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1、Creative ServicesIS IT THE RIGHT CHOICE FOR YOUR BUSINESS?OUTSOURCING844.628.3614|AUSTIN|COIMBATORE|GURUGRAM|MANILA|SYDNEYWhat is Creative Services Outsourcing?The Benefits of Outsourcing Your Creative TeamDrawbacks to Outsourcing Your Creative Team4811Get Creative Outsourcing Right the First Time w

2、ith Personiv16How to Ensure Quality While Outsourcing Creative Services14Table ofCONTENTS64 Signs You Need to Outsource Creative ServicesAs a creative services company,building brands through graphics,print and multimedia is what you do.Creative quality is the driving force of your business and the

3、foundation of your success.And as you grow,so does the need to scale your creative team.For many companies in the industry,this can become quite a challenge,especially as the company experiences steep growth.As a result,many leaders of creative teams look to outsourcing with a Business Process Outso

4、urcing(BPO)company as a solution for quick scale,quality design and increased production.But not just that,outsourcing is a great way to lower personnel and facility costs in the process.In fact,research has shown that over 50%of businesses have found outsourcing to help them actively cut costs.3Ove

5、r 50%of businesses find outsourcing helps actively cut costs.50%What is Creative Services4OUTSOURCING?Creative services outsourcing is largely as the name suggests.When businesses have too much work to handle or are looking for opportunities to cut costs and boost available budget some of them outso

6、urce.This can include end-to-end production or outsourcing of only certain parts of the creative process.For most creative clients who outsource,the end client isnt even aware that a portion of the design work has been done outside of their office.By passing along part of the creative workload to a

7、BPO,companies can streamline their operations and focus their new-found budget on other areas of their business.Types of services offered include print(advertisements,listings,billboards),brand identity and management(logo,social posts,etc.),websites and graphic design.But is outsourcing your creati

8、ve the right choice for your team?Lets go over some signs that outsourcing may be the right solution for you.What is Creative Services Outsourcing?54 Signs You Need To Outsource CREATIVE SERVICES 6Creative teams across the country find themselves in various scenarios in which outsourcing provides th

9、e ultimate solution.Below are just three of the top signs that nows the time to outsource part of your creative team.Whether its acquisitions,mergers or organic growth,when your company grows,so do your needs.As a senior leader,this means hiring more designers,increasing your team,and often,your wor

10、k load.Some businesses take this as an opportunity to outsource a portion of their creative work so they can focus on their growth strategy and spend time working more closely with their clients.2.YOUR COMPANY IS GROWING73.YOU NEED TO INCREASE PRODUCTIONPerhaps youve added a new client recently,or y

11、our current client-base wants to expand.No matter the reason,when you need to increase production,and fast,you need a scalable solution.This is where outsourcing comes in.With a creative service BPO,clients are able to add designers and increase production,while saving money at the same time.4.YOUR

12、INTERNAL TEAM IS OVERWHELMEDYou have a marvelous team in place,but they are overwhelmed,overworked and generally stressed.This can lead to mistakes,or worse,loss of key talent.Outsourcing your creative gives your team the help they need to succeed,the time to think creatively and the freedom to focu

13、s on what matters.Outsourcing your creative is great in these and many other situations,but whether its the right choice for you is a point you need to carefully consider.Before moving forward with outsourcing your creative process,lets review both the pros and cons.1.YOU NEED TO CUT COSTSOne of the

14、 biggest reasons that creative companies choose to outsource is that they need to cut costs to remain competitive.With the increase in digital(websites,digital advertising,etc.)the print industry is declining,and competition is on the rise.By outsourcing,you can lower your costs,remain competitive a

15、nd invest your savings in growth opportunities The Benefits of Outsourcing Your CREATIVE TEAM 8Although creative requirements vary widely between businesses,creative services outsourcing is a relevant solution that can be tailored to your business needs.Here are some of the key advantages your busin

16、ess may find in creative outsourcing:The Benefits of Outsourcing YourCreative TeamA reduced in-house creative team means that less of your budget will be tied up in salaries.Additionally,you wont have to worry about upgrading hardware or paying costly design program subscriptions all of this will be

17、 covered by your BPO cost.No longer will creative staff attrition rates be an issue for you either,as your outsourcing firm will handle the recruitment,training and retention on their end.YOULL CUT BACK ON COSTS9AROUND THE CLOCK DESIGNHow much more efficient would your team be with an office open 24

18、/7?BPO providers offer just thatmore time to get things done for your clients.Essentially,youll be able to grow,scale and onboard new clients faster than ever.By outsourcing overseas,creative companies are able to meet tighter deadlines and increase production while still having a core team availabl

19、e during U.S.hours.REDUCE YOUR OFFICE INFRASTRUCTUREIf you outsource much of your creative operations to a BPO firm,youll no longer need to retain office infrastructure to support them.This could free up a wealth of space and the cost it takes to maintain it,which is especially helpful for companies

20、 experiencing growth and looking at the cost of expansion.In fact,reducing overhead costs is one of the main reasons companies across industries choose to outsource overseas.The competition for highly sought-after creative talent can be a problem for recruitment teams.In a market where the demand fo

21、r talent is high,it can be difficult to source and attract the right experienced professionals for your team.This can result in project delays and customer dissatisfaction.With a worldwide team,options for talent open up and arent limited to the area around a corporate office.By choosing a BPO with

22、experience scaling large creative teams,you can quickly add already qualified experts to your team with little to no prep work on your end.Plus,youll also save on recruiting,ramping and onboarding designers.The Benefits of Outsourcing YourCreative Team10YOULL GAIN INSTANT ACCESS TO INDUSTRY EXPERIEN

23、CEBPO is about more than just initial cost savings.When outsourcing and boosting your availablebudget,youll open opportunities for new investment.Youll no longer have to provide the budget for building,maintaining and growing a creative team.That money can now be redirected to other areas of your bu

24、siness.You can focus your business goals and direct your new budget to reinvest in what matters growing your business.YOULL OPEN OPPORTUNITIES FOR REINVESTMENTDrawbacks to Outsourcing Your CREATIVE TEAM 11If youre based in central Asia,this isnt too much of an issue.In the states,however,the time zo

25、ne difference can have an effect on your business operations.When you factor in the large time differences and varying work holidays that come with outsourcing offshore,you could be looking at some frustrating business interruptions.The good news is that many BPOs will work during U.S.-based hours.I

26、n fact,its quite common for many of their foreign workforces to work during their nights to accommodate American businesses.Make sure your provider is flexible and has a history of communicating any potential interruptions or conflicts as they arise.LACK OF QUALITY CONTROL12When you pass your creati

27、ve workload onto an outsourcing provider,quality control can become challenging.Although youre still in charge of your business strategy,youre dependent on another firm to run the day-to-day operations.Problems can set in quickly if you dont establish a clear process upfront.To avoid service delays,

28、poor-quality output and confusion,make sure you are given a dedicated account manager who you can communicate with on a regular basis.Also,choose a provider that is flexible in their work processes,and recognizes you as the ultimate decision-maker.Creative outsourcing,however,doesnt come without its

29、 potential downsides.Here are some of the issues your business could experience,as well as how to mitigate them.OUTSOURCING TO DIFFERENT COUNTRIES MEANS DIFFERENT TIME ZONESTo ensure that you wont have an issue with communication,work in countries known for their English language skills and cultural

30、 similarities.Countries like the Philippines draw heavy cultural similarities to the USA.If youre still concerned,visit the office and actually speak with some of the designers themselves.You may find that they not only speak English well but also talk shop like a pro.Plus,choosing a provider that c

31、omes with a U.S.-based account manager can head off any problems before they begin.13LANGUAGE BARRIERS CAN PRESENT A PROBLEMSome companies using offshore BPOs for creative outsourcing have found that language barriers present a problem,depending on where they are located.As a result,some choose to w

32、ork with U.S.-based creative firms,but this comes at a much higher cost,and often does not provide the scalability of an offshore provider.How to Ensure Quality While14OUTSOURCING CREATIVE SERVICESOf all the concerns involved with outsourcing creative,quality becomes the center of the conversation.U

33、nlike other outsourced tasks like data entry,finance or even customer care,creative brings in the nuance of brand and the subjective good and bad of design.So how do you ensure quality while taking advantage of the cost savings of outsourcing?Creative services are a unique segment of outsourcing.Bec

34、ause of the skill and talent involved with design,and the need for precision,whether it be brand,logo,colors or tone,choosing a seasoned provider is key.Make sure to ask for samples of work and references,as well as get bios of their top creative team members.Look for a long history in not only outs

35、ourcing but also working in the creative industry.CHOOSE EXPERTISE15START RIGHT&STAY INVOLVEDMake sure your provider has everything they need,from you style guide and recent artwork to creative briefs and expectations.From the beginning,show yourself as a major player in the process.With creative wo

36、rk,theres not an option to remain hands-off.Especially at first,ask to have final approval.Once the team understands your direction,you can feel more assured,but never step away completely.ENSURE TECHNOLOGY ALIGNMENTBe sure that your creative services provider can align with your technology.The more

37、 control you have over the process,the easier the transition will be.Plus,by choosing a company that can work well within your system,your end clients will never know that you are outsourcing.Ask your provider about any other tech programs they offer.At Personiv,for example,our designers use live de

38、sign strategies so the client can view changes as they are requested and being made in real time.If youre interested in progressing with creative outsourcing,focus on locating an experienced provider who can offer all the above benefits,while mitigating potential issues.Correct business integration

39、and thorough communication are the keys to a successful BPO relationship.218601 Ranch Road 2222 Bldg.1,Suite 100 Austin,TX 78730 844.628.3614|personiv.conAUSTIN|COIMBATORE|GURUGRAM|MANILA|SYDNEYPersoniv takes the time to learn about your business,and execute your creative functions as per your precise requirements.Find out exactly how your business will benefit from BPO with Personiv.Get in touch with our specialist team today.16GET CREATIVE OUTSOURCING RIGHT THE FIRST TIME WITH PERSONIV



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