consumers agreeNine out of ten industry decision-makers recognize the competitive advantage technology

10、brings93%of industry decision-makers plan to increase investment in food-monitoring technologyOver 5,400 Respondents4,957Consumers462Industry Executivesrepresenting adults across several generations(age 18+)and genders.representing food and beverage industry decision-makers across manufacturing,tran

11、sportation and logistics,wholesale/distribution and retail.3 zebra technologies15 Countries RepresentedNorth America Canada United StatesLatinAmerica Brazil Chile Colombia MexicoEurope France Germany Italy United KingdomAsia-Pacific Australia China India Japan New Zealand93%37%20%90%69%35%4 zebra te

12、chnologiesVision Study ReportFood Safety Supply ChainMarket Watch:Consumer Faith in Food Safety is LowIn the food and beverage industry,ever-increasing consumer demand for unlimited choice,fast availability and lower prices leads to reduced profit margins.This generates pressure to maximize producti

13、on levels,pushing manufacturing systems to their limitsand sometimes beyond.In this situation,food safety can easily be compromised,with potentially serious consequences.Collectively,the industry recognizes that food safety management can be improved.Across 13 different types of companies and brands

14、 within the supply chain,ranging from distribution and warehouses to grocery stores,quick-serve and full-service restaurants.Consumers Top Five Food Safety Concerns1Restaurant kitchen staff hygiene2Foodborne outbreaks3Illness from contaminated food4Food and beverage recalls5Restaurant wait staff hyg

15、ieneDecision-makers are actively engaged in the industry,and so naturally have access to more information than consumers,who could place greater faith in their food sources themselves if they had access to similar information.only an average of 37%of industry decision-makers place complete trust in

16、the industry to ensure food and beverage safety.But more concerning is that this figure drops to just 20%among consumers,exposing a significant gap in levels of trust.37%20%5 zebra technologiesVision Study ReportFood Safety Supply ChainThe Business Consequences of Food Safety Incidents Around the Wo

17、rldFinancialBusinesses responsible for,or connected to,food safety incidents may be forced to stop trading or be barred from selling their product for periods of time.This can have a devastating effect on income streams extending throughout the supply chain.Reputational High-profile and/or widesprea

18、d incidents can attract negative publicity that can damage a brand and discourage consumers from purchasing from them in the future.The power of the internet and social media means this bad publicity can quickly spread worldwide.Legal Consumers who are affected by an incident may take legal action a

19、gainst a business involved for compensation,while authorities may also investigate businesses if they believe food safety laws have been broken.Regulatory Repeat incidents in similar areas,or a single incident that garners significant public interest,may prompt changes to laws and regulations that c

20、an affect how businesses operate long-term,with potential economic and practical consequences.Co-operative If a business becomes known for bad food safety,then its partners across the supply chain may wish to dissociate from it in order to protect themselves.This could cause major disruption to oper

21、ations while alternative and willing partners are sought.6 zebra technologiesVision Study ReportFood Safety Supply Chain83%of consumers say the industry has an important role to play in implementing food safety solutions82%of consumers say the industry has an ethical responsibility to ensure food sa

22、fety60%of consumers would never visit a restaurant again after contracting a foodborne illness there51%of industry decision-makers say meeting consumer expectations will continue to be a challenge in five yearsThe Information Challenge AheadConsumers want to know where their food comes from.In addit

23、ion,how food and ingredients are manufactured,prepared and handled is highly important to 70%of consumersmore than any other type of information.Their quest for knowledge is fear driven.More than any other driver,fear of foodborne illness or disease is the biggest motivator for consumers to learn mo

24、re about the origin of their food.Faith in food safety is low.Less than a quarter of consumers(22%)say they have complete confidence in the safety of their food,based on the information currently available to them.Consumers feel the industry isnt prepared to meet the challenge.Over two-thirds of dec

25、ision-makers(69%)say the industry is ready to manage food traceability and transparencybut only 35%of consumers agree.Why Meeting the Challenge Matters7 zebra technologiesVision Study ReportFood Safety Supply ChainThe Key Technology EnablersFood and beverage enterprises have recognized that they nee

26、d to do more to win consumer trust,and technology is considered key to delivering increased and more transparent information to consumers.Nine out of ten industry decision-makers feel that technology geared towards improving safety and traceability could drive competitive advantage.They cited severa

27、l potential areas of benefit,including:All of these areas can be assisted by devices and technologies for digital tracking of items and related information,and industry decision-makers have identified the specific technology solutions that can assist.Rugged handheld mobile computers with scanners,mo

28、bile barcode labels and thermal printers,and rugged scanners were identified as the top three most popular technologies for improving traceability.As these figures indicate,decision-makers who have not already implemented these technologies expressed strong enthusiasm for doing so in the near future

29、,with considerable growth in adoption expected over the next three years.Reduced risk through proper handling,transportation,storageRFID Leads the Way in InnovationTracking of product perishabilityFood supply chain optimizationCompliance with food quality and safety guidelinesIntake management of ra

30、w materials and ingredientsMore transparency in the food supply chain41%of industry decision-makers say RFID tags improve food traceability within the supply chain,more than any other technology.However,only31%say they currently use them within their own organizations.This presents savvy,forward-thi

31、nking businesses with a unique opportunity to gain a distinct advantage in the industry by adopting RFID technology before their competitors do.90%90%88%Device Adoption RatesIn 5 yearsTodayRugged handheld mobile computers with scannersMobile barcode labels and thermal printersRugged barcode scanners

32、39%39%38%Additionally,its expected that blockchain,temperature monitoring and sensing technologies,and predictive analytics will play an even more crucial role in the industry in the coming years.8 zebra technologiesVision Study ReportFood Safety Supply ChainTwenty-one percent of decision-makers in

33、food supply chain businesses expect to operate more predictively over the next five years,which is a 62%increase from where they are today.Technology that aids traceability doesnt just benefit consumers by making them more informed.It also benefits businesses throughout the supply chain through grea

34、ter efficiency,improved consumer confidence and a strong return on investment.This is driving a strong uptick in decision-makers wanting to lead the way by deploying these technologies:These figures are especially encouraging when budgetary issues are taken into consideration.Almost half of industry

35、 decision-makers cited their budget as a barrier to technology deployment,second only to staff training.The Changing Face of Operational ModelsOnce equipped with the right technology,enterprises can progress to adopting more predictive models for their supply chain operations.This can help them furt

36、her increase efficiencies and mitigate potential problems before they happen.93%of industry decision-makers say theyre planning to increase investment in food monitoring tools within the next year.Focused Investment in Traceability Technologies62%Technology in the supply chain gives consumers the in

37、formation and confidence they want,and gives food and beverage businesses the transparency and traceability they need.9 zebra technologiesVision Study ReportFood Safety Supply ChainRegional FindingsAsia-Pacific 68%of Asian-Pacific customers want to know how their food and/or ingredients are manufact

38、ured,prepared and handled.While 83%of Asian-Pacific decision-makers say transparency is a competitive advantage,this figure among executives in every other region is much higher(97%or more).Almost half of decision-makers cite RFID tags as a technology that improves food traceability.Latin America79%

39、of Latin American consumers find it important to have accurate and up-to-date information on the origin of their food and 58%of decision-makers technology will help address consumers demands for more transparency in the food supply chain.A majority of decision-makers say rugged handheld mobile compu

40、ters with scanners improve food traceability.Europe62%of European consumers are concerned about foodborne outbreaks,but only 41%of decision-makers feel their company has an important role to play in implementing food safety solutions.RFID tags are named as a technology that improves food traceabilit

41、y by 38%of European industry decision-makers,compared to just 20%naming real-time location trackers.North America74%of decision-makers say the industry is prepared to manage food traceability and transparency,but only 25%of consumers agree.On average,decision-makers trust their ability to ensure the

42、 safety of food and beverage 2.5 times more than consumers do.The study shows clear trends that emerge across regions.Businesses in Latin America take food safety and transparency much more seriously,while attitudes around the value of technology in regards to food safety are more relaxed in Europe.

43、There is a startling gap between decision-maker and consumer perceptions in North America,and businesses in Asia-Pacific place less emphasis on the value of transparency and the competitive advantage it can bring.Vision Study ReportFood Safety Supply ChainClose the Trust Gap:Information is PowerIts

44、clear that the food and beverage industry acknowledges the value of technology to improve traceability.Investing in track and trace technologies promises that the industry will not only inspire trust and protect consumers,but will also benefit from greater operational efficiency and productivity.Abo

45、ut ZebraZebra(NASDAQ:ZBRA)empowers the front line of business in retail,manufacturing,transportation and logistics,healthcare and other industries to achieve a performance edge.We deliver industry-tailored,end-to-end solutions that intelligently connect people,assets and data to help our customers m

46、ake business-critical decisions.Build a Safer Food Supply ChainLearn more about how Zebra can help your organization manage food safety at: and Corporate Headquarters+1 800 423 Asia-Pacific Headquarters+800 1302 EMEA H America Headquarters+1 866 230 ZEBRA and the stylized Zebra head are trademarks o

47、f Zebra Technologies Corp.,registered in many jurisdictions worldwide.All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.2020 Zebra Technologies Corp.and/or its affiliates.All rights reserved.Identify gaps in food supply chain monitoring and highlight them as areas for improvementIdent

48、ify requirements and ensure new measures help meet supply chain regulationsImprove visibility and transparency with deeper information and stronger information flowImprove traceability with the creation of a comprehensive log for food and beverage products throughout the supply chainDeploy technologies like mobile scanners,barcode labels,predictive analytics and RFID solutions to enable a fully integrated system for traceabilityFive ways to maximize technology in food safety:



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